Exemple #1
char *test_IOBuf_streaming()
    // test streaming from /dev/zero to /dev/null
    Connection *zero = fake_conn("/dev/zero", O_RDONLY);
    IOBuf *from = zero->iob;
    Connection *null = fake_conn("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
    IOBuf *to = null->iob;

    int rc = IOBuf_stream(from, to, 500);
    mu_assert(rc == 500, "Didn't stream the right amount on small test.");

    rc = IOBuf_stream(from, to, 10 * 1024);
    mu_assert(rc == 10 * 1024, "Didn't stream oversized amount.");

    rc = IOBuf_stream(from, to, 10 * 1024);
    mu_assert(rc == -1, "Should fail if send side is closed.");
    mu_assert(from->avail >= 0, "Avail should never go below 0.");

    rc = IOBuf_stream(from, to, 10 * 1024);
    mu_assert(rc == -1, "Should fail if recv side is closed.");

    return NULL;
Exemple #2
int connection_proxy_reply_parse(Connection *conn)
    int rc = 0;
    int total = 0;
    Proxy *proxy = Request_get_action(conn->req, proxy);
    httpclient_parser *client = conn->client;

    rc = Proxy_read_and_parse(conn);
    check(rc != -1, "Failed to read from proxy server: %s:%d", 
            bdata(proxy->server), proxy->port);

    if(client->chunked) {
        // send the http header we have so far
        rc = IOBuf_stream(conn->proxy_iob, conn->iob, client->body_start);
        check_debug(rc != -1, "Failed streaming header to client.");

        // then just stream out the chunks we've got, as long as 
        // Proxy_stream_chunks return 0 it means we've got more to send
        do {
            rc = Proxy_stream_chunks(conn);
            check(rc != -1, "Failed to stream chunked encoding to client.");
        } while(rc == 0);

    } else if(client->content_len >= 0) {
        total = client->body_start + client->content_len;
        rc = IOBuf_stream(conn->proxy_iob, conn->iob, total);
        check(rc != -1, "Failed streaming non-chunked response.");
    } else if(client->status == 204 || client->status == 304) {
        //  According to the RFC, these MUST NOT incude a body.
        //  Proxy might keep the connection open but not send content-length.
        rc = IOBuf_stream(conn->proxy_iob, conn->iob, client->body_start);
        check(rc != -1, "Failed streaming non-chunked response.");
    } else if(client->close || client->content_len == -1) {
        debug("Response requested a read until close.");
    } else {
        sentinel("Should not reach this code, Tell Zed.");

    Log_request(conn, client->status, client->content_len);

    if(client->close) {
        return REMOTE_CLOSE;
    } else {
        return REQ_RECV;

    return FAILED;