  Sends a SCSI Request Packet to a SCSI device that is attached to the SCSI channel. This function
  supports both blocking I/O and nonblocking I/O. The blocking I/O functionality is required, and the
  nonblocking I/O functionality is optional.

  @param[in]      This    A pointer to the EFI_EXT_SCSI_PASS_THRU_PROTOCOL instance.
  @param[in]      Target  The Target is an array of size TARGET_MAX_BYTES and it represents
                          the id of the SCSI device to send the SCSI Request Packet. Each
                          transport driver may chose to utilize a subset of this size to suit the needs
                          of transport target representation. For example, a Fibre Channel driver
                          may use only 8 bytes (WWN) to represent an FC target.
  @param[in]       Lun    The LUN of the SCSI device to send the SCSI Request Packet.
  @param[in, out]  Packet A pointer to the SCSI Request Packet to send to the SCSI device
                          specified by Target and Lun.
  @param[in]       Event  If nonblocking I/O is not supported then Event is ignored, and blocking
                          I/O is performed. If Event is NULL, then blocking I/O is performed. If
                          Event is not NULL and non blocking I/O is supported, then
                          nonblocking I/O is performed, and Event will be signaled when the
                          SCSI Request Packet completes.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The SCSI Request Packet was sent by the host. For bi-directional
                                commands, InTransferLength bytes were transferred from
                                InDataBuffer. For write and bi-directional commands,
                                OutTransferLength bytes were transferred by
  @retval EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE   The SCSI Request Packet was not executed. The number of bytes that
                                could be transferred is returned in InTransferLength. For write
                                and bi-directional commands, OutTransferLength bytes were
                                transferred by OutDataBuffer. Currently not implemeted.
  @retval EFI_NOT_READY         The SCSI Request Packet could not be sent because there are too many
                                SCSI Request Packets already queued. The caller may retry again later.
  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      A device error occurred while attempting to send the SCSI Request
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Target, Lun, or the contents of ScsiRequestPacket are invalid.
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The command described by the SCSI Request Packet is not supported
                                by the host adapter. This includes the case of Bi-directional SCSI
                                commands not supported by the implementation. The SCSI Request
                                Packet was not sent, so no additional status information is available.
                                Currently not implemeted.
  @retval EFI_TIMEOUT           A timeout occurred while waiting for the SCSI Request Packet to execute.
IScsiExtScsiPassThruFunction (
  IN EFI_EXT_SCSI_PASS_THRU_PROTOCOL                          *This,
  IN UINT8                                                    *Target,
  IN UINT64                                                   Lun,
  IN EFI_EVENT                                                Event     OPTIONAL
  ISCSI_DRIVER_DATA           *Private;
  EFI_STATUS                  Status;

  ConfigNvData  = &Private->Session.ConfigData.NvData;

  if (Target[0] != 0 || (CompareMem (&Lun, ConfigNvData->BootLun, sizeof (UINT64)) != 0)) {

  if ((Packet == NULL) || (Packet->Cdb == NULL)) {

  Status = IScsiExecuteScsiCommand (This, Target, Lun, Packet);
  if ((Status != EFI_SUCCESS) && (Status != EFI_NOT_READY)) {
    // Try to reinstate the session and re-execute the Scsi command.
    if (EFI_ERROR (IScsiSessionReinstatement (Private))) {
      return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;

    Status = IScsiExecuteScsiCommand (This, Target, Lun, Packet);

  return Status;
Exemple #2
  Sends a SCSI Request Packet to a SCSI device that is attached to the SCSI channel.
  This function supports both blocking I/O and nonblocking I/O. The blocking I/O
  functionality is required, and the nonblocking I/O functionality is optional.  

  @param[in]       This    A pointer to the EFI_EXT_SCSI_PASS_THRU_PROTOCOL instance.
  @param[in]       Target  The Target is an array of size TARGET_MAX_BYTES and it
                           represents the id of the SCSI device to send the SCSI
                           Request Packet. Each transport driver may choose to
                           utilize a subset of this size to suit the needs
                           of transport target representation. For example, a 
                           Fibre Channel driver may use only 8 bytes (WWN)
                           to represent an FC target.
  @param[in]       Lun     The LUN of the SCSI device to send the SCSI Request Packet.
  @param[in, out]  Packet  A pointer to the SCSI Request Packet to send to the
                           SCSI device specified by Target and Lun.                  
  @param[in]       Event   If nonblocking I/O is not supported then Event is ignored,
                           and blocking I/O is performed. If Event is NULL, then
                           blocking I/O is performed. If Event is not NULL and non
                           blocking I/O is supported, then nonblocking I/O is performed,
                           and Event will be signaled when the SCSI Request Packet

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The SCSI Request Packet was sent by the host. For
                                bi-directional commands, InTransferLength bytes 
                                were transferred from InDataBuffer.
                                For write and bi-directional commands, OutTransferLength
                                bytes were transferred by OutDataBuffer.
  @retval EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE   The SCSI Request Packet was not executed.
                                The number of bytes that could be transferred is
                                returned in InTransferLength. For write and
                                bi-directional commands, OutTransferLength bytes
                                were transferred by OutDataBuffer.
  @retval EFI_NOT_READY         The SCSI Request Packet could not be sent because
                                there are too many SCSI Request Packets already
                                queued. The caller may retry later.
  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      A device error occurred while attempting to send
                                the SCSI Request Packet.                                
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Target, Lun, or the contents of ScsiRequestPacket,
                                are invalid.
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The command described by the SCSI Request Packet
                                is not supported by the host adapter.
                                This includes the case of Bi-directional SCSI
                                commands not supported by the implementation.
                                The SCSI Request Packet was not sent,
                                so no additional status information is available.
  @retval EFI_TIMEOUT           A timeout occurred while waiting for the SCSI
                                Request Packet to execute.

IScsiExtScsiPassThruFunction (
  IN EFI_EXT_SCSI_PASS_THRU_PROTOCOL                          *This,
  IN UINT8                                                    *Target,
  IN UINT64                                                   Lun,
  IN EFI_EVENT                                                Event     OPTIONAL
  EFI_STATUS         Status;
  if (Target[0] != 0) {

  if ((Packet == NULL) || (Packet->Cdb == NULL)) {

  Status = IScsiExecuteScsiCommand (This, Target, Lun, Packet);
  if ((Status != EFI_SUCCESS) && (Status != EFI_NOT_READY)) {
    // Try to reinstate the session and re-execute the Scsi command.
    if (EFI_ERROR (IScsiSessionReinstatement (Private->Session))) {
      return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;

    Status = IScsiExecuteScsiCommand (This, Target, Lun, Packet);

  return Status;