Exemple #1
   purpose -- allocate a int array with size entries
              and fill with value ival
   return value -- a pointer to the start of the array
   created : 95sep22, cca
int *
IVinit ( 
   int   size, 
   int   ival 
) {
int   *y = NULL ;
if ( size > 0 ) {
   y = IVinit2(size) ;
   IVfill(size, y, ival) ;
return(y) ; }
Exemple #2
   purpose -- to permute a vector
              y[*] := y[index[*]]

   created -- 95sep22, cca
IVperm ( 
   int   size, 
   int   y[], 
   int   index[] 
) {
if ( size > 0 ) {
   if ( y == NULL || index == NULL ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in IVperm, invalid data"
              "\n size = %d, y = %p, index = %p\n",
              size, y, index) ;
      exit(-1) ;
   } else {
      int   *x ;
      int   i  ;
      x = IVinit2(size) ;
      IVcopy(size, x, y) ;
      for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) {
         y[i] = x[index[i]] ; 
      IVfree(x) ;
return ; }
Exemple #3
   purpose -- to read a Graph object from a binary file

   return value -- 1 if success, 0  if failure

   created -- 95sep29, cca
Graph_readFromBinaryFile ( 
   Graph   *graph, 
   FILE    *fp 
) {
int   nedges, nvbnd, nvtx, rc, totewght, totvwght, type ;
int   itemp[6] ;
int   *vwghts ;
IVL   *adjIVL, *ewghtIVL ;
   check the input
if ( graph == NULL || fp == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Graph_readFromBinaryFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", graph, fp) ;
   return(0) ;
   clear the data fields
Graph_clearData(graph) ;
   read in the six scalar parameters
   type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, totvwght, totewght
if ( (rc = fread((void *) itemp, sizeof(int), 6, fp)) != 6 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromBinaryFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n %d items of %d read\n", graph, fp, rc, 6) ;
   return(0) ;
type     = itemp[0] ;
nvtx     = itemp[1] ;
nvbnd    = itemp[2] ;
nedges   = itemp[3] ;
totvwght = itemp[4] ;
totewght = itemp[5] ;
   create the adjIVL IVL object, 
   set its type to IVL_CHUNKED, then read in its data
adjIVL = IVL_new() ;
IVL_setDefaultFields(adjIVL) ;
adjIVL->type = IVL_CHUNKED ;
rc = IVL_readFromBinaryFile(adjIVL, fp) ;
if ( rc != 1 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromBinaryFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n trying to read in adjIVL"
           "\n return code %d from IVL_readBinaryFile(%p,%p)",
           graph, fp, rc, adjIVL, fp) ;
   return(0) ;
if ( type % 2 == 1 ) {
   int   nvtot, wght ;
   vertex weights are present
   nvtot  = nvtx + nvbnd ;
   vwghts = IVinit2(nvtot) ;
   if ( (rc = fread((void *) vwghts, sizeof(int), nvtot, fp)) != nvtot){
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromBinaryFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n %d items of %d read\n", graph, fp, rc, nvtx+nvbnd) ;
      return(0) ;
   wght = IVsum(nvtot, vwghts) ;
   if ( wght != totvwght ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromBinaryFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n totvwght = %d, IVsum(vwghts) = %d\n",
              graph, fp, totvwght, wght) ;
      return(0) ;
} else {
   vwghts = NULL ;
if ( type > 2 ) {
   int   wght ;
   edge weights are present, create the ewghtIVL object, 
   set its type to IVL_CHUNKED, then read in its data
   ewghtIVL = IVL_new() ;
   IVL_setDefaultFields(ewghtIVL) ;
   ewghtIVL->type = IVL_CHUNKED ;
   rc = IVL_readFromBinaryFile(ewghtIVL, fp) ;
   if ( rc != 1 ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromBinaryFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n trying to read in ewghtIVL"
              "\n return code %d from IVL_readBinaryFile(%p,%p)",
              graph, fp, rc, ewghtIVL, fp) ;
      return(0) ;
   wght = IVL_sum(ewghtIVL) ;
   if ( wght != totewght ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromBinaryFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n totewght = %d, IVL_sum(ewghtIVL) = %d\n",
              graph, fp, totewght, wght) ;
      return(0) ;
} else {
   ewghtIVL = NULL ;
   initialize the object
Graph_init2(graph, type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, totvwght, totewght,
            adjIVL, vwghts, ewghtIVL) ;

return(1) ; }