bool ConnectionCache::release_connection(const ConnectionKey& key, connection_type* connection) { INET_TRACE ("ConnectionCache::release_connection"); INET_DEBUG (9, (LM_INFO, DLINFO ACE_TEXT ("ConnectionCache::release_connection - ") ACE_TEXT ("releasing connection\n"))); ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX, guard_, this->lock_, false)); ConnectionCacheValue cacheval; if (this->find_connection (key, cacheval) && cacheval.connection () == connection && cacheval.state () == ConnectionCacheValue::CST_BUSY) { cacheval.state (ConnectionCacheValue::CST_IDLE); if (this->set_connection (key, cacheval)) { // signal other threads about free connection this->condition_.broadcast (); return true; } else { INET_ERROR (1, (LM_ERROR, DLINFO ACE_TEXT ("ConnectionCache::release_connection - ") ACE_TEXT ("failed to release connection entry"))); return false; } } else return false; }
bool Response::read(istream& str) { ACE_CString version; ACE_CString status; ACE_CString reason; int ch = str.peek (); if (ch == eof_) { str.get (); // skip to eof return false; } // skip whitespace while (ACE_OS::ace_isspace (str.peek ())) { str.get (); } // get version ch = this->read_ws_field (str, version, MAX_VERSION_LENGTH); if (ch == eof_ || !ACE_OS::ace_isspace (ch)) return false; // invalid HTTP version string // skip whitespace while (ACE_OS::ace_isspace (str.peek ())) { str.get (); } // get status ch = this->read_ws_field (str, status, MAX_STATUS_LENGTH); if (ch == eof_ || !ACE_OS::ace_isspace (ch)) return false; // invalid HTTP status code // skip whitespace while (ACE_OS::ace_isspace (str.peek ())) { str.get (); } // get reason ch = this->read_field (str, reason, MAX_REASON_LENGTH, '\r'); if (ch == '\r') ch = str.get (); // get lf if (ch != '\n') return false; // HTTP reason string too long INET_DEBUG (6, (LM_DEBUG, DLINFO ACE_TEXT ("ACE_INet_HTTP: <-- %C %C %C\n"), version.c_str (), status.c_str (), reason.c_str())); // get header lines if (!Header::read (str)) return false; // skip empty line ch = str.get (); while (ch != '\n' && ch != eof_) ch = str.get (); this->set_version(version); this->status_.set_status (status); this->status_.set_reason (reason); return true; }
SessionFactory_Impl::SessionFactory_Impl () { INET_DEBUG (6, (LM_INFO, DLINFO ACE_TEXT ("HTTP_SessionFactory_Impl::ctor - ") ACE_TEXT ("registering session factory for scheme [%C]\n"), URL::protocol ().c_str ())); SessionFactoryRegistry::instance ().register_session_factory (URL::protocol (), this); }
void SSL_CertificateAcceptor::handle_certificate_failure (SSL_CertificateCallbackArg& arg) { INET_DEBUG (3, (LM_INFO, DLINFO ACE_TEXT ("SSL_CertificateAcceptor::handle_certificate_failure - ") ACE_TEXT ("ignored certificate verification error: %C\n"), arg.error_message ().c_str ())); arg.ignore_error (true); }
bool HeaderBase::read(std::istream& str) { ACE_CString name (64, '\0'); ACE_CString value (128, '\0'); int ch = str.peek (); while (ch != eof_ && ch != '\r' && ch != '\n') { name.fast_clear (); value.fast_clear (); // parse name ch = this->read_field (str, name, MAX_NAME_LENGTH, ':'); if (ch == '\n') { ch = str.get (); continue; // ignore invalid headers } if (ch != ':') { return false; // name too long/missing colon; cannot continue } // skip leading whitespace before next field while (ACE_OS::ace_isspace (str.peek ())) { ch = str.get (); } // parse value ch = this->read_field (str, value, MAX_VALUE_LENGTH, '\r'); if (ch == '\r') ch = str.get (); // get lf if (ch != '\n') return false; // value too long/no crlf found; cannot continue // followup lines starting with ws are continuations of the value // and must be appended ch = str.peek (); while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') { ch = this->read_field (str, value, MAX_VALUE_LENGTH, '\r'); if (ch == '\r') ch = str.get (); // get lf if (ch != '\n') return false; // multiline value too long/no crlf; cannot continue ch = str.peek (); } this->add (name, value); INET_DEBUG (9, (LM_DEBUG, DLINFO ACE_TEXT ("ACE_INet_HTTP: <-+ %C: %C\n"), name.c_str (), value.c_str ())); } return true; }
void HeaderBase::write(std::ostream& str) const { TNVMap::ITERATOR it (const_cast<TNVMap&> (this->header_values_)); for (it.first (); !it.done () ;it.advance ()) { str << (*it).first ().c_str () << ": " << (*it).second ().c_str () << "\r\n"; INET_DEBUG (9, (LM_DEBUG, DLINFO ACE_TEXT ("ACE_INet_HTTP: +-> %C: %C\n"), (*it).first ().c_str (), (*it).second ().c_str ())); } }
void Request::write(std::ostream& str) const { str << this->method_.c_str () << " " << this->uri_.c_str () << " " << this->get_version ().c_str () << "\r\n"; INET_DEBUG (6, (LM_DEBUG, DLINFO ACE_TEXT ("ACE_INet_HTTP: --> %C %C %C\n"), this->method_.c_str (), this->uri_.c_str (), this->get_version ().c_str ())); Header::write (str); str << "\r\n"; }
void Request::write(std::ostream& str) const { str << this->command_.c_str (); if (!this->args_.empty ()) str << ' ' << this->args_.c_str (); str << "\r\n"; INET_DEBUG (6, (LM_DEBUG, DLINFO ACE_TEXT ("ACE_INet_FTP: --> %C %C\n"), this->command_.c_str (), this->command_ == FTP_PASS ? "***" : this->args_.c_str ())); }
bool ConnectionCache::claim_connection(const ConnectionKey& key, connection_type*& connection, const factory_type& connection_factory, bool wait) { INET_TRACE ("ConnectionCache::claim_connection"); while (1) { bool create_connection = false; ConnectionCacheValue::State state = ConnectionCacheValue::CST_NONE; do { ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX, guard_, this->lock_, false)); if (this->claim_existing_connection (key, connection, state)) { INET_DEBUG (9, (LM_INFO, DLINFO ACE_TEXT ("%P|%t) ConnectionCache::claim_connection - ") ACE_TEXT ("successfully claimed existing connection\n"))); return true; } if ((state == ConnectionCacheValue::CST_BUSY || state == ConnectionCacheValue::CST_INIT) && !wait) return false; if (state == ConnectionCacheValue::CST_CLOSED || state == ConnectionCacheValue::CST_NONE) { if (!this->set_connection (key, ConnectionCacheValue ())) { INET_ERROR (1, (LM_ERROR, DLINFO ACE_TEXT ("ConnectionCache::claim_connection - ") ACE_TEXT ("failed to initialize connection entry"))); return false; } create_connection = true; } else { INET_DEBUG (9, (LM_INFO, DLINFO ACE_TEXT ("ConnectionCache::claim_connection - ") ACE_TEXT ("waiting for connection to become available\n"))); // wait for connection to become ready/free if (this->condition_.wait () != 0) { INET_ERROR (1, (LM_ERROR, DLINFO ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) ConnectionCache::claim_connection - ") ACE_TEXT ("error waiting for connection condition (%p)\n"))); return false; } INET_DEBUG (9, (LM_INFO, DLINFO ACE_TEXT ("ConnectionCache::claim_connection - ") ACE_TEXT ("awoken and retrying to claim connection\n"))); } } while (0); if (create_connection) { connection = connection_factory.create_connection (key); if (connection) { INET_DEBUG (9, (LM_INFO, DLINFO ACE_TEXT ("ConnectionCache::claim_connection - ") ACE_TEXT ("successfully created new connection\n"))); ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX, guard_, this->lock_, false)); ConnectionCacheValue cacheval (connection); cacheval.state (ConnectionCacheValue::CST_BUSY); return this->set_connection (key, cacheval); } else return false; } } }
int ACE_TMAIN (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv []) { ACE_Auto_Ptr<std::ofstream> fout; std::ostream* sout = &std::cout; if (!parse_args (argc, argv)) { return 1; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_SSL) && ACE_HAS_SSL == 1 ACE::HTTPS::Context::set_default_ssl_mode (ssl_mode); ACE::HTTPS::Context::set_default_verify_mode (verify_peer); ACE::HTTPS::Context::instance ().use_default_ca (); if (!private_key.empty ()) { if (certificate.empty ()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: private key file [" << private_key << "] requires certificate file to be specified." << std::endl; return 1; } if (!ACE::HTTPS::Context::instance ().set_key_files (private_key.c_str (), certificate.c_str ())) { std::cerr << "ERROR: failed to set private key [" << private_key << "]." << std::endl; return 1; } } if (!ca_location.empty ()) { INET_DEBUG (6, (LM_INFO, DLINFO ACE_TEXT ("loading trusted CA [%C]\n"), ca_location.c_str ())); if (!ACE::HTTPS::Context::instance ().load_trusted_ca (ca_location.c_str ())) { std::cerr << "ERROR: failed to load trusted CA from [" << ca_location << "]." << std::endl; return 1; } INET_DEBUG (6, (LM_INFO, DLINFO ACE_TEXT ("loaded [%d] trusted CA\n"), ACE::HTTPS::Context::instance ().has_trusted_ca ())); } if (ignore_verify) ACE::INet::SSL_CallbackManager::instance ()->set_certificate_callback (new ACE::INet::SSL_CertificateAcceptor); #endif std::cout << "Starting..." << std::endl; if (!url.empty ()) { if (!outfile.empty ()) { fout.reset (new std::ofstream (outfile.c_str (), std::ios_base::binary|std::ios_base::out)); if (!*fout) { std::cerr << "Failed to open output file : " << outfile.c_str () << std::endl; return 1; } sout = fout.get (); } std::cout << "Parsing url [" << url.c_str () << "]" << std::endl; ACE_Auto_Ptr<ACE::INet::URL_Base> url_safe (ACE::INet::URL_Base::create_from_string (url)); if (url_safe.get () == 0 || url != url_safe->to_string ()) { std::cerr << "Failed parsing url [" << url << "]" << std::endl; std::cerr << "\tresult = " << (url_safe.get () == 0 ? "(null)" : url_safe->to_string ().c_str ()) << std::endl; return 1; } ACE::HTTP::URL& http_url = *dynamic_cast<ACE::HTTP::URL*> (url_safe.get ()); if (!proxy_hostname.empty ()) { std::cout << "Setting proxy: " << proxy_hostname.c_str () << ':' << proxy_port << std::endl; http_url.set_proxy (proxy_hostname, proxy_port); } std::cout << "Opening url..."; My_HTTP_RequestHandler my_rh; ACE::INet::URLStream urlin = (my_rh); if (urlin) { std::cout << "Received response " << (int)my_rh.response ().get_status ().get_status () << " " << my_rh.response ().get_status ().get_reason ().c_str () << std::endl; if (my_rh.response ().get_status ().is_ok ()) { std::cout << "Length: "; if (my_rh.response ().get_content_length () != ACE::HTTP::Response::UNKNOWN_CONTENT_LENGTH) std::cout << my_rh.response ().get_content_length () << " ["; else std::cout << "(unknown) ["; if (my_rh.response ().get_content_type () != ACE::HTTP::Response::UNKNOWN_CONTENT_TYPE) std::cout << my_rh.response ().get_content_type ().c_str (); else std::cout << "(unknown)"; std::cout << "]" << std::endl; } std::cout << "Saving to: "; if (!outfile.empty ()) std::cout << '\'' << outfile.c_str () << '\'' << std::endl; else std::cout << "(stdout)" << std::endl; (*sout) << urlin->rdbuf (); sout->flush (); } } else { std::cerr << "ERROR: No URL specified!" << std::endl; usage (); return 1; } std::cout << "Done" << std::endl; return 0; }