bool Prop::OnTrigger(HOBJECT hSender, const CParsedMsg &cMsg) { static CParsedMsg::CToken s_cTok_Anim("ANIM"); static CParsedMsg::CToken s_cTok_AnimLoop("ANIMLOOP"); static CParsedMsg::CToken s_cTok_Activate("ACTIVATE"); static CParsedMsg::CToken s_cTok_Remove("REMOVE"); static CParsedMsg::CToken s_cTok_Destroy("DESTROY"); uint32 dwFlags; g_pCommonLT->GetObjectFlags(m_hObject, OFT_User, dwFlags); if ( cMsg.GetArg(0) == s_cTok_Anim ) { g_pLTServer->SetModelLooping(m_hObject, LTFALSE); g_pLTServer->SetModelAnimation(m_hObject, g_pLTServer->GetAnimIndex(m_hObject, ( char* )( char const* )cMsg.GetArg( 1 ))); g_pLTServer->ResetModelAnimation(m_hObject); SetNextUpdate(UPDATE_NEXT_FRAME); // Needed to get string keys } else if ( cMsg.GetArg(0) == s_cTok_AnimLoop ) { g_pLTServer->SetModelLooping(m_hObject, LTTRUE); g_pLTServer->SetModelAnimation(m_hObject, g_pLTServer->GetAnimIndex(m_hObject, ( char* )( char const* )cMsg.GetArg( 1 ))); g_pLTServer->ResetModelAnimation(m_hObject); SetNextUpdate(UPDATE_NEXT_FRAME); // Needed to get string keys } else if ( cMsg.GetArg(0) == s_cTok_Activate ) { if(dwFlags & USRFLG_CAN_ACTIVATE) { SendActivateMessage( ); HandleTouch(hSender); } } else if( cMsg.GetArg(0) == s_cTok_Remove ) { // Remove us... g_pLTServer->RemoveObject( m_hObject ); } else if( cMsg.GetArg(0) == s_cTok_Destroy ) { m_damage.HandleDestruction( LTNULL ); HandleDestroy( LTNULL ); } else { return GameBase::OnTrigger(hSender, cMsg); } return true; }
FReply SVirtualJoystick::OnTouchStarted(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& Event) { // UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Pointer index: %d"), Event.GetPointerIndex()); FVector2D LocalCoord = MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal( Event.GetScreenSpacePosition() ); for (int32 ControlIndex = 0; ControlIndex < Controls.Num(); ControlIndex++) { FControlInfo& Control = Controls[ControlIndex]; // skip controls already in use if (Control.CapturedPointerIndex == -1) { if (PositionIsInside(Control, LocalCoord, Control.InteractionSize)) { // Align Joystick inside of Screen AlignBoxIntoScreen(LocalCoord, Control.VisualSize, MyGeometry.Size); Control.CapturedPointerIndex = Event.GetPointerIndex(); if (ActivationDelay == 0.f) { CurrentOpacity = ActiveOpacity; if (!bPreventReCenter) { Control.VisualCenter = LocalCoord; } if (HandleTouch(ControlIndex, LocalCoord, MyGeometry.Size)) // Never fail! { return FReply::Handled(); } } else { Control.bNeedUpdatedCenter = true; Control.ElapsedTime = 0.f; Control.NextCenter = LocalCoord; return FReply::Unhandled(); } } } } // CapturedPointerIndex[CapturedJoystick] = -1; return FReply::Unhandled(); }
void View::ProcessQTouchEvent(QTouchEvent* pEvent) { const QList<QTouchEvent::TouchPoint>& touchPoints = pEvent->touchPoints(); for (int i=0; i < touchPoints.size(); i++) { const QTouchEvent::TouchPoint& touchPoint =; if (!touchPoint.isPrimary()) { int state = touchPoint.state(); QPointF pos = touchPoint.pos(); TouchEvent touchEvent; touchEvent.x = pos.x(); touchEvent.y = pos.y(); = + 1; if (state == Qt::TouchPointMoved) { touchEvent.type = TouchEvent::Type_Move; HandleTouch(&touchEvent); } else if (state == Qt::TouchPointPressed) { touchEvent.type = TouchEvent::Type_Press; HandleTouch(&touchEvent); } else if (state == Qt::TouchPointReleased) { touchEvent.type = TouchEvent::Type_Release; HandleTouch(&touchEvent); } } } }
FReply SVirtualJoystick::OnTouchMoved(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& Event) { FVector2D LocalCoord = MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal( Event.GetScreenSpacePosition() ); for (int32 ControlIndex = 0; ControlIndex < Controls.Num(); ControlIndex++) { FControlInfo& Control = Controls[ControlIndex]; // is this control the one captured to this pointer? if (Control.CapturedPointerIndex == Event.GetPointerIndex()) { if (Control.bNeedUpdatedCenter) { return FReply::Unhandled(); } else if (HandleTouch(ControlIndex, LocalCoord, MyGeometry.Size)) { return FReply::Handled(); } } } return FReply::Unhandled(); }
uint32 CProjectile::EngineMessageFn(uint32 messageID, void *pData, LTFLOAT fData) { switch(messageID) { case MID_UPDATE: { Update(); } break; case MID_PRECREATE: { ObjectCreateStruct* pStruct = (ObjectCreateStruct*)pData; if (pStruct) { pStruct->m_Flags = m_dwFlags; // This will be set in Setup()... SAFE_STRCPY(pStruct->m_Filename, "Models\\"); pStruct->m_NextUpdate = UPDATE_DELTA; } } break; case MID_INITIALUPDATE: { InitialUpdate((int)fData); } break; case MID_TOUCHNOTIFY: { HandleTouch((HOBJECT)pData); } break; case MID_LINKBROKEN : { HOBJECT hLink = (HOBJECT)pData; if (hLink) { if (hLink == m_hFiredFrom) { m_hFiredFrom = LTNULL; } } } break; case MID_SAVEOBJECT: { Save((HMESSAGEWRITE)pData, (uint32)fData); } break; case MID_LOADOBJECT: { Load((HMESSAGEREAD)pData, (uint32)fData); } break; default : break; } return GameBase::EngineMessageFn(messageID, pData, fData); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseSpriteProjectile::Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { HandleTouch( pOther ); }
void SVirtualJoystick::Tick( const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const double InCurrentTime, const float InDeltaTime ) { SLeafWidget::Tick(AllottedGeometry, InCurrentTime, InDeltaTime); if (State == State_WaitForStart || State == State_CountingDownToStart) { CurrentOpacity = 0.f; } else { // lerp to the desired opacity based on whether the user is interacting with the joystick CurrentOpacity = FMath::Lerp(CurrentOpacity, GetBaseOpacity(), OPACITY_LERP_RATE * InDeltaTime); } // count how many controls are active int32 NumActiveControls = 0; for (int32 ControlIndex = 0; ControlIndex < Controls.Num(); ControlIndex++) { FControlInfo& Control = Controls[ControlIndex]; if (Control.bNeedUpdatedCenter) { Control.ElapsedTime += InDeltaTime; if (Control.ElapsedTime > ActivationDelay) { Control.bNeedUpdatedCenter = false; CurrentOpacity = ActiveOpacity; if (!bPreventReCenter) { Control.VisualCenter = Control.NextCenter; } HandleTouch(ControlIndex, Control.NextCenter, AllottedGeometry.Size); } } // calculate absolute positions based on geometry // @todo: Need to manage geometry changing! if (!Control.bHasBeenPositioned) { // figure out how much to scale the control sizes float ScaleFactor = GetScaleFactor(AllottedGeometry); // update all the sizes Control.Center = FVector2D(ResolveRelativePosition(Control.Center.X, AllottedGeometry.Size.X, ScaleFactor), ResolveRelativePosition(Control.Center.Y, AllottedGeometry.Size.Y, ScaleFactor)); Control.VisualCenter = Control.Center; Control.VisualSize = FVector2D(ResolveRelativePosition(Control.VisualSize.X, AllottedGeometry.Size.X, ScaleFactor), ResolveRelativePosition(Control.VisualSize.Y, AllottedGeometry.Size.Y, ScaleFactor)); Control.InteractionSize = FVector2D(ResolveRelativePosition(Control.InteractionSize.X, AllottedGeometry.Size.X, ScaleFactor), ResolveRelativePosition(Control.InteractionSize.Y, AllottedGeometry.Size.Y, ScaleFactor)); Control.ThumbSize = FVector2D(ResolveRelativePosition(Control.ThumbSize.X, AllottedGeometry.Size.X, ScaleFactor), ResolveRelativePosition(Control.ThumbSize.Y, AllottedGeometry.Size.Y, ScaleFactor)); // Control.InputScale = Control.InputScale * ScaleFactor; Control.bHasBeenPositioned = true; } if (Control.CapturedPointerIndex >= 0 || Control.bSendOneMoreEvent) { Control.bSendOneMoreEvent = false; // now pass the fake joystick events to the game // Assume that joystick size is all equal float JoysticInputSize = Control.ThumbPosition.Size() * 2.f / Control.VisualSize.X; FVector2D NormalizedOffset = Control.ThumbPosition.SafeNormal() * Control.InputScale * JoysticInputSize; EControllerButtons::Type XAxis = ControlIndex == 0 ? EControllerButtons::LeftAnalogX : EControllerButtons::RightAnalogX; EControllerButtons::Type YAxis = ControlIndex == 0 ? EControllerButtons::LeftAnalogY : EControllerButtons::RightAnalogY; // UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Joysticking %f,%f"), NormalizedOffset.X, -NormalizedOffset.Y); FSlateApplication::Get().SetJoystickCaptorToGameViewport(); FSlateApplication::Get().OnControllerAnalog(Control.MainInputKey, 0, NormalizedOffset.X); FSlateApplication::Get().OnControllerAnalog(Control.AltInputKey, 0, -NormalizedOffset.Y); } // is this active? if (Control.CapturedPointerIndex != -1) { NumActiveControls++; } } // STATE MACHINE! if (NumActiveControls > 0 || bPreventReCenter) { // any active control snaps the state to active immediately State = State_Active; } else { switch (State) { case State_WaitForStart: { State = State_CountingDownToStart; Countdown = StartupDelay; } break; case State_CountingDownToStart: // update the countdown Countdown -= InDeltaTime; if (Countdown <= 0.0f) { State = State_Inactive; } break; case State_Active: if (NumActiveControls == 0) { // start going to inactive State = State_CountingDownToInactive; Countdown = TimeUntilDeactive; } break; case State_CountingDownToInactive: // update the countdown Countdown -= InDeltaTime; if (Countdown <= 0.0f) { // should we start counting down to a control reset? if (TimeUntilReset > 0.0f) { State = State_CountingDownToReset; Countdown = TimeUntilReset; } else { // if not, then just go inactive State = State_Inactive; } } break; case State_CountingDownToReset: Countdown -= InDeltaTime; if (Countdown <= 0.0f) { // reset all the controls for (int32 ControlIndex = 0; ControlIndex < Controls.Num(); ControlIndex++) { Controls[ControlIndex].Reset(); } // finally, go inactive State = State_Inactive; } break; } } }
bool View::eventFilter(QObject* pTarget, QEvent* pEvent) { QEvent::Type eventType = pEvent->type(); if (eventType == QEvent::MouseMove) { TouchEvent touchEvent; touchEvent.x = ((QMouseEvent*)pEvent)->x(); touchEvent.y = ((QMouseEvent*)pEvent)->y(); = 0; touchEvent.type = TouchEvent::Type_Move; HandleTouch(&touchEvent); return true; } else if (eventType == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) { if (m_numButtonsPressed == 0) { if (((QMouseEvent*)pEvent)->button() == Qt::RightButton) { InputModeChangeEvent event; event.mode = InputMode_Gesture; m_pEventDispatcher->DispatchInputModeChangeEvent(&event); } TouchEvent touchEvent; touchEvent.x = ((QMouseEvent*)pEvent)->x(); touchEvent.y = ((QMouseEvent*)pEvent)->y(); = 0; touchEvent.type = TouchEvent::Type_Press; HandleTouch(&touchEvent); } m_numButtonsPressed++; return true; } else if (eventType == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) { if (m_numButtonsPressed > 0) { /* * Only process the mouse release event if the * numButtonsPressed is greater than 0 since a * double click will send two release events for * every one press event which would otherwise * make numButtonsPressed negative. */ m_numButtonsPressed--; if (m_numButtonsPressed == 0) { TouchEvent touchEvent; touchEvent.x = ((QMouseEvent*)pEvent)->x(); touchEvent.y = ((QMouseEvent*)pEvent)->y(); = 0; touchEvent.type = TouchEvent::Type_Release; HandleTouch(&touchEvent); } } return true; } else if ((eventType == QEvent::TouchUpdate) || (eventType == QEvent::TouchBegin) || (eventType == QEvent::TouchEnd)) { ProcessQTouchEvent((QTouchEvent*)pEvent); pEvent->setAccepted(true); return true; } else if (eventType == QEvent::KeyPress) { KeyEvent keyEvent; = ((QKeyEvent*)pEvent)->key(); keyEvent.key = ((QKeyEvent*)pEvent)->key(); keyEvent.type = KeyEvent::Type_Press; ProcessKeyPressEvent(&keyEvent); return true; } else if (eventType == QEvent::KeyRelease) { KeyEvent keyEvent; = ((QKeyEvent*)pEvent)->key(); keyEvent.key = ((QKeyEvent*)pEvent)->key(); keyEvent.type = KeyEvent::Type_Release; ProcessKeyReleaseEvent(&keyEvent); return true; } else if (eventType == QEvent::Resize) { HandleResizeEvent((QResizeEvent*)pEvent); return false; } else if (eventType == QEvent::Close) { HandleCloseEvent((QCloseEvent*)pEvent); return true; } return QObject::eventFilter(pTarget, pEvent); }
uint32 Prop::EngineMessageFn(uint32 messageID, void *pData, LTFLOAT fData) { switch(messageID) { case MID_TOUCHNOTIFY: { if(m_bTouchable) { HOBJECT hToucher = (HOBJECT)pData; if( IsCharacterHitBox( hToucher ) ) { CCharacterHitBox* pHB = (CCharacterHitBox*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hToucher); hToucher = pHB->GetModelObject(); } // Could be a body. if( IsCharacter(hToucher) ) { HandleTouch( hToucher ); } } else if( m_bAttachmentShotOff ) { HandleAttachmentTouch( (HOBJECT)pData ); } } break; case MID_UPDATE: { Update(); } break; case MID_MODELSTRINGKEY : { HandleModelString( (ArgList*)pData ); } break; case MID_PRECREATE: { if (fData == PRECREATE_WORLDFILE || fData == PRECREATE_STRINGPROP) { ObjectCreateStruct* pStruct = (ObjectCreateStruct*)pData; ReadProp(pStruct); // If this prop is spawned, assume it should be visible (if they // specify Visible 0, our parent class will handle it ;) if (fData == PRECREATE_STRINGPROP) { m_dwFlags |= FLAG_VISIBLE; } } // We must remove aggregates before sending the message to the base classs... if( !m_bCanTransition ) { // Disallow transitioning of this object through TransAMs... DestroyTransitionAggregate(); } uint32 dwRet = GameBase::EngineMessageFn(messageID, pData, fData); PostPropRead((ObjectCreateStruct*)pData); return dwRet; } break; case MID_INITIALUPDATE: { if (fData != INITIALUPDATE_SAVEGAME) { InitialUpdate(); } } break; case MID_SAVEOBJECT: { Save((ILTMessage_Write*)pData, (uint32)fData); } break; case MID_LOADOBJECT: { Load((ILTMessage_Read*)pData, (uint32)fData); } break; default : break; } return GameBase::EngineMessageFn(messageID, pData, fData); }
void Prop::Update() { if (m_bFirstUpdate && m_bMoveToFloor) { // Make sure object starts on floor... m_bFirstUpdate = LTFALSE; MoveObjectToFloor(m_hObject); SetNextUpdate(UPDATE_NEXT_FRAME); } else if( m_pDisturb && (m_eState == kState_PropTouching) ) { HandleTouch(LTNULL); } else if( m_pDisturb && (m_eState == kState_PropHit) ) { HandleHit(LTNULL); } else if( m_bRotating ) { if( m_fPitchVel != 0 || m_fYawVel != 0 || m_fRollVel != 0 ) { float fDeltaTime = g_pLTServer->GetFrameTime(); m_fPitch += m_fPitchVel * fDeltaTime; m_fYaw += m_fYawVel * fDeltaTime; m_fRoll += m_fRollVel * fDeltaTime; LTRotation rRot( m_fPitch, m_fYaw, m_fRoll ); g_pLTServer->SetObjectRotation( m_hObject, &rRot ); SetNextUpdate(UPDATE_NEXT_FRAME); } } else if ( m_bFading ) { UpdateFade(); } else if ( m_bCanDeactivate ) { // At this point the model only needs to get updates if we're playing // a non-looping animation so we can deactivate the object when the animation // is done playing. However, if the model is playing a looping animation // we'll stop updating but leave the object active (so it will continue to // animate and get key strings)... // See if we're animating... HMODELANIM hAnim = g_pLTServer->GetModelAnimation(m_hObject); if (hAnim != INVALID_ANI) { if (g_pLTServer->GetModelLooping(m_hObject)) { // We're playing a looping animation that is long enough, don't deactivate, // just stop updating the object (since the state can only be changed // externally)...NOTE: Short animations are default anis that you can't // see so we'll deactivate in those cases... uint32 nLength = 0; g_pModelLT->GetAnimLength(m_hObject, hAnim, nLength); if (nLength > 200) { SetNextUpdate(UPDATE_NEVER, eControlUpdateOnly); } else { SetNextUpdate(UPDATE_NEVER); } } else // Playing a non-looping animation... { bool bAniDone = !!(MS_PLAYDONE & g_pLTServer->GetModelPlaybackState(m_hObject)); if (bAniDone) { // Cool we can stop updating SetNextUpdate(UPDATE_NEVER); } else { // Keep updating until the animation is done... SetNextUpdate(UPDATE_NEXT_FRAME); } } } else // Not animating so no reason to update... { SetNextUpdate(UPDATE_NEVER); } } else { // Just keep updating SetNextUpdate(UPDATE_NEXT_FRAME); } }
void Prop::HandleHit( HOBJECT hDamager ) { if( ( hDamager != LTNULL ) && ( !IsCharacter(hDamager) ) && ( !IsExplosion(hDamager) ) ) { return; } if( (m_eState == kState_PropDestroyed) || (m_eState == kState_PropKnocked) || (!(m_pDisturb && m_pDisturb->pPD)) ) { return; } // If we don't have a valid hit animation default to the touch animation... if( m_pDisturb->hHitAnim == INVALID_ANI ) HandleTouch( hDamager ); // Resolve the toucher to a character handle. HOBJECT hCharacter = LTNULL; if( IsCharacterHitBox( hDamager ) ) { CCharacterHitBox* pHB = (CCharacterHitBox*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hDamager); hCharacter = pHB->GetModelObject(); } else if( IsExplosion( hDamager ) ) { Explosion* pExplosion = (Explosion*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hDamager); hCharacter = pExplosion->GetFiredFrom(); } else if( IsCharacter( hDamager ) ) { hCharacter = hDamager; } // Only characters can hit (for now). if((hCharacter != LTNULL) && !IsCharacter(hCharacter)) return; if(m_eState == kState_PropHit) { // Check if both sound and animation are done ClearHitSoundIfDone( LTFALSE ); if( m_pDisturb->hHitSound == LTNULL ) { ClearHitAnimIfDone( LTFALSE ); if( g_pLTServer->GetModelAnimation(m_hObject) != m_pDisturb->hHitAnim ) { m_eState = kState_PropDefault; return; } } } // Play the hit sound and animation. if( (m_eState == kState_PropDefault) && (hCharacter != LTNULL)) { LTVector vPos; g_pLTServer->GetObjectPos(m_hObject, &vPos); // Play sound. PlayHitSound(vPos); // Play animation. if(m_pDisturb->hHitAnim != INVALID_ANI) { g_pLTServer->SetModelAnimation( m_hObject, m_pDisturb->hHitAnim ); g_pLTServer->SetModelLooping( m_hObject, LTFALSE ); g_pLTServer->ResetModelAnimation(m_hObject); } // Register touch disturbance stimulus. if( (m_pDisturb->pPD->nHitAlarmLevel > 0) && (m_pDisturb->pPD->fStimRadius > 0.f) ) { g_pAIStimulusMgr->RegisterStimulus( kStim_EnemyDisturbanceSound, m_pDisturb->pPD->nHitAlarmLevel, hCharacter, m_hObject, vPos, m_pDisturb->pPD->fStimRadius ); } m_eState = kState_PropHit; } // Update while playing touch sound and/or animation. SetNextUpdate(UPDATE_NEXT_FRAME); }
uint32 Prop::EngineMessageFn(uint32 messageID, void *pData, LTFLOAT fData) { switch(messageID) { case MID_TOUCHNOTIFY: { HandleTouch((HOBJECT)pData); } break; case MID_UPDATE: { // Make sure object starts on floor... if (m_bFirstUpdate && m_bMoveToFloor) { m_bFirstUpdate = LTFALSE; MoveObjectToFloor(m_hObject); } } break; case MID_PRECREATE: { if (fData == PRECREATE_WORLDFILE || fData == PRECREATE_STRINGPROP) { ObjectCreateStruct* pStruct = (ObjectCreateStruct*)pData; ReadProp(pStruct); // If this prop is spawned, assume it should be visible (if they // specify Visible 0, our parent class will handle it ;) if (fData == PRECREATE_STRINGPROP) { m_dwFlags |= FLAG_VISIBLE; } } uint32 dwRet = GameBase::EngineMessageFn(messageID, pData, fData); PostPropRead((ObjectCreateStruct*)pData); CacheFiles(); return dwRet; } break; case MID_INITIALUPDATE: { if (fData != INITIALUPDATE_SAVEGAME) { InitialUpdate(); } } break; case MID_SAVEOBJECT: { Save((HMESSAGEWRITE)pData, (uint32)fData); } break; case MID_LOADOBJECT: { Load((HMESSAGEREAD)pData, (uint32)fData); } break; default : break; } return GameBase::EngineMessageFn(messageID, pData, fData); }
DDWORD CProjectile::EngineMessageFn(DDWORD messageID, void *pData, DFLOAT fData) { switch(messageID) { case MID_UPDATE: { if (!Update((DVector *)pData)) { CServerDE* pServerDE = BaseClass::GetServerDE(); if (!pServerDE) return 0; pServerDE->RemoveObject(m_hObject); } break; } case MID_PRECREATE: { ObjectCreateStruct *ocs = (ObjectCreateStruct*)pData; m_dwClientID = ocs->m_UserData; ocs = DNULL; DDWORD dwRet = BaseClass::EngineMessageFn(messageID, pData, fData); if (fData != PRECREATE_SAVEGAME) PostPropRead((ObjectCreateStruct*)pData); return dwRet; } case MID_INITIALUPDATE: { if (fData != INITIALUPDATE_SAVEGAME) InitialUpdate((DVector *)pData); break; } case MID_TOUCHNOTIFY: { HandleTouch((HOBJECT)pData); break; } case MID_LINKBROKEN: { HOBJECT hObj = (HOBJECT)pData; BreakLink(hObj); break; } case MID_SAVEOBJECT: Save((HMESSAGEWRITE)pData, (DDWORD)fData); break; case MID_LOADOBJECT: Load((HMESSAGEREAD)pData, (DDWORD)fData); break; default : break; } return BaseClass::EngineMessageFn(messageID, pData, fData); }