bool Texture2D::Load(Deserializer& source)
    // In headless mode, do not actually load the texture, just return success
    Graphics* graphics = GetSubsystem<Graphics>();
    if (!graphics)
        return true;
    // If device is lost, retry later
    if (graphics_->IsDeviceLost())
        LOGWARNING("Texture load while device is lost");
        dataPending_ = true;
        return true;
    // If over the texture budget, see if materials can be freed to allow textures to be freed
    SharedPtr<Image> image(new Image(context_));
    if (!image->Load(source))
        return false;
    // Before actually loading the texture, get optional parameters from an XML description file
    return Load(image);
bool TextureCube::Load(Deserializer& source)
    ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();
    // In headless mode, do not actually load the texture, just return success
    Graphics* graphics = GetSubsystem<Graphics>();
    if (!graphics)
        return true;
    // If device is lost, retry later
    if (graphics_->IsDeviceLost())
        LOGWARNING("Texture load while device is lost");
        dataPending_ = true;
        return true;
    // If over the texture budget, see if materials can be freed to allow textures to be freed
    String texPath, texName, texExt;
    SplitPath(GetName(), texPath, texName, texExt);
    SharedPtr<XMLFile> xml(new XMLFile(context_));
    if (!xml->Load(source))
        return false;
    XMLElement textureElem = xml->GetRoot();
    XMLElement faceElem = textureElem.GetChild("face");
    unsigned faces = 0;
    while (faceElem && faces < MAX_CUBEMAP_FACES)
        String name = faceElem.GetAttribute("name");
        String faceTexPath, faceTexName, faceTexExt;
        SplitPath(name, faceTexPath, faceTexName, faceTexExt);
        // If path is empty, add the XML file path
        if (faceTexPath.Empty())
            name = texPath + name;
        SharedPtr<Image> image(cache->GetResource<Image>(name));
        Load((CubeMapFace)faces, image);
        faceElem = faceElem.GetNext("face");
    return true;
Exemple #3
bool Texture2D::EndLoad()
    // In headless mode, do not actually load the texture, just return success
    if (!graphics_ || graphics_->IsDeviceLost())
        return true;

    // If over the texture budget, see if materials can be freed to allow textures to be freed

    bool success = SetData(loadImage_);


    return success;
Exemple #4
bool TextureCube::EndLoad()
    // In headless mode, do not actually load the texture, just return success
    if (!graphics_ || graphics_->IsDeviceLost())
        return true;
    // If over the texture budget, see if materials can be freed to allow textures to be freed

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < loadImages_.Size() && i < MAX_CUBEMAP_FACES; ++i)
        SetData((CubeMapFace)i, loadImages_[i]);
    return true;
bool Texture2DArray::EndLoad()
    // In headless mode, do not actually load the texture, just return success
    if (!graphics_ || graphics_->IsDeviceLost())
        return true;

    // If over the texture budget, see if materials can be freed to allow textures to be freed


    for (unsigned i = 0; i < loadImages_.size(); ++i)
        SetData(i, loadImages_[i]);


    return true;
Exemple #6
bool Texture3D::Load(Deserializer& source)
    // In headless mode, do not actually load the texture, just return success
    if (!graphics_)
        return true;
    // If device is lost, retry later
    if (graphics_->IsDeviceLost())
        LOGWARNING("Texture load while device is lost");
        dataPending_ = true;
        return true;
    // If over the texture budget, see if materials can be freed to allow textures to be freed

    // Before actually loading the texture, get optional parameters from an XML description file

    String texPath, texName, texExt;
    SplitPath(GetName(), texPath, texName, texExt);
    SharedPtr<XMLFile> xml(new XMLFile(context_));
    if (!xml->Load(source))
        return false;

    XMLElement textureElem = xml->GetRoot();
    XMLElement volumeElem = textureElem.GetChild("volume");
    XMLElement colorlutElem = textureElem.GetChild("colorlut");

    if (volumeElem)
        String name = volumeElem.GetAttribute("name");
        String volumeTexPath, volumeTexName, volumeTexExt;
        SplitPath(name, volumeTexPath, volumeTexName, volumeTexExt);
        // If path is empty, add the XML file path
        if (volumeTexPath.Empty())
            name = texPath + name;

        SharedPtr<Image> image(GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>()->GetResource<Image>(name));
        return Load(image);
    else if (colorlutElem)
        String name = colorlutElem.GetAttribute("name");
        String colorlutTexPath, colorlutTexName, colorlutTexExt;
        SplitPath(name, colorlutTexPath, colorlutTexName, colorlutTexExt);
        // If path is empty, add the XML file path
        if (colorlutTexPath.Empty())
            name = texPath + name;

        SharedPtr<File> file = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>()->GetFile(name);
        SharedPtr<Image> image(new Image(context_));
        if (!image->LoadColorLUT(*(file.Get())))
            return false;

        return Load(image);

    return false;