Exemple #1
// Calculate & set any offsets to account for execution times.
// Args:
//   hz: The frequency to calibrate at >= 1000Hz. Default is 38000Hz.
// Status:  ALPHA / Untested.
// NOTE:
//   This will generate an 65535us mark() IR LED signal.
//   This only needs to be called once, if at all.
void IRsend::calibrate(uint16_t hz) {
  if (hz < 1000)  // Were we given kHz? Supports the old call usage.
    hz *= 1000;
  periodOffset = 0;  // Turn off any existing offset while we calibrate.
  IRtimer usecTimer = IRtimer();  // Start a timer *just* before we do the call.
  uint16_t pulses = mark(UINT16_MAX);  // Generate a PWM of 65,535 us. (Max.)
  uint32_t timeTaken = usecTimer.elapsed();  // Record the time it took.
  // While it shouldn't be neccesary, assume at least 1 pulse, to avoid a
  // divide by 0 situation.
  pulses = std::max(pulses, (uint16_t) 1U);
  uint32_t calcPeriod = calcUSecPeriod(hz);  // e.g. @38kHz it should be 26us.
  // Assuming 38kHz for the example calculations:
  // In a 65535us pulse, we should have 2520.5769 pulses @ 26us periods.
  // e.g. 65535.0us / 26us = 2520.5769
  // This should have caused approx 2520 loops through the main loop in mark().
  // The average over that many interations should give us a reasonable
  // approximation at what offset we need to use to account for instruction
  // execution times.
  // Calculate the actual period from the actual time & the actual pulses
  // generated.
  double_t actualPeriod = (double_t) timeTaken / (double_t) pulses;
  // Store the difference between the actual time per period vs. calculated.
  periodOffset = (int8_t) ((double_t) calcPeriod - actualPeriod);
Exemple #2
// Modulate the IR LED for the given period (usec) and at the duty cycle set.
// Args:
//   usec: The period of time to modulate the IR LED for, in microseconds.
// Returns:
//   Nr. of pulses actually sent.
// Note:
//   The ESP8266 has no good way to do hardware PWM, so we have to do it all
//   in software. There is a horrible kludge/brilliant hack to use the second
//   serial TX line to do fairly accurate hardware PWM, but it is only
//   available on a single specific GPIO and only available on some modules.
//   e.g. It's not available on the ESP-01 module.
//   Hence, for greater compatibility & choice, we don't use that method.
// Ref:
//   https://www.analysir.com/blog/2017/01/29/updated-esp8266-nodemcu-backdoor-upwm-hack-for-ir-signals/
uint16_t IRsend::mark(uint16_t usec) {
  uint16_t counter = 0;
  IRtimer usecTimer = IRtimer();
  // Cache the time taken so far. This saves us calling time, and we can be
  // assured that we can't have odd math problems. i.e. unsigned under/overflow.
  uint32_t elapsed = usecTimer.elapsed();

  while (elapsed < usec) {  // Loop until we've met/exceeded our required time.
#ifndef UNIT_TEST
    digitalWrite(IRpin, outputOn);  // Turn the LED on.
    // Calculate how long we should pulse on for.
    // e.g. Are we to close to the end of our requested mark time (usec)?
    delayMicroseconds(std::min((uint32_t) onTimePeriod, usec - elapsed));
    digitalWrite(IRpin, outputOff);  // Turn the LED off.
    if (elapsed + onTimePeriod >= usec)
      return counter;  // LED is now off & we've passed our allotted time.
    // Wait for the lesser of the rest of the duty cycle, or the time remaining.
#ifndef UNIT_TEST
    delayMicroseconds(std::min(usec - elapsed - onTimePeriod,
                               (uint32_t) offTimePeriod));
    elapsed = usecTimer.elapsed();  // Update & recache the actual elapsed time.
  return counter;
Exemple #3
// Modulate the IR LED for the given period (usec) and at the duty cycle set.
// Args:
//   usec: The period of time to modulate the IR LED for, in microseconds.
// Returns:
//   Nr. of pulses actually sent.
// Note:
//   The ESP8266 has no good way to do hardware PWM, so we have to do it all
//   in software. There is a horrible kludge/brilliant hack to use the second
//   serial TX line to do fairly accurate hardware PWM, but it is only
//   available on a single specific GPIO and only available on some modules.
//   e.g. It's not available on the ESP-01 module.
//   Hence, for greater compatibility & choice, we don't use that method.
// Ref:
//   https://www.analysir.com/blog/2017/01/29/updated-esp8266-nodemcu-backdoor-upwm-hack-for-ir-signals/
uint16_t IRsend::mark(uint16_t usec) {
  // Handle the simple case of no required frequency modulation.
  if (!modulation || _dutycycle >= 100) {
    return 1;

  // Not simple, so do it assuming frequency modulation.
  uint16_t counter = 0;
  IRtimer usecTimer = IRtimer();
  // Cache the time taken so far. This saves us calling time, and we can be
  // assured that we can't have odd math problems. i.e. unsigned under/overflow.
  uint32_t elapsed = usecTimer.elapsed();

  while (elapsed < usec) {  // Loop until we've met/exceeded our required time.
    // Calculate how long we should pulse on for.
    // e.g. Are we to close to the end of our requested mark time (usec)?
    _delayMicroseconds(std::min((uint32_t) onTimePeriod, usec - elapsed));
    if (elapsed + onTimePeriod >= usec)
      return counter;  // LED is now off & we've passed our allotted time.
    // Wait for the lesser of the rest of the duty cycle, or the time remaining.
    _delayMicroseconds(std::min(usec - elapsed - onTimePeriod,
                                (uint32_t) offTimePeriod));
    elapsed = usecTimer.elapsed();  // Update & recache the actual elapsed time.
  return counter;
Exemple #4
// Send a Philips RC-MM packet.
// Args:
//   data: The data we want to send. MSB first.
//   nbits: The number of bits of data to send. (Typically 12, 24, or 32[Nokia])
//   repeat: The nr. of times the message should be sent.
// Status:  BETA / Should be working.
// Ref:
//   http://www.sbprojects.com/knowledge/ir/rcmm.php
void IRsend::sendRCMM(uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits, uint16_t repeat) {
  // Set 36kHz IR carrier frequency & a 1/3 (33%) duty cycle.
  enableIROut(36, 33);
  IRtimer usecs = IRtimer();

  for (uint16_t r = 0; r <= repeat; r++) {
    // Header
    // Data
    uint64_t mask = 0b11ULL << (nbits - 2);
    // RC-MM sends data 2 bits at a time.
    for (int32_t i = nbits; i > 0; i -= 2) {
      // Grab the next Most Significant Bits to send.
      switch ((data & mask) >> (i - 2)) {
        case 0b00: space(RCMM_BIT_SPACE_0); break;
        case 0b01: space(RCMM_BIT_SPACE_1); break;
        case 0b10: space(RCMM_BIT_SPACE_2); break;
        case 0b11: space(RCMM_BIT_SPACE_3); break;
      mask >>= 2;
    // Footer
    // Protocol requires us to wait at least RCMM_RPT_LENGTH usecs from the
    // start or RCMM_MIN_GAP usecs.
    space(std::max(RCMM_RPT_LENGTH - usecs.elapsed(), RCMM_MIN_GAP));
Exemple #5
// Send a Mitsubishi message
// Args:
//   data:   Contents of the message to be sent.
//   nbits:  Nr. of bits of data to be sent. Typically MITSUBISHI_BITS.
//   repeat: Nr. of additional times the message is to be sent.
// Status: ALPHA / untested.
// Notes:
//   This protocol appears to have no header.
// Ref:
//   https://github.com/marcosamarinho/IRremoteESP8266/blob/master/ir_Mitsubishi.cpp
//   GlobalCache's Control Tower's Mitsubishi TV data.
void IRsend::sendMitsubishi(uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits, uint16_t repeat) {
  enableIROut(33);  // Set IR carrier frequency
  IRtimer usecTimer = IRtimer();

  for (uint16_t i = 0; i <= repeat; i++) {
    // No header

    // Data
             data, nbits, true);
    // Footer
    space(std::max(MITSUBISHI_MIN_COMMAND_LENGTH - usecTimer.elapsed(),
Exemple #6
// Send a Whynter message.
// Args:
//   data: message to be sent.
//   nbits: Nr. of bits of the message to be sent.
//   repeat: Nr. of additional times the message is to be sent.
// Status: STABLE
// Ref:
//   https://github.com/z3t0/Arduino-IRremote/blob/master/ir_Whynter.cpp
void IRsend::sendWhynter(uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits, uint16_t repeat) {
  // Set IR carrier frequency
  IRtimer usecTimer = IRtimer();

  for (uint16_t i = 0; i <= repeat; i++) {
    // (Pre-)Header
                data, nbits, 38, true, 0,  // Repeats are already handled.
                   usecTimer.elapsed(), 0U));