/* ------- begin -------------------------- init_hdf5_indata.c --- */ void init_hdf5_indata_new(void) /* Creates the netCDF file for the input data */ { const char routineName[] = "init_hdf5_indata_new"; int i, PRD_angle_dep; double *eweight, *eabund, *x, *y; /* This value is harcoded for efficiency. Maximum number of iterations ever needed */ int NMaxIter = 1500; hid_t plist, ncid, file_dspace, ncid_input, ncid_atmos, ncid_mpi; hsize_t dims[4]; bool_t XRD; char startJ[MAX_LINE_SIZE], StokesMode[MAX_LINE_SIZE], angleSet[MAX_LINE_SIZE]; /* Create the file */ if (( plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS )) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Pset_fapl_mpio(plist, mpi.comm, mpi.info) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( ncid = H5Fcreate(INPUTDATA_FILE, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, plist) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Pclose(plist) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); /* Create groups */ if (( ncid_input = H5Gcreate(ncid, "/input", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( ncid_atmos = H5Gcreate(ncid, "/atmos", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( ncid_mpi = H5Gcreate(ncid, "/mpi", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); /* --- Definitions for the root group --- */ /* dimensions as attributes */ if (( H5LTset_attribute_int(ncid, "/", "nx", &mpi.nx, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_int(ncid, "/", "ny", &mpi.ny, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_int(ncid, "/", "nz", (int *) &infile.nz, 1 )) < 0) HERR(routineName); /* attributes */ if (( H5LTset_attribute_string(ncid, "/", "atmosID", atmos.ID)) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_string(ncid, "/", "rev_id", mpi.rev_id) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); /* --- Definitions for the INPUT group --- */ /* attributes */ if ( atmos.NPRDactive > 0) PRD_angle_dep = input.PRD_angle_dep; else PRD_angle_dep=0; XRD = (input.XRD && atmos.NPRDactive > 0); if (( H5LTset_attribute_uchar(ncid_input, ".", "Magneto_optical", (unsigned char *) &input.magneto_optical, 1)) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_uchar(ncid_input, ".", "PRD_angle_dep", (unsigned char *) &PRD_angle_dep, 1)) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_uchar(ncid_input, ".", "XRD", (unsigned char *) &XRD, 1)) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_uchar(ncid_input, ".", "Background_polarization", (unsigned char *) &input.backgr_pol, 1)) < 0) HERR(routineName); switch (input.startJ) { case UNKNOWN: strcpy(startJ, "Unknown"); break; case LTE_POPULATIONS: strcpy(startJ, "LTE_POPULATIONS"); break; case ZERO_RADIATION: strcpy(startJ, "ZERO_RADIATION"); break; case OLD_POPULATIONS: strcpy(startJ, "OLD_POPULATIONS"); break; case ESCAPE_PROBABILITY: strcpy(startJ, "ESCAPE_PROBABILITY"); break; case NEW_J: strcpy(startJ, "NEW_J"); break; case OLD_J: strcpy(startJ, "OLD_J"); break; } if (( H5LTset_attribute_string(ncid_input, ".", "Start_J", startJ)) < 0) HERR(routineName); switch (input.StokesMode) { case NO_STOKES: strcpy(StokesMode, "NO_STOKES"); break; case FIELD_FREE: strcpy(StokesMode, "FIELD_FREE"); break; case POLARIZATION_FREE: strcpy(StokesMode, "POLARIZATION_FREE"); break; case FULL_STOKES: strcpy(StokesMode, "FULL_STOKES"); break; } if (( H5LTset_attribute_string(ncid_input, ".", "Stokes_mode", StokesMode) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); switch (atmos.angleSet.set) { case SET_VERTICAL: strcpy(angleSet, "SET_VERTICAL"); break; case SET_GL: strcpy(angleSet, "SET_GL"); break; case SET_A2: strcpy(angleSet, "SET_A2"); break; case SET_A4: strcpy(angleSet, "SET_A4"); break; case SET_A6: strcpy(angleSet, "SET_A6"); break; case SET_A8: strcpy(angleSet, "SET_A8"); break; case SET_B4: strcpy(angleSet, "SET_B4"); break; case SET_B6: strcpy(angleSet, "SET_B6"); break; case SET_B8: strcpy(angleSet, "SET_B8"); break; case NO_SET: strcpy(angleSet, "NO_SET"); break; } if (( H5LTset_attribute_string(ncid_input, ".", "Angle_set", angleSet) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_string(ncid_input, ".", "Atmos_file", input.atmos_input) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_string(ncid_input, ".", "Abundances_file", input.abund_input) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_string(ncid_input, ".", "Kurucz_PF_data", input.pfData) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_double(ncid_input, ".", "Iteration_limit", &input.iterLimit, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_double(ncid_input, ".", "PRD_Iteration_limit", &input.PRDiterLimit, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_int(ncid_input, ".", "N_max_iter", &input.NmaxIter, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_int(ncid_input, ".", "Ng_delay", &input.Ngdelay, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_int(ncid_input, ".", "Ng_order", &input.Ngorder, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_int(ncid_input, ".", "Ng_period", &input.Ngperiod, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_int(ncid_input, ".", "PRD_N_max_iter", &input.PRD_NmaxIter, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_int(ncid_input, ".", "PRD_Ng_delay", &input.PRD_Ngdelay, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_int(ncid_input, ".", "PRD_Ng_order", &input.PRD_Ngorder, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_int(ncid_input, ".", "PRD_Ng_period", &input.PRD_Ngperiod, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_double(ncid_input, ".", "Metallicity", &input.metallicity, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_double(ncid_input, ".", "Lambda_reference", &atmos.lambda_ref, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); /* --- Definitions for the ATMOS group --- */ /* dimensions */ if (( H5LTset_attribute_int(ncid_atmos, ".", "nhydr", &atmos.H->Nlevel, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_int(ncid_atmos, ".", "nelements", &atmos.Nelem, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_int(ncid_atmos, ".", "nrays", &geometry.Nrays, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); /* variables*/ dims[0] = mpi.nx; dims[1] = mpi.ny; dims[2] = infile.nz; if (( file_dspace = H5Screate_simple(3, dims, NULL) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Pset_fill_value(plist, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, &FILLVALUE) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Pset_alloc_time(plist, H5D_ALLOC_TIME_EARLY) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Pset_fill_time(plist, H5D_FILL_TIME_ALLOC) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.in_atmos_T = H5Dcreate(ncid_atmos, "temperature", H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, file_dspace, H5P_DEFAULT, plist, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.in_atmos_vz = H5Dcreate(ncid_atmos, "velocity_z", H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, file_dspace, H5P_DEFAULT, plist, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.in_atmos_z = H5Dcreate(ncid_atmos, "height", H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, file_dspace, H5P_DEFAULT, plist, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Pclose(plist) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Sclose(file_dspace) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); /* --- Write some data that does not depend on xi, yi, ATMOS group --- */ /* arrays of number of elements */ eweight = (double *) malloc(atmos.Nelem * sizeof(double)); eabund = (double *) malloc(atmos.Nelem * sizeof(double)); for (i=0; i < atmos.Nelem; i++) { eweight[i] = atmos.elements[i].weight; eabund[i] = atmos.elements[i].abund; } dims[0] = atmos.Nelem; if (( H5LTmake_dataset(ncid_atmos, "element_weight", 1, dims, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, eweight) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTmake_dataset(ncid_atmos, "element_abundance", 1, dims, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, eabund) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); /* Not writing element_id for now dims[1] = strlen; if (( H5LTmake_dataset(ncid_atmos, "element_id", 2, dims, H5T_C_S1, eID) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); */ free(eweight); free(eabund); dims[0] = geometry.Nrays; if (( H5LTmake_dataset(ncid_atmos, "muz", 1, dims, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, geometry.muz) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTmake_dataset(ncid_atmos, "wmu", 1, dims, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, geometry.wmu) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); x = (double *) malloc(mpi.nx * sizeof(double)); y = (double *) malloc(mpi.ny * sizeof(double)); for (i=0; i < mpi.nx; i++) x[i] = infile.x[mpi.xnum[i]]; for (i=0; i < mpi.ny; i++) y[i] = infile.y[mpi.ynum[i]]; dims[0] = mpi.nx; if (( H5LTmake_dataset(ncid_atmos, "x", 1, dims, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, x) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); dims[0] = mpi.ny; if (( H5LTmake_dataset(ncid_atmos, "y", 1, dims, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, y) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); free(x); free(y); /* attributes */ if (( H5LTset_attribute_uchar(ncid_atmos, ".", "moving", (unsigned char *) &atmos.moving, 1)) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_uchar(ncid_atmos, ".", "stokes", (unsigned char *) &atmos.Stokes, 1)) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_string(ncid_atmos, "temperature", "units", "K") ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_string(ncid_atmos, "velocity_z", "units", "m s^-1") ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_string(ncid_atmos, "height", "units", "m") ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_string(ncid_atmos, "element_weight", "units", "atomic_mass_units") ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_string(ncid_atmos, "x", "units", "m") ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_string(ncid_atmos, "y", "units", "m") ) < 0) HERR(routineName); /* --- Definitions for the MPI group --- */ /* dimensions */ if (( H5LTset_attribute_int(ncid_mpi, ".", "nprocesses", &mpi.size, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_int(ncid_mpi, ".", "niterations", &NMaxIter, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); /* variables*/ dims[0] = mpi.nx; if (( H5LTmake_dataset(ncid_mpi, XNUM_NAME, 1, dims, H5T_NATIVE_INT, mpi.xnum) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); dims[0] = mpi.ny; if (( H5LTmake_dataset(ncid_mpi, YNUM_NAME, 1, dims, H5T_NATIVE_INT, mpi.ynum) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); dims[0] = mpi.nx; dims[1] = mpi.ny; if (( file_dspace = H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Pset_fill_value(plist, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, &FILLVALUE) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Pset_alloc_time(plist, H5D_ALLOC_TIME_EARLY) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Pset_fill_time(plist, H5D_FILL_TIME_ALLOC) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.in_mpi_tm = H5Dcreate(ncid_mpi, TASK_MAP, H5T_NATIVE_LONG, file_dspace, H5P_DEFAULT, plist, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.in_mpi_tn = H5Dcreate(ncid_mpi, TASK_NUMBER, H5T_NATIVE_LONG, file_dspace, H5P_DEFAULT, plist, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.in_mpi_it = H5Dcreate(ncid_mpi, ITER_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_LONG, file_dspace, H5P_DEFAULT, plist, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.in_mpi_conv = H5Dcreate(ncid_mpi, CONV_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_LONG, file_dspace, H5P_DEFAULT, plist, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.in_mpi_dm = H5Dcreate(ncid_mpi, DM_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, file_dspace, H5P_DEFAULT, plist, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.in_mpi_zc = H5Dcreate(ncid_mpi, ZC_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, file_dspace, H5P_DEFAULT, plist, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Pclose(plist) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Sclose(file_dspace) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); dims[0] = mpi.nx; dims[1] = mpi.ny; dims[2] = NMaxIter; if (( file_dspace = H5Screate_simple(3, dims, NULL) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Pset_fill_value(plist, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, &FILLVALUE) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Pset_alloc_time(plist, H5D_ALLOC_TIME_EARLY) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Pset_fill_time(plist, H5D_FILL_TIME_ALLOC) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.in_mpi_dmh = H5Dcreate(ncid_mpi, DMH_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, file_dspace, H5P_DEFAULT, plist, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Pclose(plist) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Sclose(file_dspace) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); /* attributes */ if (( H5LTset_attribute_int(ncid_mpi, ".", "x_start", &input.p15d_x0, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_int(ncid_mpi, ".", "x_end", &input.p15d_x1, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_int(ncid_mpi, ".", "x_step", &input.p15d_xst, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_int(ncid_mpi, ".", "y_start", &input.p15d_y0, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_int(ncid_mpi, ".", "y_end", &input.p15d_y1, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5LTset_attribute_int(ncid_mpi, ".", "y_step", &input.p15d_yst, 1) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); /* Tiago: most of the arrays involving Ntasks or rank as index are not currently being written. They should eventually be migrated into arrays of [ix, iy] and be written for each task. This is to avoid causing problems with pool mode, where these quantities are not known from the start. */ /* Flush ensures file is created in case of crash */ if (( H5Fflush(ncid, H5F_SCOPE_LOCAL) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); /* --- Copy stuff to the IO data struct --- */ io.in_ncid = ncid; io.in_input_ncid = ncid_input; io.in_atmos_ncid = ncid_atmos; io.in_mpi_ncid = ncid_mpi; return; }
static herr_t make_attributes( hid_t loc_id, const char* obj_name ) { int rank_out; hsize_t *dims_out = 0; H5T_class_t type_class; size_t type_size; int i; char attr_str_in[] = {"My attribute"}; char attr_str_out[20]; char attr_char_in[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; char attr_char_out[5]; short attr_short_in[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; short attr_short_out[5]; int attr_int_in[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; int attr_int_out[5]; long attr_long_in[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; long attr_long_out[5]; float attr_float_in[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; float attr_float_out[5]; double attr_double_in[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; double attr_double_out[5]; unsigned char attr_uchar_in[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; unsigned char attr_uchar_out[5]; unsigned short attr_ushort_in[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; unsigned short attr_ushort_out[5]; unsigned int attr_uint_in[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; unsigned int attr_uint_out[5]; unsigned long attr_ulong_in[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; unsigned long attr_ulong_out[5]; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_string test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTset_attribute_string"); /* Set the attribute */ if ( H5LTset_attribute_string( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR1_NAME, attr_str_in ) < 0 ) return -1; PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_string test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_string"); /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute_string( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR1_NAME, attr_str_out ) < 0 ) return -1; if ( strcmp( attr_str_in, attr_str_out ) != 0 ) { return -1; } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_char test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTset_attribute_char"); /* Set the attribute */ if ( H5LTset_attribute_char( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR2_NAME, attr_char_in, (size_t)5 ) < 0 ) return -1; PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_char test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_char"); /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute_char( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR2_NAME, attr_char_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_char_in[i] != attr_char_out[i] ) { return -1; } } /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR2_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_CHAR, attr_char_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_char_in[i] != attr_char_out[i] ) { return -1; } } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_short test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTset_attribute_short"); /* Set the attribute */ if ( H5LTset_attribute_short( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR3_NAME, attr_short_in, (size_t)5 ) < 0 ) return -1; PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_short test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_short"); /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute_short( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR3_NAME, attr_short_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_short_in[i] != attr_short_out[i] ) { return -1; } } /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR3_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_SHORT, attr_short_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_short_in[i] != attr_short_out[i] ) { return -1; } } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_int test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTset_attribute_int"); /* Set the attribute */ if ( H5LTset_attribute_int( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR4_NAME, attr_int_in, (size_t)5 ) < 0 ) return -1; PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_int test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_int"); /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute_int( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR4_NAME, attr_int_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_int_in[i] != attr_int_out[i] ) { return -1; } } /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR4_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, attr_int_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_int_in[i] != attr_int_out[i] ) { return -1; } } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_long test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTset_attribute_long"); /* Set the attribute */ if ( H5LTset_attribute_long( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR5_NAME, attr_long_in, (size_t)5 ) < 0 ) return -1; PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_long test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_long"); /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute_long( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR5_NAME, attr_long_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_long_in[i] != attr_long_out[i] ) { return -1; } } /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR5_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_LONG, attr_long_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_long_in[i] != attr_long_out[i] ) { return -1; } } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_uchar test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTset_attribute_uchar"); /* Set the attribute */ if ( H5LTset_attribute_uchar( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR6_NAME, attr_uchar_in, (size_t)5 ) < 0 ) return -1; PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_uchar test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_uchar"); /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute_uchar( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR6_NAME, attr_uchar_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_uchar_in[i] != attr_uchar_out[i] ) { return -1; } } /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR6_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_UCHAR, attr_uchar_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_uchar_in[i] != attr_uchar_out[i] ) { return -1; } } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_ushort test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTset_attribute_ushort"); /* Set the attribute */ if ( H5LTset_attribute_ushort( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR7_NAME, attr_ushort_in, (size_t)5 ) < 0 ) return -1; PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_ushort test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_ushort"); /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute_ushort( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR7_NAME, attr_ushort_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_ushort_in[i] != attr_ushort_out[i] ) { return -1; } } /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR7_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_USHORT, attr_ushort_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_ushort_in[i] != attr_ushort_out[i] ) { return -1; } } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_int test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTset_attribute_uint"); /* Set the attribute */ if ( H5LTset_attribute_uint( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR8_NAME, attr_uint_in, (size_t)5 ) < 0 ) return -1; PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_int test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_uint"); /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute_uint( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR8_NAME, attr_uint_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_uint_in[i] != attr_uint_out[i] ) { return -1; } } /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR8_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_UINT, attr_uint_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_uint_in[i] != attr_uint_out[i] ) { return -1; } } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_ulong test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTset_attribute_ulong"); /* Set the attribute */ if ( H5LTset_attribute_ulong( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR9_NAME, attr_ulong_in, (size_t)5 ) < 0 ) return -1; PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_long test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_ulong"); /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute_ulong( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR9_NAME, attr_ulong_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_ulong_in[i] != attr_ulong_out[i] ) { return -1; } } /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR9_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_ULONG, attr_ulong_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_ulong_in[i] != attr_ulong_out[i] ) { return -1; } } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_float test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTset_attribute_float"); /* Set the attribute */ if ( H5LTset_attribute_float( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR10_NAME, attr_float_in, (size_t)5 ) < 0 ) return -1; PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_float test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_float"); /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute_float( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR10_NAME, attr_float_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_float_in[i] != attr_float_out[i] ) { return -1; } } /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR10_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, attr_float_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_float_in[i] != attr_float_out[i] ) { return -1; } } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_double test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTset_attribute_double"); /* Set the attribute */ if ( H5LTset_attribute_double( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR11_NAME, attr_double_in, (size_t)5 ) < 0 ) return -1; PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_double test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_double"); /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute_double( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR11_NAME, attr_double_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_double_in[i] != attr_double_out[i] ) { return -1; } } /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR11_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, attr_double_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_double_in[i] != attr_double_out[i] ) { return -1; } } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_ndims test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_ndims"); if ( H5LTget_attribute_ndims( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR2_NAME, &rank_out ) < 0 ) return -1; if ( rank_out != 1 ) { return -1; } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_info test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_info"); dims_out = (hsize_t*) malloc( sizeof(hsize_t) * rank_out ); if ( H5LTget_attribute_info( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR2_NAME, dims_out, &type_class, &type_size) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < rank_out; i++) { if ( dims_out[i] != 5 ) { return -1; } } if ( type_class != H5T_INTEGER ) { return -1; } if ( dims_out ) free( dims_out ); PASSED(); return 0; }