Exemple #1
 * Initialize algorithm context before calculaing hash.
 * @param ctx context to initialize
void rhash_tiger_init(tiger_ctx *ctx)
	ctx->length = 0;
	ctx->tiger2 = 0;

	/* initialize algorithm state */
	ctx->hash[0] = I64(0x0123456789ABCDEF);
	ctx->hash[1] = I64(0xFEDCBA9876543210);
	ctx->hash[2] = I64(0xF096A5B4C3B2E187);
Exemple #2
int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int neg = -42;
    int pos = 0x1234AB;
    INT64 l = I64(0x1234567887654321);
    if (PAL_Initialize(argc, argv) != 0)
        return FAIL;

    DoNumTest("foo %X", pos, "foo 1234AB");
    DoNumTest("foo %lX", pos, "foo 1234AB");
    DoNumTest("foo %hX", pos, "foo 34AB");
    DoNumTest("foo %LX", pos, "foo 1234AB");
    DoI64Test("foo %I64X", l, "0x1234567887654321",
              "foo 1234567887654321");
    DoNumTest("foo %7X", pos, "foo  1234AB");
    DoNumTest("foo %-7X", pos, "foo 1234AB ");
    DoNumTest("foo %.1X", pos, "foo 1234AB");
    DoNumTest("foo %.7X", pos, "foo 01234AB");
    DoNumTest("foo %07X", pos, "foo 01234AB");
    DoNumTest("foo %#X", pos, "foo 0X1234AB");
    DoNumTest("foo %+X", pos, "foo 1234AB");
    DoNumTest("foo % X", pos, "foo 1234AB");
    DoNumTest("foo %+X", neg, "foo FFFFFFD6");
    DoNumTest("foo % X", neg, "foo FFFFFFD6");

    return PASS;
Exemple #3
int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int n65535 = 65535; /* Walkaround compiler strictness */

    if (PAL_Initialize(argc, argv))
        return FAIL;

    DoNumTest(convert("1234d"), convert("%d"), 1234);
    DoNumTest(convert("1234d"), convert("%2d"), 12);
    DoNumTest(convert("-1"), convert("%d"), -1);
    DoNumTest(convert("0x1234"), convert("%d"), 0);
    DoNumTest(convert("012"), convert("%d"), 12);
    DoShortNumTest(convert("-1"), convert("%hd"), n65535);
    DoShortNumTest(convert("65536"), convert("%hd"), 0);
    DoNumTest(convert("-1"), convert("%ld"), -1);
    DoNumTest(convert("65536"), convert("%ld"), 65536);
    DoNumTest(convert("-1"), convert("%Ld"), -1);
    DoNumTest(convert("65536"), convert("%Ld"), 65536);
    DoI64NumTest(convert("4294967296"), convert("%I64d"), I64(4294967296));

    return PASS;
Exemple #4
int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[])
    void *ptr = (void*) 0x123456;
    INT64 lptr = I64(0x1234567887654321);

    if (PAL_Initialize(argc, argv) != 0)

    DoPointerTest("%p", NULL, "NULL", "00000000");
    DoPointerTest("%p", ptr, "pointer to 0x123456", "00123456");
    DoPointerTest("%9p", ptr, "pointer to 0x123456", " 00123456");
    DoPointerTest("%09p", ptr, "pointer to 0x123456", " 00123456");
    DoPointerTest("%-9p", ptr, "pointer to 0x123456", "00123456 ");
    DoPointerTest("%+p", ptr, "pointer to 0x123456", "00123456");
    DoPointerTest("%#p", ptr, "pointer to 0x123456", "0X00123456");
    DoPointerTest("%lp", ptr, "pointer to 0x123456", "00123456");
    DoPointerTest("%hp", ptr, "pointer to 0x123456", "00003456");
    DoPointerTest("%Lp", ptr, "pointer to 0x123456", "00123456");
    DoI64DoubleTest("%I64p", lptr, "pointer to 0x1234567887654321",

    return PASS;
Exemple #5
int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int neg = -42;
    int pos = 0x1234ab;
    INT64 l = I64(0x1234567887654321);
    if (PAL_Initialize(argc, argv))
        return FAIL;

    DoNumTest("foo %x", pos, "foo 1234ab");
    DoNumTest("foo %lx", pos, "foo 1234ab");
    DoNumTest("foo %hx", pos, "foo 34ab");
    DoNumTest("foo %Lx", pos, "foo 1234ab");
    DoI64Test("foo %I64x", l, "0x1234567887654321",
        "foo 1234567887654321");
    DoNumTest("foo %7x", pos, "foo  1234ab");
    DoNumTest("foo %-7x", pos, "foo 1234ab ");
    DoNumTest("foo %.1x", pos, "foo 1234ab");
    DoNumTest("foo %.7x", pos, "foo 01234ab");
    DoNumTest("foo %07x", pos, "foo 01234ab");
    DoNumTest("foo %#x", pos, "foo 0x1234ab");
    DoNumTest("foo %+x", pos, "foo 1234ab");
    DoNumTest("foo % x", pos, "foo 1234ab");
    DoNumTest("foo %+x", neg, "foo ffffffd6");
    DoNumTest("foo % x", neg, "foo ffffffd6");

    return PASS;
Exemple #6
 * Calculate default torrent piece length, using uTorrent algorithm.
 * Algorithm:
 *  length = 16K for total_size < 16M,
 *  length = 8M for total_size >= 4G,
 *  length = top_bit(total_size) / 1024 otherwise.
 * @param total_size total hashed batch size of torrent file
 * @return piece length used by torrent file
size_t bt_default_piece_length(uint64_t total_size)
	uint64_t hi_bit;
	if(total_size < 16777216) return BT_MIN_HASH_LENGTH;
	if(total_size >= I64(4294967296) ) return 8388608;
	for(hi_bit = 16777216 << 1; hi_bit <= total_size; hi_bit <<= 1);
	return (size_t)(hi_bit >> 10);
Exemple #7
 * Calculate default torrent piece length, using uTorrent algorithm.
 * Algorithm: 
 *  length = 64K for total_size < 64M,
 *  length = 4M for total_size >= 2G,
 *  length = top_bit(total_size) / 512 otherwise.
 * @param total_size total hashed batch size of torrent file
 * @return piece length used by torrent file
size_t torrent_default_piece_length(uint64_t total_size)
  uint64_t hi_bit;
  if(total_size < 67108864) return 65536;
  if(total_size >= I64(2147483648) ) return 4194304;
  for(hi_bit = 67108864 << 1; hi_bit <= total_size; hi_bit <<= 1);
  return (size_t)(hi_bit >> 10);
static void cfunction2(asINT64 i1, float f2, char i3, int i4)
	called = true;
	g1 = i1;
	g2 = f2;
	g3 = i3;
	g4 = i4;
	testVal = ((i1 == I64(0x102030405)) && (f2 == 3) && (i3 == 24) && (i4 == 128));
static void get_system_time(uuid_time_t *uuid_time)
    struct timeval tp;

    gettimeofday(&tp, (struct timezone *)0);

    /* Offset between UUID formatted times and Unix formatted times.
       UUID UTC base time is October 15, 1582.
       Unix base time is January 1, 1970.      */
    *uuid_time = (tp.tv_sec * 10000000) + (tp.tv_usec * 10) +
Exemple #10
static void
internalize_phdr(Elf_Byte bo, Elf_Phdr *phdr)

#if ELFSIZE == 32
#elif ELFSIZE == 64
#error ELFSIZE is not 32 or 64
Exemple #11
static void
internalize_shdr(Elf_Byte bo, Elf_Shdr *shdr)

#if ELFSIZE == 32
#elif ELFSIZE == 64
#error ELFSIZE is not 32 or 64
Exemple #12
template<> void Jsonize(JsonIO& io, int64& var)
	if(io.IsLoading()) {
		const Value& v = io.Get();
		if(IsNull(v)) {
			var = Null;
		if(v.Is<int64>() || v.Is<int>()) {
			var = v;
		if(IsNumber(v)) {
			double d = v;
			if(d >= INT64_MIN && d <= INT64_MAX) {
				var = (int64)d;
		if(IsString(v)) {
			int64 h = ScanInt64((String)v);
			if(!IsNull(h)) {
				var = h;
		throw JsonizeError("invalid int64 value");
		if(var >= I64(-9007199254740992) && var <= I64(9007199254740991))
Exemple #13
static void
internalize_ehdr(Elf_Byte bo, Elf_Ehdr *ehdr)

#if ELFSIZE == 32
#elif ELFSIZE == 64
#error ELFSIZE is not 32 or 64
Exemple #14
int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[])
    void *ptr = (void*) 0x123456;
    INT64 lptr = I64(0x1234567887654321);
    if (PAL_Initialize(argc, argv) != 0)
        return FAIL;

**  Run only on 64 bit platforms
#if defined(BIT64) && defined(PLATFORM_UNIX)
	Trace("Testing for 64 Bit Platforms \n");
	DoPointerTest(convert("%p"), NULL, convert("0000000000000000"));
    DoPointerTest(convert("%p"), ptr, convert("0000000000123456"));
    DoPointerTest(convert("%17p"), ptr, convert(" 0000000000123456"));
    DoPointerTest(convert("%17p"), ptr, convert(" 0000000000123456"));
    DoPointerTest(convert("%-17p"), ptr, convert("0000000000123456 "));
    DoPointerTest(convert("%+p"), ptr, convert("0000000000123456"));
    DoPointerTest(convert("% p"), ptr, convert("0000000000123456"));
    DoPointerTest(convert("%#p"), ptr, convert("0X0000000000123456"));
    DoPointerTest(convert("%lp"), ptr, convert("00123456"));
    DoPointerTest(convert("%hp"), ptr, convert("00003456"));
    DoPointerTest(convert("%Lp"), ptr, convert("00123456"));
    DoI64Test(convert("%I64p"), lptr, "1234567887654321", 
	Trace("Testing for Non 64 Bit Platforms \n");
	DoPointerTest(convert("%p"), NULL, convert("00000000"));
    DoPointerTest(convert("%p"), ptr, convert("00123456"));
    DoPointerTest(convert("%9p"), ptr, convert(" 00123456"));
    DoPointerTest(convert("%09p"), ptr, convert(" 00123456"));
    DoPointerTest(convert("%-9p"), ptr, convert("00123456 "));
    DoPointerTest(convert("%+p"), ptr, convert("00123456"));
    DoPointerTest(convert("% p"), ptr, convert("00123456"));
    DoPointerTest(convert("%#p"), ptr, convert("0X00123456"));
    DoPointerTest(convert("%lp"), ptr, convert("00123456"));
    DoPointerTest(convert("%hp"), ptr, convert("00003456"));
    DoPointerTest(convert("%Lp"), ptr, convert("00123456"));
    DoI64Test(convert("%I64p"), lptr, "1234567887654321", 

    return PASS;
Exemple #15
int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if (PAL_Initialize(argc, argv))
        return FAIL;

    DoNumTest("1234d", "%i", 1234);
    DoNumTest("1234d", "%2i", 12);
    DoNumTest("-1", "%i", -1);
    DoNumTest("0x1234", "%i", 0x1234);
    DoNumTest("012", "%i", 10);
    DoShortNumTest("-1", "%hi", 65535);
    DoShortNumTest("65536", "%hi", 0);
    DoNumTest("-1", "%li", -1);
    DoNumTest("65536", "%li", 65536);
    DoNumTest("-1", "%Li", -1);
    DoNumTest("65536", "%Li", 65536);
    DoI64NumTest("4294967296", "%I64i", I64(4294967296));

    return PASS;
Exemple #16
int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[])

    if (PAL_Initialize(argc, argv))
        return FAIL;

    DoNumTest("1234d", "%o", 668);
    DoNumTest("1234d", "%2o", 10);
    DoNumTest("-1", "%o", -1);
    DoNumTest("0x1234", "%o", 0);
    DoNumTest("012", "%o", 10);
    DoShortNumTest("-1", "%ho", 65535);
    DoShortNumTest("200000", "%ho", 0);
    DoNumTest("-1", "%lo", -1);
    DoNumTest("200000", "%lo", 65536);
    DoNumTest("-1", "%Lo", -1);
    DoNumTest("200000", "%Lo", 65536);
    DoI64NumTest("40000000000", "%I64o", I64(4294967296));

    return PASS;
Exemple #17
int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[])

    if (PAL_Initialize(argc, argv))
        return FAIL;

    DoNumTest(convert("1234d"), convert("%x"), 0x1234d);
    DoNumTest(convert("1234d"), convert("%2x"), 0x12);
    DoNumTest(convert("-1"), convert("%x"), -1);
    DoNumTest(convert("0x1234"), convert("%x"), 0x1234);
    DoNumTest(convert("012"), convert("%x"), 0x12);
    DoShortNumTest(convert("-1"), convert("%hx"), 65535);
    DoShortNumTest(convert("10000"), convert("%hx"), 0);
    DoNumTest(convert("-1"), convert("%lx"), -1);
    DoNumTest(convert("10000"), convert("%lx"), 65536);
    DoNumTest(convert("-1"), convert("%Lx"), -1);
    DoNumTest(convert("10000"), convert("%Lx"), 65536);
    DoI64NumTest(convert("100000000"), convert("%I64x"), I64(4294967296));

    return PASS;
bool Test()
	bool fail = false;

 	asIScriptEngine *engine = asCreateScriptEngine(ANGELSCRIPT_VERSION);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void Assert(bool)", asFUNCTION(Assert), asCALL_GENERIC);

	COutStream out;
	CBufferedOutStream bout;

	float f = 0;
	double d = 0;
	asUINT ui = 0;
	asINT64 i64 = 0;
	int i = 0;
	signed char i8 = 0;
	asQWORD ui64 = 0;
	short i16 = 0;
	unsigned char ui8 = 0;
	unsigned short ui16 = 0;
	engine->RegisterGlobalProperty("float f", &f);
	engine->RegisterGlobalProperty("double d", &d);
	engine->RegisterGlobalProperty("uint ui", &ui);
	engine->RegisterGlobalProperty("uint8 ui8", &ui8);
	engine->RegisterGlobalProperty("uint16 ui16", &ui16);
	engine->RegisterGlobalProperty("uint64 ui64", &ui64);
	engine->RegisterGlobalProperty("int i", &i);
	engine->RegisterGlobalProperty("int8 i8", &i8);
	engine->RegisterGlobalProperty("int16 i16", &i16);
	engine->RegisterGlobalProperty("int64 i64", &i64);

	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestDouble(double)", asFUNCTION(TestDouble), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestFloat(float)", asFUNCTION(TestFloat), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestI64(int16)", asFUNCTION(TestI64), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestInt(int)", asFUNCTION(TestInt), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestI16(int16)", asFUNCTION(TestI16), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestI8(int8)", asFUNCTION(TestI8), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestUI64(uint)", asFUNCTION(TestUI64), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestUInt(uint)", asFUNCTION(TestUInt), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestUI16(uint16)", asFUNCTION(TestUI16), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestUI8(uint8)", asFUNCTION(TestUI8), asCALL_GENERIC);

	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestDoubleByRef(double &in)", asFUNCTION(TestDoubleByRef), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestFloatByRef(float &in)", asFUNCTION(TestFloatByRef), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestI64ByRef(int &in)", asFUNCTION(TestI64ByRef), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestIntByRef(int &in)", asFUNCTION(TestIntByRef), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestI16ByRef(int16 &in)", asFUNCTION(TestI16ByRef), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestI8ByRef(int8 &in)", asFUNCTION(TestI8ByRef), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestUI64ByRef(uint &in)", asFUNCTION(TestUI64ByRef), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestUIntByRef(uint &in)", asFUNCTION(TestUIntByRef), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestUI16ByRef(uint16 &in)", asFUNCTION(TestUI16ByRef), asCALL_GENERIC);
	engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void TestUI8ByRef(uint8 &in)", asFUNCTION(TestUI8ByRef), asCALL_GENERIC);

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);
	d    = 12.3;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = double(d);");    if( d  !=   12.3  ) fail = true; 
	f    = 12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = double(f);");    if( d  !=   12.3f ) fail = true; 
	ui   = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = double(ui);");   if( d  !=  123.0  ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = double(ui8);");  if( d  !=  123.0  ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = double(ui16);"); if( d  !=  123.0  ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = double(ui64);"); if( d  !=  123.0  ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = double(i);");    if( d  != -123.0  ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = double(i8);");   if( d  != -123.0  ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = double(i16);");  if( d  != -123.0  ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = double(i64);");  if( d  != -123.0  ) fail = true;

	ui64 = asQWORD(I64(-1000000000000000000)); 
	double d2 = 18446744073709551615.0 + double(asINT64(ui64));
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = double(ui64);"); if( d  !=  d2  ) fail = true;

	d    = 12.3;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = d;");    if( d  !=   12.3  ) fail = true; 
	f    = 12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = f;");    if( d  !=   12.3f ) fail = true; 
	ui   = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = ui;");   if( d  !=  123.0  ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = ui8;");  if( d  !=  123.0  ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = ui16;"); if( d  !=  123.0  ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = ui64;"); if( d  !=  123.0  ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = i;");    if( d  != -123.0  ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = i8;");   if( d  != -123.0  ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = i16;");  if( d  != -123.0  ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = i64;");  if( d  != -123.0  ) fail = true;

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(CBufferedOutStream,Callback), &bout, asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = 12.3; "); if( !CompareDouble(d,12.3) ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = 12.3f;"); if( !CompareDouble(d,12.3f) ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = 123;  "); if( !CompareDouble(d,123.0) ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = -123; "); if( !CompareDouble(d,-123.0) ) fail = true;
	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);

	d    = 12.3;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = float(d);");     if( f  !=   12.3f ) fail = true; 
	f    = 12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = float(f);");     if( f  !=   12.3f ) fail = true; 
	ui   = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = float(ui);");    if( f  !=  123.0f ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = float(ui8);");   if( f  !=  123.0f ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = float(ui16);");  if( f  !=  123.0f ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = float(ui64);");  if( f  !=  123.0f ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = float(i);");     if( f  != -123.0f ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = float(i8);");    if( f  != -123.0f ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = float(i16);");   if( f  != -123.0f ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = float(i64);");   if( f  != -123.0f ) fail = true;

	d    = 12.3;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = d;");     if( f  !=   12.3f ) fail = true; 
	f    = 12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = f;");     if( f  !=   12.3f ) fail = true; 
	ui   = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = ui;");    if( f  !=  123.0f ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = ui8;");   if( f  !=  123.0f ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = ui16;");  if( f  !=  123.0f ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = ui64;");  if( f  !=  123.0f ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = i;");     if( f  != -123.0f ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = i8;");    if( f  != -123.0f ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = i16;");   if( f  != -123.0f ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;  engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = i64;");   if( f  != -123.0f ) fail = true;

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(CBufferedOutStream,Callback), &bout, asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = 12.3; "); if( f  !=   12.3f ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = 12.3f;"); if( f  !=   12.3f ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = 123;  "); if( f  !=  123.0f ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = -123; "); if( f  != -123.0f ) fail = true;
	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = int64(d);");      if( i64  !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = int64(f);");      if( i64  != - 12 ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = int64(ui);");     if( i64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = int64(ui8);");    if( i64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = int64(ui16);");   if( i64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = int64(ui64);");   if( i64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = int64(i);");      if( i64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = int64(i8);");     if( i64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = int64(i16);");    if( i64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = int64(i64);");    if( i64  != -123 ) fail = true;

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = d;");      if( i64  !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = f;");      if( i64  != - 12 ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = ui;");     if( i64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = ui8;");    if( i64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = ui16;");   if( i64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = ui64;");   if( i64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = i;");      if( i64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = i8;");     if( i64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = i16;");    if( i64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = i64;");    if( i64  != -123 ) fail = true;

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(CBufferedOutStream,Callback), &bout, asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = 12.3;  "); if( i64  !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = -12.3f;"); if( i64  != - 12 ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = 123;   "); if( i64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i64 = -123;  "); if( i64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = int(d);");      if( i  !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = int(f);");      if( i  != - 12 ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = int(ui);");     if( i  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = int(ui8);");    if( i  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = int(ui16);");   if( i  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = int(ui64);");   if( i  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = int(i);");      if( i  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = int(i8);");     if( i  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = int(i16);");    if( i  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = int(i64);");    if( i  != -123 ) fail = true;

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = d;");      if( i  !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = f;");      if( i  != - 12 ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = ui;");     if( i  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = ui8;");    if( i  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = ui16;");   if( i  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = ui64;");   if( i  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = i;");      if( i  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = i8;");     if( i  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = i16;");    if( i  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = i64;");    if( i  != -123 ) fail = true;

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(CBufferedOutStream,Callback), &bout, asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = 12.3;  "); if( i  !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = -12.3f;"); if( i  != - 12 ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = 123;   "); if( i  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i = -123;  "); if( i  != -123 ) fail = true;
	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = int8(d);");     if( i8 !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = int8(f);");     if( i8 != - 12 ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = int8(ui);");    if( i8 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = int8(ui8);");   if( i8 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = int8(ui16);");  if( i8 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = int8(ui64);");  if( i8 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = int8(i);");     if( i8 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = int8(i8);");    if( i8 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = int8(i16);");   if( i8 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = int8(i64);");   if( i8 != -123 ) fail = true;

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = d;");     if( i8 !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = f;");     if( i8 != - 12 ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = ui;");    if( i8 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = ui8;");   if( i8 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = ui16;");  if( i8 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = ui64;");  if( i8 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = i;");     if( i8 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = i8;");    if( i8 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = i16;");   if( i8 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = i64;");   if( i8 != -123 ) fail = true;

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(CBufferedOutStream,Callback), &bout, asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = 12.3;  "); if( i8 !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = -12.3f;"); if( i8 != - 12 ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = 123;   "); if( i8 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i8 = -123;  "); if( i8 != -123 ) fail = true;
	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = int16(d);");    if( i16 !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = int16(f);");    if( i16 != - 12 ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = int16(ui);");   if( i16 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = int16(ui8);");  if( i16 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = int16(ui16);"); if( i16 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = int16(ui64);"); if( i16 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = int16(i);");    if( i16 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = int16(i8);");   if( i16 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = int16(i16);");  if( i16 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = int16(i64);");  if( i16 != -123 ) fail = true;

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = d;");    if( i16 !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = f;");    if( i16 != - 12 ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = ui;");   if( i16 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = ui8;");  if( i16 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = ui16;"); if( i16 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = ui64;"); if( i16 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = i;");    if( i16 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = i8;");   if( i16 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = i16;");  if( i16 != -123 ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = i64;");  if( i16 != -123 ) fail = true;

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(CBufferedOutStream,Callback), &bout, asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = 12.3;  "); if( i16 !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = -12.3f;"); if( i16 != - 12 ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = 123;   "); if( i16 !=  123 ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i16 = -123;  "); if( i16 != -123 ) fail = true;
	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = uint64(d);");      if( ui64  !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = uint64(f);");      if( ui64  != - 12 ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = uint64(ui);");     if( ui64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = uint64(ui8);");    if( ui64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = uint64(ui16);");   if( ui64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = uint64(ui64);");   if( ui64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = uint64(i);");      if( ui64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = uint64(i8);");     if( ui64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = uint64(i16);");    if( ui64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = uint64(i64);");    if( ui64  != -123 ) fail = true;

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = d;");      if( ui64  !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = f;");      if( ui64  != - 12 ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = ui;");     if( ui64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = ui8;");    if( ui64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = ui16;");   if( ui64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = ui64;");   if( ui64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = i;");      if( ui64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = i8;");     if( ui64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = i16;");    if( ui64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = i64;");    if( ui64  != -123 ) fail = true;

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(CBufferedOutStream,Callback), &bout, asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = 12.3;  "); if( ui64  !=   12 ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = -12.3f;"); if( ui64  != - 12 ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = 123;   "); if( ui64  !=  123 ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui64 = -123;  "); if( ui64  != -123 ) fail = true;
	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = uint(d);");    if( ui != 12           ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = uint(f);");    if( ui != asUINT(-12)  ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = uint(ui);");   if( ui !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = uint(ui8);");  if( ui !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = uint(ui16);"); if( ui !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = uint(ui64);"); if( ui !=  123         ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = uint(i);");    if( ui != asUINT(-123) ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = uint(i8);");   if( ui != asUINT(-123) ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = uint(i16);");  if( ui != asUINT(-123) ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = uint(i64);");  if( ui != asUINT(-123) ) fail = true;

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = d;");    if( ui != 12           ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = f;");    if( ui != asUINT(-12)  ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = ui;");   if( ui !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = ui8;");  if( ui !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = ui16;"); if( ui !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = ui64;"); if( ui !=  123         ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = i;");    if( ui != asUINT(-123) ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = i8;");   if( ui != asUINT(-123) ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = i16;");  if( ui != asUINT(-123) ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = i64;");  if( ui != asUINT(-123) ) fail = true;

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(CBufferedOutStream,Callback), &bout, asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = 12.3;  "); if( ui != 12           ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = -12.3f;"); if( ui != asUINT(-12)  ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = 123;   "); if( ui !=  123         ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui = -123;  "); if( ui != asUINT(-123) ) fail = true;
	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = uint8(d);");    if( ui8 != 12           ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = uint8(f);");    if( ui8 != asBYTE(-12)  ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = uint8(ui);");   if( ui8 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = uint8(ui8);");  if( ui8 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = uint8(ui16);"); if( ui8 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = uint8(ui64);"); if( ui8 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = uint8(i);");    if( ui8 != asBYTE(-123) ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = uint8(i8);");   if( ui8 != asBYTE(-123) ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = uint8(i16);");  if( ui8 != asBYTE(-123) ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = uint8(i64);");  if( ui8 != asBYTE(-123) ) fail = true;

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = d;");    if( ui8 != 12           ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = f;");    if( ui8 != asBYTE(-12)  ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = ui;");   if( ui8 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = ui8;");  if( ui8 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = ui16;"); if( ui8 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = ui64;"); if( ui8 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = i;");    if( ui8 != asBYTE(-123) ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = i8;");   if( ui8 != asBYTE(-123) ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = i16;");  if( ui8 != asBYTE(-123) ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = i64;");  if( ui8 != asBYTE(-123) ) fail = true;

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(CBufferedOutStream,Callback), &bout, asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = 12.3;  "); if( ui8 != 12           ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = -12.3f;"); if( ui8 != asBYTE(-12)  ) fail = true; // asBYTE(-12.3f) doesn't seem to produce the same result on MSVC and GNUC
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = 123;   "); if( ui8 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui8 = -123;  "); if( ui8 != asBYTE(-123) ) fail = true;
	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = uint16(d);");    if( ui16 != 12           ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = uint16(f);");    if( ui16 != asWORD(-12)  ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = uint16(ui);");   if( ui16 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = uint16(ui8);");  if( ui16 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = uint16(ui16);"); if( ui16 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = uint16(ui64);"); if( ui16 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = uint16(i);");    if( ui16 != asWORD(-123) ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = uint16(i8);");   if( ui16 != asWORD(-123) ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = uint16(i16);");  if( ui16 != asWORD(-123) ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = uint16(i64);");  if( ui16 != asWORD(-123) ) fail = true;

	d    = 12.3;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = d;");    if( ui16 != 12           ) fail = true; 
	f    = -12.3f; engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = f;");    if( ui16 != asWORD(-12)  ) fail = true;
	ui   = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = ui;");   if( ui16 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui8  = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = ui8;");  if( ui16 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui16 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = ui16;"); if( ui16 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	ui64 = 123;    engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = ui64;"); if( ui16 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	i    = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = i;");    if( ui16 != asWORD(-123) ) fail = true;
	i8   = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = i8;");   if( ui16 != asWORD(-123) ) fail = true;
	i16  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = i16;");  if( ui16 != asWORD(-123) ) fail = true;
	i64  = -123;   engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = i64;");  if( ui16 != asWORD(-123) ) fail = true;

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(CBufferedOutStream,Callback), &bout, asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = 12.3;  "); if( ui16 != 12           ) fail = true; 
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = -12.3f;"); if( ui16 != asWORD(-12)  ) fail = true; // asWORD(-12.3f) doesn't seem to produce the same result on MSVC and GNUC
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = 123;   "); if( ui16 !=  123         ) fail = true;
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui16 = -123;  "); if( ui16 != asWORD(-123) ) fail = true;
	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);

	engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDouble(d); TestFloat(d); TestInt(d); TestI16(d); TestI8(d); TestUInt(d); TestUI16(d); TestUI8(d);");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDouble(f); TestFloat(f); TestInt(f); TestI16(f); TestI8(f); TestUInt(f); TestUI16(f); TestUI8(f);");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDouble(ui); TestFloat(ui); TestInt(ui); TestI16(ui); TestI8(ui); TestUInt(ui); TestUI16(ui); TestUI8(ui);");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDouble(ui8); TestFloat(ui8); TestInt(ui8); TestI16(ui8); TestI8(ui8); TestUInt(ui8); TestUI16(ui8); TestUI8(ui8);");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDouble(ui16); TestFloat(ui16); TestInt(ui16); TestI16(ui16); TestI8(ui16); TestUInt(ui16); TestUI16(ui16); TestUI8(ui16);");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDouble(ui64); TestFloat(ui64); TestInt(ui64); TestI16(ui64); TestI8(ui64); TestUInt(ui64); TestUI16(ui64); TestUI8(ui64);");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDouble(i); TestFloat(i); TestInt(i); TestI16(i); TestI8(i); TestUInt(i); TestUI16(i); TestUI8(i);");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDouble(i8); TestFloat(i8); TestInt(i8); TestI16(i8); TestI8(i8); TestUInt(i8); TestUI16(i8); TestUI8(i8);");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDouble(i16); TestFloat(i16); TestInt(i16); TestI16(i16); TestI8(i16); TestUInt(i16); TestUI16(i16); TestUI8(i16);");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDouble(i64); TestFloat(i64); TestInt(i64); TestI16(i64); TestI8(i64); TestUInt(i64); TestUI16(i64); TestUI8(i64);");

	d = 0; i8 = -22; engine->ExecuteString(0, "d = d + i8"); if( d != -22 ) fail = true;

	engine->ExecuteString(0, "int[] a(1); a[0] = 0; a[0] == 1");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "ui + i");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "int a = 0, ui = 0; (a+ui)&1;");

	// There is no bitwise conversion between uint to float anymore
	// f = 0; engine->ExecuteString(0, "f = float(0x3f800000)"); if( f != 1 ) fail = true;

	bout.buffer = "";
	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(CBufferedOutStream,Callback), &bout, asCALL_THISCALL);
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "i == ui"); 
	if( bout.buffer != "ExecuteString (1, 3) : Warning : Signed/Unsigned mismatch\n" )
		fail = true;

	bout.buffer = "";

	int r;

	// TODO: PPC: We cannot allow this with PPC
	// Allow the conversion of a type to another even for reference parameters (C++ doesn't allow this)
	r = engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDoubleByRef(d); TestFloatByRef(d); TestIntByRef(d); TestI16ByRef(d); TestI8ByRef(d); TestUIntByRef(d); TestUI16ByRef(d); TestUI8ByRef(d);"); if( r < 0 ) fail = true;
	r = engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDoubleByRef(f); TestFloatByRef(f); TestIntByRef(f); TestI16ByRef(f); TestI8ByRef(f); TestUIntByRef(f); TestUI16ByRef(f); TestUI8ByRef(f);"); if( r < 0 ) fail = true;
	r = engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDoubleByRef(ui); TestFloatByRef(ui); TestIntByRef(ui); TestI16ByRef(ui); TestI8ByRef(ui); TestUIntByRef(ui); TestUI16ByRef(ui); TestUI8ByRef(ui);"); if( r < 0 ) fail = true;
	r = engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDoubleByRef(ui8); TestFloatByRef(ui8); TestIntByRef(ui8); TestI16ByRef(ui8); TestI8ByRef(ui8); TestUIntByRef(ui8); TestUI16ByRef(ui8); TestUI8ByRef(ui8);"); if( r < 0 ) fail = true;
	r = engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDoubleByRef(ui16); TestFloatByRef(ui16); TestIntByRef(ui16); TestI16ByRef(ui16); TestI8ByRef(ui16); TestUIntByRef(ui16); TestUI16ByRef(ui16); TestUI8ByRef(ui16);"); if( r < 0 ) fail = true;
	r = engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDoubleByRef(ui64); TestFloatByRef(ui64); TestIntByRef(ui64); TestI16ByRef(ui64); TestI8ByRef(ui64); TestUIntByRef(ui64); TestUI16ByRef(ui64); TestUI8ByRef(ui64);"); if( r < 0 ) fail = true;
	r = engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDoubleByRef(i); TestFloatByRef(i); TestIntByRef(i); TestI16ByRef(i); TestI8ByRef(i); TestUIntByRef(i); TestUI16ByRef(i); TestUI8ByRef(i);"); if( r < 0 ) fail = true;
	r = engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDoubleByRef(i8); TestFloatByRef(i8); TestIntByRef(i8); TestI16ByRef(i8); TestI8ByRef(i8); TestUIntByRef(i8); TestUI16ByRef(i8); TestUI8ByRef(i8);"); if( r < 0 ) fail = true;
	r = engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDoubleByRef(i16); TestFloatByRef(i16); TestIntByRef(i16); TestI16ByRef(i16); TestI8ByRef(i16); TestUIntByRef(i16); TestUI16ByRef(i16); TestUI8ByRef(i16);"); if( r < 0 ) fail = true;
	r = engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestDoubleByRef(i64); TestFloatByRef(i64); TestIntByRef(i64); TestI16ByRef(i64); TestI8ByRef(i64); TestUIntByRef(i64); TestUI16ByRef(i64); TestUI8ByRef(i64);"); if( r < 0 ) fail = true;

	engine->SetMessageCallback(asMETHOD(COutStream,Callback), &out, asCALL_THISCALL);
	asIScriptModule *mod = engine->GetModule(0, asGM_ALWAYS_CREATE);
	mod->AddScriptSection("script", script, strlen(script));

	// This test is to make sure that the float is in fact converted to a double
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "TestScript();");

	// Make sure uint and int can be converted to bits when using the ~ operator
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "uint x = 0x34; x = ~x;");
	engine->ExecuteString(0, "int x = 0x34; x = ~x;");


	if( fail )
		printf("%s: failed\n", TESTNAME);

	// Success
	return fail;
Exemple #19
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  Use this program  at  your own risk!
#include <stdint.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "Common/Tcdefs.h"
#include "Common/Endian.h"
#include "Sha3.h"

/* constants */
#define NumberOfRounds 24

/* SHA3 constants for 24 rounds */
static uint64_t Sha3RoundConstants[NumberOfRounds] = {
	I64(0x0000000000000001), I64(0x0000000000008082), I64(0x800000000000808A), I64(0x8000000080008000),
	I64(0x000000000000808B), I64(0x0000000080000001), I64(0x8000000080008081), I64(0x8000000000008009),
	I64(0x000000000000008A), I64(0x0000000000000088), I64(0x0000000080008009), I64(0x000000008000000A),
	I64(0x000000008000808B), I64(0x800000000000008B), I64(0x8000000000008089), I64(0x8000000000008003),
	I64(0x8000000000008002), I64(0x8000000000000080), I64(0x000000000000800A), I64(0x800000008000000A),
	I64(0x8000000080008081), I64(0x8000000000008080), I64(0x0000000080000001), I64(0x8000000080008008)

/* Initializing a SHA3 context for given number of output bits */
void Sha3Init(sha3_ctx *ctx)
	unsigned bits = 256;
	/* NB: The Keccak capacity parameter = bits * 2 */
	unsigned rate = 1600 - bits * 2;

	memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(sha3_ctx));
 * The core transformation. Process a 512-bit block.
 * @param hash algorithm state
 * @param block the message block to process
static void whirlpool_process_block(uint64_t *hash, uint64_t* p_block)
    int i;                /* loop counter */
    uint64_t K1[8];       /* key used in even rounds */
    uint64_t K2[8];       /* key used in odd  rounds */
    uint64_t state1[8];    /* state used in even rounds */
    uint64_t state2[8];    /* state used in odd rounds */

    /* the number of rounds of the internal dedicated block cipher */
    const int number_of_rounds = 10;

    /* array used in the rounds */
    static const uint64_t rc[10] = {

    /* map the message buffer to a block */
    for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
      /* store K^0 and xor it with intermediate hash state */
      state1[i] = hash[i] = be2me_64(p_block[i]) ^ (K1[i] = hash[i]);

    /* iterate over algorithm rounds */
    for(i = 0; i < number_of_rounds; i++)
        /* compute K^i from K^{i-1} */
        K2[0] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(K1, 0) ^ rc[i];
        K2[1] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(K1, 1);
        K2[2] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(K1, 2);
        K2[3] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(K1, 3);
        K2[4] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(K1, 4);
        K2[5] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(K1, 5);
        K2[6] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(K1, 6);
        K2[7] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(K1, 7);

        /* apply the i-th round transformation */
        state2[0] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(state1, 0) ^ K2[0];
        state2[1] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(state1, 1) ^ K2[1];
        state2[2] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(state1, 2) ^ K2[2];
        state2[3] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(state1, 3) ^ K2[3];
        state2[4] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(state1, 4) ^ K2[4];
        state2[5] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(state1, 5) ^ K2[5];
        state2[6] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(state1, 6) ^ K2[6];
        state2[7] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(state1, 7) ^ K2[7];

        /* compute K^i from K^{i-1} */
        K1[0] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(K2, 0) ^ rc[i];
        K1[1] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(K2, 1);
        K1[2] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(K2, 2);
        K1[3] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(K2, 3);
        K1[4] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(K2, 4);
        K1[5] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(K2, 5);
        K1[6] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(K2, 6);
        K1[7] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(K2, 7);

        /* apply the i-th round transformation */
        state1[0] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(state2, 0) ^ K1[0];
        state1[1] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(state2, 1) ^ K1[1];
        state1[2] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(state2, 2) ^ K1[2];
        state1[3] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(state2, 3) ^ K1[3];
        state1[4] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(state2, 4) ^ K1[4];
        state1[5] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(state2, 5) ^ K1[5];
        state1[6] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(state2, 6) ^ K1[6];
        state1[7] = WHIRLPOOL_OP(state2, 7) ^ K1[7];

    /* apply the Miyaguchi-Preneel compression function */
    hash[0] ^= state1[0];
    hash[1] ^= state1[1];
    hash[2] ^= state1[2];
    hash[3] ^= state1[3];
    hash[4] ^= state1[4];
    hash[5] ^= state1[5];
    hash[6] ^= state1[6];
    hash[7] ^= state1[7];
Exemple #21
void WINAPI UnixTimeToFileTime( DWORD time, FILETIME * ft )
  *(__int64*)ft = EPOCH_BIAS + time * I64(10000000);
static asINT64 reti64()
	return I64(0x102030405);