Exemple #1
/****** vignet_resample ******************************************************
PROTO	int	vignet_resample(float *pix1, int w1, int h1,
		float *pix2, int w2, int h2, double dx, double dy, float step2,
		float stepi)
PURPOSE	Scale and shift a small image through sinc interpolation, with
	adjustable spatial wavelength cut-off. Image parts which lie outside
	boundaries are set to 0.

INPUT	Input raster,
	input raster width,
	input raster height,
	output raster,
	output raster width,
	output raster height,
	shift in x,
	shift in y,
	output pixel scale.	
OUTPUT	RETURN_ERROR if the images do not overlap, RETURN_OK otherwise.
AUTHOR	E. Bertin (IAP)
VERSION	13/09/2010
int	vignet_resample(float *pix1, int w1, int h1,
		float *pix2, int w2, int h2, double dx, double dy, float step2,
		float stepi)
   static float	*statpix2;
   double	*mask,*maskt, mx1,mx2,my1,my2, xs1,ys1, x1,y1, x,y, dxm,dym,
		val, dstepi, norm;
   float	*pix12, *pixin,*pixin0, *pixout,*pixout0;
   int		i,j,k,n,t, *start,*startt, *nmask,*nmaskt,
		ixs2,iys2, ix2,iy2, dix2,diy2, nx2,ny2, iys1a, ny1, hmw,hmh,
		ix,iy, ix1,iy1, interpw, interph;

  if (stepi <= 0.0)
    stepi = 1.0;
  dstepi = 1.0/stepi;
  mx1 = (double)(w1/2);		/* Im1 center x-coord*/
  mx2 = (double)(w2/2);		/* Im2 center x-coord*/
  xs1 = mx1 + dx - mx2*step2;	/* Im1 start x-coord */

  if ((int)xs1 >= w1)
    return RETURN_ERROR;
  ixs2 = 0;			/* Int part of Im2 start x-coord */
  if (xs1<0.0)
    dix2 = (int)(1-xs1/step2);
/*-- Simply leave here if the images do not overlap in x */
    if (dix2 >= w2)
      return RETURN_ERROR;
    ixs2 += dix2;
    xs1 += dix2*step2;
  nx2 = (int)((w1-1-xs1)/step2+1);/* nb of interpolated Im2 pixels along x */
  if (nx2>(ix2=w2-ixs2))
    nx2 = ix2;
  if (nx2<=0)
    return RETURN_ERROR;
  my1 = (double)(h1/2);		/* Im1 center y-coord */
  my2 = (double)(h2/2);		/* Im2 center y-coord */
  ys1 = my1 + dy - my2*step2;	/* Im1 start y-coord */
  if ((int)ys1 >= h1)
    return RETURN_ERROR;
  iys2 = 0;			/* Int part of Im2 start y-coord */
  if (ys1<0.0)
    diy2 = (int)(1-ys1/step2);
/*-- Simply leave here if the images do not overlap in y */
    if (diy2 >= h2)
      return RETURN_ERROR;
    iys2 += diy2;
    ys1 += diy2*step2;
  ny2 = (int)((h1-1-ys1)/step2+1);/* nb of interpolated Im2 pixels along y */
  if (ny2>(iy2=h2-iys2))
    ny2 = iy2;
  if (ny2<=0)
    return RETURN_ERROR;

/* Set the yrange for the x-resampling with some margin for interpolation */
  iys1a = (int)ys1;		/* Int part of Im1 start y-coord with margin */
  hmh = (int)((INTERPW/2)/dstepi) + 2;	/* Interpolant start */
  interph = 2*hmh;
  hmw = (int)((INTERPW/2)/dstepi) + 2;
  interpw =  2*hmw;
  if (iys1a<0 || ((iys1a -= hmh)< 0))
    iys1a = 0;
  ny1 = (int)(ys1+ny2*step2)+interpw-hmh;	/* Interpolated Im1 y size */
  if (ny1>h1)					/* with margin */
    ny1 = h1;
/* Express everything relative to the effective Im1 start (with margin) */
  ny1 -= iys1a;
  ys1 -= (double)iys1a;

/* Allocate interpolant stuff for the x direction */
  QMALLOC(mask, double, nx2*interpw);	/* Interpolation masks */
  QMALLOC(nmask, int, nx2);		/* Interpolation mask sizes */
  QMALLOC(start, int, nx2);		/* Int part of Im1 conv starts */
/* Compute the local interpolant and data starting points in x */
  x1 = xs1;
  maskt = mask;
  nmaskt = nmask;
  startt = start;
  for (j=nx2; j--; x1+=step2)
    ix = (ix1=(int)x1) - hmw;
    dxm = (ix1 - x1 - hmw)*dstepi;/* starting point in the interp. func */
    if (ix < 0)
      n = interpw+ix;
      dxm -= (double)ix*dstepi;
      ix = 0;
      n = interpw;
    if (n>(t=w1-ix))
    *(startt++) = ix;
    *(nmaskt++) = n;
    norm = 0.0;
    for (x=dxm, i=n; i--; x+=dstepi)
      norm +=( *(maskt++) = INTERPF(x));
    norm = norm>0.0? 1.0/norm : dstepi;
    maskt -= n;
    for (i=n; i--;)
      *(maskt++) *= norm;

  QCALLOC(pix12, float, nx2*ny1);	/* Intermediary frame-buffer */

/* Make the interpolation in x (this includes transposition) */
  pixin0 = pix1+iys1a*w1;
  pixout0 = pix12;
  for (k=ny1; k--; pixin0+=w1, pixout0++)
    maskt = mask;
    nmaskt = nmask;
    startt = start;
    pixout = pixout0;
    for (j=nx2; j--; pixout+=ny1)
      pixin = pixin0+*(startt++);
      val = 0.0; 
      for (i=*(nmaskt++); i--;)
        val += *(maskt++)*(double)*(pixin++);
      *pixout = (float)val;

/* Reallocate interpolant stuff for the y direction */
  QREALLOC(mask, double, ny2*interph);	/* Interpolation masks */
  QREALLOC(nmask, int, ny2);		/* Interpolation mask sizes */
  QREALLOC(start, int, ny2);		/* Int part of Im1 conv starts */

/* Compute the local interpolant and data starting points in y */
  y1 = ys1;
  maskt = mask;
  nmaskt = nmask;
  startt = start;
  for (j=ny2; j--; y1+=step2)
    iy = (iy1=(int)y1) - hmh;
    dym = (iy1 - y1 - hmh)*dstepi;/* starting point in the interp. func */
    if (iy < 0)
      n = interph+iy;
      dym -= (double)iy*dstepi;
      iy = 0;
      n = interph;
    if (n>(t=ny1-iy))
    *(startt++) = iy;
    *(nmaskt++) = n;
    norm = 0.0;
    for (y=dym, i=n; i--; y+=dstepi)
      norm += (*(maskt++) = INTERPF(y));
    norm = norm>0.0? 1.0/norm : dstepi;
    maskt -= n;
    for (i=n; i--;)
      *(maskt++) *= norm;

/* Initialize destination buffer to zero if pix2 != NULL */
  if (!pix2)
    pix2 = statpix2;
    memset(pix2, 0, (size_t)(w2*h2)*sizeof(float));
    statpix2 = pix2;

/* Make the interpolation in y  and transpose once again */
  pixin0 = pix12;
  pixout0 = pix2+ixs2+iys2*w2;
  for (k=nx2; k--; pixin0+=ny1, pixout0++)
    maskt = mask;
    nmaskt = nmask;
    startt = start;
    pixout = pixout0;
    for (j=ny2; j--; pixout+=w2)
      pixin = pixin0+*(startt++);
      val = 0.0; 
      for (i=*(nmaskt++); i--;)
        val += *(maskt++)*(double)*(pixin++);
      *pixout = (float)val;

/* Free memory */

  return RETURN_OK;
Exemple #2
static int _psfex_vignet_resample(double *pix1, int w1, int h1,
                                  double *pix2, int w2, int h2,
                                  double dx, double dy, double step2)
    double	*mask,*maskt, xc1,xc2,yc1,yc2, xs1,ys1, x1,y1, x,y, dxm,dym,
            val, norm,
            *pix12, *pixin,*pixin0, *pixout,*pixout0;
    int		i,j,k,n,t, *start,*startt, *nmask,*nmaskt,
            ixs2,iys2, ix2,iy2, dix2,diy2, nx2,ny2, iys1a, ny1, hmw,hmh,
            ix,iy, ix1,iy1;

    /* Initialize destination buffer to zero */
    memset(pix2, 0, w2*h2*sizeof(double));

    xc1 = (double)(w1/2);	/* Im1 center x-coord*/
    xc2 = (double)(w2/2);	/* Im2 center x-coord*/
    xs1 = xc1 + dx - xc2*step2;	/* Im1 start x-coord */

    if ((int)xs1 >= w1)
        return -1;
    ixs2 = 0;			/* Int part of Im2 start x-coord */
    if (xs1<0.0)
        dix2 = (int)(1-xs1/step2);
        /*-- Simply leave here if the images do not overlap in x */
        if (dix2 >= w2)
            return -1;
        ixs2 += dix2;
        xs1 += dix2*step2;
    nx2 = (int)((w1-1-xs1)/step2+1);/* nb of interpolated Im2 pixels along x */
    if (nx2>(ix2=w2-ixs2))
        nx2 = ix2;
    if (nx2<=0)
        return -1;
    yc1 = (double)(h1/2);	/* Im1 center y-coord */
    yc2 = (double)(h2/2);	/* Im2 center y-coord */
    ys1 = yc1 + dy - yc2*step2;	/* Im1 start y-coord */
    if ((int)ys1 >= h1)
        return -1;
    iys2 = 0;			/* Int part of Im2 start y-coord */
    if (ys1<0.0)
        diy2 = (int)(1-ys1/step2);
        /*-- Simply leave here if the images do not overlap in y */
        if (diy2 >= h2)
            return -1;
        iys2 += diy2;
        ys1 += diy2*step2;
    ny2 = (int)((h1-1-ys1)/step2+1);/* nb of interpolated Im2 pixels along y */
    if (ny2>(iy2=h2-iys2))
        ny2 = iy2;
    if (ny2<=0)
        return -1;

    /* Set the yrange for the x-resampling with some margin for interpolation */
    iys1a = (int)ys1;		/* Int part of Im1 start y-coord with margin */
    hmh = INTERPW/2 - 1;		/* Interpolant start */
    if (iys1a<0 || ((iys1a -= hmh)< 0))
        iys1a = 0;
    ny1 = (int)(ys1+ny2*step2)+INTERPW-hmh;	/* Interpolated Im1 y size */
    if (ny1>h1)					/* with margin */
        ny1 = h1;
    /* Express everything relative to the effective Im1 start (with margin) */
    ny1 -= iys1a;
    ys1 -= (double)iys1a;

    /* Allocate interpolant stuff for the x direction */
    if ((mask = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * nx2 * INTERPW)) == NULL) /* Interpolation masks */
        return -1;
    if ((nmask = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * nx2)) == NULL) /* Interpolation mask sizes */
        return -1;
    if ((start = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * nx2)) == NULL) /* Int part of Im1 conv starts */
        return -1;

    /* Compute the local interpolant and data starting points in x */
    hmw = INTERPW/2 - 1;
    x1 = xs1;
    maskt = mask;
    nmaskt = nmask;
    startt = start;
    for (j=nx2; j--; x1+=step2)
        ix = (ix1=(int)x1) - hmw;
        dxm = ix1 - x1 - hmw;	/* starting point in the interpolation func */
        if (ix < 0)
            n = INTERPW+ix;
            dxm -= (double)ix;
            ix = 0;
            n = INTERPW;
        if (n>(t=w1-ix))
        *(startt++) = ix;
        *(nmaskt++) = n;
        norm = 0.0;
        for (x=dxm, i=n; i--; x+=1.0)
            norm += (*(maskt++) = INTERPF(x));
        norm = norm>0.0? 1.0/norm : 1.0;
        maskt -= n;
        for (i=n; i--;)
            *(maskt++) *= norm;

    if ((pix12 = (double *) calloc(nx2*ny1, sizeof(double))) == NULL) { /* Intermediary frame-buffer */
        return -1;

    /* Make the interpolation in x (this includes transposition) */
    pixin0 = pix1+iys1a*w1;
    pixout0 = pix12;
    for (k=ny1; k--; pixin0+=w1, pixout0++)
        maskt = mask;
        nmaskt = nmask;
        startt = start;
        pixout = pixout0;
        for (j=nx2; j--; pixout+=ny1)
            pixin = pixin0+*(startt++);
            val = 0.0; 
            for (i=*(nmaskt++); i--;)
                val += *(maskt++)**(pixin++);
            *pixout = val;

    /* Reallocate interpolant stuff for the y direction */
    if ((mask = (double *) realloc(mask, sizeof(double) * ny2 * INTERPW)) == NULL) { /* Interpolation masks */
        return -1;
    if ((nmask = (int *) realloc(nmask, sizeof(int) * ny2)) == NULL) { /* Interpolation mask sizes */
        return -1;
    if ((start = (int *) realloc(start, sizeof(int) * ny2)) == NULL) { /* Int part of Im1 conv starts */
        return -1;

    /* Compute the local interpolant and data starting points in y */
    hmh = INTERPW/2 - 1;
    y1 = ys1;
    maskt = mask;
    nmaskt = nmask;
    startt = start;
    for (j=ny2; j--; y1+=step2)
        iy = (iy1=(int)y1) - hmh;
        dym = iy1 - y1 - hmh;	/* starting point in the interpolation func */
        if (iy < 0)
            n = INTERPW+iy;
            dym -= (double)iy;
            iy = 0;
            n = INTERPW;
        if (n>(t=ny1-iy))
        *(startt++) = iy;
        *(nmaskt++) = n;
        norm = 0.0;
        for (y=dym, i=n; i--; y+=1.0)
            norm += (*(maskt++) = INTERPF(y));
        norm = norm>0.0? 1.0/norm : 1.0;
        maskt -= n;
        for (i=n; i--;)
            *(maskt++) *= norm;

    /* Make the interpolation in y  and transpose once again */
    pixin0 = pix12;
    pixout0 = pix2+ixs2+iys2*w2;
    for (k=nx2; k--; pixin0+=ny1, pixout0++)
        maskt = mask;
        nmaskt = nmask;
        startt = start;
        pixout = pixout0;
        for (j=ny2; j--; pixout+=w2)
            pixin = pixin0+*(startt++);
            val = 0.0; 
            for (i=*(nmaskt++); i--;)
                val += *(maskt++)**(pixin++);
            *pixout = val;

    /* Free memory */

    return 0;