FReply STableViewBase::OnMouseButtonUp( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	if ( MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() == EKeys::RightMouseButton )

		OnRightMouseButtonUp( MouseEvent );

		FReply Reply = FReply::Handled().ReleaseMouseCapture();
		bShowSoftwareCursor = false;

		// If we have mouse capture, snap the mouse back to the closest location that is within the list's bounds
		if ( HasMouseCapture() )
			FSlateRect ListScreenSpaceRect = MyGeometry.GetClippingRect();
			FVector2D CursorPosition = MyGeometry.LocalToAbsolute( SoftwareCursorPosition );

			FIntPoint BestPositionInList(
				FMath::RoundToInt( FMath::Clamp( CursorPosition.X, ListScreenSpaceRect.Left, ListScreenSpaceRect.Right ) ),
				FMath::RoundToInt( FMath::Clamp( CursorPosition.Y, ListScreenSpaceRect.Top, ListScreenSpaceRect.Bottom ) )


		return Reply;
	return FReply::Unhandled();
Exemple #2
bool SGraphPanel::IsNodeTitleVisible(const class UEdGraphNode* Node, bool bRequestRename)
	bool bTitleVisible = false;
	TSharedRef<SNode>* pWidget = NodeToWidgetLookup.Find(Node);

	if (pWidget != NULL)
		TWeakPtr<SGraphNode> GraphNode = StaticCastSharedRef<SGraphNode>(*pWidget);
		if(GraphNode.IsValid() && !HasMouseCapture())
			FSlateRect TitleRect = GraphNode.Pin()->GetTitleRect();
			const FVector2D TopLeft = FVector2D( TitleRect.Left, TitleRect.Top );
			const FVector2D BottomRight = FVector2D( TitleRect.Right, TitleRect.Bottom );

			if( IsRectVisible( TopLeft, BottomRight ))
				bTitleVisible = true;
			else if( bRequestRename )
				bTitleVisible = JumpToRect( TopLeft, BottomRight );

			if( bTitleVisible && bRequestRename )
				SelectAndCenterObject(Node, false);
	return bTitleVisible;
FReply SColorGradientEditor::OnMouseMove( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	if( HasMouseCapture() && IsEditingEnabled.Get() == true )
		DistanceDragged += FMath::Abs( MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta().X );
		if( MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown( EKeys::LeftMouseButton ) && SelectedStop.IsValid( *CurveOwner ) )
			const float DragThresholdDist = 5.0f;
			if( !bDraggingStop )
				if( DistanceDragged >= DragThresholdDist )
					// Start a transaction, we just started dragging a stop
					bDraggingStop = true;
					GEditor->BeginTransaction( LOCTEXT("MoveGradientStop", "Move Gradient Stop") );

				return FReply::Handled();
				// Already dragging a stop, move it
				FTrackScaleInfo ScaleInfo(ViewMinInput.Get(),  ViewMaxInput.Get(), 0.0f, 1.0f, MyGeometry.Size);
				float MouseTime = ScaleInfo.LocalXToInput( MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal( MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition() ).X );
				MoveStop( SelectedStop, MouseTime );

				return FReply::Handled();

	return FReply::Unhandled();
FReply SButton::OnMouseButtonUp( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	FReply Reply = FReply::Unhandled();
	const bool bMustBePressed = ClickMethod == EButtonClickMethod::DownAndUp;
	const bool bMeetsPressedRequirements = (!bMustBePressed || (bIsPressed && bMustBePressed));

	if (bMeetsPressedRequirements && IsEnabled() && ( MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() == EKeys::LeftMouseButton || MouseEvent.IsTouchEvent() ) )

		if( ClickMethod == EButtonClickMethod::MouseDown )
			// NOTE: If we're configured to click on mouse-down/precise-tap, then we never capture the mouse thus
			//       may never receive an OnMouseButtonUp() call.  We make sure that our bIsPressed
			//       state is reset by overriding OnMouseLeave().
			bool bEventOverButton = IsHovered();
			if (!bEventOverButton && MouseEvent.IsTouchEvent())
				bEventOverButton = MyGeometry.IsUnderLocation(MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition());
			if (bEventOverButton)
				// If we asked for a precise tap, all we need is for the user to have not moved their pointer very far.
				const bool bTriggerForTouchEvent = IsPreciseTapOrClick(MouseEvent);

				// If we were asked to allow the button to be clicked on mouse up, regardless of whether the user
				// pressed the button down first, then we'll allow the click to proceed without an active capture
				const bool bTriggerForMouseEvent = ( ClickMethod == EButtonClickMethod::MouseUp || HasMouseCapture() );

				if( (bTriggerForTouchEvent || bTriggerForMouseEvent) && OnClicked.IsBound() == true )
					Reply = OnClicked.Execute();
		//If the user of the button didn't handle this click, then the button's
		//default behavior handles it.
		if ( Reply.IsEventHandled() == false )
			Reply = FReply::Handled();

		//If the user hasn't requested a new mouse captor and the button still has mouse capture,
		//then the default behavior of the button is to release mouse capture.
		if (Reply.GetMouseCaptor().IsValid() == false && HasMouseCapture())


	return Reply;
Exemple #5
void SSection::OnMouseLeave( const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	SCompoundWidget::OnMouseLeave( MouseEvent );

	if( !HasMouseCapture() )
void SProfilerThreadView::OnMouseLeave( const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	if( !HasMouseCapture() )
		bIsLeftMousePressed = false;
		bIsRightMousePressed = false;

		CursorType = EThreadViewCursor::Default;
Exemple #7
FReply SColorWheel::OnMouseMove( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	if (!HasMouseCapture())
		return FReply::Unhandled();

	ProcessMouseAction(MyGeometry, MouseEvent, true);

	return FReply::Handled();
 bool DesktopWindowManager::ReleaseMouseCapture(view::Widget* widget)
     if(!widget || mouse_capture_!=widget)
         return false;
     mouse_capture_ = NULL;
     return true;
 void DesktopWindowManager::StartResizeDrag(
     view::Widget* widget, const gfx::Point& point, int hittest_code)
     if(!widget->IsMaximized() && !widget->IsMinimized() &&
         (widget->widget_delegate() || widget->widget_delegate()->CanResize()))
         window_controller_.reset(new ResizeWindowController(widget));
Exemple #10
FReply SColorWheel::OnMouseButtonUp( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	if (MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() == EKeys::LeftMouseButton && HasMouseCapture())

		return FReply::Handled().ReleaseMouseCapture();
		return FReply::Unhandled();
 bool DesktopWindowManager::SetMouseCapture(view::Widget* widget)
         return false;
     if(mouse_capture_ == widget)
         return true;
     mouse_capture_ = widget;
     return true;
FReply SSlider::OnMouseButtonUp( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	if ((MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() == EKeys::LeftMouseButton) && HasMouseCapture())
		// Release capture for controller/keyboard when switching to mouse.
		return FReply::Handled().ReleaseMouseCapture();	

	return FReply::Unhandled();
FCursorReply SSequencerTrackArea::OnCursorQuery( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& CursorEvent ) const
	if (CursorEvent.IsMouseButtonDown(EKeys::RightMouseButton) && HasMouseCapture())
		return FCursorReply::Cursor(EMouseCursor::GrabHandClosed);

	auto SequencerPin = SequencerWidget.Pin();
	if (SequencerPin.IsValid())
		return SequencerPin->GetEditTool().OnCursorQuery(MyGeometry, CursorEvent);

	return FCursorReply::Unhandled();
FReply STableViewBase::OnTouchEnded( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& InTouchEvent )

	AmountScrolledWhileRightMouseDown = 0;
	bStartedTouchInteraction = false;

	if (HasMouseCapture())
		return FReply::Handled().ReleaseMouseCapture();
		return FReply::Handled();
FReply SPaperEditorViewport::OnMouseMove(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent)
	const bool bIsRightMouseButtonDown = MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown(EKeys::RightMouseButton);
	const bool bIsLeftMouseButtonDown = MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown(EKeys::LeftMouseButton);
	if (HasMouseCapture())
		// Track how much the mouse moved since the mouse down.
		const FVector2D CursorDelta = MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta();
		TotalMouseDelta += CursorDelta.Size();

		if (bIsRightMouseButtonDown)
			FReply ReplyState = FReply::Handled();

			if (!CursorDelta.IsZero())
				bShowSoftwareCursor = true;

			bIsPanning = true;
			ViewOffset -= CursorDelta / GetZoomAmount();

			return ReplyState;
		else if (bIsLeftMouseButtonDown)
//			TSharedPtr<SNode> NodeBeingDragged = NodeUnderMousePtr.Pin();

			// Update the amount to pan panel
			UpdateViewOffset(MyGeometry, MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition());

			const bool bCursorInDeadZone = TotalMouseDelta <= FSlateApplication::Get().GetDragTriggerDistance();

				// We are marquee selecting
				const FVector2D GraphMousePos = PanelCoordToGraphCoord( MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal( MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition() ) );

				return FReply::Handled();

	return FReply::Unhandled();
void SPaperEditorViewport::Tick( const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const double InCurrentTime, const float InDeltaTime )
	// Handle any deferred panning
	if (bRequestDeferredPan)
		bRequestDeferredPan = false;
		UpdateViewOffset(AllottedGeometry, DeferredPanPosition);

	if (!HasMouseCapture())
		bShowSoftwareCursor = false;
		bIsPanning = false;

	PaperViewportClient->SetZoomPos( ViewOffset, GetZoomAmount() );
	PaperViewportClient->bNeedsRedraw = true;

	bool bSelectionModified = false;
	if (Marquee.IsValid())
		bSelectionModified = true;

		OnSelectionChanged.ExecuteIfBound(Marquee, true);

	if (bSelectionModified || bIsPanning || FSlateThrottleManager::Get().IsAllowingExpensiveTasks())
		// Setup the selection set for the viewport

		if (Marquee.IsValid())
			FViewportSelectionRectangle& Rect = *(new (PaperViewportClient->SelectionRectangles) FViewportSelectionRectangle);
			Rect.Color = FColorList::Yellow;
			Rect.Color.A = 0.45f;
			Rect.TopLeft = Marquee.Rect.GetUpperLeft();
			Rect.Dimensions = Marquee.Rect.GetSize();

		// Tick and render the viewport
		GEditor->UpdateSingleViewportClient(PaperViewportClient.Get(), /*bInAllowNonRealtimeViewportToDraw=*/ true, /*bLinkedOrthoMovement=*/ false);
 void DesktopWindowManager::StartMoveDrag(
     view::Widget* widget,
     const gfx::Point& point)
     if(!widget->IsMaximized() && !widget->IsMinimized())
         gfx::Point new_point = point;
             gfx::Rect client = desktop_->non_client_view()->frame_view()->
             new_point.Offset(client.x(), client.y());
         window_controller_.reset(new MoveWindowController(widget, new_point));
FReply STransformHandle::OnMouseButtonUp(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent)
	if ( HasMouseCapture() && MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() == EKeys::LeftMouseButton )
		const bool bRequiresRecompile = false;

		if ( ScopedTransaction )
			delete ScopedTransaction;
			ScopedTransaction = nullptr;

		Action = ETransformAction::None;
		return FReply::Handled().ReleaseMouseCapture();

	return FReply::Unhandled();
FReply SSequencerTrackArea::OnMouseMove( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	auto SequencerPin = SequencerWidget.Pin();
	if (SequencerPin.IsValid())
		FReply Reply = SequencerPin->GetEditTool().OnMouseMove(*this, MyGeometry, MouseEvent);
		if (Reply.IsEventHandled())
			return Reply;

	if (MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown(EKeys::RightMouseButton) && HasMouseCapture())
		TreeView.Pin()->ScrollByDelta( -MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta().Y );

	return TimeSliderController->OnMouseMove( SharedThis(this), MyGeometry, MouseEvent );
Exemple #20
 * See SWidget::OnMouseButtonUp.
 * @param MyGeometry The Geometry of the widget receiving the event
 * @param MouseEvent Information about the input event
 * @return Whether the event was handled along with possible requests for the system to take action.
FReply SCheckBox::OnMouseButtonUp( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	if ( MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() == EKeys::LeftMouseButton )
		bIsPressed = false;

		if( ClickMethod == EButtonClickMethod::MouseDown )
			// NOTE: If we're configured to click on mouse-down, then we never capture the mouse thus
			//       may never receive an OnMouseButtonUp() call.  We make sure that our bIsPressed
			//       state is reset by overriding OnMouseLeave().
			const bool IsUnderMouse = MyGeometry.IsUnderLocation( MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition() );
			if ( IsUnderMouse )
				// If we were asked to allow the button to be clicked on mouse up, regardless of whether the user
				// pressed the button down first, then we'll allow the click to proceed without an active capture
				if( ClickMethod == EButtonClickMethod::MouseUp || HasMouseCapture() )
					const TAttribute<ESlateCheckBoxState::Type>& State = IsCheckboxChecked.Get();
					if(State == ESlateCheckBoxState::Checked)
					else if(State == ESlateCheckBoxState::Unchecked)

		return FReply::Handled().ReleaseMouseCapture();

	return FReply::Unhandled();
	virtual FReply OnMouseButtonUp(const FGeometry& InMyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& InMouseEvent) override
		if (!InMouseEvent.IsControlDown())
			return SCheckBox::OnMouseButtonUp(InMyGeometry, InMouseEvent);
		if (InMouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() == EKeys::LeftMouseButton)
			bIsPressed = false;

			if (IsHovered() && HasMouseCapture())
				if (OnLayerCtrlClicked.IsBound())
					return OnLayerCtrlClicked.Execute();

		return FReply::Handled().ReleaseMouseCapture();
FReply SAnimationOutlinerTreeNode::OnMouseButtonUp( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	if( MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() == EKeys::RightMouseButton && HasMouseCapture() )
		TSharedPtr<SWidget> MenuContent = DisplayNode->OnSummonContextMenu(MyGeometry, MouseEvent);
		if (MenuContent.IsValid())
				FPopupTransitionEffect( FPopupTransitionEffect::ContextMenu )
			return FReply::Handled().ReleaseMouseCapture().SetUserFocus(MenuContent.ToSharedRef(), EFocusCause::SetDirectly);

		return FReply::Handled().ReleaseMouseCapture();

	return FReply::Unhandled();
Exemple #23
FReply SSection::OnMouseButtonUp( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	if( bDragging && DragOperation.IsValid() )
		// If dragging tell the operation we are no longer dragging
		if( ( MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() == EKeys::LeftMouseButton || MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() == EKeys::RightMouseButton ) && HasMouseCapture() && MyGeometry.IsUnderLocation( MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition() ) )
			HandleSelection( MyGeometry, MouseEvent );

		if( MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() == EKeys::RightMouseButton && HasMouseCapture() )
			TSharedPtr<SWidget> MenuContent = OnSummonContextMenu( MyGeometry, MouseEvent );
			if (MenuContent.IsValid())
				FWidgetPath WidgetPath = MouseEvent.GetEventPath() != nullptr ? *MouseEvent.GetEventPath() : FWidgetPath();

					FPopupTransitionEffect( FPopupTransitionEffect::ContextMenu )

				return FReply::Handled().ReleaseMouseCapture().SetUserFocus(MenuContent.ToSharedRef(), EFocusCause::SetDirectly);


	return FReply::Handled().ReleaseMouseCapture();
FReply SProfilerThreadView::OnMouseMove( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )

	FReply Reply = FReply::Unhandled();

	if( IsReady() )
		const FVector2D LocalMousePosition = MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal( MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition() );
		HoveredPositionX = 0.0;//PositionToFrameIndex( LocalMousePosition.X );
		HoveredPositionY = 0.0;

		const float CursorPosXDelta = -MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta().X;
		const float ScrollSpeed = 1.0f / ZoomFactorX;

		if( MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown( EKeys::LeftMouseButton ) )
			if( HasMouseCapture() && !MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta().IsZero() )
				DistanceDragged += CursorPosXDelta*ScrollSpeed*0.1;

				// Inform other widgets that we have scrolled the thread-view.
				SetPositionX( FMath::Clamp( DistanceDragged, 0.0, TotalRangeXMS - RangeXMS ) );
				CursorType = EThreadViewCursor::Hand;
				Reply = FReply::Handled();
			CursorType = EThreadViewCursor::Default;

	return Reply;
FReply SPaperEditorViewport::OnMouseButtonUp(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent)
	// Did the user move the cursor sufficiently far, or is it in a dead zone?
	// In Dead zone     - implies actions like summoning context menus and general clicking.
	// Out of Dead Zone - implies dragging actions like moving nodes and marquee selection.
	const bool bCursorInDeadZone = TotalMouseDelta <= FSlateApplication::Get().GetDragTriggerDistance();

	if (MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() == EKeys::RightMouseButton)
		FReply ReplyState = FReply::Handled();

		if (HasMouseCapture())
			FSlateRect ThisPanelScreenSpaceRect = MyGeometry.GetClippingRect();
			const FVector2D ScreenSpaceCursorPos = MyGeometry.LocalToAbsolute( GraphCoordToPanelCoord( SoftwareCursorPosition ) );

			FIntPoint BestPositionInViewport(
				FMath::RoundToInt( FMath::Clamp( ScreenSpaceCursorPos.X, ThisPanelScreenSpaceRect.Left, ThisPanelScreenSpaceRect.Right ) ),
				FMath::RoundToInt( FMath::Clamp( ScreenSpaceCursorPos.Y, ThisPanelScreenSpaceRect.Top, ThisPanelScreenSpaceRect.Bottom ) )

			if (!bCursorInDeadZone)

		TSharedPtr<SWidget> WidgetToFocus;
		if (bCursorInDeadZone)
			//WidgetToFocus = OnSummonContextMenu(MyGeometry, MouseEvent);

		bShowSoftwareCursor = false;

		bIsPanning = false;
		return (WidgetToFocus.IsValid())
			? ReplyState.ReleaseMouseCapture().SetUserFocus(WidgetToFocus.ToSharedRef(), EFocusCause::SetDirectly)
			: ReplyState.ReleaseMouseCapture();
	else if (MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() == EKeys::LeftMouseButton)
		if (OnHandleLeftMouseRelease(MyGeometry, MouseEvent))

		else if (bCursorInDeadZone)
			//@TODO: Move to selection manager
// 			if ( NodeUnderMousePtr.IsValid() )
// 			{
// 				// We clicked on a node!
// 				TSharedRef<SNode> NodeWidgetUnderMouse = NodeUnderMousePtr.Pin().ToSharedRef();
// 				SelectionManager.ClickedOnNode(NodeWidgetUnderMouse->GetObjectBeingDisplayed(), MouseEvent);
// 				// We're done interacting with this node.
// 				NodeUnderMousePtr.Reset();
// 			}
// 			else 
			if (HasMouseCapture())
 				// We clicked on the panel background

				//@TODO: There isn't a marquee operation for clear, need to signal to remove existing sets too!
 				//OnSelectionChanged.ExecuteIfBound(Marquee, false);
		else if (Marquee.IsValid())
			//ApplyMarqueeSelection(Marquee, SelectionManager.SelectedNodes, SelectionManager.SelectedNodes);
			OnSelectionChanged.ExecuteIfBound(Marquee, true);

		// The existing marquee operation ended; reset it.
		Marquee = FMarqueeOperation();

		if (bIsPanning)
			// We have released the left mouse button. But we're still panning
			// (i.e. RIGHT MOUSE is down), so we want to hold on to capturing mouse input.
			return FReply::Handled();
			// We aren't panning, so we can release the mouse capture.
			return FReply::Handled().ReleaseMouseCapture();

	return FReply::Unhandled();	
Exemple #26
FReply SSection::OnMouseMove( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	if( HasMouseCapture() )
		// Have mouse capture and there are drag operations that need to be performed
		if( MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown( EKeys::LeftMouseButton ) )
			DistanceDragged += FMath::Abs( MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta().X );
			FVector2D LocalMousePos = MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal( MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition() );

			if( !bDragging )
				// If we are not dragging determine if the mouse has moved far enough to start a drag
				if( DistanceDragged >= SequencerSectionConstants::SectionDragStartDistance )
					bDragging = true;

					if( PressedKey.IsValid() )
						// Clear selected sections when beginning to drag keys

						bool bSelectDueToDrag = true;
						HandleKeySelection( PressedKey, MouseEvent, bSelectDueToDrag );

						bool bKeysUnderMouse = true;
						CreateDragOperation( MyGeometry, MouseEvent, bKeysUnderMouse );
						// Clear selected keys when beginning to drag a section

						HandleSectionSelection( MouseEvent );

						bool bKeysUnderMouse = false;
						CreateDragOperation( MyGeometry, MouseEvent, bKeysUnderMouse );
					if( DragOperation.IsValid() )
						DragOperation->OnBeginDrag(LocalMousePos, ParentSectionArea);

			else if( DragOperation.IsValid() )
				// Already in a drag, tell all operations to perform their drag implementations
				FTimeToPixel TimeToPixelConverter = SectionInterface->GetSectionObject()->IsInfinite() ? 			
					FTimeToPixel( ParentGeometry, GetSequencer().GetViewRange()) : 
					FTimeToPixel( MyGeometry, TRange<float>( SectionInterface->GetSectionObject()->GetStartTime(), SectionInterface->GetSectionObject()->GetEndTime() ) );

				DragOperation->OnDrag( MouseEvent, LocalMousePos, TimeToPixelConverter, ParentSectionArea );

		return FReply::Handled();
		// Not dragging


		// Checked for hovered key
		// @todo Sequencer - Needs visual cue
		HoveredKey = GetKeyUnderMouse( MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition(), MyGeometry );

		// Only check for edge interaction if not hovering over a key
		if( !HoveredKey.IsValid() )
			CheckForEdgeInteraction( MouseEvent, MyGeometry );

	return FReply::Unhandled();
Exemple #27
// ICWindowTitle::HandleEvent
U32 ICWindowTitle::HandleEvent(Event &e)
  if (e.type == Input::EventID())
    // Input events
    switch (e.subType)
      case Input::MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
      case Input::MOUSEBUTTONDBLCLK:
        if (e.input.code == Input::LeftButtonCode())
          // Don't move window if it has immovable style
          ICWindow *parentWnd = IFace::Promote<ICWindow>(parent);

          if (parentWnd && !(parentWnd->GetWinStyle() & ICWindow::STYLE_IMMOVABLE))
            // Take mouse capture

            // Raise window
            SendNotify(parent, ICWindowMsg::Raise, FALSE);

            // Start dragging
            dragPos = Point<S32>(e.input.mouseX, e.input.mouseY);

      case Input::MOUSEBUTTONUP:
        if (e.input.code == Input::LeftButtonCode())
          // Release mouse capture
          if (HasMouseCapture())

          // Handled
          return (TRUE);

        // Not handled

      case Input::MOUSEMOVE:
        if (HasMouseCapture())

          // Track the mouse
          Point<S32> mouse = Point<S32>(e.input.mouseX, e.input.mouseY);
          Point<S32> newPos = parent->GetPos() + mouse - dragPos;

          dragPos = mouse;

          // Don't allow button to process this
          return (TRUE);

  // This event can't be handled by this control, so pass it to the parent class
  return (IControl::HandleEvent(e));
Exemple #28
// HandleEvent
// Passes events through to the user
U32 ICGrid::HandleEvent(Event &e)
  if (e.type == Input::EventID())
    // Input events
    switch (e.subType)
      case Input::MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
      case Input::MOUSEBUTTONDBLCLK:
        // Is the click inside the client area
        if (InClient(Point<S32>(e.input.mouseX, e.input.mouseY)))
          // Ignore if we already have capture
          if (IFace::GetCapture() != this)
            // Grab capture

            // Save mouse code
            captureCode = e.input.code;

      case Input::MOUSEBUTTONUP:
        if (HasMouseCapture() && e.input.code == captureCode)

          // Get mouse position relative to client window
          Point<S32> p = ScreenToClient(Point<S32>(e.input.mouseX, e.input.mouseY));

          // Calculate the (flipped) cell positions
          U32 x = xFlip ? gridSize.x - (p.x / cellSize.x) - 1 : p.x / cellSize.x;
          U32 y = yFlip ? gridSize.y - (p.y / cellSize.y) - 1 : p.y / cellSize.y;

          // Set currently selected
          if (x < gridSize.x && y < gridSize.y)
            selected.Set(x, y);

          if (captureCode == Input::LeftButtonCode())
            CallEventHandler(0x90E4DA5D); // "LeftClick"

          if (captureCode == Input::MidButtonCode())
            CallEventHandler(0x316EC946); // "MiddleClick"

          if (captureCode == Input::RightButtonCode())
            CallEventHandler(0x173F5F78); // "RightClick"

          return (TRUE);

  // Allow parent class to process this event
  return IControl::HandleEvent(e);