Polygon::Polygon(char* filename)
    printf("Analyzing %s\n", filename);
    //Temporary image pointer
    Image* tempImage;
    //OpenCV image matrix
    Mat imageCV;
    //read the file
    imageCV = imread(filename,0);
    //check for existance of image
        //printf("Unable to load iamge for %s\n", filename);
        image = NULL;
    //Convert to local class
    image = new Image(imageCV);
    //Generate Entropy image
    printf("\tGenerate Entropy image ... \n");
    entropyImage = ImageFeatures::Entropy(image, 9);
    //Image processing class
    ImageProcessing ip = ImageProcessing(entropyImage);
    //Threshold and open the image
    mask = ip.doMorphologicalOperation(MORPHO_OPEN,20);
    //extract largest region
    tempImage = ip.label(mask);
    delete mask;
    mask = tempImage;
    tempImage = mask->zeropad();
    delete mask;
    mask = tempImage;
    tempImage = image->zeropad();
    delete image;
    image = tempImage;
    //refine the mask

    printf("\tRefining the mask ... \n");
    maskedImage = ip.RefineForeground(image, &mask);

    //Approxiame image as mask

    printf("\tApproximate image as mask ... \n");
    Link* polygonCorners = ip.polyApprox(mask, 20);

    //fill the vertices
    Link* currentCorner = polygonCorners;
    nVertices = 0;
    while(currentCorner != NULL)
        currentCorner = currentCorner->next;

    vertex = (Pair*)calloc(nVertices, sizeof(Pair));
    currentCorner = polygonCorners;

    for(int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++)
        vertex[i].x = currentCorner->data->x;
        vertex[i].y = currentCorner->data->y;
        currentCorner = currentCorner->next;

    angle = NULL;
    edgeLength = NULL;

    //compute geometric features
   @brief Main function of the camera node
   @param argc
   @param argv
   @return int
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	ros::init(argc, argv, "Point_Grey");

	ros::NodeHandle n("~");
	string node_ns = ros::this_node::getNamespace();
	node_ns.erase(0, 2);
	n.getParam("ballDiameter", BALL_DIAMETER);
	cout << "Node namespace:" << node_ns << endl;
	cout << "Ball diameter:" << BALL_DIAMETER << endl;

	//read calibration paraneters
	string a="/intrinsic_calibrations/ros_calib.yaml";
	string path = ros::package::getPath("calibration_gui");
	path += a;
	FileStorage fs(path, FileStorage::READ);
		cout<<"failed to open document"<<endl;
		return -1;

	fs["CM1"] >> CameraMatrix1;
	fs["D1"] >> disCoeffs1;
	std::cout << CameraMatrix1 << std::endl;
	std::cout << disCoeffs1 << std::endl;

	image_transport::ImageTransport it(n);

	string raw_data_topic = "/" + node_ns;

	string ballDetection_topic = raw_data_topic + "/BD_" + node_ns;

	ballCentroidImage_pub = it.advertise(ballDetection_topic + "/BallDetection", 1);
	ballCentroidCam_pub = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::PointStamped>( ballDetection_topic + "/SphereCentroid", 1);
	ballCentroidCamPnP_pub = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::PointStamped>( ballDetection_topic + "/SphereCentroidPnP", 1);

	CameraRaw cameraRaw(node_ns);

	CreateTrackbarsAndWindows ();

	ros::Rate loop_rate(15);

	std::cout << "test" << std::endl;
	while (ros::ok())
		std::cout << "test2" << std::endl;

		if(!cameraRaw.camImage.empty()) {

std::cout << "test3" << std::endl;

	//destroy the windows
	destroyWindow("Binarized Image");
	return 0;