Exemple #1
static void
	GfuiAddKey(scrHandle, 27, "Cancel Modifications", rp->prevScreen, rmrpDeactivate, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(scrHandle, GLUT_KEY_F1, "Help", scrHandle, GfuiHelpScreen, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(scrHandle, GLUT_KEY_F12, "Screen-Shot", NULL, GfuiScreenShot, NULL);
	GfuiAddKey(scrHandle, 13, "Validate Modifications", NULL, rmrpValidate, NULL);
Exemple #2
static void
    GfuiAddSKey(reResScreenHdle, GLUT_KEY_F1,  "Help", reScreenHandle, GfuiHelpScreen, NULL);
    GfuiAddSKey(reResScreenHdle, GLUT_KEY_F12, "Screen Shot", NULL, GfuiScreenShot, NULL);

    GfuiAddKey(reResScreenHdle, 27,  "Stop Current Race", (void*)RE_STATE_RACE_STOP, ReStateApply, NULL);
    /* GfuiAddKey(reResScreenHdle, 'q', "Exit of TORCS",     (void*)RE_STATE_EXIT, ReStateApply, NULL); */
Exemple #3
static void rmtsAddKeys(void)
	GfuiAddKey(scrHandle, 13, "Select Track", NULL, rmtsSelect, NULL);
	GfuiAddKey(scrHandle, 27, "Cancel Selection", ts->prevScreen, rmtsDeactivate, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(scrHandle, GLUT_KEY_LEFT, "Previous Track", (void*)0, rmtsPrevNext, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(scrHandle, GLUT_KEY_RIGHT, "Next Track", (void*)1, rmtsPrevNext, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(scrHandle, GLUT_KEY_F12, "Screen-Shot", NULL, GfuiScreenShot, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(scrHandle, GLUT_KEY_UP, "Previous Track Category", (void*)0, rmCatPrevNext, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(scrHandle, GLUT_KEY_DOWN, "Next Track Category", (void*)1, rmCatPrevNext, NULL);
/* Menu creation */
void *
SimuMenuInit(void *prevMenu)
    int		x, y, x2, x3, x4, dy;

    /* screen already created */
    if (scrHandle) {
	return scrHandle;
    prevHandle = prevMenu;

    scrHandle = GfuiScreenCreateEx((float*)NULL, NULL, onActivate, NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, 1);
    GfuiTitleCreate(scrHandle, "Simulation Configuration", 0);
    GfuiScreenAddBgImg(scrHandle, "data/img/splash-simucfg.png");

    x = 20;
    x2 = 240;
    x3 = x2 + 100;
    x4 = x2 + 200;
    y = 370;
    dy = 30;

    y -= dy;
    GfuiLabelCreate(scrHandle, "Simulation version:", GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM, x, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 0);
    GfuiGrButtonCreate(scrHandle, "data/img/arrow-left.png", "data/img/arrow-left.png",
		       "data/img/arrow-left.png", "data/img/arrow-left-pushed.png",
		       x2, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 1,
		       (void*)-1, ChangeSimuVersion,
		       NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL);
    GfuiGrButtonCreate(scrHandle, "data/img/arrow-right.png", "data/img/arrow-right.png",
		       "data/img/arrow-right.png", "data/img/arrow-right-pushed.png",
		       x4, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HR_VB, 1,
		       (void*)1, ChangeSimuVersion,
		       NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL);
    SimuVersionId = GfuiLabelCreate(scrHandle, "", GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x3, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 32);
    GfuiLabelSetColor(scrHandle, SimuVersionId, LabelColor);

    GfuiButtonCreate(scrHandle, "Accept", GFUI_FONT_LARGE, 210, 40, 150, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, GFUI_MOUSE_UP,
     NULL, SaveSimuVersion, NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL);

    GfuiButtonCreate(scrHandle, "Cancel", GFUI_FONT_LARGE, 430, 40, 150, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, GFUI_MOUSE_UP,
     prevMenu, GfuiScreenActivate, NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL);

    GfuiAddKey(scrHandle, 13, "Save", NULL, SaveSimuVersion, NULL);
    GfuiAddKey(scrHandle, 27, "Cancel Selection", prevMenu, GfuiScreenActivate, NULL);
    GfuiAddSKey(scrHandle, GLUT_KEY_F12, "Screen-Shot", NULL, GfuiScreenShot, NULL);
    GfuiAddSKey(scrHandle, GLUT_KEY_LEFT, "Previous Version in list", (void*)0, ChangeSimuVersion, NULL);
    GfuiAddSKey(scrHandle, GLUT_KEY_RIGHT, "Next Version in list", (void*)1, ChangeSimuVersion, NULL);

    return scrHandle;  
Exemple #5
static void
    GfuiAddKey(scrHandle, 27, "Cancel Selection", ds->prevScreen, rmdsDeactivate, NULL);
    GfuiAddKey(scrHandle, 13, "Accept Selection", NULL, rmdsSelect, NULL);
    GfuiAddSKey(scrHandle, GLUT_KEY_F1, "Help", scrHandle, GfuiHelpScreen, NULL);
    GfuiAddSKey(scrHandle, GLUT_KEY_F12, "Screen-Shot", NULL, GfuiScreenShot, NULL);
    GfuiAddKey(scrHandle, '-', "Move Up", (void*)-1, rmMove, NULL);
    GfuiAddKey(scrHandle, '+', "Move Down", (void*)1, rmMove, NULL);
    GfuiAddKey(scrHandle, ' ', "Select/Deselect", NULL, rmSelectDeselect, NULL);
    GfuiAddKey(scrHandle, 'f', "Set Focus", NULL, rmdsSetFocus, NULL);
Exemple #6
static void
    GfuiAddSKey(reScreenHandle, GLUT_KEY_F1,        "Help", reScreenHandle, GfuiHelpScreen, NULL);
    GfuiAddSKey(reScreenHandle, GLUT_KEY_F12,       "Screen Shot", NULL, GfuiScreenShot, NULL);

    GfuiAddKey(reScreenHandle, '-', "Slow Time",         (void*)0, ReTimeMod, NULL);
    GfuiAddKey(reScreenHandle, '+', "Accelerate Time",   (void*)1, ReTimeMod, NULL);
    GfuiAddKey(reScreenHandle, '.', "Real Time",         (void*)2, ReTimeMod, NULL);
    GfuiAddKey(reScreenHandle, 'p', "Pause Race",        (void*)0, ReBoardInfo, NULL);
    GfuiAddKey(reScreenHandle, 27,  "Stop Current Race", (void*)RE_STATE_RACE_STOP, ReStateApply, NULL);
    /* GfuiAddKey(reScreenHandle, 'q', "Exit of TORCS",     (void*)RE_STATE_EXIT, ReStateApply, NULL); */
    GfuiAddKey(reScreenHandle, ' ', "Skip Pre Start",    (void*)0, reSkipPreStart, NULL);
#ifdef DEBUG
    //GfuiAddKey(reScreenHandle, '0', "One step simulation",    (void*)1, reOneStep, NULL);
    GfuiAddKey(reScreenHandle, 'c', "Movie Capture",      (void*)0, reMovieCapture, NULL);
Exemple #7
/** Add the default menu keyboard callback to a screen.
    The keys are:
    <br><tt>Up Arrow .... </tt>Select Previous Entry
    <br><tt>Down Arrow .. </tt>Select Next Entry
    <br><tt>F1 .......... </tt>Help
    <br><tt>Tab ......... </tt>Select Next Entry
    <br><tt>Enter ....... </tt>Perform Action
    <br><tt>Escape ...... </tt>Quit the menu
    @ingroup	gui
    @param	scr	Screen Id
GfuiMenuDefaultKeysAdd(void *scr)
    GfuiAddKey(scr, 9, "Select Next Entry", NULL, gfuiSelectNext, NULL);
    GfuiAddKey(scr, 13, "Perform Action", (void*)2, gfuiMouseAction, NULL);
    GfuiAddSKey(scr, GLUT_KEY_UP, "Select Previous Entry", NULL, gfuiSelectPrev, NULL);
    GfuiAddSKey(scr, GLUT_KEY_DOWN, "Select Next Entry", NULL, gfuiSelectNext, NULL);
    GfuiAddSKey(scr, GLUT_KEY_PAGE_UP, "Select Previous Entry", NULL, gfuiSelectPrev, NULL);
    GfuiAddSKey(scr, GLUT_KEY_PAGE_DOWN, "Select Next Entry", NULL, gfuiSelectNext, NULL);
    GfuiAddSKey(scr, GLUT_KEY_F1, "Help", scr, GfuiHelpScreen, NULL);
    GfuiAddSKey(scr, GLUT_KEY_F12, "Screen-Shot", NULL, GfuiScreenShot, NULL);
Exemple #8
initView(int x, int y, int width, int height, int /* flag */, void *screen)
	int i;
	const int BUFSIZE = 1024;
	char buf[BUFSIZE];
	if (maxTextureUnits==0) {

	grWinx = x;
	grWiny = y;
	grWinw = width;
	grWinh = height;

	grMouseRatioX = width / 640.0;
	grMouseRatioY = height / 480.0;

	OldTime = GfTimeClock();
	nFrame = 0;
	grFps = 0;

	snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "%s%s", GetLocalDir(), GR_PARAM_FILE);
	grHandle = GfParmReadFile(buf, GFPARM_RMODE_STD | GFPARM_RMODE_CREAT);

	for (i = 0; i < GR_NB_MAX_SCREEN; i++) {
		grScreens[i]->initBoard ();

	GfuiAddSKey(screen, GLUT_KEY_HOME, "Zoom Maximum",     (void*)GR_ZOOM_MAX,	grSetZoom, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(screen, GLUT_KEY_END,  "Zoom Minimum",     (void*)GR_ZOOM_MIN,	grSetZoom, NULL);
	GfuiAddKey(screen, '*',            "Zoom Default",     (void*)GR_ZOOM_DFLT,	grSetZoom, NULL);

	GfuiAddSKey(screen, GLUT_KEY_PAGE_UP,   "Select Previous Car", (void*)0, grPrevCar, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(screen, GLUT_KEY_PAGE_DOWN, "Select Next Car",     (void*)0, grNextCar, NULL);

	GfuiAddSKey(screen, GLUT_KEY_F2,   "Driver Views",      (void*)0, grSelectCamera, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(screen, GLUT_KEY_F3,   "Car Views",         (void*)1, grSelectCamera, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(screen, GLUT_KEY_F4,   "Side Car Views",    (void*)2, grSelectCamera, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(screen, GLUT_KEY_F5,   "Up Car View",       (void*)3, grSelectCamera, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(screen, GLUT_KEY_F6,   "Persp Car View",    (void*)4, grSelectCamera, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(screen, GLUT_KEY_F7,   "All Circuit Views", (void*)5, grSelectCamera, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(screen, GLUT_KEY_F8,   "Track View",        (void*)6, grSelectCamera, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(screen, GLUT_KEY_F9,   "Track View Zoomed", (void*)7, grSelectCamera, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(screen, GLUT_KEY_F10,  "Follow Car Zoomed", (void*)8, grSelectCamera, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(screen, GLUT_KEY_F11,  "TV Director View",  (void*)9, grSelectCamera, NULL);

	GfuiAddKey(screen, '5',            "FPS Counter",      (void*)3, grSelectBoard, NULL);
	GfuiAddKey(screen, '4',            "G/Cmd Graph",      (void*)4, grSelectBoard, NULL);
	GfuiAddKey(screen, '3',            "Leaders Board",    (void*)2, grSelectBoard, NULL);
	GfuiAddKey(screen, '2',            "Driver Counters",  (void*)1, grSelectBoard, NULL);
	GfuiAddKey(screen, '1',            "Driver Board",     (void*)0, grSelectBoard, NULL);
	GfuiAddKey(screen, '9',            "Mirror",	   (void*)0, grSwitchMirror, NULL);
	GfuiAddKey(screen, '0',            "Arcade Board",     (void*)5, grSelectBoard, NULL);
	GfuiAddKey(screen, '>',            "Zoom In",          (void*)GR_ZOOM_IN,	grSetZoom, NULL);
	GfuiAddKey(screen, '<',            "Zoom Out",         (void*)GR_ZOOM_OUT,	grSetZoom, NULL);
	GfuiAddKey(screen, '[',            "Split Screen",     (void*)GR_SPLIT_ADD,	grSplitScreen, NULL);
	GfuiAddKey(screen, ']',            "UnSplit Screen",   (void*)GR_SPLIT_REM,	grSplitScreen, NULL);
	GfuiAddKey(screen, 'm',            "Track Maps",       (void*)0, grSelectTrackMap, NULL);



	grLodFactorValue = GfParmGetNum(grHandle, GR_SCT_GRAPHIC, GR_ATT_LODFACTOR, NULL, 1.0);

	if (strcmp(wheelDetailOption,GR_ATT_WHEELRENDERING_DETAILED ) == 0) {
		grUseDetailedWheels = DETAILED;
	} else if (strcmp(wheelDetailOption,GR_ATT_WHEELRENDERING_SIMPLE ) == 0) {
		grUseDetailedWheels = SIMPLE;	


	return 0;
// Sound menu
void * SoundMenuInit(void *prevMenu)
	int x, y, x2, x3, x4, dy;
//	char buf[1024];

	// Has screen already been created?
	if (scrHandle) {
		return scrHandle;

	prevHandle = prevMenu;

	scrHandle = GfuiScreenCreateEx((float*)NULL, NULL, onActivate, NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, 1);
	GfuiTitleCreate(scrHandle, "Sound Configuration", 0);
	GfuiScreenAddBgImg(scrHandle, "data/img/splash-qrdrv.png");

	x = 20;
	x2 = 200;
	x3 = 340;
	x4 = (x2+x3)/2;
	y = 400;
	dy = 30;

	y -= dy;

	GfuiLabelCreate(scrHandle, "Sound System:", GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM, x, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 0);
	GfuiGrButtonCreate(scrHandle, "data/img/arrow-left.png", "data/img/arrow-left.png",
			"data/img/arrow-left.png", "data/img/arrow-left-pushed.png",
			x2, y-5, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 1,
			(void*)-1, changeSoundState,
			NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL);

	GfuiGrButtonCreate(scrHandle, "data/img/arrow-right.png", "data/img/arrow-right.png",
			"data/img/arrow-right.png", "data/img/arrow-right-pushed.png",
			x3, y-5, GFUI_ALIGN_HR_VB, 1,
			(void*)1, changeSoundState,
			NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL);

	SoundOptionId = GfuiLabelCreate(scrHandle, "", GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x4, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 32);
	GfuiLabelSetColor(scrHandle, SoundOptionId, LabelColor);

    y -= dy;
    GfuiLabelCreate(scrHandle, "Volume:", GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM, x, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 0);

    sprintf(buf, "%f", VolumeValue);
    VolumeValueId = GfuiEditboxCreate(scrHandle, buf, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C,
				    x2+10, y+2, x4-x2+20, 16, NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, changeVolume);

	GfuiButtonCreate(scrHandle, "Accept", GFUI_FONT_LARGE, 210, 40, 150, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, GFUI_MOUSE_UP,
	NULL, saveSoundOption, NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL);

	GfuiButtonCreate(scrHandle, "Cancel", GFUI_FONT_LARGE, 430, 40, 150, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, GFUI_MOUSE_UP,
	prevMenu, GfuiScreenActivate, NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL);

	GfuiAddKey(scrHandle, 13, "Save", NULL, saveSoundOption, NULL);
	GfuiAddKey(scrHandle, 27, "Cancel Selection", prevMenu, GfuiScreenActivate, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(scrHandle, GLUT_KEY_F12, "Screen-Shot", NULL, GfuiScreenShot, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(scrHandle, GLUT_KEY_LEFT, "Previous Option in list", (void*)0, changeSoundState, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(scrHandle, GLUT_KEY_RIGHT, "Next Option in list", (void*)1, changeSoundState, NULL);


	return scrHandle;
Exemple #10
/** Generate a help screen.
    @ingroup	gui
    @param	prevScreen	Previous screen to return to
    @warning	The help screen is activated.
GfuiHelpScreen(void *prevScreen)
    int		x, x2, dx, y;
    tGfuiKey	*curKey;
    tGfuiKey	*curSKey;
    tGfuiScreen	*pscr = (tGfuiScreen*)prevScreen;
    scrHandle = GfuiScreenCreate();
		      "Keys Definition",

    x  = 30;
    dx = 80;
    x2 = 330;
    y  = 380;
    curSKey = pscr->userSpecKeys;
    curKey = pscr->userKeys;
    do {
	if (curSKey != NULL) {
	    curSKey = curSKey->next;
	    GfuiLabelCreateEx(scrHandle, curSKey->name, fgColor1, GFUI_FONT_SMALL_C, x, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 0);
	    GfuiLabelCreateEx(scrHandle, curSKey->descr, fgColor2, GFUI_FONT_SMALL_C, x + dx, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 0);

	if (curKey != NULL) {
	    curKey = curKey->next;
	    GfuiLabelCreateEx(scrHandle, curKey->name, fgColor1, GFUI_FONT_SMALL_C, x2, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 0);
	    GfuiLabelCreateEx(scrHandle, curKey->descr, fgColor2, GFUI_FONT_SMALL_C, x2 + dx, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 0);
	y -= 12;
	if (curKey == pscr->userKeys) curKey = (tGfuiKey*)NULL;
	if (curSKey == pscr->userSpecKeys) curSKey = (tGfuiKey*)NULL;

    } while ((curKey != NULL) || (curSKey != NULL));


    GfuiAddKey(scrHandle, (unsigned char)27, "", prevScreen, GfuiScreenReplace, NULL);
    GfuiAddSKey(scrHandle, GLUT_KEY_F1, "", prevScreen, GfuiScreenReplace, NULL);
    GfuiAddKey(scrHandle, (unsigned char)13, "", prevScreen, GfuiScreenReplace, NULL);



Exemple #11
// OpenGL menu
void * OpenGLMenuInit(void *prevMenu)
	int y, dy;

	// Has screen already been created?
	if (scrHandle) {
		return scrHandle;

	prevHandle = prevMenu;

	scrHandle = GfuiScreenCreateEx((float*)NULL, NULL, onActivate, NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, 1);
	GfuiTitleCreate(scrHandle, "OpenGL Options", 0);
	GfuiScreenAddBgImg(scrHandle, "data/img/splash-simucfg.png");

	y = 400;
	dy = 30;

	const int xleft = 160;	// Center of left elements.
	const int xright = 480;	// Center of right elements.
	const int width = 240;	// Width of elements.

	y -= dy;

	// Texture compression.
	GfuiLabelCreate(scrHandle, "Texture Compression", GFUI_FONT_LARGE, xleft, 400, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);

	if (isCompressARBAvailable()) {
		GfuiGrButtonCreate(scrHandle, "data/img/arrow-left.png", "data/img/arrow-left.png",
				"data/img/arrow-left.png", "data/img/arrow-left-pushed.png",
				xleft-width/2, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 1,
				(void*)-1, changeTextureCompressState,
				NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL);

		GfuiGrButtonCreate(scrHandle, "data/img/arrow-right.png", "data/img/arrow-right.png",
				"data/img/arrow-right.png", "data/img/arrow-right-pushed.png",
				xleft+width/2, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 1,
				(void*)1, changeTextureCompressState,
				NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL);

		TextureCompressOptionId = GfuiLabelCreate(scrHandle, "", GFUI_FONT_LARGE_C, xleft, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 32);
		GfuiLabelSetColor(scrHandle, TextureCompressOptionId, LabelColor);
	} else {
		GfuiLabelCreate(scrHandle, "not available", GFUI_FONT_LARGE_C, xleft, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);

	// Texture sizing.
	GfuiLabelCreate(scrHandle, "Texture Size Limit", GFUI_FONT_LARGE, xright, 400, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);

	GfuiGrButtonCreate(scrHandle, "data/img/arrow-left.png", "data/img/arrow-left.png",
			"data/img/arrow-left.png", "data/img/arrow-left-pushed.png",
			xright-width/2, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0,
			(void*)-1, changeTextureSizeState,
			NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL);

	GfuiGrButtonCreate(scrHandle, "data/img/arrow-right.png", "data/img/arrow-right.png",
			"data/img/arrow-right.png", "data/img/arrow-right-pushed.png",
			xright+width/2, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0,
			(void*)1, changeTextureSizeState,
			NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL);

	TextureSizeOptionId = GfuiLabelCreate(scrHandle, "", GFUI_FONT_LARGE_C, xright, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 32);
	GfuiLabelSetColor(scrHandle, TextureSizeOptionId, LabelColor);

	GfuiButtonCreate(scrHandle, "Accept", GFUI_FONT_LARGE, 210, 40, 150, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, GFUI_MOUSE_UP,
	NULL, saveOpenGLOption, NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL);

	GfuiButtonCreate(scrHandle, "Cancel", GFUI_FONT_LARGE, 430, 40, 150, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, GFUI_MOUSE_UP,
	prevMenu, GfuiScreenActivate, NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL);

	GfuiAddKey(scrHandle, 13, "Save", NULL, saveOpenGLOption, NULL);
	GfuiAddKey(scrHandle, 27, "Cancel Selection", prevMenu, GfuiScreenActivate, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(scrHandle, GLUT_KEY_F12, "Screen-Shot", NULL, GfuiScreenShot, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(scrHandle, GLUT_KEY_LEFT, "Previous Option in list", (void*)0, changeTextureCompressState, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(scrHandle, GLUT_KEY_RIGHT, "Next Option in list", (void*)1, changeTextureCompressState, NULL);


	return scrHandle;
Exemple #12
static void
rmPracticeResults(void *prevHdle, tRmInfo *info, int start)
	void *results = info->results;
	const char *race = info->_reRaceName;
	int i;
	int x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6;
	int offset;
	int y;
	const int BUFSIZE = 1024;
	char buf[BUFSIZE];
	char path[BUFSIZE];
	const int TIMEFMTSIZE = 256;
	char timefmt[TIMEFMTSIZE];
	float fgcolor[4] = {1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0};
	int totLaps;

	rmScrHdle = GfuiScreenCreate();
	snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "Practice Results");
	GfuiTitleCreate(rmScrHdle, buf, strlen(buf));
	snprintf(path, BUFSIZE, "%s/%s/%s", info->track->name, RE_SECT_RESULTS, race);
	snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "%s on track %s", GfParmGetStr(results, path, RM_ATTR_DRVNAME, ""), info->track->name);
	GfuiLabelCreate(rmScrHdle, buf, GFUI_FONT_LARGE_C,
			320, 420, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);
	GfuiScreenAddBgImg(rmScrHdle, "data/img/splash-result.png");
	offset = 90;
	x1 = offset + 30;
	x2 = offset + 50;
	x3 = offset + 130;
	x4 = offset + 240;
	x5 = offset + 310;
	x6 = offset + 400;
	y = 400;
	GfuiLabelCreateEx(rmScrHdle, "Lap",       fgcolor, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x1, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);
	GfuiLabelCreateEx(rmScrHdle, "Time",      fgcolor, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x2+20, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 0);
	GfuiLabelCreateEx(rmScrHdle, "Best",      fgcolor, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x3+20, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 0);
	GfuiLabelCreateEx(rmScrHdle, "Top Spd",   fgcolor, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x4, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);
	GfuiLabelCreateEx(rmScrHdle, "Min Spd",   fgcolor, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x5, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);
	GfuiLabelCreateEx(rmScrHdle, "Damages",  fgcolor, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x6, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);
	y -= 20;
	snprintf(path, BUFSIZE, "%s/%s/%s", info->track->name, RE_SECT_RESULTS, race);
	totLaps = (int)GfParmGetEltNb(results, path);
	for (i = 0 + start; i < MIN(start + MAX_LINES, totLaps); i++) {
		snprintf(path, BUFSIZE, "%s/%s/%s/%d", info->track->name, RE_SECT_RESULTS, race, i + 1);

		/* Lap */
		snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "%d", i+1);
		GfuiLabelCreate(rmScrHdle, buf, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x1, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);

		/* Time */
		GfTime2Str(timefmt, TIMEFMTSIZE, GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_TIME, NULL, 0), 0);
		GfuiLabelCreate(rmScrHdle, timefmt, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x2, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 0);

		/* Best Lap Time */
		GfTime2Str(timefmt, TIMEFMTSIZE, GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_BEST_LAP_TIME, NULL, 0), 0);
		GfuiLabelCreate(rmScrHdle, timefmt, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x3, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 0);

		/* Top Spd */
		snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "%d", (int)(GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_TOP_SPEED, NULL, 0) * 3.6));
		GfuiLabelCreate(rmScrHdle, buf, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x4, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);

		/* Min Spd */
		snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "%d", (int)(GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_BOT_SPEED, NULL, 0) * 3.6));
		GfuiLabelCreate(rmScrHdle, buf, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x5, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);

		/* Damages */
		snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "%d", (int)(GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_DAMMAGES, NULL, 0)));
		GfuiLabelCreate(rmScrHdle, buf, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x6, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);

		y -= 15;

	if (start > 0) {
		RmPrevRace.prevHdle = prevHdle;
		RmPrevRace.info     = info;
		RmPrevRace.start    = start - MAX_LINES;
		GfuiGrButtonCreate(rmScrHdle, "data/img/arrow-up.png", "data/img/arrow-up.png",
				"data/img/arrow-up.png", "data/img/arrow-up-pushed.png",
				80, 40, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 1,
				(void*)&RmPrevRace, rmChgPracticeScreen,
				NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL);
		GfuiAddSKey(rmScrHdle, GLUT_KEY_PAGE_UP,   "Previous Results", (void*)&RmPrevRace, rmChgPracticeScreen, NULL);

	if (i < totLaps) {
		RmNextRace.prevHdle = prevHdle;
		RmNextRace.info     = info;
		RmNextRace.start    = start + MAX_LINES;
		GfuiGrButtonCreate(rmScrHdle, "data/img/arrow-down.png", "data/img/arrow-down.png",
				"data/img/arrow-down.png", "data/img/arrow-down-pushed.png",
				540, 40, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 1,
				(void*)&RmNextRace, rmChgPracticeScreen,
				NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL);
		GfuiAddSKey(rmScrHdle, GLUT_KEY_PAGE_DOWN, "Next Results", (void*)&RmNextRace, rmChgPracticeScreen, NULL);

	GfuiAddKey(rmScrHdle, (unsigned char)27, "", prevHdle, GfuiScreenReplace, NULL);
	GfuiAddKey(rmScrHdle, (unsigned char)13, "", prevHdle, GfuiScreenReplace, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(rmScrHdle, GLUT_KEY_F12, "Take a Screen Shot", NULL, GfuiScreenShot, NULL);

Exemple #13
static void
rmShowStandings(void *prevHdle, tRmInfo *info, int start)
	int i;
	int x1, x2, x3;
	int y;
	const int BUFSIZE = 1024;
	char buf[BUFSIZE];
	char path[BUFSIZE];
	float fgcolor[4] = {1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0};
	int nbCars;
	int offset;
	void *results = info->results;
	const char *race = info->_reRaceName;
	rmScrHdle = GfuiScreenCreate();
	snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "%s Results", race);
	GfuiTitleCreate(rmScrHdle, buf, strlen(buf));
	GfuiScreenAddBgImg(rmScrHdle, "data/img/splash-result.png");
	offset = 200;
	x1 = offset + 30;
	x2 = offset + 60;
	x3 = offset + 240;
	y = 400;
	GfuiLabelCreateEx(rmScrHdle, "Rank",      fgcolor, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x1, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);
	GfuiLabelCreateEx(rmScrHdle, "Driver",    fgcolor, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x2+10, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 0);
	GfuiLabelCreateEx(rmScrHdle, "Points",      fgcolor, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x3, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HR_VB, 0);
	y -= 20;
	nbCars = (int)GfParmGetEltNb(results, RE_SECT_STANDINGS);
	for (i = start; i < MIN(start + MAX_LINES, nbCars); i++) {
		snprintf(path, BUFSIZE, "%s/%d", RE_SECT_STANDINGS, i + 1);
		snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "%d", i+1);
		GfuiLabelCreate(rmScrHdle, buf, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C,
				x1, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);
		GfuiLabelCreate(rmScrHdle, GfParmGetStr(results, path, RE_ATTR_NAME, ""), GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C,
				x2, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 0);
		snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "%d", (int)GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_POINTS, NULL, 0));
		GfuiLabelCreate(rmScrHdle, buf, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C,
				x3, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HR_VB, 0);
		y -= 15;
	if (start > 0) {
		RmPrevRace.prevHdle = prevHdle;
		RmPrevRace.info     = info;
		RmPrevRace.start    = start - MAX_LINES;
		GfuiGrButtonCreate(rmScrHdle, "data/img/arrow-up.png", "data/img/arrow-up.png",
					"data/img/arrow-up.png", "data/img/arrow-up-pushed.png",
					80, 40, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 1,
					(void*)&RmPrevRace, rmChgStandingScreen,
					NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL);
		GfuiAddSKey(rmScrHdle, GLUT_KEY_PAGE_UP,   "Previous Results", (void*)&RmPrevRace, rmChgStandingScreen, NULL);
	rmSaveId = GfuiButtonCreate(rmScrHdle,
	if (i < nbCars) {
		RmNextRace.prevHdle = prevHdle;
		RmNextRace.info     = info;
		RmNextRace.start    = start + MAX_LINES;
		GfuiGrButtonCreate(rmScrHdle, "data/img/arrow-down.png", "data/img/arrow-down.png",
					"data/img/arrow-down.png", "data/img/arrow-down-pushed.png",
					540, 40, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 1,
					(void*)&RmNextRace, rmChgStandingScreen,
					NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL);
		GfuiAddSKey(rmScrHdle, GLUT_KEY_PAGE_DOWN, "Next Results", (void*)&RmNextRace, rmChgStandingScreen, NULL);
	GfuiAddKey(rmScrHdle, (unsigned char)27, "", prevHdle, GfuiScreenReplace, NULL);
	GfuiAddKey(rmScrHdle, (unsigned char)13, "", prevHdle, GfuiScreenReplace, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(rmScrHdle, GLUT_KEY_F12, "Take a Screen Shot", NULL, GfuiScreenShot, NULL);
Exemple #14
static void
rmRaceResults(void *prevHdle, tRmInfo *info, int start)
	void *results = info->results;
	const char *race = info->_reRaceName;
	int i;
	int x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9;
	int dlap;
	int y;
	const int BUFSIZE = 1024;
	char buf[BUFSIZE];
	char path[BUFSIZE];
	const int TIMEFMTSIZE = 256;
	char timefmt[TIMEFMTSIZE];
	float fgcolor[4] = {1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0};
	int laps, totLaps;
	tdble refTime;
	int nbCars;

	rmScrHdle = GfuiScreenCreate();
	snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "Race Results");
	GfuiTitleCreate(rmScrHdle, buf, strlen(buf));
	snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "%s", info->track->name);
	GfuiLabelCreate(rmScrHdle, buf, GFUI_FONT_LARGE_C,
			320, 420, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);
	GfuiScreenAddBgImg(rmScrHdle, "data/img/splash-result.png");
	x1 = 30;
	x2 = 60;
	x3 = 260;
	x4 = 330;
	x5 = 360;
	x6 = 420;
	x7 = 490;
	x8 = 545;
	x9 = 630;
	y = 400;
	GfuiLabelCreateEx(rmScrHdle, "Rank",      fgcolor, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x1, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);
	GfuiLabelCreateEx(rmScrHdle, "Driver",    fgcolor, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x2+10, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 0);
	GfuiLabelCreateEx(rmScrHdle, "Total",     fgcolor, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x3, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HR_VB, 0);
	GfuiLabelCreateEx(rmScrHdle, "Best",      fgcolor, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x4, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HR_VB, 0);
	GfuiLabelCreateEx(rmScrHdle, "Laps",      fgcolor, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x5, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);
	GfuiLabelCreateEx(rmScrHdle, "Top Spd",   fgcolor, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x6, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);
	GfuiLabelCreateEx(rmScrHdle, "Damage",    fgcolor, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x7, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);
	GfuiLabelCreateEx(rmScrHdle, "Pit",       fgcolor, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x8, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);
	GfuiLabelCreateEx(rmScrHdle, "Penalty",   fgcolor, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x9, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HR_VB, 0);	
	y -= 20;
	snprintf(path, BUFSIZE, "%s/%s/%s", info->track->name, RE_SECT_RESULTS, race);
	totLaps = (int)GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_LAPS, NULL, 0);
	snprintf(path, BUFSIZE, "%s/%s/%s/%s/%d", info->track->name, RE_SECT_RESULTS, race, RE_SECT_RANK, 1);
	refTime = GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_TIME, NULL, 0);
	snprintf(path, BUFSIZE, "%s/%s/%s/%s", info->track->name, RE_SECT_RESULTS, race, RE_SECT_RANK);
	nbCars = (int)GfParmGetEltNb(results, path);
	for (i = start; i < MIN(start + MAX_LINES, nbCars); i++) {
		snprintf(path, BUFSIZE, "%s/%s/%s/%s/%d", info->track->name, RE_SECT_RESULTS, race, RE_SECT_RANK, i + 1);
		laps = (int)GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_LAPS, NULL, 0);

		snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "%d", i+1);
		GfuiLabelCreate(rmScrHdle, buf, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C,
				x1, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);

		GfuiLabelCreate(rmScrHdle, GfParmGetStr(results, path, RE_ATTR_NAME, ""), GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C,
				x2, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 0);

		if (laps == totLaps) {
			if (i == 0) {
				GfTime2Str(timefmt, TIMEFMTSIZE, GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_TIME, NULL, 0), 0);
			} else {
				GfTime2Str(timefmt, TIMEFMTSIZE, GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_TIME, NULL, 0) - refTime, 1);
			GfuiLabelCreate(rmScrHdle, timefmt, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x3, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HR_VB, 0);
		} else {
			dlap = totLaps - laps;
			if (dlap == 1) {
				snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "+1 Lap");
			} else {
				snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "+%d Laps", dlap);
			GfuiLabelCreate(rmScrHdle, buf, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x3, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HR_VB, 0);


		GfTime2Str(timefmt, TIMEFMTSIZE, GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_BEST_LAP_TIME, NULL, 0), 0);
		GfuiLabelCreate(rmScrHdle, timefmt, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C,
				x4, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HR_VB, 0);

		snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "%d", laps);
		GfuiLabelCreate(rmScrHdle, buf, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C,
				x5, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);

		snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "%d", (int)(GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_TOP_SPEED, NULL, 0) * 3.6));
		GfuiLabelCreate(rmScrHdle, buf, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C,
				x6, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);

		snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "%d", (int)(GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_DAMMAGES, NULL, 0)));
		GfuiLabelCreate(rmScrHdle, buf, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C,
				x7, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);

		snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "%d", (int)(GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_NB_PIT_STOPS, NULL, 0)));
		GfuiLabelCreate(rmScrHdle, buf, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C,
				x8, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HC_VB, 0);

		GfTime2Str(timefmt, TIMEFMTSIZE, GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_PENALTYTIME, NULL, 0), 0);
		GfuiLabelCreate(rmScrHdle, timefmt, GFUI_FONT_MEDIUM_C, x9, y, GFUI_ALIGN_HR_VB, 0);

		y -= 15;

	if (start > 0) {
		RmPrevRace.prevHdle = prevHdle;
		RmPrevRace.info     = info;
		RmPrevRace.start    = start - MAX_LINES;
		GfuiGrButtonCreate(rmScrHdle, "data/img/arrow-up.png", "data/img/arrow-up.png",
				"data/img/arrow-up.png", "data/img/arrow-up-pushed.png",
				80, 40, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 1,
				(void*)&RmPrevRace, rmChgRaceScreen,
				NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL);
		GfuiAddSKey(rmScrHdle, GLUT_KEY_PAGE_UP,   "Previous Results", (void*)&RmPrevRace, rmChgRaceScreen, NULL);

			/* 210, */

	if (i < nbCars) {
		RmNextRace.prevHdle = prevHdle;
		RmNextRace.info     = info;
		RmNextRace.start    = start + MAX_LINES;
		GfuiGrButtonCreate(rmScrHdle, "data/img/arrow-down.png", "data/img/arrow-down.png",
				"data/img/arrow-down.png", "data/img/arrow-down-pushed.png",
				540, 40, GFUI_ALIGN_HL_VB, 1,
				(void*)&RmNextRace, rmChgRaceScreen,
				NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL, (tfuiCallback)NULL);
		GfuiAddSKey(rmScrHdle, GLUT_KEY_PAGE_DOWN, "Next Results", (void*)&RmNextRace, rmChgRaceScreen, NULL);

	GfuiAddKey(rmScrHdle, (unsigned char)27, "", prevHdle, GfuiScreenReplace, NULL);
	GfuiAddKey(rmScrHdle, (unsigned char)13, "", prevHdle, GfuiScreenReplace, NULL);
	GfuiAddSKey(rmScrHdle, GLUT_KEY_F12, "Take a Screen Shot", NULL, GfuiScreenShot, NULL);
