void CAttachOp::ReadDefaultValues() { COp::ReadDefaultValues(); CNCConfig config(ConfigScope()); config.Read(wxString(GetTypeString()) + _T("Tolerance"), &m_tolerance, 0.01); config.Read(wxString(GetTypeString()) + _T("MinZ"), &m_min_z, 0.0); config.Read(wxString(GetTypeString()) + _T("MatAllowance"), &m_material_allowance, 0.0); }
void CAttachOp::WriteDefaultValues() { COp::WriteDefaultValues(); CNCConfig config(ConfigScope()); config.Write(wxString(GetTypeString()) + _T("Tolerance"), m_tolerance); config.Write(wxString(GetTypeString()) + _T("MinZ"), m_min_z); config.Write(wxString(GetTypeString()) + _T("MatAllowance"), m_material_allowance); }
//JT void ObjList::AuditHeeksObjTree4Constraints(HeeksObj * SketchPtr ,HeeksObj * mom, int level,bool ShowMsgInConsole,bool *ConstraintsAreOk ) { wxString message=wxT(""); message.Pad(level*3,' ',true); message+=wxString::Format(wxT("%s ID=%d ") ,GetTypeString(),m_id); if (GetNumChildren() > 0)message+=wxString::Format(wxT(" (Kids:%d)") ,GetNumChildren()); if (ShowMsgInConsole)wxPuts(message); //At this point need to get some info about mom whether or not shee has kids //What's you lastman //How about your first name_id //Where to you really reside in memory if (GetNumChildren() > 0) { std::list<HeeksObj*>::iterator It; for(It=m_objects.begin(); It!=m_objects.end() ;It++) { if(((*It)==NULL)||((*It)==0)) wxMessageBox(wxT("this is a problem 201011260146")); (*It)->AuditHeeksObjTree4Constraints(SketchPtr ,this,level+1,ShowMsgInConsole,ConstraintsAreOk); } } }
void ObjList::FindConstrainedObj(HeeksObj * CurrentObject,HeeksObj * ObjectToFind,int * occurrences,int FromLevel,int Level,bool ShowMsgInConsole) { //if we hit this it's the end of the line wxString searchmessage; //Moving the next two line inside the if,but it will reduce the output to view on big projectes searchmessage.Pad((FromLevel+1)*3+9+Level,' '); searchmessage += wxString::Format(wxT("%s ID=%d ") ,GetTypeString(),m_id);//I if (this == ObjectToFind) { //Originally had the next two lines outside the if,but it generated too much output to view on big projectes (*occurrences)++; searchmessage += wxT(" $$$ MATCH $$$"); } if (ShowMsgInConsole)wxPuts(searchmessage); if (GetNumChildren() > 0) { std::list<HeeksObj*>::iterator It; for(It=m_objects.begin(); It!=m_objects.end() ;It++) { (*It)->FindConstrainedObj((*It),ObjectToFind, occurrences,FromLevel,Level+1,ShowMsgInConsole); } } }
HRESULT CMethodInfo::InitPropertyGet( ITypeInfo* pTypeInfo, const VARDESC* pVarDesc ) { HRESULT hResult; CComBSTR bstrName; UINT nNames; DbgAssert( pTypeInfo != NULL ); DbgAssert( pVarDesc != NULL ); m_pIntTypeInfo = pTypeInfo; m_dispid = pVarDesc->memid; m_invkind = INVOKE_PROPERTYGET; m_readOnly = pVarDesc->wVarFlags&VARFLAG_FREADONLY; m_isHidden = pVarDesc->wVarFlags&(VARFLAG_FHIDDEN); m_tBindable = pVarDesc->wVarFlags&VARFLAG_FBINDABLE; m_tRequestEdit = pVarDesc->wVarFlags&FUNCFLAG_FREQUESTEDIT; hResult = pTypeInfo->GetNames( m_dispid, &bstrName, 1, &nNames ); if( FAILED( hResult ) ) { return( hResult ); } DbgAssert( nNames == 1 ); m_strName = TSTR::FromBSTR(bstrName); // get the return string const TYPEDESC* tdesc = &(pVarDesc->elemdescVar.tdesc); while (tdesc->vt == VT_PTR) tdesc = tdesc->lptdesc; GetTypeString(tdesc, m_strReturn, true, &m_spTypeInfo); return( S_OK ); }
BOOL CValueToolBar::GetModuleTool(CValue &rez,CValue**p) { rez.CreateObject(GetTypeString()); ((CValueToolBar*)rez.pRef)->Attach(&pMainFrame->m_ToolModule); ((CValueToolBar*)rez.pRef)->m_csName="ѕанель инструментов модул¤"; return TRUE; };
Error Socket::Disconnect() const { if (!socket_) { return Error(LNR_EBADF); } const linear::Addrinfo& peer = GetPeerInfo(); LINEAR_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "try to disconnect: %s:%d,%s", peer.addr.c_str(), peer.port, GetTypeString(GetType()).c_str()); return socket_->Disconnect(); }
BOOL CValueToolBar::GetEditTool(CValue &rez,CValue**p) { rez.CreateObject(GetTypeString()); ((CValueToolBar*)rez.pRef)->Attach(&pMainFrame->m_ToolEdit); ((CValueToolBar*)rez.pRef)->m_csName="ѕанель инструментов формы"; return TRUE; };
BOOL CValueToolBar::GetMainTool(CValue &rez,CValue**p) { rez.CreateObject(GetTypeString()); ((CValueToolBar*)rez.pRef)->Attach(&pMainFrame->m_ToolMain); ((CValueToolBar*)rez.pRef)->m_csName="ќбща¤ панель инструментов"; return TRUE; };
void CKickIssue::ListIssueDetails(CBasePlayer *a2) { char s[64]; if (true)//There should be check or something { V_snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "callvote %s <userID>\n", GetTypeString()); ClientPrint(a2, 2, s); } }
CValue CValue::Method(CString csName,CValue **aParams) { GET_THIS int iName=FindMethod(csName); if(iName>=0) return pThis->Method(iName,aParams); SetError(CString("Значение не представляет агрегатный объект (")+GetTypeString()+"."+csName+")"); return *this; }
bool BoxAtom::Read() { while (CurrentPosition() != _start + _size) { BaseAtom *pAtom = GetDoc()->ReadAtom(this); if (pAtom == NULL) { FATAL("Unable to read atom. Parent atom is %s", STR(GetTypeString())); return false; } if (!pAtom->IsIgnored()) { if (!AtomCreated(pAtom)) { FATAL("Unable to signal AtomCreated for atom %s (%"PRIx64")", STR(GetTypeString()), _start); return false; } } ADD_VECTOR_END(_subAtoms, pAtom); } return true; }
std::string AnnotationValue::GetValueAsString() const { if (!IsString()) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Attempted to access " << GetTypeString() << " annotation as a string."; throw AnnotationValueTypeException(ss.str()); } return boost::get<std::string>(value); }
void CSPropMaterial::ShowPropertyStatus(std::ostream& stream) { CSProperties::ShowPropertyStatus(stream); stream << " --- " << GetTypeString() << " --- " << std::endl; stream << " Isotropy\t: " << bIsotropy << std::endl; stream << " Epsilon_R\t: " << Epsilon[0].GetValueString() << ", " << Epsilon[1].GetValueString() << ", " << Epsilon[2].GetValueString() << std::endl; stream << " Kappa\t\t: " << Kappa[0].GetValueString() << ", " << Kappa[1].GetValueString() << ", " << Kappa[2].GetValueString() << std::endl; stream << " Mue_R\t\t: " << Mue[0].GetValueString() << ", " << Mue[1].GetValueString() << ", " << Mue[2].GetValueString() << std::endl; stream << " Sigma\t\t: " << Sigma[0].GetValueString() << ", " << Sigma[1].GetValueString() << ", " << Sigma[2].GetValueString() << std::endl; stream << " Density\t: " << Density.GetValueString() << std::endl; }
NodePtr AnnotationValue::GetValueAsNode() const { if (!IsNode()) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Attempted to access " << GetTypeString() << " annotation as a node."; throw AnnotationValueTypeException(ss.str()); } Node & node = boost::get<Node &>(value); return NodePtr(&node); }
AnnotationTablePtr AnnotationValue::GetValueAsTable() const { if (!IsTable()) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Attempted to access " << GetTypeString() << " annotation as a table."; throw AnnotationValueTypeException(ss.str()); } AnnotationTableInternalPtr table = boost::get<AnnotationTableInternalPtr>(value); return AnnotationTablePtr(table.get()); }
string BoxAtom::Hierarchy(uint32_t indent) { string result = string(indent * 4, ' ') + GetTypeString() + "\n"; if (_subAtoms.size() == 0) { result += string((indent + 1) * 4, ' ') + "[empty]"; return result; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _subAtoms.size(); i++) { result += _subAtoms[i]->Hierarchy(indent + 1); if (i != _subAtoms.size() - 1) result += "\n"; } return result; }
void HeeksObj::GetProperties(std::list<Property *> *list) { bool editable = CanEditString(); list->push_back(new PropertyString(_("object type"), GetTypeString(), NULL)); if(GetShortString())list->push_back(new PropertyString(_("object title"), GetShortString(), this, editable ? on_edit_string : NULL)); if(UsesID())list->push_back(new PropertyInt(_("ID"), m_id, this, on_set_id)); const HeeksColor* c = GetColor(); if(c) { list->push_back ( new PropertyColor ( _("color"), *c, this, on_set_color ) ); } list->push_back(new PropertyCheck(_("visible"), m_visible, this, on_set_visible)); }
void CSProperties::ShowPropertyStatus(ostream& stream) { stream << " Property #" << GetID() << " Type: \"" << GetTypeString() << "\" Name: \"" << GetName() << "\"" << endl; stream << " Primitive Count \t: " << vPrimitives.size() << endl; stream << " -- Primitives: --" << endl; for (size_t i=0; i<vPrimitives.size();++i) { vPrimitives.at(i)->ShowPrimitiveStatus(stream); if (i<vPrimitives.size()-1) stream << " ---- " << endl; } }
void CActiveLegacyMasternodeManager::ManageStateRemote() { if (deterministicMNManager->IsDeterministicMNsSporkActive()) return; LogPrint("masternode", "CActiveLegacyMasternodeManager::ManageStateRemote -- Start status = %s, type = %s, pinger enabled = %d, keyIDOperator = %s\n", GetStatus(), GetTypeString(), fPingerEnabled, activeMasternodeInfo.legacyKeyIDOperator.ToString()); mnodeman.CheckMasternode(activeMasternodeInfo.legacyKeyIDOperator, true); masternode_info_t infoMn; if (mnodeman.GetMasternodeInfo(activeMasternodeInfo.legacyKeyIDOperator, infoMn)) { if (infoMn.nProtocolVersion != PROTOCOL_VERSION) { nState = ACTIVE_MASTERNODE_NOT_CAPABLE; strNotCapableReason = "Invalid protocol version"; LogPrintf("CActiveLegacyMasternodeManager::ManageStateRemote -- %s: %s\n", GetStateString(), strNotCapableReason); return; } if (activeMasternodeInfo.service != infoMn.addr) { nState = ACTIVE_MASTERNODE_NOT_CAPABLE; strNotCapableReason = "Broadcasted IP doesn't match our external address. Make sure you issued a new broadcast if IP of this masternode changed recently."; LogPrintf("CActiveLegacyMasternodeManager::ManageStateRemote -- %s: %s\n", GetStateString(), strNotCapableReason); return; } if (!CMasternode::IsValidStateForAutoStart(infoMn.nActiveState)) { nState = ACTIVE_MASTERNODE_NOT_CAPABLE; strNotCapableReason = strprintf("Masternode in %s state", CMasternode::StateToString(infoMn.nActiveState)); LogPrintf("CActiveLegacyMasternodeManager::ManageStateRemote -- %s: %s\n", GetStateString(), strNotCapableReason); return; } auto dmn = deterministicMNManager->GetListAtChainTip().GetMNByCollateral(infoMn.outpoint); if (dmn) { if (dmn->pdmnState->addr != infoMn.addr) { nState = ACTIVE_MASTERNODE_NOT_CAPABLE; strNotCapableReason = strprintf("Masternode collateral is a ProTx and ProTx address does not match local address"); LogPrintf("CActiveLegacyMasternodeManager::ManageStateRemote -- %s: %s\n", GetStateString(), strNotCapableReason); return; } LogPrintf("CActiveLegacyMasternodeManager::ManageStateRemote -- Collateral is a ProTx\n"); } if (nState != ACTIVE_MASTERNODE_STARTED) { LogPrintf("CActiveLegacyMasternodeManager::ManageStateRemote -- STARTED!\n"); activeMasternodeInfo.outpoint = infoMn.outpoint; activeMasternodeInfo.service = infoMn.addr; fPingerEnabled = true; nState = ACTIVE_MASTERNODE_STARTED; } } else { nState = ACTIVE_MASTERNODE_NOT_CAPABLE; strNotCapableReason = "Masternode not in masternode list"; LogPrintf("CActiveLegacyMasternodeManager::ManageStateRemote -- %s: %s\n", GetStateString(), strNotCapableReason); } }
void CWaterline::WriteDefaultValues() { CDepthOp::WriteDefaultValues(); CNCConfig config(ConfigScope()); config.Write(wxString(GetTypeString()) + _T("BoxXMin"), m_params.m_box.m_x[0]); config.Write(wxString(GetTypeString()) + _T("BoxYMin"), m_params.m_box.m_x[1]); config.Write(wxString(GetTypeString()) + _T("BoxXMax"), m_params.m_box.m_x[3]); config.Write(wxString(GetTypeString()) + _T("BoxYMax"), m_params.m_box.m_x[4]); config.Write(wxString(GetTypeString()) + _T("StepOver"), m_params.m_step_over); config.Write(wxString(GetTypeString()) + _T("MatAllowance"), m_params.m_material_allowance); config.Write(wxString(GetTypeString()) + _T("Tolerance"), m_params.m_tolerance); }
void CWaterline::ReadDefaultValues() { CDepthOp::ReadDefaultValues(); CNCConfig config(ConfigScope()); config.Read(wxString(GetTypeString()) + _T("BoxXMin"), &m_params.m_box.m_x[0], -7.0); config.Read(wxString(GetTypeString()) + _T("BoxYMin"), &m_params.m_box.m_x[1], -7.0); config.Read(wxString(GetTypeString()) + _T("BoxXMax"), &m_params.m_box.m_x[3], 7.0); config.Read(wxString(GetTypeString()) + _T("BoxYMax"), &m_params.m_box.m_x[4], 7.0); config.Read(wxString(GetTypeString()) + _T("StepOver"), &m_params.m_step_over, 1.0); config.Read(wxString(GetTypeString()) + _T("MatAllowance"), &m_params.m_material_allowance, 0.0); config.Read(wxString(GetTypeString()) + _T("Tolerance"), &m_params.m_tolerance, 0.01); }
void Constraint::AuditHeeksObjTree4Constraints(HeeksObj * SketchPtr ,HeeksObj * mom,int level,bool ShowMsgInConsole,bool * ConstraintsAreOk) { wxString message=wxT(""); message.Pad(level*3,' ',true); message +=wxString::Format(wxT("%s ID=%d \n ") ,GetTypeString(),m_id); message.Pad(level*3,' ',true); wxString wxstr_m_type(ConstraintTypes[m_type].c_str(), wxConvUTF8); message += wxstr_m_type; message += wxT(" consists of:\n"); message.Pad(level*3+3,' ',true); if (!m_obj1 ==0) { message += wxString::Format(wxT("%s id=%d(%s) -"),m_obj1->GetTypeString(),m_obj1->m_id,((m_obj1==mom)?wxT("KNOWN"):wxT("UNKNOWN"))); } else { message += wxString (wxT("!!!!! m_obj1 Should Always be specified!!!!! \n")); *ConstraintsAreOk=false; } if (m_obj2 ==0) { if (ReturnStdObjectCtForConstraint(m_type)==2) { // We have a problem where message += wxString (wxT("!!!!! m_obj2 not specified in two object constraint!!!!! \n")); *ConstraintsAreOk=false; } } else { message += wxString::Format(wxT(" %s id=%d(%s)\n"),m_obj2->GetTypeString(),m_obj2->m_id,((m_obj2==mom)?wxT("KNOWN"):wxT("UNKNOWN"))); message.Pad(level*3+3,' ',true); } if (ShowMsgInConsole) { wxPuts(message); } if (*ConstraintsAreOk==true) { message = wxT("Searching:"); *ConstraintsAreOk =ValidateConstraint2Objects(SketchPtr,mom,this,level, ShowMsgInConsole); if (ShowMsgInConsole) { wxPuts(message); } } }
CChamfer::CChamfer( const Symbols_t &symbols, const int tool_number ) : CDepthOp(GetTypeString(), NULL, tool_number, ChamferType), m_symbols(symbols) { for (Symbols_t::iterator symbol = m_symbols.begin(); symbol != m_symbols.end(); symbol++) { HeeksObj *object = heeksCAD->GetIDObject( symbol->first, symbol->second ); if (object != NULL) { if (CanAdd(object)) Add(object,NULL); } // End if - then } // End for m_symbols.clear(); m_params.set_initial_values(); }
Error Socket::Disconnect() const { if (!socket_) { return Error(LNR_EBADF); } const linear::Addrinfo& self = GetSelfInfo(); const linear::Addrinfo& peer = GetPeerInfo(); LINEAR_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "try to disconnect(id = %d): %s:%d x-- %s --- %s:%d", GetId(), (self.proto == Addrinfo::IPv4) ? self.addr.c_str() : (std::string("[" + self.addr + "]")).c_str(), self.port, GetTypeString(GetType()).c_str(), (peer.proto == Addrinfo::IPv4) ? peer.addr.c_str() : (std::string("[" + peer.addr + "]")).c_str(), peer.port); return socket_->Disconnect(); }
CPositioning::CPositioning( const Symbols_t &symbols ) : COp(GetTypeString(), 0, PositioningType), m_symbols(symbols) { m_params.set_initial_values(); for (Symbols_t::const_iterator symbol = symbols.begin(); symbol != symbols.end(); symbol++) { HeeksObj *object = heeksCAD->GetIDObject( symbol->first, symbol->second ); if (object != NULL) { Add( object, NULL ); } // End if - then } // End for m_symbols.clear(); // we don't want to do this twice. }
CDrilling::CDrilling( const Symbols_t &symbols, const int tool_number, const double depth ) : CSpeedOp(GetTypeString(), tool_number, DrillingType), m_symbols(symbols) { m_params.set_initial_values(depth, tool_number); for (Symbols_t::iterator itSymbol = m_symbols.begin(); itSymbol != m_symbols.end(); itSymbol++) { HeeksObj *obj = heeksCAD->GetIDObject(itSymbol->first, itSymbol->second); if (obj != NULL) { Add(obj, NULL); } } // End for m_symbols.clear(); // We don't want to convert them twice. }
CWaterline::CWaterline(const std::list<int> &solids, const int tool_number) :CDepthOp(GetTypeString(), NULL, tool_number, WaterlineType), m_solids(solids) { ReadDefaultValues(); // set m_box from the extents of the solids for(std::list<int>::const_iterator It = solids.begin(); It != solids.end(); It++) { int solid = *It; HeeksObj* object = heeksCAD->GetIDObject(SolidType, solid); if(object) { if(object->GetType() == StlSolidType) { object->GetBox(m_params.m_box); } else { double extents[6]; if(heeksCAD->BodyGetExtents(object, extents)) { m_params.m_box.Insert(CBox(extents)); } } Add(object, NULL); } } m_solids.clear(); SetDepthOpParamsFromBox(); // add tool radius all around the box if(m_params.m_box.m_valid) { CTool *pTool = CTool::Find(m_tool_number); if(pTool) { double extra = pTool->m_params.m_diameter/2 + 0.01; m_params.m_box.m_x[0] -= extra; m_params.m_box.m_x[1] -= extra; m_params.m_box.m_x[3] += extra; m_params.m_box.m_x[4] += extra; } } }
CAttachOp::CAttachOp(const std::list<int> &solids, double tol, double min_z):COp(GetTypeString(), 0, AttachOpType), m_solids(solids), m_tolerance(tol), m_min_z(min_z) { ReadDefaultValues(); #ifdef OP_SKETCHES_AS_CHILDREN for(std::list<int>::const_iterator It = solids.begin(); It != solids.end(); It++) { int solid = *It; HeeksObj* object = heeksCAD->GetIDObject(SolidType, solid); if(object) { Add(object, NULL); } } m_solids.clear(); #endif }
CProfile::CProfile(const std::list<int> &sketches, const int tool_number ) : CDepthOp(GetTypeString(), &sketches, tool_number, ProfileType), m_tags(NULL), m_sketches(sketches) { ReadDefaultValues(); #ifdef OP_SKETCHES_AS_CHILDREN for (std::list<int>::iterator id = m_sketches.begin(); id != m_sketches.end(); id++) { HeeksObj *object = heeksCAD->GetIDObject( SketchType, *id ); if (object != NULL) { Add( object, NULL ); } } m_sketches.clear(); #endif } // End constructor