Exemple #1
void InvertGrid( HWND hWindow, HDC hDC, LPRECT lpGridRect, int x, int y )
    RECT rRect1, rRect2;

    rRect1 = *lpGridRect;
    Image2Control( (LPINT)&rRect1.left, (LPINT)&rRect1.top );
    Image2Control( (LPINT)&rRect1.right, (LPINT)&rRect1.bottom );
    if ( x == 0 && y == 0 )
        InvertSelection( hWindow, hDC, &rRect1, SL_BLOCK );

    NewGridFromPoint( lpGridRect, x, y );
    rRect2 = *lpGridRect;
    Image2Control( (LPINT)&rRect2.left, (LPINT)&rRect2.top );
    Image2Control( (LPINT)&rRect2.right, (LPINT)&rRect2.bottom );

    if ( !EqualRect( &rRect1, &rRect2 ) )
        InvertSelection( hWindow, hDC, &rRect1, SL_BLOCK );
        InvertSelection( hWindow, hDC, &rRect2, SL_BLOCK );
Exemple #2
void DrawGrid( HWND hWindow, HDC hDC, LPRECT lpGridRect, int iType )
    RECT rRect;

    rRect = *lpGridRect;
    Image2Control( (LPINT)&rRect.left, (LPINT)&rRect.top );
    Image2Control( (LPINT)&rRect.right, (LPINT)&rRect.bottom );
    InvertSelection( hWindow, hDC, &rRect, iType );
Exemple #3
void CSelection::InvertSelection(HWND hWnd, HDC hDC, RECT* pRect, int fFlags)
	short OldROP;
	bool fNeedDC;
	RECT SelectRect;
	static RECT LastSelectRect;
	static int LastFlags;
	bool fDoc = false;
	int type;

	if (pRect->right - pRect->left > 50)
		int i = 0;

	if (fFlags && pRect)
	{ // Saved for the display hook
		LastSelectRect = *pRect;
		LastFlags = fFlags;
	{ // Called from the display hook
		fFlags = LastFlags;

	type = fFlags & SL_TYPE;
	SelectRect = LastSelectRect;
	if (fDoc)
//j		if (type == SL_LINE)
//j		{
//j			File2DisplayEx(hWnd, (LPINT)&SelectRect.left, (LPINT)&SelectRect.top, true);
//j			File2DisplayEx(hWnd, (LPINT)&SelectRect.right, (LPINT)&SelectRect.bottom, true);
//j		}
//j		else
//j		{
//j			OrderRect(&SelectRect, &SelectRect);
//j			File2DispRectExact(hWnd, &SelectRect, &SelectRect); 
//j		}

	if (fNeedDC = (!hDC))
		hDC = GetDC(hWnd);

	switch (type)
		case SL_BOX:
			OldROP = SetROP2(hDC, R2_NOT);
			MoveToEx(hDC, SelectRect.left, SelectRect.top, NULL);
			LineTo(hDC, SelectRect.right, SelectRect.top);
			LineTo(hDC, SelectRect.right, SelectRect.bottom);
			LineTo(hDC, SelectRect.left, SelectRect.bottom);
			LineTo(hDC, SelectRect.left, SelectRect.top);
			SetROP2(hDC, OldROP);

			OldROP = SetROP2(hDC, R2_NOT);
			MoveToEx(hDC, SelectRect.left, SelectRect.top, NULL);
			LineTo(hDC, SelectRect.right, SelectRect.top);
			LineTo(hDC, SelectRect.right, SelectRect.bottom);
			LineTo(hDC, SelectRect.left, SelectRect.bottom);
			LineTo(hDC, SelectRect.left, SelectRect.top);
			SetROP2(hDC, OldROP);
			DrawHandles(hDC, &SelectRect);

	#ifdef NOTUSED //j
		case SL_GRID:
			RECT ClientRect;
			int x, y, dx, dy, cx, cy;

			OldROP = SetROP2(hDC, R2_NOT);
			GetClientRect(hWnd, &ClientRect);
			dx = abs(RectWidth(&SelectRect));
			dy = abs(RectHeight(&SelectRect));
			if (dx > CLOSENESS && dy > CLOSENESS)
				x = min(SelectRect.left, SelectRect.right);
				cx = x;
				Image2Control(&cx, &cy);
				while (cx >= ClientRect.left)
					MoveToEx(hDC, cx, ClientRect.top, NULL);
					LineTo(hDC, cx, ClientRect.bottom);
					x -= dx;
					cx = x;
					Image2Control(&cx, &cy);
				x = max(SelectRect.left, SelectRect.right);
				cx = x;
				Image2Control(&cx, &cy);
				while (cx <= ClientRect.right)
					MoveToEx(hDC, cx, ClientRect.top, NULL);
					LineTo(hDC, cx, ClientRect.bottom);
					x += dx;
					cx = x;
					Image2Control(&cx, &cy);
				y = min(SelectRect.top, SelectRect.bottom);
				cy = y;
				Image2Control(&cx, &cy);
				while (cy >= ClientRect.top)
					MoveToEx(hDC, ClientRect.left, cy, NULL);
					LineTo(hDC, ClientRect.right, cy);
					y -= dy;
					cy = y;
					Image2Control(&cx, &cy);
				y = max(SelectRect.top, SelectRect.bottom);
				cy = y;
				Image2Control(&cx, &cy);
				while (cy <= ClientRect.bottom)
					MoveToEx(hDC, ClientRect.left, cy, NULL);
					LineTo(hDC, ClientRect.right, cy);
					y += dy;
					cy = y;
					Image2Control(&cx, &cy);
				Image2Control((LPINT)&SelectRect.left, (LPINT)&SelectRect.top);
				Image2Control((LPINT)&SelectRect.right, (LPINT)&SelectRect.bottom);
				MoveToEx(hDC, SelectRect.left, SelectRect.top, NULL);
				LineTo(hDC, SelectRect.right, SelectRect.top);
				LineTo(hDC, SelectRect.right, SelectRect.bottom);
				LineTo(hDC, SelectRect.left, SelectRect.bottom);
				LineTo(hDC, SelectRect.left, SelectRect.top);
			SetROP2(hDC, OldROP);
	#endif NOTUSED //j

		case SL_LINE:
			OldROP = SetROP2(hDC, R2_NOT);
			MoveToEx(hDC, SelectRect.left, SelectRect.top, NULL);
			LineTo(hDC, SelectRect.right, SelectRect.bottom);
			SetROP2(hDC, OldROP);

		case SL_ELLIPSE:
			OldROP = SetROP2(hDC, R2_NOT);
			HBRUSH hOldBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(hDC, GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH));
			Ellipse(hDC, SelectRect.left, SelectRect.top,
				SelectRect.right, SelectRect.bottom);
			SetROP2(hDC, OldROP);
			SelectObject(hDC, hOldBrush);

		case SL_BLOCK:
			PatBlt(hDC, SelectRect.left, SelectRect.top,
				SelectRect.right - SelectRect.left,
				SelectRect.bottom - SelectRect.top, DSTINVERT);

	if (fNeedDC)
		ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC);