void CPgPubExtra::OnSettings() { CReg *pReg = (CReg*)CDlgTabFrame::GetData( GetSafeHwnd() ); if ( pReg == NULL ) return; CRKey *pRk = pReg->FindKey( "PUBINFO" ); if ( pRk == NULL ) return; int sel = m_comboCodec.GetCurSel(); if ( sel == CB_ERR ) return; // Get data pointer LPCODECINFO pci = (LPCODECINFO)m_comboCodec.GetItemData( sel ); if ( pci == NULL || !m_codecs.VerifyPointer( pci ) ) return; // Attempt to open settings dialog HIC hIc = ICOpen( ICTYPE_VIDEO, pci->fourCC, ICMODE_QUERY ); if ( hIc != NULL ) { DWORD size = pRk->GetValueSize( "CodecData" ); LPBYTE buf = (LPBYTE)pRk->GetValuePtr( "CodecData" ); // Restore settings if ( size > 0 && buf != NULL ) ICSetState( hIc, buf, size ); // Configure the compressor if ( ICConfigure( hIc, GetSafeHwnd() ) != ICERR_OK ) return; size = ICGetStateSize( hIc ); if ( size > 0 ) { TMem< BYTE > mem; if ( mem.allocate( size ) ) if ( ICGetState( hIc, mem.ptr(), size ) == ICERR_OK ) pRk->Set( "CodecData", mem.ptr(), size ); } // end if ICClose( hIc ); } // end if }
BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(vcm_encdec, make_data_from_tuple_container(vecEncDecClips), src, dst, fmt, config, tolerance) { VideoClip srcClip(src); VideoClip dstClip(dst); DWORD fccCodec = FCC(fmt); BOOST_REQUIRE(srcClip.GetWidth() == dstClip.GetWidth()); BOOST_REQUIRE(srcClip.GetHeight() == dstClip.GetHeight()); DWORD fccSrc = srcClip.GetFourCC(); DWORD fccDst = dstClip.GetFourCC(); unsigned int nWidth = srcClip.GetWidth(); unsigned int nHeight = srcClip.GetHeight(); size_t cbSrcData; size_t cbDstData; size_t cbCompressedData; HIC hicEncode, hicDecode; LRESULT lr; union { BITMAPINFOHEADER bihCompressed; char bihCompressedBuf[128]; }; BITMAPINFOHEADER bihSrc; BITMAPINFOHEADER bihDst; hicEncode = ICOpen(ICTYPE_VIDEO, fccCodec, ICMODE_COMPRESS); BOOST_REQUIRE(hicEncode != NULL); ICCloser iccloserEnc(hicEncode); lr = ICSetState(hicEncode, &config.front(), config.size()); BOOST_REQUIRE(lr == config.size()); hicDecode = ICOpen(ICTYPE_VIDEO, fccCodec, ICMODE_DECOMPRESS); BOOST_REQUIRE(hicDecode != NULL); ICCloser iccloserDec(hicDecode); memset(&bihSrc, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); bihSrc.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bihSrc.biWidth = nWidth; bihSrc.biHeight = nHeight; bihSrc.biPlanes = 1; bihSrc.biBitCount = FCC2BitCount(fccSrc); bihSrc.biCompression = FCC2Compression(fccSrc); bihSrc.biSizeImage = 10000000; memset(&bihDst, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); bihDst.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bihDst.biWidth = nWidth; bihDst.biHeight = nHeight; bihDst.biPlanes = 1; bihDst.biBitCount = FCC2BitCount(fccDst); bihDst.biCompression = FCC2Compression(fccDst); bihDst.biSizeImage = 10000000; lr = ICCompressGetFormat(hicEncode, &bihSrc, &bihCompressed); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(lr, ICERR_OK); cbCompressedData = ICCompressGetSize(hicEncode, &bihSrc, &bihCompressed); lr = ICCompressBegin(hicEncode, &bihSrc, &bihCompressed); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(lr, ICERR_OK); lr = ICDecompressBegin(hicDecode, &bihCompressed, &bihDst); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(lr, ICERR_OK); void *pSrcData; void *pDstData; void *pEncoderOut = malloc(cbCompressedData); void *pDecoderOut = NULL; int retSrc, retDst; LONG lFrameNum = 0; while ((retSrc = srcClip.GetNextFrame(&pSrcData, &cbSrcData, NULL)) == 0 && (retDst = dstClip.GetNextFrame(&pDstData, &cbDstData, NULL) == 0)) { DWORD dwFlags = 0; lr = ICCompress(hicEncode, 0, &bihCompressed, pEncoderOut, &bihSrc, pSrcData, NULL, &dwFlags, lFrameNum++, 0, 0, &bihSrc, NULL); BOOST_REQUIRE(lr == ICERR_OK); if (pDecoderOut == NULL) pDecoderOut = malloc(cbDstData); lr = ICDecompress(hicDecode, (dwFlags & AVIIF_KEYFRAME) ? 0 : ICDECOMPRESS_NOTKEYFRAME, &bihCompressed, pEncoderOut, &bihDst, pDecoderOut); BOOST_REQUIRE(lr == ICERR_OK); BOOST_CHECK(bihDst.biSizeImage == cbDstData); BOOST_CHECK(CompareFrame(pDstData, pDecoderOut, nWidth, cbDstData, fccDst, tolerance) == 0); } BOOST_CHECK(retSrc != 0 && retDst != 0); if (pDecoderOut != NULL) free(pDecoderOut); free(pEncoderOut); lr = ICDecompressEnd(hicDecode); BOOST_CHECK(lr == ICERR_OK); lr = ICCompressEnd(hicEncode); BOOST_CHECK(lr == ICERR_OK); }
/* lParam1: PAVISTREAM * lParam2: LPAVICOMPRESSOPTIONS */ static HRESULT WINAPI ICMStream_fnCreate(IAVIStream *iface, LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2) { IAVIStreamImpl *This = impl_from_IAVIStream(iface); ICINFO icinfo; ICCOMPRESSFRAMES icFrames; LPAVICOMPRESSOPTIONS pco = (LPAVICOMPRESSOPTIONS)lParam2; TRACE("(%p,0x%08lX,0x%08lX)\n", iface, lParam1, lParam2); /* check parameter */ if ((LPVOID)lParam1 == NULL) return AVIERR_BADPARAM; /* get infos from stream */ IAVIStream_Info((PAVISTREAM)lParam1, &This->sInfo, sizeof(This->sInfo)); if (This->sInfo.fccType != streamtypeVIDEO) return AVIERR_ERROR; /* error in registry or AVIMakeCompressedStream */ /* add reference to the stream */ This->pStream = (PAVISTREAM)lParam1; IAVIStream_AddRef(This->pStream); AVIFILE_Reset(This); if (pco != NULL && pco->fccHandler != comptypeDIB) { /* we should compress */ This->sInfo.fccHandler = pco->fccHandler; This->hic = ICOpen(ICTYPE_VIDEO, pco->fccHandler, ICMODE_COMPRESS); if (This->hic == NULL) return AVIERR_NOCOMPRESSOR; /* restore saved state of codec */ if (pco->cbParms > 0 && pco->lpParms != NULL) { ICSetState(This->hic, pco->lpParms, pco->cbParms); } /* set quality -- resolve default quality */ This->sInfo.dwQuality = pco->dwQuality; if (pco->dwQuality == ICQUALITY_DEFAULT) This->sInfo.dwQuality = ICGetDefaultQuality(This->hic); /* get capabilities of codec */ ICGetInfo(This->hic, &icinfo, sizeof(icinfo)); This->dwICMFlags = icinfo.dwFlags; /* use keyframes? */ if ((pco->dwFlags & AVICOMPRESSF_KEYFRAMES) && (icinfo.dwFlags & (VIDCF_TEMPORAL|VIDCF_FASTTEMPORALC))) { This->lKeyFrameEvery = pco->dwKeyFrameEvery; } else This->lKeyFrameEvery = 1; /* use datarate? */ if ((pco->dwFlags & AVICOMPRESSF_DATARATE)) { /* Do we have a chance to reduce size to desired one? */ if ((icinfo.dwFlags & (VIDCF_CRUNCH|VIDCF_QUALITY)) == 0) return AVIERR_NOCOMPRESSOR; assert(This->sInfo.dwRate != 0); This->dwBytesPerFrame = MulDiv(pco->dwBytesPerSecond, This->sInfo.dwScale, This->sInfo.dwRate); } else { pco->dwBytesPerSecond = 0; This->dwBytesPerFrame = 0; } if (icinfo.dwFlags & VIDCF_COMPRESSFRAMES) { memset(&icFrames, 0, sizeof(icFrames)); icFrames.lpbiOutput = This->lpbiOutput; icFrames.lpbiInput = This->lpbiInput; icFrames.lFrameCount = This->sInfo.dwLength; icFrames.lQuality = This->sInfo.dwQuality; icFrames.lDataRate = pco->dwBytesPerSecond; icFrames.lKeyRate = This->lKeyFrameEvery; icFrames.dwRate = This->sInfo.dwRate; icFrames.dwScale = This->sInfo.dwScale; ICSendMessage(This->hic, ICM_COMPRESS_FRAMES_INFO, (LPARAM)&icFrames, (LPARAM)sizeof(icFrames)); } } else This->sInfo.fccHandler = comptypeDIB; return AVIERR_OK; }