Exemple #1
float Color::Hue() const
    float min, max;
    Bounds(&min, &max, true);

    return Hue(min, max);
void ColorScreening(IplImage *src, IplImage *dst)
	for (int i = 0; i < src->height; i++) {
		uchar* srcp = (uchar*)(src->imageData + i*src->widthStep);
		uchar* dstp = (uchar*)(dst->imageData + i*src->widthStep);
		for (int j = 0; j < src->width; j++) {
			unsigned int b = srcp[3*j];
			unsigned int g = srcp[3*j+1];
			unsigned int r = srcp[3*j+2];
			unsigned int hue = Hue(r, g, b);
			float sat = Saturation(r, g, b);
			unsigned int ins = Intensity(r, g, b);
			//printf("src: %d %d %d\n", r, g, b);
			//printf("cal: %d %f %d\n", hue, sat, ins);
			if (((hue >= H_MIN1 && hue <= H_MAX1) || (hue >= H_MIN2 && hue <= H_MAX2)) && sat >= S_THRESHOLD && ins >= I_THRESHOLD){
				dstp[3*j] = 0;
				dstp[3*j+1] = 0;
				dstp[3*j+2] = r;
				//printf("sto: %d %d %d\n", dstp[3*j], dstp[3*j+1], dstp[3*j+2]);
			} else {
				dstp[3*j] = 0;
				dstp[3*j+1] = 0;
				dstp[3*j+2] = 0;
				//printf("sto: %d %d %d\n", dstp[3*j], dstp[3*j+1], dstp[3*j+2]);
Exemple #3
void printline(RGB pal[], int i)
/*	      R   G   B   i     Y      V    S(hsv)   S(hls)   L      H	     */
    printf("(%3d,%3d,%3d)%3d  %6.3f  %6.3f  %6.3f    %6.3f  %6.3f  %+6.1f  %s\n",
    	pal[i].red, pal[i].green, pal[i].blue, i,
    	y_yiq[i], v_hsv[i], s_hsv[i], s_hls[i], l_hls[i], hue[i], Hue(i) );
Exemple #4
Vector3 Color::ToHSV() const
    float min, max;
    Bounds(&min, &max, true);

    float h = Hue(min, max);
    float s = SaturationHSV(min, max);
    float v = max;

    return Vector3(h, s, v);
Exemple #5
Vector3 Color::ToHSL() const
    float min, max;
    Bounds(&min, &max, true);

    float h = Hue(min, max);
    float s = SaturationHSL(min, max);
    float l = (max + min) * 0.5f;

    return Vector3(h, s, l);
Exemple #6
bool tIMX51Video::SetHueInternal()
        GParamSpec *param = g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(m_pGstSource), "hue");
            return false;
        GParamSpecInt *pint = G_PARAM_SPEC_INT (param);
            return false;

        int val = (pint->maximum - pint->minimum) * Hue() / 100 + pint->minimum;

        //qDebug() << "Setting hue" << val;
        g_object_set(m_pGstSource, "hue", val, NULL);
    return false;
Exemple #7
void HexagonView::Draw(sf::RenderTarget* rt) const
    if(!m_model) {

    const double    time = m_model->GetTime();
    const double    hexagonRadius = 1.0 + 0.15 * sin(time * 10);
    const double    playerRadius = 1.4;
    const int       numSides = m_model->GetNumSides();

    const double    zoom = 1.0;
    const double    w = zoom * 16;
    const double    h = zoom * 9;
    sf::View view(sf::FloatRect(-w/2,-h/2,w,h));


    //Draw bg
    sf::ConvexShape bgSide(4);
    for(int i = 0; i < numSides; ++i) {
        bgSide.setFillColor(HSVtoRGB(Hue(), Sat(), 0.8));
        const double in = hexagonRadius - 0.1 + 0.05 * sin(time * 5);
        ConstructSideShape(bgSide, i, numSides, in, hexagonRadius);

        bgSide.setFillColor(HSVtoRGB(Hue(), Sat(), 0.2));
        ConstructSideShape(bgSide, i, numSides, 0, in);

        if(i % 2) {
            bgSide.setFillColor(HSVtoRGB(Hue(), Sat(), 0.2));
        } else {
            bgSide.setFillColor(HSVtoRGB(Hue(), Sat(), 0.3));

        ConstructSideShape(bgSide, i, numSides, hexagonRadius, 32);

    //Draw obstacles
    sf::ConvexShape obsShape(4);
    obsShape.setFillColor(HSVtoRGB(Hue(), Sat(), 0.8));
    for(int i = 0; i < numSides; i++) {
        Obstacle* obs = m_model->GetObstacle(i);

        while(obs) {
            const double pd = m_model->GetPlayerDistance();
            double start = obs->start - pd + playerRadius;
            const double end = start + obs->end - obs->start;

            if(start < hexagonRadius) {
                start = hexagonRadius;

            if(end > hexagonRadius) {
                ConstructSideShape(obsShape, i, numSides, start, end);

            obs = obs->next;

    //Draw player
    if(m_drawPlayer) {
        sf::ConvexShape playerShape(3);
        const double pos = m_model->GetPlayerPosition();

        //Get the two corners the player is between
        const int posMin = floor(pos);
        const int posMax = ceil(pos);

        const double posMinX = playerRadius * cos(posMin * 2 * M_PI / numSides);
        const double posMinY = playerRadius * sin(posMin * 2 * M_PI / numSides);
        const double posMaxX = playerRadius * cos(posMax * 2 * M_PI / numSides);
        const double posMaxY = playerRadius * sin(posMax * 2 * M_PI / numSides);

        const double lerp = pos - posMin;

        const double posX = LInterp(lerp, posMinX, posMaxX);
        const double posY = LInterp(lerp, posMinY, posMaxY);

        const double pulseScale = 0.1 + 0.025 * sin(time * 10);
        const double turnMod = m_model->IsGameOver() ? 0 : m_model->GetPlayerDirection() * 15;

        playerShape.setPoint(0, sf::Vector2f( -0.20, -pulseScale ) );
        playerShape.setPoint(1, sf::Vector2f( 0, 0 ) );
        playerShape.setPoint(2, sf::Vector2f( -0.20, pulseScale ) );
        playerShape.setFillColor(HSVtoRGB(Hue(), Sat(), 1.0));
        playerShape.setRotation(pos * 360 / numSides + turnMod);
