Exemple #1
static IDirect3DDevice7 *create_device(HWND window, DWORD coop_level)
    IDirect3DDevice7 *device = NULL;
    IDirectDrawSurface7 *surface;
    DDSURFACEDESC2 surface_desc;
    IDirectDraw7 *ddraw;
    IDirect3D7 *d3d7;
    HRESULT hr;

    if (!(ddraw = create_ddraw()))
        return NULL;

    hr = IDirectDraw7_SetCooperativeLevel(ddraw, window, coop_level);
    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set cooperative level, hr %#x.\n", hr);

    memset(&surface_desc, 0, sizeof(surface_desc));
    surface_desc.dwSize = sizeof(surface_desc);
    surface_desc.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS | DDSD_WIDTH | DDSD_HEIGHT;
    surface_desc.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN | DDSCAPS_3DDEVICE;
    surface_desc.dwWidth = 640;
    surface_desc.dwHeight = 480;

    hr = IDirectDraw7_CreateSurface(ddraw, &surface_desc, &surface, NULL);
    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to create surface, hr %#x.\n", hr);

    if (coop_level & DDSCL_NORMAL)
        IDirectDrawClipper *clipper;

        hr = IDirectDraw7_CreateClipper(ddraw, 0, &clipper, NULL);
        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to create clipper, hr %#x.\n", hr);
        hr = IDirectDrawClipper_SetHWnd(clipper, 0, window);
        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set clipper window, hr %#x.\n", hr);
        hr = IDirectDrawSurface7_SetClipper(surface, clipper);
        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set surface clipper, hr %#x.\n", hr);

    hr = IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface(ddraw, &IID_IDirect3D7, (void **)&d3d7);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        return NULL;

    hr = IDirect3D7_CreateDevice(d3d7, &IID_IDirect3DTnLHalDevice, surface, &device);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        return NULL;

    return device;
Exemple #2
static HRESULT WINAPI DirectDrawMediaStreamImpl_IDirectDrawMediaStream_GetDirectDraw(IDirectDrawMediaStream *iface,
        IDirectDraw **ddraw)
    DirectDrawMediaStreamImpl *This = impl_from_IDirectDrawMediaStream(iface);

    TRACE("(%p)->(%p)\n", iface, ddraw);

    *ddraw = NULL;
    if (!This->ddraw)
        HRESULT hr = DirectDrawCreateEx(NULL, (void**)&This->ddraw, &IID_IDirectDraw7, NULL);
        if (FAILED(hr))
            return hr;
        IDirectDraw7_SetCooperativeLevel(This->ddraw, NULL, DDSCL_NORMAL);

    return IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface(This->ddraw, &IID_IDirectDraw, (void**)ddraw);
Exemple #3
int create_test_d3d_device ( int width, int height )


	unsigned int

	// Get a d3d3 driver interface
#ifdef _WIN32
	d3drval = IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface ( ddraw.ddraw, &IID_IDirect3D7, &d3d.d3d );

	if ( d3drval != DD_OK )

		debug_log ( "Can't get a d3d device in this resolution" );

		return ( FALSE );

	// Query for a D3DDEVICE2 object

	d3drval = IDirect3D7_CreateDevice ( d3d.d3d, &IID_IDirect3DHALDevice, ddraw.lpRenderBuffer, &d3d.device );

	if ( d3drval != DD_OK )

		debug_log ( "Can't get a d3d device2 in this resolution" );

		return ( FALSE );

	// Get the capabilities of the device

	d3drval = IDirect3DDevice7_GetCaps ( d3d.device, &hardware_desc );

	if ( d3drval != DD_OK )

		debug_log ( "Unable to get the d3d device capabilities at this resolution" );

		return ( FALSE );
	// Set the capabilities of the 3dvisual according to the capabilities of the card.

	set_d3d_capabilities ( &hardware_desc );

	// Set render target
#ifdef _WIN32
	d3drval = IDirect3DDevice7_SetRenderTarget ( d3d.device, ddraw.lpRenderBuffer, 0 );

	if ( d3drval != DD_OK )

		debug_log ( "Unable to set render target" );

		return ( FALSE );


		viewdata.dwX = 0;
		viewdata.dwY = 0;

		viewdata.dwWidth = application_video_width;
		viewdata.dwHeight = application_video_height;

		viewdata.dvMinZ = 0;
		viewdata.dvMaxZ = 1;
#ifdef _WIN32
		d3drval = IDirect3DDevice7_SetViewport ( d3d.device, &viewdata );

		if ( d3drval != D3D_OK )

			debug_log ( "Unable to set viewport2: %d, %d, %s", application_video_width, application_video_height, get_d3d_error_message ( d3drval ) );

			return ( FALSE );
        glViewport(viewdata.dwX, viewdata.dwY, viewdata.dwWidth, viewdata.dwHeight);
        glDepthRange(viewdata.dvMinZ, viewdata.dvMaxZ);

	// Create the vertex buffers

	create_d3d_vertex_buffers ();

	return ( TRUE );
Exemple #4
static void test_ddraw_objects(void)
    HRESULT hr;
    unsigned long ref;
    IDirectDraw7 *DDraw7;
    IDirectDraw4 *DDraw4;
    IDirectDraw2 *DDraw2;
    IDirectDraw  *DDraw1;
    IDirectDrawPalette *palette;
    IDirectDrawSurface7 *surface;
    IDirectDrawSurface *surface1;
    IDirectDrawSurface4 *surface4;
    PALETTEENTRY Table[256];

    hr = pDirectDrawCreateEx(NULL, (void **) &DDraw7, &IID_IDirectDraw7, NULL);
    ok(hr == DD_OK || hr==DDERR_NODIRECTDRAWSUPPORT, "DirectDrawCreateEx returned: %x\n", hr);
        trace("Couldn't create DDraw interface, skipping tests\n");

    hr = IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface(DDraw7, &IID_IDirectDraw4, (void **) &DDraw4);
    ok(hr == DD_OK, "IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface returned %08x\n", hr);
    hr = IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface(DDraw7, &IID_IDirectDraw2, (void **) &DDraw2);
    ok(hr == DD_OK, "IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface returned %08x\n", hr);
    hr = IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface(DDraw7, &IID_IDirectDraw, (void **) &DDraw1);
    ok(hr == DD_OK, "IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface returned %08x\n", hr);

    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw7);
    ok(ref == 1, "Got refcount %ld, expected 1\n", ref);

    /* Fails without a cooplevel */
    hr = IDirectDraw7_CreatePalette(DDraw7, DDPCAPS_ALLOW256 | DDPCAPS_8BIT, Table, &palette, NULL);
    ok(hr == DDERR_NOCOOPERATIVELEVELSET, "CreatePalette returned %08x\n", hr);

    /* This check is before the cooplevel check */
    hr = IDirectDraw7_CreatePalette(DDraw7, DDPCAPS_ALLOW256 | DDPCAPS_8BIT, Table, &palette, (void *) 0xdeadbeef);
    ok(hr == CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION, "CreatePalette returned %08x\n", hr);

    hr = IDirectDraw7_SetCooperativeLevel(DDraw7, 0, DDSCL_NORMAL);
    ok(hr == DD_OK, "SetCooperativeLevel failed with %08x\n", hr);

    memset(&ddsd, 0, sizeof(ddsd));
    ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
    ddsd.dwWidth = 64;
    ddsd.dwHeight = 64;
    ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN;
    U4(ddsd).ddpfPixelFormat.dwSize = sizeof(U4(ddsd).ddpfPixelFormat);
    U4(ddsd).ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags = DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED8 | DDPF_RGB;
    U1(U4(ddsd).ddpfPixelFormat).dwRGBBitCount = 8;

    hr = IDirectDraw7_CreateSurface(DDraw7, &ddsd, &surface, NULL);
    ok(hr == DD_OK, "CreateSurface failed with %08x\n", hr);

    /* DDraw refcount increased by 1 */
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw7);
    ok(ref == 2, "Got refcount %ld, expected 2\n", ref);

    /* Surface refcount starts with 1 */
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) surface);
    ok(ref == 1, "Got refcount %ld, expected 1\n", ref);

    hr = IDirectDraw7_CreatePalette(DDraw7, DDPCAPS_ALLOW256 | DDPCAPS_8BIT, Table, &palette, NULL);
    ok(hr == DD_OK, "CreatePalette returned %08x\n", hr);

    /* DDraw refcount increased by 1 */
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw7);
    ok(ref == 3, "Got refcount %ld, expected 3\n", ref);

    /* Palette starts with 1 */
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) palette);
    ok(ref == 1, "Got refcount %ld, expected 1\n", ref);

    /* Test attaching a palette to a surface */
    hr = IDirectDrawSurface7_SetPalette(surface, palette);
    ok(hr == DD_OK, "IDirectDrawSurface_SetPalette failed with %08x\n", hr);

    /* Palette refcount increased, surface stays the same */
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) palette);
    ok(ref == 2, "Got refcount %ld, expected 2\n", ref);
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) surface);
    ok(ref == 1, "Got refcount %ld, expected 1\n", ref);

    /* Increased before - decrease now */
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw7);
    ok(ref == 2, "Got refcount %ld, expected 2\n", ref);

    /* Releasing the surface detaches the palette */
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) palette);
    ok(ref == 1, "Got refcount %ld, expected 1\n", ref);


    /* Increased before - decrease now */
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw7);
    ok(ref == 1, "Got refcount %ld, expected 1\n", ref);

    /* Not all interfaces are AddRefed when a palette is created */
    hr = IDirectDraw4_CreatePalette(DDraw4, DDPCAPS_ALLOW256 | DDPCAPS_8BIT, Table, &palette, NULL);
    ok(hr == DD_OK, "CreatePalette returned %08x\n", hr);
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw4);
    ok(ref == 2, "Got refcount %ld, expected 2\n", ref);

    /* No addref here */
    hr = IDirectDraw2_CreatePalette(DDraw2, DDPCAPS_ALLOW256 | DDPCAPS_8BIT, Table, &palette, NULL);
    ok(hr == DD_OK, "CreatePalette returned %08x\n", hr);
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw2);
    ok(ref == 1, "Got refcount %ld, expected 1\n", ref);

    /* No addref here */
    hr = IDirectDraw_CreatePalette(DDraw1, DDPCAPS_ALLOW256 | DDPCAPS_8BIT, Table, &palette, NULL);
    ok(hr == DD_OK, "CreatePalette returned %08x\n", hr);
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw1);
    ok(ref == 1, "Got refcount %ld, expected 1\n", ref);

    /* Similar for surfaces */
    hr = IDirectDraw4_CreateSurface(DDraw4, &ddsd, &surface4, NULL);
    ok(hr == DD_OK, "CreateSurface returned %08x\n", hr);
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw4);
    ok(ref == 2, "Got refcount %ld, expected 2\n", ref);

    ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC);
    hr = IDirectDraw2_CreateSurface(DDraw2, (DDSURFACEDESC *) &ddsd, &surface1, NULL);
    ok(hr == DD_OK, "CreateSurface returned %08x\n", hr);
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw2);
    ok(ref == 1, "Got refcount %ld, expected 1\n", ref);

    hr = IDirectDraw_CreateSurface(DDraw1, (DDSURFACEDESC *) &ddsd, &surface1, NULL);
    ok(hr == DD_OK, "CreateSurface returned %08x\n", hr);
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw1);
    ok(ref == 1, "Got refcount %ld, expected 1\n", ref);

Exemple #5
static void test_iface_refcnt(void)
    HRESULT hr;
    IDirectDraw  *DDraw1;
    IDirectDraw2 *DDraw2;
    IDirectDraw4 *DDraw4;
    IDirectDraw7 *DDraw7;
    IDirect3D7   *D3D7;
    IDirect3D3   *D3D3;
    IDirect3D2   *D3D2;
    IDirect3D    *D3D1;
    long ref;

    hr = pDirectDrawCreateEx(NULL, (void **) &DDraw7, &IID_IDirectDraw7, NULL);
    ok(hr == DD_OK || hr==DDERR_NODIRECTDRAWSUPPORT, "DirectDrawCreateEx returned: %x\n", hr);
        trace("Couldn't create DDraw interface, skipping tests\n");

    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw7);
    ok(ref == 1, "Initial IDirectDraw7 reference count is %ld\n", ref);

    hr = IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface(DDraw7, &IID_IDirectDraw4, (void **) &DDraw4);
    ok(hr == DD_OK, "IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface returned %08x\n", hr);
    hr = IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface(DDraw7, &IID_IDirectDraw2, (void **) &DDraw2);
    ok(hr == DD_OK, "IDirectDraw7_QueryInterf&ace returned %08x\n", hr);
    hr = IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface(DDraw7, &IID_IDirectDraw, (void **) &DDraw1);
    ok(hr == DD_OK, "IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface returned %08x\n", hr);

    /* All interfaces now have refcount 1! */
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw7);
    ok(ref == 1, "IDirectDraw7 reference count is %ld\n", ref);
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw7);
    ok(ref == 1, "IDirectDraw7 reference count is %ld\n", ref);
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw4);
    ok(ref == 1, "IDirectDraw4 reference count is %ld\n", ref);
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw2);
    ok(ref == 1, "IDirectDraw2 reference count is %ld\n", ref);
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw1);
    ok(ref == 1, "IDirectDraw reference count is %ld\n", ref);

    hr = IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface(DDraw7, &IID_IDirect3D7, (void **) &D3D7);
    ok(hr == DD_OK, "IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface returned %08x\n", hr);

    /* Apparently IDirectDrawX and IDirect3DX are linked together */
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) D3D7);
    ok(ref == 2, "IDirect3D7 reference count is %ld\n", ref);
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw7);
    ok(ref == 2, "IDirectDraw7 reference count is %ld\n", ref);

    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) D3D7);
    ok(ref == 3, "IDirect3D7 reference count is %ld\n", ref);
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw7);
    ok(ref == 3, "IDirectDraw7 reference count is %ld\n", ref);

    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) D3D7);
    ok(ref == 2, "IDirect3D7 reference count is %ld\n", ref);
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw7);
    ok(ref == 2, "IDirectDraw7 reference count is %ld\n", ref);

    /* Can't get older d3d interfaces. WHY????? */
    hr = IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface(DDraw4, &IID_IDirect3D3, (void **) &D3D3);
    todo_wine ok(hr == E_NOINTERFACE, "IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface returned %08x\n", hr);
    if(hr == DD_OK && D3D3) IDirect3D3_Release(D3D3);

    hr = IDirectDraw4_QueryInterface(DDraw4, &IID_IDirect3D3, (void **) &D3D3);
    todo_wine ok(hr == E_NOINTERFACE, "IDirectDraw4_QueryInterface returned %08x\n", hr);
    if(hr == DD_OK && D3D3) IDirect3D3_Release(D3D3);

    hr = IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface(DDraw7, &IID_IDirect3D2, (void **) &D3D2);
    todo_wine ok(hr == E_NOINTERFACE, "IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface returned %08x\n", hr);
    if(hr == DD_OK && D3D2) IDirect3D2_Release(D3D2);

    hr = IDirectDraw2_QueryInterface(DDraw2, &IID_IDirect3D2, (void **) &D3D2);
    todo_wine ok(hr == E_NOINTERFACE, "IDirectDraw2_QueryInterface returned %08x\n", hr);
    if(hr == DD_OK && D3D2) IDirect3D2_Release(D3D2);

    hr = IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface(DDraw7, &IID_IDirect3D, (void **) &D3D1);
    todo_wine ok(hr == E_NOINTERFACE, "IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface returned %08x\n", hr);
    if(hr == DD_OK && D3D1) IDirect3D_Release(D3D1);

    hr = IDirectDraw_QueryInterface(DDraw1, &IID_IDirect3D, (void **) &D3D1);
    todo_wine ok(hr == E_NOINTERFACE, "IDirectDraw_QueryInterface returned %08x\n", hr);
    if(hr == DD_OK && D3D1) IDirect3D_Release(D3D1);

    hr = IDirect3D7_QueryInterface(D3D7, &IID_IDirect3D, (void **) &D3D1);
    todo_wine ok(hr == E_NOINTERFACE, "IDirect3D7_QueryInterface returned %08x\n", hr);
    if(hr == DD_OK && D3D1) IDirect3D_Release(D3D1);

    /* Try an AddRef, it only affects the AddRefed interface */
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw7);
    ok(ref == 2, "IDirectDraw7 reference count is %ld\n", ref); /* <-- From the d3d query */
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw4);
    ok(ref == 2, "IDirectDraw4 reference count is %ld\n", ref); /* <-- The AddRef call */
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw2);
    ok(ref == 1, "IDirectDraw2 reference count is %ld\n", ref);
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) DDraw1);
    ok(ref == 1, "IDirectDraw reference count is %ld\n", ref);
    ref = getRefcount( (IUnknown *) D3D7);
    ok(ref == 2, "IDirect3D7 reference count is %ld\n", ref); /* <-- From the d3d query */

    /* Make sure that they are one object, not different ones */
    hr = IDirectDraw4_SetCooperativeLevel(DDraw4, GetDesktopWindow(), DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE | DDSCL_FULLSCREEN);
    ok(hr == DD_OK, "IDirectDraw4::SetCooperativeLevel returned %08x\n", hr);
    /* After an window has been set, DDSCL_SETFOCUSWINDOW should return DDERR_HWNDALREADYSET, see the mode test */
    hr = IDirectDraw7_SetCooperativeLevel(DDraw7, NULL, DDSCL_SETFOCUSWINDOW);
    ok(hr == DDERR_HWNDALREADYSET, "IDirectDraw7::SetCooperativeLevel returned %08x\n", hr);

    /* All done, release all interfaces */
Exemple #6
IDirectDraw4Impl_QueryInterface(LPDIRECTDRAW4 This, REFIID iid, LPVOID *ppObj)
    return IDirectDraw7_QueryInterface((IDirectDraw7 *)ddraw_from_ddraw4(This), iid, ppObj);