Exemple #1
int libwebrtc_set_offer( struct libwebrtc_connection* conn, const char* sdp ) {
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection connection = (ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection)conn;
	void* user_data = NULL;
	libwebrtc_context* ctx = NULL;
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_GetUserData(connection, (void**)&ctx, NULL, &user_data);
	assert( ctx != NULL );

	// Microstack requires at least one candidate
	std::string tmp;
	if( strstr(sdp, "a=candidate") == NULL ) {
		tmp = sdp;
		tmp += "a=candidate:0 1 UDP 2128609534 0 typ host\n";
		sdp = tmp.c_str();

	char* offer = ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_SetOffer(connection, (char*)sdp, strlen(sdp), &WebRTCOnIceCandidate);
	if( offer == NULL )
		return 0;
	// always send this offer, as the callback will only send additianal candidates
	ctx->callback(ctx, conn, NULL, LWRTC_CALLBACK_LOCAL_DESCRIPTION, user_data, offer, strlen(offer));
	return 1;
Exemple #2
// this is called for each ice candidate. if candidate is null, no additional candidates could be found.
void WebRTCOnIceCandidate(ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection webRTCConnection, struct sockaddr_in6* candidate) {
	assert(webRTCConnection != NULL);
	void* user_data = NULL;
	libwebrtc_context* ctx = NULL;
	libwebrtc_connection* conn = (libwebrtc_connection*)webRTCConnection;

	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_GetUserData(webRTCConnection, (void**)&ctx, NULL, &user_data);
	// no additional candidates found.
	if( candidate == NULL )
	char* offer = ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_AddServerReflexiveCandidateToLocalSDP( webRTCConnection, candidate );
	if( offer == NULL ) {
		ctx->callback(ctx, conn, NULL, LWRTC_CALLBACK_ERROR, user_data, NULL, 0 );
		LOG("Offer failed, closing socket\n");
	char address[225];
	ILibInet_ntop2((struct sockaddr*)candidate, address, 255);
	const char* candidateFormat = "candidate:%d %d UDP %d %s %u typ host";
	char buf[255] = {0};
	snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), candidateFormat, 0, 1, 2128609535-1, address, ntohs(candidate->sin6_port));
	buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = 0;
	ctx->callback(ctx, conn, NULL, LWRTC_CALLBACK_ICE_CANDIDATE, user_data, buf, strlen(buf) );
Exemple #3
int libwebrtc_add_ice_candidate( struct libwebrtc_connection* conn, const char* candidate ) {
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection connection = (ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection)conn;

	// updating the block seems to be causing some issues. disabled for now.
//    if(true)return 1;
	void* user_data = NULL;
	libwebrtc_context* ctx = NULL;
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_GetUserData(connection, (void**)&ctx, NULL, &user_data);
	assert( ctx != NULL );

	char address[255] = {0};
	int port = 0;
	// candidate:0 1 UDP 2128609534 0 typ host
	sscanf(candidate, "%*s %*d %*s %*d %s %d %*s %*s", address, &port);
	// todo, parse candidate into struct sockaddr_in6 and add to the offer...
	char* offer = ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_AddServerReflexiveCandidateToRemoteSDP(connection, address, port );
	::libwebrtc_set_answer(conn, offer );
	return 1;
Exemple #4
void libwebrtc_close_connection( struct libwebrtc_connection* conn ) {
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection connection = (ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection)conn;
	void* user_data = NULL;
	libwebrtc_context* ctx = NULL;
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_GetUserData(connection, (void**)&ctx, NULL, &user_data);
	assert( ctx != NULL );

	// this will trigger the callback for any existing channels.
	// the connection object is now destroyed
Exemple #5
struct libwebrtc_data_channel* libwebrtc_create_channel( struct libwebrtc_connection* c, const char* name )
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection connection = (ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection)c;
	if( ! ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_IsConnected( connection ) )
		return NULL;
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_DataChannel* channel = ILibWrapper_WebRTC_DataChannel_Create(connection, (char*)name, strlen(name), &WebRTCOnDataChannelAck );
	// Initially use parent user_data
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_GetUserData(connection, NULL, NULL, &channel->userData);
	return (libwebrtc_data_channel*)channel;
Exemple #6
// this is called when a channel receives data.
void WebRTCOnDataChannelData(struct ILibWrapper_WebRTC_DataChannel* dataChannel, char* data, int dataLen) {
	assert(dataChannel != NULL);
	assert(data != NULL);
	assert(dataLen > 0);
	void* user_data = dataChannel->userData;
	libwebrtc_context* ctx = NULL;
	libwebrtc_connection* conn = (libwebrtc_connection*)dataChannel->parent;
	libwebrtc_data_channel* channel = (libwebrtc_data_channel*)dataChannel;
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_GetUserData(dataChannel->parent, (void**)&ctx, NULL, NULL);//&user_data);
	assert( ctx != NULL );
	ctx->callback( ctx, conn, channel, LWRTC_CALLBACK_CHANNEL_RECEIVE, user_data, data, dataLen );
Exemple #7
void libwebrtc_close_channel( struct libwebrtc_data_channel* channel ) {
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_DataChannel* dataChannel = (ILibWrapper_WebRTC_DataChannel*)channel;
	void* user_data = dataChannel->userData;
	libwebrtc_context* ctx = NULL;
	//libwebrtc_connection* conn = (libwebrtc_connection*)dataChannel->parent;
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_GetUserData(dataChannel->parent, (void**)&ctx, NULL, &user_data);
	assert( ctx != NULL );

	// still unsure if this will trigger a channelClosed or not.
	// uncomment this if its not triggered by above...
	//ctx->callback( ctx, conn, channel, LWRTC_CALLBACK_CHANNEL_CLOSED, user_data, 0, 0 );
Exemple #8
// This is called when the DataChannel is closed
void WebRTCOnDataChannelClosed(ILibWrapper_WebRTC_DataChannel *dataChannel)
	assert(dataChannel != NULL);
	void* user_data = dataChannel->userData;
	libwebrtc_context* ctx = NULL;
	libwebrtc_connection* conn = (libwebrtc_connection*)dataChannel->parent;
	libwebrtc_data_channel* channel = (libwebrtc_data_channel*)dataChannel;
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_GetUserData(dataChannel->parent, (void**)&ctx, NULL, NULL);//&user_data);
	if( ! ctx )
	// NOTE: When channels are auto-closed due to connection being destroyed, the channel_closed callback will occur AFTER the connection closed callback...    
	ctx->callback( ctx, conn, channel, LWRTC_CALLBACK_CHANNEL_CLOSED, user_data, dataChannel->channelName, strlen(dataChannel->channelName) );
Exemple #9
// This is called when the remote ACK's our DataChannel creation request
void WebRTCOnDataChannelAck(ILibWrapper_WebRTC_DataChannel *dataChannel)
	assert( dataChannel != NULL );
	assert( dataChannel->parent != NULL );
	void* user_data = dataChannel->userData;
	libwebrtc_context* ctx = NULL;
	libwebrtc_connection* conn = (libwebrtc_connection*)dataChannel->parent;
	libwebrtc_data_channel* channel = (libwebrtc_data_channel*)dataChannel;
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_GetUserData(dataChannel->parent, (void**)&ctx, NULL, NULL);//&Nuser_data);
	assert( ctx != NULL );
	dataChannel->OnBinaryData = &WebRTCOnDataChannelData;
	dataChannel->OnClosed = &WebRTCOnDataChannelClosed;
	ctx->callback( ctx, conn, channel, LWRTC_CALLBACK_CHANNEL_CONNECTED, user_data, dataChannel->channelName, strlen(dataChannel->channelName) );
// If we launched this sample with "STUN", then this is called when a STUN candidate is found while setting an offer
void CandidateSink(ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection connection, struct sockaddr_in6* candidate)
	SimpleRendezvousServer sender;
	SimpleRendezvousServerToken token;
	char *sdp = ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_AddServerReflexiveCandidateToLocalSDP(connection, candidate);
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_GetUserData(connection, &sender, &token, NULL);
		printf(red"ws is ws(token?)\n"rst);
		SimpleRendezvousServer_Respond(sender, token, 1, sdp, strlen(sdp), ILibAsyncSocket_MemoryOwnership_CHAIN); // Send the SDP to the remote side
		printf(red"not token?\n"rst);
		SimpleRendezvousServer_WebSocket_Send(token, SimpleRendezvousServer_WebSocket_DataType_TEXT, sdp, strlen(sdp), ILibAsyncSocket_MemoryOwnership_CHAIN, SimpleRendezvousServer_FragmentFlag_Complete);
Exemple #11
// This is called when the remote side creates a data channel
void WebRTCDataChannelAccept(ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection webRTCConnection, ILibWrapper_WebRTC_DataChannel *dataChannel) {
	assert( webRTCConnection != NULL );
	assert( dataChannel != NULL );
	void* user_data = NULL;
	libwebrtc_context* ctx = NULL;
	libwebrtc_connection* conn = (libwebrtc_connection*)webRTCConnection;
	libwebrtc_data_channel* channel = (libwebrtc_data_channel*)dataChannel;
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_GetUserData(webRTCConnection, (void**)&ctx, NULL, &user_data);
	assert( ctx != NULL );

	dataChannel->OnBinaryData = &WebRTCOnDataChannelData;
	dataChannel->OnClosed = &WebRTCOnDataChannelClosed;
	// use the parent user_data initially.
	dataChannel->userData = user_data;
	ctx->callback( ctx, conn, channel, LWRTC_CALLBACK_CHANNEL_ACCEPTED, user_data, dataChannel->channelName, strlen(dataChannel->channelName) );
Exemple #12
int libwebrtc_create_offer( struct libwebrtc_connection* c ) {
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection connection = (ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection)c;
	void* user_data = NULL;
	libwebrtc_context* ctx = NULL;
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_GetUserData(connection, (void**)&ctx, NULL, &user_data);
	assert( ctx != NULL );

	char* offer = ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_GenerateOffer(connection, &WebRTCOnIceCandidate );
	if( offer == NULL )
		return 0;
	// always send this offer, as the callback will only send additianal candidates
	if( ctx->callback(ctx, c, NULL, LWRTC_CALLBACK_LOCAL_DESCRIPTION, user_data, offer, strlen(offer)) ) {
		return 0;
	return 1;
void PassiveCandidateSink(ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection connection, struct sockaddr_in6* candidate)
	printf("While generating an offer?\n"rst);
	SimpleRendezvousServer sender;
	SimpleRendezvousServerToken token;
	char *offer;
	char *encodedOffer;
	int encodedOfferLen;
	char *h1;

	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_GetUserData(connection, &sender, &token, (void**)&h1);

	offer = ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_AddServerReflexiveCandidateToLocalSDP(connection, candidate);
	printf(green"ofer: \n %s\n"rst,offer);
	encodedOfferLen = ILibBase64Encode((unsigned char*)offer, strlen(offer),(unsigned char**)&encodedOffer);

	h1 = ILibString_Replace(passiveHtmlBody, passiveHtmlBodyLength, "/*{{{SDP}}}*/", 13, encodedOffer, encodedOfferLen);

	SimpleRendezvousServer_Respond(sender, token, 1, h1, strlen(h1), ILibAsyncSocket_MemoryOwnership_CHAIN); // Send the SDP to the remote side
Exemple #14
int libwebrtc_set_answer( struct libwebrtc_connection* conn, const char* sdp ) {
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection connection = (ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection)conn;
	void* user_data = NULL;
	libwebrtc_context* ctx = NULL;
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_GetUserData(connection, (void**)&ctx, NULL, &user_data);
	assert( ctx != NULL );
	// Microstack requires at least one candidate
	std::string tmp;
	if( strstr(sdp, "a=candidate") == NULL ) {
		tmp = sdp;
		tmp += "a=candidate:0 1 UDP 2128609534 0 typ host\n";
		sdp = tmp.c_str();

	char* offer = ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_SetOffer(connection, (char*)sdp, strlen(sdp), NULL); // no CB as this is the answer
	if( offer == NULL )
		return 0;

	return 1;
Exemple #15
// This is called when a WebRTC Connection is established or disconnected
void WebRTCConnectionStatus(ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection webRTCConnection, int connected) {
	assert(webRTCConnection != NULL);
	void* user_data = NULL;
	libwebrtc_context* ctx = NULL;
	libwebrtc_connection* conn = (libwebrtc_connection*)webRTCConnection;
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_GetUserData(webRTCConnection, (void**)&ctx, NULL, &user_data);
	assert( ctx != NULL );
	if( connected )
		ctx->callback( ctx, conn, NULL, LWRTC_CALLBACK_ESTABLISHED, user_data, NULL, 0);
	else {
		// TODO: We really should notify all the channels as closed as well, as we can't rely on microstack to do it as it occurs after this call.

		// Clear the user data from the Connection, so additional callbacks wont be fired, as an DCs that are active get closed AFTER this call.
		ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_SetUserData(webRTCConnection, NULL, NULL, NULL);

		ctx->callback( ctx, conn, NULL, LWRTC_CALLBACK_DISCONNECTED, user_data, NULL, 0);
		// for all intensive purposes the connection object is destroyed at this point. We dont have a specific callback,
		// but since this was called it WILL be destroyed when this call returns.
		ctx->callback( ctx, conn, NULL, LWRTC_CALLBACK_DESTROY, user_data, NULL, 0);
Exemple #16
	__declspec(dllexport) void ILibWrapper_DLL_WebRTC_Connection_GetUserData(ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection connection, void **user1, void **user2, void **user3)
		ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_GetUserData(connection, user1, user2, user3);