void D_InitNetGame (void) { int i; int numplayers = 1; i = M_CheckParm("-net"); if (i && i < myargc-1) i++; if (!(netgame = server = !!i)) { playeringame[consoleplayer = 0] = TRUE; // e6y // for play, recording or playback using "single-player coop" mode. // Equivalent to using prboom_server with -N 1 netgame = M_CheckParm("-solo-net") || M_CheckParm("-net1"); } else { // Get game info from server packet_header_t *packet = Z_Malloc(1000, PU_STATIC, NULL); struct setup_packet_s *sinfo = (void*)(packet+1); struct { packet_header_t head; short pn; } PACKEDATTR initpacket; I_InitNetwork(); udp_socket = I_Socket(0); I_ConnectToServer(myargv[i]); do { do { // Send init packet initpacket.pn = doom_htons(wanted_player_number); packet_set(&initpacket.head, PKT_INIT, 0); I_SendPacket(&initpacket.head, sizeof(initpacket)); I_WaitForPacket(5000); } while (!I_GetPacket(packet, 1000)); if (packet->type == PKT_DOWN) I_Error("Server aborted the game"); } while (packet->type != PKT_SETUP); // Get info from the setup packet consoleplayer = sinfo->yourplayer; compatibility_level = sinfo->complevel; G_Compatibility(); startskill = sinfo->skill; deathmatch = sinfo->deathmatch; startmap = sinfo->level; startepisode = sinfo->episode; ticdup = sinfo->ticdup; xtratics = sinfo->extratic; G_ReadOptions(sinfo->game_options); lprintf(LO_INFO, "\tjoined game as player %d/%d; %d WADs specified\n", consoleplayer+1, numplayers = sinfo->players, sinfo->numwads); { char *p = sinfo->wadnames; int i = sinfo->numwads; while (i--) { D_AddFile(p, source_net); p += strlen(p) + 1; } } Z_Free(packet); } localcmds = netcmds[displayplayer = consoleplayer]; for (i=0; i<numplayers; i++) playeringame[i] = TRUE; for (; i<MAXPLAYERS; i++) playeringame[i] = FALSE; if (!playeringame[consoleplayer]) I_Error("D_InitNetGame: consoleplayer not in game"); }
// // D_CheckNetGame // Works out player numbers among the net participants // boolean D_CheckNetGame(void) { boolean ret = false; InitAck(); rebound_tail = rebound_head = 0; statstarttic = I_GetTime(); I_NetGet = Internal_Get; I_NetSend = Internal_Send; I_NetCanSend = NULL; I_NetCloseSocket = NULL; I_NetFreeNodenum = Internal_FreeNodenum; I_NetMakeNodewPort = NULL; hardware_MAXPACKETLENGTH = MAXPACKETLENGTH; net_bandwidth = 30000; // I_InitNetwork sets doomcom and netgame // check and initialize the network driver multiplayer = false; // only dos version with external driver will return true netgame = I_InitNetwork(); if (!netgame && !I_NetOpenSocket) { D_SetDoomcom(); netgame = I_InitTcpNetwork(); } if (netgame) ret = true; if (!server && netgame) netgame = false; server = true; // WTF? server always true??? // no! The deault mode is server. Client is set elsewhere // when the client executes connect command. doomcom->ticdup = 1; if (M_CheckParm("-extratic")) { if (M_IsNextParm()) doomcom->extratics = (INT16)atoi(M_GetNextParm()); else doomcom->extratics = 1; CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Set extratics to %d\n"), doomcom->extratics); } if (M_CheckParm("-bandwidth")) { if (M_IsNextParm()) { net_bandwidth = atoi(M_GetNextParm()); if (net_bandwidth < 1000) net_bandwidth = 1000; if (net_bandwidth > 100000) hardware_MAXPACKETLENGTH = MAXPACKETLENGTH; CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Network bandwidth set to %d\n"), net_bandwidth); } else I_Error("usage: -bandwidth <byte_per_sec>"); } software_MAXPACKETLENGTH = hardware_MAXPACKETLENGTH; if (M_CheckParm("-packetsize")) { if (M_IsNextParm()) { INT32 p = atoi(M_GetNextParm()); if (p < 75) p = 75; if (p > hardware_MAXPACKETLENGTH) p = hardware_MAXPACKETLENGTH; software_MAXPACKETLENGTH = (UINT16)p; } else I_Error("usage: -packetsize <bytes_per_packet>"); } if (netgame) multiplayer = true; if (doomcom->id != DOOMCOM_ID) I_Error("Doomcom buffer invalid!"); if (doomcom->numnodes > MAXNETNODES) I_Error("Too many nodes (%d), max:%d", doomcom->numnodes, MAXNETNODES); netbuffer = (doomdata_t *)(void *)&doomcom->data; #ifdef DEBUGFILE #ifdef _arch_dreamcast //debugfile = stderr; if (debugfile) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("debug output to: %s\n"), "STDERR"); #else if (M_CheckParm("-debugfile")) { char filename[20]; INT32 k = doomcom->consoleplayer - 1; if (M_IsNextParm()) k = atoi(M_GetNextParm()) - 1; while (!debugfile && k < MAXPLAYERS) { k++; sprintf(filename, "debug%d.txt", k); debugfile = fopen(filename, "w"); } if (debugfile) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("debug output to: %s\n"), filename); else CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("cannot debug output to file %s!\n"), filename); } #endif #endif D_ClientServerInit(); return ret; }
void D_InitNetGame (void) { int i; int numplayers = 1; i = M_CheckParm("-net"); if (i && i < myargc-1) i++; server = netgame; if (!netgame) { playeringame[consoleplayer = 0] = true; } else { StartWifi(); // Get game info from server packet_header_t *packet = Z_Malloc(1000, PU_STATIC, NULL); struct setup_packet_s *sinfo = (void*)(packet+1); struct { packet_header_t head; short pn; } PACKEDATTR initpacket; iprintf("I_InitNetwork()\n"); I_InitNetwork(); udp_socket = I_Socket(0); //I_ConnectToServer(myargv[i]); iprintf("I_ConnectToServer()\n"); if (I_ConnectToServer(server_address[0]) != 0) iprintf("FAILURE!\n"); iprintf("Connected?\n"); do { iprintf("Send Init Packet\n"); do { // Send init packet initpacket.pn = doom_htons(wanted_player_number); packet_set(&initpacket.head, PKT_INIT, 0); I_SendPacket(&initpacket.head, sizeof(initpacket)); iprintf("Wait for packet\n"); I_WaitForPacket(5000); iprintf("Done\n"); } while (!I_GetPacket(packet, 1000)); iprintf("Got it!\n"); if (packet->type == PKT_DOWN) I_Error("Server aborted the game"); } while (packet->type != PKT_SETUP); iprintf("Out of loop!\n"); // Once we have been accepted by the server, we should tell it when we leave atexit(D_QuitNetGame); // Get info from the setup packet consoleplayer = sinfo->yourplayer; compatibility_level = sinfo->complevel; G_Compatibility(); startskill = sinfo->skill; deathmatch = sinfo->deathmatch; startmap = sinfo->level; startepisode = sinfo->episode; ticdup = sinfo->ticdup; xtratics = sinfo->extratic; G_ReadOptions(sinfo->game_options); lprintf(LO_INFO, "\tjoined game as player %d/%d; %d WADs specified\n", consoleplayer+1, numplayers = sinfo->players, sinfo->numwads); { char *p = sinfo->wadnames; int i = sinfo->numwads; while (i--) { D_AddFile(p, source_net); p += strlen(p) + 1; } } Z_Free(packet); } localcmds = netcmds[displayplayer = consoleplayer]; for (i=0; i<numplayers; i++) playeringame[i] = true; for (; i<MAXPLAYERS; i++) playeringame[i] = false; if (!playeringame[consoleplayer]) I_Error("D_InitNetGame: consoleplayer not in game"); }