int EpetraExt_HypreIJMatrix::RightScale(const Epetra_Vector& X) {
  // First we need to import off-processor values of the vector
  Epetra_Import Importer(RowMatrixColMap(), RowMatrixRowMap());
  Epetra_Vector Import_Vector(RowMatrixColMap(), true);
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(Import_Vector.Import(X, Importer, Insert, 0));
  for(int i = 0; i < NumMyRows_; i++){
    //Vector-scalar mult on ith column
    int num_entries;
    double *values;
    int *indices;
    // Get values and indices of ith row of matrix
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR(HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixGetRow(ParMatrix_,i+MyRowStart_, &num_entries, &indices, &values));
    Teuchos::Array<int> new_indices; new_indices.resize(num_entries);
    Teuchos::Array<double> new_values; new_values.resize(num_entries);
    for(int j = 0; j < num_entries; j++){
      // Multiply column j with jth element
      int index = RowMatrixColMap().LID(indices[j]);
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(index < 0, std::logic_error, "Index is negtive.");
      new_values[j] = values[j] * Import_Vector[index];
      new_indices[j] = indices[j];
    // Finally set values of the Matrix for this row
    int rows[1];
    rows[0] = i+MyRowStart_;
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR(HYPRE_IJMatrixSetValues(Matrix_, 1, &num_entries, rows, &new_indices[0], &new_values[0]));
  HaveNumericConstants_ = false;
  return 0;
} //RightScale()
Exemple #2
void Algorithm::run()
    emit wasStarted();
        const QList<Package>& packages = splitter->getSamples();
        std::for_each(packages.begin(), packages.end(), Importer());
    emit wasFinished(this);
Exemple #3
  void HeqProblem::ComputeJacobian(const Epetra_Vector & x, const double c, double alpha) 
    // Set up variables
    double *Values = new double[N]; // holds the values computed for each row
    int *Indices = new int[N]; // holds the column index corresponding to each calculated value   
    int ilocal, iglobal, j;     // counter variables used for loops:
                               //   ilocal = counter for local elements on this processor;
                               //   iglobal = counter to signify global position across all procs 
    int Myele;                 // holds the number of elements on the processor
    double temp;               // temporary variable used for calculations

    // Set up the importer for the overlap map
    Epetra_Import Importer(OverlapMap, Matrix->Map()); 

    // Define the overlap map
    Epetra_Vector overlap_x(OverlapMap);

    // Fill in the overlap map
    overlap_x.Import(x, Importer, Insert);

    // Get the no. of elements on this processor
    Myele = Map.NumMyElements();

    // Compute the values for the Jacobian matrix
    //   Loop over the number of elements on the local processor
    for (ilocal=0; ilocal<Myele; ilocal++) {
       iglobal=Map.GID(ilocal);   // Get the global ID for the local element
       for (j=0; j<N; j++) {      // compute each Jacobian element
         temp = pow(hold[iglobal],2.0);
         temp = -temp*(c/(double)(2*N))*((double)iglobal+0.5)/(double)(iglobal+j+1);			

         if (iglobal==j) 
         	temp = temp + 1.0;
			Values[j] = alpha*temp;  // save the computed value
			Indices[j] = j;          // assign the column index of the computed value

      }   // end of j loop

    // Insert the values calculated into the matrix by row
    if (FirstTime == true) 
      Matrix->InsertGlobalValues(iglobal, N, &Values[0], &Indices[0]);
      Matrix->ReplaceGlobalValues(iglobal, N, &Values[0], &Indices[0]);

  }  // end of ilocal loop

  // Done with matrix calculations!  
  // Do final steps to deallocate memory and finish the matrix fill.
  if (FirstTime == true)

  delete [] Indices;
  delete [] Values;

  FirstTime = false;
  }  // end of ComputeJacobian
  Epetra_CrsMatrix & Matrix = *origObj_;

  const Epetra_Map & RowMap = Matrix.RowMap();
  const Epetra_Map & ColMap = Matrix.ColMap();

  int NumMyElements = RowMap.NumMyElements();
  int NumMyColElements = ColMap.NumMyElements();

  if( symmetric_ && colSet_.empty() ) // get non-local column info
    if( Matrix.IndicesAreGlobal() )
      Epetra_Import Importer( ColMap, RowMap );
      Epetra_IntVector colLocations( ColMap );
      colLocations.Import( locations_, Importer, Insert );
      for( int i = 0; i < NumMyColElements; ++ i )
        if( colLocations[i] ) colSet_.insert(i);
      for( int i = 0; i < NumMyElements; ++i )
        if( locations_[i] ) colSet_.insert(i);

  for( int i = 0; i < NumMyElements; ++i ) 
    int * Indices;
    double * Vals;
    int NumIndices;
    if( locations_[i] ) //this is a Dirichlet BC location
      Matrix.ExtractMyRowView( i, NumIndices, Vals, Indices );
      for( int j = 0; j < NumIndices; ++j )
        if( Indices[j] == i ) Vals[i] = 1.0;
        else                  Vals[i] = 0.0;
    else if( symmetric_ )
      Matrix.ExtractMyRowView( i, NumIndices, Vals, Indices );
      for( int j = 0; j < NumIndices; ++j )
        if( colSet_.count( Indices[j] ) ) Vals[j] = 0.0;

  return true;
Exemple #5
// Compute the value of F(x)
  void HeqProblem::ComputeF(const Epetra_Vector & x, Epetra_Vector & f, const double c) 
    // Set up variables
    int ilocal, j, iglobal;  // counter variables used for loops:
                             //   ilocal = counter for local elements on this processor;
                             //   iglobal = counter to signify global position across all procs 
    int Myele;                // holds the number of elements on the processor
    double temp;             // temporary variable used for calculations
    hold = new double[N];    // array to hold calculated values used to compute F(x) and 
                             //    the Jacobian matrix
    // Set up the importer for the overlap map
    Epetra_Import Importer(OverlapMap, Matrix->Map()); 

    // Define the overlap map
    Epetra_Vector overlap_x(OverlapMap);
    // Fill in the overlap map
    overlap_x.Import(x, Importer, Insert);

    // Get the no. of elements on this processor
    Myele = Map.NumMyElements();

    // Compute the function values
    //   Loop over the number of elements on the local processor
    for (ilocal=0; ilocal<Myele; ilocal++)  {
      iglobal=Map.GID(ilocal);    // Get the global ID for the local element

      for (j=0; j<N; j++) {       // Compute the value of Sum_{j=1}^N { u_i*x_j / (u_i+u_j) }    
	 		temp = temp + ((double)iglobal+0.5)*overlap_x[j]/(double)(iglobal+j+1);
      temp = 1.0 - c*temp/(double)(2*N);

    // Store the value of [1-c/2N * Sum()]^{-1} for use in computing the Jacobian 
      hold[iglobal] = pow(temp,-1.0);
      f[ilocal] = overlap_x[iglobal]-hold[iglobal];  // compute final F(x)_i value

    }  // end of ilocal loop

  }  // end computeF
operator()( OriginalTypeRef orig )
  origObj_ = &orig;

  int n = orig.NumMyRows();
  int nnz = orig.NumMyNonzeros();

  //create std CRS format
  std::vector<int> ia(n+1,0);
  std::vector<int> ja(nnz);
  int cnt;
  for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
    int * tmpP = &ja[ia[i]];
    orig.ExtractMyRowCopy( i, nnz-ia[i], cnt, tmpP );
    ia[i+1] = ia[i] + cnt;

  //trim down to local only
  std::vector<int> iat(n+1);
  std::vector<int> jat(nnz);
  int loc = 0;
  for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
    iat[i] = loc;
    for( int j = ia[i]; j < ia[i+1]; ++j )
      if( ja[j] < n )
        jat[loc++] = ja[j];
  iat[n] = loc;

  if( verbose_ )
    std::cout << "Orig Graph\n";
    std::cout << orig << std::endl;
    std::cout << "-----------------------------------------\n";
    std::cout << "CRS Format Graph\n";
    std::cout << "-----------------------------------------\n";
    for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
      std::cout << i << ": " << iat[i+1] << ": ";
      for( int j = iat[i]; j<iat[i+1]; ++j )
        std::cout << " " << jat[j];
      std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << "-----------------------------------------\n";

  std::vector<int> perm(n);
  std::vector<double> info(AMD_INFO);

  amd_order( n, &iat[0], &jat[0], &perm[0], NULL, &info[0] ); 

  if( info[AMD_STATUS] == AMD_INVALID )
    std::cout << "AMD ORDERING: Invalid!!!!\n";

  if( verbose_ )
    std::cout << "-----------------------------------------\n";
    std::cout << "AMD Output\n";
    std::cout << "-----------------------------------------\n";
    std::cout << "STATUS: " << info[AMD_STATUS] << std::endl;
    std::cout << "SYMM: " << info[AMD_SYMMETRY] << std::endl;
    std::cout << "N: " << info[AMD_N] << std::endl;
    std::cout << "NZ: " << info[AMD_NZ] << std::endl;
    std::cout << "SYMM: " << info[AMD_SYMMETRY] << std::endl;
    std::cout << "NZDIAG: " << info[AMD_NZDIAG] << std::endl;
    std::cout << "NZ A+At: " << info[AMD_NZ_A_PLUS_AT] << std::endl;
    std::cout << "NDENSE: " << info[AMD_SYMMETRY] << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Perm\n";
    for( int i = 0; i<n; ++i )
      std::cout << perm[i] << std::endl;
    std::cout << "-----------------------------------------\n";

  //Generate New Domain and Range Maps
  //for now, assume they start out as identical
  const Epetra_BlockMap & OldMap = orig.RowMap();
  int nG = orig.NumGlobalRows();

  std::vector<int> newElements( n );
  for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
    newElements[i] = OldMap.GID( perm[i] );

  NewMap_ = new Epetra_Map( nG, n, &newElements[0], OldMap.IndexBase(), OldMap.Comm() );

  if( verbose_ )
    std::cout << "Old Map\n";
    std::cout << OldMap << std::endl;
    std::cout << "New Map\n";
    std::cout << *NewMap_ << std::endl;

  //Generate New Graph
  NewGraph_ = new Epetra_CrsGraph( Copy, *NewMap_, 0 );
  Epetra_Import Importer( *NewMap_, OldMap );
  NewGraph_->Import( orig, Importer, Insert );

  if( verbose_ )
    std::cout << "New CrsGraph\n";
    std::cout << *NewGraph_ << std::endl;

  newObj_ = NewGraph_;

  return *NewGraph_;
int Epetra_FastCrsMatrix::Multiply(bool TransA, const Epetra_MultiVector& X, Epetra_MultiVector& Y) const {
  // This function forms the product Y = A * Y or Y = A' * X
  if (X.NumVectors()==1 && Y.NumVectors()==1) {
    double * xp = (double *) X[0];
    double * yp = (double *) Y[0];
    Epetra_Vector x(View, X.Map(), xp);
    Epetra_Vector y(View, Y.Map(), yp);
    return(Multiply(TransA, x, y));
  if (!Filled()) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-1); // Matrix must be filled.

  int i, j, k;
  int * NumEntriesPerRow = NumEntriesPerRow_;
  int ** Indices = Indices_;
  double ** Values = Values_;

  double **Xp = (double**)X.Pointers();
  double **Yp = (double**)Y.Pointers();

  int NumVectors = X.NumVectors();
  int NumMyCols_ = NumMyCols();

  // Need to better manage the Import and Export vectors:
  // - Need accessor functions
  // - Need to make the NumVector match (use a View to do this)
  // - Need to look at RightScale and ColSum routines too.

  if (!TransA) {

    // If we have a non-trivial importer, we must import elements that are permuted or are on other processors
    if (Importer()!=0) {
      if (ImportVector_!=0) {
	if (ImportVector_->NumVectors()!=NumVectors) { delete ImportVector_; ImportVector_= 0;}
      if (ImportVector_==0) ImportVector_ = new Epetra_MultiVector(ColMap(),NumVectors); // Create import vector if needed
      ImportVector_->Import(X, *Importer(), Insert);
      Xp = (double**)ImportVector_->Pointers();

    // If we have a non-trivial exporter, we must export elements that are permuted or belong to other processors
    if (Exporter()!=0) {
      if (ExportVector_!=0) {
	if (ExportVector_->NumVectors()!=NumVectors) { delete ExportVector_; ExportVector_= 0;}
      if (ExportVector_==0) ExportVector_ = new Epetra_MultiVector(RowMap(),NumVectors); // Create Export vector if needed
      Yp = (double**)ExportVector_->Pointers();

    // Do actual computation

    for (i=0; i < NumMyRows_; i++) {
      int      NumEntries = *NumEntriesPerRow++;
      int *    RowIndices = *Indices++;
      double * RowValues  = *Values++;
      for (k=0; k<NumVectors; k++) {
	double sum = 0.0;
	for (j=0; j < NumEntries; j++) sum += RowValues[j] * Xp[k][RowIndices[j]];
	Yp[k][i] = sum;
    if (Exporter()!=0) Y.Export(*ExportVector_, *Exporter(), Add); // Fill Y with Values from export vector
  else { // Transpose operation

    // If we have a non-trivial exporter, we must import elements that are permuted or are on other processors

    if (Exporter()!=0) {
      if (ExportVector_!=0) {
	if (ExportVector_->NumVectors()!=NumVectors) { delete ExportVector_; ExportVector_= 0;}
      if (ExportVector_==0) ExportVector_ = new Epetra_MultiVector(RowMap(),NumVectors); // Create Export vector if needed
      ExportVector_->Import(X, *Exporter(), Insert);
      Xp = (double**)ExportVector_->Pointers();

    // If we have a non-trivial importer, we must export elements that are permuted or belong to other processors
    if (Importer()!=0) {
      if (ImportVector_!=0) {
	if (ImportVector_->NumVectors()!=NumVectors) { delete ImportVector_; ImportVector_= 0;}
      if (ImportVector_==0) ImportVector_ = new Epetra_MultiVector(ColMap(),NumVectors); // Create import vector if needed
      Yp = (double**)ImportVector_->Pointers();

    // Do actual computation

    for (k=0; k<NumVectors; k++) 
      for (i=0; i < NumMyCols_; i++) Yp[k][i] = 0.0; // Initialize y for transpose multiply
    for (i=0; i < NumMyRows_; i++) {
      int      NumEntries = *NumEntriesPerRow++;
      int *    RowIndices = *Indices++;
      double * RowValues  = *Values++;
      for (k=0; k<NumVectors; k++) {
	for (j=0; j < NumEntries; j++) Yp[k][RowIndices[j]] += RowValues[j] * Xp[k][i];
    if (Importer()!=0) Y.Export(*ImportVector_, *Importer(), Add); // Fill Y with Values from export vector

int Epetra_FastCrsMatrix::Multiply(bool TransA, const Epetra_Vector& x, Epetra_Vector& y) const {
  // This function forms the product y = A * x or y = A' * x

  int i, j;
  double * xp = (double*)x.Values();
  double *yp = (double*)y.Values();
  int NumMyCols_ = NumMyCols();

  if (!TransA) {

    // If we have a non-trivial importer, we must import elements that are permuted or are on other processors
    if (Importer()!=0) {
      if (ImportVector_!=0) {
	if (ImportVector_->NumVectors()!=1) { delete ImportVector_; ImportVector_= 0;}
      if (ImportVector_==0) ImportVector_ = new Epetra_MultiVector(ColMap(),1); // Create import vector if needed
      ImportVector_->Import(x, *Importer(), Insert);
      xp = (double*)ImportVector_->Values();

    // If we have a non-trivial exporter, we must export elements that are permuted or belong to other processors
    if (Exporter()!=0) {
      if (ExportVector_!=0) {
	if (ExportVector_->NumVectors()!=1) { delete ExportVector_; ExportVector_= 0;}
      if (ExportVector_==0) ExportVector_ = new Epetra_MultiVector(RowMap(),1); // Create Export vector if needed
      yp = (double*)ExportVector_->Values();

    // Do actual computation

    for (i=0; i < NumMyRows_; i++) {
      int      NumEntries = *NumEntriesPerRow++;
      int *    RowIndices = *Indices++;
      double * RowValues  = *Values++;
      double sum = 0.0;
      for (j=0; j < NumEntries; j++) sum += RowValues[j] * xp[RowIndices[j]];

      yp[i] = sum;

    if (Exporter()!=0) y.Export(*ExportVector_, *Exporter(), Add); // Fill y with Values from export vector

  else { // Transpose operation

    // If we have a non-trivial exporter, we must import elements that are permuted or are on other processors

    if (Exporter()!=0) {
      if (ExportVector_!=0) {
	if (ExportVector_->NumVectors()!=1) { delete ExportVector_; ExportVector_= 0;}
      if (ExportVector_==0) ExportVector_ = new Epetra_MultiVector(RowMap(),1); // Create Export vector if needed
      ExportVector_->Import(x, *Exporter(), Insert);
      xp = (double*)ExportVector_->Values();

    // If we have a non-trivial importer, we must export elements that are permuted or belong to other processors
    if (Importer()!=0) {
      if (ImportVector_!=0) {
	if (ImportVector_->NumVectors()!=1) { delete ImportVector_; ImportVector_= 0;}
      if (ImportVector_==0) ImportVector_ = new Epetra_MultiVector(ColMap(),1); // Create import vector if needed
      yp = (double*)ImportVector_->Values();

    // Do actual computation

    for (i=0; i < NumMyCols_; i++) yp[i] = 0.0; // Initialize y for transpose multiply
    for (i=0; i < NumMyRows_; i++) {
      int      NumEntries = *NumEntriesPerRow++;
      int *    RowIndices = *Indices++;
      double * RowValues  = *Values++;
      for (j=0; j < NumEntries; j++) yp[RowIndices[j]] += RowValues[j] * xp[i];
    if (Importer()!=0) y.Export(*ImportVector_, *Importer(), Add); // Fill y with Values from export vector

Exemple #9
int Amesos_Umfpack::Solve() 
  // if necessary, perform numeric factorization. 
  // This may call SymbolicFactorization() as well.
  if (!IsNumericFactorizationOK_)


  Epetra_MultiVector* vecX = Problem_->GetLHS(); 
  Epetra_MultiVector* vecB = Problem_->GetRHS(); 

  if ((vecX == 0) || (vecB == 0))

  int NumVectors = vecX->NumVectors(); 
  if (NumVectors != vecB->NumVectors())

  Epetra_MultiVector *SerialB, *SerialX; 

  //  Extract Serial versions of X and B 
  double *SerialXvalues ;
  double *SerialBvalues ;

  Epetra_MultiVector* SerialXextract = 0;
  Epetra_MultiVector* SerialBextract = 0;
  //  Copy B to the serial version of B
  if (IsLocal_ == 1) { 
    SerialB = vecB ; 
    SerialX = vecX ; 
  } else { 
    assert (IsLocal_ == 0);
    SerialXextract = new Epetra_MultiVector(SerialMap(),NumVectors); 
    SerialBextract = new Epetra_MultiVector(SerialMap(),NumVectors); 

    SerialB = SerialBextract; 
    SerialX = SerialXextract; 

  VecRedistTime_ = AddTime("Total vector redistribution time", VecRedistTime_, 0);
  //  Call UMFPACK to perform the solve
  //  Note:  UMFPACK uses a Compressed Column Storage instead of compressed row storage, 
  //  Hence to compute A X = B, we ask UMFPACK to perform A^T X = B and vice versa

  OverheadTime_ = AddTime("Total Amesos overhead time", OverheadTime_, 1);


  int SerialBlda, SerialXlda ; 
  int UmfpackRequest = UseTranspose()?UMFPACK_A:UMFPACK_At ;
  int status = 0;

  if ( MyPID_ == 0 ) {
    int ierr;
    ierr = SerialB->ExtractView(&SerialBvalues, &SerialBlda);
    assert (ierr == 0);
    ierr = SerialX->ExtractView(&SerialXvalues, &SerialXlda);
    assert (ierr == 0);
    assert( SerialBlda == NumGlobalElements_ ) ; 
    assert( SerialXlda == NumGlobalElements_ ) ; 
    for ( int j =0 ; j < NumVectors; j++ ) { 
      double *Control = (double *) NULL, *Info = (double *) NULL ;

      status = umfpack_di_solve (UmfpackRequest, &Ap[0], 
				     &Ai[0], &Aval[0], 
				     Numeric, Control, Info) ;
  if (status) AMESOS_CHK_ERR(status);

  SolveTime_ = AddTime("Total solve time", SolveTime_, 0);
  //  Copy X back to the original vector

  if ( IsLocal_ == 0 ) {
    vecX->Export(*SerialX, Importer(), Insert ) ;
    if (SerialBextract) delete SerialBextract ;
    if (SerialXextract) delete SerialXextract ;

  VecRedistTime_ = AddTime("Total vector redistribution time", VecRedistTime_, 0);

  if (ComputeTrueResidual_)
    Epetra_RowMatrix* Matrix = 
    ComputeTrueResidual(*Matrix, *vecX, *vecB, UseTranspose(), "Amesos_Umfpack");

  if (ComputeVectorNorms_) {
    ComputeVectorNorms(*vecX, *vecB, "Amesos_Umfpack");


  OverheadTime_ = AddTime("Total Amesos overhead time", OverheadTime_, 1); // Amesos overhead

Exemple #10
// If FirstTime is true, then build SerialMap and ImportToSerial,
// otherwise simply re-ship the matrix, so that the numerical values
// are updated.
int Amesos_Umfpack::ConvertToSerial(const bool FirstTime) 
  const Epetra_Map &OriginalMap = Matrix()->RowMatrixRowMap() ; 

  NumGlobalElements_ = Matrix()->NumGlobalRows();
  numentries_ = Matrix()->NumGlobalNonzeros();
  assert (NumGlobalElements_ == Matrix()->NumGlobalCols());

  int NumMyElements_ = 0 ;
  if (MyPID_ == 0) NumMyElements_ = NumGlobalElements_;

  IsLocal_ = ( OriginalMap.NumMyElements() == 
	       OriginalMap.NumGlobalElements() )?1:0;

  //  if ( AddZeroToDiag_ ) IsLocal_ = 0 ;   // bug #  Umfpack does not support AddZeroToDiag_

  Comm().Broadcast( &IsLocal_, 1, 0 ) ; 

  //  Convert Original Matrix to Serial (if it is not already) 
  if (IsLocal_== 1) {
     SerialMatrix_ = Matrix();
    if (FirstTime)
      SerialMap_ = rcp(new Epetra_Map(NumGlobalElements_,NumMyElements_,

      if (SerialMap_.get() == 0)

      ImportToSerial_ = rcp(new Epetra_Import (SerialMap(),OriginalMap));

      if (ImportToSerial_.get() == 0)

    SerialCrsMatrixA_ = rcp(new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy,SerialMap(),0));

    if (SerialCrsMatrixA_.get() == 0)

    SerialCrsMatrix().Import(*Matrix(), Importer(),Insert); 
#if 0 

    I was not able to make this work - 11 Feb 2006

    if (AddZeroToDiag_ ) { 
      int OriginalTracebackMode = SerialCrsMatrix().GetTracebackMode() ; 
      SerialCrsMatrix().SetTracebackMode( EPETRA_MIN( OriginalTracebackMode, 0) ) ; // ExportToSerial is called both by PerformSymbolicFactorization() and PerformNumericFactorization().  When called by the latter, the call to insertglobalvalues is both unnecessary and illegal.  Fortunately, Epetra allows us to ignore the error message by setting the traceback mode to 0.

      //  Add 0.0 to each diagonal entry to avoid empty diagonal entries;
      double zero = 0.0;
      for ( int i = 0 ; i < SerialMap_->NumGlobalElements(); i++ ) 
	if ( SerialCrsMatrix().LRID(i) >= 0 ) 
	  SerialCrsMatrix().InsertGlobalValues( i, 1, &zero, &i ) ;
      SerialCrsMatrix().SetTracebackMode( OriginalTracebackMode ) ; 
    SerialMatrix_ = &SerialCrsMatrix();
    assert( numentries_ == SerialMatrix_->NumGlobalNonzeros());  // This should be set to an assignment if AddToZeroDiag is non -zero

  MtxRedistTime_ = AddTime("Total matrix redistribution time", MtxRedistTime_, 0);
  OverheadTime_ = AddTime("Total Amesos overhead time", OverheadTime_, 1);
Exemple #11
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Tpetra::MpiComm<OrdinalType, ScalarType> Comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  Tpetra::SerialComm<OrdinalType, ScalarType> Comm;

  // Get zero and one for the OrdinalType
  OrdinalType const OrdinalZero = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<OrdinalType>::zero();
  OrdinalType const OrdinalOne  = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<OrdinalType>::one();

  // Get zero and one for the ScalarType
  ScalarType const ScalarZero = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ScalarType>::zero();
  ScalarType const ScalarOne  = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ScalarType>::one();

  // Creates a vector of size `length', then set the elements values.
  OrdinalType length    = OrdinalOne * 2 * Comm.getNumImages();
  OrdinalType indexBase = OrdinalZero;

  // 1) Creation of a platform
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  const Tpetra::MpiPlatform <OrdinalType, OrdinalType> platformE(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  const Tpetra::MpiPlatform <OrdinalType, ScalarType> platformV(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  const Tpetra::SerialPlatform <OrdinalType, OrdinalType> platformE;
  const Tpetra::SerialPlatform <OrdinalType, ScalarType> platformV;

  // linearly distributed space

  Tpetra::ElementSpace<OrdinalType> LinearSpace(length, indexBase, platformE);
  Tpetra::VectorSpace<OrdinalType, ScalarType> VectorLinearSpace(LinearSpace, platformV);

  // all elements on processor 0

  OrdinalType NumMyElements = (Comm.getMyImageID() == 0)?length:0;
  Tpetra::ElementSpace<OrdinalType> ZeroSpace(-1, NumMyElements, indexBase, platformE);
  Tpetra::VectorSpace<OrdinalType, ScalarType> VectorZeroSpace(ZeroSpace, platformV);

  Tpetra::Vector<OrdinalType, ScalarType> LinearV(VectorLinearSpace);
  Tpetra::Vector<OrdinalType, ScalarType> ZeroV(VectorZeroSpace);


  cout << LinearV;

  Tpetra::Import<OrdinalType> Importer(LinearSpace, ZeroSpace);

  ZeroV.doImport(LinearV, Importer, Tpetra::Insert);

  cout << ZeroV;

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  MPI_Finalize() ;

operator()( CrsGraph_SymmRCM::OriginalTypeRef orig )
  origObj_ = &orig;

  int err;

  //Generate Local Transpose Graph
  CrsGraph_Transpose transposeTransform;
  Epetra_CrsGraph & trans = transposeTransform( orig );

  //Generate Local Symmetric Adj. List
  //Find Min Degree Node While at it
  int NumNodes = orig.NumMyRows();
  int * LocalRow;
  int * LocalRowTrans;
  int RowSize, RowSizeTrans;
  std::vector< std::vector<int> > AdjList( NumNodes );
  int MinDegree = NumNodes;
  int MinDegreeNode;
  for( int i = 0; i < NumNodes; ++i )
    orig.ExtractMyRowView( i, RowSize, LocalRow );
    trans.ExtractMyRowView( i, RowSizeTrans, LocalRowTrans );

    std::set<int> adjSet;
    for( int j = 0; j < RowSize; ++j )
     if( LocalRow[j] < NumNodes ) adjSet.insert( LocalRow[j] );
    for( int j = 0; j < RowSizeTrans; ++j )
     if( LocalRowTrans[j] < NumNodes ) adjSet.insert( LocalRowTrans[j] );

    std::set<int>::iterator iterS = adjSet.begin();
    std::set<int>::iterator endS = adjSet.end();
    AdjList[i].resize( adjSet.size() );
    for( int j = 0; iterS != endS; ++iterS, ++j ) AdjList[i][j] = *iterS;
    if( AdjList[i].size() < MinDegree )
      MinDegree = AdjList[i].size();
      MinDegreeNode = i;

  BFT * BestBFT;
  bool TooWide;

  //std::cout << "SymmRCM::bruteForce_ : " << bruteForce_ << std::endl;

  if( bruteForce_ )
    int bestWidth = NumNodes;
    int bestDepth = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < NumNodes; ++i )
      BFT * TestBFT = new BFT( AdjList, i, NumNodes, TooWide );
      if( TestBFT->Depth() > bestDepth ||
          ( TestBFT->Depth() == bestDepth && TestBFT->Width() < bestWidth ) )
        BestBFT = TestBFT;
        bestDepth = TestBFT->Depth();
        bestWidth = TestBFT->Width();
        delete TestBFT;
    //Construct BFT for first
    BestBFT = new BFT( AdjList, MinDegreeNode, NumNodes, TooWide );

    int MinWidth = BestBFT->Width();
    int BestWidth = MinWidth;
    int Diameter = BestBFT->Depth();
    std::vector<int> Leaves;
    BestBFT->NonNeighborLeaves( Leaves, AdjList, testLeafWidth_ );

    bool DeeperFound;
    bool NarrowerFound;
    bool Finished = false;

    while( !Finished )
      DeeperFound = false;
      NarrowerFound = false;

      for( int i = 0; i < Leaves.size(); ++i )

        BFT * TestBFT = new BFT( AdjList, Leaves[i], MinWidth, TooWide );

        if( TooWide )
          delete TestBFT;
          if( TestBFT->Width() < MinWidth ) MinWidth = TestBFT->Width();

          if( TestBFT->Depth() > Diameter )
            delete BestBFT;
            Diameter = TestBFT->Depth();
            BestWidth = TestBFT->Width();
            BestBFT = TestBFT;
            DeeperFound = true;
            NarrowerFound = false;
          else if( (TestBFT->Depth()==Diameter) && (TestBFT->Width()<BestWidth) )
            delete BestBFT;
            BestWidth = TestBFT->Width();
            BestBFT = TestBFT;
            NarrowerFound = true;
          else delete TestBFT;

      if( DeeperFound )
        BestBFT->NonNeighborLeaves( Leaves, AdjList, testLeafWidth_ );
      else if( NarrowerFound )
        Finished = true;
      else Finished = true;

  //std::cout << "\nSymmRCM:\n";
  //std::cout << "----------------------------\n";
  //std::cout << " Depth: " << BestBFT->Depth() << std::endl;
  //std::cout << " Width: " << BestBFT->Width() << std::endl;
  //std::cout << "----------------------------\n\n";

  std::vector<int> RCM;
  BestBFT->ReverseVector( RCM );
  for( int i = 0; i < NumNodes; ++i )
    RCM[i] = orig.RowMap().GID( RCM[i] );

  //Generate New Row Map
  RCMMap_ = new Epetra_Map( orig.RowMap().NumGlobalElements(),
                                        orig.RowMap().Comm() );

  //Generate New Col Map
  if( RCMMap_->DistributedGlobal() )
    std::vector<int> colIndices = RCM;
    const Epetra_BlockMap & origColMap = orig.ColMap();

    if( origColMap.NumMyElements() > RCMMap_->NumMyElements() )
      for( int i = RCMMap_->NumMyElements(); i < origColMap.NumMyElements(); ++i )
        colIndices.push_back( origColMap.GID(i) );

    RCMColMap_ = new Epetra_Map( orig.ColMap().NumGlobalElements(),
                                 orig.ColMap().Comm() );
    RCMColMap_ = RCMMap_;

  //Create New Graph
  Epetra_Import Importer( *RCMMap_, orig.RowMap() );
  Epetra_CrsGraph * RCMGraph = new Epetra_CrsGraph( Copy, *RCMMap_, *RCMColMap_, 0 );
  RCMGraph->Import( orig, Importer, Insert );

  std::cout << "origGraph\n";
  std::cout << orig;
  std::cout << "RCMGraph\n";
  std::cout << *RCMGraph;

  newObj_ = RCMGraph;
  return *RCMGraph;
Exemple #13
int Amesos_Dscpack::PerformNumericFactorization()

  Epetra_RowMatrix* RowMatrixA = Problem_->GetMatrix();
  if (RowMatrixA == 0)

  const Epetra_Map& OriginalMap = RowMatrixA->RowMatrixRowMap() ; 

  int numrows = RowMatrixA->NumGlobalRows();
  assert( numrows == RowMatrixA->NumGlobalCols() );
  //  Call Dscpack to perform Numeric Factorization
  std::vector<double> MyANonZ;
#if 0
    if ( IsNumericFactorizationOK_ ) { 

  DscRowMap_ = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_Map(numrows, NumLocalCols, 
                                           LocalStructOldNum, 0, Comm()));

  if (DscRowMap_.get() == 0)
  Importer_ = rcp(new Epetra_Import(DscRowMap(), OriginalMap));
  //  Import from the CrsMatrix
  Epetra_CrsMatrix DscMat(Copy, DscRowMap(), 0);
  AMESOS_CHK_ERR(DscMat.Import(*RowMatrixA, Importer(), Insert));

  DscColMap_ = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_Map(DscMat.RowMatrixColMap()));

  assert( MyDscRank >= 0 || NumLocalNonz == 0 ) ;
  assert( MyDscRank >= 0 || NumLocalCols == 0 ) ;
  assert( MyDscRank >= 0 || NumGlobalCols == 0  ) ; 
  MyANonZ.resize( NumLocalNonz ) ; 
  int NonZIndex = 0 ;

  int max_num_entries = DscMat.MaxNumEntries() ; 
  std::vector<int> col_indices( max_num_entries ) ; 
  std::vector<double> mat_values( max_num_entries ) ; 
  assert( NumLocalCols == DscRowMap().NumMyElements() ) ;
  std::vector<int> my_global_elements( NumLocalCols ) ; 
  AMESOS_CHK_ERR(DscRowMap().MyGlobalElements( &my_global_elements[0] ) ) ;
  std::vector<int> GlobalStructOldColNum( NumGlobalCols ) ; 
  typedef std::pair<int, double> Data; 
  std::vector<Data> sort_array(max_num_entries); 
  std::vector<int>  sort_indices(max_num_entries);
  for ( int i = 0; i < NumLocalCols ; i++ ) { 
    assert( my_global_elements[i] == LocalStructOldNum[i] ) ; 
    int num_entries_this_row; 
#ifdef USE_LOCAL
    AMESOS_CHK_ERR( DscMat.ExtractMyRowCopy( i, max_num_entries, num_entries_this_row, 
					     &mat_values[0], &col_indices[0] ) ) ; 
    AMESOS_CHK_ERR( DscMat.ExtractGlobalRowCopy( DscMat.GRID(i), max_num_entries, num_entries_this_row, 
						 &mat_values[0], &col_indices[0] ) ) ; 
    int OldRowNumber =  LocalStructOldNum[i] ;
    if (GlobalStructOwner[ OldRowNumber ] == -1)
    int NewRowNumber = GlobalStructNewColNum[ my_global_elements[ i ] ] ; 
    //  Sort the column elements 
    for ( int j = 0; j < num_entries_this_row; j++ ) { 
#ifdef USE_LOCAL
      sort_array[j].first = GlobalStructNewColNum[ DscMat.GCID( col_indices[j])] ; 
      sort_indices[j] =  GlobalStructNewColNum[ DscMat.GCID( col_indices[j])] ; 
      sort_array[j].first = GlobalStructNewColNum[ col_indices[j] ]; 
      sort_array[j].second = mat_values[j] ; 
    sort(&sort_array[0], &sort_array[num_entries_this_row]);
    for ( int j = 0; j < num_entries_this_row; j++ ) { 
      int NewColNumber = sort_array[j].first ; 
      if ( NewRowNumber <= NewColNumber ) MyANonZ[ NonZIndex++ ] = sort_array[j].second ; 

#ifndef USE_LOCAL
      assert( NonZIndex <= NumLocalNonz );  // This assert can fail on non-symmetric matrices
  OverheadTime_ = AddTime("Total Amesos overhead time", OverheadTime_, 1);

  if ( MyDscRank >= 0 ) { 
    const int SchemeCode = 1; 
#ifndef USE_LOCAL
    assert( NonZIndex == NumLocalNonz );
    AMESOS_CHK_ERR( DSC_NFactor ( PrivateDscpackData_->MyDSCObject_, SchemeCode, &MyANonZ[0], 
				  DSC_LLT,  DSC_LBLAS3, DSC_DBLAS2 ) ) ;
  }        //     if ( MyDscRank >= 0 ) 
  IsNumericFactorizationOK_ = true ; 

  NumFactTime_ = AddTime("Total numeric factorization time", NumFactTime_, 0);
// ============================================================================
int ML_Epetra::MultiLevelPreconditioner::
CreateAuxiliaryMatrixCrs(Epetra_FECrsMatrix* &FakeMatrix)

  int NumMyRows = RowMatrix_->NumMyRows();

  const Epetra_Map& RowMap = RowMatrix_->RowMatrixRowMap();
  const Epetra_Map& ColMap = RowMatrix_->RowMatrixColMap();
  FakeMatrix = new Epetra_FECrsMatrix(Copy,RowMap,

  if (FakeMatrix == 0)
    ML_CHK_ERR(-1); // something went wrong

  int NumDimensions = 0;

  double* x_coord = List_.get("x-coordinates", (double *)0);
  if (x_coord != 0) ++NumDimensions;

  // at least x-coordinates must be not null
  if( NumDimensions == 0 ) {
    std::cerr << ErrorMsg_ << "Option `aggregation: use auxiliary matrix' == true" << std::endl
         << ErrorMsg_ << "requires x-, y-, or z-coordinates." << std::endl
         << ErrorMsg_ << "You must specify them using options" << std::endl
         << ErrorMsg_ << "`x-coordinates' (and equivalently for" << std::endl
         << ErrorMsg_ << "y- and z-." << std::endl;
    ML_CHK_ERR(-2); // wrong parameters

  double* y_coord = List_.get("y-coordinates", (double *)0);
  if (y_coord != 0) ++NumDimensions;

  double* z_coord = List_.get("z-coordinates", (double *)0);
  if (z_coord != 0) ++NumDimensions;

  // small check to avoid strange behavior
  if( z_coord != 0 && y_coord == 0 ) {
    std::cerr << ErrorMsg_ << "Something wrong: `y-coordinates'" << std::endl
         << ErrorMsg_ << "is null, while `z-coordinates' is null" << std::endl;
    ML_CHK_ERR(-3); // something went wrong

  double theta = List_.get("aggregation: theta",0.0);

  bool SymmetricPattern = List_.get("aggregation: use symmetric pattern",false);

  // usual crap to clutter the output
  if( verbose_ ) {
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << PrintMsg_ << "*** Using auxiliary matrix to create the aggregates" << std::endl
         << PrintMsg_ << "*** Number of dimensions = " << NumDimensions << std::endl
         << PrintMsg_ << "*** theta = " << theta;
    if( SymmetricPattern ) std::cout << ", using symmetric pattern" << std::endl;
    else                   std::cout << ", using original pattern" << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;

  // create vectors containing coordinates, replicated for all unknonws
  // FIXME: I don't really need Z in all cases
  // for west
  // I am over-allocating, for large number of equations per node
  // this is not optimal. However, it is a only-once importing
  // of some more data. It should harm too much...
  // The following will work for constant number of equations per
  // node only. The fix should be easy, though.
  Epetra_Vector RowX(RowMap); RowX.PutScalar(0.0);
  Epetra_Vector RowY(RowMap); RowY.PutScalar(0.0);
  Epetra_Vector RowZ(RowMap); RowZ.PutScalar(0.0);

  for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows ; i += NumPDEEqns_) {
    RowX[i] = x_coord[i / NumPDEEqns_];
    if (NumDimensions > 1) RowY[i] = y_coord[i / NumPDEEqns_];
    if (NumDimensions > 2) RowZ[i] = z_coord[i / NumPDEEqns_];

  // create vectors containing coordinates for columns
  // (this is useful only if MIS/ParMETIS are used)
  Epetra_Vector ColX(ColMap); ColX.PutScalar(0.0);
  Epetra_Vector ColY(ColMap); ColY.PutScalar(0.0);
  Epetra_Vector ColZ(ColMap); ColZ.PutScalar(0.0);

  // get coordinates for non-local nodes (in column map)
  Epetra_Import Importer(ColMap,RowMap);
  if (NumDimensions > 1) ColY.Import(RowY,Importer,Insert);
  if (NumDimensions > 2) ColZ.Import(RowZ,Importer,Insert);

  // global row and column numbering
  int* MyGlobalRowElements = RowMap.MyGlobalElements();
  int* MyGlobalColElements = ColMap.MyGlobalElements();

  // room for getrow()
  int MaxNnz = RowMatrix_->MaxNumEntries();
  std::vector<int> colInd(MaxNnz);
  std::vector<double> colVal(MaxNnz);
  std::vector<double> coord_i(3);
  std::vector<double> coord_j(3);

  // =================== //
  // cycle over all rows //
  // =================== //

  for (int i = 0; i < NumMyRows ; i += NumPDEEqns_) {

    int GlobalRow = MyGlobalRowElements[i];

    if( i%NumPDEEqns_ == 0 ) { // do it just once for each block row
      switch( NumDimensions ) {
      case 3:
	coord_i[2] = RowZ[i];
      case 2:
	coord_i[1] = RowY[i];
      case 1:
	coord_i[0] = RowX[i];


      int NumEntries;

      // NOTE: for VBR matrices, the "real" value that will be used in
      // the subsequent part of the code is only the one for the first
      // equations. For each block, I replace values with the sum of
      // the std::abs of each block entry.
      for (int j = 0 ; j < NumEntries ; j += NumPDEEqns_) {
	colVal[j] = std::fabs(colVal[j]);
	for (int k = 1 ; k < NumPDEEqns_ ; ++k) {
	  colVal[j] += std::fabs(colVal[j+k]);

      // work only on the first equations. Theta will blend the
      // coordinate part with the sub of std::abs of row elements.
      int GlobalCol;
      double total = 0.0;

      for (int j = 0 ; j < NumEntries ; j += NumPDEEqns_) {

        if (colInd[j] >= NumMyRows)

	if (colInd[j]%NumPDEEqns_ == 0) {

	  // insert diagonal later
	  if (colInd[j] != i) {

	    // get coordinates of this node
	    switch (NumDimensions) {
	    case 3:
	      coord_j[2] = ColZ[colInd[j]];
	    case 2:
	      coord_j[1] = ColY[colInd[j]];
	    case 1:
	      coord_j[0] = ColX[colInd[j]];

	    // d2 is the square of the distance between node `i' and
	    // node `j'
	    double d2 = (coord_i[0] - coord_j[0]) * (coord_i[0] - coord_j[0]) +
	      (coord_i[1] - coord_j[1]) * (coord_i[1] - coord_j[1]) +
	      (coord_i[2] - coord_j[2]) * (coord_i[2] - coord_j[2]);

	    if (d2 == 0.0) {
	      std::cerr << std::endl;
	      std::cerr << ErrorMsg_ << "distance between node " << i/NumPDEEqns_ << " and node "
                   << colInd[j]/NumPDEEqns_ << std::endl
                   << ErrorMsg_ << "is zero. Coordinates of these nodes are" << std::endl
	           << ErrorMsg_ << "x_i = " << coord_i[0] << ", x_j = " << coord_j[0] << std::endl
		   << ErrorMsg_ << "y_i = " << coord_i[1] << ", y_j = " << coord_j[1] << std::endl
		   << ErrorMsg_ << "z_i = " << coord_i[2] << ", z_j = " << coord_j[2] << std::endl
		   << ErrorMsg_ << "Now proceeding with distance = 1.0" << std::endl;
	      std::cerr << std::endl;
	      d2 = 1.0;

	    // blend d2 with the actual values of the matrix
	    // FIXME: am I useful?
	    double val = -(1.0 - theta) * (1.0 / d2) + theta * (colVal[j]);

	    GlobalCol = MyGlobalColElements[colInd[j]];

	    // insert this value on all rows
	    for (int k = 0 ; k < NumPDEEqns_ ; ++k) {
	      int row = GlobalRow + k;
	      int col = GlobalCol + k;

	      if (FakeMatrix->SumIntoGlobalValues(1,&row,1,&col,&val) != 0) {


	    total -= val;

	    // put (j,i) element as well, only for in-process stuff.
	    // I have some problems with off-processor elements.
            // It is here that I need the FE matrix.
	    if (SymmetricPattern == true && colInd[j] < NumMyRows ) {

	      for( int k=0 ; k<NumPDEEqns_ ; ++k ) {
		int row = GlobalCol+k;
		int col = GlobalRow+k;

		if( FakeMatrix->SumIntoGlobalValues(1,&row,1,&col,&val) != 0 ) {

	      total -= val;

      // create lines with zero-row sum
      for (int k = 0 ; k < NumPDEEqns_ ; ++k) {
	int row = GlobalRow + k;
	if (FakeMatrix->SumIntoGlobalValues(1,&row,1,&row,&total) != 0) {
	  if (FakeMatrix->InsertGlobalValues(1,&row,1,&row,&total) != 0)
	    ML_CHK_ERR(-9); // something went wrong


  if (FakeMatrix->FillComplete())
    ML_CHK_ERR(-5); // something went wrong

  // stick pointer in Amat for level 0 (finest level)
  ml_->Amat[LevelID_[0]].data = (void *)FakeMatrix;

  // tell ML to keep the tentative prolongator

  // pray that no bugs will tease us
// ============================================================================
int ML_Epetra::MultiLevelPreconditioner::
CreateAuxiliaryMatrixVbr(Epetra_VbrMatrix* &FakeMatrix)

  // FakeMatrix has already been created before
  if (FakeMatrix == 0)
    ML_CHK_ERR(-1); // something went wrong

  int NumDimensions = 0;

  double* x_coord = List_.get("x-coordinates", (double *)0);
  if (x_coord != 0) ++NumDimensions;

  // at least x-coordinates must be not null
  if( NumDimensions == 0 ) {
    std::cerr << ErrorMsg_ << "Option `aggregation: use auxiliary matrix' == true" << std::endl
         << ErrorMsg_ << "requires x-, y-, or z-coordinates." << std::endl
         << ErrorMsg_ << "You must specify them using options" << std::endl
         << ErrorMsg_ << "`x-coordinates' (and equivalently for" << std::endl
         << ErrorMsg_ << "y- and z-)." << std::endl;
    ML_CHK_ERR(-2); // wrong parameters

  double* y_coord = List_.get("y-coordinates", (double *)0);
  if (y_coord != 0) ++NumDimensions;

  double* z_coord = List_.get("z-coordinates", (double *)0);
  if (z_coord != 0) ++NumDimensions;

  // small check to avoid strange behavior
  if( z_coord != 0 && y_coord == 0 ) {
    std::cerr << ErrorMsg_ << "Something wrong: `y-coordinates'" << std::endl
         << ErrorMsg_ << "is null, while `z-coordinates' is not null" << std::endl;
    ML_CHK_ERR(-3); // something went wrong

  // usual crap to clutter the output
  if( verbose_ ) {
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << PrintMsg_ << "*** Using auxiliary matrix to create the aggregates" << std::endl
         << PrintMsg_ << "*** Number of dimensions = " << NumDimensions << std::endl
         << PrintMsg_ << "*** (the version for Epetra_VbrMatrix is currently used)" << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;

  const Epetra_BlockMap& RowMap = FakeMatrix->RowMap();
  const Epetra_BlockMap& ColMap = FakeMatrix->ColMap();
  int NumMyRowElements = RowMap.NumMyElements();
  int NumMyColElements = ColMap.NumMyElements();
  int* MyGlobalRowElements = RowMap.MyGlobalElements();
  int* MyGlobalColElements = ColMap.MyGlobalElements();

  // use point map to exchange coordinates
  Epetra_Map PointRowMap(-1,NumMyRowElements,MyGlobalRowElements,0,Comm());
  Epetra_Map PointColMap(-1,NumMyColElements,MyGlobalColElements,0,Comm());

  Epetra_Vector RowX(PointRowMap);
  Epetra_Vector RowY(PointRowMap);
  Epetra_Vector RowZ(PointRowMap);

  for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRowElements ; ++i) {
    RowX[i] = x_coord[i];
    if (NumDimensions > 1) RowY[i] = y_coord[i];
    if (NumDimensions > 2) RowZ[i] = z_coord[i];

  // create vectors containing coordinates for columns
  // (this is useful only if MIS/ParMETIS are used)
  Epetra_Vector ColX(PointColMap);
  Epetra_Vector ColY(PointColMap);
  Epetra_Vector ColZ(PointColMap);

  // get coordinates for non-local nodes (in column map)
  Epetra_Import Importer(PointColMap,PointRowMap);
  if (NumDimensions > 1) ColY.Import(RowY,Importer,Insert);
  if (NumDimensions > 2) ColZ.Import(RowZ,Importer,Insert);

  // room for getrow()
  int MaxNnz = FakeMatrix->MaxNumEntries();
  std::vector<int> colInd(MaxNnz);
  std::vector<double> colVal(MaxNnz);
  std::vector<double> coord_i(3);
  std::vector<double> coord_j(3);

  // change the entries of FakeMatrix so that it corresponds to a discrete
  // Laplacian. Note: This is not exactly the same as in the Crs case.


  for (int LocalRow = 0; LocalRow < NumMyRowElements ; ++LocalRow) {

    int RowDim, NumBlockEntries;
    int* BlockIndices;
    Epetra_SerialDenseMatrix** RowValues;

    switch (NumDimensions) {
    case 3:
      coord_i[2] = RowZ[LocalRow];
    case 2:
      coord_i[1] = RowY[LocalRow];
    case 1:
      coord_i[0] = RowX[LocalRow];


    // accumulator for zero row-sum
    double total = 0.0;

    for (int j = 0 ; j < NumBlockEntries ; ++j) {

      int LocalCol = BlockIndices[j];

      // insert diagonal later
      if (LocalCol != LocalRow) {

        // get coordinates of this node
        switch (NumDimensions) {
        case 3:
          coord_j[2] = ColZ[LocalCol];
        case 2:
          coord_j[1] = ColY[LocalCol];
        case 1:
          coord_j[0] = ColX[LocalCol];

        // d2 is the square of the distance between node `i' and
        // node `j'
        double d2 = (coord_i[0] - coord_j[0]) * (coord_i[0] - coord_j[0]) +
          (coord_i[1] - coord_j[1]) * (coord_i[1] - coord_j[1]) +
          (coord_i[2] - coord_j[2]) * (coord_i[2] - coord_j[2]);

        if (d2 == 0.0) {
          std::cerr << std::endl;
          std::cerr << ErrorMsg_ << "distance between node " << LocalRow << " and node "
            << LocalCol << std::endl
            << ErrorMsg_ << "is zero. Coordinates of these nodes are" << std::endl
            << ErrorMsg_ << "x_i = " << coord_i[0] << ", x_j = " << coord_j[0] << std::endl
            << ErrorMsg_ << "y_i = " << coord_i[1] << ", y_j = " << coord_j[1] << std::endl
            << ErrorMsg_ << "z_i = " << coord_i[2] << ", z_j = " << coord_j[2] << std::endl
            << ErrorMsg_ << "Now proceeding with distance = 1.0" << std::endl;
          std::cerr << std::endl;
          d2 = 1.0;

        for (int k = 0 ; k < RowValues[j]->M() ; ++k) {
          for (int h = 0 ; h < RowValues[j]->N() ; ++h) {
            if (k == h)
              (*RowValues[j])(k,h) = - 1.0 / d2;

        total += 1.0 /d2;


    // check that the diagonal block exists
    bool ok = false;
    int DiagonalBlock = 0;
    for (int j = 0 ; j < NumBlockEntries ; ++j) {
      if (BlockIndices[j] == LocalRow) {
        DiagonalBlock = j;
        ok = true;
    assert (ok == true);

    for (int k = 0 ; k < RowValues[DiagonalBlock]->N() ; ++k) {
      (*RowValues[DiagonalBlock])(k,k) = total;

  // tell ML to keep the tentative prolongator

  // pray that no bugs will tease us
operator()( OriginalTypeRef orig )
  origObj_ = &orig;

  int err;

  //Setup Load Balance Object
  float version;
  char * dummy = 0;
  Zoltan::LoadBalance LB( 0, &dummy, &version );
  err = LB.Create( dynamic_cast<const Epetra_MpiComm&>(orig.Comm()).Comm() );
  if( err == ZOLTAN_OK ) err = LB.Set_Param( "LB_METHOD", "GRAPH" );
  if( err == ZOLTAN_OK ) err = LB.Set_Param( "GRAPH_PACKAGE", "PARMETIS" );
  if( err == ZOLTAN_OK ) err = LB.Set_Param( "PARMETIS_METHOD", partitionMethod_ );

  //Setup Query Object
  CrsGraph_Transpose transposeTransform;
  Epetra_CrsGraph & TransGraph = transposeTransform( orig );
  ZoltanQuery Query( orig, &TransGraph );
  if( err == ZOLTAN_OK ) err = LB.Set_QueryObject( &Query );

  if( err != ZOLTAN_OK )
  { cout << "Setup of Zoltan Load Balancing Objects FAILED!\n"; exit(0); }

  //Generate Load Balance
  int changes;
  int num_gid_entries, num_lid_entries;
  int num_import;
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR import_global_ids, import_local_ids;
  int * import_procs;
  int num_export;
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR export_global_ids, export_local_ids;
  int * export_procs;

  err = LB.Balance( &changes,
                     &num_gid_entries, &num_lid_entries,
                     &num_import, &import_global_ids, &import_local_ids, &import_procs,
                     &num_export, &export_global_ids, &export_local_ids, &export_procs );
  LB.Evaluate( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

  //Generate New Element List
  int numMyElements = orig.RowMap().NumMyElements();
  vector<int> elementList( numMyElements );
  orig.RowMap().MyGlobalElements( &elementList[0] );

  int newNumMyElements = numMyElements - num_export + num_import;
  vector<int> newElementList( newNumMyElements );

  set<int> gidSet;
  for( int i = 0; i < num_export; ++i )
    gidSet.insert( export_global_ids[i] );

  //Add unmoved indices to new list
  int loc = 0;
  for( int i = 0; i < numMyElements; ++i )
    if( !gidSet.count( elementList[i] ) )
      newElementList[loc++] = elementList[i];
  //Add imports to end of list
  for( int i = 0; i < num_import; ++i )
    newElementList[loc+i] = import_global_ids[i];

  //Free Zoltan Data
  if( err == ZOLTAN_OK )
    err = LB.Free_Data( &import_global_ids, &import_local_ids, &import_procs,
                         &export_global_ids, &export_local_ids, &export_procs );

  //Create Import Map
  NewRowMap_ = new Epetra_Map( orig.RowMap().NumGlobalElements(),
                                           orig.RowMap().Comm() );

  //Create Importer
  Epetra_Import Importer( *NewRowMap_, orig.RowMap() );

  //Create New Graph
  Epetra_CrsGraph * NewGraph = new Epetra_CrsGraph( Copy, *NewRowMap_, 0 );
  NewGraph->Import( orig, Importer, Insert );

  Zoltan::LoadBalance LB2( 0, &dummy, &version );
  err = LB2.Create( dynamic_cast<const Epetra_MpiComm&>(orig.Comm()).Comm() );
  if( err == ZOLTAN_OK ) err = LB2.Set_Param( "LB_METHOD", "GRAPH" );
  if( err == ZOLTAN_OK ) err = LB2.Set_Param( "GRAPH_PACKAGE", "PARMETIS" );
  if( err == ZOLTAN_OK ) err = LB2.Set_Param( "PARMETIS_METHOD", partitionMethod_ );
  CrsGraph_Transpose transTrans;
  Epetra_CrsGraph & trans2 = transTrans( *NewGraph );
  ZoltanQuery query( *NewGraph, &trans2 );
  if( err == ZOLTAN_OK ) err = LB2.Set_QueryObject( &query );
  //err = LB2.Balance( &changes,
  //                   &num_gid_entries, &num_lid_entries,
  //                   &num_import, &import_global_ids, &import_local_ids, &import_procs,
  //                   &num_export, &export_global_ids, &export_local_ids, &export_procs );
  LB2.Evaluate( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

  newObj_ = NewGraph;

  return *NewGraph;
Exemple #17
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int ierr = 0, i, j, forierr = 0;

  // Initialize MPI
  Epetra_MpiComm Comm( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

  bool verbose = false;

  // Check if we should print results to standard out
  if (argc>1) if (argv[1][0]=='-' && argv[1][1]=='v') verbose = true;

  //char tmp;
  //if (Comm.MyPID()==0) cout << "Press any key to continue..."<< endl;
  //if (Comm.MyPID()==0) cin >> tmp;

  Comm.SetTracebackMode(0); // This should shut down any error traceback reporting
  int MyPID = Comm.MyPID();
  int NumProc = Comm.NumProc();

  if (verbose && MyPID==0)
    cout << Epetra_Version() << endl << endl;

  if (verbose) cout << "Processor "<<MyPID<<" of "<< NumProc
              << " is alive."<<endl;

  // Redefine verbose to only print on PE 0
  if (verbose && Comm.MyPID()!=0) verbose = false;

  int NumMyEquations = 20;
  long long NumGlobalEquations = NumMyEquations*NumProc+EPETRA_MIN(NumProc,3);
  if (MyPID < 3) NumMyEquations++;
  // Construct a Source Map that puts approximately the same Number of equations on each processor in
  // uniform global ordering

  Epetra_Map SourceMap(NumGlobalEquations, NumMyEquations, 0LL, Comm);

  // Get update list and number of local equations from newly created Map
  int NumMyElements = SourceMap.NumMyElements();
  long long * SourceMyGlobalElements = new long long[NumMyElements];

  // Construct a Target Map that will contain:
  //  some unchanged elements (relative to the soure map),
  //  some permuted elements
  //  some off-processor elements
  Epetra_Vector RandVec(SourceMap);
  RandVec.Random(); // This creates a vector of random numbers between negative one and one.

  long long *TargetMyGlobalElements = new long long[NumMyElements];

  long long MinGID = SourceMap.MinMyGID64();
  for (i=0; i< NumMyEquations/2; i++) TargetMyGlobalElements[i] = i + MinGID; // Half will be the same...
  for (i=NumMyEquations/2; i<NumMyEquations; i++) {
    int index = abs((int)(((double) (NumGlobalEquations-1) ) * RandVec[i]));
    TargetMyGlobalElements[i] = EPETRA_MIN(NumGlobalEquations-1,(long long) EPETRA_MAX(0,index));

  int NumSameIDs = 0;
  int NumPermutedIDs = 0;
  int NumRemoteIDs = 0;
  bool StillContiguous = true;
  for (i=0; i < NumMyEquations; i++) {
    if (SourceMyGlobalElements[i]==TargetMyGlobalElements[i] && StillContiguous)
    else if (SourceMap.MyGID(TargetMyGlobalElements[i])) {
      StillContiguous = false;
    else {
      StillContiguous = false;

  Epetra_Map TargetMap((long long) -1, NumMyElements, TargetMyGlobalElements, 0LL, Comm);

  // Create a multivector whose elements are GlobalID * (column number +1)

  int NumVectors = 3;
  Epetra_MultiVector SourceMultiVector(SourceMap, NumVectors);
  for (j=0; j < NumVectors; j++)
    for (i=0; i < NumMyElements; i++)
      SourceMultiVector[j][i] = (double) SourceMyGlobalElements[i]*(j+1);

  // Create a target multivector that we will fill using an Import

  Epetra_MultiVector TargetMultiVector(TargetMap, NumVectors);

  Epetra_Import Importer(TargetMap, SourceMap);

  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(TargetMultiVector.Import(SourceMultiVector, Importer, Insert)==0),ierr);

  // Test Target against expected values
  forierr = 0;
  for (j=0; j < NumVectors; j++)
    for (i=0; i < NumMyElements; i++) {
      if (TargetMultiVector[j][i]!= (double) TargetMyGlobalElements[i]*(j+1))
	cout << "TargetMultiVector["<<i<<"]["<<j<<"] = " << TargetMultiVector[j][i]
	     <<  "  TargetMyGlobalElements[i]*(j+1) = " <<  TargetMyGlobalElements[i]*(j+1) << endl;
      forierr += !(TargetMultiVector[j][i]== (double) TargetMyGlobalElements[i]*(j+1));

  if (verbose) cout << "MultiVector Import using Importer Check OK" << endl << endl;


  // Now use Importer to do an export

  Epetra_Vector TargetVector(SourceMap);
  Epetra_Vector ExpectedTarget(SourceMap);
  Epetra_Vector SourceVector(TargetMap);

  NumSameIDs = Importer.NumSameIDs();
  int NumPermuteIDs = Importer.NumPermuteIDs();
  int NumExportIDs = Importer.NumExportIDs();
  int *PermuteFromLIDs = Importer.PermuteFromLIDs();
  int *ExportLIDs = Importer.ExportLIDs();
  int *ExportPIDs = Importer.ExportPIDs();

  for (i=0; i < NumSameIDs; i++) ExpectedTarget[i] = (double) (MyPID+1);
  for (i=0; i < NumPermuteIDs; i++) ExpectedTarget[PermuteFromLIDs[i]] =
				      (double) (MyPID+1);
  for (i=0; i < NumExportIDs; i++) ExpectedTarget[ExportLIDs[i]] +=
				     (double) (ExportPIDs[i]+1);

  for (i=0; i < NumMyElements; i++) SourceVector[i] =  (double) (MyPID+1);

  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(TargetVector.Export(SourceVector, Importer, Add)==0),ierr);

  forierr = 0;
  for (i=0; i < NumMyElements; i++) {
    if (TargetVector[i]!= ExpectedTarget[i])
      cout <<  "     TargetVector["<<i<<"] = " << TargetVector[i]
	   <<  "   ExpectedTarget["<<i<<"] = " <<  ExpectedTarget[i] << " on PE " << MyPID << endl;
    forierr += !(TargetVector[i]== ExpectedTarget[i]);

  if (verbose) cout << "Vector Export using Importer Check OK" << endl << endl;

  // Now use Importer to create a reverse exporter
  Epetra_Export ReversedImport(Importer);

  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(TargetVector.Export(SourceVector, ReversedImport, Add)==0),ierr);

  forierr = 0;
  for (i=0; i < NumMyElements; i++) {
    if (TargetVector[i]!= ExpectedTarget[i])
      cout <<  "     TargetVector["<<i<<"] = " << TargetVector[i]
	   <<  "   ExpectedTarget["<<i<<"] = " <<  ExpectedTarget[i] << " on PE " << MyPID << endl;
    forierr += !(TargetVector[i]== ExpectedTarget[i]);

  if (verbose) cout << "Vector Export using Reversed Importer Check OK" << endl << endl;

  // Now use Exporter to create a reverse importer
  Epetra_Import ReversedExport(ReversedImport);

  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(TargetVector.Export(SourceVector, ReversedExport, Add)==0),ierr);

  forierr = 0;
  for (i=0; i < NumMyElements; i++) {
    if (TargetVector[i]!= ExpectedTarget[i])
      cout <<  "     TargetVector["<<i<<"] = " << TargetVector[i]
	   <<  "   ExpectedTarget["<<i<<"] = " <<  ExpectedTarget[i] << " on PE " << MyPID << endl;
    forierr += !(TargetVector[i]== ExpectedTarget[i]);

  if (verbose) cout << "Vector Export using Reversed Exporter Check OK" << endl << endl;

  //  Build a tridiagonal system two ways:
  //  1) From "standard" matrix view where equations are uniquely owned.
  //  2) From 1D PDE view where nodes (equations) between processors are shared and partial contributions are done
  //     in parallel, then merged together at the end of the construction process.

  // Construct a Standard Map that puts approximately the same number of equations on each processor in
  // uniform global ordering

  Epetra_Map StandardMap(NumGlobalEquations, NumMyEquations, 0LL, Comm);

  // Get update list and number of local equations from newly created Map
  NumMyElements = StandardMap.NumMyElements();
  long long * StandardMyGlobalElements = new long long[NumMyElements];

  // Create a standard Epetra_CrsGraph

  Epetra_CrsGraph StandardGraph(Copy, StandardMap, 3);

  // Add  rows one-at-a-time
  // Need some vectors to help
  // Off diagonal Values will always be -1

  long long *Indices = new long long[2];
  int NumEntries;

  forierr = 0;
  for (i=0; i<NumMyEquations; i++)
    if (StandardMyGlobalElements[i]==0)
	Indices[0] = 1;
	NumEntries = 1;
    else if (StandardMyGlobalElements[i] == NumGlobalEquations-1)
	Indices[0] = NumGlobalEquations-2;
	NumEntries = 1;
	Indices[0] = StandardMyGlobalElements[i]-1;
	Indices[1] = StandardMyGlobalElements[i]+1;
	NumEntries = 2;
    forierr += !(StandardGraph.InsertGlobalIndices(StandardMyGlobalElements[i], NumEntries, Indices)==0);
    forierr += !(StandardGraph.InsertGlobalIndices(StandardMyGlobalElements[i], 1, StandardMyGlobalElements+i)==0); // Put in the diagonal entry

  // Finish up

  // Create Epetra_CrsMatrix using the just-built graph

  Epetra_CrsMatrix StandardMatrix(Copy, StandardGraph);

  // Add  rows one-at-a-time
  // Need some vectors to help
  // Off diagonal Values will always be -1

  double *Values = new double[2];
  Values[0] = -1.0; Values[1] = -1.0;
  double two = 2.0;

  forierr = 0;
  for (i=0; i<NumMyEquations; i++)
    if (StandardMyGlobalElements[i]==0)
	Indices[0] = 1;
	NumEntries = 1;
    else if (StandardMyGlobalElements[i] == NumGlobalEquations-1)
	Indices[0] = NumGlobalEquations-2;
	NumEntries = 1;
	Indices[0] = StandardMyGlobalElements[i]-1;
	Indices[1] = StandardMyGlobalElements[i]+1;
	NumEntries = 2;
    forierr += !(StandardMatrix.ReplaceGlobalValues(StandardMyGlobalElements[i], NumEntries, Values, Indices)==0);
    // Put in the diagonal entry
    forierr += !(StandardMatrix.ReplaceGlobalValues(StandardMyGlobalElements[i], 1, &two, StandardMyGlobalElements+i)==0);

  // Finish up
  //  EPETRA_TEST_ERR((StandardMatrix.StorageOptimized()),ierr);

  // Construct an Overlapped Map of StandardMap that include the endpoints from two neighboring processors.

  int OverlapNumMyElements;
  long long OverlapMinMyGID;

  OverlapNumMyElements = NumMyElements + 1;
  if (MyPID==0) OverlapNumMyElements--;

  if (MyPID==0) OverlapMinMyGID = StandardMap.MinMyGID64();
  else OverlapMinMyGID = StandardMap.MinMyGID64()-1;

  long long * OverlapMyGlobalElements = new long long[OverlapNumMyElements];

  for (i=0; i< OverlapNumMyElements; i++) OverlapMyGlobalElements[i] = OverlapMinMyGID + i;

  Epetra_Map OverlapMap((long long) -1, OverlapNumMyElements, OverlapMyGlobalElements, 0LL, Comm);

  // Create the Overlap Epetra_Matrix

  Epetra_CrsMatrix OverlapMatrix(Copy, OverlapMap, 4);

  // Add  matrix element one cell at a time.
  // Each cell does an incoming and outgoing flux calculation

  double pos_one = 1.0;
  double neg_one = -1.0;

  forierr = 0;
  for (i=0; i<OverlapNumMyElements; i++)
      long long node_left = OverlapMyGlobalElements[i]-1;
      long long node_center = node_left + 1;
      long long node_right = node_left + 2;
      if (i>0) {
	if (node_left>-1)
	  forierr += !(OverlapMatrix.InsertGlobalValues(node_center, 1, &neg_one, &node_left)==0);
	forierr += !(OverlapMatrix.InsertGlobalValues(node_center, 1, &pos_one, &node_center)==0);
      if (i<OverlapNumMyElements-1) {
	forierr += !(OverlapMatrix.InsertGlobalValues(node_center, 1, &pos_one, &node_center)==0);
	if (node_right<NumGlobalEquations)
	  forierr += !(OverlapMatrix.InsertGlobalValues(node_center, 1, &neg_one, &node_right)==0);

  // Handle endpoints
  if (MyPID==0) {
    long long node_center = 0;
    EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(OverlapMatrix.InsertGlobalValues(node_center, 1, &pos_one, &node_center)==0),ierr);
  if (MyPID==NumProc-1) {
    long long node_center = OverlapMyGlobalElements[OverlapNumMyElements-1];
    EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(OverlapMatrix.InsertGlobalValues(node_center, 1, &pos_one, &node_center)==0),ierr);


  // Make a gathered matrix from OverlapMatrix.  It should be identical to StandardMatrix

  Epetra_CrsMatrix GatheredMatrix(Copy, StandardGraph);
  Epetra_Export Exporter(OverlapMap, StandardMap);
  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(GatheredMatrix.Export(OverlapMatrix, Exporter, Add)==0),ierr);

  // Check if entries of StandardMatrix and GatheredMatrix are identical

  int StandardNumEntries, GatheredNumEntries;
  int * StandardIndices, * GatheredIndices;
  double * StandardValues, * GatheredValues;

  int StandardNumMyNonzeros = StandardMatrix.NumMyNonzeros();
  int GatheredNumMyNonzeros = GatheredMatrix.NumMyNonzeros();

  int StandardNumMyRows = StandardMatrix.NumMyRows();
  int GatheredNumMyRows = GatheredMatrix.NumMyRows();

  forierr = 0;
  for (i=0; i< StandardNumMyRows; i++)
      forierr += !(StandardMatrix.ExtractMyRowView(i, StandardNumEntries, StandardValues, StandardIndices)==0);
      forierr += !(GatheredMatrix.ExtractMyRowView(i, GatheredNumEntries, GatheredValues, GatheredIndices)==0);
      forierr += !(StandardNumEntries==GatheredNumEntries);
      for (j=0; j < StandardNumEntries; j++) {
	//if (StandardIndices[j]!=GatheredIndices[j])
	// cout << "MyPID = " << MyPID << " i = " << i << "   StandardIndices[" << j << "] = " << StandardIndices[j]
	//      << "   GatheredIndices[" << j << "] = " << GatheredIndices[j] << endl;
	//if (StandardValues[j]!=GatheredValues[j])
	//cout << "MyPID = " << MyPID << " i = " << i << "    StandardValues[" << j << "] = " <<  StandardValues[j]
	//     << "    GatheredValues[" << j << "] = " <<  GatheredValues[j] << endl;
	forierr += !(StandardIndices[j]==GatheredIndices[j]);
	forierr += !(StandardValues[j]==GatheredValues[j]);

  if (verbose) cout << "Matrix Export Check OK" << endl << endl;

  //Do Again with use of Epetra_OffsetIndex object for speed
  Epetra_OffsetIndex OffsetIndex( OverlapMatrix.Graph(), GatheredMatrix.Graph(), Exporter );
  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(GatheredMatrix.Export(OverlapMatrix, Exporter, Add)==0),ierr);

  if (verbose) cout << "Optimized Matrix Export Check OK" << endl << endl;

  bool passed;
  Epetra_LongLongVector v1(StandardMap); v1.PutValue(2);
  Epetra_LongLongVector v2(StandardMap); v2.PutValue(3);

  Epetra_Export identExporter(StandardMap,StandardMap); // Identity exporter
  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(v2.Export(v1, identExporter, Insert)==0),ierr);
  passed = (v2.MinValue()==2);

  Epetra_Import identImporter(StandardMap,StandardMap); // Identity importer
  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(v2.Import(v1, identExporter, Insert)==0),ierr);
  passed = passed && (v2.MaxValue()==1);

  if (verbose) {
    if (passed) cout << "Identity Import/Export Check OK" << endl << endl;
    else cout << "Identity Import/Export Check Failed" << endl << endl;

  int NumSubMapElements = StandardMap.NumMyElements()/2;
  int SubStart = Comm.MyPID();
  NumSubMapElements = EPETRA_MIN(NumSubMapElements,StandardMap.NumMyElements()-SubStart);
  Epetra_Map SubMap((long long) -1, NumSubMapElements, StandardMyGlobalElements+SubStart, 0LL, Comm);

  Epetra_LongLongVector v3(View, SubMap, SubMap.MyGlobalElements64()); // Fill v3 with GID values for variety
  Epetra_Export subExporter(SubMap, StandardMap); // Export to a subset of indices of standard map

  forierr = 0;
  for (i=0; i<SubMap.NumMyElements(); i++) {
    int i1 = StandardMap.LID(SubMap.GID64(i));
    forierr += !(v3[i]==v2[i1]);

  Epetra_Import subImporter(StandardMap, SubMap); // Import to a subset of indices of standard map

  for (i=0; i<SubMap.NumMyElements(); i++) {
    int i1 = StandardMap.LID(SubMap.GID64(i));
    forierr += !(v3[i]==v1[i1]);

  if (verbose) {
    if (forierr==0) cout << "SubMap Import/Export Check OK" << endl << endl;
    else cout << "SubMap Import/Export Check Failed" << endl << endl;

  forierr = special_submap_import_test(Comm);
  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(forierr, ierr);

  if (verbose) {
    if (forierr==0) cout << "Special SubMap Import Check OK" << endl << endl;
    else cout << "Special SubMap Import Check Failed" << endl << endl;

  forierr =  alternate_import_constructor_test(Comm);
  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(forierr, ierr);

  if (verbose) {
    if (forierr==0) cout << "Alternative Import Constructor Check OK" << endl << endl;
    else cout << "Alternative Import Constructor Check Failed" << endl << endl;

  // Release all objects

  delete [] SourceMyGlobalElements;
  delete [] TargetMyGlobalElements;
  delete [] OverlapMyGlobalElements;
  delete [] StandardMyGlobalElements;

  delete [] Values;
  delete [] Indices;

  MPI_Finalize() ;

/* end main
return ierr ;
Exemple #18
int Amesos_Dscpack::Solve()
  if (IsNumericFactorizationOK_ == false) 

  Epetra_RowMatrix *RowMatrixA = Problem_->GetMatrix();
  if (RowMatrixA == 0)

  // MS // some checks on matrix size
  if (RowMatrixA->NumGlobalRows() != RowMatrixA->NumGlobalCols())

  //  Convert vector b to a vector in the form that DSCPACK needs it
  Epetra_MultiVector* vecX = Problem_->GetLHS(); 
  Epetra_MultiVector* vecB = Problem_->GetRHS(); 

  if ((vecX == 0) || (vecB == 0))
    AMESOS_CHK_ERR(-1); // something wrong with input

  int NumVectors = vecX->NumVectors(); 
  if (NumVectors != vecB->NumVectors())

  double *dscmapXvalues ;
  int dscmapXlda ;
  Epetra_MultiVector dscmapX(DscRowMap(),NumVectors) ; 
  int ierr;
  assert (dscmapXlda == NumLocalCols); 

  double *dscmapBvalues ;
  int dscmapBlda ;
  Epetra_MultiVector dscmapB(DscRowMap(), NumVectors ) ; 
  ierr = dscmapB.ExtractView( &dscmapBvalues, &dscmapBlda );
  assert( dscmapBlda == NumLocalCols ) ; 

  AMESOS_CHK_ERR(dscmapB.Import(*vecB, Importer(), Insert));

  VecRedistTime_ = AddTime("Total vector redistribution time", VecRedistTime_, 0);
  // MS // now solve the problem
  std::vector<double> ValuesInNewOrder( NumLocalCols ) ;

  OverheadTime_ = AddTime("Total Amesos overhead time", OverheadTime_, 1);

  if ( MyDscRank >= 0 ) {
    for ( int j =0 ; j < NumVectors; j++ ) { 
      for ( int i = 0; i < NumLocalCols; i++ ) { 
	ValuesInNewOrder[i] = dscmapBvalues[DscColMap().LID( LocalStructOldNum[i] ) +j*dscmapBlda ] ;
      AMESOS_CHK_ERR( DSC_InputRhsLocalVec ( PrivateDscpackData_->MyDSCObject_, &ValuesInNewOrder[0], NumLocalCols ) ) ;
      AMESOS_CHK_ERR( DSC_Solve ( PrivateDscpackData_->MyDSCObject_ ) ) ; 
      AMESOS_CHK_ERR( DSC_GetLocalSolution ( PrivateDscpackData_->MyDSCObject_, &ValuesInNewOrder[0], NumLocalCols ) ) ; 
      for ( int i = 0; i < NumLocalCols; i++ ) { 
	dscmapXvalues[DscColMap().LID( LocalStructOldNum[i] ) +j*dscmapXlda ] = ValuesInNewOrder[i];

  SolveTime_ = AddTime("Total solve time", SolveTime_, 0);

  vecX->Export( dscmapX, Importer(), Insert ) ;

  VecRedistTime_ = AddTime("Total vector redistribution time", VecRedistTime_, 0);

  if (ComputeTrueResidual_)
    ComputeTrueResidual(*(GetProblem()->GetMatrix()), *vecX, *vecB, 
                        false, "Amesos_Dscpack");

  if (ComputeVectorNorms_)
    ComputeVectorNorms(*vecX, *vecB, "Amesos_Dscpack");
  OverheadTime_ = AddTime("Total Amesos overhead time", OverheadTime_, 1);

  return(0) ; 
Exemple #19
// main driver
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  Epetra_MpiComm Comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

  if (Comm.NumProc() != 2) {
#ifdef HAVE_MPI

  int NumMyElements = 0;         // NODES assigned to this processor
  int NumMyExternalElements = 0; // nodes used by this proc, but not hosted
  int NumMyTotalElements = 0;
  int FE_NumMyElements = 0;      // TRIANGLES assigned to this processor
  int * MyGlobalElements = 0;    // nodes assigned to this processor
  Epetra_IntSerialDenseMatrix T; // store the grid connectivity

  int MyPID=Comm.MyPID();

  cout << MyPID << endl;

  switch( MyPID ) {

  case 0:
    NumMyElements = 3;
    NumMyExternalElements = 2;
    NumMyTotalElements = NumMyElements + NumMyExternalElements;
    FE_NumMyElements = 3;

    MyGlobalElements = new int[NumMyTotalElements];
    MyGlobalElements[0] = 0;
    MyGlobalElements[1] = 4;
    MyGlobalElements[2] = 3;
    MyGlobalElements[3] = 1;
    MyGlobalElements[4] = 5;

  case 1:
    NumMyElements = 3;
    NumMyExternalElements = 2;
    NumMyTotalElements = NumMyElements + NumMyExternalElements;
    FE_NumMyElements = 3;

    MyGlobalElements = new int[NumMyTotalElements];
    MyGlobalElements[0] = 1;
    MyGlobalElements[1] = 2;
    MyGlobalElements[2] = 5;
    MyGlobalElements[3] = 0;
    MyGlobalElements[4] = 4;


  // build Map corresponding to update
  Epetra_Map Map(-1,NumMyElements,MyGlobalElements,0,Comm);

  // vector containing coordinates BEFORE exchanging external nodes
  Epetra_Vector CoordX_noExt(Map);
  Epetra_Vector CoordY_noExt(Map);

  switch( MyPID ) {

  case 0:

    // fill x-coordinates
    CoordX_noExt[0] = 0.0; 
    CoordX_noExt[1] = 1.0; 
    CoordX_noExt[2] = 0.0;
    // fill y-coordinates
    CoordY_noExt[0] = 0.0; 
    CoordY_noExt[1] = 1.0; 
    CoordY_noExt[2] = 1.0;
    // fill connectivity
    T(0,0) = 0; T(0,1) = 4; T(0,2) = 3;
    T(1,0) = 0; T(1,1) = 1; T(1,2) = 4;
    T(2,0) = 4; T(2,1) = 1; T(2,2) = 5;
  case 1:


    // fill x-coordinates
    CoordX_noExt[0] = 1.0; 
    CoordX_noExt[1] = 2.0; 
    CoordX_noExt[2] = 2.0;
    // fill y-coordinates
    CoordY_noExt[0] = 0.0; 
    CoordY_noExt[1] = 0.0; 
    CoordY_noExt[2] = 1.0;
    // fill connectivity
    T(0,0) = 0; T(0,1) = 1; T(0,2) = 4;
    T(1,0) = 1; T(1,1) = 5; T(1,2) = 4;
    T(2,0) = 1; T(2,1) = 2; T(2,2) = 5;

  // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - //
  // E X T E R N A L   N O D E S   S E T U P //
  // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - //

  // build target map to exchange the valus of external nodes
  Epetra_Map TargetMap(-1,NumMyTotalElements,
			  MyGlobalElements, 0, Comm);
  // !@# rename Map -> SourceMap ?????
  Epetra_Import Importer(TargetMap,Map);
  Epetra_Vector CoordX(TargetMap);
  Epetra_Vector CoordY(TargetMap);

  // now CoordX_noExt and CoordY_noExt are no longer required
  // NOTE: better to construct CoordX and CoordY as MultiVector

  // - - - - - - - - - - - - //
  // M A T R I X   S E T U P //
  // - - - - - - - - - - - - //

  // build the CRS matrix corresponding to the grid
  // some vectors are allocated
  const int MaxNnzRow = 5;

  Epetra_CrsMatrix A(Copy,Map,MaxNnzRow);

  int Element, MyRow, GlobalRow, GlobalCol, i, j, k;
  Epetra_IntSerialDenseMatrix Struct; // temp to create the matrix connectivity
  for( i=0 ; i<NumMyElements ; ++i ) 
    for( j=0 ; j<MaxNnzRow ; ++j )
      Struct(i,j) = -1;

  // cycle over all the finite elements
  for( Element=0 ; Element<FE_NumMyElements ; ++Element ) {
    // cycle over each row
    for( i=0 ; i<3 ; ++i ) {
      // get the global and local number of this row
      GlobalRow = T(Element,i);
      MyRow = A.LRID(GlobalRow);
      if( MyRow != -1 ) { // only rows stored on this proc
	// cycle over the columns
	for( j=0 ; j<3 ; ++j ) {
	  // get the global number only of this column
	  GlobalCol = T(Element,j);
	  // look if GlobalCol was already put in Struct
	  for( k=0 ; k<MaxNnzRow ; ++k ) {
	    if( Struct(MyRow,k) == GlobalCol ||
		Struct(MyRow,k) == -1 ) break; 
	  if( Struct(MyRow,k) == -1 ) { // new entry
	    Struct(MyRow,k) = GlobalCol;
	  } else if( Struct(MyRow,k) != GlobalCol ) {
	    // maybe not enough space has beenn allocated
	    cerr << "ERROR: not enough space for element "
		 << GlobalRow << "," << GlobalCol << endl;
	    return( 0 );

  int * Indices = new int [MaxNnzRow];
  double * Values  = new double [MaxNnzRow];
  for( i=0 ; i<MaxNnzRow ; ++i ) Values[i] = 0.0;

  // now use Struct to fill build the matrix structure
  for( int Row=0 ; Row<NumMyElements ; ++Row ) {
    int Length = 0;
    for( int j=0 ; j<MaxNnzRow ; ++j ) {
      if( Struct(Row,j) == -1 ) break;
      Indices[Length] = Struct(Row,j);
    GlobalRow = MyGlobalElements[Row];    
    A.InsertGlobalValues(GlobalRow, Length, Values, Indices);

  // replace global numbering with local one in T
  for( int Element=0 ; Element<FE_NumMyElements ; ++Element ) {
    for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; ++i ) {
      int global = T(Element,i);
      int local = find(MyGlobalElements,NumMyTotalElements,
      if( global == -1 ) {
	cerr << "ERROR\n";
	return( EXIT_FAILURE );
      T(Element,i) = local;

  // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - //
  // M A T R I X   F I L L - I N //
  // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - //

  // room for the local matrix
  Epetra_SerialDenseMatrix Ke;

  // now fill the matrix
  for(  int Element=0 ; Element<FE_NumMyElements ; ++Element ) {
    // variables used inside
    int GlobalRow;
    int MyRow;
    int GlobalCol;
    double x_triangle[3];
    double y_triangle[3];
    // get the spatial coordinate of each local node
    for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; ++i ) {
      MyRow = T(Element,i);
      y_triangle[i] = CoordX[MyRow]; 
      x_triangle[i] = CoordY[MyRow]; 
    // compute the local matrix for Element

    compute_loc_matrix( x_triangle, y_triangle,Ke ); 

    // insert it in the global one
    // cycle over each row
    for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; ++i ) {
      // get the global and local number of this row
      MyRow = T(Element,i);
      if( MyRow < NumMyElements ) {
	for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; ++j ) {
	  // get global column number
	  GlobalRow = MyGlobalElements[MyRow];
	  GlobalCol = MyGlobalElements[T(Element,j)];


  // - - - - - - - - - - - - - //
  // R H S  &  S O L U T I O N //
  // - - - - - - - - - - - - - //

  Epetra_Vector x(Map), b(Map);
  x.Random(); b.PutScalar(0.0);

  // Solution can be obtained using Aztecoo

  // free memory before leaving
  delete MyGlobalElements;
  delete Indices;
  delete Values;

#ifdef HAVE_MPI

  return( EXIT_SUCCESS );

} /* main */