Exemple #1
WXLRESULT wxStaticBox::MSWWindowProc(WXUINT nMsg, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam)
    if ( nMsg == WM_NCHITTEST )
        // This code breaks some other processing such as enter/leave tracking
        // so it's off by default.

        static int s_useHTClient = -1;
        if (s_useHTClient == -1)
            s_useHTClient = wxSystemOptions::GetOptionInt(wxT("msw.staticbox.htclient"));
        if (s_useHTClient == 1)
            int xPos = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam);
            int yPos = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam);

            ScreenToClient(&xPos, &yPos);

            // Make sure you can drag by the top of the groupbox, but let
            // other (enclosed) controls get mouse events also
            if ( yPos < 10 )
                return (long)HTCLIENT;

    if ( nMsg == WM_PRINTCLIENT )
        // we have to process WM_PRINTCLIENT ourselves as otherwise child
        // windows' background (eg buttons in radio box) would never be drawn
        // unless we have a parent with non default background

        // so check first if we have one
        if ( !HandlePrintClient((WXHDC)wParam) )
            // no, we don't, erase the background ourselves
            // (don't use our own) - see PaintBackground for explanation
            wxBrush brush(GetParent()->GetBackgroundColour());
            wxFillRect(GetHwnd(), (HDC)wParam, GetHbrushOf(brush));

        return 0;

    return wxControl::MSWWindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam);
Exemple #2
WXLRESULT wxStaticBox::MSWWindowProc(WXUINT nMsg, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam)
    if ( nMsg == WM_NCHITTEST )
        // This code breaks some other processing such as enter/leave tracking
        // so it's off by default.

        static int s_useHTClient = -1;
        if (s_useHTClient == -1)
            s_useHTClient = wxSystemOptions::GetOptionInt(wxT("msw.staticbox.htclient"));
        if (s_useHTClient == 1)
            int xPos = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam);
            int yPos = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam);

            ScreenToClient(&xPos, &yPos);

            // Make sure you can drag by the top of the groupbox, but let
            // other (enclosed) controls get mouse events also
            if ( yPos < 10 )
                return (long)HTCLIENT;

    if ( nMsg == WM_PRINTCLIENT )
        // we have to process WM_PRINTCLIENT ourselves as otherwise child
        // windows' background (eg buttons in radio box) would never be drawn
        // unless we have a parent with non default background

        // so check first if we have one
        if ( !HandlePrintClient((WXHDC)wParam) )
            // no, we don't, erase the background ourselves
            // (don't use our own) - see PaintBackground for explanation
            wxBrush brush(GetParent()->GetBackgroundColour());
            wxFillRect(GetHwnd(), (HDC)wParam, GetHbrushOf(brush));

        return 0;

    if ( nMsg == WM_UPDATEUISTATE )
        // DefWindowProc() redraws just the static box text when it gets this
        // message and it does it using the standard (blue in standard theme)
        // colour and not our own label colour that we use in PaintForeground()
        // resulting in the label mysteriously changing the colour when e.g.
        // "Alt" is pressed anywhere in the window, see #12497.
        // To avoid this we simply refresh the window forcing our own code
        // redrawing the label in the correct colour to be called. This is
        // inefficient but there doesn't seem to be anything else we can do.
        // Notice that the problem is XP-specific and doesn't arise under later
        // systems.
        if ( m_hasFgCol && wxGetWinVersion() == wxWinVersion_XP )

    return wxControl::MSWWindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam);