Exemple #1
static void ApplyWindowResize(unsigned int w, unsigned int h)
    screen_mode_t *mode;

    // Find the biggest screen mode that will fall within these
    // dimensions, falling back to the smallest mode possible if
    // none is found.

    mode = I_FindScreenMode(w, h);

    if (mode == NULL)
        mode = I_FindScreenMode(SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT);

    // Reset mode to resize window.

    printf("Resize to %ix%i\n", mode->width, mode->height);
    SetVideoMode(mode, mode->width, mode->height);

    // Save settings.

    screen_width = mode->width;
    screen_height = mode->height;
Exemple #2
static void AutoAdjustWindowed(void)
    screen_mode_t *best_mode;

    // Find a screen_mode_t to fit within the current settings

    best_mode = I_FindScreenMode(screen_width, screen_height);

    if (best_mode == NULL)
        // Nothing fits within the current settings.
        // Pick the closest to 320x200 possible.

        best_mode = I_FindScreenMode(SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT_4_3);

    // Switch to the best mode if necessary.

    if (best_mode->width != screen_width || best_mode->height != screen_height)
        printf("I_InitGraphics: Cannot run at specified mode: %ix%i\n",
               screen_width, screen_height);

        screen_width = best_mode->width;
        screen_height = best_mode->height;
Exemple #3
void I_InitGraphics(void)
    SDL_Event dummy;
    byte *doompal;
    char *env;

    // Pass through the XSCREENSAVER_WINDOW environment variable to 
    // SDL_WINDOWID, to embed the SDL window into the Xscreensaver
    // window.

    env = getenv("XSCREENSAVER_WINDOW");

    if (env != NULL)
        char winenv[30];
        int winid;

        sscanf(env, "0x%x", &winid);
        M_snprintf(winenv, sizeof(winenv), "SDL_WINDOWID=%i", winid);



    if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) 
        I_Error("Failed to initialize video: %s", SDL_GetError());

    // Set up title and icon.  Windows cares about the ordering; this
    // has to be done before the call to SDL_SetVideoMode.


    // Warning to OS X users... though they might never see it :(
#ifdef __MACOSX__
    if (fullscreen)
        printf("Some old versions of OS X might crash in fullscreen mode.\n"
               "If this happens to you, switch back to windowed mode.\n");

    // Enter into graphics mode.
    // When in screensaver mode, run full screen and auto detect
    // screen dimensions (don't change video mode)

    if (screensaver_mode)
        SetVideoMode(NULL, 0, 0);
        int w, h;

        if (autoadjust_video_settings)

        w = screen_width;
        h = screen_height;

        screen_mode = I_FindScreenMode(w, h);

        if (screen_mode == NULL)
            I_Error("I_InitGraphics: Unable to find a screen mode small "
                    "enough for %ix%i", w, h);

        if (w != screen_mode->width || h != screen_mode->height)
            printf("I_InitGraphics: %s (%ix%i within %ix%i)\n",
                   WindowBoxType(screen_mode, w, h),
                   screen_mode->width, screen_mode->height, w, h);

        SetVideoMode(screen_mode, w, h);

    // Start with a clear black screen
    // (screen will be flipped after we set the palette)

    SDL_FillRect(screenbuffer, NULL, 0);

    // Set the palette

    doompal = W_CacheLumpName(DEH_String("PLAYPAL"), PU_CACHE);
    SDL_SetColors(screenbuffer, palette, 0, 256);



    // On some systems, it takes a second or so for the screen to settle
    // after changing modes.  We include the option to add a delay when
    // setting the screen mode, so that the game doesn't start immediately
    // with the player unable to see anything.

    if (fullscreen && !screensaver_mode)

    // Check if we have a native surface we can use
    // If we have to lock the screen, draw to a buffer and copy
    // Likewise if the screen pitch is not the same as the width
    // If we have to multiply, drawing is done to a separate 320x200 buf

    native_surface = screen == screenbuffer
                  && !SDL_MUSTLOCK(screen)
                  && screen_mode == &mode_scale_1x
                  && screen->pitch == SCREENWIDTH
                  && aspect_ratio_correct;

    // If not, allocate a buffer and copy from that buffer to the
    // screen when we do an update

    if (native_surface)
	I_VideoBuffer = (unsigned char *) screen->pixels;

        I_VideoBuffer += (screen->h - SCREENHEIGHT) / 2;
	I_VideoBuffer = (unsigned char *) Z_Malloc (SCREENWIDTH * SCREENHEIGHT, 
                                                    PU_STATIC, NULL);


    // Clear the screen to black.

    memset(I_VideoBuffer, 0, SCREENWIDTH * SCREENHEIGHT);

    // We need SDL to give us translated versions of keys as well


    // Repeat key presses - this is what Vanilla Doom does
    // Not sure about repeat rate - probably dependent on which DOS
    // driver is used.  This is good enough though.


    // clear out any events waiting at the start and center the mouse
    while (SDL_PollEvent(&dummy));

    initialized = true;

    // Call I_ShutdownGraphics on quit

    I_AtExit(I_ShutdownGraphics, true);
Exemple #4
static void SetVideoMode(screen_mode_t *mode, int w, int h)
    byte *doompal;
    int flags = 0;

    doompal = W_CacheLumpName(DEH_String("PLAYPAL"), PU_CACHE);

    // If we are already running and in a true color mode, we need
    // to free the screenbuffer surface before setting the new mode.

    if (screenbuffer != NULL && screen != screenbuffer)

    // Generate lookup tables before setting the video mode.

    if (mode != NULL && mode->InitMode != NULL)

    // Set the video mode.


    if (screen_bpp == 8)
        flags |= SDL_HWPALETTE;

    if (fullscreen)
        flags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN;
        // In windowed mode, the window can be resized while the game is
        // running.  This feature is disabled on OS X, as it adds an ugly
        // scroll handle to the corner of the screen.

#ifndef __MACOSX__
        flags |= SDL_RESIZABLE;

    screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, screen_bpp, flags);

    if (screen == NULL)
        I_Error("Error setting video mode %ix%ix%ibpp: %s\n",
                w, h, screen_bpp, SDL_GetError());

    // Blank out the full screen area in case there is any junk in
    // the borders that won't otherwise be overwritten.

    SDL_FillRect(screen, NULL, 0);

    // If mode was not set, it must be set now that we know the
    // screen size.

    if (mode == NULL)
        mode = I_FindScreenMode(screen->w, screen->h);

        if (mode == NULL)
            I_Error("I_InitGraphics: Unable to find a screen mode small "
                    "enough for %ix%i", screen->w, screen->h);

        // Generate lookup tables before setting the video mode.

        if (mode->InitMode != NULL)

    // Create the screenbuffer surface; if we have a real 8-bit palettized
    // screen, then we can use the screen as the screenbuffer.

    if (screen->format->BitsPerPixel == 8)
        screenbuffer = screen;
        screenbuffer = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,
                                            mode->width, mode->height, 8,
                                            0, 0, 0, 0);

        SDL_FillRect(screenbuffer, NULL, 0);

    // Save screen mode.

    screen_mode = mode;
Exemple #5
static boolean AutoAdjustFullscreen(void)
    SDL_Rect **modes;
    SDL_Rect *best_mode;
    screen_mode_t *screen_mode;
    int diff, best_diff;
    int i;

    modes = SDL_ListModes(NULL, SDL_FULLSCREEN);

    // No fullscreen modes available at all?

    if (modes == NULL || modes == (SDL_Rect **) -1 || *modes == NULL)
        return false;

    // Find the best mode that matches the mode specified in the
    // configuration file

    best_mode = NULL;
    best_diff = INT_MAX;

    for (i=0; modes[i] != NULL; ++i)
        //printf("%ix%i?\n", modes[i]->w, modes[i]->h);

        // What screen_mode_t would be used for this video mode?

        screen_mode = I_FindScreenMode(modes[i]->w, modes[i]->h);

        // Never choose a screen mode that we cannot run in, or
        // is poor quality for fullscreen

        if (screen_mode == NULL || screen_mode->poor_quality)
        //    printf("\tUnsupported / poor quality\n");

        // Do we have the exact mode?
        // If so, no autoadjust needed

        if (screen_width == modes[i]->w && screen_height == modes[i]->h)
        //    printf("\tExact mode!\n");
            return true;

        // Is this mode better than the current mode?

        diff = (screen_width - modes[i]->w) * (screen_width - modes[i]->w)
             + (screen_height - modes[i]->h) * (screen_height - modes[i]->h);

        if (diff < best_diff)
        //    printf("\tA valid mode\n");
            best_mode = modes[i];
            best_diff = diff;

    if (best_mode == NULL)
        // Unable to find a valid mode!

        return false;

    printf("I_InitGraphics: %ix%i mode not supported on this machine.\n",
           screen_width, screen_height);

    screen_width = best_mode->w;
    screen_height = best_mode->h;

    return true;
void I_InitGraphics(void)
    SDL_Event dummy;
    byte *doompal;
    int flags = 0;
    char *env;

    // Pass through the XSCREENSAVER_WINDOW environment variable to 
    // SDL_WINDOWID, to embed the SDL window into the Xscreensaver
    // window.

    env = getenv("XSCREENSAVER_WINDOW");

    if (env != NULL)
        char winenv[30];
        int winid;

        sscanf(env, "0x%x", &winid);
        sprintf(winenv, "SDL_WINDOWID=%i", winid);



    if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) 
        I_Error("Failed to initialize video: %s", SDL_GetError());

    // Check for command-line video-related parameters.


    doompal = W_CacheLumpName (DEH_String("PLAYPAL"),PU_CACHE);

    if (screensaver_mode)
        windowwidth = 0;
        windowheight = 0;
        if (autoadjust_video_settings)

        windowwidth = screen_width;
        windowheight = screen_height;

        screen_mode = I_FindScreenMode(windowwidth, windowheight);

        if (screen_mode == NULL)
            I_Error("I_InitGraphics: Unable to find a screen mode small "
                    "enough for %ix%i", windowwidth, windowheight);

        if (windowwidth != screen_mode->width
         || windowheight != screen_mode->height)
            printf("I_InitGraphics: %s (%ix%i within %ix%i)\n",
                   WindowBoxType(screen_mode, windowwidth, windowheight),
                   screen_mode->width, screen_mode->height,
                   windowwidth, windowheight);

        // Generate lookup tables before setting the video mode.

        if (screen_mode->InitMode != NULL)

    // Set up title and icon.  Windows cares about the ordering; this
    // has to be done before the call to SDL_SetVideoMode.


    // Set the video mode.


    if (fullscreen)
        flags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN;

    screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(windowwidth, windowheight, 8, flags);

    if (screen == NULL)
        I_Error("Error setting video mode: %s\n", SDL_GetError());

    // Start with a clear black screen
    // (screen will be flipped after we set the palette)

    if (SDL_LockSurface(screen) >= 0)
        byte *screenpixels;
        int y;

        screenpixels = (byte *) screen->pixels;

        for (y=0; y<screen->h; ++y)
            memset(screenpixels + screen->pitch * y, 0, screen->w);


    // Set the palette

    SDL_SetColors(screen, palette, 0, 256);



    // In screensaver mode, now find a screen_mode to use.

    if (screensaver_mode)
        screen_mode = I_FindScreenMode(screen->w, screen->h);

        if (screen_mode == NULL)
            I_Error("I_InitGraphics: Unable to find a screen mode small "
                    "enough for %ix%i", screen->w, screen->h);

        // Generate lookup tables before setting the video mode.

        if (screen_mode->InitMode != NULL)
    // On some systems, it takes a second or so for the screen to settle
    // after changing modes.  We include the option to add a delay when
    // setting the screen mode, so that the game doesn't start immediately
    // with the player unable to see anything.

    if (fullscreen && !screensaver_mode)

    // Check if we have a native surface we can use
    // If we have to lock the screen, draw to a buffer and copy
    // Likewise if the screen pitch is not the same as the width
    // If we have to multiply, drawing is done to a separate 320x200 buf

    native_surface = !SDL_MUSTLOCK(screen) 
                  && screen_mode == &mode_scale_1x
                  && screen->pitch == SCREENWIDTH
                  && aspect_ratio_correct;

    // If not, allocate a buffer and copy from that buffer to the 
    // screen when we do an update

    if (native_surface)
	screens[0] = (unsigned char *) screen->pixels;

        screens[0] += (screen->h - SCREENHEIGHT) / 2;
	screens[0] = (unsigned char *) Z_Malloc (SCREENWIDTH * SCREENHEIGHT, 
                                                 PU_STATIC, NULL);

    // "Loading from disk" icon


    // Clear the screen to black.

    memset(screens[0], 0, SCREENWIDTH * SCREENHEIGHT);

    // We need SDL to give us translated versions of keys as well


    // Repeat key presses - this is what Vanilla Doom does
    // Not sure about repeat rate - probably dependent on which DOS
    // driver is used.  This is good enough though.


    // clear out any events waiting at the start and center the mouse
    while (SDL_PollEvent(&dummy));

    if (usemouse && !nomouse && (fullscreen || grabmouse))

    initialized = true;
static void SetScaleFactor(int factor)
    if (fullscreen)
        // In fullscreen, find a mode that will provide this scale factor

        SDL_Rect **modes;
        SDL_Rect *best_mode;
        screen_mode_t *scrmode;
        int best_num_pixels, num_pixels;
        int i;

        modes = SDL_ListModes(NULL, SDL_FULLSCREEN);

        best_mode = NULL;
        best_num_pixels = INT_MAX;

        for (i=0; modes[i] != NULL; ++i)
            // What screen_mode_t will this use?

            scrmode = I_FindScreenMode(modes[i]->w, modes[i]->h);

            if (scrmode == NULL)

            // Only choose modes that fit the requested scale factor.
            // Note that this allows 320x240 as valid for 1x scale, as 
            // 240/200 is rounded down to 1 by integer division.

            if ((scrmode->width / SCREENWIDTH) != factor
             || (scrmode->height / SCREENHEIGHT) != factor)

            // Is this a better mode than what we currently have?

            num_pixels = modes[i]->w * modes[i]->h;

            if (num_pixels < best_num_pixels)
                best_num_pixels = num_pixels;
                best_mode = modes[i];

        if (best_mode == NULL)
            I_Error("No fullscreen graphics mode available to support "
                    "%ix scale factor!", factor);

        screen_width = best_mode->w;
        screen_height = best_mode->h;
        int w, h;

        // Pick 320x200 or 320x240, depending on aspect ratio correct

        if (aspect_ratio_correct)
            w = SCREENWIDTH;
            h = SCREENHEIGHT_4_3;
            w = SCREENWIDTH;
            h = SCREENHEIGHT;

        screen_width = w * factor;
        screen_height = h * factor;