Exemple #1
sz_params* H5Z_SZ_Init_Default()
	herr_t ret = H5Zregister(H5Z_SZ);	
	sz_params* conf_params = (sz_params *)malloc(sizeof(sz_params));
	confparams_cpr->quantization_intervals = 0;
	confparams_cpr->max_quant_intervals = 65536;
    dataEndianType = LITTLE_ENDIAN_DATA;
    confparams_cpr->sol_ID = SZ;
    //confparams_cpr->layers = 1;
    confparams_cpr->sampleDistance = 100;
    confparams_cpr->predThreshold = 0.99;
    //confparams_cpr->offset = 0;
    confparams_cpr->szMode = SZ_BEST_COMPRESSION;
    confparams_cpr->gzipMode = 1; //best speed
    confparams_cpr->errorBoundMode = REL; //details about errorBoundMode can be found in sz.config
    confparams_cpr->absErrBound = 1E-4;
    confparams_cpr->relBoundRatio = 1E-3;
    confparams_cpr->pw_relBoundRatio = 1E-4;
    confparams_cpr->segment_size = 32;
    confparams_cpr->pwr_type = SZ_PWR_AVG_TYPE;	
	int status = SZ_Init_Params(conf_params);
	if(status == SZ_NSCS || ret < 0)
		return NULL;
		return confparams_cpr;
Exemple #2
int H5Z_SZ_Init_Params(sz_params *params) 
	herr_t ret = H5Zregister(H5Z_SZ); 
	int status = SZ_Init_Params(params);
	if(status == SZ_NSCS || ret < 0)
		return SZ_NSCS;
		return SZ_SCES;
 * Function:	create_file_with_bogus_filter
 * Purpose:	Create a file and a dataset with a bogus filter enabled
 * Return:	Success:	0
 *		Failure:	-1
 * Programmer:	Raymond Lu
 *              2 June 2011
static herr_t
    hid_t     fid = -1;              /* file ID */
    hid_t     dsid = -1;             /* dataset ID */
    hid_t     sid = -1;              /* dataspace ID */
    hid_t     dcpl = -1;             /* dataset creation property list ID */
    hsize_t   dims[1] = {20};        /* dataspace dimensions */
    hsize_t   chunk_dims[1] = {10};  /* chunk dimensions */
    int       buf[20];
    int       rank = 1;
    int       i;

    for(i = 0; i < 20; i++)
        buf[i] = 1;

    /* create a file using default properties */
    if((fid = H5Fcreate(TESTFILE2, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) goto error;

    /* create a data space */
    if((sid = H5Screate_simple(rank, dims, NULL)) < 0) goto error;

    /* create dcpl  */
    if((dcpl = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) goto error;

    /* create chunking */ 
    if(H5Pset_chunk(dcpl, rank, chunk_dims) < 0) goto error;

    /* register bogus filter */
    if(H5Zregister (H5Z_BOGUS) < 0) goto error;
    if(H5Pset_filter(dcpl, H5Z_FILTER_BOGUS, 0, (size_t)0, NULL) < 0) goto error;

    /* create a dataset */
    if((dsid = H5Dcreate2(fid, DSETNAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, sid, H5P_DEFAULT, dcpl, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) goto error;

    if(H5Dwrite(dsid, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, buf) < 0) goto error;

    /* close */
    if(H5Pclose(dcpl) < 0) goto error;
    if(H5Dclose(dsid) < 0) goto error;
    if(H5Sclose(sid) < 0) goto error;
    if(H5Fclose(fid) < 0) goto error;

    return 0;

    } H5E_END_TRY;
    return -1;
Exemple #4
int register_lzo(char **version, char **date) {


/* The conditional below is somewhat messy, but it is necessary because
  the THG team has decided to fix an API inconsistency in the definition
  of the H5Z_class_t structure in version 1.8.3 */
#if (H5_VERS_MAJOR == 1 && H5_VERS_MINOR < 7) || \
    (H5_USE_16_API && (H5_VERS_MAJOR > 1 || \
      (H5_VERS_MAJOR == 1 && (H5_VERS_MINOR > 8 || \
        (H5_VERS_MINOR == 8 && H5_VERS_RELEASE >= 3)))))
   /* 1.6.x */
  H5Z_class_t filter_class = {
    (H5Z_filter_t)(FILTER_LZO),    /* filter_id */
    "lzo",                         /* comment */
    NULL,                          /* can_apply_func */
    NULL,                          /* set_local_func */
    (H5Z_func_t)(lzo_deflate)      /* filter_func */
   /* 1.8.x where x < 3 */
  H5Z_class_t filter_class = {
    H5Z_CLASS_T_VERS,             /* H5Z_class_t version */
    (H5Z_filter_t)(FILTER_LZO),   /* filter_id */
    1, 1,                         /* Encoding and decoding enabled */
    "lzo",	 		  /* comment */
    NULL,                         /* can_apply_func */
    NULL,                         /* set_local_func */
    (H5Z_func_t)(lzo_deflate)     /* filter_func */

  /* Init the LZO library */
  if (lzo_init()!=LZO_E_OK) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Problems initializing LZO library\n");
    *version = NULL;
    *date = NULL;
    return 0; /* lib is not available */

  /* Register the lzo compressor */

  *version = strdup(LZO_VERSION_STRING);
  *date = strdup(LZO_VERSION_DATE);
  return 1; /* lib is available */

  *version = NULL;
  *date = NULL;
  return 0; /* lib is not available */
#endif /* HAVE_LZO_LIB */

Exemple #5
 * Function:	create_dataset
 * Purpose:	Creates a square dataset with square chunks, registers a
 *		stupid compress/uncompress pair for counting I/O, and
 *		initializes the dataset.  The chunk size is in bytes, the
 *		dataset size is in terms of chunks.
 * Return:	void
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *              Thursday, May 14, 1998
 * Modifications:
static void
create_dataset (void)
    hid_t	file, space, dcpl, dset;
    hsize_t	size[2];
    signed char	*buf;

    /* The file */
    file = H5Fcreate (FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, fapl_g);

    /* The data space */
    size[0] = size[1] = DS_SIZE * CH_SIZE;
    space = H5Screate_simple (2, size, size);

    /* The storage layout and compression */
    dcpl = H5Pcreate (H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
    size[0] = size[1] = CH_SIZE;
    H5Pset_chunk (dcpl, 2, size);
#ifdef H5_WANT_H5_V1_4_COMPAT
    H5Zregister (FILTER_COUNTER, "counter", counter);
#else /* H5_WANT_H5_V1_4_COMPAT */
    H5Zregister (H5Z_COUNTER);
#endif /* H5_WANT_H5_V1_4_COMPAT */
    H5Pset_filter (dcpl, FILTER_COUNTER, 0, 0, NULL);

    /* The dataset */
    dset = H5Dcreate (file, "dset", H5T_NATIVE_SCHAR, space, dcpl);
    assert (dset>=0);

    /* The data */
    buf = calloc (1, SQUARE (DS_SIZE*CH_SIZE));
    H5Dwrite (dset, H5T_NATIVE_SCHAR, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, buf);
    free (buf);

    /* Close */
    H5Dclose (dset);
    H5Sclose (space);
    H5Pclose (dcpl);
    H5Fclose (file);
 * Function:    test_filter_write_failure
 * Purpose:     Tests the library's behavior when a mandate filter returns 
 *              failure.  There're only 5 chunks with each of them having
 *              2 integers.  The filter will fail in the last chunk.  The 
 *              dataset should release all resources even though the last 
 *              chunk can't be flushed to file.  The file should close
 *              successfully.
 * Return:  
 *              Success:         0
 *              Failure:         -1
 * Programmer:  Raymond Lu
 *              25 August 2010
 * Modifications:
 *              Raymond Lu
 *              5 Oct 2010
 *              Test when the chunk cache is enable and disabled to make 
 *              sure the library behaves properly.
static herr_t
test_filter_write(char *file_name, hid_t my_fapl, hbool_t cache_enabled)
    hid_t        file = -1;
    hid_t        dataset=-1;                /* dataset ID */
    hid_t        sid=-1;                   /* dataspace ID */
    hid_t        dcpl=-1;                  /* dataset creation property list ID */
    hsize_t      dims[1]={DIM};           /* dataspace dimension - 10*/
    hsize_t      chunk_dims[1]={FILTER_CHUNK_DIM}; /* chunk dimension - 2*/
    int          points[DIM];          /* Data */
    herr_t       ret;                   /* generic return value */
    int          i;

    if(cache_enabled) {
        TESTING("data writing when a mandatory filter fails and chunk cache is enabled");
    } else {
        TESTING("data writing when a mandatory filter fails and chunk cache is disabled");

    /* Create file */
    if((file = H5Fcreate(file_name, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, my_fapl)) < 0) TEST_ERROR

    /* create the data space */
    if((sid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, NULL)) < 0) TEST_ERROR

    /* Create dcpl and register the filter */
    if((dcpl = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) TEST_ERROR

    if(H5Pset_chunk(dcpl, 1, chunk_dims) < 0) TEST_ERROR

    if(H5Zregister (H5Z_FAIL_TEST) < 0) TEST_ERROR

    /* Check that the filter was registered */

    /* Enable the filter as mandatory */
    if(H5Pset_filter(dcpl, H5Z_FILTER_FAIL_TEST, 0, (size_t)0, NULL) < 0)

    /* create a dataset */
    if((dataset = H5Dcreate2(file, DSET_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, sid, H5P_DEFAULT, dcpl, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) TEST_ERROR 

    /* Initialize the write buffer */
    for(i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
        points[i] = i;

    /* Write data.  If the chunk cache is enabled, H5Dwrite should succeed.  If it is
     * diabled, H5Dwrite should fail. */
    if(cache_enabled) {
        if(H5Dwrite(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, sid, H5P_DEFAULT, points) < 0) 
    } else {
Exemple #7
	  loaded_hdf5_plugin() {

		  int reg_rval = 0;
		  if (!H5Zfilter_avail(H5Z_FILTER_SQY))
			  reg_rval = H5Zregister(H5Z_SQY);

		  if (reg_rval < 0)
			  std::cerr << __FILE__ << ":"<< __LINE__ 
			  << "\t unable to register sqy as hdf5 filter!!\n";
			  std::cout << "Done registering sqy as hdf5 filter.\n";

Exemple #8
int H5Z_SZ_Init(char* cfgFile) 
	herr_t ret;
	//printf("start in H5Z_SZ_Init, load_conffile_flag = %d\n", load_conffile_flag);
		load_conffile_flag = 1;
		int status = SZ_Init(cfgFile);
		//printf("cfgFile=%s\n", cfgFile);
		//printf("szMode=%d, errorBoundMode=%d, relBoundRatio=%f\n", szMode, errorBoundMode, relBoundRatio);
		if(status == SZ_NSCS)
			return SZ_NSCS;
			return SZ_SCES;		

	ret = H5Zregister(H5Z_SZ); 
	if(ret < 0)
		return SZ_NSCS;
		return SZ_SCES;
Exemple #9
int register_bzip2(char **version, char **date)
#ifdef HAVE_BZ2_LIB
  char *libver, *versionp, *datep, *sep;

  H5Z_class_t filter_class = {
    H5Z_CLASS_T_VERS,             /* H5Z_class_t version */
    (H5Z_filter_t)(FILTER_BZIP2), /* filter_id */
    1, 1,                         /* Encoding and decoding enabled */
    "bzip2",                      /* comment */
    NULL,                         /* can_apply_func */
    NULL,                         /* set_local_func */
    (H5Z_func_t)(bzip2_deflate)   /* filter_func */

  /* Register the filter class for the bzip2 compressor. */

  /* Get the library major version from the version string. */
  libver = strdup(BZ2_bzlibVersion());
  sep = strchr(libver, ',');
  assert(sep != NULL);
  assert(*(sep + 1) == ' ');
  *sep = '\0';
  versionp = libver;
  datep = sep + 2;  /* after the comma and a space */

  *version = strdup(versionp);
  *date = strdup(datep);

  return 1;  /* library is available */

  return 0;  /* library is not available */
#endif  /* defined HAVE_BZ2_LIB */

Exemple #10
int register_lzo(char **version, char **date) {


  H5Z_class_t filter_class = {
    H5Z_CLASS_T_VERS,             /* H5Z_class_t version */
    (H5Z_filter_t)(FILTER_LZO),   /* filter_id */
    1, 1,                         /* Encoding and decoding enabled */
    "lzo",                        /* comment */
    NULL,                         /* can_apply_func */
    NULL,                         /* set_local_func */
    (H5Z_func_t)(lzo_deflate)     /* filter_func */

  /* Init the LZO library */
  if (lzo_init()!=LZO_E_OK) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Problems initializing LZO library\n");
    *version = NULL;
    *date = NULL;
    return 0; /* lib is not available */

  /* Register the lzo compressor */

  *version = strdup(LZO_VERSION_STRING);
  *date = strdup(LZO_VERSION_DATE);
  return 1; /* lib is available */

  *version = NULL;
  *date = NULL;
  return 0; /* lib is not available */
#endif /* HAVE_LZO_LIB */

Exemple #11
 * Function:	test_skip_compress_write2
 * Purpose:	Test skipping compression filter when there are three filters
 *              for the dataset
 * Return:	Success:	0
 *		Failure:	1
 * Programmer:  Raymond Lu	
 *              30 November 2012
static int
test_skip_compress_write2(hid_t file)
    hid_t       dataspace = -1, dataset = -1;
    hid_t       mem_space = -1;
    hid_t       cparms = -1, dxpl = -1;
    hsize_t     dims[2]  = {NX, NY};        
    hsize_t     maxdims[2] = {H5S_UNLIMITED, H5S_UNLIMITED};
    hsize_t     chunk_dims[2] ={CHUNK_NX, CHUNK_NY};
    herr_t      status;
    int         i, j, n;

    unsigned    filter_mask = 0;
    int         origin_direct_buf[CHUNK_NX][CHUNK_NY];
    int         direct_buf[CHUNK_NX][CHUNK_NY];
    int         check_chunk[CHUNK_NX][CHUNK_NY];
    hsize_t     offset[2] = {0, 0};
    size_t      buf_size = CHUNK_NX*CHUNK_NY*sizeof(int);
    int          aggression = 9;     /* Compression aggression setting */

    hsize_t start[2];  /* Start of hyperslab */
    hsize_t stride[2]; /* Stride of hyperslab */
    hsize_t count[2];  /* Block count */
    hsize_t block[2];  /* Block sizes */

    TESTING("skipping compression filters but keep two other filters");

     * Create the data space with unlimited dimensions.
    if((dataspace = H5Screate_simple(RANK, dims, maxdims)) < 0)
        goto error;

    if((mem_space = H5Screate_simple(RANK, chunk_dims, NULL)) < 0)
        goto error;

     * Modify dataset creation properties, i.e. enable chunking and compression.
     * The order of filters is bogus 1 + deflate + bogus 2.
    if((cparms = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0)
        goto error;

    if((status = H5Pset_chunk( cparms, RANK, chunk_dims)) < 0)
        goto error;

    /* Register and enable first bogus filter */
    if(H5Zregister (H5Z_BOGUS1) < 0) 
	goto error;

    if(H5Pset_filter(cparms, H5Z_FILTER_BOGUS1, 0, (size_t)0, NULL) < 0) 
	goto error;

    /* Enable compression filter */
    if((status = H5Pset_deflate( cparms, (unsigned) aggression)) < 0)
        goto error;

    /* Register and enable second bogus filter */
    if(H5Zregister (H5Z_BOGUS2) < 0) 
	goto error;

    if(H5Pset_filter(cparms, H5Z_FILTER_BOGUS2, 0, (size_t)0, NULL) < 0) 
	goto error;

     * Create a new dataset within the file using cparms
     * creation properties.
    if((dataset = H5Dcreate2(file, DATASETNAME3, H5T_NATIVE_INT, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT,
			cparms, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
        goto error;

    if((dxpl = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER)) < 0)
        goto error;

    /* Initialize data for one chunk. Apply operations of two bogus filters to the chunk */
    for(i = n = 0; i < CHUNK_NX; i++)
        for(j = 0; j < CHUNK_NY; j++) {
	    origin_direct_buf[i][j] = n++;
	    direct_buf[i][j] = (origin_direct_buf[i][j] + ADD_ON) * FACTOR;

    /* write the uncompressed chunk data repeatedly to dataset, using the direct writing function. 
     * Indicate skipping the compression filter but keep the other two bogus filters */ 
    offset[0] = CHUNK_NX;
    offset[1] = CHUNK_NY;

    /* compression filter is the middle one to be skipped */
    filter_mask = 0x00000002;

    if((status = H5DOwrite_chunk(dataset, dxpl, filter_mask, offset, buf_size, direct_buf)) < 0)
        goto error;

    if(H5Fflush(dataset, H5F_SCOPE_LOCAL) < 0) 
        goto error;

    if(H5Dclose(dataset) < 0)
        goto error;

    if((dataset = H5Dopen2(file, DATASETNAME3, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
        goto error;

     * Select hyperslab for one chunk in the file
    start[0]  = CHUNK_NX; start[1]  = CHUNK_NY;
    stride[0] = 1; stride[1] = 1;
    count[0]  = 1; count[1]  = 1;
    block[0]  = CHUNK_NX; block[1]  = CHUNK_NY;
    if((status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(dataspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, stride, count, block)) < 0)
        goto error;

    /* Read the chunk back */
    if((status = H5Dread(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, mem_space, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, check_chunk)) < 0)
        goto error;

    /* Check that the values read are the same as the values written */
    for(i = 0; i < CHUNK_NX; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < CHUNK_NY; j++) {
            if(origin_direct_buf[i][j] != check_chunk[i][j]) {
                printf("    1. Read different values than written.");
                printf("    At index %d,%d\n", i, j);
                printf("    origin_direct_buf=%d, check_chunk=%d\n", origin_direct_buf[i][j], check_chunk[i][j]); 
                goto error;

     * Close/release resources.
    return 0;

    } H5E_END_TRY;

    return 1;
void cbf_register_filters() {
Exemple #13
 * Function:    test_filter_write_failure
 * Purpose:     Tests the library's behavior when a mandate filter returns 
 *              failure.  There're only 5 chunks with each of them having
 *              2 integers.  The filter will fail in the last chunk.  The 
 *              dataset should release all resources even though the last 
 *              chunk can't be flushed to file.  The file should close
 *              successfully.
 * Return:  
 *              Success:         0
 *              Failure:         -1
 * Programmer:  Raymond Lu
 *              25 August 2010
 * Modifications:
static herr_t
test_filter_write(char *file_name, hid_t my_fapl)
    char         filename[1024];
    hid_t        file = -1;
    hid_t        dataset=-1;                /* dataset ID */
    hid_t        sid=-1;                   /* dataspace ID */
    hid_t        dcpl=-1;                  /* dataset creation property list ID */
    hsize_t      dims[1]={DIM};           /* dataspace dimension - 10*/
    hsize_t      chunk_dims[1]={FILTER_CHUNK_DIM}; /* chunk dimension - 2*/
    int          nfilters;              /* number of filters in DCPL */
    unsigned     flags;                 /* flags for filter */
    int          points[DIM];          /* Data */
    int          rbuf[DIM];          /* Data */
    herr_t       ret;                   /* generic return value */
    int          i;

    TESTING("data writing when a mandatory filter fails");

    /* Create file */
    if((file = H5Fcreate(file_name, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, my_fapl)) < 0) TEST_ERROR

    /* create the data space */
    if((sid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, NULL)) < 0) TEST_ERROR

    /* Create dcpl and register the filter */
    if((dcpl = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) TEST_ERROR

    if(H5Pset_chunk(dcpl, 1, chunk_dims) < 0) TEST_ERROR

    if(H5Zregister (H5Z_FAIL_TEST) < 0) TEST_ERROR

    /* Check that the filter was registered */

    /* Enable the filter as mandatory */
    if(H5Pset_filter(dcpl, H5Z_FILTER_FAIL_TEST, 0, (size_t)0, NULL) < 0)

    /* create a dataset */
    if((dataset = H5Dcreate2(file, DSET_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, sid, H5P_DEFAULT, dcpl, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) TEST_ERROR 

    /* Initialize the write buffer */
    for(i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
        points[i] = i;

    /* Write data */
    if(H5Dwrite(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, sid, H5P_DEFAULT, points) < 0) TEST_ERROR

    /* clean up objects used for this test */
    if(H5Pclose (dcpl) < 0) TEST_ERROR
    if(H5Sclose (sid) < 0) TEST_ERROR

    /* Dataset closing should fail */
        ret = H5Dclose (dataset);
    } H5E_END_TRY;
    if(ret >= 0) {
	puts("    Dataset is supposed to fail because the chunk can't be flushed to file.");