Exemple #1
void Phaser::PrintCheck(my_pair ** check) {
  const char separator    = ' ';
  const int width   = 5;
  if (0) {
    for (bool cf : {false, true}) {
      for (bool ff : {false, true}) {
        for (bool mf : {false, true}) {
          if (!cf && !ff && !mf) {
            printf("%i %i %i\n", mf, ff, cf);
            size_t m = m_index(mf, ff, cf);
            for (size_t i = 0; i <= I_len; i++) {
              for (size_t j = 0; j <= J_len; j++) {
                std::cout << std::left << std::setw(width) << std::setfill(separator) <<
                    "(" << check[m][IJ(i, j)].first << "," << check[m][IJ(i, j)].second<< ")";
              std::cout << std::endl;
void SMPProtocol::sendWriteBack(PAddr addr, CallbackBase *cb)
#if 0
    SMPMemRequest *sreq = SMPMemRequest::create(pCache, addr, MemPush, true, NULL, MeshMemWriteBack);
    sreq->msgOwner = pCache;
Exemple #3
void Phaser::PrintFace(score_t ** face) {
  const char separator    = ' ';
  const int width   = 5;
  if (verbose) {
    for (bool cf : {false, true}) {
      for (bool ff : {false, true}) {
        for (bool mf : {false, true}) {
          if (!cf && !ff && !mf) {
            printf("%i %i %i\n", mf, ff, cf);
            size_t m = m_index(mf, ff, cf);
            for (size_t i = 0; i <= I_len; i++) {
              for (size_t j = 0; j <= J_len; j++) {
                std::cout << std::left << std::setw(width) << std::setfill(separator) <<
                    face[m][IJ(i, j)];
              std::cout << std::endl;
Exemple #4
// `incident` must be preallocated - use mesh_count_incident().
int32 mesh_get_incident(Mesh *mesh,
                        MeshConnectivity *incident, int32 dim,
                        Indices *entities, int32 dent)
  int32 ret = RET_OK;
  uint32 ii;
  uint32 D = mesh->topology->max_dim;
  MeshEntityIterator it0[1], it1[1];
  MeshConnectivity *conn = mesh->topology->conn[IJ(D, dent, dim)];

  if (!conn->num) {
    errput("connectivity %d -> %d is not avaliable!\n", dent, dim);

  ii = 0;
  incident->offsets[0] = 0;
  for (mei_init_sub(it0, mesh, entities, dent); mei_go(it0); mei_next(it0)) {
    for (mei_init_conn(it1, it0->entity, dim); mei_go(it1); mei_next(it1)) {
      incident->indices[ii++] = it1->entity->ii;
    incident->offsets[it0->it + 1] = incident->offsets[it0->it] + it1->it_end;

Exemple #5
int32 mesh_transpose(Mesh *mesh, int32 d1, int32 d2)
  int32 ret = RET_OK;
  uint32 n_incident;
  uint32 ii;
  uint32 *nd2 = 0;
  uint32 D = mesh->topology->max_dim;
  MeshEntityIterator it2[1], it1[1];
  MeshConnectivity *c12 = 0; // d1 -> d2 - to compute

  debprintf("transpose %d -> %d\n", d1, d2);

  if (d1 >= d2) {
    errput("d1 must be smaller than d2 in mesh_transpose()!\n");

  c12 = mesh->topology->conn[IJ(D, d1, d2)];

  // Count entities of d2 -> d1.
  conn_alloc(c12, mesh->topology->num[d1], 0);
  nd2 = c12->offsets + 1;

  for (mei_init(it2, mesh, d2); mei_go(it2); mei_next(it2)) {
    for (mei_init_conn(it1, it2->entity, d1); mei_go(it1); mei_next(it1)) {

  // c12->offsets now contains counts - make a cumsum to get offsets.
  for (ii = 1; ii < c12->num + 1; ii++) {
    c12->offsets[ii] += c12->offsets[ii-1];

  n_incident = c12->offsets[c12->num];
  debprintf("transpose n_incident (%d -> %d): %d\n", d1, d2, n_incident);

  // Fill in the indices.
  conn_alloc(c12, 0, n_incident);
  for (ii = 0; ii < c12->n_incident; ii++) {
    c12->indices[ii] = UINT32_None; // "not set" value.

  for (mei_init(it2, mesh, d2); mei_go(it2); mei_next(it2)) {
    for (mei_init_conn(it1, it2->entity, d1); mei_go(it1); mei_next(it1)) {
      conn_set_to_free(c12, it1->entity->ii, it2->entity->ii);

Exemple #6
void Particle::Update(RenderWindow &Window, Real dt)
	dt = 0.1f;
	Real x = CavitySize.x * u[IJ(Cavity_i, Cavity_j)];
	Real y = -CavitySize.y * v[IJ(Cavity_i, Cavity_j)];
	Real size = sqrtf(x*x + y* y);
	//x /= size;
	//y /= size;
	x *= dt;
	y *= dt;

	Position.x = TopLeft.x + (Cavity_i * CavitySize.x) / GRID_SIZE;
	Position.y = TopLeft.y + (Cavity_j * CavitySize.y) / GRID_SIZE;
	Position.y = (BottommRight.y - Position.y) + TopLeft.y;

	Vector2f EndPosition = Position + Vector2f(x, y);

	sf::Vertex line[] =
		sf::Vertex(Position, Color::Red),
		sf::Vertex(EndPosition, Color::Red)
	Window.draw(line, 2, sf::Lines);

	size = 0.2f;
	line[0] = sf::Vertex(EndPosition, Color::Red);
	line[1] = sf::Vertex(EndPosition + Vector2f(size*(-x + y), size*(-x - y)), Color::Red);
	Window.draw(line, 2, sf::Lines);

	line[0] = sf::Vertex(EndPosition, Color::Red);
	line[1] = sf::Vertex(EndPosition + Vector2f(size*(-x - y), size*(x - y)), Color::Red);
	Window.draw(line, 2, sf::Lines);

	//	((EndPosition.x - TopLeft.x) * GRID_SIZE) / CavitySize.x,
	//	((EndPosition.y - TopLeft.y) * GRID_SIZE) / CavitySize.y
	//	);
Exemple #7
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
                  int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] )
    const mxArray *params;
    double *t;
    size_t m, n, d;
    int i;

    /* Check for proper number of arguments. */
    if (nrhs!=1) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("One input required.");
    } else if (nlhs>1) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments.");
    params = prhs[0];

    /* Check argument types */
    if (!mxIsDouble(params) || mxIsComplex(params) || mxGetNumberOfDimensions(params) != 2) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("Input must be a real double row or column vector.");

    m = mxGetM(params);
    n = mxGetN(params);
    if (m != 1 && n != 1) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("Input must be a row or column vector.");
    d = m > n ? m : n;
    if (d != 2 && d != 3) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("I can only think in two or three dimensions.");

    plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(d+1, d+1, mxREAL);
    t = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
    for (i = 0; i < d+1; ++i) {
        IJ(t, d+1, i, i) = 1;
    for (i = 0; i < d; ++i) {
        IJ(t, d+1, i, d) = mxGetPr(params)[i];
Exemple #8
int32 mesh_free_connectivity(Mesh *mesh, int32 d1, int32 d2)
  uint32 D = mesh->topology->max_dim;
  MeshConnectivity *conn = 0;

  debprintf("free connectivity %d -> %d\n", d1, d2);

  conn = mesh->topology->conn[IJ(D, d1, d2)];

void foobar() 
     for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) 
          int pz_zdx = 7;
          int ii,jj,kk = 0;

          if (3 == 1) 
               IJ(pz_zdx, 42, ii, jj);
Exemple #10
void EyeTrackerCalibration::estimateParametersMethod1(
    const std::vector<cv::Point2d> & eyeData,
    const std::vector<cv::Point2d> & calPointData)
    const size_t dataCounter = eyeData.size();
    cv::Mat IJ(dataCounter, 3, CV_64FC1); // positions of eye in video frame
    cv::Mat X(dataCounter, 1, CV_64FC1); // positions of point on screen
    cv::Mat Y(dataCounter, 1, CV_64FC1);

    for(int i = 0; i < IJ.rows; i++)
        double * Mi = IJ.ptr<double>(i);
        Mi[0] = eyeData[i].x;
        Mi[1] = eyeData[i].y;
        Mi[2] = 1.0;

    cv::MatIterator_<double> it;

    int i;
    for(i = 0, it = X.begin<double>(); it != X.end<double>(); it++)
        *it = calPointData[i].x;

    for(i = 0, it = Y.begin<double>(); it != Y.end<double>(); it++)
        *it = calPointData[i].y;

    const cv::Mat PX = (IJ.t() * IJ).inv() * IJ.t() * X;
    const cv::Mat PY = (IJ.t() * IJ).inv() * IJ.t() * Y;

    //g_GX = IJ*PX;  //If calibration results are necessary ...
    //g_GY = IJ*PY;

    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        const double * MiX = PX.ptr<double>(i);
        const double * MiY = PY.ptr<double>(i);
        m_paramX[i] = *MiX;
        m_paramY[i] = *MiY;

    qDebug() << "Calibration coeffs:";
    qDebug() << m_paramX[0] << " " <<  m_paramX[1] << " " << m_paramX[2];
    qDebug() << m_paramY[0] << " " <<  m_paramY[2] << " " << m_paramY[2];
Exemple #11
R_predict(SEXP obj1, SEXP obj2, SEXP r_x, SEXP r_y, SEXP r_ans1, SEXP r_ans2, SEXP r_dims)
    int n, i;
    double *x_ans_ptr, *y_ans_ptr;
    double *x, *y;
    int ix, iy;
    double dx, dy;
    int *dims;
    double *gridx, *gridy;

    n = Rf_length(r_x) + 1;
/*    x_ans_ptr = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(r_ans, 0));
    y_ans_ptr = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(r_ans, 1)); */
    dims = INTEGER(r_dims);

    x_ans_ptr = REAL(r_ans1);
    y_ans_ptr = REAL(r_ans2);

/*    printf("%p\n", x_ans_ptr);
    printf("%p\n", y_ans_ptr); */

    gridx = REAL(obj1);
    gridy = REAL(obj2);

    x = REAL(r_x);
    y = REAL(r_y);

   for(i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {
	ix = (int) x[i] - 1;
	iy = (int) y[i] - 1;
	dx = x[i] - ix - 1.;
	dy = y[i] - iy - 1.;

	if(ix < 0 || ix >= dims[1] || iy < 0 || iy >= dims[0]) {

	x_ans_ptr[i] = (1.-dx) * (1.-dy)*IJ(gridx, ix, iy) + dx*(1.-dy)*IJ(gridx, ix+1, iy)
             + (1.-dx)*dy*IJ(gridx, ix, iy+1) + dx*dy*IJ(gridx, ix+1, iy+1);
	y_ans_ptr[i] = (1. - dx)*(1. - dy)*IJ(gridy, ix, iy) + dx*(1. - dy)*IJ(gridy, ix+1, iy)
             + (1. - dx)*dy*IJ(gridy, ix, iy+1) + dx*dy*IJ(gridy, ix+1, iy+1);

Exemple #12
BICAPI void  render_one_row (
    void            *volume_data1,
    Data_types      volume1_type,
    int             y,
    int             start_x,
    int             end_x,
    size_t          **y_offsets1,
    size_t          **row_offsets1,
    void            **start_slices1,
    int             n_slices1,
    Real            weights1[],
    void            *volume_data2,
    Data_types      volume2_type,
    size_t          **y_offsets2,
    size_t          **row_offsets2,
    void            **start_slices2,
    int             n_slices2,
    Real            weights2[],
    unsigned short  **cmode_colour_map,
    Colour          **rgb_colour_map,
    pixels_struct   *pixels )
    int             x_size;
    Colour          *rgb_pixel_ptr;
    unsigned short  *cmap_pixel_ptr;

    x_size = pixels->x_size;

    if( pixels->pixel_type == RGB_PIXEL )
        rgb_pixel_ptr = &pixels->data.pixels_rgb[IJ(y,start_x,x_size)];
        cmap_pixel_ptr = &pixels->data.pixels_16bit_colour_index

#include "call_rend_f_include.c"
Exemple #13
inline int32 me_get_incident(MeshEntity *entity, Indices *out, int32 dim)
  int32 ret = RET_OK;
  Mesh *mesh = entity->mesh;
  uint32 D = mesh->topology->max_dim;
  MeshConnectivity *conn = mesh->topology->conn[IJ(D, entity->dim, dim)];

  if (!conn->num) {
    errput("required connectivity is not avaliable!\n");
  out->indices = conn->indices + conn->offsets[entity->ii];
  out->num = conn->offsets[entity->ii + 1] - conn->offsets[entity->ii];

Exemple #14
int32 mesh_setup_connectivity(Mesh *mesh, int32 d1, int32 d2)
  int32 ret = RET_OK;
  int32 d3 = 0;
  MeshTopology *topology = mesh->topology;
  uint32 D = topology->max_dim;

  debprintf("request connectivity %d -> %d\n", d1, d2);

  if (topology->num[d1] == 0) {
    mesh_build(mesh, d1);

  if (topology->num[d2] == 0) {
    mesh_build(mesh, d2);

  if (topology->conn[IJ(D, d1, d2)]->num) {

  if (d1 < d2) {
    mesh_setup_connectivity(mesh, d2, d1);
    mesh_transpose(mesh, d1, d2);
  } else {
    if ((d1 == 0) && (d2 == 0)) {
      d3 = D;
    } else {
      d3 = 0;
    if ((d1 > 0) && (d2 == 0)) {
      errput("connectivity %d -> %d should already exist!\n", d1, d2);
    mesh_setup_connectivity(mesh, d1, d3);
    mesh_setup_connectivity(mesh, d3, d2);
    mesh_intersect(mesh, d1, d2, d3);

Exemple #15
// `local_ids` must be preallocated to same size as `entities`.
int32 mesh_get_local_ids(Mesh *mesh, Indices *local_ids,
                         Indices *entities, int32 dent,
                         MeshConnectivity *incident, int32 dim)
  int32 ret = RET_OK;
  uint32 ii, iind, ic, found;
  uint32 D = mesh->topology->max_dim;
  MeshEntity entity[1];
  MeshEntityIterator it1[1];
  MeshConnectivity *conn = mesh->topology->conn[IJ(D, dim, dent)];

  if (!conn->num) {
    errput("connectivity %d -> %d is not avaliable!\n", dim, dent);

  entity->mesh = mesh;
  entity->dim = dim;

  ii = 0;
  for (iind = 0; iind < incident->num; iind++) {
    for (ic = incident->offsets[iind]; ic < incident->offsets[iind+1]; ic++) {
      entity->ii = incident->indices[ic];
      // printf("%d: ? %d in %d\n", iind, entities->indices[iind], entity->ii);
      found = 0;
      for (mei_init_conn(it1, entity, dent); mei_go(it1); mei_next(it1)) {
        if (entities->indices[iind] == it1->entity->ii) {
          local_ids->indices[ii++] = it1->it;
          // printf("%d -> %d\n", ii, it1->it);
          found = 1;
          break; // Degenerate cases - 1. occurrence is returned.
      if (!found) {
        errput("entity (%d, %d) not found in entity (%d, %d)!\n",
               entities->indices[iind], dent, entity->ii, dim);

Exemple #16
// Allocates mask->mask.
int32 mesh_select_complete(Mesh *mesh, Mask *mask, int32 dim,
                           Indices *entities, int32 dent)
  int32 ret = RET_OK;
  uint32 D = mesh->topology->max_dim;
  uint32 ii, inum;
  char *ent_mask = 0;
  MeshEntityIterator it0[1], it1[1];
  MeshConnectivity *conn = mesh->topology->conn[IJ(D, dim, dent)];

  if (!conn->num) {
    errput("connectivity %d -> %d is not avaliable!\n", dim, dent);

  mask->mask = alloc_mem(char, conn->num);
  mask->num = conn->num;
  mask->n_true = 0;

  ent_mask = alloc_mem(char, mesh->topology->num[dent]);

  for (ii = 0; ii < entities->num; ii++) {
    ent_mask[entities->indices[ii]] = 1;

  for (mei_init(it0, mesh, dim); mei_go(it0); mei_next(it0)) {
    inum = 0;
    for (mei_init_conn(it1, it0->entity, dent); mei_go(it1); mei_next(it1)) {
      if (ent_mask[it1->entity->ii]) inum++;
    // Check if all entities with dimension dent incident to entity it0 are set
    // in ent_mask.
    if (inum == it1->it_end) {
      mask->mask[it0->it] = 1;


Exemple #17
uint32 mesh_count_incident(Mesh *mesh, int32 dim,
                           Indices *entities, int32 dent)
  uint32 ii, num = 0;
  uint32 *ptr;
  uint32 D = mesh->topology->max_dim;
  MeshConnectivity *conn = mesh->topology->conn[IJ(D, dent, dim)];

  if (!conn->num) {
    errput("connectivity %d -> %d is not avaliable!\n", dent, dim);

  for (ii = 0; ii < entities->num; ii++) {
    ptr = conn->offsets + entities->indices[ii];
    num += ptr[1] - ptr[0];

Exemple #18
inline int32 mei_init_conn(MeshEntityIterator *iter, MeshEntity *entity,
                           uint32 dim)
  Mesh *mesh = entity->mesh;
  uint32 D = mesh->topology->max_dim;
  MeshConnectivity *conn = mesh->topology->conn[IJ(D, entity->dim, dim)];

  iter->entity->mesh = mesh;
  iter->entity->dim = dim;
  iter->it = 0;

  if ((conn->num > 0) && (conn->indices > 0)) {
    iter->ptr = conn->indices + conn->offsets[entity->ii];
    iter->it_end = conn->offsets[entity->ii+1] - conn->offsets[entity->ii];
    iter->entity->ii = iter->ptr[iter->it];
  } else {
    iter->ptr = 0;
    iter->it_end = 0;
    iter->entity->ii = 0;

Exemple #19
int32 mesh_print(Mesh *mesh, FILE *file, int32 header_only)
  uint32 ii, id;
  uint32 *num;
  uint32 D = mesh->topology->max_dim;
  MeshGeometry *geometry = mesh->geometry;
  MeshTopology *topology = mesh->topology;
  MeshConnectivity *conn = 0;

  fprintf(file, "Mesh %p (vertices: %d dimension: %d)\n",
          mesh, geometry->num, geometry->dim);
  fprintf(file, "topology: max_dim: %d\n", topology->max_dim);
  num = topology->num;
  fprintf(file, "n_cell: %d, n_face: %d, n_edge: %d, n_vertex: %d\n",
          num[3], num[2], num[1], num[0]);

  if (header_only == 0) { // Full print.
    fprintf(file, "vertex coordinates:\n");
    for (ii = 0; ii < geometry->num; ii++) {
      for (id = 0; id < geometry->dim; id++) {
        fprintf(file, " %.8e", geometry->coors[geometry->dim * ii + id]);
      fprintf(file, "\n");

    fprintf(file, "topology connectivities:\n");
    for (ii = 0; ii <= D; ii++) {
      for (id = 0; id <= D; id++) {
        fprintf(file, "incidence %d -> %d:\n", ii, id);
        conn = topology->conn[IJ(D, ii, id)];
        conn_print(conn, file);

Exemple #20
int32 refc_find_ref_coors(FMField *ref_coors,
                          int32 *cells, int32 n_cells,
                          int32 *status, int32 n_status,
                          FMField *coors,
                          Mesh *mesh,
                          int32 *candidates, int32 n_candidates,
                          int32 *offsets, int32 n_offsets,
                          int32 allow_extrapolation,
                          float64 qp_eps,
                          float64 close_limit,
                          void *_ctx)
  BasisContext *ctx = (BasisContext *) _ctx;

  int32 ip, ic, ii, imin, ok, xi_ok, ret = RET_OK;
  int32 D = mesh->topology->max_dim;
  int32 nc = mesh->geometry->dim;
  float64 d_min, dist;
  float64 *mesh_coors = mesh->geometry->coors;
  float64 buf3[3];
  FMField point[1], e_coors[1], xi[1];
  Indices cell_vertices[1];
  MeshEntity cell_ent[1];
  MeshConnectivity *cD0 = 0; // D -> 0

  mesh_setup_connectivity(mesh, D, 0);
  cD0 = mesh->topology->conn[IJ(D, D, 0)];

  fmf_pretend_nc(point, coors->nRow, 1, 1, nc, coors->val);

  fmf_pretend_nc(xi, 1, 1, 1, nc, buf3);
  fmf_fillC(xi, 0.0);

  ctx->is_dx = 0;

  for (ip = 0; ip < coors->nRow; ip++) {
    FMF_SetCell(point, ip);

    if (offsets[ip] == offsets[ip+1]) {
      status[ip] = 5;
      cells[ip] = 0;
      for (ii = 0; ii < nc; ii++) {
        ref_coors->val[nc*ip+ii] = 0.0;

    ok = xi_ok = 0;
    d_min = 1e10;
    imin = candidates[offsets[ip]];

    for (ic = offsets[ip]; ic < offsets[ip+1]; ic++) {
      /* output("***** %d %d %d\n", ip, ic, candidates[ic]); */

      ctx->iel = candidates[ic];
      cell_ent->ii = candidates[ic];
      me_get_incident2(cell_ent, cell_vertices, cD0);

      _get_cell_coors(e_coors, cell_vertices, mesh_coors, nc,
      xi_ok = ctx->get_xi_dist(&dist, xi, point, e_coors, ctx);

      if (xi_ok) {
        if (dist < qp_eps) {
          imin = cell_ent->ii;
          ok = 1;
        } else if (dist < d_min) {
          d_min = dist;
          imin = cell_ent->ii;
      } else if (dist < d_min) {
        d_min = dist;
        imin = cell_ent->ii;
    /* output("-> %d %d %d %.3e\n", imin, xi_ok, ok, d_min); */

    cells[ip] = imin;

    if (ok != 1) {
      if (!xi_ok) {
        status[ip] = 4;
      } else if (allow_extrapolation) {
        if (sqrt(d_min) < close_limit) {
          status[ip] = 1;
        } else {
          status[ip] = 2;
      } else {
        status[ip] = 3;
    } else {
      status[ip] = 0;

    for (ii = 0; ii < nc; ii++) {
      ref_coors->val[nc*ip+ii] = xi->val[ii];

Exemple #21
int32 mesh_intersect(Mesh *mesh, int32 d1, int32 d2, int32 d3)
  int32 ret = RET_OK;
  uint32 D = mesh->topology->max_dim;
  uint32 n_incident, ii;
  uint32 *nd2 = 0;
  char *mask = 0;
  MeshEntityIterator it1[1], it2[1], it3[1];
  Indices ei1[1], ei2[1];
  MeshConnectivity *c12 = 0; // d1 -> d2 - to compute
  MeshConnectivity *c10 = 0; // d1 -> 0 - known
  MeshConnectivity *c20 = 0; // d2 -> 0 - known

  debprintf("intersect %d -> %d (%d)\n", d1, d2, d3);

  if (d1 < d2) {
    errput("d1 must be greater or equal to d2 in mesh_intersect()!\n");

  c12 = mesh->topology->conn[IJ(D, d1, d2)];
  if (d1 > d2) {
    c10 = mesh->topology->conn[IJ(D, d1, 0)];
    c20 = mesh->topology->conn[IJ(D, d2, 0)];

  mask = alloc_mem(char, mesh->topology->num[d2]);

  // Count entities of d2 -> d1.
  conn_alloc(c12, mesh->topology->num[d1], 0);
  nd2 = c12->offsets + 1;

  for (mei_init(it1, mesh, d1); mei_go(it1); mei_next(it1)) {
    // Clear mask for it1 incident entities of dimension d2.
    for (mei_init_conn(it3, it1->entity, d3); mei_go(it3); mei_next(it3)) {
      for (mei_init_conn(it2, it3->entity, d2); mei_go(it2); mei_next(it2)) {
        mask[it2->entity->ii] = 0;

    for (mei_init_conn(it3, it1->entity, d3); mei_go(it3); mei_next(it3)) {
      for (mei_init_conn(it2, it3->entity, d2); mei_go(it2); mei_next(it2)) {
        if (mask[it2->entity->ii]) continue;
        mask[it2->entity->ii] = 1;

        if (d1 == d2) {
          if (it1->entity->ii != it2->entity->ii) {
        } else {
          // Get incident vertices.
          me_get_incident2(it1->entity, ei1, c10);
          me_get_incident2(it2->entity, ei2, c20);
          if (contains(ei1, ei2)) {

  // c12->offsets now contains counts - make a cumsum to get offsets.
  for (ii = 1; ii < c12->num + 1; ii++) {
    c12->offsets[ii] += c12->offsets[ii-1];

  n_incident = c12->offsets[c12->num];
  debprintf("intersect n_incident (%d -> %d): %d\n", d1, d2, n_incident);

  // Fill in the indices.
  conn_alloc(c12, 0, n_incident);
  for (ii = 0; ii < c12->n_incident; ii++) {
    c12->indices[ii] = UINT32_None; // "not set" value.

  for (mei_init(it1, mesh, d1); mei_go(it1); mei_next(it1)) {
    // Clear mask for it1 incident entities of dimension d2.
    for (mei_init_conn(it3, it1->entity, d3); mei_go(it3); mei_next(it3)) {
      for (mei_init_conn(it2, it3->entity, d2); mei_go(it2); mei_next(it2)) {
        mask[it2->entity->ii] = 0;

    for (mei_init_conn(it3, it1->entity, d3); mei_go(it3); mei_next(it3)) {
      for (mei_init_conn(it2, it3->entity, d2); mei_go(it2); mei_next(it2)) {
        if (mask[it2->entity->ii]) continue;
        mask[it2->entity->ii] = 1;

        if (d1 == d2) {
          if (it1->entity->ii != it2->entity->ii) {
            conn_set_to_free(c12, it1->entity->ii, it2->entity->ii);
        } else {
          // Get incident vertices.
          me_get_incident2(it1->entity, ei1, c10);
          me_get_incident2(it2->entity, ei2, c20);
          if (contains(ei1, ei2)) {
            conn_set_to_free(c12, it1->entity->ii, it2->entity->ii);


void SMPProtocol::writeBackAckHandler(SMPMemRequest *sreq)
// sreq->ack(0);
Exemple #23
int32 mesh_build(Mesh *mesh, int32 dim)
  int32 ret = RET_OK;
  uint32 n_incident, n_v_max, n_loc;
  uint32 ii, ic, id, found;
  uint32 D = mesh->topology->max_dim;
  uint32 facet[4]; // Max. space for single facet.
  uint32 *oris = 0;
  uint32 loc_oris[12];
  uint32 *nDd = 0;
  uint32 *ptr1 = 0, *ptr2 = 0;
  uint32 *cell_types = mesh->topology->cell_types;
  Indices cell_vertices[1];
  MeshEntityIterator it0[1], it1[1], it2[1];
  MeshConnectivity *cD0 = 0; // D -> 0 - known
  MeshConnectivity *cDd = 0; // D -> d - to compute
  MeshConnectivity *cd0 = 0; // d -> 0 - to compute
  MeshConnectivity **locs = 0;
  MeshConnectivity *loc = 0;
  MeshConnectivity sloc[1]; // Local connectivity with sorted global vertices.
  MeshConnectivity gloc[1]; // Local connectivity with global vertices.

  debprintf("build %d\n", dim);

  if (!mesh->topology->conn[IJ(D, D, D)]->num) {
    mesh_setup_connectivity(mesh, D, D);

  cD0 = mesh->topology->conn[IJ(D, D, 0)];
  cDd = mesh->topology->conn[IJ(D, D, dim)];
  cd0 = mesh->topology->conn[IJ(D, dim, 0)];

  locs = (dim == 1) ? mesh->entities->edges : mesh->entities->faces;

  // Max. number of vertices in facets.
  n_v_max = (dim == 1) ? 2 : 4;

  // Count entities of D -> d.
  conn_alloc(cDd, mesh->topology->num[D], 0);
  nDd = cDd->offsets + 1;

  for (mei_init(it0, mesh, D); mei_go(it0); mei_next(it0)) {
    loc = locs[cell_types[it0->it]];
    nDd[it0->it] = loc->num;

  // cDd->offsets now contains counts - make a cumsum to get offsets.
  for (ii = 1; ii < cDd->num + 1; ii++) {
    cDd->offsets[ii] += cDd->offsets[ii-1];

  n_incident = cDd->offsets[cDd->num];
  debprintf("build n_incident (%d -> %d): %d\n", D, dim, n_incident);

  // Cell-local orientations w.r.t. D -> d.
  oris = alloc_mem(uint32, n_incident);
  if (dim == 2) {
    mesh->topology->face_oris = oris;
  } else {
    mesh->topology->edge_oris = oris;

  // Allocate D -> d indices.
  conn_alloc(cDd, 0, n_incident);
  for (ii = 0; ii < cDd->n_incident; ii++) {
    cDd->indices[ii] = UINT32_None; // "not set" value.

  // Allocate maximal buffers for d -> 0 arrays.
  conn_alloc(cd0, n_incident, n_incident * n_v_max);
  debprintf("build max. n_incident_vertex: %d\n", n_incident * n_v_max);

  // Allocate maximal buffers for local connectivity with sorted global
  // vertices. Counts have to be set to zero to avoid spurious calls to
  // conn_free()!
  sloc->num = sloc->n_incident = 0;
  conn_alloc(sloc, 12, n_v_max * 12);
  gloc->num = gloc->n_incident = 0;
  conn_alloc(gloc, 12, n_v_max * 12);

  id = 0;
  for (mei_init(it0, mesh, D); mei_go(it0); mei_next(it0)) {
    // Get vertex sets for local entities of current cell.
    loc = locs[cell_types[it0->it]];
    me_get_incident2(it0->entity, cell_vertices, cD0);
    get_local_connectivity(gloc, cell_vertices, loc);
    conn_set_from(sloc, gloc);
    sort_local_connectivity(sloc, loc_oris, loc->num);

    // Iterate over entities in the vertex sets.
    for (ii = 0; ii < loc->num; ii++) {
      // ii points to a vertex set in sloc/gloc.
      n_loc = sloc->offsets[ii+1] - sloc->offsets[ii];

      // Try to find entity in cells visited previously.
      for (mei_init_conn(it1, it0->entity, D); mei_go(it1); mei_next(it1)) {
        if (it1->entity->ii >= it0->entity->ii) continue;

        // Iterate over facets of visited cells.
        for (mei_init_conn(it2, it1->entity, dim); mei_go(it2); mei_next(it2)) {
          ptr1 = cd0->indices + cd0->offsets[it2->entity->ii];
          uint32_sort234_copy(facet, ptr1, n_loc);
          ptr2 = sloc->indices + sloc->offsets[ii];
          found = 1;
          for (ic = 0; ic < n_loc; ic++) {
            if (facet[ic] != ptr2[ic]) {
              found = 0;
          if (found) {
            // Assign existing entity to D -> d.
            conn_set_to_free(cDd, it0->entity->ii, it2->entity->ii);
            goto found_label;
      // Entity not found - create new.

      // Add it as 'id' to D -> d.
      conn_set_to_free(cDd, it0->entity->ii, id);

      // Add vertices in gloc to d -> 0.
      cd0->offsets[id+1] = cd0->offsets[id] + n_loc;

      ptr1 = cd0->indices + cd0->offsets[id];
      ptr2 = gloc->indices + gloc->offsets[ii];
      for (ic = 0; ic < n_loc; ic++) {
        ptr1[ic] = ptr2[ic];

      // Increment entity counter.

      // Store entity orientation key to position of the last used item in cDd.
      ptr1 = cDd->offsets + it0->entity->ii;
      ic = ptr1[1] - 1;
      while (ic >= ptr1[0]) {
        if (cDd->indices[ic] != UINT32_None) { // Not found & free slot.
      // printf("%d << %d, %d\n", ic, ii, loc_oris[ii]);
      oris[ic] = loc_oris[ii];
  debprintf("build n_unique: %d, n_incident (%d -> 0): %d\n",
            id, dim, cd0->offsets[id]);

  // Update entity count in topology.
  mesh->topology->num[dim] = id;

  // Strip d -> 0.
  conn_resize(cd0, id, cd0->offsets[id]);


Exemple #24
// Checkpoint algorithm.
// O(n^3) time
// O(n^2) space
score_t Phaser::partial_aligner(size_t i_ini,
                                size_t j_ini,
                                size_t k_ini,
                                size_t i_end,
                                size_t j_end,
                                size_t k_end,
                                size_t *i_med,
                                size_t *j_med,
                                size_t *k_med) {
  assert(j_end >= j_ini || j_end + 1 == j_ini);
  assert(i_end >= i_ini || i_end + 1 == i_ini);
  assert(k_end >= k_ini);
  score_t * prev_face[8];
  score_t * curr_face[8];
  my_pair * prev_check[8];
  my_pair * curr_check[8];

  // Obs: we will use local i (resp. j, k) from 0 to I_len (J_len, K_len).
  // characters are stracted from i_ini+i (j, k resp.).
  // checkpoint answer is shifted back at the end.

  I_len = i_end - i_ini + 1;
  J_len = j_end - j_ini + 1;
  size_t K_len = k_end - k_ini + 1;
  size_t mid_k = K_len/2;
  for (size_t m = 0; m < 8; m++) {
    prev_face[m] = new score_t[(I_len+1) * (J_len+1)];
    prev_check[m] = new my_pair[(I_len+1) * (J_len+1)];

  // 8 points:
  for (bool cf : {false, true}) {
    for (bool ff : {false, true}) {
      for (bool mf : {false, true}) {
        size_t m = m_index(mf, ff, cf);
        prev_face[m][IJ(0, 0)] = 0;
        prev_check[m][IJ(0, 0)] = my_pair(0, 0);

  // 8 lines (j=0):
  for (size_t i = 1; i <= I_len; i++) {
    for (bool cf : {false, true}) {
      for (bool ff : {false, true}) {
        for (bool mf : {false, true}) {
          size_t m = m_index(mf, ff, cf);
          char m_char = mf ? M2[i_ini + i-1] : M1[i_ini + i-1];
          prev_face[m][IJ(i, 0)] = std::max(prev_face[m_index(0, ff, cf)][IJ(i-1, 0)] + score(m_char, '-'),  //  NOLINT
                                            prev_face[m_index(1, ff, cf)][IJ(i-1, 0)] + score(m_char, '-'));  //  NOLINT
          prev_check[m][IJ(i, 0)] = my_pair(i, 0);

  // 8 faces:
  for (size_t j = 1; j <= J_len; j++) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i <= I_len; i++) {
      for (bool cf : {false, true}) {
        for (bool ff : {false, true}) {
          for (bool mf : {false, true}) {
            size_t m = m_index(mf, ff, cf);
            char f_char = ff ? F2[j_ini + j-1] : F1[j_ini + j-1];
            prev_face[m][IJ(i, j)] = std::max(prev_face[m_index(mf, 0, cf)][IJ(i, j-1)] + score(f_char, '-'),  //  NOLINT
                                              prev_face[m_index(mf, 1, cf)][IJ(i, j-1)] + score(f_char, '-'));  //  NOLINT
            prev_check[m][IJ(i, j)] = my_pair(i, j);

  bool malloc_opt = true;
  if (malloc_opt) {
    for (size_t m = 0; m < 8; m++) {
      curr_face[m] = new score_t[(I_len+1) * (J_len+1)];
      curr_check[m] = new my_pair[(I_len+1) * (J_len+1)];

  // the rest of the faces:
  for (size_t k = 1; k <= K_len; k++) {
    if (!malloc_opt) {
      for (size_t m = 0; m < 8; m++) {
        curr_face[m] = new score_t[(I_len+1) * (J_len+1)];
        curr_check[m] = new my_pair[(I_len+1) * (J_len+1)];
    for (size_t j = 0; j <= J_len; j++) {
      for (size_t i = 0; i <= I_len; i++) {
        for (bool cf : {false, true}) {
          for (bool ff : {false, true}) {
            for (bool mf : {false, true}) {
              // m_char anf f_char should not be used, at least i > 0  (j > 0).
              // If that is not the case, we initilize with a non-accepted character that
              // will trig an error if used.
              char m_char, f_char;
              if (i > 0) {
                m_char = mf ? M2[i_ini + i-1] : M1[i_ini + i-1];
              } else {
                m_char = 'J';  // Not in gen alphabet, will trigger an error if used.
              if (j > 0) {
                f_char = ff ? F2[j_ini + j-1] : F1[j_ini + j-1];
              } else {
                f_char = 'J';  // Not in gen alphabet, will trigger an error if used.

              char c_1    = cf ? C2[k_ini + k-1] : C1[k_ini + k-1];
              char c_2    = cf ? C1[k_ini + k-1] : C2[k_ini + k-1];


    for (size_t m = 0; m < 8; m++) {
      if (malloc_opt) {
        score_t * tmp_face = prev_face[m];
        my_pair * tmp_check = prev_check[m];
        prev_face[m] = curr_face[m];
        prev_check[m] = curr_check[m];
        curr_face[m] = tmp_face;
        curr_check[m] = tmp_check;
      } else {        delete[] (prev_face[m]);
        delete[] (prev_check[m]);
        prev_face[m] = curr_face[m];
        prev_check[m] = curr_check[m];
    if (k >= mid_k) {
      // verbose = true;

  // we use char_i = M[i-1]
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    assert(prev_check[i][IJ(I_len, J_len)].first <= I_len);
    assert(prev_check[i][IJ(I_len, J_len)].second <= J_len);

    prev_check[i][IJ(I_len, J_len)].first--;
    prev_check[i][IJ(I_len, J_len)].second--;

  // extract max:
  score_t ans;
  bool flip_ans;
  ExtractMax(prev_face, prev_check, &ans, i_med, j_med, &flip_ans);
  *k_med = k_ini + mid_k;
  *i_med = i_ini + (*i_med);
  *j_med = j_ini + (*j_med);

  assert(CorrectIniMedEnd(i_ini, *i_med, i_end));
  assert(CorrectIniMedEnd(j_ini, *j_med, j_end));
  assert(CorrectIniMedEnd(k_ini, *k_med, k_end));

  char phase_char = flip_ans ? '1' : '0';
  if (phase_string[k_end] != '?') {
    assert(phase_string[k_end] == phase_char);
  if (phase_string[k_end] == '?') {
    phase_string[k_end] = phase_char;

  for (size_t m = 0; m < 8; m++) {
    delete[] (prev_face[m]);
    delete[] (prev_check[m]);
    if (malloc_opt) {
      delete[] (curr_face[m]);
      delete[] (curr_check[m]);
  return ans;
Exemple #25
// `normals` must be preallocated.
int32 mesh_get_facet_normals(Mesh *mesh, float64 *normals, int32 which)
#define VS(ic, id) (coors[nc*cell_vertices->indices[ik[ic]] + id])

  uint32 D = mesh->topology->max_dim;
  uint32 nc = mesh->geometry->dim;
  int32 dim = D - 1;
  uint32 ii, id, n_loc;
  uint32 *ik;
  uint32 *cell_types = mesh->topology->cell_types;
  float64 *coors = mesh->geometry->coors;
  float64 vv0, vv1, vv2, vv3, v0[3], v1[3], v2[3], v3[3], ndir[3], ndir1[3];
  Indices cell_vertices[1];
  MeshEntityIterator it0[1];
  MeshConnectivity *cD0 = 0; // D -> 0
  MeshConnectivity *cDd = 0; // D -> d
  MeshConnectivity *loc = 0;
  MeshConnectivity **locs = 0;

  cD0 = mesh->topology->conn[IJ(D, D, 0)];
  cDd = mesh->topology->conn[IJ(D, D, dim)];

  // Local entities - reference cell edges or faces.
  locs = (dim == 1) ? mesh->entities->edges : mesh->entities->faces;

  for (mei_init(it0, mesh, D); mei_go(it0); mei_next(it0)) {
    me_get_incident2(it0->entity, cell_vertices, cD0);
    loc = locs[cell_types[it0->it]];

    for (ii = 0; ii < loc->num; ii++) {
      ik = loc->indices + loc->offsets[ii]; // Points to local facet vertices.

      n_loc = loc->offsets[ii+1] - loc->offsets[ii];
      if (n_loc == 2) { // Edge normals.
        for (id = 0; id < nc; id++) {
          v0[id] = VS(1, id) - VS(0, id);
        ndir[0] = v0[1];
        ndir[1] = -v0[0];

      } else if (n_loc == 3) { // Triangular face normals.
        for (id = 0; id < nc; id++) {
          vv0 = VS(0, id);
          v0[id] = VS(1, id) - vv0;
          v1[id] = VS(2, id) - vv0;
        gtr_cross_product(ndir, v0, v1);

      } else if (n_loc == 4) { // Quadrilateral face normals.
        for (id = 0; id < nc; id++) {
          vv0 = VS(0, id);
          vv1 = VS(1, id);
          vv2 = VS(2, id);
          vv3 = VS(3, id);

          v0[id] = vv1 - vv0;
          v1[id] = vv3 - vv0;
          v2[id] = vv3 - vv2;
          v3[id] = vv1 - vv2;

        if (which == 0) {
          gtr_cross_product(ndir, v0, v1);

        } else if (which == 1) {
          gtr_cross_product(ndir, v2, v3);

        } else {
          gtr_cross_product(ndir, v0, v1);
          gtr_cross_product(ndir1, v2, v3);
          for (id = 0; id < nc; id++) {
            ndir[id] += ndir1[id];

      gtr_normalize_v3(ndir, ndir, nc, 0);
      for (id = 0; id < nc; id++) {
        normals[nc * (cDd->offsets[it0->it] + ii) + id] = ndir[id];


#undef VS
Exemple #26
// With the current scheme we store the larger i, j
// that can be aligned to mid_k in the optimal alignment.
void Phaser::UpdateGeneral(score_t ** curr_face,
                           score_t ** prev_face,
                           my_pair ** curr_check,
                           my_pair ** prev_check,
                           size_t i,
                           size_t j,
                           size_t k,
                           size_t mid_k,
                           bool mf,
                           bool ff,
                           bool cf,
                           char m_char,
                           char f_char,
                           char c_1,
                           char c_2) {
  size_t m = m_index(mf, ff, cf);
  score_t max_score;
  my_pair max_check;

  // only k decreases. Two deletions from C.
  score_t c_ins_1 =  prev_face[m_index(mf, ff, 0)][IJ(i, j)] + score(c_1, '-') + score(c_2, '-');
  score_t c_ins_2 =  prev_face[m_index(mf, ff, 1)][IJ(i, j)] + score(c_1, '-') + score(c_2, '-');
  my_pair check_1 = prev_check[m_index(mf, ff, 0)][IJ(i, j)];
  my_pair check_2 = prev_check[m_index(mf, ff, 1)][IJ(i, j)];

  if (c_ins_1 >= c_ins_2) {
    max_score = c_ins_1;
    max_check = check_1;
  } else {
    max_score = c_ins_2;
    max_check = check_2;

  if (i > 0) {
    if (m_char == '-') {
      score_t p1 = curr_face[m_index(0, ff, cf)][IJ(i-1, j)];
      score_t p2 = curr_face[m_index(1, ff, cf)][IJ(i-1, j)];
      curr_face[m][IJ(i, j)] = std::max(p1, p2);
      if (k == mid_k) {
        curr_check[m][IJ(i, j)] = my_pair(i, j);
      } else if (k > mid_k) {
        curr_check[m][IJ(i, j)] = (p1 > p2) ?
            curr_check[m_index(0, ff, cf)][IJ(i-1, j)] :
            curr_check[m_index(1, ff, cf)][IJ(i-1, j)];
    // only i decreases. Single deletion from M.
    // TODO(Readability): This might be a one-level for over pre_mf.
    score_t ins_val;
    my_pair ins_check;
    ins_val   =  curr_face[m_index(0, ff, cf)][IJ(i-1, j)] + score(m_char, '-');
    ins_check = curr_check[m_index(0, ff, cf)][IJ(i-1, j)];
    UpdateVals(ins_val, ins_check, &max_score, &max_check);

    ins_val  =   curr_face[m_index(1, ff, cf)][IJ(i-1, j)] + score(m_char, '-');
    ins_check = curr_check[m_index(1, ff, cf)][IJ(i-1, j)];
    UpdateVals(ins_val, ins_check, &max_score, &max_check);

    // k and i decreases: single deletions from C, M aligns.
    for (bool pre_cf : {false, true}) {
      for (bool pre_mf : {false, true}) {
        score_t del_val  =   prev_face[m_index(pre_mf, ff, pre_cf)][IJ(i-1, j)] + score(c_1, m_char) + score(c_2, '-');  //  NOLINT
        my_pair del_check = prev_check[m_index(pre_mf, ff, pre_cf)][IJ(i-1, j)];
        UpdateVals(del_val, del_check, &max_score, &max_check);

  if (j > 0) {
    if (f_char == '-') {
      score_t p1 = curr_face[m_index(mf, 0, cf)][IJ(i, j-1)];
      score_t p2 = curr_face[m_index(mf, 1, cf)][IJ(i, j-1)];
      curr_face[m][IJ(i, j)] = std::max(p1, p2);
      if (k == mid_k) {
        curr_check[m][IJ(i, j)] = my_pair(i, j);
      } else if (k > mid_k) {
        curr_check[m][IJ(i, j)] = (p1 > p2) ?
            curr_check[m_index(mf, 0, cf)][IJ(i, j-1)] :
            curr_check[m_index(mf, 1, cf)][IJ(i, j-1)];
    score_t ins_val;
    my_pair ins_check;
    // only j decreases. Single deletion from F.
    ins_val = curr_face[m_index(mf, 0, cf)][IJ(i, j-1)] + score(f_char, '-');
    ins_check = curr_check[m_index(mf, 0, cf)][IJ(i, j-1)];
    UpdateVals(ins_val, ins_check, &max_score, &max_check);

    ins_val = curr_face[m_index(mf, 1, cf)][IJ(i, j-1)] + score(f_char, '-');
    ins_check = curr_check[m_index(mf, 1, cf)][IJ(i, j-1)];
    UpdateVals(ins_val, ins_check, &max_score, &max_check);

    // k and j decreases: single deletions from C, F aligns.
    for (bool pre_cf : {false, true}) {
      for (bool pre_ff : {false, true}) {
        score_t del_val =   prev_face[m_index(mf, pre_ff, pre_cf)][IJ(i, j-1)] + score(c_1, '-') + score(c_2, f_char);  //  NOLINT
        my_pair del_check = prev_check[m_index(mf, pre_ff, pre_cf)][IJ(i, j-1)];
        UpdateVals(del_val, del_check, &max_score, &max_check);

  if (i > 0 && j > 0) {
    for (bool pre_cf : {false, true}) {
      for (bool pre_ff : {false, true}) {
        for (bool pre_mf : {false, true}) {
          score_t aln_val = prev_face[m_index(pre_mf, pre_ff, pre_cf)][IJ(i-1, j-1)] + score(c_1, m_char) + score(c_2, f_char);  //  NOLINT
          my_pair aln_check = prev_check[m_index(pre_mf, pre_ff, pre_cf)][IJ(i-1, j-1)];
          UpdateVals(aln_val, aln_check, &max_score, &max_check);
    }  }

  curr_face[m][IJ(i, j)] = max_score;

  if (k == mid_k) {
    curr_check[m][IJ(i, j)] = my_pair(i, j);
  } else if (k > mid_k) {
    curr_check[m][IJ(i, j)] = max_check;
Exemple #27
void forward_prismatic_gradient(int n, double *u, double pos, double *t, double *r, double *Dr, double *Dt)
    if (n == 2) {
        IJ(Dr,4,0,0) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,4,0,1) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,4,0,2) = -sin(r[0]) ; IJ(Dr,4,0,3) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,4,0,4) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,4,0,5) = 0 ; 
        IJ(Dr,4,1,0) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,4,1,1) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,4,1,2) =  cos(r[0]) ; IJ(Dr,4,1,3) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,4,1,4) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,4,1,5) = 0 ; 
        IJ(Dr,4,2,0) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,4,2,1) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,4,2,2) = -cos(r[0]) ; IJ(Dr,4,2,3) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,4,2,4) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,4,2,5) = 0 ; 
        IJ(Dr,4,3,0) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,4,3,1) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,4,3,2) = -sin(r[0]) ; IJ(Dr,4,3,3) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,4,3,4) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,4,3,5) = 0 ; 

        IJ(Dt,2,0,0) = 1 ; IJ(Dt,2,0,1) = 0 ; IJ(Dt,2,0,2) = 0 ; IJ(Dt,2,0,3) = pos ; IJ(Dt,2,0,4) = 0   ; IJ(Dt,2,0,5) = u[0] ; 
        IJ(Dt,2,1,0) = 0 ; IJ(Dt,2,1,1) = 1 ; IJ(Dt,2,1,2) = 0 ; IJ(Dt,2,1,3) = 0   ; IJ(Dt,2,1,4) = pos ; IJ(Dt,2,1,5) = u[1] ; 
    } else {
        IJ(Dr,9,0,0) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,0,1) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,0,2) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,0,3) = - cos(r[0])*sin(r[2]) - cos(r[1])*cos(r[2])*sin(r[0]) ; IJ(Dr,9,0,4) = -cos(r[0])*cos(r[2])*sin(r[1]) ; IJ(Dr,9,0,5) = - cos(r[2])*sin(r[0]) - cos(r[0])*cos(r[1])*sin(r[2]) ; IJ(Dr,9,0,6) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,0,7) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,0,8) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,0,9) = 0 ; 
        IJ(Dr,9,1,0) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,1,1) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,1,2) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,1,3) = cos(r[0])*cos(r[1])*cos(r[2]) - sin(r[0])*sin(r[2])   ; IJ(Dr,9,1,4) = -cos(r[2])*sin(r[0])*sin(r[1]) ; IJ(Dr,9,1,5) = cos(r[0])*cos(r[2]) - cos(r[1])*sin(r[0])*sin(r[2])   ; IJ(Dr,9,1,6) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,1,7) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,1,8) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,1,9) = 0 ; 
        IJ(Dr,9,2,0) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,2,1) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,2,2) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,2,3) = 0                                                     ; IJ(Dr,9,2,4) = cos(r[1])*cos(r[2])            ; IJ(Dr,9,2,5) = -sin(r[1])*sin(r[2])                                  ; IJ(Dr,9,2,6) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,2,7) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,2,8) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,2,9) = 0 ; 
        IJ(Dr,9,3,0) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,3,1) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,3,2) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,3,3) = cos(r[1])*sin(r[0])*sin(r[2]) - cos(r[0])*cos(r[2])   ; IJ(Dr,9,3,4) = cos(r[0])*sin(r[1])*sin(r[2])  ; IJ(Dr,9,3,5) = sin(r[0])*sin(r[2]) - cos(r[0])*cos(r[1])*cos(r[2])   ; IJ(Dr,9,3,6) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,3,7) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,3,8) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,3,9) = 0 ; 
        IJ(Dr,9,4,0) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,4,1) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,4,2) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,4,3) = - cos(r[2])*sin(r[0]) - cos(r[0])*cos(r[1])*sin(r[2]) ; IJ(Dr,9,4,4) = sin(r[0])*sin(r[1])*sin(r[2])  ; IJ(Dr,9,4,5) = - cos(r[0])*sin(r[2]) - cos(r[1])*cos(r[2])*sin(r[0]) ; IJ(Dr,9,4,6) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,4,7) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,4,8) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,4,9) = 0 ; 
        IJ(Dr,9,5,0) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,5,1) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,5,2) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,5,3) = 0                                                     ; IJ(Dr,9,5,4) = -cos(r[1])*sin(r[2])           ; IJ(Dr,9,5,5) = -cos(r[2])*sin(r[1])                                  ; IJ(Dr,9,5,6) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,5,7) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,5,8) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,5,9) = 0 ; 
        IJ(Dr,9,6,0) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,6,1) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,6,2) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,6,3) = sin(r[0])*sin(r[1])                                   ; IJ(Dr,9,6,4) = -cos(r[0])*cos(r[1])           ; IJ(Dr,9,6,5) = 0                                                     ; IJ(Dr,9,6,6) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,6,7) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,6,8) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,6,9) = 0 ; 
        IJ(Dr,9,7,0) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,7,1) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,7,2) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,7,3) = -cos(r[0])*sin(r[1])                                  ; IJ(Dr,9,7,4) = -cos(r[1])*sin(r[0])           ; IJ(Dr,9,7,5) = 0                                                     ; IJ(Dr,9,7,6) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,7,7) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,7,8) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,7,9) = 0 ; 
        IJ(Dr,9,8,0) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,8,1) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,8,2) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,8,3) = 0                                                     ; IJ(Dr,9,8,4) = -sin(r[1])                     ; IJ(Dr,9,8,5) = 0                                                     ; IJ(Dr,9,8,6) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,8,7) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,8,8) = 0 ; IJ(Dr,9,8,9) = 0 ; 

        IJ(Dt,3,0,0) = 1 ; IJ(Dt,3,0,1) = 0 ; IJ(Dt,3,0,2) = 0 ; IJ(Dt,3,0,3) = 0 ; IJ(Dt,3,0,4) = 0 ; IJ(Dt,3,0,5) = 0 ; IJ(Dt,3,0,6) = pos ; IJ(Dt,3,0,7) = 0   ; IJ(Dt,3,0,8) = 0   ; IJ(Dt,3,0,9) = u[0] ; 
        IJ(Dt,3,1,0) = 0 ; IJ(Dt,3,1,1) = 1 ; IJ(Dt,3,1,2) = 0 ; IJ(Dt,3,1,3) = 0 ; IJ(Dt,3,1,4) = 0 ; IJ(Dt,3,1,5) = 0 ; IJ(Dt,3,1,6) = 0   ; IJ(Dt,3,1,7) = pos ; IJ(Dt,3,1,8) = 0   ; IJ(Dt,3,1,9) = u[1] ; 
        IJ(Dt,3,2,0) = 0 ; IJ(Dt,3,2,1) = 0 ; IJ(Dt,3,2,2) = 1 ; IJ(Dt,3,2,3) = 0 ; IJ(Dt,3,2,4) = 0 ; IJ(Dt,3,2,5) = 0 ; IJ(Dt,3,2,6) = 0   ; IJ(Dt,3,2,7) = 0   ; IJ(Dt,3,2,8) = pos ; IJ(Dt,3,2,9) = u[2] ; 

Exemple #28
void forward_prismatic(int n, double *offset, double *u, double pos, double *x)
    if (n == 2) {
        IJ(x,3,0,0) = IJ(offset,3,0,0) ; IJ(x,3,0,1) = IJ(offset,3,0,1) ; IJ(x,3,0,2) = IJ(offset,3,0,2) + pos*u[0] ; 
        IJ(x,3,1,0) = IJ(offset,3,1,0) ; IJ(x,3,1,1) = IJ(offset,3,1,1) ; IJ(x,3,1,2) = IJ(offset,3,1,2) + pos*u[1] ; 
        IJ(x,3,2,0) = 0                ; IJ(x,3,2,1) = 0                ; IJ(x,3,2,2) = 1                           ; 
    } else {
        IJ(x,4,0,0) = IJ(offset,4,0,0) ; IJ(x,4,0,1) = IJ(offset,4,0,1) ; IJ(x,4,0,2) = IJ(offset,4,0,2) ; IJ(x,4,0,3) = IJ(offset,4,0,3) + pos*u[0] ; 
        IJ(x,4,1,0) = IJ(offset,4,1,0) ; IJ(x,4,1,1) = IJ(offset,4,1,1) ; IJ(x,4,1,2) = IJ(offset,4,1,2) ; IJ(x,4,1,3) = IJ(offset,4,1,3) + pos*u[1] ; 
        IJ(x,4,2,0) = IJ(offset,4,2,0) ; IJ(x,4,2,1) = IJ(offset,4,2,1) ; IJ(x,4,2,2) = IJ(offset,4,2,2) ; IJ(x,4,2,3) = IJ(offset,4,2,3) + pos*u[2] ; 
        IJ(x,4,3,0) = 0                ; IJ(x,4,3,1) = 0                ; IJ(x,4,3,2) = 0                ; IJ(x,4,3,3) = 1                           ; 
Exemple #29
// `volumes` must be preallocated.
int32 mesh_get_volumes(Mesh *mesh, float64 *volumes, int32 dim)
#define VS(ic, id) (coors[nc*entity_vertices->indices[ic] + id])

  int32 ret = RET_OK;
  uint32 D = mesh->topology->max_dim;
  uint32 nc = mesh->geometry->dim;
  uint32 id;
  uint32 indx2[6];
  float64 vol, aux, vv0, vv1, vv2, vv3;
  float64 *ptr = volumes;
  float64 *coors = mesh->geometry->coors;
  float64 v0[3], v1[3], v2[3], ndir[3];
  Indices entity_vertices[1];
  MeshEntityIterator it0[1];
  MeshConnectivity *cd0 = 0; // d -> 0

  if (!dim) {
    errput("vertices have no volume!\n");

  cd0 = mesh->topology->conn[IJ(D, dim, 0)];

  for (mei_init(it0, mesh, dim); mei_go(it0); mei_next(it0)) {
    me_get_incident2(it0->entity, entity_vertices, cd0);
    /* mei_print(it0, stdout); */
    /* ind_print(entity_vertices, stdout); */
    vol = 0;

    if (dim == 1) { // Edges.
      for (id = 0; id < nc; id++) {
        aux = VS(1, id) - VS(0, id);
        vol += aux * aux;
      ptr[0] = sqrt(vol);

    } else if (entity_vertices->num == 3) { // Triangles.
      ptr[0] = _tri_area(coors, entity_vertices->indices, nc);

    } else if (nc == 2) { // Quadrilateral cells.
      ptr[0] = _tri_area(coors, entity_vertices->indices, nc);
      indx2[0] = entity_vertices->indices[2];
      indx2[1] = entity_vertices->indices[3];
      indx2[2] = entity_vertices->indices[0];
      ptr[0] += _tri_area(coors, indx2, nc);

    } else if (nc == 3) { // 3D.
      if (entity_vertices->num == 4) {
        if (dim == 2) { // Quadrilateral faces (approximate).
          indx2[0] = entity_vertices->indices[0];
          indx2[1] = entity_vertices->indices[1];
          indx2[2] = entity_vertices->indices[2];
          indx2[3] = entity_vertices->indices[3];
          indx2[4] = entity_vertices->indices[0];
          indx2[5] = entity_vertices->indices[1];

          aux = _tri_area(coors, indx2, nc);
          aux += _tri_area(coors, indx2 + 1, nc);
          aux += _tri_area(coors, indx2 + 2, nc);
          aux += _tri_area(coors, indx2 + 3, nc);
          ptr[0] = 0.5 * aux;

        } else { // Tetrahedral cells.
          for (id = 0; id < nc; id++) {
            vv0 = VS(0, id);
            vv1 = VS(1, id);
            vv2 = VS(2, id);
            vv3 = VS(3, id);

            v0[id] = vv1 - vv0;
            v1[id] = vv2 - vv0;
            v2[id] = vv3 - vv2;
          gtr_cross_product(ndir, v0, v1);
          gtr_dot_v3(ptr, v2, ndir, 3);
          ptr[0] /= 6.0;

      } else { // Hexahedral cells with trilinear interpolation.
        // See https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1628540/what-is-the-enclosed-volume-of-an-irregular-cube-given-the-x-y-z-coordinates-of
        // Uses 0 1 3 2 4 5 7 6 ordering w.r.t. sfepy.
        aux = _aux_hex(coors, entity_vertices->indices, nc, 0, 1, 3, 2);
        aux -= _aux_hex(coors, entity_vertices->indices, nc, 4, 5, 7, 6);
        aux -= _aux_hex(coors, entity_vertices->indices, nc, 0, 1, 4, 5);
        aux += _aux_hex(coors, entity_vertices->indices, nc, 3, 2, 7, 6);
        aux += _aux_hex(coors, entity_vertices->indices, nc, 0, 3, 4, 7);
        aux -= _aux_hex(coors, entity_vertices->indices, nc, 1, 2, 5, 6);
        ptr[0] = aux / 12.0;


    ptr += 1;


#undef VS
Exemple #30
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
                  int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] )
    const mxArray *params;
    double *r, *theta;
    size_t m, n, d;
    int i;

    /* Check for proper number of arguments. */
    if (nrhs!=1) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("One input required.");
    } else if (nlhs>1) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments.");
    params = prhs[0];

    /* Check argument types */
    if (!mxIsDouble(params) || mxIsComplex(params) || mxGetNumberOfDimensions(params) != 2) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("Input must be a real double scalar or 3-element vector.");

    m = mxGetM(params);
    n = mxGetN(params);
    if (m != 1 && n != 1) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("Input must be a scalar or 3-element vector.");
    d = m > n ? m : n;
    if (d == 1) d = 2;
    if (d != 2 && d != 3) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("I can only think in two or three dimensions.");

    plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(d+1, d+1, mxREAL);
    r = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
    theta = mxGetPr(params);
    if (d == 2) {
        IJ(r,d+1, 0,0) = cos(*theta); IJ(r,d+1, 0,1) = -sin(*theta); IJ(r,d+1, 0,2) = 0;
        IJ(r,d+1, 1,0) = sin(*theta); IJ(r,d+1, 1,1) =  cos(*theta); IJ(r,d+1, 1,2) = 0;
        IJ(r,d+1, 2,0) = 0;           IJ(r,d+1, 2,1) = 0;            IJ(r,d+1, 2,2) = 1;
    } else {
        double ca = cos(theta[0]), cb = cos(theta[1]), cc = cos(theta[2]),
               sa = sin(theta[0]), sb = sin(theta[1]), sc = sin(theta[2]);

        IJ(r,d+1, 0,0) = ca*cb*cc - sa*sc; IJ(r,d+1, 0,1) = -cc*sa - ca*cb*sc; IJ(r,d+1, 0,2) = -ca*sb; IJ(r,d+1, 0,3) = 0;
        IJ(r,d+1, 1,0) = ca*sc + cb*cc*sa; IJ(r,d+1, 1,1) =  ca*cc - cb*sa*sc; IJ(r,d+1, 1,2) = -sa*sb; IJ(r,d+1, 1,3) = 0;
        IJ(r,d+1, 2,0) = cc*sb;            IJ(r,d+1, 2,1) = -sb*sc;            IJ(r,d+1, 2,2) =  cb;    IJ(r,d+1, 2,3) = 0;
        IJ(r,d+1, 3,0) = 0;                IJ(r,d+1, 3,1) =  0;                IJ(r,d+1, 3,2) =  0;     IJ(r,d+1, 3,3) = 1;