Exemple #1
 * CheckIsModuleWin32App - check if a given module handle is a win32 app
bool CheckIsModuleWin32App( HMODULE hmod, WORD *win32ds, WORD *win32cs,
                            DWORD *win32initialeip )
    winext_data wedata;
    int         segnum;

    *win32cs = *win32ds = 0;
    ge.dwSize = sizeof( GLOBALENTRY );
    if( !GlobalEntryModule( &ge, hmod, 1 ) ) {
        return( false );
    ReadMem( (WORD)ge.hBlock, 0, (LPVOID) &wedata, sizeof( wedata ) );
    if( memcmp( wedata.sig, win386Sig, sizeof( win386Sig) ) == 0 ||
        memcmp( wedata.sig, win386Sig2, sizeof( win386Sig2) ) == 0 ) {
        if( memcmp( wedata.new_sig, win386Sig, sizeof( win386Sig ) ) == 0 ) {
            segnum = 2;
        } else {
            segnum = 3;
        if( !GlobalEntryModule( &ge, hmod, segnum ) ) {
            return( false );
        ReadMem( (WORD)ge.hBlock, wedata.dataseg_off, (LPVOID)win32ds, sizeof( WORD ) );
        ReadMem( (WORD)ge.hBlock, wedata.stacksize_off, (LPVOID)win32initialeip,
                 sizeof( DWORD ) );
        ReadMem( (WORD)ge.hBlock, wedata.codeinfo_off + 4, (LPVOID)win32cs,
                 sizeof( WORD ) );
        return( true );
    return( false );

} /* CheckIsModuleWin32App */
Exemple #2
 * DIPCliMapAddr
 * Possibilites:
 *  1) We are mapping segments for a 32-bit extended app.  In this case,
 *     we return the segment:offset returned by CheckIsModuleWin32App
 *  2) We are mapping a segment for a 16-bit app that is NOT a load
 *     on call segment.  In this case, GlobalEntryModule works and
 *     we return the value we obtain from it
 *  3) We are mapping a segment for a 16-bit app that IS a load
 *     on call segment.  In this case, GlobalEntryModule FAILS (stupid
 *     f*cking Windows) and so we have to go find it ourselves using
 *     horkyFindSegment.
void DIGCLIENT DIPCliMapAddr( addr_ptr *addr, void *info ) {

    LPVOID      ptr;
    WORD        sel;
    WORD        cs,ds;
    DWORD       off;

    DEBUGOUT( "mapaddr" );
    info = info;
    if( CheckIsModuleWin32App( DTModuleEntry.hModule, &ds, &cs, &off ) ) {
        addr->segment = cs;
        addr->offset = off;
    } else {
        ge.dwSize = sizeof( ge );
        if( !GlobalEntryModule( &ge, DTModuleEntry.hModule, addr->segment ) )
            addr->segment = horkyFindSegment( DTModuleEntry.hModule,
                                              addr->segment );
        ptr = GlobalLock( ge.hBlock );
        GlobalUnlock( ge.hBlock );
        sel = FP_SEG( ptr );
        if( sel == NULL ) {
            sel = (WORD)ge.hBlock + 1;
        addr->segment = sel;
        addr->offset = 0;
Exemple #3
BOOL MyGlobalEntryModule( GLOBALENTRY *ge, HMODULE hmod, WORD seg )

    ge->dwSize = sizeof( GLOBALENTRY );
    return( GlobalEntryModule( ge, hmod, seg ) );

} /* MyGlobalEntryModule */
Exemple #4
 * FlagWin32AppAsDebugged - check if a given module handle is a Win32 application
void FlagWin32AppAsDebugged( HMODULE hmod )
    winext_data wedata;

    ge.dwSize = sizeof( GLOBALENTRY );
    if( !GlobalEntryModule( &ge, hmod, 1 ) ) {
    ReadMem( (WORD)ge.hBlock, 0, (LPVOID)&wedata, sizeof( wedata ) );
    if( !memcmp( wedata.sig, win386Sig, sizeof( win386Sig ) ) ) {
        WriteMem( (WORD)ge.hBlock, 0, win386Sig2, 4 );

} /* FlagWin32AppAsDebugged */
Exemple #5
 * ReqMap_addr
 * Access request to map a segment number to a selector.
 * Possibilites:
 *  1) We are mapping segments for a 32-bit extended app.  In this case,
 *     we return the segment:offset returned by CheckIsModuleWin32App
 *  2) We are mapping a segment for a 16-bit app that is NOT a load
 *     on call segment.  In this case, GlobalEntryModule works and
 *     we return the value we obtain from it
 *  3) We are mapping a segment for a 16-bit app that IS a load
 *     on call segment.  In this case, GlobalEntryModule FAILS (stupid
 *     f*cking Windows) and so we have to go find it ourselves using
 *     horkyFindSegment.  Once horkyFindSegment is done, GlobalEntryModule
 *     will give the right answer, and we return the value we obtain from it.
trap_retval ReqMap_addr( void )
    LPVOID      ptr;
    WORD        sel;
    WORD        cs,ds;
    DWORD       off;
    int         module;
    addr_seg    in_seg;
    map_addr_req        *acc;
    map_addr_ret        *ret;

    acc = GetInPtr( 0 );
    ret = GetOutPtr( 0 );
    ret->out_addr = acc->in_addr;
    ret->lo_bound = 0;
    ret->hi_bound = ~(addr48_off)0;
    module = acc->handle;
    in_seg = acc->in_addr.segment;
    if( CheckIsModuleWin32App( moduleIDs[ module ], &ds, &cs, &off ) ) {
        Out((OUT_MAP,"is 32 bit module"));
        if( in_seg == MAP_FLAT_DATA_SELECTOR ) {
            ret->out_addr.segment = ds;
        } else {
            ret->out_addr.segment = cs;
        ret->out_addr.offset = off;
    } else {
        switch( in_seg ) {
            in_seg = 1;
        ge.dwSize = sizeof( ge );
        if( !GlobalEntryModule( &ge, moduleIDs[ module ], in_seg ) ) {
            if( horkyFindSegment( module, in_seg ) ) {
                if( !GlobalEntryModule( &ge, moduleIDs[ module ], in_seg ) ) {
                    Out((OUT_MAP,"GlobalEntry 2nd time failed" ));
                    return( sizeof( *ret ) );
            } else {
                Out(( OUT_MAP,"Well I'll be! horkyFindSegment failed" ));
                return( sizeof( *ret ) );
        ptr = GlobalLock( ge.hBlock );
        GlobalUnlock( ge.hBlock );
        sel = FP_SEG( ptr );
        if( sel == NULL ) {
            sel = (WORD)ge.hBlock + 1;
        ret->out_addr.segment = sel;
        ret->out_addr.offset = 0;
    ret->out_addr.offset += acc->in_addr.offset;
    if( module == 0 ) {
        Out(( OUT_MAP,"in=%4.4x:%8.8lx out=%4.4x:%8.8lx", acc->in_addr.segment, acc->in_addr.offset, ret->out_addr.segment, ret->out_addr.offset ));
    return( sizeof( *ret ) );