Exemple #1
static PHB_SOCKEX s_sockexNew( HB_SOCKET sd, PHB_ITEM pParams )
   PHB_SOCKEX pSock;
   HB_BOOL fServer = HB_FALSE;
   HB_MAXINT timeout = -1;
   SSL * ssl = NULL;

   if( pParams && HB_IS_HASH( pParams ) )
      PHB_ITEM pItem;

      if( ssl == NULL && ( pItem = hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pParams, "ssl" ) ) != NULL )
         ssl = hb_SSL_itemGet( pItem );
      if( ssl == NULL && ( pItem = hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pParams, "ctx" ) ) != NULL )
         ssl = hb_SSL_itemGet( pItem );
      if( ssl == NULL && ( pItem = hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pParams, "key" ) ) != NULL )
         ssl = hb_SSL_itemGet( pItem );
      if( ( pItem = hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pParams, "timeout" ) ) != NULL &&
          HB_IS_NUMERIC( pItem ) )
         timeout = hb_itemGetNInt( pItem );
      if( ( pItem = hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pParams, "server" ) ) != NULL &&
          HB_IS_LOGICAL( pItem ) )
         fServer = hb_itemGetL( pItem );
      else if( ( pItem = hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pParams, "client" ) ) != NULL &&
               HB_IS_LOGICAL( pItem ) )
         fServer = ! hb_itemGetL( pItem );

   pSock = hb_sockexNewSSL( sd, ssl, fServer, timeout );
   if( pSock )
      hb_socekxParamsInit( pSock, pParams );

   return pSock;
Exemple #2
static char * hb_itemStringCon( PHB_ITEM pItem, HB_SIZE * pnLen, HB_BOOL * pfFreeReq )
   /* logical values in device output (not console, stdout or stderr) are
      shown as single letter */
   if( HB_IS_LOGICAL( pItem ) )
      *pnLen = 1;
      *pfFreeReq = HB_FALSE;
      return ( char * ) ( hb_itemGetL( pItem ) ? "T" : "F" );
   return hb_itemString( pItem, pnLen, pfFreeReq );
Exemple #3
static HB_ERRCODE hb_rddEvalWABlock( AREAP pArea, void * pBlock )
   PHB_ITEM pItem;

   hb_rddSelectWorkAreaNumber( pArea->uiArea );
   pItem = hb_vmEvalBlockOrMacro( ( PHB_ITEM ) pBlock );

   if( hb_vmRequestQuery() != 0 ||
       ( HB_IS_LOGICAL( pItem ) && ! hb_itemGetL( pItem ) ) )
      return HB_FAILURE;
      return HB_SUCCESS;
Exemple #4
static HB_ERRCODE sqlbasePutValue( SQLBASEAREAP pArea, HB_USHORT uiIndex, PHB_ITEM pItem )
   LPFIELD    pField;
   HB_ERRCODE errCode;

   if( uiIndex == 0 || uiIndex > pArea->area.uiFieldCount )
      return HB_FAILURE;

   if( ! pArea->fPositioned )
      return HB_SUCCESS;

   if( ! pArea->fRecordChanged && SELF_GOHOT( ( AREAP ) pArea ) == HB_FAILURE )
      return HB_FAILURE;

   errCode = HB_SUCCESS;
   pField  = pArea->area.lpFields + ( uiIndex - 1 );

   if( ( ( HB_IS_MEMO( pItem ) || HB_IS_STRING( pItem ) ) && ( pField->uiType == HB_FT_STRING || pField->uiType == HB_FT_MEMO ) ) ||
       ( HB_IS_DATE( pItem ) && pField->uiType == HB_FT_DATE ) ||
       ( HB_IS_TIMESTAMP( pItem ) && pField->uiType == HB_FT_TIMESTAMP ) ||
       ( HB_IS_NUMBER( pItem ) && ( pField->uiType == HB_FT_INTEGER || pField->uiType == HB_FT_LONG ||
                                    pField->uiType == HB_FT_FLOAT || pField->uiType == HB_FT_DOUBLE ) ) ||
       ( HB_IS_LOGICAL( pItem ) && pField->uiType == HB_FT_LOGICAL ) ||
       HB_IS_NIL( pItem ) )
      hb_arraySet( ( PHB_ITEM ) pArea->pRecord, uiIndex, pItem );
      PHB_ITEM pError;

      pError = hb_errNew();
      hb_errPutGenCode( pError, EG_DATATYPE );
      hb_errPutDescription( pError, hb_langDGetErrorDesc( EG_DATATYPE ) );
      hb_errPutOperation( pError, hb_dynsymName( ( PHB_DYNS ) pField->sym ) );
      hb_errPutSubCode( pError, errCode );
      hb_errPutFlags( pError, EF_CANDEFAULT );
      errCode = SELF_ERROR( ( AREAP ) pArea, pError );
      hb_itemRelease( pError );
      return errCode == E_DEFAULT ? HB_SUCCESS : HB_FAILURE;
   return HB_SUCCESS;
Exemple #5
void hb_socekxParamsInit( PHB_SOCKEX pSock, PHB_ITEM pParams )
   if( pParams && HB_IS_HASH( pParams ) )
      PHB_ITEM pItem;

      if( ( pItem = hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pParams, "readahead" ) ) != NULL &&
          HB_IS_NUMERIC( pItem ) )
         if( pSock->buffer == NULL )
            pSock->readahead = hb_itemGetNL( pItem );
      if( ( pItem = hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pParams, "flush" ) ) != NULL &&
          HB_IS_NUMERIC( pItem ) )
         pSock->iAutoFlush = hb_itemGetNI( pItem );
      if( ( pItem = hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pParams, "redir" ) ) != NULL &&
          HB_IS_LOGICAL( pItem ) )
         pSock->fRedirAll = hb_itemGetL( pItem );
Exemple #6
HB_USHORT hb_errLaunch( PHB_ITEM pError )
   HB_USHORT uiAction = E_DEFAULT; /* Needed to avoid GCC -O2 warning */

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_errLaunch(%p)", pError ) );

   if( pError )
      PHB_ERRDATA pErrData = ( PHB_ERRDATA ) hb_stackGetTSD( &s_errData );
      HB_USHORT uiFlags = hb_errGetFlags( pError );
      PHB_ITEM pResult;

      /* Check if we have a valid error handler */
      if( ! pErrData->errorBlock || ! HB_IS_EVALITEM( pErrData->errorBlock ) )
         hb_errInternal( HB_EI_ERRNOBLOCK, NULL, NULL, NULL );

      /* Check if the error launcher was called too many times recursively */
      if( pErrData->iLaunchCount == HB_ERROR_LAUNCH_MAX )
         hb_errInternal( HB_EI_ERRTOOMANY, NULL, NULL, NULL );

      /* Launch the error handler: "lResult := Eval( ErrorBlock(), oError )" */

      /* set DosError() to last OS error code */
      pErrData->uiErrorDOS = ( int ) hb_errGetOsCode( pError );

      /* Add one try to the counter. */
      if( uiFlags & EF_CANRETRY )
         hb_errPutTries( pError, ( HB_USHORT ) ( hb_errGetTries( pError ) + 1 ) );

      if( pErrData->errorHandler )
         /* there is a low-level error handler defined - use it instead
          * of normal Harbour level one
         pErrData->errorHandler->Error = pError;
         pErrData->errorHandler->ErrorBlock = pErrData->errorBlock;
         pResult = ( pErrData->errorHandler->Func )( pErrData->errorHandler );
         pErrData->errorHandler->Error = NULL;
         pResult = hb_itemDo( pErrData->errorBlock, 1, pError );


      /* Check results */
      if( hb_vmRequestQuery() != 0 )
         if( pResult )
            hb_itemRelease( pResult );
         uiAction = E_BREAK;
      else if( pResult )
         HB_BOOL bFailure = HB_FALSE;

         /* If the error block didn't return a logical value, */
         /* or the canSubstitute flag has been set, consider it as a failure */
         if( ! HB_IS_LOGICAL( pResult ) || ( uiFlags & EF_CANSUBSTITUTE ) )
            bFailure = HB_TRUE;
            uiAction = hb_itemGetL( pResult ) ? E_RETRY : E_DEFAULT;

            if( ( uiAction == E_DEFAULT && !( uiFlags & EF_CANDEFAULT ) ) ||
                ( uiAction == E_RETRY   && !( uiFlags & EF_CANRETRY ) ) )
               bFailure = HB_TRUE;

         hb_itemRelease( pResult );

         if( bFailure )
            hb_errInternal( HB_EI_ERRRECFAILURE, NULL, NULL, NULL );

         hb_errInternal( HB_EI_ERRRECFAILURE, NULL, NULL, NULL );
      uiAction = E_RETRY;  /* Clipper does this, undocumented */

   return uiAction;
Exemple #7
 * Assign a value to a field.
static HB_ERRCODE hb_delimPutValue( DELIMAREAP pArea, USHORT uiIndex, PHB_ITEM pItem )
   char szBuffer[ 256 ];
   HB_ERRCODE uiError;
   LPFIELD pField;
   USHORT uiSize;

   HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_delimPutValue(%p,%hu,%p)", pArea, uiIndex, pItem));

   if( !pArea->fPositioned )
      return HB_SUCCESS;

   if( !pArea->fRecordChanged )
      return HB_FAILURE;

   uiError = HB_SUCCESS;
   pField = pArea->lpFields + uiIndex;
   if( pField->uiType != HB_FT_MEMO && pField->uiType != HB_FT_NONE )
      if( HB_IS_MEMO( pItem ) || HB_IS_STRING( pItem ) )
         if( pField->uiType == HB_FT_STRING )
            uiSize = ( USHORT ) hb_itemGetCLen( pItem );
            if( uiSize > pField->uiLen )
               uiSize = pField->uiLen;
            memcpy( pArea->pRecord + pArea->pFieldOffset[ uiIndex ],
                    hb_itemGetCPtr( pItem ), uiSize );
            hb_cdpnTranslate( (char *) pArea->pRecord + pArea->pFieldOffset[ uiIndex ], hb_cdppage(), pArea->cdPage, uiSize );
            memset( pArea->pRecord + pArea->pFieldOffset[ uiIndex ] + uiSize,
                    ' ', pField->uiLen - uiSize );
            uiError = EDBF_DATATYPE;
      else if( HB_IS_DATE( pItem ) )
         if( pField->uiType == HB_FT_DATE )
            hb_itemGetDS( pItem, szBuffer );
            memcpy( pArea->pRecord + pArea->pFieldOffset[ uiIndex ], szBuffer, 8 );
            uiError = EDBF_DATATYPE;
      else if( HB_IS_NUMBER( pItem ) )
         if( pField->uiType == HB_FT_LONG )
            if( hb_itemStrBuf( szBuffer, pItem, pField->uiLen, pField->uiDec ) )
               memcpy( pArea->pRecord + pArea->pFieldOffset[ uiIndex ],
                       szBuffer, pField->uiLen );
               uiError = EDBF_DATAWIDTH;
               memset( pArea->pRecord + pArea->pFieldOffset[ uiIndex ],
                       '*', pField->uiLen );
            uiError = EDBF_DATATYPE;
      else if( HB_IS_LOGICAL( pItem ) )
         if( pField->uiType == HB_FT_LOGICAL )
            pArea->pRecord[ pArea->pFieldOffset[ uiIndex ] ] = hb_itemGetL( pItem ) ? 'T' : 'F';
            uiError = EDBF_DATATYPE;
         uiError = EDBF_DATATYPE;

   if( uiError != HB_SUCCESS )
      PHB_ITEM pError= hb_errNew();

      hb_errPutGenCode( pError, uiGenCode );
      hb_errPutDescription( pError, hb_langDGetErrorDesc( uiGenCode ) );
      hb_errPutOperation( pError, hb_dynsymName( ( PHB_DYNS ) pField->sym ) );
      hb_errPutSubCode( pError, uiError );
      hb_errPutFlags( pError, EF_CANDEFAULT );
      uiError = SELF_ERROR( ( AREAP ) pArea, pError );
      hb_itemRelease( pError );
      return uiError == E_DEFAULT ? HB_SUCCESS : HB_FAILURE;

   return HB_SUCCESS;
Exemple #8
 * Assign a value to a field.
static HB_ERRCODE hb_sdfPutValue( SDFAREAP pArea, HB_USHORT uiIndex, PHB_ITEM pItem )
   char szBuffer[ 256 ];
   HB_ERRCODE errCode;
   LPFIELD pField;
   HB_SIZE nSize;

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_sdfPutValue(%p,%hu,%p)", pArea, uiIndex, pItem ) );

   if( ! pArea->fPositioned )
      return HB_SUCCESS;

   if( ! pArea->fRecordChanged )
      return HB_FAILURE;

   if( --uiIndex >= pArea->area.uiFieldCount )
      return HB_FAILURE;

   errCode = HB_SUCCESS;
   pField = pArea->area.lpFields + uiIndex;
   if( pField->uiType != HB_FT_MEMO && pField->uiType != HB_FT_NONE )
      if( HB_IS_MEMO( pItem ) || HB_IS_STRING( pItem ) )
         if( pField->uiType == HB_FT_STRING )
            if( ( pField->uiFlags & HB_FF_BINARY ) == 0 )
               nSize = pField->uiLen;
               hb_cdpnDup2( hb_itemGetCPtr( pItem ), hb_itemGetCLen( pItem ),
                            ( char * ) pArea->pRecord + pArea->pFieldOffset[ uiIndex ],
                            &nSize, hb_vmCDP(), pArea->area.cdPage );
               nSize = hb_itemGetCLen( pItem );
               if( nSize > ( HB_SIZE ) pField->uiLen )
                  nSize = pField->uiLen;
               memcpy( pArea->pRecord + pArea->pFieldOffset[ uiIndex ],
                       hb_itemGetCPtr( pItem ), nSize );
            if( nSize < ( HB_SIZE ) pField->uiLen )
               memset( pArea->pRecord + pArea->pFieldOffset[ uiIndex ] + nSize,
                       ' ', pField->uiLen - nSize );
            errCode = EDBF_DATATYPE;
      else if( HB_IS_DATETIME( pItem ) )
         if( pField->uiType == HB_FT_DATE )
            hb_itemGetDS( pItem, szBuffer );
            memcpy( pArea->pRecord + pArea->pFieldOffset[ uiIndex ], szBuffer, 8 );
         else if( pField->uiType == HB_FT_TIMESTAMP &&
                  ( pField->uiLen == 12 || pField->uiLen == 23 ) )
            long lDate, lTime;
            hb_itemGetTDT( pItem, &lDate, &lTime );
            if( pField->uiLen == 12 )
               hb_timeStr( szBuffer, lTime );
               hb_timeStampStr( szBuffer, lDate, lTime );
            memcpy( pArea->pRecord + pArea->pFieldOffset[ uiIndex ], szBuffer, pField->uiLen );
            errCode = EDBF_DATATYPE;
      else if( HB_IS_NUMBER( pItem ) )
         if( pField->uiType == HB_FT_LONG )
            if( hb_itemStrBuf( szBuffer, pItem, pField->uiLen, pField->uiDec ) )
               memcpy( pArea->pRecord + pArea->pFieldOffset[ uiIndex ],
                       szBuffer, pField->uiLen );
               errCode = EDBF_DATAWIDTH;
               memset( pArea->pRecord + pArea->pFieldOffset[ uiIndex ],
                       '*', pField->uiLen );
            errCode = EDBF_DATATYPE;
      else if( HB_IS_LOGICAL( pItem ) )
         if( pField->uiType == HB_FT_LOGICAL )
            pArea->pRecord[ pArea->pFieldOffset[ uiIndex ] ] = hb_itemGetL( pItem ) ? 'T' : 'F';
            errCode = EDBF_DATATYPE;
         errCode = EDBF_DATATYPE;

   if( errCode != HB_SUCCESS )
      PHB_ITEM pError = hb_errNew();

      hb_errPutGenCode( pError, errGenCode );
      hb_errPutDescription( pError, hb_langDGetErrorDesc( errGenCode ) );
      hb_errPutOperation( pError, hb_dynsymName( ( PHB_DYNS ) pField->sym ) );
      hb_errPutSubCode( pError, errCode );
      hb_errPutFlags( pError, EF_CANDEFAULT );
      errCode = SELF_ERROR( &pArea->area, pError );
      hb_itemRelease( pError );
      return errCode == E_DEFAULT ? HB_SUCCESS : HB_FAILURE;

   return HB_SUCCESS;
Exemple #9
static PHB_SOCKEX s_sockexNext( PHB_SOCKEX pSock, PHB_ITEM pParams )
   PHB_SOCKEX pSockNew = NULL;

   if( pSock )
      HB_BOOL fDecompressIn = HB_TRUE, fCompressOut = HB_TRUE;
          strategy = HB_ZLIB_STRATEGY_DEFAULT,
          windowBitsIn = MAX_WBITS, windowBitsOut = MAX_WBITS;

      if( pParams && HB_IS_HASH( pParams ) )
         PHB_ITEM pItem;

         if( ( pItem = hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pParams, "zlib" ) ) != NULL &&
             HB_IS_NUMERIC( pItem ) )
            level = hb_itemGetNI( pItem );
         if( ( pItem = hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pParams, "zs" ) ) != NULL &&
             HB_IS_NUMERIC( pItem ) )
            strategy = hb_itemGetNI( pItem );

         if( ( pItem = hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pParams, "gzin" ) ) != NULL &&
             HB_IS_LOGICAL( pItem ) )
            fDecompressIn = hb_itemGetL( pItem );
            if( fDecompressIn )
               windowBitsIn += 16;
         if( ( pItem = hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pParams, "zin" ) ) != NULL &&
             HB_IS_LOGICAL( pItem ) )
            if( windowBitsIn == MAX_WBITS )
               fDecompressIn = hb_itemGetL( pItem );
            else if( hb_itemGetL( pItem ) )
               windowBitsIn += 16;

         if( ( pItem = hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pParams, "gzout" ) ) != NULL &&
             HB_IS_LOGICAL( pItem ) )
            fCompressOut = hb_itemGetL( pItem );
            if( fCompressOut )
               windowBitsOut += 16;
         if( ( pItem = hb_hashGetCItemPtr( pParams, "zout" ) ) != NULL &&
             HB_IS_LOGICAL( pItem ) && windowBitsOut == MAX_WBITS )
            fCompressOut = hb_itemGetL( pItem );

      if( level != HB_ZLIB_COMPRESSION_DISABLE &&
          ( fDecompressIn || fCompressOut ) )
         PHB_SOCKEX_Z pZ = ( PHB_SOCKEX_Z ) hb_xgrabz( sizeof( HB_SOCKEX_Z ) );

         pSockNew = ( PHB_SOCKEX ) hb_xgrabz( sizeof( HB_SOCKEX ) );
         pSockNew->sd = HB_NO_SOCKET;
         pSockNew->fRedirAll = HB_TRUE;
         pSockNew->pFilter = &s_sockFilter;

         pSockNew->cargo = ( void * ) pZ;
         pZ->z_read.zalloc = s_zsock_zalloc;
         pZ->z_read.zfree  = s_zsock_zfree;
         pZ->z_read.opaque = Z_NULL;

         pZ->z_write.zalloc = s_zsock_zalloc;
         pZ->z_write.zfree  = s_zsock_zfree;
         pZ->z_write.opaque = Z_NULL;

         pZ->z_read.next_in  = NULL;
         pZ->z_read.avail_in = 0;

         if( level != Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION &&
             !( level >= Z_NO_COMPRESSION && level <= Z_BEST_COMPRESSION ) )
            level = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION;

         if( strategy != Z_FILTERED    &&
#if defined( Z_RLE )
             strategy != Z_RLE         &&
#if defined( Z_FIXED )
             strategy != Z_FIXED       &&
             strategy != Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY )
            strategy = Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY;

         if( fDecompressIn && level != HB_ZLIB_COMPRESSION_DISABLE )
            /* MAX_WBITS=15, decompression - support for formats:
             * -15: raw, 15: ZLIB, 31: GZIP, 47: ZLIB+GZIP
            if( inflateInit2( &pZ->z_read, windowBitsIn ) == Z_OK )
               pZ->fDecompressIn = HB_TRUE;
               pZ->rdbuf = ( HB_BYTE * ) hb_xgrab( HB_ZSOCK_RDBUFSIZE );
               level = HB_ZLIB_COMPRESSION_DISABLE;

         if( fCompressOut && level != HB_ZLIB_COMPRESSION_DISABLE )
            /* MAX_WBITS=15, compression format:
             * -15: raw, 15: ZLIB (+6 bytes), 31: GZIP(+18 bytes)
            if( deflateInit2( &pZ->z_write, level,
                              Z_DEFLATED, windowBitsOut, HB_ZSOCK_MEM_LEVEL,
                              strategy ) == Z_OK )
               pZ->fCompressOut = HB_TRUE;
               pZ->wrbuf = ( HB_BYTE * ) hb_xgrab( HB_ZSOCK_WRBUFSIZE );
               pZ->z_write.next_out  = ( Bytef * ) pZ->wrbuf;
               pZ->z_write.avail_out = HB_ZSOCK_WRBUFSIZE;
               level = HB_ZLIB_COMPRESSION_DISABLE;

         if( level != HB_ZLIB_COMPRESSION_DISABLE )
            pSockNew->sd = pSock->sd;
            pSockNew->fShutDown = pSock->fShutDown;
            pSockNew->iAutoFlush = pSock->iAutoFlush;
            pZ->sock = pSock;
            hb_socekxParamsInit( pSockNew, pParams );
            s_sockexClose( pSockNew, HB_FALSE );
            pSockNew = NULL;

   return pSockNew;
Exemple #10
static void _hb_jsonEncode( PHB_ITEM pValue, PHB_JSON_ENCODE_CTX pCtx,
                            HB_SIZE nLevel, HB_BOOL fEOL )
   /* Protection against recursive structures */
   if( ( HB_IS_ARRAY( pValue ) || HB_IS_HASH( pValue ) ) && hb_itemSize( pValue ) > 0 )
      void * id = HB_IS_HASH( pValue ) ? hb_hashId( pValue ) : hb_arrayId( pValue );
      HB_SIZE nIndex;

      for( nIndex = 0; nIndex < nLevel; nIndex++ )
         if( pCtx->pId[ nIndex ] == id )
            if( ! fEOL && pCtx->fHuman )
               _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, nLevel * INDENT_SIZE );
            _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "null", 4 );
      if( nLevel >= pCtx->nAllocId )
         pCtx->nAllocId += 8;
         pCtx->pId = ( void ** ) hb_xrealloc( pCtx->pId, sizeof( void * ) * pCtx->nAllocId );
      pCtx->pId[ nLevel ] = id;

   if( fEOL )
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, pCtx->szEol, pCtx->iEolLen );

   if( HB_IS_STRING( pValue ) )
      const char * szString = hb_itemGetCPtr( pValue );
      HB_SIZE nPos, nPos2, nLen = hb_itemGetCLen( pValue );

      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\"", 1 );

      nPos = 0;
      while( nPos < nLen )
         nPos2 = nPos;
         while( *( ( const unsigned char * ) szString + nPos2 ) >= ' ' &&
                szString[ nPos2 ] != '\\' && szString[ nPos2 ] != '\"' )
         if( nPos2 > nPos )
            _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, szString + nPos, nPos2 - nPos );
            nPos = nPos2;

         switch( szString[ nPos ] )
            case '\\':
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\\\", 2 );
            case '\"':
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\\"", 2 );
            case '\b':
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\b", 2 );
            case '\f':
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\f", 2 );
            case '\n':
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\n", 2 );
            case '\r':
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\r", 2 );
            case '\t':
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\t", 2 );
               char buf[ 8 ];
               hb_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "\\u00%02X", ( unsigned char ) szString[ nPos ] );
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, buf, 6 );
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\"", 1 );
   else if( HB_IS_NUMINT( pValue ) )
      char buf[ 32 ];

      hb_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%" PFHL "d", hb_itemGetNInt( pValue ) );
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, buf, strlen( buf ) );
   else if( HB_IS_NUMERIC( pValue ) )
      char buf[ 64 ];
      int iDec;
      double dblValue = hb_itemGetNDDec( pValue, &iDec );

      hb_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%.*f", iDec, dblValue );
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, buf, strlen( buf ) );
   else if( HB_IS_NIL( pValue ) )
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "null", 4 );
   else if( HB_IS_LOGICAL( pValue ) )
      if( hb_itemGetL( pValue ) )
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "true", 4 );
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "false", 5 );

   else if( HB_IS_DATE( pValue ) )
      char szBuffer[ 10 ];

      hb_itemGetDS( pValue, szBuffer + 1 );
      szBuffer[ 0 ] = '\"';
      szBuffer[ 9 ] = '\"';
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, szBuffer, 10 );
   else if( HB_IS_TIMESTAMP( pValue ) )
      char szBuffer[ 19 ];
      hb_itemGetTS( pValue, szBuffer + 1 );
      szBuffer[ 0 ] = '\"';
      szBuffer[ 18 ] = '\"';
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, szBuffer, 19 );
   else if( HB_IS_ARRAY( pValue ) )
      HB_SIZE nLen = hb_itemSize( pValue );

      if( nLen )
         HB_SIZE nIndex;

         if( pCtx->fHuman )
            _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, nLevel * INDENT_SIZE );

         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "[", 1 );

         for( nIndex = 1; nIndex <= nLen; nIndex++ )
            PHB_ITEM pItem = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pValue, nIndex );

            if( nIndex > 1 )
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, ",", 1 );

            if( pCtx->fHuman )
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, pCtx->szEol, pCtx->iEolLen );

            if( pCtx->fHuman &&
                ! ( ( HB_IS_ARRAY( pItem ) || HB_IS_HASH( pItem ) ) &&
                    hb_itemSize( pItem ) > 0 ) )
               _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, ( nLevel + 1 ) * INDENT_SIZE );

            _hb_jsonEncode( pItem, pCtx, nLevel + 1, HB_FALSE );
         if( pCtx->fHuman )
            _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, pCtx->szEol, pCtx->iEolLen );
            _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, nLevel * INDENT_SIZE );
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "]", 1 );
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "[]", 2 );
   else if( HB_IS_HASH( pValue ) )
      HB_SIZE nLen = hb_hashLen( pValue );

      if( nLen )
         HB_SIZE nIndex;

         if( pCtx->fHuman )
            _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, nLevel * INDENT_SIZE );

         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "{", 1 );

         for( nIndex = 1; nIndex <= nLen; nIndex++ )
            PHB_ITEM pKey = hb_hashGetKeyAt( pValue, nIndex );

            if( HB_IS_STRING( pKey ) )
               PHB_ITEM pItem = hb_hashGetValueAt( pValue, nIndex );
               HB_BOOL fEOL = HB_FALSE;

               if( nIndex > 1 )
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, ",", 1 );

               if( pCtx->fHuman )
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, pCtx->szEol, pCtx->iEolLen );
                  _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, ( nLevel + 1 ) * INDENT_SIZE );
               _hb_jsonEncode( pKey, pCtx, nLevel + 1, HB_FALSE );

               if( pCtx->fHuman )
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, ": ", 2 );
                  fEOL = ( HB_IS_ARRAY( pItem ) || HB_IS_HASH( pItem ) ) && hb_itemSize( pItem ) > 0;
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, ":", 1 );

               _hb_jsonEncode( pItem, pCtx, nLevel + 1, fEOL );
         if( pCtx->fHuman )
            _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, pCtx->szEol, pCtx->iEolLen );
            _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, nLevel * INDENT_SIZE );
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "}", 1 );
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "{}", 2 );
      /* All unsupported types are replacd by null */
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "null", 4 );
Exemple #11
static void _hb_jsonEncode( PHB_ITEM pValue, PHB_JSON_ENCODE_CTX pCtx,
                            HB_SIZE nLevel, HB_BOOL fEOL, PHB_CODEPAGE cdp )
   /* Protection against recursive structures */
   if( ( HB_IS_ARRAY( pValue ) || HB_IS_HASH( pValue ) ) && hb_itemSize( pValue ) > 0 )
      void * id = HB_IS_HASH( pValue ) ? hb_hashId( pValue ) : hb_arrayId( pValue );
      HB_SIZE nIndex;

      for( nIndex = 0; nIndex < nLevel; nIndex++ )
         if( pCtx->pId[ nIndex ] == id )
            if( ! fEOL && pCtx->fHuman )
               _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, nLevel * INDENT_SIZE );
            _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "null", 4 );
      if( nLevel >= pCtx->nAllocId )
         pCtx->nAllocId += 8;
         pCtx->pId = ( void ** ) hb_xrealloc( pCtx->pId, sizeof( void * ) * pCtx->nAllocId );
      pCtx->pId[ nLevel ] = id;

   if( fEOL )
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, pCtx->szEol, pCtx->iEolLen );

   if( HB_IS_STRING( pValue ) )
      HB_SIZE nPos, nLen = hb_itemGetCLen( pValue );
      const char * szString = hb_itemGetCPtr( pValue );
      char buf[ 8 ];

      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\"", 1 );

      if( cdp )
         HB_WCHAR wc;

         nPos = 0;
         while( HB_CDPCHAR_GET( cdp, szString, nLen, &nPos, &wc ) )
            if( wc >= ' ' && wc < 0x7F && wc != '\\' && wc != '\"' )
               buf[ 0 ] = ( char ) wc;
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, buf, 1 );
            switch( wc )
               case '\\':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\\\", 2 );
               case '\"':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\\"", 2 );
               case '\b':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\b", 2 );
               case '\f':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\f", 2 );
               case '\n':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\n", 2 );
               case '\r':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\r", 2 );
               case '\t':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\t", 2 );
                  hb_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "\\u%04X", wc );
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, buf, 6 );
         nPos = 0;
         while( nPos < nLen )
            unsigned char uch = szString[ nPos ];
            HB_SIZE nPos2 = nPos;
            while( uch >= ' ' && uch != '\\' && uch != '\"' )
               uch = szString[ ++nPos2 ];
            if( nPos2 > nPos )
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, szString + nPos, nPos2 - nPos );
               if( nPos2 >= nLen )
               nPos = nPos2;

            switch( uch )
               case '\\':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\\\", 2 );
               case '\"':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\\"", 2 );
               case '\b':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\b", 2 );
               case '\f':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\f", 2 );
               case '\n':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\n", 2 );
               case '\r':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\r", 2 );
               case '\t':
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\\t", 2 );
                  hb_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "\\u00%02X", uch );
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, buf, 6 );
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "\"", 1 );
   else if( HB_IS_NUMINT( pValue ) )
      char buf[ 24 ];
      HB_MAXINT nVal = hb_itemGetNInt( pValue );
      HB_BOOL fNeg = nVal < 0;
      int i = 0;

      if( fNeg )
         nVal = -nVal;
         buf[ sizeof( buf ) - ++i ] = ( nVal % 10 ) + '0';
      while( ( nVal /= 10 ) != 0 );
      if( fNeg )
         buf[ sizeof( buf ) - ++i ] = '-';
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, &buf[ sizeof( buf ) - i ], i );
   else if( HB_IS_NUMERIC( pValue ) )
      char buf[ 64 ];
      int iDec;
      double dblValue = hb_itemGetNDDec( pValue, &iDec );

      hb_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%.*f", iDec, dblValue );
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, buf, strlen( buf ) );
   else if( HB_IS_NIL( pValue ) )
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "null", 4 );
   else if( HB_IS_LOGICAL( pValue ) )
      if( hb_itemGetL( pValue ) )
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "true", 4 );
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "false", 5 );

   else if( HB_IS_DATE( pValue ) )
      char szBuffer[ 10 ];

      hb_itemGetDS( pValue, szBuffer + 1 );
      szBuffer[ 0 ] = '\"';
      szBuffer[ 9 ] = '\"';
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, szBuffer, 10 );
   else if( HB_IS_TIMESTAMP( pValue ) )
      char szBuffer[ 19 ];
      hb_itemGetTS( pValue, szBuffer + 1 );
      szBuffer[ 0 ] = '\"';
      szBuffer[ 18 ] = '\"';
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, szBuffer, 19 );
   else if( HB_IS_ARRAY( pValue ) )
      HB_SIZE nLen = hb_itemSize( pValue );

      if( nLen )
         HB_SIZE nIndex;

         if( pCtx->fHuman )
            _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, nLevel * INDENT_SIZE );

         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "[", 1 );

         for( nIndex = 1; nIndex <= nLen; nIndex++ )
            PHB_ITEM pItem = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pValue, nIndex );

            if( nIndex > 1 )
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, ",", 1 );

            if( pCtx->fHuman )
               _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, pCtx->szEol, pCtx->iEolLen );

            if( pCtx->fHuman &&
                ! ( ( HB_IS_ARRAY( pItem ) || HB_IS_HASH( pItem ) ) &&
                    hb_itemSize( pItem ) > 0 ) )
               _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, ( nLevel + 1 ) * INDENT_SIZE );

            _hb_jsonEncode( pItem, pCtx, nLevel + 1, HB_FALSE, cdp );
         if( pCtx->fHuman )
            _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, pCtx->szEol, pCtx->iEolLen );
            _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, nLevel * INDENT_SIZE );
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "]", 1 );
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "[]", 2 );
   else if( HB_IS_HASH( pValue ) )
      HB_SIZE nLen = hb_hashLen( pValue );

      if( nLen )
         HB_SIZE nIndex;

         if( pCtx->fHuman )
            _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, nLevel * INDENT_SIZE );

         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "{", 1 );

         for( nIndex = 1; nIndex <= nLen; nIndex++ )
            PHB_ITEM pKey = hb_hashGetKeyAt( pValue, nIndex );

            if( HB_IS_STRING( pKey ) )
               PHB_ITEM pItem = hb_hashGetValueAt( pValue, nIndex );

               if( nIndex > 1 )
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, ",", 1 );

               if( pCtx->fHuman )
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, pCtx->szEol, pCtx->iEolLen );
                  _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, ( nLevel + 1 ) * INDENT_SIZE );
               _hb_jsonEncode( pKey, pCtx, nLevel + 1, HB_FALSE, cdp );

               if( pCtx->fHuman )
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, ": ", 2 );
                  fEOL = ( HB_IS_ARRAY( pItem ) || HB_IS_HASH( pItem ) ) && hb_itemSize( pItem ) > 0;
                  _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, ":", 1 );
                  fEOL = HB_FALSE;

               _hb_jsonEncode( pItem, pCtx, nLevel + 1, fEOL, cdp );
         if( pCtx->fHuman )
            _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, pCtx->szEol, pCtx->iEolLen );
            _hb_jsonCtxAddIndent( pCtx, nLevel * INDENT_SIZE );
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "}", 1 );
         _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "{}", 2 );
      /* All unsupported types are replacd by null */
      _hb_jsonCtxAdd( pCtx, "null", 4 );