bool SMLoader::LoadFromSMFile( CString sPath, Song &out )
	LOG->Trace( "Song::LoadFromSMFile(%s)", sPath.c_str() );

	MsdFile msd;
	if( !msd.ReadFile( sPath ) )
		RageException::Throw( "Error opening file \"%s\": %s", sPath.c_str(), msd.GetError().c_str() );

	out.m_Timing.m_sFile = sPath;
	LoadTimingFromSMFile( msd, out.m_Timing );

	for( unsigned i=0; i<msd.GetNumValues(); i++ )
		int iNumParams = msd.GetNumParams(i);
		const MsdFile::value_t &sParams = msd.GetValue(i);
		const CString sValueName = sParams[0];

		// handle the data
		/* Don't use GetMainAndSubTitlesFromFullTitle; that's only for heuristically
		 * splitting other formats that *don't* natively support #SUBTITLE. */
		if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"TITLE") )
			out.m_sMainTitle = sParams[1];

		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"SUBTITLE") )
			out.m_sSubTitle = sParams[1];

		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"ARTIST") )
			out.m_sArtist = sParams[1];

		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"TITLETRANSLIT") )
			out.m_sMainTitleTranslit = sParams[1];

		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"SUBTITLETRANSLIT") )
			out.m_sSubTitleTranslit = sParams[1];

		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"ARTISTTRANSLIT") )
			out.m_sArtistTranslit = sParams[1];

		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"CREDIT") )
			out.m_sCredit = sParams[1];

		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"BANNER") )
			out.m_sBannerFile = sParams[1];

		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"BACKGROUND") )
			out.m_sBackgroundFile = sParams[1];

		/* Save "#LYRICS" for later, so we can add an internal lyrics tag. */
		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"LYRICSPATH") )
			out.m_sLyricsFile = sParams[1];

		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"CDTITLE") )
			out.m_sCDTitleFile = sParams[1];

		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"MUSIC") )
			out.m_sMusicFile = sParams[1];

		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"MUSICLENGTH") )
			out.m_fMusicLengthSeconds = strtof( sParams[1], NULL );

		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"MUSICBYTES") )
			; /* ignore */

		/* We calculate these.  Some SMs in circulation have bogus values for
		 * these, so make sure we always calculate it ourself. */
		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"FIRSTBEAT") )
			out.m_fFirstBeat = strtof( sParams[1], NULL );

		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"LASTBEAT") )
				LOG->Trace("Ignored #LASTBEAT (cache only)");
			out.m_fLastBeat = strtof( sParams[1], NULL );
		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"SONGFILENAME") )
			if( FromCache )
				out.m_sSongFileName = sParams[1];
		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"HASMUSIC") )
			if( FromCache )
				out.m_bHasMusic = atoi( sParams[1] ) != 0;
		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"HASBANNER") )
			if( FromCache )
				out.m_bHasBanner = atoi( sParams[1] ) != 0;

		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"SAMPLESTART") )
			out.m_fMusicSampleStartSeconds = HHMMSSToSeconds( sParams[1] );

		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"SAMPLELENGTH") )
			out.m_fMusicSampleLengthSeconds = HHMMSSToSeconds( sParams[1] );

		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"DISPLAYBPM") )
			// #DISPLAYBPM:[xxx][xxx:xxx]|[*]; 
			if( sParams[1] == "*" )
				out.m_DisplayBPMType = Song::DISPLAY_RANDOM;
				out.m_DisplayBPMType = Song::DISPLAY_SPECIFIED;
				out.m_fSpecifiedBPMMin = strtof( sParams[1], NULL );
				if( sParams[2].empty() )
					out.m_fSpecifiedBPMMax = out.m_fSpecifiedBPMMin;
					out.m_fSpecifiedBPMMax = strtof( sParams[2], NULL );

		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"SELECTABLE") )
				out.m_SelectionDisplay = out.SHOW_ALWAYS;
			else if(!stricmp(sParams[1],"NO"))
				out.m_SelectionDisplay = out.SHOW_NEVER;
			else if(!stricmp(sParams[1],"ROULETTE"))
				out.m_SelectionDisplay = out.SHOW_ROULETTE;
				LOG->Warn( "The song file '%s' has an unknown #SELECTABLE value, '%s'; ignored.", sPath.c_str(), sParams[1].c_str());

		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"BGCHANGES") || 0==stricmp(sValueName,"ANIMATIONS") )
			CStringArray aBGChangeExpressions;
			split( sParams[1], ",", aBGChangeExpressions );

			for( unsigned b=0; b<aBGChangeExpressions.size(); b++ )
				BackgroundChange change;
				if( LoadFromBGChangesString( change, aBGChangeExpressions[b] ) )
					out.AddBackgroundChange( change );

		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"FGCHANGES") )
			CStringArray aFGChangeExpressions;
			split( sParams[1], ",", aFGChangeExpressions );

			for( unsigned b=0; b<aFGChangeExpressions.size(); b++ )
				BackgroundChange change;
				if( LoadFromBGChangesString( change, aFGChangeExpressions[b] ) )
					out.AddForegroundChange( change );

		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"NOTES") )
			if( iNumParams < 7 )
				LOG->Trace( "The song file '%s' is has %d fields in a #NOTES tag, but should have at least %d.", sPath.c_str(), iNumParams, 7 );

			Steps* pNewNotes = new Steps;
			ASSERT( pNewNotes );

				sParams[1], sParams[2], sParams[3], sParams[4], sParams[5], sParams[6], (iNumParams>=8)?sParams[7]:CString(""),

			out.AddSteps( pNewNotes );
		else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"OFFSET") || 0==stricmp(sValueName,"BPMS") ||
				 0==stricmp(sValueName,"STOPS") || 0==stricmp(sValueName,"FREEZES") )
			LOG->Trace( "Unexpected value named '%s'", sValueName.c_str() );

	return true;
Exemple #2
void SMSetSampleLength(SMSongTagInfo& info)
{>m_fMusicSampleLengthSeconds = HHMMSSToSeconds((*info.params)[1]);
Exemple #3
static bool LoadGlobalData( const RString &sPath, Song &out, bool &bKIUCompliant )
	MsdFile msd;
	if( !msd.ReadFile( sPath, false ) )  // don't unescape
		LOG->UserLog( "Song file", sPath, "couldn't be opened: %s", msd.GetError().c_str() );
		return false;

	// changed up there in case of something is found inside the SONGFILE tag in the head ksf -DaisuMaster
	// search for music with song in the file name
	vector<RString> arrayPossibleMusic;
	GetDirListing( out.GetSongDir() + RString("song.mp3"), arrayPossibleMusic );
	GetDirListing( out.GetSongDir() + RString("song.oga"), arrayPossibleMusic );
	GetDirListing( out.GetSongDir() + RString("song.ogg"), arrayPossibleMusic );
	GetDirListing( out.GetSongDir() + RString("song.wav"), arrayPossibleMusic );

	if( !arrayPossibleMusic.empty() )		// we found a match
		out.m_sMusicFile = arrayPossibleMusic[0];
	// ^this was below, at the end

	float SMGap1 = 0, SMGap2 = 0, BPM1 = -1, BPMPos2 = -1, BPM2 = -1, BPMPos3 = -1, BPM3 = -1;
	int iTickCount = -1;
	bKIUCompliant = false;
	vector<RString> vNoteRows;

	for( unsigned i=0; i < msd.GetNumValues(); i++ )
		const MsdFile::value_t &sParams = msd.GetValue(i);
		RString sValueName = sParams[0];

		// handle the data
		if( sValueName=="TITLE" )
			LoadTags(sParams[1], out);
		else if( sValueName=="BPM" )
			BPM1 = StringToFloat(sParams[1]);
			out.m_SongTiming.AddSegment( BPMSegment(0, BPM1) );
		else if( sValueName=="BPM2" )
			bKIUCompliant = true;
			BPM2 = StringToFloat( sParams[1] );
		else if( sValueName=="BPM3" )
			bKIUCompliant = true;
			BPM3 = StringToFloat( sParams[1] );
		else if( sValueName=="BUNKI" )
			bKIUCompliant = true;
			BPMPos2 = StringToFloat( sParams[1] ) / 100.0f;
		else if( sValueName=="BUNKI2" )
			bKIUCompliant = true;
			BPMPos3 = StringToFloat( sParams[1] ) / 100.0f;
		else if( sValueName=="STARTTIME" )
			SMGap1 = -StringToFloat( sParams[1] )/100;
			out.m_SongTiming.m_fBeat0OffsetInSeconds = SMGap1;
		// This is currently required for more accurate KIU BPM changes.
		else if( sValueName=="STARTTIME2" )
			bKIUCompliant = true;
			SMGap2 = -StringToFloat( sParams[1] )/100;
		else if ( sValueName=="STARTTIME3" )
			// STARTTIME3 only ensures this is a KIU compliant simfile.
			//bKIUCompliant = true;
		else if ( sValueName=="TICKCOUNT" )
			ProcessTickcounts(sParams[1], iTickCount, out.m_SongTiming);
		else if ( sValueName=="STEP" )
			/* STEP will always be the last header in a KSF file by design. Due to
			 * the Direct Move syntax, it is best to get the rows of notes here. */
			RString theSteps = sParams[1];
			TrimLeft( theSteps );
			split( theSteps, "\n", vNoteRows, true );
		else if( sValueName=="DIFFICULTY" || sValueName=="PLAYER" )
			/* DIFFICULTY and PLAYER are handled only in LoadFromKSFFile.
			Ignore those here. */
		// New cases noted in Aldo_MX's code:
		else if( sValueName=="MUSICINTRO" || sValueName=="INTRO" )
			out.m_fMusicSampleStartSeconds = HHMMSSToSeconds( sParams[1] );
		else if( sValueName=="TITLEFILE" )
			out.m_sBackgroundFile = sParams[1];
		else if( sValueName=="DISCFILE" )
			out.m_sBannerFile = sParams[1];
		else if( sValueName=="SONGFILE" )
			out.m_sMusicFile = sParams[1];
		//else if( sValueName=="INTROFILE" )
		//	nothing to add...
		// end new cases
			LOG->UserLog( "Song file", sPath, "has an unexpected value named \"%s\".",
				      sValueName.c_str() );

	//intro length in piu mixes is generally 7 seconds
	out.m_fMusicSampleLengthSeconds = 7.0f;

	/* BPM Change checks are done here.  If bKIUCompliant, it's short and sweet.
	 * Otherwise, the whole file has to be processed.  Right now, this is only 
	 * called once, for the initial file (often the Crazy steps).  Hopefully that
	 * will end up changing soon. */
	if( bKIUCompliant )
		if( BPM2 > 0 && BPMPos2 > 0 )
			HandleBunki( out.m_SongTiming, BPM1, BPM2, SMGap1, BPMPos2 );

		if( BPM3 > 0 && BPMPos3 > 0 )
			HandleBunki( out.m_SongTiming, BPM2, BPM3, SMGap2, BPMPos3 );
		float fCurBeat = 0.0f;
		bool bDMRequired = false;

		for( unsigned i=0; i < vNoteRows.size(); ++i )
			RString& NoteRowString = vNoteRows[i];
			StripCrnl( NoteRowString );

			if( NoteRowString == "" )
				continue; // ignore empty rows.

			if( NoteRowString == "2222222222222" ) // Row of 2s = end. Confirm KIUCompliency here.
				if (!bDMRequired)
					bKIUCompliant = true;

			// This is where the DMRequired test will take place.
			if ( BeginsWith( NoteRowString, "|" ) )
				// have a static timing for everything
				bDMRequired = true;
				// ignore whatever else...
			fCurBeat += 1.0f / iTickCount;

	// Try to fill in missing bits of information from the pathname.
		vector<RString> asBits;
		split( sPath, "/", asBits, true);

		ASSERT( asBits.size() > 1 );
		LoadTags( asBits[asBits.size()-2], out );

	return true;