static unsigned int Get_GlobalOP_RecvSize (event_t *current, int is_root) { unsigned int res = 0; switch (Get_EvEvent(current)) { case MPI_BARRIER_EV: case MPI_IBARRIER_EV: res = 0; break; case MPI_REDUCE_EV: case MPI_IREDUCE_EV: res = (!is_root)?0:Get_EvSize(current); break; case MPI_BCAST_EV: case MPI_IBCAST_EV: res = (is_root)?0:Get_EvSize(current); break; case MPI_REDUCESCAT_EV: case MPI_IREDUCESCAT_EV: res = (is_root)?Get_EvSize(current):Get_EvAux(current); break; case MPI_SCAN_EV: case MPI_ISCAN_EV: case MPI_ALLREDUCE_EV: case MPI_IALLREDUCE_EV: res = Get_EvSize(current); break; default: res = Get_EvAux(current); break; } return res; }
static int ANY_Send_Event (event_t * current, unsigned long long current_time, unsigned int cpu, unsigned int ptask, unsigned int task, unsigned int thread, FileSet_t *fset) { thread_t * thread_info = GET_THREAD_INFO(ptask, task, thread); int tipus; int isimmediate; int comunicador; UINT64 valor; double temps; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(cpu); if (MPI_IBSEND_EV == Get_EvEvent(current) || MPI_ISSEND_EV == Get_EvEvent(current) || MPI_IRSEND_EV == Get_EvEvent(current) || MPI_ISEND_EV == Get_EvEvent(current)) isimmediate = TRUE; else isimmediate = FALSE; temps = current_time-thread_info->Previous_Event_Time; temps /= 1000000000.0f; comunicador = alies_comunicador (Get_EvComm(current), 1, task); switch (Get_EvValue(current)) { case EVT_BEGIN: Dimemas_CPU_Burst (fset->output_file, task-1, thread-1, temps); break; case EVT_END: if (Get_EvTarget(current) != MPI_PROC_NULL) { #ifdef CPUZERO Dimemas_CPU_Burst (fset->output_file, task-1, thread-1, 0); #endif if (!isimmediate) Dimemas_NX_BlockingSend (fset->output_file, task-1, thread-1, Get_EvTarget(current), comunicador, Get_EvSize(current), Get_EvTag(current)); else Dimemas_NX_ImmediateSend (fset->output_file, task-1, thread-1, Get_EvTarget(current), comunicador, Get_EvSize(current), Get_EvTag(current)); } #ifdef CPUZERO Dimemas_CPU_Burst (fset->output_file, task-1, thread-1, 0); #endif break; } Translate_MPI_MPIT2PRV (Get_EvEvent(current), Get_EvValue(current), &tipus, &valor); Dimemas_User_Event (fset->output_file, task-1, thread-1, tipus, valor); return 0; }
void trace_communicationAt (unsigned ptask, unsigned task_s, unsigned thread_s, unsigned vthread_s, unsigned task_r, unsigned thread_r, unsigned vthread_r, event_t *send_begin, event_t *send_end, event_t *recv_begin, event_t *recv_end, int atposition, off_t position) { thread_t *thread_r_info, *thread_s_info; unsigned long long log_s, log_r, phy_s, phy_r; unsigned cpu_r, cpu_s; /* Look for the receive partner ... in the sender events */ thread_r_info = GET_THREAD_INFO(ptask, task_r, thread_r); cpu_r = thread_r_info->cpu; /* Look for the sender partner ... in the receiver events */ thread_s_info = GET_THREAD_INFO(ptask, task_s, thread_s); cpu_s = thread_s_info->cpu; /* Synchronize event times */ log_s = TIMESYNC(ptask-1, task_s-1, Get_EvTime (send_begin)); phy_s = TIMESYNC(ptask-1, task_s-1, Get_EvTime (send_end)); log_r = TIMESYNC(ptask-1, task_r-1, Get_EvTime (recv_begin)); phy_r = TIMESYNC(ptask-1, task_r-1, Get_EvTime (recv_end)); #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf (stderr, "trace_communicationAt: %u.%u.%u -> %u.%u.%u atposition=%d position=%llu\n", ptask, task_s, thread_s, ptask, task_r, thread_r, atposition, position); #endif trace_paraver_communication (cpu_s, ptask, task_s, thread_s, vthread_s, log_s, phy_s, cpu_r, ptask, task_r, thread_r, vthread_r, log_r, phy_r, Get_EvSize (recv_end), Get_EvTag (recv_end), atposition, position); }
static UINT64 Get_GlobalOP_RecvSize (event_t *current) { UINT64 res; switch (Get_EvEvent(current)) { case MPI_REDUCE_EV: if (Get_EvTag(current) == Get_EvAux(current)) res = Get_EvSize(current); else res = 0; break; case MPI_BCAST_EV: if (Get_EvTag(current) != Get_EvTarget(current)) res = Get_EvSize(current); else res = 0; break; case MPI_REDUCESCAT_EV: case MPI_SCAN_EV: case MPI_ALLREDUCE_EV: res = Get_EvSize(current); break; case MPI_ALLGATHER_EV: case MPI_ALLGATHERV_EV: case MPI_GATHER_EV: case MPI_GATHERV_EV: case MPI_SCATTER_EV: case MPI_SCATTERV_EV: res = Get_EvAux(current); break; case MPI_ALLTOALL_EV: case MPI_ALLTOALLV_EV: res = Get_EvTarget(current); break; case MPI_BARRIER_EV: default: res = 0; break; } return res; }
int trace_pending_communication (unsigned int ptask, unsigned int task, unsigned int thread, unsigned vthread, event_t * begin_s, event_t * end_s, unsigned int recvr) { unsigned long long log_s, phy_s; /* Synchronize event times */ log_s = TIMESYNC (ptask-1, task-1, Get_EvTime (begin_s)); phy_s = TIMESYNC (ptask-1, task-1, Get_EvTime (end_s)); trace_paraver_pending_communication (task, ptask, task, thread, vthread, log_s, phy_s, recvr + 1, ptask, recvr + 1, thread /* 1? */ , thread /*vthread_r?*/, 0ULL, 0ULL, Get_EvSize (begin_s), Get_EvTag (begin_s)); return 0; }
static int Any_Incoming_OPENSHMEM_Event (event_t * current_event, unsigned long long current_time, unsigned int cpu, unsigned int ptask, unsigned int task, unsigned int thread, FileSet_t *fset) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(fset); unsigned int EvType = Get_EvEvent(current_event); unsigned long EvValue = ((Get_EvValue (current_event) > 0) ? EvType - OPENSHMEM_BASE_EVENT + 1 : 0); unsigned int EvSize = Get_EvSize (current_event); Switch_State (Get_State(EvType), (EvValue != EVT_END), ptask, task, thread); trace_paraver_state (cpu, ptask, task, thread, current_time); trace_paraver_event (cpu, ptask, task, thread, current_time, OPENSHMEM_BASE_EVENT, EvValue); trace_paraver_event (cpu, ptask, task, thread, current_time, OPENSHMEM_RECVBYTES_EV, EvSize); return 0; }
/****************************************************************************** *** PersistentRequest_Event ******************************************************************************/ static int PersistentRequest_Event (event_t * current, unsigned long long current_time, unsigned int cpu, unsigned int ptask, unsigned int task, unsigned int thread, FileSet_t *fset) { int comunicador; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(current_time); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(cpu); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ptask); comunicador = alies_comunicador (Get_EvComm(current), 1, task); if (Get_EvTarget(current) == MPI_PROC_NULL) return 0; #ifdef CPUZERO Dimemas_CPU_Burst(fset->output_file, task-1, thread-1, 0); #endif switch (Get_EvValue(current)) { case MPI_IRECV_EV: Dimemas_NX_Irecv (fset->output_file, task-1, thread-1, Get_EvTarget(current), comunicador, Get_EvSize(current), Get_EvTag(current) ); break; case MPI_ISEND_EV: case MPI_IBSEND_EV: case MPI_IRSEND_EV: case MPI_ISSEND_EV: if (MPI_PROC_NULL != Get_EvTarget(current)) { #ifdef CPUZERO Dimemas_CPU_Burst(fset->output_file, task-1, thread-1, 0); #endif Dimemas_NX_ImmediateSend(fset->output_file, task-1, thread-1, Get_EvTarget(current), comunicador, Get_EvSize(current), Get_EvTag(current)); } break; default: break; } return 0; }
static int GlobalOP_event (event_t * current_event, unsigned long long current_time, unsigned int cpu, unsigned int ptask, unsigned int task, unsigned int thread, FileSet_t *fset) { unsigned int EvType, EvValue; unsigned int comm_id, send_size, receive_size, is_root; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(fset); EvType = Get_EvEvent (current_event); EvValue = Get_EvValue (current_event); /* First global operation found, start matching communications from now on */ if ((tracingCircularBuffer()) && /* Circular buffer is enabled */ (getBehaviourForCircularBuffer() == CIRCULAR_SKIP_MATCHES) && /* The buffer behavior is to skip matches */ (!MatchComms_Enabled(ptask, task)) && /* Not matching already */ (EvValue == EVT_END) && /* End of the collective */ (Get_EvSize(current_event) == GET_NUM_TASKS(ptask)) /* World collective */ /* (getTagForCircularBuffer() == Get_EvAux(current_event)) */) { MatchComms_On(ptask, task); } Switch_State (Get_State(EvType), (EvValue == EVT_BEGIN), ptask, task, thread); trace_paraver_state (cpu, ptask, task, thread, current_time); trace_paraver_event (cpu, ptask, task, thread, current_time, EvType, EvValue); if (EVT_BEGIN == EvValue) { comm_id = Get_GlobalOP_CommID (current_event); is_root = Get_GlobalOP_isRoot (current_event, task); send_size = Get_GlobalOP_SendSize (current_event, is_root); receive_size = Get_GlobalOP_RecvSize (current_event, is_root); trace_enter_global_op (cpu, ptask, task, thread, current_time, comm_id, send_size, receive_size, is_root?1:0); Enable_MPI_Soft_Counter (EvType); } return 0; }
static int Other_MPI_Event (event_t * current_event, unsigned long long current_time, unsigned int cpu, unsigned int ptask, unsigned int task, unsigned int thread, FileSet_t *fset) { unsigned int EvType, EvValue; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(fset); EvType = Get_EvEvent (current_event); EvValue = Get_EvValue (current_event); Switch_State (Get_State(EvType), (EvValue == EVT_BEGIN), ptask, task, thread); /* XXX: Workaround to set the state to NOT_TRACING after the MPI_Init when using circular buffer. * We should definitely do this another way round. */ if ((EvType == MPI_INIT_EV) && (EvValue == EVT_END)) { if ((tracingCircularBuffer()) && (getBehaviourForCircularBuffer() == CIRCULAR_SKIP_MATCHES)) { /* The first event beyond the MPI_Init will remove the STATE_NOT_TRACING (see Push_State) */ Push_State (STATE_NOT_TRACING, ptask, task, thread); } } trace_paraver_state (cpu, ptask, task, thread, current_time); trace_paraver_event (cpu, ptask, task, thread, current_time, EvType, EvValue); if (EvType == MPI_INIT_EV && EvValue == EVT_BEGIN) { UINT32 PID = Get_EvTarget (current_event); UINT32 PPID = Get_EvSize (current_event); UINT32 Depth = Get_EvTag (current_event); trace_paraver_event (cpu, ptask, task, thread, current_time, PID_EV, PID); trace_paraver_event (cpu, ptask, task, thread, current_time, PPID_EV, PPID); trace_paraver_event (cpu, ptask, task, thread, current_time, FORK_DEPTH_EV, Depth); } return 0; }
int MPI_PersistentRequest_Event (event_t * current_event, unsigned long long current_time, unsigned int cpu, unsigned int ptask, unsigned int task, unsigned int thread, FileSet_t *fset) { thread_t *thread_info; task_t *task_info, *task_info_partner; event_t *recv_begin, *recv_end; event_t *send_begin, *send_end; off_t send_position; unsigned recv_thread, send_thread, recv_vthread, send_vthread; int EvComm; EvComm = Get_EvComm( current_event ); thread_info = GET_THREAD_INFO(ptask, task, thread); task_info = GET_TASK_INFO(ptask, task); trace_paraver_state (cpu, ptask, task, thread, current_time); /* If this is a send, look for the receive */ if (Get_EvValue (current_event) == MPI_ISEND_EV) { thread_info->Send_Rec = current_event; if (MatchComms_Enabled(ptask, task)) { if (MPI_PROC_NULL != Get_EvTarget (current_event)) { int target_ptask = intercommunicators_get_target_ptask( ptask, task, EvComm ); if (isTaskInMyGroup (fset, target_ptask-1, Get_EvTarget(current_event))) { #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf (stderr, "PERS_REQ_ISEND_CMD(%u): TIME/TIMESTAMP %lld/%lld IAM %d PARTNER %d tag %d\n", Get_EvValue (current_event), current_time, Get_EvTime(current_event), task-1, Get_EvTarget(current_event), Get_EvTag(current_event)); #endif task_info_partner = GET_TASK_INFO(target_ptask, Get_EvTarget(current_event)+1); CommunicationQueues_ExtractRecv (task_info_partner->recv_queue, task-1, Get_EvTag (current_event), &recv_begin, &recv_end, &recv_thread, &recv_vthread, 0); if (recv_begin == NULL || recv_end == NULL) { off_t position; #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf (stderr, "PER_REQ_ISEND_CMD DID NOT find a partner\n"); #endif position = WriteFileBuffer_getPosition (thread_info->file->wfb); CommunicationQueues_QueueSend (task_info->send_queue, current_event, current_event, position, thread, thread_info->virtual_thread, Get_EvTarget(current_event), Get_EvTag(current_event), 0); trace_paraver_unmatched_communication (1, ptask, task, thread, thread_info->virtual_thread, current_time, Get_EvTime(current_event), 1, target_ptask, Get_EvTarget(current_event)+1, 1, Get_EvSize(current_event), Get_EvTag(current_event)); } else { #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf (stderr, "PER_REQ_ISEND_CMD DID NOT find a partner\n"); #endif trace_communicationAt (ptask, task, thread, thread_info->virtual_thread, target_ptask, 1+Get_EvTarget(current_event), recv_thread, recv_vthread, current_event, current_event, recv_begin, recv_end, FALSE, 0); } } #if defined(PARALLEL_MERGE) else { #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf (stdout, "SEND_CMD(%u): TIME/TIMESTAMP %lld/%lld IAM %d PARTNER %d tag %d >> PENDING\n", Get_EvEvent(current_event), current_time, Get_EvTime(current_event), task-1, Get_EvTarget(current_event), Get_EvTag(current_event)); #endif trace_pending_communication (ptask, task, thread, thread_info->virtual_thread, thread_info->Send_Rec, current_event, target_ptask, Get_EvTarget (current_event)); } #endif } } } /* If this is a receive, look for the send */ if (Get_EvValue(current_event) == MPI_IRECV_EV) { thread_info->Recv_Rec = current_event; if (MatchComms_Enabled(ptask, task)) { event_t *receive = Search_MPI_IRECVED (current_event, Get_EvAux (current_event), thread_info->file); if (NULL != receive) { int target_ptask = intercommunicators_get_target_ptask( ptask, task, EvComm ); if (MPI_PROC_NULL != Get_EvTarget(receive)) { if (isTaskInMyGroup (fset, target_ptask-1, Get_EvTarget(receive))) { #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf (stderr, "PERS_REQ_IRECV_CMD(%u): TIME/TIMESTAMP %lld/%lld IAM %d PARTNER %d tag %d\n", Get_EvValue (current_event), current_time, Get_EvTime(current_event), task-1, Get_EvTarget(receive), Get_EvTag(receive)); #endif task_info_partner = GET_TASK_INFO(ptask, Get_EvTarget(receive)+1); CommunicationQueues_ExtractSend (task_info_partner->send_queue, task-1, Get_EvTag (receive), &send_begin, &send_end, &send_position, &send_thread, &send_vthread, 0); if (NULL == send_begin || NULL == send_end) { #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf (stderr, "PER_REQ_IRECV_CMD DID NOT find a partner\n"); #endif CommunicationQueues_QueueRecv (task_info->recv_queue, current_event, receive, thread, thread_info->virtual_thread, Get_EvTarget(current_event), Get_EvTag(current_event), 0); } else if (NULL != send_begin && NULL != send_end) { #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf (stderr, "PERS_REQ_IRECV_CMD find partner (send position = %llu)\n", (unsigned long long) send_position); #endif trace_communicationAt (target_ptask, 1+Get_EvTarget(receive), send_thread, send_vthread, ptask, task, thread, thread_info->virtual_thread, send_begin, send_end, current_event, receive, TRUE, send_position); } else fprintf (stderr, "mpi2prv: Attention CommunicationQueues_ExtractSend returned send_begin = %p and send_end = %p\n", send_begin, send_end); } #if defined(PARALLEL_MERGE) else { UINT64 log_r, phy_r; log_r = TIMESYNC (ptask-1, task-1, Get_EvTime(current_event)); phy_r = TIMESYNC (ptask-1, task-1, Get_EvTime(receive)); AddForeignRecv (phy_r, log_r, Get_EvTag(receive), ptask-1, task-1, thread-1, thread_info->virtual_thread-1, target_ptask-1, Get_EvTarget(receive), fset, MatchComms_GetZone(ptask, task)); } #endif } } } } return 0; }
static int SendRecv_Event (event_t * current_event, unsigned long long current_time, unsigned int cpu, unsigned int ptask, unsigned int task, unsigned int thread, FileSet_t *fset) { thread_t *thread_info; task_t *task_info, *task_info_partner; #if !defined(AVOID_SENDRECV) unsigned recv_thread, send_thread, recv_vthread, send_vthread; event_t *recv_begin, *recv_end, *send_begin, *send_end; off_t send_position; #endif int EvComm = Get_EvComm (current_event); Switch_State (STATE_SENDRECVOP, (Get_EvValue(current_event) == EVT_BEGIN), ptask, task, thread); trace_paraver_state (cpu, ptask, task, thread, current_time); trace_paraver_event (cpu, ptask, task, thread, current_time, Get_EvEvent(current_event), Get_EvValue(current_event)); thread_info = GET_THREAD_INFO(ptask, task, thread); task_info = GET_TASK_INFO(ptask, task); if (!get_option_merge_SkipSendRecvComms()) { if (Get_EvValue (current_event) == EVT_BEGIN) { thread_info->Send_Rec = current_event; /* Treat the send part */ if (MatchComms_Enabled(ptask, task)) if (MPI_PROC_NULL != Get_EvTarget (thread_info->Send_Rec)) { int target_ptask = intercommunicators_get_target_ptask( ptask, task, EvComm ); if (isTaskInMyGroup (fset, target_ptask-1, Get_EvTarget(thread_info->Send_Rec))) { #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf (stderr, "SENDRECV/SEND: TIME/TIMESTAMP %lld/%lld IAM %d PARTNER %d tag %d\n", current_time, Get_EvTime(thread_info->Send_Rec), task-1, Get_EvTarget(thread_info->Send_Rec), Get_EvTag(thread_info->Send_Rec)); #endif task_info_partner = GET_TASK_INFO(target_ptask, Get_EvTarget(thread_info->Send_Rec)+1); CommunicationQueues_ExtractRecv (task_info_partner->recv_queue, task-1, Get_EvTag (thread_info->Send_Rec), &recv_begin, &recv_end, &recv_thread, &recv_vthread, 0); if (recv_begin == NULL || recv_end == NULL) { off_t position; #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf (stderr, "SENDRECV/SEND DID NOT find partner\n"); #endif position = WriteFileBuffer_getPosition (thread_info->file->wfb); CommunicationQueues_QueueSend (task_info->send_queue, thread_info->Send_Rec, current_event, position, thread, thread_info->virtual_thread, Get_EvTarget(thread_info->Send_Rec), Get_EvTag(thread_info->Send_Rec), 0); trace_paraver_unmatched_communication (1, ptask, task, thread, thread_info->virtual_thread, current_time, Get_EvTime(current_event), 1, target_ptask, Get_EvTarget(current_event)+1, 1, Get_EvSize(current_event), Get_EvTag(current_event)); } else if (recv_begin != NULL && recv_end != NULL) { #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf (stderr, "SENDRECV/SEND found partner\n"); #endif trace_communicationAt (ptask, task, thread, thread_info->virtual_thread, target_ptask, 1+Get_EvTarget(thread_info->Send_Rec), recv_thread, recv_vthread, thread_info->Send_Rec, current_event, recv_begin, recv_end, FALSE, 0); } else fprintf (stderr, "mpi2prv: Attention CommunicationQueues_ExtractRecv returned recv_begin = %p and recv_end = %p\n", recv_begin, recv_end); } #if defined(PARALLEL_MERGE) else { #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf (stdout, "SEND_CMD(%u): TIME/TIMESTAMP %lld/%lld IAM %d PARTNER %d tag %d >> PENDING\n", Get_EvEvent(current_event), current_time, Get_EvTime(current_event), task-1, Get_EvTarget(current_event), Get_EvTag(current_event)); #endif trace_pending_communication (ptask, task, thread, thread_info->virtual_thread, thread_info->Send_Rec, current_event, target_ptask, Get_EvTarget (thread_info->Send_Rec)); } #endif /* PARALLEL_MERGE */ } } else if (Get_EvValue (current_event) == EVT_END) { thread_info->Recv_Rec = current_event; /* Treat the receive part */ if (MatchComms_Enabled(ptask, task)) if (MPI_PROC_NULL != Get_EvTarget (thread_info->Recv_Rec)) { int target_ptask = intercommunicators_get_target_ptask( ptask, task, EvComm ); if (isTaskInMyGroup (fset, target_ptask-1, Get_EvTarget(thread_info->Recv_Rec))) { #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf (stderr, "SENDRECV/RECV: TIME/TIMESTAMP %lld/%lld IAM %d PARTNER %d tag %d\n", current_time, Get_EvTime(thread_info->Recv_Rec), task-1, Get_EvTarget(thread_info->Recv_Rec), Get_EvTag(thread_info->Recv_Rec)); #endif task_info_partner = GET_TASK_INFO(target_ptask, Get_EvTarget(thread_info->Recv_Rec)+1); CommunicationQueues_ExtractSend (task_info_partner->send_queue, task-1, Get_EvTag (thread_info->Recv_Rec), &send_begin, &send_end, &send_position, &send_thread, &send_vthread, 0); if (NULL == send_begin && NULL == send_end) { #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf (stderr, "SENDRECV/RECV DID NOT find partner\n"); #endif CommunicationQueues_QueueRecv (task_info->recv_queue, thread_info->Send_Rec, current_event, thread, thread_info->virtual_thread, Get_EvTarget(thread_info->Recv_Rec), Get_EvTag(thread_info->Recv_Rec), 0); } else if (NULL != send_begin && NULL != send_end) { #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf (stderr, "SENDRECV/RECV found partner\n"); #endif trace_communicationAt (target_ptask, 1+Get_EvTarget(thread_info->Recv_Rec), send_thread, send_vthread, ptask, task, thread, thread_info->virtual_thread, send_begin, send_end, thread_info->Send_Rec, thread_info->Recv_Rec, TRUE, send_position); } else fprintf (stderr, "mpi2prv: Attention CommunicationQueues_ExtractSend returned send_begin = %p and send_end = %p\n", send_begin, send_end); } #if defined(PARALLEL_MERGE) else { UINT64 log_r, phy_r; log_r = TIMESYNC (ptask-1, task-1, Get_EvTime(thread_info->Send_Rec)); phy_r = TIMESYNC (ptask-1, task-1, Get_EvTime(current_event)); AddForeignRecv (phy_r, log_r, Get_EvTag(current_event), ptask-1, task-1, thread-1, thread_info->virtual_thread-1, target_ptask-1, Get_EvTarget(current_event), fset, MatchComms_GetZone(ptask, task)); } #endif /* PARALLEL_MERGE */ } } } return 0; }
static int Any_Send_Event (event_t * current_event, unsigned long long current_time, unsigned int cpu, unsigned int ptask, unsigned int task, unsigned int thread, FileSet_t *fset) { unsigned recv_thread, recv_vthread, EvType, EvValue; thread_t *thread_info; task_t *task_info, *task_info_partner; event_t * recv_begin, * recv_end; int EvComm; EvType = Get_EvEvent(current_event); EvValue = Get_EvValue(current_event); EvComm = Get_EvComm (current_event); Switch_State (Get_State(EvType), (EvValue == EVT_BEGIN), ptask, task, thread); trace_paraver_state (cpu, ptask, task, thread, current_time); trace_paraver_event (cpu, ptask, task, thread, current_time, EvType, EvValue); thread_info = GET_THREAD_INFO(ptask, task, thread); task_info = GET_TASK_INFO(ptask, task); switch (EvValue) { case EVT_BEGIN: thread_info->Send_Rec = current_event; break; case EVT_END: if (MatchComms_Enabled(ptask, task)) { if (MPI_PROC_NULL != Get_EvTarget (current_event)) { int target_ptask = intercommunicators_get_target_ptask( ptask, task, EvComm ); if (isTaskInMyGroup (fset, target_ptask-1, Get_EvTarget(current_event))) { #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf (stderr, "SEND_CMD(%u): TIME/TIMESTAMP %lld/%lld IAM %d PARTNER %d tag %d\n", EvType, current_time, Get_EvTime(current_event), task-1, Get_EvTarget(current_event), Get_EvTag(current_event)); #endif task_info_partner = GET_TASK_INFO(target_ptask, Get_EvTarget(current_event)+1); CommunicationQueues_ExtractRecv (task_info_partner->recv_queue, task-1, Get_EvTag (current_event), &recv_begin, &recv_end, &recv_thread, &recv_vthread, 0); if (recv_begin == NULL || recv_end == NULL) { off_t position; #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf (stderr, "SEND_CMD(%u) DID NOT find receiver\n", EvType); #endif position = WriteFileBuffer_getPosition (thread_info->file->wfb); CommunicationQueues_QueueSend (task_info->send_queue, thread_info->Send_Rec, current_event, position, thread, thread_info->virtual_thread, Get_EvTarget(current_event), Get_EvTag(current_event), 0); trace_paraver_unmatched_communication (1, ptask, task, thread, thread_info->virtual_thread, current_time, Get_EvTime(current_event), 1, target_ptask, Get_EvTarget(current_event)+1, 1, Get_EvSize(current_event), Get_EvTag(current_event)); } else { #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf (stderr, "SEND_CMD(%u) find receiver\n", EvType); #endif trace_communicationAt (ptask, task, thread, thread_info->virtual_thread, target_ptask, 1+Get_EvTarget(current_event), recv_thread, recv_vthread, thread_info->Send_Rec, current_event, recv_begin, recv_end, FALSE, 0); } } #if defined(PARALLEL_MERGE) else { #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf (stdout, "SEND_CMD(%u): TIME/TIMESTAMP %lld/%lld IAM %d PARTNER %d tag %d >> PENDING\n", Get_EvEvent(current_event), current_time, Get_EvTime(current_event), task-1, Get_EvTarget(current_event), Get_EvTag(current_event)); #endif trace_pending_communication (ptask, task, thread, thread_info->virtual_thread, thread_info->Send_Rec, current_event, target_ptask, Get_EvTarget (current_event)); } #endif } } break; } return 0; }
/****************************************************************************** *** GenerateAliesComunicator ******************************************************************************/ int GenerateAliesComunicator ( event_t * current_event, unsigned long long current_time, unsigned int cpu, unsigned int ptask, unsigned int task, unsigned int thread, FileSet_t * fset, unsigned long long *num_events, int traceformat) { unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int EvValue = Get_EvValue (current_event); unsigned int EvCommType = Get_EvTarget (current_event); unsigned int EvType = Get_EvEvent (current_event); if (EvValue == EVT_BEGIN) { #if defined(DEBUG_COMMUNICATORS) fprintf (stderr, "DEBUG: new communicator definition (commtype = %d)\n", EvCommType); #endif if (PRV_SEMANTICS == traceformat) if (Get_EvAux (current_event)) /* Shall we emit this into tracefile? */ { trace_paraver_state (cpu, ptask, task, thread, current_time); trace_paraver_event (cpu, ptask, task, thread, current_time, EvType, EVT_BEGIN); } /* Build COMM WORLD communicator */ if (MPI_COMM_WORLD_ALIAS == EvCommType) { TipusComunicador new_comm; unsigned int i; #if defined(DEBUG_COMMUNICATORS) fprintf (stderr, "DEBUG: defining MPI_COMM_WORLD (%d members)\n", Get_EvSize (current_event)); #endif = Get_EvComm (current_event); new_comm.num_tasks = Get_EvSize (current_event); new_comm.tasks = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*new_comm.num_tasks); if (NULL == new_comm.tasks) { fprintf (stderr, "mpi2prv: Can't allocate memory for a COMM WORLD alias\n"); fflush (stderr); exit (-1); } for (i = 0; i < new_comm.num_tasks; i++) new_comm.tasks[i] = i; #if defined(PARALLEL_MERGE) ParallelMerge_AddIntraCommunicator (ptask, task, MPI_COMM_WORLD_ALIAS,, new_comm.num_tasks, new_comm.tasks); #else afegir_comunicador (&new_comm, ptask, task); #endif free (new_comm.tasks); } /* Build COMM SELF communicator */ else if (MPI_COMM_SELF_ALIAS == EvCommType) { TipusComunicador new_comm; #if defined(DEBUG_COMMUNICATORS) fprintf (stderr, "DEBUG: defining MPI_COMM_SELF (%d members)\n", Get_EvSize (current_event)); #endif = Get_EvComm (current_event); new_comm.num_tasks = 1; new_comm.tasks = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*new_comm.num_tasks); if (NULL == new_comm.tasks) { fprintf (stderr, "mpi2prv: Can't allocate memory for a COMM SELF alias\n"); fflush (stderr); exit (-1); } new_comm.tasks[0] = task-1; #if defined(PARALLEL_MERGE) ParallelMerge_AddIntraCommunicator (ptask, task, MPI_COMM_SELF_ALIAS,, new_comm.num_tasks, new_comm.tasks); #else afegir_comunicador (&new_comm, ptask, task); #endif free (new_comm.tasks); } else if (MPI_NEW_INTERCOMM_ALIAS == EvCommType) { #if defined(DEBUG_COMMUNICATORS) fprintf (stderr, "DEBUG: defining new INTERCOMM\n"); #endif i = BuildInterCommunicatorFromFile (current_event, current_time, cpu, ptask, task, thread, fset); } else { #if defined(DEBUG_COMMUNICATORS) fprintf (stderr, "DEBUG: defining new COMM (%d members id = %d)\n", Get_EvSize(current_event), Get_EvComm (current_event)); #endif i = BuildCommunicatorFromFile (current_event, current_time, cpu, ptask, task, thread, fset); } } else if (EvValue == EVT_END) { if (PRV_SEMANTICS == traceformat) if (Get_EvAux (current_event)) /* Shall we emit this into tracefile? */ trace_paraver_event (cpu, ptask, task, thread, current_time, EvType, EVT_END); } *num_events = i+1; /* Count how many records have we processed (i communicator members + begin of communicator event) */ return 0; }
/****************************************************************************** *** BuildCommunicatorFromFile ******************************************************************************/ static unsigned int BuildCommunicatorFromFile (event_t *current_event, unsigned long long current_time, unsigned int cpu, unsigned int ptask, unsigned int task, unsigned int thread, FileSet_t * fset) { TipusComunicador new_comm; unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int foo; unsigned int EvType = Get_EvEvent (current_event); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(current_time); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(cpu); /* New communicator definition starts */ = Get_EvComm (current_event); new_comm.num_tasks = Get_EvSize (current_event); new_comm.tasks = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*new_comm.num_tasks); if (NULL == new_comm.tasks) { fprintf (stderr, "mpi2prv: Can't allocate memory for a COMM SELF alias\n"); fflush (stderr); exit (-1); } #if defined(DEBUG_COMMUNICATORS) fprintf (stderr, "DEBUG: New comm: id=%lu, num_tasks=%u\n",, new_comm.num_tasks); #endif /* Process each communicator member */ current_event = GetNextEvent_FS (fset, &foo, &ptask, &task, &thread); if (current_event != NULL) EvType = Get_EvEvent (current_event); while (i < new_comm.num_tasks && current_event != NULL && (EvType == MPI_RANK_CREACIO_COMM_EV || EvType == FLUSH_EV)) { if (EvType == MPI_RANK_CREACIO_COMM_EV) { /* Save this task as member of the communicator */ new_comm.tasks[i] = Get_EvValue (current_event); #if defined(DEBUG_COMMUNICATORS) fprintf (stderr, " -- task %d\n", new_comm.tasks[i]); #endif i++; } if (i < new_comm.num_tasks) { current_event = GetNextEvent_FS (fset, &foo, &ptask, &task, &thread); if (current_event != NULL) EvType = Get_EvEvent (current_event); } } /* End of communicator definition. Assign an alias for this communicator. */ if (i != new_comm.num_tasks) { unsigned long long tmp_time = 0; if (current_event != NULL) tmp_time = Get_EvTime(current_event); fprintf (stderr, "mpi2prv: Error: Incorrect communicator definition! (%d out of %d definitions)\n" "EvType: %u, Time: %llu, ptask: %u, task: %u, thread: %u\n", i, new_comm.num_tasks, EvType, tmp_time, ptask, task, thread); exit (0); } else { #if defined(PARALLEL_MERGE) ParallelMerge_AddIntraCommunicator (ptask, task, 0,, new_comm.num_tasks, new_comm.tasks); #else afegir_comunicador (&new_comm, ptask, task); #endif } free (new_comm.tasks); return i; }
/****************************************************************************** *** Sendrecv_Event ******************************************************************************/ static int SendRecv_Event (event_t * current, unsigned long long current_time, unsigned int cpu, unsigned int ptask, unsigned int task, unsigned int thread, FileSet_t *fset) { static unsigned int receiver, send_tag; static int send_size; thread_t * thread_info = GET_THREAD_INFO(ptask, task, thread); UINT64 valor; unsigned int sender = 0; unsigned int receive_tag = 0; unsigned int receive_size = 0; int tipus; int comunicador; double temps; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(cpu); temps = current_time-thread_info->Previous_Event_Time; temps /= 1000000000.0f; comunicador = alies_comunicador (Get_EvComm(current), 1, task); switch( Get_EvValue(current) ) { case EVT_BEGIN: Dimemas_CPU_Burst(fset->output_file, task-1, thread-1, temps); receiver= Get_EvTarget(current); send_tag= Get_EvTag(current); send_size= Get_EvSize(current); break; case EVT_END: #ifdef CPUZERO MPTRACE_ERROR(Dimemas_CPU_Burst(fset->output_file, task-1, thread-1, 0)); #endif if (Get_EvTarget( current ) != MPI_PROC_NULL) { sender= Get_EvTarget(current); receive_tag= Get_EvTag(current); receive_size= Get_EvSize(current); #ifdef CPUZERO Dimemas_CPU_Burst(fset->output_file, task-1, thread-1, 0); #endif Dimemas_NX_Irecv (fset->output_file, task-1, thread-1, sender, comunicador, receive_size, receive_tag); } if (receiver != MPI_PROC_NULL) { #ifdef CPUZERO Dimemas_CPU_Burst(fset->output_file, task-1, thread-1, 0); #endif Dimemas_NX_BlockingSend (fset->output_file, task-1, thread-1, receiver, Get_EvComm(current), send_size, send_tag); } if (Get_EvTarget( current ) != MPI_PROC_NULL) { #ifdef CPUZERO Dimemas_CPU_Burst(fset->output_file, task-1, thread-1, 0); #endif Dimemas_NX_Wait (fset->output_file, task-1, thread-1, sender, comunicador, receive_size, receive_tag); } #ifdef CPUZERO Dimemas_CPU_Burst(fset->output_file, task-1, thread-1, 0); #endif break; } Translate_MPI_MPIT2PRV (Get_EvEvent(current), Get_EvValue(current), &tipus, &valor); Dimemas_User_Event (fset->output_file, task-1, thread-1, tipus, valor); return 0; }
/****************************************************************************** *** Irecved_Event ******************************************************************************/ static int Irecved_Event (event_t * current, unsigned long long current_time, unsigned int cpu, unsigned int ptask, unsigned int task, unsigned int thread, FileSet_t *fset) { int comunicador; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(cpu); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ptask); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(current_time); comunicador = alies_comunicador (Get_EvComm(current), 1, task); if (MPI_PROC_NULL != Get_EvTarget(current)) { #ifdef CPUZERO Dimemas_CPU_Burst (fset->output_file, task-1, thread-1, 0); #endif Dimemas_NX_Wait (fset->output_file, task-1, thread-1, Get_EvTarget(current), comunicador, Get_EvSize(current), Get_EvTag(current)); } return 0; }