Exemple #1
static int exit_with_error(const char **argv, const char *msg, int exit_code)
	const char *v0 = argv[0];
		"Image diff (libsrt example)\n\n"
		"Error [%i]: %s\nSyntax: %s in1." FMT_IMGS_IN " in2."
		FMT_IMGS_IN " [out." FMT_IMGS_OUT "]\nExit code 0: matching "
		"images, not 0: not matching or syntax error\n\nExamples:\n"
		IF_PNG("%s i1.png i2.png o.ppm  # i1.png vs i2.png to o.ppm\n")
		IF_JPG("%s i1.jpg i2.jpg o.tga  # i1.jpg vs i2.jpg to o.tga\n")
		"%s i1.ppm i2.tga o.tga  # i1.ppm vs i2.tga to o.tga\n",
		exit_code, msg, v0, IF_PNG(v0 MY_COMMA) IF_JPG(v0 MY_COMMA) v0);
	return exit_code;
Exemple #2
static int exit_with_error(const char **argv, const char *msg,
			   const int exit_code)
	const char *v0 = argv[0];
	fprintf(stderr, "Error [%i]: %s\nSyntax: %s in." FMT_IMGS_IN " [out."
		FMT_IMGS_OUT " [filter]]\nExamples:\n"
		"\tStats: %s input.pgm\n"
		IF_PNG("\tConvert: %s input.png output.ppm\n")
		IF_JPG("\tConvert: %s input.jpg output.tga\n")
		IF_LL1("\tConvert: %s input.ppm output.ll1\n")
		"\tConvert: %s input.ppm output.tga\n"
		"\tConvert + filter: %s input.ppm output.tga 5\n"
		"Filters: 0 (none), 1 left->right DPCM, 2 reverse of (1), "
		"3 left->right xor DPCM,\n\t 4 reverse of (3), 5 up->down DPCM, "
		"6 reverse of (5),\n\t 7 up->down xor DPCM, 8 reverse of (7), "
		"9 left/up/up-left average DPCM,\n\t 10 reverse of (9), "
		"11 Paeth DPCM, 12 reverse of (11),\n\t 13 red substract, 14 "
		"reverse of (13), 15 green substract, 16 reverse\n\t of (15), "
		"17 blue substract, 18 reverse of (17)\n",
		exit_code, msg, v0, v0, IF_PNG(v0 MY_COMMA) IF_JPG(v0 MY_COMMA)
		IF_LL1(v0 MY_COMMA) v0, v0);
	return exit_code;
Exemple #3
static int exit_with_error(const char **argv, const char *msg, int exit_code)
	const char *v0 = argv[0];
		"Image conversion (libsrt example)\n\n"
		"Error [%i]: %s\nSyntax: %s in." FMT_IMGS_IN " [out."
		FMT_IMGS_OUT " [filter]]\n"
		"Filters: 0 none, 1 left->right DPCM, 2 reverse of (1), "
		"3 left->right xor DPCM,\n\t 4 reverse of (3), 5 up->down DPCM"
		", 6 reverse of (5),\n\t 7 up->down xor DPCM, 8 reverse of (7)"
		", 9 left/up/up-left average DPCM,\n\t 10 reverse of (9), "
		"11 Paeth DPCM, 12 reverse of (11),\n\t 13 red substract, 14 "
		"reverse of (13), 15 green substract, 16 reverse\n\t of (15), "
		"17 blue substract, 18 reverse of (17)\n\n"
		"%s input.pgm  # Show image statistics\n"
		IF_PNG("%s input.png output.ppm  # Convert png to ppm\n")
		IF_JPG("%s input.jpg output.tga  # Convert jpg to tga\n")
		"%s input.ppm output.tga  # Convert ppm to tga\n"
		"%s input.ppm output.tga 5  # Convert ppm to tga + filter\n",
		exit_code, msg, v0, v0, IF_PNG(v0 MY_COMMA) IF_JPG(v0 MY_COMMA)
		v0, v0);
	return exit_code;