 * junk_worst_seam
 * Delete the worst seam from the queue because it is full.
void junk_worst_seam(SEAM_QUEUE seams, SEAM *new_seam, float new_priority) {
  SEAM *seam;
  float priority;

  HeapPopWorst(seams, &priority, &seam);
  if (priority > new_priority) {
    delete_seam(seam);  /*get rid of it */
    HeapPush (seams, new_priority, (char *) new_seam);
  else {
    HeapPush (seams, priority, (char *) seam);
Exemple #2
void DcmeDualUpdate(int zz, DcmeBookkeeping* b, heap* twh) {
  // quick update: dd, ww, ow, twps,
  int j, k, tw[QUP];
  real ent, twps, dd[CUP], ow[NUP], ww[NUP];
  NumMulMatVec(weight, b->hh + zz * N, C, N, dd);  // dd
  ent = NumSoftMax(dd, b->hn[zz], C);              // ent (sm)
  NumCopyVec(b->dd + zz * C, dd, C);
  b->ent[zz] = ent;
  // dual reset distribution (hh and hn) of zz --------------------------------
  if (V_DUAL_RESET_OPT == 1) {  // ------------------- 1) clean reset
    b->hn[zz] = 0;
    NumFillZeroVec(b->hh + zz * N, N);
  } else if (V_DUAL_RESET_OPT == 2) {  // ------------ 2) half reset
    b->hn[zz] *= 0.5;
    NumVecMulC(b->hh + zz * N, 0.5, N);
  } else if (V_DUAL_RESET_OPT == 3) {  // ------------ 3) decay/overshoot reset
    real v = 0.1;
    b->hn[zz] *= v;
    NumVecMulC(b->hh + zz * N, v, N);
  }  // ---------------------------------------------- 4) no reset
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (Q > 0) {                                                    // top class
    HeapEmpty(twh);                                               // tw reset
    for (j = 0; j < C; j++) HeapPush(twh, j, b->dd[zz * C + j]);  // tw add
    for (j = 0; j < Q; j++) tw[j] = twh->d[j].key;                // tw load
    qsort(tw, Q, sizeof(int), cmp_int);                           // tw sort
    NumCopyIntVec(b->tw + zz * Q, tw, Q);
    twps = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < Q; j++) {
      k = b->tw[zz * Q + j];
      twps += b->dd[zz * C + k];
    b->twps[zz] = twps;
  if (V_MICRO_ME) {  // Q > 0 required
    NumFillZeroVec(ow, N);
    NumFillZeroVec(ww, N);
    for (j = 0, k = 0; j < C; j++) {  // ww, ow: two way merge of tw and ow
      if (j == b->tw[zz * Q + k]) {   // tw
        NumVecAddCVec(ww, weight + j * N, b->dd[zz * C + j], N);
      } else
        NumVecAddCVec(ow, weight + j * N, b->dd[zz * C + j], N);
    NumVecAddCVec(b->ww + zz * N, b->ow + zz * N, 1, N);  // ww: adding ow
    NumCopyVec(b->ww + zz * N, ww, N);
    NumCopyVec(b->ow + zz * N, ow, N);
  } else {
    NumMulVecMat(b->dd + zz * C, weight, C, N, ww);  // ww
    NumCopyVec(b->ww + zz * N, ww, N);
  b->last_updated_zz = zz;
Exemple #3
void DcmeDualUpdate(int zz, DcmeBookkeeping* b, heap* twh) {
  int j, k;
  NumMulMatVec(model->tar, b->hh + zz * N, V, N, b->dd + zz * V);  // dd
  b->ent[zz] = NumSoftMax(b->dd + zz * V, b->hn[zz], V);           // ent (sm)
  // dual reset distribution (hh and hn) of zz --------------------------------
  if (V_DUAL_RESET_OPT == 1) {  // ------------------- 1) clean reset
    b->hn[zz] = 0;
    if (V_DUAL_HI)
      NumFillZeroVec(b->hi + zz * V, V);
      NumFillZeroVec(b->hh + zz * N, N);
  } else if (V_DUAL_RESET_OPT == 2) {  // ------------ 2) half reset
    b->hn[zz] *= 0.5;
    if (V_DUAL_HI)
      NumVecMulC(b->hi + zz * V, 0.5, V);
      NumVecMulC(b->hh + zz * N, 0.5, N);
  } else if (V_DUAL_RESET_OPT == 3) {  // ------------ 3) decay/overshoot reset
    real v = 0.1;
    b->hn[zz] *= v;
    if (V_DUAL_HI)
      NumVecMulC(b->hi + zz * V, v, V);
      NumVecMulC(b->hh + zz * N, v, N);
  }  // ---------------------------------------------- 4) no reset
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (Q > 0) {                                                    // top words
    HeapEmpty(twh);                                               // tw reset
    for (j = 0; j < V; j++) HeapPush(twh, j, b->dd[zz * V + j]);  // tw add
    for (j = 0; j < Q; j++) b->tw[zz * Q + j] = twh->d[j].key;    // tw load
    qsort(b->tw + zz * Q, Q, sizeof(int), cmp_int);               // tw sort
    b->twps[zz] = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < Q; j++) {
      k = b->tw[zz * Q + j];
      b->twps[zz] += b->dd[zz * V + k];
  if (V_MICRO_ME) {
    NumFillZeroVec(b->ow + zz * N, N);
    NumFillZeroVec(b->ww + zz * N, N);
    for (j = 0, k = 0; j < V; j++) {  // ww, ow: two way merge of tw and ow
      if (j == b->tw[zz * Q + k]) {   // tw
        NumVecAddCVec(b->ww + zz * N, model->tar + j * N, b->dd[zz * V + j], N);
      } else
        NumVecAddCVec(b->ow + zz * N, model->tar + j * N, b->dd[zz * V + j], N);
    NumVecAddCVec(b->ww + zz * N, b->ow + zz * N, 1, N);  // ww: adding ow
  } else {
    NumMulVecMat(b->dd + zz * V, model->tar, V, N, b->ww + zz * N);  // ww
  b->last_updated_zz = zz;
Exemple #4
int main() {
  Heap* h;
  h = HeapCreate(Iintcmp,IintStoreHeapIndex,1);
  int i,j; for(i=0; i<1000; i++) {
    j = (i%100)*10 + i/100;
    Iint* x = (Iint*) malloc(sizeof(Iint));
    x->cislo = j;
    HeapPush(h,(void*) x);
    printf("%i:%i ", x->heapIndex, ((Iint*)h->array[x->heapIndex])->cislo);
  void* x;
	while(x=HeapPop(h)) {
  return 0;
Exemple #5
// Pushes data onto the heap only if there is free space left.
// Returns true if data was added to the heap, false if the heap was full.
bool HeapPushCheckSize(HEAP *Heap, FLOAT32 Key, void *Data) {
  if (Heap->FirstFree > Heap->Size) return false;
  HeapPush(Heap, Key, Data);
  return true;
void fileKMerge( Data *run_devices, const int k, Data *output_device )
	SPD_ASSERT( output_device->medium == File || output_device->medium == Array, "output_device must be pre-allocated!" );

	/* Memory buffer */
	Data buffer;
	DAL_init( &buffer );
	DAL_allocBuffer( &buffer, DAL_allowedBufSize() );
	const dal_size_t bufferedRunSize = DAL_dataSize(&buffer) / (k + 1); //Size of a single buffered run (+1 because of the output buffer)

	/* TODO: Handle this case */
	SPD_ASSERT( bufferedRunSize > 0 , "fileKMerge function doesn't allow a number of runs greater than memory buffer size" );

	/* Runs Buffer */
	int* runs = buffer.array.data;

	/* Output buffer */
	int* output = buffer.array.data+k*bufferedRunSize;

	/* Indexes and Offsets for the k buffered runs */
	dal_size_t *run_indexes = (dal_size_t*) calloc( sizeof(dal_size_t), k );
	dal_size_t *run_offsets = (dal_size_t*) malloc( k * sizeof(dal_size_t) );
	dal_size_t *run_buf_sizes = (dal_size_t*) malloc( k * sizeof(dal_size_t) );

	/* The auxiliary heap struct */
	Heap heap;
	HeapInit( &heap, k );

	dal_size_t j;
	/* Initializing the buffered runs and the heap */
	for ( j=0; j < k; j++ ) {
		run_buf_sizes[j] = DAL_dataCopyOS( &run_devices[j], 0, &buffer, j*bufferedRunSize, MIN(bufferedRunSize, DAL_dataSize(&run_devices[j])) );
		run_offsets[j] = run_buf_sizes[j];

		HeapPush( &heap, runs[j*bufferedRunSize], j );

	/* Merging the runs */
	dal_size_t outputSize = 0;
	dal_size_t outputOffset = 0;
	dal_size_t i;
    for ( i=0; i<DAL_dataSize(output_device); i++ ) {
        Min_val min = HeapTop( &heap );
        HeapPop( &heap );

		//the run index
		j = min.run_index;
		dal_size_t remainingSize = DAL_dataSize(&run_devices[j])-run_offsets[j];

        if ( ++(run_indexes[j]) <  run_buf_sizes[j] )							//If there are others elements in the buffered run
			HeapPush( &heap, runs[j*bufferedRunSize+run_indexes[j]], j );		//pushes a new element in the heap
		else if ( remainingSize > 0 ) {											//else, if the run has not been read completely
			run_buf_sizes[j] = DAL_dataCopyOS( &run_devices[j], run_offsets[j], &buffer, j*bufferedRunSize, MIN(remainingSize, bufferedRunSize) );
			run_offsets[j] += run_buf_sizes[j];
			run_indexes[j] = 0;
			HeapPush( &heap, runs[j*bufferedRunSize], j );

        output[outputSize++] = min.val;

		if ( outputSize == bufferedRunSize || i==DAL_dataSize(output_device)-1 ) {					//If the output buffer is full
			outputOffset += DAL_dataCopyOS( &buffer, k*bufferedRunSize, output_device, outputOffset, outputSize );
			outputSize = 0;
	/* Freeing memory */
	HeapDestroy( &heap );
    DAL_destroy( &buffer );
	free( run_indexes );
	free( run_offsets );
	free( run_buf_sizes );