// TMapDC
// ------
//  draw a LineDef
void TMapDC::DrawMapLineDefLen (int editmode, SHORT ldnum)
	assert_ldnum (ldnum);

	// Use interm. vars. to accelarate
	LineDef *pLD = &LineDefs[ldnum];
	SHORT start = pLD->start;
	SHORT end   = pLD->end;

	assert_vnum (start);
	assert_vnum (end);
	Vertex *pVStart = &Vertexes[start];
	Vertex *pVEnd   = &Vertexes[end];
	SHORT x0    = pVStart->x;
	SHORT y0    = pVStart->y;
	SHORT x1    = pVEnd->x;
	SHORT y1    = pVEnd->y;

	if ( ! IS_VISIBLE_MAP_RECT(x0,y0,x1,y1) )

    // Get the LineDef color
    int color = GetLineDefColor(editmode, ldnum);

	// Draw the Length
	DrawLineDefLen (x0, y0, x1, y1, color);
// TMapDC
// ------
//  draw a Vertex
void TMapDC::DrawMapVertex (int editmode, SHORT vnum)
	assert_vnum (vnum);
	if ( editmode != OBJ_VERTEXES )

	Vertex ve = Vertexes[vnum];
	SHORT x0 = ve.x - OBJSIZE;
	SHORT y0 = ve.y - OBJSIZE;
	SHORT x1 = ve.x + OBJSIZE;
	SHORT y1 = ve.y + OBJSIZE;

	if ( ! IS_VISIBLE_MAP_RECT(x0, y0, x1, y1) )

	// Draw a point if cross is small
	SetPenColor16 (LIGHTGREEN);
	// if ( ((x1 - x0) * MUL_SCALE) <= 3 )
	// Draw point if Scale <= 1/6
	if ( (ScaleNum == 1) && (ScaleDen >= 6) )
		SHORT x = ve.x;
		SHORT y = ve.y;
		SHORT x = SCREENX(ve.x);
		SHORT y = SCREENY(ve.y);
		MoveTo (x, y);
		LineTo (x + 1, y);

		// SetPixel (SCREENX(ve.x), SCREENY(ve.y), GetColor16(LIGHTGREEN));
		// SetPixel (ve.x, ve.y, GetColor16(LIGHTGREEN));
		// ::SetPixel (*this, SCREENX(ve.x), SCREENY(ve.y), Color16Tab[LIGHTGREEN]);
		x0 = SCREENX(x0);
		y0 = SCREENY(y0);
		x1 = SCREENX(x1);
		y1 = SCREENY(y1);
		MoveTo(x0, y0);
		LineTo(x1, y1);
		MoveTo(x1, y0);
		LineTo(x0, y1);
// TMapDC
// ------
// draw a circle on the screen from map coords
TMapDC::DrawMapCircle(SHORT mapXcenter, SHORT mapYcenter, SHORT mapRadius)
	SHORT radius;
	SHORT x0 = mapXcenter - mapRadius;
	SHORT y0 = mapYcenter + mapRadius;
	SHORT x1 = mapXcenter + mapRadius;
	SHORT y1 = mapYcenter - mapRadius;

	if ( ! IS_VISIBLE_MAP_RECT(x0,y0,x1,y1) )

	radius = mapRadius * ScaleNum / ScaleDen;

	x0 = SCREENX(x0);
	y0 = SCREENY(y0);
	x1 = SCREENX(x1);
	y1 = SCREENY(y1);

	// LogMessage ("DrawMapCircle(%d,%d,%d,%d)\n", x0, y0, x1, y1);
	// SelectStockObject (NULL_BRUSH);

	// If radius is small, draw a rectangle instead of an ellipse
	if ( radius <= 3 )
		TPoint points[5], *pp = points ;
		pp->x = mapXcenter; 	pp->y = y0;				pp++;
		pp->x = x1; 			pp->y = mapYcenter;   	pp++;
		pp->x = mapXcenter;		pp->y = y1;            	pp++;
		pp->x = x0;				pp->y = mapYcenter;  	pp++;
		pp->x = mapXcenter; 	pp->y = y0;
		pp->x = x0+radius; 	pp->y = y0;				pp++;
		pp->x = x1; 		pp->y = y0+radius;    	pp++;
		pp->x = x0+radius;	pp->y = y1;             pp++;
		pp->x = x0;			pp->y = y0+radius;  	pp++;
		pp->x = x0+radius; 	pp->y = y0;
		Polyline (points, 5);
		Ellipse (x0, y0, x1+1, y1+1);
// TMapDC
// ------
// draw a rectangle on the screen from map coords
TMapDC::DrawMapRect(SHORT mapXstart, SHORT mapYstart, SHORT mapXend, SHORT mapYend)
	// LogMessage ("DrawMapRect(%d,%d,%d,%d)\n", mapXstart, mapYstart, mapXend, mapYend);
	if ( ! IS_VISIBLE_MAP_RECT(mapXstart, mapYstart, mapXend, mapYend) )

	Rectangle (mapXstart, mapYstart,
			   mapXend, mapYend);
	Rectangle (SCREENX(mapXstart), SCREENY(mapYstart),
			   SCREENX(mapXend),   SCREENY(mapYend));
// TMapDC
// ------
// draw a vector (line with an ending arrow) on the screen
// from map coords
TMapDC::DrawMapVector(SHORT mapXstart, SHORT mapYstart, SHORT mapXend, SHORT mapYend)
	if ( ! IS_VISIBLE_MAP_RECT(mapXstart, mapYstart, mapXend, mapYend) )

	SHORT x0 = mapXstart;
	SHORT y0 = mapYstart;
	SHORT x1 = mapXend;
	SHORT y1 = mapYend;
	SHORT x0 = SCREENX(mapXstart);
	SHORT y0 = SCREENY(mapYstart);
	SHORT x1 = SCREENX(mapXend);
	SHORT y1 = SCREENY(mapYend);
	SHORT dx = x0 - x1;
	SHORT dy = y0 - y1;

	// Draw the line part of the vector
	MoveTo (x0, y0);
	LineTo (x1, y1);

	// Don't draw arrow if Scale <= 1/6
	if ( (ScaleNum == 1) && (ScaleDen >= 6) )

	// Calc the length of the line
	SHORT r = (SHORT)hypot(dx, dy);
	// Don't calc if length == 0 (no orientation !)
	if ( r == 0 )

	// Draw the arrow part of the vector
	SHORT scrXoff = (SHORT) (dx * 8 * MUL_SCALE / r);
	SHORT scrYoff = (SHORT) (dy * 8 * MUL_SCALE / r);
	x0 = x1 + 2 * scrXoff;
	y0 = y1 + 2 * scrYoff;
	MoveTo (x0 - scrYoff, y0 + scrXoff);
	LineTo (x1          , y1);
	LineTo (x0 + scrYoff, y0 - scrXoff);
Exemple #6
// TMapDC
// ------
//  draw a LineDef
void TMapDC::DrawMapLineDef (int editmode, SHORT ldnum, BOOL DrawLen)
	assert_ldnum (ldnum);

	// Use interm. vars. to accelarate
	LineDef HUGE *pLD = &LineDefs[ldnum];
	SHORT start = pLD->start;
	SHORT end   = pLD->end;

	assert_vnum (start);
	assert_vnum (end);
	Vertex HUGE *pVStart = &Vertexes[start];
	Vertex HUGE *pVEnd   = &Vertexes[end];
	SHORT x0    = pVStart->x;
	SHORT y0    = pVStart->y;
	SHORT x1    = pVEnd->x;
	SHORT y1    = pVEnd->y;

	if ( ! IS_VISIBLE_MAP_RECT(x0, y0, x1, y1) )

	// Set the LineDef color
	int color = GetLineDefColor(editmode, ldnum);

	// Draw the LineDef
	if ( editmode == OBJ_VERTEXES )
		DrawMapVector(x0, y0, x1, y1);
		DrawMapLine(x0, y0, x1, y1);

	// Draw the Length
	if ( DrawLen )
		DrawLineDefLen(x0, y0, x1, y1, color);
// TMapDC
// ------
//  draw a Thing
void TMapDC::DrawMapThing (int editmode, SHORT tnum)
	assert_tnum (tnum);
	Thing *pThing = &Things[tnum];

	SHORT xpos = pThing->xpos;
	SHORT ypos = pThing->ypos;
	SHORT scrRadius;
	SHORT mapRadius;

	// Select the radius
	if (editmode == OBJ_THINGS)
		mapRadius = GetKodObjectRadius(Things[tnum].type);
		mapRadius = OBJSIZE;

	// Calc. bouding rectangle
	SHORT x0 = xpos - mapRadius;
	SHORT y0 = ypos + mapRadius;
	SHORT x1 = xpos + mapRadius;
	SHORT y1 = ypos - mapRadius;

	if ( ! IS_VISIBLE_MAP_RECT(x0,y0,x1,y1) )

	// Convert map coords. to screen coords.
	scrRadius = (SHORT)(mapRadius * MUL_SCALE);

	xpos = SCREENX(xpos);
	ypos = SCREENY(ypos);
	x0   = SCREENX(x0);
	y0   = SCREENY(y0);
	x1   = SCREENX(x1);
	y1   = SCREENY(y1);

	// Draw bouding circle of the thing
	if (editmode == OBJ_THINGS)
		SetPenColor16 (GetKodObjectColor (Things[tnum].type));
		// If radius is small, draw a rectangle instead of an ellipse
		if ( scrRadius > 4 )
			Ellipse (x0, y0, x1+1, y1+1);
		else if ( scrRadius > 1 )
			TPoint points[5], *pp = points ;
			pp->x = xpos; 		pp->y = y0;		pp++;
			pp->x = x1; 		pp->y = ypos;  	pp++;
			pp->x = xpos;		pp->y = y1;   	pp++;
			pp->x = x0;			pp->y = ypos;  	pp++;
			pp->x = xpos; 		pp->y = y0;
			Polyline (points, 5);
	// Set pen color to default (LIGHTGRAY)
		SetPenColor16 (LIGHTGRAY);

	// Draw the cross
	MoveTo (xpos, y0) ;
	LineTo (xpos, y1) ;
	MoveTo (x0, ypos) ;
	LineTo (x1, ypos) ;