void WorkspaceWork::PackageCursor() { InvalidatePackageCache(); filelist.WhenBar.Clear(); actualpackage = GetActivePackage(); svn_dirs = false; if(actualpackage.IsEmpty()) return; if(actualpackage == METAPACKAGE) { actual.file.Clear(); actual.file.AddPick(Package::File(String(HELPNAME))); Vector<String> d = GetUppDirs(); for(int i = 0; i < d.GetCount(); i++) actual.file.AddPick(Package::File(AppendFileName(d[i], "$.tpp"))); actual.file.AddPick(Package::File(ConfigFile("global.defs"))); } else { String pp = PackagePathA(actualpackage); RealizePath(pp); actual.Load(pp); } LoadActualPackage(); filelist.Enable(); if(actualpackage != METAPACKAGE) filelist.WhenBar = THISBACK(FileMenu); svn_dirs = SvnDirs(true).GetCount(); }
void Ide::ExportProject(const String& ep, bool all, bool gui, bool deletedir) { SaveFile(false); ::Workspace wspc; wspc.Scan(main); Index<String> used; HdependClearDependencies(); for(int i = 0; i < wspc.GetCount(); i++) { const Package& p = wspc.GetPackage(i); String pn = wspc[i]; for(int j = 0; j < p.GetCount(); j++) { const Package::File& f = p[j]; if(!f.separator) { String p = SourcePath(pn, f); used.FindAdd(p); Vector<String> d = HdependGetDependencies(p); for(int q = 0; q < d.GetCount(); q++) used.FindAdd(d[q]); for(int q = 0; q < f.depends.GetCount(); q++) used.FindAdd(SourcePath(pn, f.depends[q].text)); } } } if(FileExists(ep)) { if(gui && !PromptYesNo(DeQtf(ep) + " is existing file.&" "Do you want to delete it?")) return; FileDelete(ep); } if(deletedir && DirectoryExists(ep)) { if(gui && !PromptYesNo(DeQtf(ep) + " is existing directory.&" "Do you want to replace it?")) return; DeleteFolderDeep(ep); } Progress pi("Exporting project"); pi.SetTotal(wspc.GetCount()); for(int i = 0; i < wspc.GetCount(); i++) { if(gui && pi.StepCanceled()) return; CopyFolder(AppendFileName(ep, wspc[i]), PackageDirectory(wspc[i]), used, all, true); } Vector<String> upp = GetUppDirs(); for(int i = 0; i < upp.GetCount(); i++) { if(gui && pi.StepCanceled()) return; String d = upp[i]; FindFile ff(AppendFileName(d, "*")); while(ff) { if(ff.IsFile()) { String fn = ff.GetName(); String path = AppendFileName(d, fn); if(all || used.Find(path) >= 0) CopyFile(AppendFileName(ep, fn), path, true); } ff.Next(); } CopyFolder(AppendFileName(ep, wspc[i]), PackageDirectory(wspc[i]), used, all, true); } ExportMakefile(ep); }
bool IsNestReadOnly(const String& path) { Vector<String> d = GetUppDirs(); for(int i = 0; i < d.GetCount(); i++) if(path.StartsWith(d[i]) && FileExists(AppendFileName(d[i], "readonly"))) return true; return false; }
String GetUppDir() { Vector<String> s = GetUppDirs(); #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 return s.GetCount() == 0 ? GetFileFolder(GetExeFilePath()) : s[0]; #endif #ifdef PLATFORM_POSIX return s.GetCount() == 0 ? GetHomeDirectory() : s[0]; #endif }
Vector<String> WorkspaceWork::SvnDirs(bool actual) { Vector<String> d = GetUppDirs(); if (actual && !IsAux()) d.Insert(0, GetFileFolder(PackagePath(actualpackage))); Vector<String> r; for(int i = 0; i < d.GetCount(); i++) if(IsSvnDir(d[i])) r.Add(d[i]); return r; }
void Ide::FindStdDir() { String n = GetFileFolder(editfile); MenuBar menu; if(!IsNull(n)) menu.Add(n, THISBACK1(FindSetStdDir, n)); Vector<String> d = GetUppDirs(); for(int i = 0; i < d.GetCount(); i++) menu.Add(d[i], THISBACK1(FindSetStdDir, d[i])); menu.Execute(&ff.folder, ff.folder.GetPushScreenRect().BottomLeft()); }
void SyncRefs() { if(!SyncRefsFinished && SyncRefsRunning) { SyncRefsShowProgress = true; return; } Progress pi; pi.AlignText(ALIGN_LEFT); Vector<String> upp = GetUppDirs(); for(int i = 0; i < upp.GetCount(); i++) SyncRefsDir(upp[i], String(), pi); SyncRefsFinished = true; }
String Nest::PackagePath0(const String& name) { String uppfile = NativePath(name); if(IsFullPath(uppfile)) return NormalizePath(uppfile); Vector<String> d = GetUppDirs(); String p; for(int i = 0; i < d.GetCount(); i++) { p = NormalizePath(AppendFileName(AppendFileName(d[i], uppfile), GetFileName(uppfile)) + ".upp"); if(FileExists(p)) return p; } return d.GetCount() ? NormalizePath(AppendFileName(AppendFileName(d[0], uppfile), GetFileName(uppfile)) + ".upp") : ""; }
void Ide::DoDirDiff() { Index<String> dir; Vector<String> d = GetUppDirs(); for(int i = 0; i < d.GetCount(); i++) dir.FindAdd(d[i]); FindFile ff(ConfigFile("*.bm")); while(ff) { VectorMap<String, String> var; LoadVarFile(ff.GetPath(), var); Vector<String> p = Split(var.Get("UPP", String()), ';'); for(int i = 0; i < p.GetCount(); i++) dir.FindAdd(p[i]); ff.Next(); } String n = GetFileFolder(editfile); if(n.GetCount()) dir.FindAdd(n); SortIndex(dir); static DirDiffDlg dlg; dlg.diff.WhenLeftLine = THISBACK1(GotoDirDiffLeft, &dlg); dlg.diff.WhenRightLine = THISBACK1(GotoDirDiffRight, &dlg); for(int i = 0; i < dir.GetCount(); i++) { dlg.Dir1AddList(dir[i]); dlg.Dir2AddList(dir[i]); } if(d.GetCount()) dlg.Dir1(d[0]); if(!dlg.IsOpen()) { dlg.SetFont(veditorfont); dlg.Maximize(); dlg.Title("Compare directories"); dlg.OpenMain(); } else dlg.SetFocus(); }
void SelectPackageDlg::OnNew() { TemplateDlg dlg; LoadFromGlobal(dlg, "NewPackage"); int f = ~filter; dlg.Load(GetUppDirs(), f & MAIN); while(dlg.Run() == IDOK) { String nest = ~dlg.nest; String name = NativePath(String(~dlg.package)); String path = AppendFileName(nest, AppendFileName(name, GetFileName(name) + ".upp")); if(FileExists(path) && !PromptYesNo("Package [* \1" + path + "\1] already exists.&" "Do you wish to recreate the files?")) continue; RealizePath(path); if(!SaveFile(path, Null)) { Exclamation("Error writing the file [* \1" + path + "\1]."); continue; } dlg.Create(); selected = name; Break(IDYES); break; } StoreToGlobal(dlg, "NewPackage"); }
void MakeBuild::SaveMakeFile(const String& fn, bool exporting) { BeginBuilding(false, true); VectorMap<String, String> bm = GetMethodVars(method); One<Host> host = CreateHost(false); One<Builder> b = CreateBuilder(~host); if(!b) return; const TargetMode& tm = GetTargetMode(); String makefile; Vector<String> uppdirs = GetUppDirs(); String uppout = exporting ? host->GetHostPath(GetVar("OUTPUT")) : "_out/"; String inclist; Index<String> allconfig = PackageConfig(GetIdeWorkspace(), 0, bm, mainconfigparam, *host, *b); bool win32 = allconfig.Find("WIN32") >= 0; Workspace wspc; wspc.Scan(GetMain(), allconfig.GetKeys()); for(int i = 1; i < wspc.GetCount(); i++) { Index<String> modconfig = PackageConfig(wspc, i, bm, mainconfigparam, *host, *b); for(int a = allconfig.GetCount(); --a >= 0;) if(modconfig.Find(allconfig[a]) < 0) allconfig.Remove(a); } if(!exporting) for(int i = 0; i < uppdirs.GetCount(); i++) { String srcdir = GetMakePath(AdjustMakePath(host->GetHostPath(AppendFileName(uppdirs[i], ""))), win32); makefile << "UPPDIR" << (i + 1) << " = " << srcdir << "\n"; inclist << " -I$(UPPDIR" << (i + 1) << ")"; } else inclist << "-I./"; Vector<String> includes = SplitDirs(bm.Get("INCLUDE","")); for(int i = 0; i < includes.GetCount(); i++) inclist << " -I" << includes[i]; makefile << "\n" "UPPOUT = " << (exporting ? "_out/" : GetMakePath(AdjustMakePath(host->GetHostPath(AppendFileName(uppout, ""))), win32)) << "\n" "CINC = " << inclist << "\n" "Macro = "; for(int i = 0; i < allconfig.GetCount(); i++) makefile << " -Dflag" << allconfig[i]; makefile << "\n"; String output, config, install, rules, linkdep, linkfiles, linkfileend; for(int i = 0; i < wspc.GetCount(); i++) { b->config = PackageConfig(wspc, i, bm, mainconfigparam, *host, *b); b->version = tm.version; b->method = method; MakeFile mf; b->AddMakeFile(mf, wspc[i], GetAllUses(wspc, i), GetAllLibraries(wspc, i, bm, mainconfigparam, *host, *b), allconfig, exporting); if(!i) { String tdir = mf.outdir; String trg; if(tm.target_override) { trg = GetMakePath(AdjustMakePath(tm.target), win32); if(!trg.IsEmpty() && *trg.Last() == (win32 ? '\\' : '/')) trg << mf.outfile; else if(trg.Find(win32 ? '\\' : '/') < 0) trg.Insert(0, "$(OutDir)"); } output = Nvl(trg, mf.output); if(exporting) output = wspc[i] + ".out"; install << "\n" "OutDir = " << tdir << "\n" "OutFile = " << output << "\n" "\n" ".PHONY: all\n" "all: prepare $(OutFile)\n" "\n" ".PHONY: prepare\n" "prepare:\n"; } config << mf.config; install << mf.install; rules << mf.rules; linkdep << mf.linkdep; linkfiles << mf.linkfiles; linkfileend << mf.linkfileend; } makefile << config << install << "\n" "$(OutFile): " << linkdep << "\n\t" << linkfiles << linkfileend << " -Wl,--end-group\n\n" << rules << ".PHONY: clean\n" << "clean:\n" << "\tif [ -d $(UPPOUT) ]; then rm -rf $(UPPOUT); fi;\n"; bool sv = ::SaveFile(fn, makefile); if(!exporting) if(sv) PutConsole(NFormat("%s(1): makefile generation complete", fn)); else PutConsole(NFormat("%s: error writing makefile", fn)); EndBuilding(true); }
void CppBuilder::AddMakeFile(MakeFile& makefile, String package, const Vector<String>& all_uses, const Vector<String>& all_libraries, const Index<String>& common_config, bool exporting) { String packagepath = PackagePath(package); Package pkg; pkg.Load(packagepath); String packagedir = GetFileFolder(packagepath); Vector<String> src = GetUppDirs(); for(int i = 0; i < src.GetCount(); i++) src[i] = UnixPath(src[i]); bool main = HasFlag("MAIN"); bool is_shared = HasFlag("SO"); bool libout = !main && !HasFlag("NOLIB"); bool win32 = HasFlag("WIN32"); String pack_ident = MakeIdent(package); String outdir = "OutDir_" + pack_ident; String macros = "Macro_" + pack_ident; String macdef = "$(Macro)"; String objext = (HasFlag("MSC") || HasFlag("EVC") ? ".obj" : ".o"); Vector<String> x(config.GetKeys(), 1); Sort(x); for(int i = 0; i < x.GetCount(); i++) { if(common_config.Find(x[i]) < 0) macdef << " -Dflag" << x[i]; x[i] = InitCaps(x[i]); } makefile.outdir << "$(" << outdir << ")"; makefile.outfile << AdjustMakePath(GetFileTitle(NativePath(package))); if(main) makefile.outfile << GetTargetExt(); else if(is_shared) makefile.outfile << (win32 ? ".dll" : ".so"); else makefile.outfile << (win32 && HasFlag("MSC") ? ".lib" : ".a"); makefile.output << (main ? String("$(OutDir)") : makefile.outdir) << makefile.outfile; if(main) { makefile.config << "CXX = c++\n" "LINKER = $(CXX)\n"; String flags; if(HasFlag("DEBUG")) flags << " -D_DEBUG " << debug_options; else flags << ' ' << release_options; if(HasFlag("DEBUG_MINIMAL")) flags << " -ggdb -g1"; if(HasFlag("DEBUG_FULL")) flags << " -ggdb -g2"; if(is_shared && !win32) flags << " -fPIC "; flags << ' ' << Gather(pkg.option, config.GetKeys()); makefile.config << "CFLAGS =" << flags << "\n" "CXXFLAGS =" << flags << "\n" "LDFLAGS = " << (HasFlag("DEBUG") ? debug_link : release_link) << " $(LINKOPTIONS)\n" "LIBPATH ="; for(int i = 0; i < libpath.GetCount(); i++) makefile.config << " -L" << GetMakePath(AdjustMakePath(GetHostPathQ(libpath[i]))); makefile.config << "\n" "AR = ar -sr\n\n"; makefile.install << "\t-mkdir -p $(OutDir)\n"; Vector<String> lib; String lnk; lnk << "$(LINKER)"; if(!HasFlag("SHARED")) lnk << " -static"; if(HasFlag("WIN32")) { lnk << " -mwindows"; if(!HasFlag("GUI")) makefile.linkfiles << " -mconsole"; } lnk << " -o $(OutFile)"; if(HasFlag("DEBUG") || HasFlag("DEBUG_MINIMAL") || HasFlag("DEBUG_FULL")) lnk << " -ggdb"; else lnk << (!HasFlag("OSX11") ? " -Wl,-s" : ""); lnk << " $(LIBPATH)"; if (!HasFlag("OSX11")) lnk << " -Wl,-O,2"; lnk << " $(LDFLAGS) -Wl,--start-group "; makefile.linkfiles = lnk; } makefile.config << outdir << " = $(UPPOUT)" << GetMakePath(AdjustMakePath(String().Cat() << package << '/' << method << '-' << Join(x, "-") << '/')) << "\n" << macros << " = " << macdef << "\n"; makefile.install << "\t-mkdir -p $(" << outdir << ")\n"; String libdep, libfiles; libdep << makefile.output << ":"; if(is_shared) { libfiles = "c++ -shared -fPIC"; // -v"; Point p = ExtractVersion(); if(!IsNull(p.x)) { libfiles << " -Xlinker --major-image-version -Xlinker " << p.x; if(!IsNull(p.y)) libfiles << " -Xlinker --minor-image-version -Xlinker " << p.y; } libfiles << " -o "; } else libfiles = "$(AR) "; libfiles << makefile.output; Vector<String> libs = Split(Gather(pkg.library, config.GetKeys()), ' '); for(int i = 0; i < libs.GetCount(); i++) { String ln = libs[i]; String ext = ToLower(GetFileExt(ln)); if(ext == ".a" || ext == ".so" || ext == ".dll") makefile.linkfileend << " \\\n\t\t\t" << GetHostPathQ(FindInDirs(libpath, ln)); else makefile.linkfileend << " \\\n\t\t\t-l" << ln; } for(int i = 0; i < pkg.GetCount(); i++) if(!pkg[i].separator) { String gop = Gather(pkg[i].option, config.GetKeys()); String fn = SourcePath(package, pkg[i]); String ext = ToLower(GetFileExt(fn)); bool isc = ext == ".c"; bool isrc = (ext == ".rc" && HasFlag("WIN32")); bool iscpp = (ext == ".cpp" || ext == ".cc" || ext == ".cxx"); bool isicpp = (ext == ".icpp"); if(ext == ".brc") { isc = true; fn << "c"; } if(isc || isrc || iscpp || isicpp) { String outfile; outfile << makefile.outdir << AdjustMakePath(GetFileTitle(fn)) << (isrc ? "_rc" : "") << objext; String srcfile = GetMakePath(MakeSourcePath(src, fn, false, exporting)); makefile.rules << outfile << ": " << srcfile; Vector<String> dep = HdependGetDependencies(fn); Sort(dep, GetLanguageInfo()); for(int d = 0; d < dep.GetCount(); d++) { String dfn = MakeSourcePath(src, dep[d], true, exporting); if(!IsNull(dfn)) makefile.rules << " \\\n\t" << GetMakePath(dfn); } makefile.rules << "\n" "\t$(CXX) -c " << (isc ? "-x c $(CFLAGS)" : "-x c++ $(CXXFLAGS)") << " $(CINC) $(" << macros << ") " << gop << " " << srcfile << " -o " << outfile << "\n\n"; if(!libout || isicpp) { makefile.linkdep << " \\\n\t" << outfile; makefile.linkfiles << " \\\n\t\t" << outfile; } else { libdep << " \\\n\t" << outfile; libfiles << " \\\n\t\t" << outfile; } } else if(ext == ".o" || ext == ".obj" || ext == ".a" || ext == ".so" || ext == ".lib" || ext == ".dll") { makefile.linkdep << " \\\n\t" << fn; makefile.linkfiles << ' ' << fn; } } if(libout) { makefile.rules << libdep << "\n\t" << libfiles << "\n\n"; makefile.linkdep << " \\\n\t" << makefile.output; makefile.linkfiles << " \\\n\t\t\t" << makefile.output; } /* if(main) { if(!HasFlag("SOLARIS")&&!HasFlag("OSX11")) makefile.linkfiles << " \\\n\t\t-Wl,--start-group "; DDUMPC(all_libraries); for(int i = 0; i < all_libraries.GetCount(); i++) { String ln = all_libraries[i]; String ext = ToLower(GetFileExt(ln)); if(ext == ".a" || ext == ".so" || ext == ".dll") makefile.linkfileend << " \\\n\t\t\t" << GetHostPathQ(FindInDirs(libpath, ln)); else makefile.linkfileend << " \\\n\t\t\t-l" << ln; } if(!HasFlag("SOLARIS")&&!HasFlag("OSX11")) makefile.linkfileend << " \\\n\t\t-Wl,--end-group\n\n"; } */ }
void SelectPackageDlg::Load() { if(selectvars && !base.IsCursor()) return; if(loading) { // If we are called recursively from ProcessEvents, stop current loading and change loadi loadi++; loading = false; return; } int current_loadi = -1; while(current_loadi != loadi) { current_loadi = loadi; if(selectvars) { String assembly = (String)base.Get(0); list.Enable(base.IsCursor()); if(!base.IsCursor()) return; LoadVars(assembly); } Vector<String> upp = GetUppDirs(); packages.Clear(); description.Hide(); progress.Show(); loading = true; data.Clear(); Index<String> dir_exists; String cache_path = CachePath(GetVarsName()); LoadFromFile(data, cache_path); data.SetCount(upp.GetCount()); for(int i = 0; i < upp.GetCount(); i++) // Scan nest folders for subfolders (package candidates) ScanFolder(upp[i], data[i], GetFileName(upp[i]), dir_exists, Null); int update = msecs(); for(int i = 0; i < data.GetCount() && loading; i++) { // Now investigate individual sub folders ArrayMap<String, PkData>& nest = data[i]; for(int i = 0; i < nest.GetCount() && loading; i++) { if(msecs(update) >= 100) { // each 100 ms update the list (and open select dialog after splash screen is closed) if(!IsSplashOpen() && !IsOpen()) Open(); progress++; SyncList(); update = msecs(); } ProcessEvents(); // keep GUI running PkData& d = nest[i]; String path = nest.GetKey(i); FindFile ff(path); if(ff && ff.IsFolder()) { String upp_path = AppendFileName(path, GetFileName(d.package) + ".upp"); LSLOW(); Time tm = FileGetTime(upp_path); if(IsNull(tm)) // .upp file does not exist - not a package d.ispackage = false; else if(tm != d.tm) { // cached info is outdated Package p; if(p.Load(upp_path)) { d.description = p.description; d.main = p.config.GetCount(); d.tm = tm; d.ispackage = true; } else d.ispackage = false; } else d.ispackage = true; if(d.ispackage) { String icon_path = AppendFileName(path, "icon16x16.png"); tm = FileGetTime(icon_path); if(IsNull(tm)) // package icon does not exist d.icon = Null; else if(tm != d.itm) { // chached package icon outdated d.icon = StreamRaster::LoadFileAny(icon_path); d.itm = tm; } } } else nest.Unlink(i); // cached folder was deleted ScanFolder(path, nest, d.nest, dir_exists, d.package + '/'); } nest.Sweep(); } StoreToFile(data, cache_path); progress.Hide(); while(IsSplashOpen()) ProcessEvents(); if(!IsOpen()) Open(); description.Show(); if(loading) { loading = false; SyncList(); } } }