static DFBResult
IDirectFBSurface_Layer_GetSubSurface( IDirectFBSurface    *thiz,
                                      const DFBRectangle  *rect,
                                      IDirectFBSurface   **surface )
     DFBResult ret;


     D_DEBUG_AT( Surface, "%s( %p )\n", __FUNCTION__, thiz );

     /* Check arguments */
     if (!data->base.surface)
          return DFB_DESTROYED;

     if (!surface)
          return DFB_INVARG;
     /* Allocate interface */
     DIRECT_ALLOCATE_INTERFACE( *surface, IDirectFBSurface );

     if (rect || data->base.limit_set) {
          DFBRectangle wanted, granted;
          /* Compute wanted rectangle */
          if (rect) {
               wanted = *rect;

               wanted.x += data->base.area.wanted.x;
               wanted.y += data->base.area.wanted.y;

               if (wanted.w <= 0 || wanted.h <= 0) {
                    wanted.w = 0;
                    wanted.h = 0;
          else {
               wanted = data->base.area.wanted;
          /* Compute granted rectangle */
          granted = wanted;

          dfb_rectangle_intersect( &granted, &data->base.area.granted );
          /* Construct */
          ret = IDirectFBSurface_Layer_Construct( *surface, thiz, &wanted, &granted,
                                                  data->region, data->base.caps |
                                                  DSCAPS_SUBSURFACE, data->base.core );
     else {
          /* Construct */
          ret = IDirectFBSurface_Layer_Construct( *surface, thiz, NULL, NULL,
                                                  data->region, data->base.caps |
                                                  DSCAPS_SUBSURFACE, data->base.core );
     return ret;
static DFBResult
IDirectFBDisplayLayer_GetSurface( IDirectFBDisplayLayer  *thiz,
                                  IDirectFBSurface      **interface )
     DFBResult         ret;
     CoreLayerRegion  *region;
     IDirectFBSurface *surface;

     D_DEBUG_AT( Layer, "%s( %p )\n", __FUNCTION__, thiz );


     if (!interface)
          return DFB_INVARG;

     if (data->level == DLSCL_SHARED) {
          D_WARN( "letting unprivileged IDirectFBDisplayLayer::GetSurface() "
                   "call pass until cooperative level handling is finished" );

     ret = CoreLayerContext_GetPrimaryRegion( data->context, true, &region );
     if (ret)
          return ret;

     DIRECT_ALLOCATE_INTERFACE( surface, IDirectFBSurface );

     ret = IDirectFBSurface_Layer_Construct( surface, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                                             region, DSCAPS_NONE, data->core, data->idirectfb );

     // Fix to only perform single buffered clearing using a background when
     // configured to do so AND the display layer region is frozen.  Also
     // added support for this behavior when the cooperative level is
     if (region->config.buffermode == DLBM_FRONTONLY &&
         data->level != DLSCL_SHARED &&
         D_FLAGS_IS_SET( region->state, CLRSF_FROZEN )) {
          // If a window stack is available, give it the opportunity to
          // render the background (optionally based on configuration) and
          // flip the display layer so it is visible.  Otherwise, just
          // directly flip the display layer and make it visible.
          if (data->stack) {
               CoreWindowStack_RepaintAll( data->stack );
          else {
               CoreLayerRegion_FlipUpdate2( region, NULL, NULL, DSFLIP_NONE, -1 );

     *interface = ret ? NULL : surface;

     dfb_layer_region_unref( region );

     return ret;