void mixtureKEpsilon<BasicTurbulenceModel>::correct()
    const transportModel& gas = this->transport();
    const twoPhaseSystem& fluid = gas.fluid();

    // Only solve the mixture turbulence for the gas-phase
    if (&gas != &fluid.phase1())
        // This is the liquid phase but check the model for the gas-phase
        // is consistent


    if (!this->turbulence_)

    // Initialise the mixture fields if they have not yet been constructed

    // Local references to gas-phase properties
    const surfaceScalarField& phig = this->phi_;
    const volVectorField& Ug = this->U_;
    const volScalarField& alphag = this->alpha_;
    volScalarField& kg = this->k_;
    volScalarField& epsilong = this->epsilon_;
    volScalarField& nutg = this->nut_;

    // Local references to liquid-phase properties
    mixtureKEpsilon<BasicTurbulenceModel>& liquidTurbulence =
    const surfaceScalarField& phil = liquidTurbulence.phi_;
    const volVectorField& Ul = liquidTurbulence.U_;
    const volScalarField& alphal = liquidTurbulence.alpha_;
    volScalarField& kl = liquidTurbulence.k_;
    volScalarField& epsilonl = liquidTurbulence.epsilon_;
    volScalarField& nutl = liquidTurbulence.nut_;

    // Local references to mixture properties
    volScalarField& rhom = rhom_();
    volScalarField& km = km_();
    volScalarField& epsilonm = epsilonm_();

    eddyViscosity<RASModel<BasicTurbulenceModel> >::correct();

    // Update the effective mixture density
    rhom = this->rhom();

    // Mixture flux
    surfaceScalarField phim("phim", mixFlux(phil, phig));

    // Mixture velocity divergence
    volScalarField divUm
            fvc::div(fvc::absolute(phil, Ul)),
            fvc::div(fvc::absolute(phig, Ug))

    tmp<volScalarField> Gc;
        tmp<volTensorField> tgradUl = fvc::grad(Ul);
        Gc = tmp<volScalarField>
            new volScalarField
                nutl*(tgradUl() && dev(twoSymm(tgradUl())))

        // Update k, epsilon and G at the wall


    tmp<volScalarField> Gd;
        tmp<volTensorField> tgradUg = fvc::grad(Ug);
        Gd = tmp<volScalarField>
            new volScalarField
                nutg*(tgradUg() && dev(twoSymm(tgradUg())))

        // Update k, epsilon and G at the wall


    // Mixture turbulence generation
    volScalarField Gm(mix(Gc, Gd));

    // Mixture turbulence viscosity
    volScalarField nutm(mixU(nutl, nutg));

    // Update the mixture k and epsilon boundary conditions
    km == mix(kl, kg);
    bound(km, this->kMin_);
    epsilonm == mix(epsilonl, epsilong);
    bound(epsilonm, this->epsilonMin_);

    // Dissipation equation
    tmp<fvScalarMatrix> epsEqn
        fvm::ddt(rhom, epsilonm)
      + fvm::div(phim, epsilonm)
      - fvm::Sp(fvc::ddt(rhom) + fvc::div(phim), epsilonm)
      - fvm::laplacian(DepsilonEff(rhom*nutm), epsilonm)
      - fvm::SuSp(((2.0/3.0)*C1_)*rhom*divUm, epsilonm)
      - fvm::Sp(C2_*rhom*epsilonm/km, epsilonm)
      + epsilonSource()



    bound(epsilonm, this->epsilonMin_);

    // Turbulent kinetic energy equation
    tmp<fvScalarMatrix> kmEqn
        fvm::ddt(rhom, km)
      + fvm::div(phim, km)
      - fvm::Sp(fvc::ddt(rhom) + fvc::div(phim), km)
      - fvm::laplacian(DkEff(rhom*nutm), km)
      - fvm::SuSp((2.0/3.0)*rhom*divUm, km)
      - fvm::Sp(rhom*epsilonm/km, km)
      + kSource()

    bound(km, this->kMin_);

    volScalarField Cc2(rhom/(alphal*rholEff() + alphag*rhogEff()*Ct2_()));
    kl = Cc2*km;
    epsilonl = Cc2*epsilonm;

    Ct2_() = Ct2();
    kg = Ct2_()*kl;
    epsilong = Ct2_()*epsilonl;
    nutg = Ct2_()*(liquidTurbulence.nu()/this->nu())*nutl;
UZRectMollerup::tick (const GeometryRect& geo,
		      const std::vector<size_t>& drain_cell,
		      const double drain_water_level,
		      const Soil& soil, 
		      SoilWater& soil_water, const SoilHeat& soil_heat,
		      const Surface& surface, const Groundwater& groundwater,
		      const double dt, Treelog& msg)

  daisy_assert (K_average.get ());
  const size_t edge_size = geo.edge_size (); // number of edges 
  const size_t cell_size = geo.cell_size (); // number of cells 

  // Insert magic here.
  ublas::vector<double> Theta (cell_size); // water content 
  ublas::vector<double> Theta_previous (cell_size); // at start of small t-step
  ublas::vector<double> h (cell_size); // matrix pressure
  ublas::vector<double> h_previous (cell_size); // at start of small timestep
  ublas::vector<double> h_ice (cell_size); // 
  ublas::vector<double> S (cell_size); // sink term
  ublas::vector<double> S_vol (cell_size); // sink term
  ublas::vector<double> S_macro (cell_size);  // sink term
  std::vector<double> S_drain (cell_size, 0.0); // matrix-> macro -> drain flow 
  std::vector<double> S_drain_sum (cell_size, 0.0); // For large timestep
  const std::vector<double> S_matrix (cell_size, 0.0);  // matrix -> macro 
  std::vector<double> S_matrix_sum (cell_size, 0.0); // for large timestep
  ublas::vector<double> T (cell_size); // temperature 
  ublas::vector<double> Kold (edge_size); // old hydraulic conductivity
  ublas::vector<double> Ksum (edge_size); // Hansen hydraulic conductivity
  ublas::vector<double> Kcell (cell_size); // hydraulic conductivity
  ublas::vector<double> Kold_cell (cell_size); // old hydraulic conductivity
  ublas::vector<double> Ksum_cell (cell_size); // Hansen hydraulic conductivity
  ublas::vector<double> h_lysimeter (cell_size);
  std::vector<bool> active_lysimeter (cell_size);
  const std::vector<size_t>& edge_above = geo.cell_edges (Geometry::cell_above);
  const size_t edge_above_size = edge_above.size ();
  ublas::vector<double> remaining_water (edge_above_size);
  std::vector<bool> drain_cell_on (drain_cell.size (),false); 

  for (size_t i = 0; i < edge_above_size; i++)
      const size_t edge = edge_above[i];
      remaining_water (i) = surface.h_top (geo, edge);
  ublas::vector<double> q;	// Accumulated flux
  q = ublas::zero_vector<double> (edge_size);
  ublas::vector<double> dq (edge_size); // Flux in small timestep.
  dq = ublas::zero_vector<double> (edge_size);

  //Make Qmat area diagonal matrix 
  //Note: This only needs to be calculated once... 
  ublas::banded_matrix<double> Qmat (cell_size, cell_size, 0, 0);
  for (int c = 0; c < cell_size; c++)
    Qmat (c, c) = geo.cell_volume (c);
  // make vectors 
  for (size_t cell = 0; cell != cell_size ; ++cell) 
      Theta (cell) = soil_water.Theta (cell);
      h (cell) =  soil_water.h (cell);
      h_ice (cell) = soil_water.h_ice (cell);
      S (cell) =  soil_water.S_sum (cell);
      S_vol (cell) = S (cell) * geo.cell_volume (cell);
      if (use_forced_T)
	T (cell) = forced_T;
	T (cell) = soil_heat.T (cell); 
      h_lysimeter (cell) = geo.zplus (cell) - geo.cell_z (cell);

  // Remember old value.
  Theta_error = Theta;

  // Start time loop 
  double time_left = dt;	// How much of the large time step left.
  double ddt = dt;		// We start with small == large time step.
  int number_of_time_step_reductions = 0;
  int iterations_with_this_time_step = 0;

  int n_small_time_steps = 0;
  while (time_left > 0.0)
      if (ddt > time_left)
	ddt = time_left;

      std::ostringstream tmp_ddt;
      tmp_ddt << "Time t = " << (dt - time_left) 
              << "; ddt = " << ddt
              << "; steps " << n_small_time_steps 
              << "; time left = " << time_left;
      Treelog::Open nest (msg, tmp_ddt.str ());

      if (n_small_time_steps > 0
          && (n_small_time_steps%msg_number_of_small_time_steps) == 0)
          msg.touch ();
          msg.flush ();
      if (n_small_time_steps > max_number_of_small_time_steps) 
          msg.debug ("Too many small timesteps");
          throw "Too many small timesteps";
      // Initialization for each small time step.

      if (debug > 0)
	  std::ostringstream tmp;
	  tmp << "h = " << h << "\n";
	  tmp << "Theta = " << Theta;
	  msg.message (tmp.str ());

      int iterations_used = 0;
      h_previous = h;
      Theta_previous = Theta;

      if (debug == 5)
	  std::ostringstream tmp;
	  tmp << "Remaining water at start: " << remaining_water;
	  msg.message (tmp.str ());

      ublas::vector<double> h_conv;

      for (size_t cell = 0; cell != cell_size ; ++cell)
        active_lysimeter[cell] = h (cell) > h_lysimeter (cell);

      for (size_t edge = 0; edge != edge_size ; ++edge)
          Kold[edge] = find_K_edge (soil, geo, edge, h, h_ice, h_previous, T);
          Ksum [edge] = 0.0;

      std::vector<top_state> state (edge_above.size (), top_undecided);
      // We try harder with smaller timesteps.
      const int max_loop_iter 
        = max_iterations * (number_of_time_step_reductions 
                            * max_iterations_timestep_reduction_factor + 1);
      do // Start iteration loop
	  h_conv = h;

          std::ostringstream tmp_conv;
          tmp_conv << "Convergence " << iterations_used; 
          Treelog::Open nest (msg, tmp_conv.str ());
          if (debug == 7)
            msg.touch ();

	  // Calculate conductivity - The Hansen method
	  for (size_t e = 0; e < edge_size; e++)
              Ksum[e] += find_K_edge (soil, geo, e, h, h_ice, h_previous, T);
              Kedge[e] = (Ksum[e] / (iterations_used  + 0.0)+ Kold[e]) / 2.0;

	  //Initialize diffusive matrix
	  Solver::Matrix diff (cell_size);
	  // diff = ublas::zero_matrix<double> (cell_size, cell_size);
	  diffusion (geo, Kedge, diff);

	  //Initialize gravitational matrix
	  ublas::vector<double> grav (cell_size); //ublass compatibility
	  grav = ublas::zero_vector<double> (cell_size);
	  gravitation (geo, Kedge, grav);

	  // Boundary matrices and vectors
	  ublas::banded_matrix<double>  Dm_mat (cell_size, cell_size, 
                                                0, 0); // Dir bc
	  Dm_mat = ublas::zero_matrix<double> (cell_size, cell_size);
	  ublas::vector<double>  Dm_vec (cell_size); // Dir bc
	  Dm_vec = ublas::zero_vector<double> (cell_size);
	  ublas::vector<double> Gm (cell_size); // Dir bc
	  Gm = ublas::zero_vector<double> (cell_size);
	  ublas::vector<double> B (cell_size); // Neu bc 
	  B = ublas::zero_vector<double> (cell_size);

	  lowerboundary (geo, groundwater, active_lysimeter, h,
                         dq, Dm_mat, Dm_vec, Gm, B, msg);
	  upperboundary (geo, soil, T, surface, state, remaining_water, h,
                         dq, Dm_mat, Dm_vec, Gm, B, ddt, debug, msg, dt);
          Darcy (geo, Kedge, h, dq); //for calculating drain fluxes 

	  //Initialize water capacity  matrix
	  ublas::banded_matrix<double> Cw (cell_size, cell_size, 0, 0);
	  for (size_t c = 0; c < cell_size; c++)
	    Cw (c, c) = soil.Cw2 (c, h[c]);
          std::vector<double> h_std (cell_size);
          //ublas vector -> std vector 
          std::copy(h.begin (), h.end (), h_std.begin ());

          for (size_t cell = 0; cell != cell_size ; ++cell) 
              S_macro (cell) = (S_matrix[cell] + S_drain[cell]) 
                * geo.cell_volume (cell);

	  //Initialize sum matrix
	  Solver::Matrix summat (cell_size);  
	  noalias (summat) = diff + Dm_mat;

	  //Initialize sum vector
	  ublas::vector<double> sumvec (cell_size);  
	  sumvec = grav + B + Gm + Dm_vec - S_vol
            - S_macro

	  // QCw is shorthand for Qmatrix * Cw
	  Solver::Matrix Q_Cw (cell_size);
	  noalias (Q_Cw) = prod (Qmat, Cw);

	  //Initialize A-matrix
	  Solver::Matrix A (cell_size);  
	  noalias (A) = (1.0 / ddt) * Q_Cw - summat;  

	  // Q_Cw_h is shorthand for Qmatrix * Cw * h
	  const ublas::vector<double> Q_Cw_h = prod (Q_Cw, h);

	  //Initialize b-vector
	  ublas::vector<double> b (cell_size);  
	  //b = sumvec + (1.0 / ddt) * (Qmatrix * Cw * h + Qmatrix *(Wxx-Wyy));
	  b = sumvec + (1.0 / ddt) * (Q_Cw_h
				      + prod (Qmat, Theta_previous-Theta));

	  // Force active drains to zero h.
          drain (geo, drain_cell, drain_water_level,
		 h, Theta_previous, Theta, S_vol,
                 dq, ddt, drain_cell_on, A, b, debug, msg);  
          try {
            solver->solve (A, b, h); // Solve Ah=b with regard to h.
          } catch (const char *const error) {
              std::ostringstream tmp;
              tmp << "Could not solve equation system: " << error;
              msg.warning (tmp.str ());
              // Try smaller timestep.
              iterations_used = max_loop_iter + 100;

	  for (int c=0; c < cell_size; c++) // update Theta 
	    Theta (c) = soil.Theta (c, h (c), h_ice (c)); 

	  if (debug > 1)
	      std::ostringstream tmp;
	      tmp << "Time left = " << time_left << ", ddt = " << ddt 
		  << ", iteration = " << iterations_used << "\n";
	      tmp << "B = " << B << "\n";
	      tmp << "h = " << h << "\n";
	      tmp << "Theta = " << Theta;
	      msg.message (tmp.str ());
          for (int c=0; c < cell_size; c++)
              if (h (c) < min_pressure_potential || h (c) > max_pressure_potential)
                  std::ostringstream tmp;
                  tmp << "Pressure potential out of realistic range, h[" 
                      << c << "] = " << h (c);
                  msg.debug (tmp.str ());
                  iterations_used = max_loop_iter + 100;

      while (!converges (h_conv, h) && iterations_used <= max_loop_iter);

      if (iterations_used > max_loop_iter)
	  if (number_of_time_step_reductions > max_time_step_reductions)
              msg.debug ("Could not find solution");
              throw "Could not find solution";

          iterations_with_this_time_step = 0;
	  ddt /= time_step_reduction;
	  h = h_previous;
	  Theta = Theta_previous;
          // Update dq for new h.
	  ublas::banded_matrix<double>  Dm_mat (cell_size, cell_size, 
                                                0, 0); // Dir bc
	  Dm_mat = ublas::zero_matrix<double> (cell_size, cell_size);
	  ublas::vector<double>  Dm_vec (cell_size); // Dir bc
	  Dm_vec = ublas::zero_vector<double> (cell_size);
	  ublas::vector<double> Gm (cell_size); // Dir bc
	  Gm = ublas::zero_vector<double> (cell_size);
	  ublas::vector<double> B (cell_size); // Neu bc 
	  B = ublas::zero_vector<double> (cell_size);
	  lowerboundary (geo, groundwater, active_lysimeter, h,
                         dq, Dm_mat, Dm_vec, Gm, B, msg);
	  upperboundary (geo, soil, T, surface, state, remaining_water, h,
                         dq, Dm_mat, Dm_vec, Gm, B, ddt, debug, msg, dt);
          Darcy (geo, Kedge, h, dq);

          // update macropore flow components 
          for (int c = 0; c < cell_size; c++)
              S_drain_sum[c] += S_drain[c] * ddt/dt;
              S_matrix_sum[c] += S_matrix[c] * ddt/dt;

          std::vector<double> h_std_new (cell_size);
          std::copy(h.begin (), h.end (), h_std_new.begin ());

	  // Update remaining_water.
	  for (size_t i = 0; i < edge_above.size (); i++)
	      const int edge = edge_above[i];
	      const int cell = geo.edge_other (edge, Geometry::cell_above);
	      const double out_sign = (cell == geo.edge_from (edge))
		? 1.0 : -1.0;
	      remaining_water[i] += out_sign * dq (edge) * ddt;
              daisy_assert (std::isfinite (dq (edge)));

	  if (debug == 5)
	      std::ostringstream tmp;
	      tmp << "Remaining water at end: " << remaining_water;
	      msg.message (tmp.str ());

	  // Contribution to large time step.
          daisy_assert (std::isnormal (dt));
          daisy_assert (std::isnormal (ddt));
	  q += dq * ddt / dt;
          for (size_t e = 0; e < edge_size; e++)
              daisy_assert (std::isfinite (dq (e)));
              daisy_assert (std::isfinite (q (e)));
          for (size_t e = 0; e < edge_size; e++)
              daisy_assert (std::isfinite (dq (e)));
              daisy_assert (std::isfinite (q (e)));

	  time_left -= ddt;

	  if (iterations_with_this_time_step > time_step_reduction)
	      iterations_with_this_time_step = 0;
	      ddt *= time_step_reduction;
      // End of small time step.

  // Mass balance.
  // New = Old - S * dt + q_in * dt - q_out * dt + Error =>
  // 0 = Old - New - S * dt + q_in * dt - q_out * dt + Error
  Theta_error -= Theta;         // Old - New
  Theta_error -= S * dt;
  for (size_t c = 0; c < cell_size; c++)
    Theta_error (c) -= (S_matrix_sum[c] + S_drain_sum[c]) * dt;
  for (size_t edge = 0; edge != edge_size; ++edge) 
      const int from = geo.edge_from (edge);
      const int to = geo.edge_to (edge);
      const double flux = q (edge) * geo.edge_area (edge) * dt;
      if (geo.cell_is_internal (from))
        Theta_error (from) -= flux / geo.cell_volume (from);
      if (geo.cell_is_internal (to))
        Theta_error (to) += flux / geo.cell_volume (to);

  // Find drain sink from mass balance.
  std::fill(S_drain.begin (), S_drain.end (), 0.0);
  std::vector<double> S_drain (cell_size);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < drain_cell.size (); i++)
      const size_t cell = drain_cell[i];
      S_drain[cell] = Theta_error (cell) / dt;
      Theta_error (cell) -= S_drain[cell] * dt;

  if (debug == 2)
      double total_error = 0.0;
      double total_abs_error = 0.0;
      double max_error = 0.0;
      int max_cell = -1;
      for (size_t cell = 0; cell != cell_size; ++cell) 
          const double volume = geo.cell_volume (cell);
          const double error = Theta_error (cell);
          total_error += volume * error;
          total_abs_error += std::fabs (volume * error);
          if (std::fabs (error) > std::fabs (max_error))
              max_error = error;
              max_cell = cell;
      std::ostringstream tmp;
      tmp << "Total error = " << total_error << " [cm^3], abs = " 
	  << total_abs_error << " [cm^3], max = " << max_error << " [] in cell " 
	  << max_cell;
      msg.message (tmp.str ());
  // Make it official.
  for (size_t cell = 0; cell != cell_size; ++cell) 
    soil_water.set_content (cell, h (cell), Theta (cell));
  soil_water.add_tertiary_sink (S_matrix_sum);
  soil_water.drain (S_drain_sum, msg);

  for (size_t edge = 0; edge != edge_size; ++edge) 
      daisy_assert (std::isfinite (q[edge]));
      soil_water.set_flux (edge, q[edge]);

  soil_water.drain (S_drain, msg);

  // End of large time step.
// Right-hand side of the Lax-Wendroff discretization:
//      ( q(t+dt) - q(t) )/dt = -F_{x} - G_{y}.
// This routine constructs the 'time-integrated' flux functions F and G using the
// Cauchy-Kowalewski procedure.
// First, consider time derivatives of q
//    q^{n+1} = q^n + dt * (q^n_t + dt/2 * q^n_tt + dt^3/6 q^n_ttt ).
// Formally, these are given by
//   q_{t}    = ( -f(q) )_x + ( -g(q) )_y, 
//   q_{tt}   = ( f'(q) * ( f_x + g_y )_x + ( g'(q) * ( f_x + g_y )_y
//   q_{ttt}  = ...
// Now, considering Taylor expansions of f and g, centered about t = t^n
//  F = f^n + (t-t^n) \dot{f^n} + \cdots
//  G = g^n + (t-t^n) \dot{g^n} + \cdots
// We have the following form, after integrating in time
//  F: = ( f - dt/2 * ( f'(q)*( f_x+g_y ) 
//           + dt^2/6 ( \pd2{f}{q} \cdot (f_x+g_y,f_x+g_y) +
//                        \pd{f}{q} (  f_x + g_y )_t  ) + \cdots
//  G: = ( g - dt/2 * ( g'(q)*( f_x+g_y )
//           + dt^2/6 ( \pd2{g}{q} \cdot (f_x+g_y,f_x+g_y) +
//                        \pd{g}{q} (  f_x + g_y )_t ) + \cdots
// where the final ingredient is
//  (f_x+g_y)_t = \pd2{f}{q} \cdot (q_x, f_x+g_y ) + \pd{f}{q} ( f_xx + g_xy ) +
//                \pd2{g}{q} \cdot (q_y, f_x+g_y ) + \pd{g}{q} ( f_xy + g_yy ).
// At the end of the day, we set
//    L(q) := -F_x - G_y.
// See also: ConstructL.
void LaxWendroff(double dt, 
    const dTensorBC4& aux, const dTensorBC4& q,    // set bndy values modifies these
    dTensorBC4& Lstar, dTensorBC3& smax)

printf("This call hasn't been tested \n");

    if ( !dogParams.get_flux_term() )
    {  return;  }

    const edge_data& edgeData = Legendre2d::get_edgeData();
    const int space_order = dogParams.get_space_order();
    const int mx   = q.getsize(1);
    const int my   = q.getsize(2);
    const int meqn = q.getsize(3);
    const int kmax = q.getsize(4);
    const int mbc  = q.getmbc();
    const int maux = aux.getsize(3);

    // Flux values
    // Space-order = number of quadrature points needed for 1D integration
    // along cell edges.
    dTensorBC4 Fm(mx, my, meqn, space_order, mbc);
    dTensorBC4 Fp(mx, my, meqn, space_order, mbc);
    dTensorBC4 Gm(mx, my, meqn, space_order, mbc);
    dTensorBC4 Gp(mx, my, meqn, space_order, mbc);

    // Flux function
    void FluxFunc(const dTensor2& xpts,
                  const dTensor2& Q,
                  const dTensor2& Aux,
                  dTensor3& flux);

    // Jacobian of the flux function:
    void DFluxFunc(const dTensor2& xpts, 
                   const dTensor2& Q,
                   const dTensor2& Aux, 
                   dTensor4& Dflux );

    // Hessian of the flux function:
    void D2FluxFunc(const dTensor2& xpts, 
                   const dTensor2& Q,
                   const dTensor2& Aux, 
                   dTensor5& D2flux );

    // Riemann solver that relies on the fact that we already have 
    // f(ql) and f(qr) already computed:
    double RiemannSolveLxW(const dTensor1& nvec,
        const dTensor1& xedge,
        const dTensor1& Ql,   const dTensor1& Qr,
        const dTensor1& Auxl, const dTensor1& Auxr,
        const dTensor1& ffl,  const dTensor1& ffr,
        dTensor1& Fl, dTensor1& Fr);

    void LstarExtra(const dTensorBC4*,
            const dTensorBC4*,
    void ArtificialViscosity(const dTensorBC4* aux, 
            const dTensorBC4* q, 
            dTensorBC4* Lstar);

    // Grid information
    const double xlower = dogParamsCart2.get_xlow();
    const double ylower = dogParamsCart2.get_ylow();
    const double dx = dogParamsCart2.get_dx();
    const double dy = dogParamsCart2.get_dy();

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
    // Boundary data:
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
    // TODO - call this routine before calling this function.
//  void SetBndValues(dTensorBC4& q, dTensorBC4& aux);
//  SetBndValues(q, aux);
    // ---------------------------------------------------------

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
    // Part 0: Compute the Lax-Wendroff "flux" function:
    // Here, we include the extra information about time derivatives.
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
    dTensorBC4 F(mx, my, meqn, kmax, mbc);  F.setall(0.);
    dTensorBC4 G(mx, my, meqn, kmax, mbc);  G.setall(0.);
    void L2ProjectLxW( const int mterms, 
        const double alpha, const double beta_dt, const double charlie_dt,
        const int istart, const int iend, 
        const int jstart, const int jend,
        const int QuadOrder,
        const int BasisOrder_auxin,
        const int BasisOrder_fout,    
        const dTensorBC4* qin,
        const dTensorBC4* auxin,
        dTensorBC4* F,
        dTensorBC4* G,
        void FluxFunc (const dTensor2& xpts, 
            const dTensor2& Q, const dTensor2& Aux, dTensor3& flux),
        void DFluxFunc (const dTensor2& xpts, 
            const dTensor2& Q, const dTensor2& aux, dTensor4& Dflux),
        void D2FluxFunc (const dTensor2& xpts, 
            const dTensor2& Q, const dTensor2& aux, dTensor5& D2flux) );
    L2ProjectLxW( 3, 1.0, 0.5*dt, dt*dt/6.0,
        1-mbc, mx+mbc, 1-mbc, my+mbc,
        space_order, space_order, space_order,
        &q, &aux, &F, &G, &FluxFunc, &DFluxFunc, D2FluxFunc );

    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    // Part I: compute source term
    // --------------------------------------------------------- 
    if( dogParams.get_source_term() > 0 )
        // eprintf("error: have not implemented source term for LxW solver.");
        printf("Source term has not been implemented for LxW solver.  Terminating program.");
    Lstar.setall( 0. );

    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    // Part II: compute inter-element interaction fluxes
    //   N = int( F(q,x,t) * phi_x, x ) / dA
    // ---------------------------------------------------------

    // 1-direction: loop over interior edges and solve Riemann problems
    dTensor1 nvec(2);
    nvec.set(1, 1.0e0 );
    nvec.set(2, 0.0e0 );

#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i=(2-mbc); i<=(mx+mbc); i++)

        dTensor1 Ql(meqn),   Qr(meqn);
        dTensor1 ffl(meqn),  ffr(meqn);
        dTensor1 Fl(meqn),   Fr(meqn);
        dTensor1 DFl(meqn),  DFr(meqn);
        dTensor1 Auxl(maux), Auxr(maux);

        dTensor1 xedge(2);

        for (int j=(2-mbc); j<=(my+mbc-1); j++)
            // ell indexes Riemann point along the edge
            for (int ell=1; ell<=space_order; ell++)
                // Riemann data - q and f (from basis functions/q)
                for (int m=1; m<=meqn; m++)
                    Ql.set (m, 0.0 );
                    Qr.set (m, 0.0 );
                    ffl.set(m, 0.0 );
                    ffr.set(m, 0.0 );

                    for (int k=1; k<=kmax; k++)
                        // phi_xl( xi=1.0, eta ), phi_xr( xi=-1.0, eta )
                        Ql.fetch(m)  += edgeData.phi_xl->get(ell,k)*q.get(i-1, j, m, k );
                        Qr.fetch(m)  += edgeData.phi_xr->get(ell,k)*q.get(i,   j, m, k );
                        ffl.fetch(m) += edgeData.phi_xl->get(ell,k)*F.get(i-1, j, m, k );
                        ffr.fetch(m) += edgeData.phi_xr->get(ell,k)*F.get(i,   j, m, k );


                // Riemann data - aux
                for (int m=1; m<=maux; m++)
                    Auxl.set(m, 0.0 );
                    Auxr.set(m, 0.0 );

                    for (int k=1; k<=kmax; k++)
                        Auxl.fetch(m) += edgeData.phi_xl->get(ell,k)*aux.get(i-1, j, m, k);
                        Auxr.fetch(m) += edgeData.phi_xr->get(ell,k)*aux.get(i,   j, m, k);

                // Solve Riemann problem
                xedge.set(1, xlower + (double(i)-1.0)*dx );
                xedge.set(2, ylower + (double(j)-0.5)*dy );

                const double smax_edge = RiemannSolveLxW(
                    nvec, xedge, Ql, Qr, Auxl, Auxr, ffl, ffr, Fl, Fr);

                smax.set(i-1, j, 1, Max(dy*smax_edge,smax.get(i-1, j, 1)) );
                smax.set(i,   j, 1, Max(dy*smax_edge,smax.get(i,   j, 1)) );

                // Construct fluxes
                for (int m=1; m<=meqn; m++)
                    Fm.set(i  , j, m, ell,  Fr.get(m) );
                    Fp.set(i-1, j, m, ell,  Fl.get(m) );

    // 2-direction: loop over interior edges and solve Riemann problems
    nvec.set(1, 0.0e0 );
    nvec.set(2, 1.0e0 );

#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i=(2-mbc); i<=(mx+mbc-1); i++)
        dTensor1  Ql(meqn),   Qr(meqn);
        dTensor1  Fl(meqn),   Fr(meqn);
        dTensor1 ffl(meqn),  ffr(meqn);
        dTensor1 Auxl(maux),Auxr(maux);
        dTensor1 xedge(2);

        for (int j=(2-mbc); j<=(my+mbc); j++)
        for (int ell=1; ell<=space_order; ell++)
            // Riemann data - q
            for (int m=1; m<=meqn; m++)

                Ql.set  (m, 0.0 );
                Qr.set  (m, 0.0 );
                ffl.set (m, 0.0 );
                ffr.set (m, 0.0 );

                for (int k=1; k<=kmax; k++)
                    Ql.fetch(m)  += edgeData.phi_yl->get(ell, k)*q.get(i, j-1, m, k );
                    Qr.fetch(m)  += edgeData.phi_yr->get(ell, k)*q.get(i, j,   m, k );
                    ffl.fetch(m) += edgeData.phi_yl->get(ell, k)*G.get(i, j-1, m, k );
                    ffr.fetch(m) += edgeData.phi_yr->get(ell, k)*G.get(i,   j, m, k );

            // Riemann data - aux
            for (int m=1; m<=maux; m++)
                Auxl.set(m, 0.0 );
                Auxr.set(m, 0.0 );

                for (int k=1; k<=kmax; k++)
                    Auxl.fetch(m) += edgeData.phi_yl->get(ell,k)*aux.get(i,j-1,m,k);
                    Auxr.fetch(m) += edgeData.phi_yr->get(ell,k)*aux.get(i,j,m,k);

            // Solve Riemann problem
            xedge.set(1, xlower + (double(i)-0.5)*dx );
            xedge.set(2, ylower + (double(j)-1.0)*dy );

            const double smax_edge = RiemannSolveLxW(
                nvec, xedge, Ql, Qr, Auxl, Auxr, ffl, ffr, Fl, Fr);

            smax.set(i, j-1, 2,  Max(dx*smax_edge, smax.get(i, j-1, 2)) );
            smax.set(i, j,   2,  Max(dx*smax_edge, smax.get(i, j,   2)) );

            // Construct fluxes
            for (int m=1; m<=meqn; m++)
                Gm.set(i, j,   m, ell, Fr.get(m) );
                Gp.set(i, j-1, m, ell, Fl.get(m) );

    // Compute ``flux differences'' dF and dG    
    const double half_dx_inv = 0.5/dx;
    const double half_dy_inv = 0.5/dy;
    const int mlength = Lstar.getsize(3);   assert_eq( meqn, mlength );

    // Use the four values, Gm, Gp, Fm, Fp to construct the boundary integral:
#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i=(2-mbc); i<=(mx+mbc-1); i++)    
    for (int j=(2-mbc); j<=(my+mbc-1); j++)
    for (int m=1; m<=mlength; m++)
    for (int k=1; k<=kmax; k++)
        // 1-direction: dF
        double F1 = 0.0;
        double F2 = 0.0;
        for (int ell=1; ell<=space_order; ell++)
            F1 = F1 + edgeData.wght_phi_xr->get(ell,k)*Fm.get(i,j,m,ell);
            F2 = F2 + edgeData.wght_phi_xl->get(ell,k)*Fp.get(i,j,m,ell);

        // 2-direction: dG
        double G1 = 0.0;
        double G2 = 0.0;
        for (int ell=1; ell<=space_order; ell++)
            G1 = G1 + edgeData.wght_phi_yr->get(ell,k)*Gm.get(i,j,m,ell);
            G2 = G2 + edgeData.wght_phi_yl->get(ell,k)*Gp.get(i,j,m,ell);

        Lstar.fetch(i,j,m,k) -= (half_dx_inv*(F2-F1) + half_dy_inv*(G2-G1));

    // ---------------------------------------------------------

    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    // Part III: compute intra-element contributions
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    // No need to call this if first-order in space

        dTensorBC4 Ltmp( mx, my, meqn, kmax, mbc );
        void L2ProjectGradAddLegendre(const int istart, 
                const int iend, 
                const int jstart, 
                const int jend,
                const int QuadOrder, 
                const dTensorBC4* F, 
                const dTensorBC4* G, 
                dTensorBC4* fout );
        L2ProjectGradAddLegendre( 1-mbc, mx+mbc, 1-mbc, my+mbc,
            space_order, &F, &G, &Lstar );

    // ---------------------------------------------------------  

    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    // Part IV: add extra contributions to Lstar
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    // Call LstarExtra
    // ---------------------------------------------------------

    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    // Part V: artificial viscosity limiter
    // ---------------------------------------------------------  
    if (dogParams.get_space_order()>1  &&
    {  ArtificialViscosity(&aux,&q,&Lstar);  }
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
