MapToCCMap(PRUint32* aMap)
  // put the data into a temp map
  nsCompressedCharMap ccmapObj;

  PRUint16 *ccmap = (PRUint16*)PR_Malloc((CCMAP_EXTRA + ccmapObj.GetSize()) * sizeof(PRUint16));
  NS_ASSERTION(ccmap, "failed to alloc new CCMap");

  if (!ccmap)
    return nsnull;

  ccmap += CCMAP_EXTRA;
  CCMAP_SIZE(ccmap) = ccmapObj.GetSize();


#ifdef DEBUG
  for (int i=0; i<NUM_UNICODE_CHARS; i++) {
    PRBool oldb = IS_REPRESENTABLE(aMap, i);
    PRBool newb = CCMAP_HAS_CHAR(ccmap, i);
    if ((oldb) != (newb)) {
      NS_ASSERTION(oldb==newb,"failed to generate map correctly");
  return ccmap;
FcCharSet *
mozilla_decoder_get_charset (PangoFcDecoder *decoder,
                             PangoFcFont    *fcfont)
    MozillaDecoderPrivate *priv = MOZILLA_DECODER_GET_PRIVATE(decoder);

    if (priv->charset)
        return priv->charset;

    // First time this has been accessed.  Populate the charset.
    priv->charset = FcCharSetCreate();

    if (!gCharsetManager) {
        CallGetService(kCharsetConverterManagerCID, &gCharsetManager);

    nsCOMPtr<nsIUnicodeEncoder> encoder;
    nsCOMPtr<nsICharRepresentable> represent;

    if (!gCharsetManager)
        goto end;

    gCharsetManager->GetUnicodeEncoderRaw(priv->encoder, getter_AddRefs(encoder));
    if (!encoder)
        goto end;
    encoder->SetOutputErrorBehavior(encoder->kOnError_Replace, nsnull, '?');

    priv->uEncoder = encoder;

    represent = do_QueryInterface(encoder);
    if (!represent)
        goto end;

    PRUint32 map[UCS2_MAP_LEN];
    memset(map, 0, sizeof(map));


    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_UNICODE_CHARS; i++) {
        if (IS_REPRESENTABLE(map, i))
            FcCharSetAddChar(priv->charset, i);

    return priv->charset;
// Non-BMP unicode support extension, create ccmap for both BMP and extended planes 
MapToCCMapExt(PRUint32* aBmpPlaneMap, PRUint32** aOtherPlaneMaps, PRUint32 aOtherPlaneNum)
  nsCompressedCharMap* otherPlaneObj[EXTENDED_UNICODE_PLANES];
  PRUint32 totalSize;
  PRUint16 i;
  PRUint32 *planeCCMapOffsets;
  PRUint32 currOffset;

  NS_ASSERTION(aOtherPlaneNum <= EXTENDED_UNICODE_PLANES, "illegal argument value");
    return nsnull;

  // Put the data into a temp map
  nsCompressedCharMap bmpCcmapObj;

  // Add bmp size
  totalSize = bmpCcmapObj.GetSize();

  // Add bmp length field
  totalSize += CCMAP_EXTRA;
  // Add Plane array 
  totalSize += EXTENDED_UNICODE_PLANES * sizeof(PRUint32)/sizeof(PRUint16);

  // Add an empty plane ccmap
  // A totally empty plane ccmap can be represented by 16 *(PRUint16)0. 
  totalSize += CCMAP_EMPTY_SIZE_PER_INT16;

  // Create ccmap for other planes
  for (i = 0; i < aOtherPlaneNum; i++) {
    if (aOtherPlaneMaps[i]) {
      otherPlaneObj[i] = new nsCompressedCharMap();
      NS_ASSERTION(otherPlaneObj, "unable to create new nsCompressedCharMap");
      if(otherPlaneObj) {
        totalSize += otherPlaneObj[i]->GetSize();
    } else {
      otherPlaneObj[i] = nsnull;

  PRUint16 *ccmap = (PRUint16*)PR_Malloc(totalSize * sizeof(PRUint16));
  NS_ASSERTION(ccmap, "failed to alloc new CCMap");

  if (!ccmap)
    return nsnull;

  // Assign BMP ccmap size
  ccmap += CCMAP_EXTRA;
  CCMAP_SIZE(ccmap) = bmpCcmapObj.GetSize();

  // Fill bmp plane ccmap 

  // Get pointer for plane ccmap offset array
  currOffset = bmpCcmapObj.GetSize();
  planeCCMapOffsets = (PRUint32*)(ccmap+currOffset);
  currOffset += sizeof(PRUint32)/sizeof(PRUint16)*EXTENDED_UNICODE_PLANES;

  // Put a empty ccmap there 
  memset(ccmap+currOffset, '\0', sizeof(PRUint16)*16);
  PRUint32 emptyCCMapOffset = currOffset;
  currOffset += CCMAP_EMPTY_SIZE_PER_INT16;

  // Now fill all rest of the planes' ccmap and put off in array
  for (i = 0; i <aOtherPlaneNum; i++) {
    if (aOtherPlaneMaps[i] && otherPlaneObj[i]) {
      *(planeCCMapOffsets+i) = currOffset;
      currOffset += otherPlaneObj[i]->GetSize();
      *(planeCCMapOffsets+i) = emptyCCMapOffset;
  for (; i < EXTENDED_UNICODE_PLANES; i++) {
    *(planeCCMapOffsets+i) = emptyCCMapOffset;

  // remove all nsCompressedCharMap objects allocated 
  for (i = 0; i < aOtherPlaneNum; i++) {
    if (otherPlaneObj[i]) 
      delete otherPlaneObj[i];

#ifdef DEBUG
  PRUint32 k, h, l, plane, offset;
  PRBool oldb;
  PRBool newb;

  // testing for BMP plane
  for (k=0; k<NUM_UNICODE_CHARS; k++) {
    oldb = IS_REPRESENTABLE(aBmpPlaneMap, k);
    newb = CCMAP_HAS_CHAR_EXT(ccmap, k);
    NS_ASSERTION(oldb==newb,"failed to generate map correctly");

  //testing for extension plane 
  for (k = 0x10000; k < 0x100000; k++) {
    plane = k/0x10000;
    if (plane > aOtherPlaneNum)
    if (aOtherPlaneMaps[plane-1])
      oldb = IS_REPRESENTABLE(aOtherPlaneMaps[plane-1], k&0xffff);
      oldb = 0;
    newb = CCMAP_HAS_CHAR_EXT(ccmap, k);
    NS_ASSERTION(oldb==newb, "failed to generate extension map correctly");

  // testing for non-BMP plane
    for (h = 0; h < 0x400; h++) {
      for (l = 0; l < 0x400; l++) {
        plane = h >> 6;
        offset = (h*0x400 + l) & 0xffff;
        if (aOtherPlaneMaps[plane])
          oldb = IS_REPRESENTABLE(aOtherPlaneMaps[plane], offset);
          oldb = 0;
        newb = CCMAP_HAS_CHAR_EXT2(ccmap, h+0xd800, l+0xdc00);
        NS_ASSERTION(oldb==newb, "failed to generate extension map correctly");

  return ccmap;