Exemple #1
static void MakeBackground(GraphicsDevice *g, int buildTables)
	if (buildTables)
		// Automatically pan camera to middle of screen
		Mission *m = gMission.missionData;
		Vec2i focusTile = Vec2iScaleDiv(m->Size, 2);
		// Better yet, if the map has a known start position, focus on that
		if (m->Type == MAPTYPE_STATIC &&
			!Vec2iEqual(m->u.Static.Start, Vec2iZero()))
			focusTile = m->u.Static.Start;
		camera = Vec2iCenterOfTile(focusTile);

	// Clear background first
	for (int i = 0; i < GraphicsGetScreenSize(&g->cachedConfig); i++)
		g->buf[i] = PixelFromColor(g, colorBlack);
	GrafxDrawExtra extra;
	extra.guideImage = brush.GuideImageSurface;
	extra.guideImageAlpha = brush.GuideImageAlpha;

	DrawBufferInit(&sDrawBuffer, Vec2iNew(X_TILES, Y_TILES), &gGraphicsDevice);
		g, &sDrawBuffer, &gCampaign, &gMission, &gMap,
		tintNone, 1, buildTables, camera, &extra);
Exemple #2
void ClearScreen(GraphicsDevice *g)
	color_t color = { 32, 32, 60, 255 };
	const Uint32 pixel = COLOR2PIXEL(color);
	for (int i = 0; i < GraphicsGetScreenSize(&g->cachedConfig); i++)
		g->buf[i] = pixel;
Exemple #3
void ClearScreen(GraphicsDevice *g)
	color_t color = { 32, 32, 60, 255 };
	Uint32 pixel = PixelFromColor(&gGraphicsDevice, color);
	for (int i = 0; i < GraphicsGetScreenSize(&g->cachedConfig); i++)
		g->buf[i] = pixel;
Exemple #4
static void Display(GraphicsDevice *g, int yc, HandleInputResult result)
	char s[128];
	int y = 5;
	int i;
	int w = g->cachedConfig.Res.x;
	int h = g->cachedConfig.Res.y;
	Mission *mission = CampaignGetCurrentMission(&gCampaign);

	if (mission)
		// Re-make the background if the resolution has changed
		if (gEventHandlers.HasResolutionChanged)
			MakeBackground(g, 0);
		if (result.RemakeBg || brush.IsGuideImageNew)
			// Clear background first
			for (i = 0; i < GraphicsGetScreenSize(&g->cachedConfig); i++)
				g->buf[i] = PixelFromColor(g, colorBlack);
			brush.IsGuideImageNew = false;
			GrafxDrawExtra extra;
			extra.guideImage = brush.GuideImageSurface;
			extra.guideImageAlpha = brush.GuideImageAlpha;
			GrafxDrawBackground(g, &sDrawBuffer, tintNone, camera, &extra);

		// Draw brush highlight tiles
		if (brush.IsActive && IsBrushPosValid(brush.Pos, mission))
		for (i = 0; i < (int)brush.HighlightedTiles.size; i++)
			Vec2i *pos = CArrayGet(&brush.HighlightedTiles, i);
			Vec2i screenPos = GetScreenPos(*pos);
			if (screenPos.x >= 0 && screenPos.x < w &&
				screenPos.y >= 0 && screenPos.y < h)
					screenPos, Vec2iNew(TILE_WIDTH, TILE_HEIGHT),
					colorWhite, DRAW_FLAG_LINE);

			s, "Mission %d/%d",
			gCampaign.MissionIndex + 1, (int)gCampaign.Setting.Missions.size);
			s, g, Vec2iNew(270, y),
			yc == YC_MISSIONINDEX ? colorRed : colorWhite);
		if (brush.LastPos.x)
			sprintf(s, "(%d, %d)", brush.Pos.x, brush.Pos.y);
			TextString(&gTextManager, s, g, Vec2iNew(w - 40, h - 16));
		if (gCampaign.Setting.Missions.size)
			sprintf(s, "End/%d", (int)gCampaign.Setting.Missions.size);
				s, g, Vec2iNew(270, y),
				yc == YC_MISSIONINDEX ? colorRed : colorWhite);

	if (fileChanged)
		DrawTPic(10, y, PicManagerGetOldPic(&gPicManager, 221));

		"Press F1 for help", g, Vec2iNew(20, h - 20 - CDogsTextHeight()));

	y = 150;

		sObjs, g, Vec2iZero(), gEventHandlers.mouse.currentPos, &sDrawObjs);

	if (result.WillDisplayAutomap && mission)
		AutomapDraw(AUTOMAP_FLAGS_SHOWALL, true);
		if (sTooltipObj && sTooltipObj->Tooltip)
				g, gEventHandlers.mouse.currentPos, sTooltipObj->Tooltip);
	BlitFlip(g, &gConfig.Graphics);
Exemple #5
int GraphicsGetMemSize(GraphicsConfig *config)
    return GraphicsGetScreenSize(config) * sizeof(Uint32);
Exemple #6
void CameraDraw(
	Camera *camera, const input_device_e pausingDevice,
	const bool controllerUnplugged)
	Vec2i centerOffset = Vec2iZero();
	const int numLocalPlayersAlive =
		GetNumPlayers(PLAYER_ALIVE_OR_DYING, false, true);
	const int numLocalPlayers = GetNumPlayers(PLAYER_ANY, false, true);
	const int w = gGraphicsDevice.cachedConfig.Res.x;
	const int h = gGraphicsDevice.cachedConfig.Res.y;

	for (int i = 0; i < GraphicsGetScreenSize(&gGraphicsDevice.cachedConfig); i++)
		gGraphicsDevice.buf[i] = COLOR2PIXEL(colorBlack);

	const Vec2i noise = ScreenShakeGetDelta(camera->shake);

	if (numLocalPlayersAlive == 0)
		// Count the number of local players with lives left
		// If there are none, then try to spectate if there are remote players
		int firstRemotePlayerUID = -1;
		bool hasLocalPlayerLives = false;
		CA_FOREACH(const PlayerData, p, gPlayerDatas)
			if (p->Lives > 0)
				if (p->IsLocal)
					hasLocalPlayerLives = true;
					firstRemotePlayerUID = p->UID;
		if (!hasLocalPlayerLives)
			if (camera->spectateMode == SPECTATE_NONE)
				// Enter spectator mode
				// If there are remote players, follow them
				if (firstRemotePlayerUID != -1)
					camera->spectateMode = SPECTATE_FOLLOW;
					camera->FollowPlayerUID = firstRemotePlayerUID;
					// Free-look mode
					camera->spectateMode = SPECTATE_FREE;
			// Don't spectate
			camera->spectateMode = SPECTATE_NONE;
		if (camera->spectateMode == SPECTATE_FOLLOW)
			FollowPlayer(&camera->lastPosition, camera->FollowPlayerUID);
			X_TILES, noise, centerOffset);
Exemple #7
static void Display(CampaignSettingNew *setting, int idx, int xc, int yc)
	int x, y = 10;
	char s[50];
	const Character *b;
	int i;
	int tag;

	for (i = 0; i < GraphicsGetScreenSize(&gGraphicsDevice.cachedConfig); i++)
		gGraphicsDevice.buf[i] = LookupPalette(74);

	sprintf(s, "%d", setting->characters.otherCount);
	CDogsTextStringAt(10, 190, s);

	if (idx >= 0 && idx < setting->characters.otherCount)
		b = &setting->characters.others[idx];
		DisplayCDogsText(30, y, "Face", yc == YC_APPEARANCE && xc == XC_FACE);
		DisplayCDogsText(60, y, "Skin", yc == YC_APPEARANCE && xc == XC_SKIN);
		DisplayCDogsText(90, y, "Hair", yc == YC_APPEARANCE && xc == XC_HAIR);
		DisplayCDogsText(120, y, "Body", yc == YC_APPEARANCE && xc == XC_BODY);
		DisplayCDogsText(150, y, "Arms", yc == YC_APPEARANCE && xc == XC_ARMS);
		DisplayCDogsText(180, y, "Legs", yc == YC_APPEARANCE && xc == XC_LEGS);
		y += CDogsTextHeight();

		sprintf(s, "Speed: %d%%", (100 * b->speed) / 256);
		DisplayCDogsText(20, y, s, yc == YC_ATTRIBUTES && xc == XC_SPEED);
		sprintf(s, "Hp: %d", b->maxHealth);
		DisplayCDogsText(70, y, s, yc == YC_ATTRIBUTES && xc == XC_HEALTH);
		sprintf(s, "Move: %d%%", b->bot.probabilityToMove);
		DisplayCDogsText(120, y, s, yc == YC_ATTRIBUTES && xc == XC_MOVE);
		sprintf(s, "Track: %d%%", b->bot.probabilityToTrack);
		DisplayCDogsText(170, y, s, yc == YC_ATTRIBUTES && xc == XC_TRACK);
		sprintf(s, "Shoot: %d%%", b->bot.probabilityToShoot);
		DisplayCDogsText(220, y, s, yc == YC_ATTRIBUTES && xc == XC_SHOOT);
		sprintf(s, "Delay: %d", b->bot.actionDelay);
		DisplayCDogsText(270, y, s, yc == YC_ATTRIBUTES && xc == XC_DELAY);
		y += CDogsTextHeight();

		DisplayFlag(5, y, "Asbestos",
			    (b->flags & FLAGS_ASBESTOS) != 0,
			    yc == YC_FLAGS && xc == XC_ASBESTOS);
		DisplayFlag(50, y, "Immunity",
			    (b->flags & FLAGS_IMMUNITY) != 0,
			    yc == YC_FLAGS && xc == XC_IMMUNITY);
		DisplayFlag(95, y, "C-thru",
			    (b->flags & FLAGS_SEETHROUGH) != 0,
			    yc == YC_FLAGS && xc == XC_SEETHROUGH);
		DisplayFlag(140, y, "Run-away",
			    (b->flags & FLAGS_RUNS_AWAY) != 0,
			    yc == YC_FLAGS && xc == XC_RUNS_AWAY);
		DisplayFlag(185, y, "Sneaky",
			    (b->flags & FLAGS_SNEAKY) != 0, yc == YC_FLAGS
			    && xc == XC_SNEAKY);
		DisplayFlag(230, y, "Good guy",
			    (b->flags & FLAGS_GOOD_GUY) != 0,
			    yc == YC_FLAGS && xc == XC_GOOD_GUY);
		DisplayFlag(275, y, "Asleep",
			    (b->flags & FLAGS_SLEEPALWAYS) != 0,
			    yc == YC_FLAGS && xc == XC_SLEEPING);
		y += CDogsTextHeight();

		DisplayFlag(5, y, "Prisoner",
			    (b->flags & FLAGS_PRISONER) != 0,
			    yc == YC_FLAGS2 && xc == XC_PRISONER);
		DisplayFlag(50, y, "Invuln.",
			    (b->flags & FLAGS_INVULNERABLE) != 0,
			    yc == YC_FLAGS2 && xc == XC_INVULNERABLE);
		DisplayFlag(95, y, "Follower",
			    (b->flags & FLAGS_FOLLOWER) != 0,
			    yc == YC_FLAGS2 && xc == XC_FOLLOWER);
		DisplayFlag(140, y, "Penalty",
			    (b->flags & FLAGS_PENALTY) != 0,
			    yc == YC_FLAGS2 && xc == XC_PENALTY);
		DisplayFlag(185, y, "Victim",
			    (b->flags & FLAGS_VICTIM) != 0, yc == YC_FLAGS2
			    && xc == XC_VICTIM);
		DisplayFlag(230, y, "Awake",
			    (b->flags & FLAGS_AWAKEALWAYS) != 0,
			    yc == YC_FLAGS2 && xc == XC_AWAKE);
		y += CDogsTextHeight();

		DisplayCDogsText(50, y, GunGetName(b->gun), yc == YC_WEAPON);
		y += CDogsTextHeight() + 5;

		x = 10;
		for (i = 0; i < setting->characters.otherCount; i++)
				x, y + 20, &setting->characters.others[i], idx == i, 0);
			x += 20;
			if (x > gGraphicsDevice.cachedConfig.ResolutionWidth)
				x = 10;
				y += 30;

	if (MouseTryGetRectTag(&gInputDevices.mouse, &tag))
		int mouseYc = tag & 0xFF;
		int mouseXc = (tag & 0xFF00) >> 8;
		Vec2i tooltipPos = Vec2iAdd(
			gInputDevices.mouse.currentPos, Vec2iNew(10, 10));
		DrawTooltips(&gGraphicsDevice, tooltipPos, yc, xc, mouseYc, mouseXc);