// Action_Distance::action()
Action::RetType Action_Distance::DoAction(int frameNum, Frame* currentFrame, Frame** frameAddress) {
  double Dist;
  Matrix_3x3 ucell, recip;
  Vec3 a1, a2;

  if (useMass_) {
    a1 = currentFrame->VCenterOfMass( Mask1_ );
    a2 = currentFrame->VCenterOfMass( Mask2_ );
  } else {
    a1 = currentFrame->VGeometricCenter( Mask1_ );
    a2 = currentFrame->VGeometricCenter( Mask2_ );

  switch ( ImageType() ) {
    case NONORTHO:
      currentFrame->BoxCrd().ToRecip(ucell, recip);
      Dist = DIST2_ImageNonOrtho(a1, a2, ucell, recip);
    case ORTHO:
      Dist = DIST2_ImageOrtho(a1, a2, currentFrame->BoxCrd());
    case NOIMAGE:
      Dist = DIST2_NoImage(a1, a2);
  Dist = sqrt(Dist);

  dist_->Add(frameNum, &Dist);

  //fprintf(outfile,"%10i %10.4lf\n",frameNum,D);
  return Action::OK;
Exemple #2
double Action_LIE::Calculate_LJ(Frame const& frameIn, Topology const& parmIn) const {
  double result = 0;
  // Loop over ligand atoms
  AtomMask::const_iterator mask1_end = Mask1_.end();
  AtomMask::const_iterator mask2_end = Mask2_.end();
  for (AtomMask::const_iterator maskatom1 = Mask1_.begin();
       maskatom1 != mask1_end; maskatom1++) {

    int crdidx1 = (*maskatom1) * 3; // index into coordinate array
    Vec3 atm1 = Vec3(frameIn.CRD(crdidx1));

    for (AtomMask::const_iterator maskatom2 = Mask2_.begin();
         maskatom2 != mask2_end; maskatom2++) {

      int crdidx2 = (*maskatom2) * 3; // index into coordinate array
      Vec3 atm2 = Vec3(frameIn.CRD(crdidx2));
      double dist2;
      // Get imaged distance
      Matrix_3x3 ucell, recip;
      switch( ImageType() ) {
        case NONORTHO:
          frameIn.BoxCrd().ToRecip(ucell, recip);
          dist2 = DIST2_ImageNonOrtho(atm1, atm2, ucell, recip);
        case ORTHO:
          dist2 = DIST2_ImageOrtho(atm1, atm2, frameIn.BoxCrd());
          dist2 = DIST2_NoImage(atm1, atm2);

      if (dist2 > cut2vdw_) continue;
      // Here we add to our nonbonded (VDW) energy
      NonbondType const& LJ = parmIn.GetLJparam(*maskatom1, *maskatom2);
      double r2 = 1 / dist2;
      double r6 = r2 * r2 * r2;
      result += LJ.A() * r6 * r6 - LJ.B() * r6;

  return result;
Exemple #3
double Action_LIE::Calculate_Elec(Frame const& frameIn) const {
  double result = 0;
  // Loop over ligand atoms
  AtomMask::const_iterator mask1_end = Mask1_.end();
  AtomMask::const_iterator mask2_end = Mask2_.end();
  for (AtomMask::const_iterator maskatom1 = Mask1_.begin();
       maskatom1 != mask1_end; maskatom1++) {

    int crdidx1 = (*maskatom1) * 3; // index into coordinate array
    Vec3 atm1 = Vec3(frameIn.CRD(crdidx1));

    for (AtomMask::const_iterator maskatom2 = Mask2_.begin();
         maskatom2 != mask2_end; maskatom2++) {

      int crdidx2 = (*maskatom2) * 3; // index into coordinate array
      Vec3 atm2 = Vec3(frameIn.CRD(crdidx2));
      double dist2;
      // Get imaged distance
      Matrix_3x3 ucell, recip;
      switch( ImageType() ) {
        case NONORTHO:
          frameIn.BoxCrd().ToRecip(ucell, recip);
          dist2 = DIST2_ImageNonOrtho(atm1, atm2, ucell, recip);
        case ORTHO:
          dist2 = DIST2_ImageOrtho(atm1, atm2, frameIn.BoxCrd());
          dist2 = DIST2_NoImage(atm1, atm2);

      if (dist2 > cut2elec_) continue;
      // Here we add to our electrostatic energy
      double qiqj = atom_charge_[*maskatom1] * atom_charge_[*maskatom2];
      double shift = (1 - dist2 * onecut2_);
      result += qiqj / sqrt(dist2) * shift * shift;

  return result;
double Action_Spam::Calculate_Energy(Frame *frameIn, Residue const& res) {

  // The first atom of the solvent residue we want the energy from
  double result = 0;
  /* Now loop through all atoms in the residue and loop through the pairlist to
   * get the energies
  for (int i = res.FirstAtom(); i < res.LastAtom(); i++) {
    Vec3 atm1 = Vec3(frameIn->XYZ(i));
    for (int j = 0; j < CurrentParm_.Natom(); j++) {
      if (j >= res.FirstAtom() && j < res.LastAtom()) continue;
      Vec3 atm2 = Vec3(frameIn->XYZ(j));
      double dist2;
      // Get imaged distance
      Matrix_3x3 ucell, recip;
      switch( ImageType() ) {
        case NONORTHO:
          frameIn->BoxCrd().ToRecip(ucell, recip);
          dist2 = DIST2_ImageNonOrtho(atm1, atm2, ucell, recip);
        case ORTHO:
          dist2 = DIST2_ImageOrtho(atm1, atm2, frameIn->BoxCrd());
          dist2 = DIST2_NoImage(atm1, atm2);
      if (dist2 < cut2_) {
        double qiqj = atom_charge_[i] * atom_charge_[j];
        NonbondType const& LJ = CurrentParm_.GetLJparam(i, j);
        double r2 = 1 / dist2;
        double r6 = r2 * r2 * r2;
                  // Shifted electrostatics: qiqj/r * (1-r/rcut)^2 + VDW
        double shift = (1 - dist2 * onecut2_);
        result += qiqj / sqrt(dist2) * shift * shift + LJ.A() * r6 * r6 - LJ.B() * r6;
  return result;
Action::RetType Action_DNAionTracker::DoAction(int frameNum, Frame* currentFrame, Frame** frameAddress) {
  Matrix_3x3 ucell, recip;
  double d_tmp, dval;
  Vec3 P1, P2, BASE;
  // Setup imaging info if necessary
  if (ImageType()==NONORTHO) 

  // Get center for P1, P2, and Base
  if (useMass_) {
    P1 = currentFrame->VCenterOfMass( p1_ );
    P2 = currentFrame->VCenterOfMass( p2_ );
    BASE = currentFrame->VCenterOfMass( base_ );
  } else {
    P1 = currentFrame->VGeometricCenter( p1_ );
    P2 = currentFrame->VGeometricCenter( p2_ );
    BASE = currentFrame->VGeometricCenter( base_ );
  // Calculate P -- P distance and centroid
  double d_pp = DIST2(P1.Dptr(), P2.Dptr(), ImageType(), currentFrame->BoxCrd(), ucell, recip);
  Vec3 pp_centroid = (P1 + P2) / 2.0;

  // Cutoff^2
  double d_cut = d_pp*0.25 + (poffset_*poffset_); // TODO: precalc offset^2

  // Calculate P -- base centroid to median point
  double d_pbase = DIST2(pp_centroid.Dptr(), BASE.Dptr(), ImageType(), currentFrame->BoxCrd(), 
                         ucell, recip);

  //double d_min = DBL_MAX;
  if (bintype_ == SHORTEST)
    dval = DBL_MAX; //d_min;
    dval = 0;
  // Loop over ion positions
  for (AtomMask::const_iterator ion = ions_.begin(); ion != ions_.end(); ++ion)
    const double* ionxyz = currentFrame->XYZ(*ion);
    double d_p1ion =   DIST2(P1.Dptr(),   ionxyz, ImageType(), currentFrame->BoxCrd(), 
                             ucell, recip);
    double d_p2ion =   DIST2(P2.Dptr(),   ionxyz, ImageType(), currentFrame->BoxCrd(), 
                             ucell, recip);
    double d_baseion = DIST2(BASE.Dptr(), ionxyz, ImageType(), currentFrame->BoxCrd(), 
                             ucell, recip);
    //mprintf("DEBUG: ion atom %i to P1 is %f\n", *ion+1, sqrt(d_p1ion));
    //mprintf("DEBUG: ion atom %i to P2 is %f\n", *ion+1, sqrt(d_p2ion));
    //mprintf("DEBUG: ion atom %i to base is %f\n", *ion+1, sqrt(d_baseion));
    //mprintf("DEBUG: d_pp is %f, poffset is %f, d_cut is %f\n", sqrt(d_pp), poffset_, sqrt(d_cut));

    int bound = 0;
    int boundLower = 0;
    int boundUpper = 0;

    if (d_p1ion < d_cut && d_p2ion < d_cut)
      bound = 1;
    if (d_baseion < d_pbase)
      boundLower = 1;
    if (bound && boundLower == 0)
      boundUpper = 1;
    //if (d_tmp > d_min)
    //  d_min = d_tmp;

    switch (bintype_) {
      case COUNT: 
        dval += (double)bound; break;
      case SHORTEST:
        if (d_p1ion < d_p2ion)
          d_tmp = d_p1ion;
          d_tmp = d_p2ion;
        if (d_tmp > d_baseion)
          d_tmp = d_baseion;
        if (d_tmp < dval) 
          dval = d_tmp;
      case TOPCONE: 
        dval += (double)boundUpper; break;
      case BOTTOMCONE: 
        dval += (double)boundLower; break;
  if (bintype_ == SHORTEST)
    dval = sqrt(dval);
  distance_->Add(frameNum, &dval);
  return Action::OK;
Exemple #6
void CImageEx::RotateCimage( CImage *Imgn, int nAngle )
	double alpha = nAngle*3.141592654/180;

	RGBQUAD ColorTab[256];   
	int i, j, ww, Xd, Yd, Dx, Dy,nSize;   
	double centerx, centery, sintheta, costheta;   
	double X1, Y1, X2, Y2, theta, xx, yy, rr;   
	BYTE **list, *sc;   
	int x1, y1, x2, y2, flag;   
	double p, q, a, b, c, d, t1, t2, t3;   

	if (ImageType() == 2)  flag = 1; //flag为标志位,当取值为1时,表示双线性内插法 ,此时图像类型为灰阶图像  
	else flag = 0; //0表示最近邻点法   

	Dx = P.nWidth;   
	Dy = P.nHeight;   
	nSize = 0;  
	if (Dx < Dy)  
		nSize = Dy;  
		nSize = Dx;  
	int nLineBytes = (nSize * P.nBitCount + 31) / 32 * 4;  

	sc = (BYTE*) malloc(2 * nLineBytes);    // * P.nBytesPerLine); //申请工作单元   
	list = (BYTE**) malloc(Dy * sizeof(BYTE*)); //对原位图建立二维数组   
	for (i = 0; i < Dy; i++)   
		list[i] = (BYTE*) GetPixelAddress(0, i);   

	centerx = Dx / 2; //计算位图中心位置   
	centery = Dy / 2;   
	rr = sqrt(centerx * centerx + centery *centery); //计算对角线长度   

	theta = atan((double) centery / (double) centerx);   

	X1 = fabs(rr * cos(alpha + theta)) + 0.5;   
	Y1 = fabs(rr * sin(alpha + theta)) + 0.5;   
	X2 = fabs(rr * cos(alpha - theta)) + 0.5;   
	Y2 = fabs(rr * sin(alpha - theta)) + 0.5;   

	if (X2 > X1) X1 = X2; //得外接矩形宽度   
	if (Y2 > Y1) Y1 = Y2; //外接矩形高度   
	ww = (int) (2 * X1);   

	Imgn ->Destroy();   

	Imgn ->Create(ww, (int) (2 * Y1), P.nBitCount,CImage::createAlphaChannel );  
	if (P.nBitCount == 8)   
		SetAllPalette(Imgn, ColorTab); //复制调色板   

	sintheta = sin(alpha);   
	costheta = cos(alpha);   

	for (j = (int) (centery - Y1), Yd = 0; j <= (centery + Y1); j++, Yd++)   
		if (P.nBitCount == 8)   
			memset (sc, 0, ww); //256色位图像素行置背景值   
		else memset(sc, 0, ww * P.nBytesPerPixel); //真彩色位图像素行置背景值   

		for (i = (int) (centerx - X1), Xd = 0; i <= centerx + X1; i++, Xd += P.nBytesPerPixel)   
			xx = centerx + costheta * (i - centerx) + sintheta * (j - centery);   
			yy = centery - sintheta * (i - centerx) + costheta * (j - centery);   
			x1 = (int) xx;   
			x2 = x1 + 1;   
			p = xx - x1;   
			y1 = (int) yy;   
			y2 = y1 + 1;   
			q = yy - y1;   
			if (((x1 < 0)||(x2 >= P.nWidth )||(y1 < 0)||(y2 >= P.nHeight )))   
			if (flag == 0)   
				if (q > 0.5)  y1 = y2;   
				if (p > 0.5)  x1 = x2;   
				//修改二, sc[Xd]  
				memcpy(&sc[Xd], &list[y1][x1 * P.nBytesPerPixel], P.nBytesPerPixel); //从源位图复制像素数据   
			{ // flag等于1,双线性内插法   
				a = (double) list[y1][x1]; //从源位图取数据   
				b = (double) list[y1][x2];   
				c = (double) list[y2][x1];   
				d = (double) list[y2][x2];   
				t1 = (1 - p) * a + p * b; //双线性内插计算   
				t2 = (1 - p) * c + p * d;   
				t3 = (1 - q) * t1 + q * t2;   
				sc[Xd] = (BYTE) t3;   
		SetRectValue(Imgn, 0, Yd, ww, 1, sc);   

	if ( P.nBitCount == 32 )
		LPVOID pBitsSrc = NULL;
		BYTE * psrc = NULL;
		BITMAP stBmpInfo;

		HBITMAP hBmp = (HBITMAP)m_ImageClone;

		::GetObject(hBmp, sizeof(BITMAP), &stBmpInfo);

		if (32 != stBmpInfo.bmBitsPixel || NULL == stBmpInfo.bmBits)

		psrc = (BYTE *) stBmpInfo.bmBits;

		for (int nPosY = 0; nPosY < abs(stBmpInfo.bmHeight); nPosY++)
			for (int nPosX = stBmpInfo.bmWidth; nPosX > 0; nPosX--)
				BYTE alpha  = psrc[3];
				psrc[0] = (BYTE)((psrc[0] * alpha) / 255);
				psrc[1] = (BYTE)((psrc[1] * alpha) / 255);
				psrc[2] = (BYTE)((psrc[2] * alpha) / 255);
				psrc += 4;

	free(list); //释放工作单元   
Exemple #7
// Action_Watershell::action()
Action::RetType Action_Watershell::DoAction(int frameNum, ActionFrame& frm) {
  Matrix_3x3 ucell, recip;
  int nlower = 0;
  int nupper = 0;

  if (ImageType()==NONORTHO) frm.Frm().BoxCrd().ToRecip(ucell,recip);

  int Vidx, Uidx, Vat, currentRes;
  int NU = soluteMask_.Nselected();
  int NV = solventMask_.Nselected();
  double dist;
# ifdef _OPENMP
  int mythread;
#pragma omp parallel private(dist,Vidx,Vat,currentRes,Uidx,mythread)
  mythread = omp_get_thread_num();
#pragma omp for
# endif
  // Assume solvent mask is the larger one.
  // Loop over solvent atoms
  for (Vidx = 0; Vidx < NV; Vidx++) {
    // Figure out which solvent residue this is
    Vat = solventMask_[Vidx];
    currentRes = (*CurrentParm_)[ Vat ].ResNum();
    // Loop over solute atoms
    for (Uidx = 0; Uidx < NU; Uidx++) {
      // If residue is not yet marked as 1st shell, calc distance
#     ifdef _OPENMP
      if ( activeResidues_thread_[mythread][currentRes] < 2 )
#     else
      if ( activeResidues_[currentRes] < 2 )
#     endif
        dist = DIST2(frm.Frm().XYZ(soluteMask_[Uidx]), frm.Frm().XYZ(Vat),
                     ImageType(), frm.Frm().BoxCrd(), ucell, recip );
        // Less than upper, 2nd shell
        if (dist < upperCutoff_) 
#         ifdef _OPENMP
          activeResidues_thread_[mythread][currentRes] = 1;
#         else
          activeResidues_[currentRes] = 1;
#         endif
          // Less than lower, 1st shell
          if (dist < lowerCutoff_)
#           ifdef _OPENMP
            activeResidues_thread_[mythread][currentRes] = 2;
#           else
            activeResidues_[currentRes] = 2;
#           endif
    } // End loop over solute atoms
  } // End loop over solvent atoms
# ifdef _OPENMP
} // END parallel
  // Combine results from each thread.
  for (int res = 0; res < NactiveResidues_; res++) {
    int shell = 0;
    for (int thread = 0; thread < numthreads_; thread++) {
      if (activeResidues_thread_[thread][res] > shell)
        shell = activeResidues_thread_[thread][res];
      // Dont break here so we can reset counts. Could also do with a fill 
      activeResidues_thread_[thread][res] = 0;
    if (shell > 0) {
      if (shell > 1) ++nlower;
# else
  // Now each residue is marked 0 (no shell), 1 (second shell), 2 (first shell)
  for (std::vector<int>::iterator shell = activeResidues_.begin();
                                  shell != activeResidues_.end(); ++shell)
    if ( *shell > 0 ) {
      if ( *shell > 1 ) ++nlower;
    // Reset for next pass
    *shell = 0;
# endif
  lower_->Add(frameNum, &nlower);
  upper_->Add(frameNum, &nupper);

  return Action::OK;