Exemple #1
void image::createImage() 
	//open the two disk(s)/drive(s),
	//create a buffer the size of a single sector
	//and copy all the appropriate information
	//Inform() is used to return any status from the program


	//BYTE a[512];
	//LPVOID buffer = a;
	//this line can be replaced with the above two lines
	BYTE* buffer = new BYTE[bufferSize];

	LPDWORD bytesRead = new DWORD();
	*bytesRead = bufferSize;

	//i'll leave this code in for future developers
	//this is another way to run the loop....you could
	//just run one for loop for the # of sectors
	////copy the drive here (outer loop contains number of GB of info)
	////for (int i1(0); i1 < 2; ++i1) //number of 10Gb/Gb
	////	for (int i2(0); i2 < 1024; ++i2) //number of iterations GB/MB
	//	for (int i2(0); i2 < 256; ++i2)
	//		for (int i3(0); i3 < 1024; ++i3) //number of iterations MB/KB
	//					for (int i4(0); i4 < 2; ++i4) //number of iterations per KB/512B
	//					{
	//								ReadFile(hFile[0],buffer,bufferSize,bytesRead,NULL);								
	//												//for (int i(0); i < 512; ++i)
	//												//	cout << a[i];
	//								WriteFile(hFile[1],buffer,bufferSize,bytesRead,NULL);
	//					}
	dCompress* comp; 
	comp= new dCompress();
	BYTE* outbuff;
	int outbuffersize;

	while (*bytesRead != 0)
		//compress it
		comp->cData(((BYTE*)buffer),*bytesRead, &outbuff, &outbuffersize); 
		*bytesRead = outbuffersize; 
		//as long as bytesRead==sectorSize the commands
		//completed successfully
	delete bytesRead;
	delete [] buffer;
	CloseHandle(hFile[0]); Inform ("Source File Closed   ");
	CloseHandle(hFile[1]); Inform ("Destination File Closed   ");
String MediaInfoList_Internal::Inform(size_t FilePos, size_t)
    if (FilePos==Error)
        Ztring Retour;
        ZtringListList MediaInfo_Custom_View; MediaInfo_Custom_View.Write(Option(_T("Inform_Get")));
        bool XML=false;
        if (MediaInfoLib::Config.Inform_Get()==_T("XML"))
        if (XML) Retour+=_T("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>")+MediaInfoLib::Config.LineSeparator_Get()+_T("<Mediainfo version=\"")+MediaInfoLib::Config.Info_Version_Get().SubString(_T(" v"), Ztring())+_T("\">")+MediaInfoLib::Config.LineSeparator_Get();
        while (FilePos<Info.size())
            if (FilePos<Info.size()-1)
        if (XML) Retour+=_T("</Mediainfo>")+MediaInfoLib::Config.LineSeparator_Get();
        else Retour+=MediaInfo_Custom_View("Page_End");//
        return Retour.c_str();

    CriticalSectionLocker CSL(CS);

    if (FilePos>=Info.size() || Info[FilePos]==NULL || Info[FilePos]->Count_Get(Stream_General)==0)
        return MediaInfoLib::Config.EmptyString_Get();

    return Info[FilePos]->Inform();
String MediaInfoList_Internal::Inform(size_t FilePos, size_t)
    if (FilePos==Error)
        Ztring Retour;
        unsigned int FilePos=0;
        ZtringListList MediaInfo_Custom_View; MediaInfo_Custom_View.Write(Option(_T("Inform_Get")));
        Retour+=MediaInfo_Custom_View(Stream_Max+2, 1);//Page_Begin
        while (FilePos<Info.size())
            if (FilePos<Info.size()-1)
                Retour+=MediaInfo_Custom_View(Stream_Max+3, 1);//Page_Middle
        Retour+=MediaInfo_Custom_View(Stream_Max+4, 1);//Page_End
        //Retour.FindAndReplace(_T("\\n"),_T( "\n"), 0, Ztring_Recursive);
        return Retour.c_str();

    CriticalSectionLocker CSL(CS);

    if (FilePos>=Info.size() || Info[FilePos]==NULL || Info[FilePos]->Count_Get(Stream_General)==0)
        return MediaInfoLib::Config.EmptyString_Get();

    return Info[FilePos]->Inform();
String MediaInfoList_Internal::Inform(size_t FilePos, size_t)
    if (FilePos==Error)
        Ztring Retour;
        ZtringListList MediaInfo_Custom_View; MediaInfo_Custom_View.Write(Option(_T("Inform_Get")));
        bool XML=false;
        if (MediaInfoLib::Config.Inform_Get()==_T("XML"))
        if (XML) Retour+=_T("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<Mediainfo>\n");
        else Retour+=MediaInfo_Custom_View(Stream_Max+2, 1);//Page_Begin
        while (FilePos<Info.size())
            if (FilePos<Info.size()-1)
                Retour+=MediaInfo_Custom_View(Stream_Max+3, 1);//Page_Middle
        if (XML) Retour+=_T("</Mediainfo>\n");
        else Retour+=MediaInfo_Custom_View(Stream_Max+4, 1);//Page_End
        //Retour.FindAndReplace(_T("\\n"),_T( "\n"), 0, Ztring_Recursive);
        return Retour.c_str();

    CriticalSectionLocker CSL(CS);

    if (FilePos>=Info.size() || Info[FilePos]==NULL || Info[FilePos]->Count_Get(Stream_General)==0)
        return MediaInfoLib::Config.EmptyString_Get();

    return Info[FilePos]->Inform();
void CTreeCtrlFolder::HideAndInform()

	// collapse the child when selected the parent?
	// Expand(m_selectedItem, TVE_COLLAPSE);
Exemple #6
bool disk::driveGeometry()
	//open the specified disk, obtain all disk information,
	//this information is later available to the caller

	DISK_GEOMETRY * pdg = &geometry;
	HANDLE hDevice;							// handle to the drive to be examined 
//	bool bResult;							// results flag
	HRESULT hResult;
	DWORD junk;								// discard results

	if (driveNumber != NULL)
		hDevice = CreateFile(driveNumber,			// drive to open
						0,							// no access to the drive
						FILE_SHARE_READ |			// share mode
						NULL,						// default security attributes
						OPEN_EXISTING,				// disposition
						0,							// file attributes
						NULL);				   		// do not copy file attributes
		Inform("Disk Number not specified...");
		return false;

	if (hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) // cannot open the drive
		Inform("Could Not Open Disk...");
		return (false);

	hResult = DeviceIoControl(hDevice,						// device to be queried
							IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY,	// operation to perform
                            NULL, 0,						// no input buffer
                            pdg, sizeof(*pdg),				// output buffer
                            &junk,							// # bytes returned
                            (LPOVERLAPPED) NULL);			// synchronous I/O
	return (hResult >= 0/*bResult*/);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	Inform("Entered Ground Truth generator");

	if(argc != 14)
		Error("Invalid number of arguments: Expected 14, received " + ToString(argc));
		return 1;

	//first five images are foregrounds, and the next five backgrounds
	Inform("Loading temporaries");
	RawRgbChar images[10];

	for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
		bool result = LoadRawRgb(argv[1 + i], images[i]);
		if (!result)
			Error("Could not load " + ToString(argv[1 + i]));
			return 2;
	auto groundTruth = GenerateGroundTruth(&images[0], &images[5]);

	if (groundTruth.size() != 3)
		return 3;
	bool succeeded = true;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
		const std::string path = (argv[11 + i]);
		Inform("Saving " + path);
		if (!cv::imwrite(path, groundTruth[i]))
			Error("Could not save " + ToString(argv[11 + i]));
			succeeded = false;

	Inform("Exiting ground truth algorithm");
	return succeeded ? 0:4;
void CTreeCtrlFolder::SelectNextItem(BOOL selectNext)
	HTREEITEM item = GetSelectedItem();
	if (selectNext)
		item = GetNextVisibleItem(item);
		item = GetPrevVisibleItem(item);
	if (item != NULL)
	{	SelectItem(item);
Exemple #9
int CIpcMessage::ReceiveAndInform(Ipc_msg_qid Queue)
	int ret;

	if ((ret = Receive(Queue)) == ABP_SUCCESS)
		m_Stop = CheckStop();

		if (CheckInform())

	return ret;
Exemple #10
/* ===========================================================================
 * Sample call:
 * if getp("Enter password: "******"in getp() of passmsg.c", pG );

  lstrcpy( pG->lpszPrompt, msg );   // prompt string follows the size
  pG->lpszPassword[0] = ( char )0;  // NULL out the initial password

  // hnd = global_handle; THIS HANDLE DID NOT WORK ONE TIME - WHY?
  hnd = GetModuleHandle( "zipdll.dll" );

  if ( hnd != 0 )
    diag( "trying to bring up the dialog", pG );
    if ( DialogBox( hnd, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDD_DIALOG1 ), (HWND) pG->global_handle,
                    (DLGPROC) PassProc ) == false )
      MessageBox( (HWND) pG->global_handle, "DialogBox failed", "Procedure Failure",
                  MB_OK );
      return ZEN_PW_ERROR;

    if ( !pG->pwork )
      return ZEN_PW_ERROR;

    pG->key_len = pG->cchPassword;
    memccpy( pkey, pG->lpszPassword, '\0', pG->key_len );

    if ( pG->verbose < 0 )
      Inform( pG, 0, IDIAG, "password=%s Len=%d", pG->lpszPassword, pG->key_len );

    //        sprintf ( pG->ewemsg, "password=%s Len=%d", pG->lpszPassword, pG->key_len );
    //        diag ( pG->ewemsg, pG );
    return pG->rcode;

  return 0; /* no window handle - we can't prompt the user */
Exemple #11
/* =========================================================================== select files to be processed */
int ZipSelect(struct Globals *pG, const ZCL2 *C)
  int i; // arg counter, root directory flag
  int k; // next argument type, marked counter,

  const char *p; // steps through option arguments
  int r; // temporary variable
  long g_before; // 1.74 global 'before'
  int argno, arg1;

  if ((p = getenv("TZ")) == NULL ||  *p == '\0')
    pG->extra_fields = 0;
  // disable storing "Unix" time stamps

  // Process arguments
  diag("ready to read zip file", pG);

  // the read will be done in file: zipfile.c
  if ((r = readzipfile(pG)) != ZEN_OK)
    diag("err returned from \"readzipfile\"", pG);
    return (ziperr(r, pG));

  if (pG->action == UPDATE || pG->action == FRESHEN)
    pG->doall = 1;
  r = 0;
  arg1 =  - 1;
  g_before = pG->before;
  for (argno = 0; !r && argno < C->fTotFileSpecs; argno++)
    char *fspec;
    FileData *fileArg = &C->fFDS[argno];
    if (!fileArg)
    fspec = fileArg->fFileSpec;
    if (!fspec ||  *fspec == '>')
    pG->FileArg = fileArg;
    pG->key = 0; //pG->user_key;   // set globals
    pG->recurse = fileArg->fRecurse;
    r = C->fLevel;
    r = r < 0 ? 0 : (r > 9 ? 9 : r);
    if (r != pG->level)
      pG->level = r;
      pG->method = r ? DEFLATE : STORE;
      if (pG->verbose)
        Inform(pG, 0, IDIAG, "setting compression level to %d", r);
    // Set the new RootDir if needed; DLL v1.608, Component v1.60L
    if (fileArg->fRootDir)
      // We can't use SetCurrentDirectory() because there is only one cd
      // in each process
      // when a user uses threads it went wrong.
      FREE(pG->OrigCurrentDir); // DLL v1.6017

      pG->OCDlength = lstrlen(fileArg->fRootDir);
      if ((pG->OrigCurrentDir = (char*)MALLOC(pG->OCDlength + 2)) == NULL)
        // RP allow space for '\'
        Inform(pG, ZEN_MEM36, 0, "CurrentDir allocation error");

        return ziperr(ZEN_MEM36, pG);

      lstrcpy(pG->OrigCurrentDir, fileArg->fRootDir);
      if (pG->verbose)
        Inform(pG, 0, IERROR, "Root dir now %s", pG->OrigCurrentDir);
    if (C->fVersion > 178)
      if (fileArg->fLevel)
        r = fileArg->fLevel;
        r = r < 0 ? 0 : (r > 9 ? 9 : r);
        if (r != pG->level)
          pG->level = r;
          pG->method = r ? DEFLATE : STORE;
          if (pG->verbose)
            Inform(pG, 0, IDIAG, "setting compression level to %d", r);
      if (fileArg->fFromDate)
        pG->before = fileArg->fFromDate == (unsigned) - 1 ? 0 : fileArg
        pG->before = g_before;

    #ifdef USE_STRM_INPUT
      if (arg1 < 0)
        arg1 = argno;
        if (pG->UseInStream)
          // Here we fill in the FoundList from the input stream data
          // newname (fileio.c) adds to found list. If error m!=0 on return
          if ((r = newname(fspec, pG->InStreamSize, pG)) != ZEN_OK)
            if (pG->verbose)
              Inform(pG, 0, IDIAG,
                "Stream filename could not be added in newname call");

            if (pG->zcount)
            return r;
    #ifdef CRYPT
      if (fileArg->fEncrypt)
        pG->key = fileArg->fPassword;
        if (!pG->key || !*(pG->key))
          // use global
          if ((r = GetUserPW(pG)) != ZEN_OK)
          pG->key = pG->user_key;
        //       pG->doesEncrypt = 1;			// 1.73
    pG->doall = 0; // do selected
    if ((pG->action == ADD) || (pG->action == UPDATE))
      if (pG->verbose)
        Inform(pG, 0, IDIAG, "collecting %s %s", fspec, pG->recurse ? "recurse"
          : " ");
      r = Wild(fspec, pG);
    // Freshen or Delete - must be internal file
      if (pG->verbose)
        Inform(pG, 0, IDIAG, "collecting %s %s", fspec, pG->recurse ? "recurse"
          : " ");
      r = procname(fspec, pG->recurse, pG);
    if (r != ZEN_OK)
      if ((int)(char)(r &0xFF) == ZEN_MISS)
        /* this occurs if new file wasn't found */
        Inform(pG, r, IERROR, "File specification \"%s\" skipped", fspec);
        r = 0;
    if (r)
      return ziperr(r, pG);
  return 0;
bool Window::initialise()
	Inform("Initialising window");


	connect(ui.ButtonAdd, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(buttonAddEvent()));
	connect(ui.ButtonRemove, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(buttonRemoveEvent()));
	connect(ui.ButtonUp, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(buttonUpEvent()));
	connect(ui.ButtonDown, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(buttonDownEvent()));

	connect(ui.BoxIso, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changeIsoEvent(int)));
	connect(ui.BoxAperture, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changeApertureEvent(int)));
	connect(ui.BoxShutter, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changeShutterEvent(int)));
	connect(ui.BoxWhiteBalance, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changeWhiteBalanceEvent(int)));

	connect(ui.ButtonChoosePath, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(buttonChangeDirEvent()));

	connect(ui.ButtonGo, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(shootEvent()));

	ui.BoxProcessedformat->addItems({ "tiff", "png" });

	mColourModel = std::unique_ptr<QStringListModel>(new QStringListModel(this));

	if (!(mActionClass = std::unique_ptr<ActionClass>(ActionClass::create())).get())
		return false;

	//Set selectable values
	std::vector<int> apList = mActionClass->ennumeratePossibleValues(Camera::EnnumerableProperties::Aperture);
	std::vector<int> isList = mActionClass->ennumeratePossibleValues(Camera::EnnumerableProperties::ISO);
	std::vector<int> shList = mActionClass->ennumeratePossibleValues(Camera::EnnumerableProperties::ShutterSpeed);

	int currentAp = mActionClass->aperture();
	int currentIs = mActionClass->iso();
	int currentSh = mActionClass->shutter();
	int currentWb = mActionClass->whiteBalance();

	//Populate combo boxes
	for (size_t i = 0; i < apList.size(); ++i)
		if (apList[i] == currentAp)

	for (size_t i = 0; i < isList.size(); ++i)
		if (isList[i] == currentIs)

	bool foundShutter = false;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < shList.size(); ++i)
		if (shList[i] == currentSh)
			foundShutter = true;

	//If shutter is not a valid value (such as bulb mode), change it to a default.
	if (!foundShutter && shList.size() > 0)

	std::vector<int> availableWhiteBalances = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 };
	bool foundWhiteBalance = false;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < availableWhiteBalances.size(); ++i)
		if (availableWhiteBalances[i] == currentWb)
			foundWhiteBalance = true;

	//If no valid white balance set, set default
	if (!foundWhiteBalance)

	//Read in colours file
	std::fstream colourFile("colours.txt", std::ios::in);
	if (colourFile.fail())
		Warning("Could not open colours.txt - Colours will not be reloaded.");
		//Read file
		std::string tmp;
		while (getline(colourFile, tmp))
			QString qs(tmp.c_str());
			qs = qs.trimmed();

			if (qs.size() == 0)

			QColor colour(qs);

			if (colour.isValid() == false)
				Warning("Invalid colour found in colours.txt");
				mColourModel->setStringList(mColourModel->stringList() << colour.name());

	Inform("Window ready");
	initialised = true;
	return true;
Exemple #13
void image::restoreImage() 

	BYTE* buffer = new BYTE[bufferSize];
	LPDWORD bytesRead = new DWORD();
	*bytesRead = bufferSize;
	dCompress* comp; 
	comp= new dCompress();
	BYTE* outbuff;
	int outbuffersize;//  = 10000;
	int returnread = 0;
	int returnwrite = 0;
	char message[200];
	int tValue;

	long readSize = 0;
	long writeSize = 0;

	//DWORD *written = 0;
	while (*bytesRead != 0)
		returnread = ReadFile(hFile[0],buffer,bufferSize,bytesRead,NULL);
		//cout << "return read: " << returnread << endl;
		//FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM,NULL,GetLastError(),0, message,200,NULL);
		//cout << "Message: " << message << endl;

		if (buffer [*bytesRead - 1] == (0xFF))
			if ((buffer [*bytesRead -2] == (0xFE)) && (buffer [*bytesRead-3 ] == 0xFF))
				*bytesRead -= 3;			
				*bytesRead -= 1;
		if	(buffer [*bytesRead - 2] == (0xFF))
			*bytesRead -= 2;
		comp-> uData(((BYTE*)buffer),*bytesRead, &outbuff, &outbuffersize); 
		cout << "ResoreImage, Initial: " << *bytesRead << " Final: " << outbuffersize << " ";

		readSize += *bytesRead;
		writeSize += outbuffersize;

		tValue = outbuffersize - 500;
		while (tValue > 0)
			cout << "*";
			tValue -= 100;

		cout << endl;

		 *bytesRead = outbuffersize; //this was here 
		//returnwrite = WriteFile(hFile[1],outbuff,outbuffersize,bytesRead,NULL);//this is the correct one
	    //returnwrite = WriteFile(hFile[1],buffer,bufferSize,bytesRead,NULL);//origial code
		//returnwrite = WriteFile(hFile[1],buffer,outbuffersize,bytesRead,NULL);//fails to read		
		 //cout << "Buffer size: " << outbuffersize << endl;
		cout <<"Read in : "<< *bytesRead<< endl;

/*			cout << "File: " << hFile[1] << endl
				 << "Buffer: \"" << outbuff << "\"" << endl
				 << "oBuffSize: " << outbuffersize << endl;
//				 << "bytesWritten: " << *bytesRead << endl;*/
		returnwrite = WriteFile(hFile[1],outbuff,outbuffersize,bytesRead,NULL);//this is correct!!
		cout <<"Read in after Write: "<< *bytesRead<< endl;
		cout << "return write: " << returnwrite << "  bytesRead: " << *bytesRead << endl;
		FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM,NULL,GetLastError(),0, message,200,NULL);
		cout << "Error Message : " << message << endl;

		//if (false == returnwrite)
//			cout << "File: " << hFile[1] << endl
				// << "Buffer: \"" << outbuff << "\"" << endl
//				 << "oBuffSize: " << outbuffersize << endl
//				 << "bytesWritten: " << *bytesRead << endl;


		delete[] outbuff;

		//as long as bytesRead==sectorSize the commands
		//completed successfully
	delete bytesRead;
	delete [] buffer;

	cout << readSize << " bytes read from image file" << endl;
	cout << writeSize << " bytes written to drive" << endl;
	cout << "Compression: " << (readSize/(double)writeSize)*100 << "%" << endl;

	CloseHandle(hFile[0]); Inform ("Source File Closed   ");
	CloseHandle(hFile[1]); Inform ("Destination File Closed   ");
Exemple #14
// Process -o and -m options (if specified), free up malloc'ed stuff, and
//   exit with the code e. e :: Exit code.
static void finish(struct Globals *pG)
  int r; // return value from trash()
  ulg t; // latest time in zip file
  struct zlist *z; // pointer into zfile list

  // If latest, set time to zip file to latest file in zip file
  if (pG->latest && pG->zipfile && strcmp(pG->zipfile, "-"))
    diag("changing time of zip file to time of latest file in it", pG);

    // find latest time in zip file
    if (pG->zfiles == NULL)
      Inform(pG, 0, IWARNING,
        "zip file is empty, can't make it as old as latest entry");
      t = 0;
      for (z = pG->zfiles; z != NULL; z = z->nxt)
      // Ignore directories in time comparisons
      #ifdef USE_EF_UX_TIME
        if (z->zname[z->nam - 1] != '\\')
          // SLASH
          ztimbuf z_utim;
          ulg z_tim;

          z_tim = (get_ef_ux_ztime(z, &z_utim) ? unix2dostime(&z_utim.modtime):
          if (t < z_tim)
            t = z_tim;

        if (z->zname[z->nam - 1] != '\\' && t < z->tim)
          t = z->tim;
        // SLASH

      // set modified time of zip file to that time
      if (t != 0)
        stamp(pG->zipfile, t);
        Inform(pG, 0, IWARNING,
          "zip file has only directories, can't make it as old as latest entry")

  if (pG->tempath != NULL)
    pG->tempath = NULL;

  if (pG->zipfile != NULL)
    pG->zipfile = NULL;

  // If dispose, delete all files in the zfiles list that are marked
  if (pG->dispose && !pG->global_abort_sw)
    // v1.6017
    diag("deleting files that were added to zip file", pG);
    if ((r = trash(pG)) != ZEN_OK)
      ziperr(r, pG);
    return ;

  #ifdef CRYPT                  // RCV: 1.604 added
    if (pG->user_key)
    // p release user password
      pG->user_key = NULL;


  // Done!
Exemple #15
// Add, update, freshen, or delete zip entries in a zip file. argc; /*
//   Number of tokens in command line. argv; /* Command line tokens.
int ZipProcess(struct Globals *pG)
  int a; // attributes of zip file
  ulg c; // start of central directory
  struct flist *f; // steps through "found" linked list
  int i; // arg counter, root directory flag
  int k; // next argument type, marked counter, comment size, entry count
  int marks; // replaces k as marked counter
  ulg n; // total of entry len's

  // int o; /* true if there were any ZEN_OPEN errors
  char *p; // steps through option arguments
  int r; // temporary variable
  ulg t; // file time, length of central directory
  //  int           first_listarg = 0;  // index of first arg of "process these files" list
  struct zlist *v; // temporary variable
  struct zlist **w; // pointer to last link in "zfiles" list
  struct zlist *z; // steps through "zfiles" linked list
  int altered; // RP 173 counter for altered comments

  int DestType; // 1.75  destination drive type
  unsigned long TotFiles = 0;
  unsigned /* long */__int64 TotSize = 0;
  unsigned long KeptCnt = 0; // number of 'kept' files
  unsigned __int64 KeptSize = 0; // size of 'kept' files
  unsigned long ofs; // current file offset
  int fsz; // file size;
  int No_File = 0; // 1.75 try if file does not exist
  long hi;

  // Process arguments
  diag("processing lists", pG);

  if (pG->verbose)
    switch (pG->action)
      case ADD:
        diag("action = ADD", pG);
      case UPDATE:
        diag("action = UPDATE", pG);
      case FRESHEN:
        diag("action = FRESHEN", pG);
      case PURGE:
        diag("action = PURGE", pG);

    // zcount is no. of entries in linked-list
    // zfiles is name of the linked-list of filenames for the archive
    Inform(pG, 0, IDIAG, "zcount=%d (no. of files in ZIP already)", pG->zcount);

  // if first_listarg is 0, then we didn't got any fspecs on cmd line
  if (pG->doall && (pG->action == UPDATE || pG->action == FRESHEN))
    // if -update or -freshen with no args, do all, but, when present, apply
    //   filters
    for (z = pG->zfiles; z != NULL; z = z->nxt)
      z->mark = pG->pcount ? filter(z->zname, pG): 1;

  if ((r = check_dup(pG)) != ZEN_OK)
  // remove duplicates in list
    return (ziperr(r, pG));

  // Check option combinations
  // ?????
  if (pG->action == PURGE && (pG->dispose || pG->recurse || pG->key))
    return (ziperr(ZEN_PARMS12, pG));
  if (pG->linkput && pG->dosify)
    Inform(pG, 0, IWARNING, "can't use -y with -k, -y ignored");
    pG->linkput = 0;

  // AllowGrow is the "allow append" indicator
  if (!pG->zcount && ((pG->action == ADD) || (pG->action == UPDATE)))
    pG->AllowGrow = 55;
  //1;   // RP173 - create new file normally

  // if zcount is 0, then zipfile doesn't exist, or is empty
  if (pG->zcount == 0 && ((pG->action != ADD && pG->action != UPDATE) || !pG
    // RCV150199 added UPDATE
    Inform(pG, 0, IWARNING, "%s: not found or empty", pG->zipfile);
    if (pG->zcount)
    return 0;

  if (pG->zcount)
    pG->zsort = NULL;

  DestType = DriveType(pG->zipfile);
  if (pG->verbose < 0)
    Inform(pG, 0, IDIAG, "Destination type = %d", DestType);

  // RP - check destination type - if CD set tempath to Windows Temp
  if (pG->tempath == NULL && (DestType != DRIVE_FIXED && DestType !=
    unsigned int plen;
    plen = GetTempPath(2047, pG->ewemsg);
    if (plen && (pG->tempath = (char*)MALLOC(plen + 1)) != NULL)
      lstrcpy(pG->tempath, pG->ewemsg);
      return (ziperr(ZEN_MEM10, pG));

  // If -b not specified, set temporary path to zipfile path
  if (pG->tempath == NULL && ((p = strrchr(pG->zipfile, '\\')) != NULL || (p =
    strrchr(pG->zipfile, ':')) != NULL))
    if (*p == ':')
    if ((pG->tempath = (char*)MALLOC((int)(p - pG->zipfile) + 1)) == NULL)
      return (ziperr(ZEN_MEM10, pG));
    r =  *p;
    *p = 0;
    lstrcpy(pG->tempath, pG->zipfile);
    *p = (char)r;

  // NOTE: "k" is being redefined below this point. Now, it going to
  // track the no. of marked files in the "zfiles" linked list.
  // For each marked entry in "zfiles" linked list, if not deleting, check
  //   if a corresponding "external" file exists. If updating or freshening,
  //   compare date of "external" file with entry in orig zipfile. Unmark if it
  //   external file doesn't exist or is too old, else mark it. Entries that
  //   are marked will cause that file to be rezipped.
  diag("checking marked entries", pG);

  marks = 0; // Initialize marked count

  // zfiles is name of the linked-list of filenames for the archive
    if (!pG->UseInStream)
  for (z = pG->zfiles; z != NULL; z = z->nxt)
    if (z->mark)
      ulg FileAttr;
      #ifdef USE_EF_UX_TIME
        ztimbuf f_utim, z_utim;
      #ifdef USE_EF_UX_TIME
        if (pG->action != PURGE && ((t = filetime(z->name, &FileAttr, (long*)
          NULL, &f_utim, pG)) == 0 || t < pG->before || ((pG->action == UPDATE
          || pG->action == FRESHEN) && (get_ef_ux_ztime(z, &z_utim) ?
          f_utim.modtime <= z_utim.modtime: t <= z->tim)) || (pG->ArchiveFiles
          && pG->action == FRESHEN && !(FileAttr &A_ARCHIVE))))
          z->mark = 0;
          z->trash = t && t >= pG->before; // delete if -um or -fm
          if (pG->verbose)
            Inform(pG, 0, 0, "%s %s", z->name, z->trash ? "up to date" :
              "missing or early");
        // incr. number of marked entries
        if (pG->action != PURGE)
          t = filetime(z->name, &FileAttr, &fsz /* NULL */, NULL, pG);
          //           && (
          //               (t = filetime( z->name, &FileAttr, &fsz /*NULL*/, NULL, pG )) == 0
          if ((t == 0 || t < pG->before || ((pG->action == UPDATE || pG->action
            == FRESHEN) && t <= z->tim) || (pG->ArchiveFiles && pG->action ==
            FRESHEN && !(FileAttr &A_ARCHIVE))) || ( /* (int) */fsz <  - 2))
          // RP - check size
            z->mark = 0;
            z->trash = (t && t >= pG->before) || ( /* (int) */fsz <  - 2);
              // delete if -um or -fm
            //              z->trash = t && t >= pG->before;  // delete if -um or -fm
            if (pG->verbose)
              Inform(pG, 0, 0, "%s %s", z->name, z->trash ? (int)fsz <  - 2 ?
                "now too big" : "up to date": "missing or early");
              //                    z->trash ? "up to date" : "missing or early" );
            TotSize += fsz;
        // PURGE
        // incr. number of marked entries

    if (pG->UseInStream)
      marks = 1;

  // RP - verify file specified to 'Purge'
  if (pG->action == PURGE && !marks)
    return (ziperr(ZEN_NONE03, pG));

  // Remove entries from "found" linked list if: Action is PURGE or FRESHEN
  //   or No "external" matching file is found, or if found, but is too old or
  //   The external file is equal to the ziparchive name while ziparchive name
  //   != "-" If filetime() returns any valid time, then at least we know the
  //   file was found.
  diag("checking new entries", pG);

  // fileio.c built the found list
    if (!pG->UseInStream)
  for (f = pG->found; f != NULL;)
    int sz = 0;
    if (pG->action == PURGE || pG->action == FRESHEN || (t = filetime(f->name,
      (ulg*)NULL, &sz, (ztimbuf*)NULL, pG)) == 0
    //         || (t = filetime( f->name, ( ulg * )NULL, ( long * )NULL, ( ztimbuf * )NULL, pG )) == 0
     || t < pG->before || (namecmp(GetFullPath(pG, f->name), pG->zipfile) == 0
       && strcmp(pG->zipfile, "-")) || (sz <  - 2))
      if (sz <  - 2)
        Inform(pG, ZEN_SIZE04, IWARNING, "%s is too large", f->name); 
      if (pG->verbose && t < pG->before)
        Inform(pG, 0, IDIAG, "rejecting %s as too early", f->name );
      if (pG->verbose < 0)
        Inform(pG, 0, IDIAG, "expel being called for %s", f->name);
      f = fexpel(f, pG); // delete an entry in the list.
    // file found, and not too old.
      f = f->nxt;
    // save this one, link it up.

  if (pG->found == NULL)
    diag("found list empty - a", pG);
    diag("found list has at least one entry - a", pG);

  if ( /* ( pG->action == UPDATE || pG->action == FRESHEN ) && */(pG->adjust <=
    pG->adjust = 0;

  // Make sure there's something left to do RP adjust always 1
  if (marks == 0 && pG->found == NULL && !(pG->zfiles != NULL && (pG->latest ||
    pG->adjust || pG->junk_sfx)))
    // FOUND WAS NULL HERE, so just figure out which error message to show
    //   the user
    if (pG->action == UPDATE || pG->action == FRESHEN)
      Inform(pG, 0, IWARNING, "no files %s", (pG->action == UPDATE) ? "updated"
        : "freshened");
      return 0;
    else if (pG->zfiles == NULL && (pG->latest || pG->adjust || pG->junk_sfx))
      return (ziperr(ZEN_NAME01, pG));
    else if (pG->recurse && (pG->pcount == 0) && (!pG->doall))
    //first_listarg > 0) )
      // add the list of filenames from cmd line to error msg
      ///      for ( i = first_listarg; i < argc; i++ )
      ///        lstrcat( lstrcat( pG->errbuf, " " ), argv[i] );
      return (ziperr(ZEN_NONE01, pG));
      return (ziperr(ZEN_NONE02, pG));

  // AllowGrow is false if writing temporary file
  pG->AllowGrow = (pG->AllowGrow && (marks == 0)
    // is allowed and no changes to existing
   && (pG->zipbeg || pG->zfiles != NULL) // something to append to

  // continue on to add new files
  a = 0;

  // ignore self-extracting code in front of the zip file (for -J)
  if (pG->junk_sfx)
    pG->zipbeg = 0;

  // Count files and sizes which we have to Keep; RP Added
  w = &pG->zfiles;
  while ((z =  *w) != NULL)
    if (pG->global_abort_sw)
      return (ziperr(ZEN_ABORT, pG));
    if (!z->mark)
      KeptSize += (z->siz + (ulg)(4+LOCHEAD) + (ulg)z->nam + (ulg)z->ext);
      if (z->lflg &8)
        KeptSize += 16;

    w = &z->nxt;

  //Inform( pG, 0, IDIAG, "Kept = %u %Lu Total = %u %Lu", KeptCnt, KeptSize, TotFiles, TotSize );
  // Count files and sizes which we have to process; RCV Added
  // First the files in the old zip file...
  // RP - already calculated with new sizes
  // And the found list...
  for (f = pG->found; f != NULL; f = f->nxt)
    if (pG->global_abort_sw)
      return (ziperr(ZEN_ABORT, pG));
    TotSize += f->len;
  //    Inform( pG, 0, IDIAG, "Found = %u %u", tc, ts );
  // OPEN ZIP FILE and temporary output file
  //  diag( "opening zip file and creating temporary zip file", pG );
  pG->tempzn = 0;

  if (!pG->AllowGrow)
    // check file exists
    No_File = access(pG->zipfile, 0) && errno == ENOENT;
    if (No_File && DestType == DRIVE_FIXED || DestType == DRIVE_RAMDISK)
      // create file using given name
      diag("in dllzip - ready to create new file", pG);
      if ((pG->hOutz = CreateFile(pG->zipfile, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL,
        pG->tempzip = pG->zipfile;

        pG->hTempzf = pG->hOutz;
        pG->AllowGrow =  - 1; // new files do grow

  if (pG->AllowGrow > 0)
    // zipfile is not stdout, and we are allowed to append
    // AllowGrow is true if we're just appending (-g)
    diag("in dllzip - ready to open for appending", pG);
    if ((pG->hOutz = CreateFile(pG->zipfile, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0,
      return (ziperr(ZEN_NAME02, pG));
    pG->tempzip = pG->zipfile;

    pG->hTempzf = pG->hOutz;

    /* long */
    hi = 0;
    if (SetFilePointer(pG->hOutz, pG->cenbeg, &hi, FILE_BEGIN) ==
      INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER && GetLastError())
      return (ziperr(GetLastError() ? ZEN_READ01 : ZEN_EOF01, pG));
    pG->tempzn = pG->cenbeg;

  if (!pG->AllowGrow)
    diag("in dllzip - ready to open for Exclusive Read", pG);
    if ((pG->zfiles != NULL || pG->zipbeg) && (pG->hInz = CreateFile(pG
      return (ziperr(ZEN_NAME03, pG));
    if ((pG->tempzip = tempname(pG)) == NULL)
      return (ziperr(ZEN_MEM11, pG));

    //		if (pG->Verbose)
    Inform(pG, 0, IDIAG, "Temp Filename = %s", pG->tempzip);
    if ((pG->hTempzf = pG->hOutz = CreateFile(pG->tempzip, GENERIC_WRITE, 0,
      return (ziperr(ZEN_TEMP01, pG));

  if (!pG->AllowGrow)
    TotFiles += KeptCnt;
    TotSize += KeptSize;
  // Pass total number of files and Total Filesize.    (moved)
  user_callback(zacCount, 0, TotFiles, NULL, pG);
  user_callback(zacSize, (long)(TotSize >> 32), ((unsigned)TotSize), NULL, pG);
  pG->BatchStarted = 1;

  if (!pG->AllowGrow && pG->zipbeg)
    // copy a compressed file from old archive to new archive
    user_callback(zacItem, 0, pG->zipbeg, "SFX", pG);
    if ((r = fcopy(pG->hInz, pG->hOutz, pG->zipbeg, pG)) != ZEN_OK)
      return (ziperr(r, pG));
    pG->tempzn = pG->zipbeg;

  // o = 0; /* no ZEN_OPEN errors yet
  // Process zip file, copying from old archive to new archive. Rezip any
  //   marked files
  if (pG->zfiles != NULL)
    diag("going through old zip file", pG);
  w = &pG->zfiles;

  while ((z =  *w) != NULL)
    if (pG->global_abort_sw)
      return (ziperr(ZEN_ABORT, pG));

    if (z->mark == 1)
      // This file is marked
      // if not deleting, rezip it
      if (pG->action != PURGE)
        Inform(pG, 0, 0, "updating: %s", Oem2Iso(z->zname, pG));

        // zipup is in file zipup.c
        if ((r = zipup(z, pG->hOutz, pG)) != ZEN_OK && (int)(char)(r &0xFF) !=
          ZEN_OPEN && (int)(char)(r &0xFF) != ZEN_MISS)
          return (ziperr(r, pG));

        if ((int)(char)(r &0xFF) == ZEN_OPEN || (int)(char)(r &0xFF) ==
          if ((int)(char)(r &0xFF) == ZEN_OPEN)
            Inform(pG, r, IWARNING, "could not open for reading: %s", z->name);
            user_callback(4, r, 0, z->name, pG);
            Inform(pG, 0, IWARNING, "file and directory with the same name: %s",
            user_callback(4, r, 0, z->name, pG);

          Inform(pG, 0, IWARNING, "will just copy entry over: %s", z->zname);

          if ((r = zipcopy(z, pG->hInz, pG->hOutz, pG)) != ZEN_OK)
            sprintf(pG->errbuf, "was copying %s", z->zname);
            return (ziperr(r, pG));

          z->mark = 0;

        w = &z->nxt;
        // desired action is DELETE, this file marked
        // NOTE: no progress bar supt for DELETE yet
        Inform(pG, 0, 0, "deleting: %s", Oem2Iso(z->zname, pG));

        v = z->nxt; // delete entry from list
        if (z->ext)
        if (z->cext && z->cextra != z->extra)
        if (z->com)
        *w = v;
      // this file wasn't marked
      // copy the original entry verbatim
      if (!pG->AllowGrow)
        Inform(pG, 0, 0, "keeping: %s", Oem2Iso(z->zname, pG));
        if ((r = zipcopy(z, pG->hInz, pG->hOutz, pG)) != ZEN_OK)
          sprintf(pG->errbuf, "was copying %s", z->zname);

          // user_callback ( zacEndOfBatch, 0, 0, NULL, pG ); // done with a
          // batch of files
          return (ziperr(r, pG));
      w = &z->nxt;
  } // end while

  // Process the "found" list, adding them to the zip file.
  // This is used to add files that weren't already in the archive.
  if (pG->verbose)
    Inform(pG, 0, IDIAG, "Zipping up %d NEW entries from found list", pG

  // For each new file to add (src names in found list), make a new entry
  //   for it in the "zfiles" linked list, zip up the new file, then remove the
  //   entry from the found list.
  // The last item in the for loop control deallocates spc for fname that
  //   was just zipped up
  for (f = pG->found; f != NULL; f = fexpel(f, pG))
    // add a new entry to "zfiles" list, before we zip up the file. That way
    //   we'll be ready to update the ZIP file's directory later.
    if (pG->global_abort_sw)
      // user_callback ( zacEndOfBatch, 0, 0, NULL, pG ); // done with a
      // batch of files
      return (ziperr(ZEN_ABORT, pG));

    if ((z = (struct zlist*)MALLOC(sizeof(struct zlist))) == NULL)
      return (ziperr(ZEN_MEM12, pG));

    // RP 1.73 clear all fields
    memset(z, 0, sizeof(struct zlist));

    // Similar names below are confusing: f->name f->zname z->name z->zname
    // z z->nxt = NULL;
    z->name = f->name;
    f->name = NULL;

    z->zname = f->zname;
    f->zname = NULL;

    // z z->ext = z->cext = z->com = 0;
    // z z->extra = z->cextra = z->comment = NULL;
    // pRP173 z->ext = strlen( f->passw ); //Added RAEL
    // pRP173 z->extra = f->passw; //Added RAEL for per file password
    z->passw = f->passw; // p
    f->passw = NULL; // Added RAEL
    z->mark = 1;
    z->dosflag = f->dosflag;
    z->len = f->len; // RCV added.

    // zip it up
    Inform(pG, 0, 0, "  adding: %s", Oem2Iso(z->zname, pG));

    // This is it - try to zip up new file
    if ((r = zipup(z, pG->hOutz, pG)) != ZEN_OK && (int)(char)(r &0xFF) !=
      ZEN_OPEN && (int)(char)(r &0xFF) != ZEN_MISS)
      return (ziperr(r, pG));

    if ((int)(char)(r &0xFF) == ZEN_OPEN || (int)(char)(r &0xFF) == ZEN_MISS)
      // o = 1;
      if ((int)(char)(r &0xFF) == ZEN_OPEN)
        Inform(pG, r, IWARNING, "could not open for reading: %s", z->name);
        Inform(pG, 0, IWARNING, "file and directory with the same name: %s", z

      // "zipup" of this file was good
      *w = z;
      w = &z->nxt;

  // Write central directory and end header to temporary zip
  diag("writing central directory", pG);
  hi = 0;
  ofs = SetFilePointer(pG->hOutz, 0, &hi, FILE_CURRENT);
  if (hi || (ofs > 0xFFFFFFF0u) || (ofs == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER &&
    return ziperr(ZEN_SIZE01, pG);

  k = 0; // keep count of new fnames for ZIPfile's end header
  c = pG->tempzn; // get start of central directory
  n = t = 0;
  altered = 0; // RP 173 - count changes
  for (z = pG->zfiles; z != NULL; z = z->nxt)
    // Handle callback and result for the filecomments... DLL v1.609,
    // Component v1.60L
    if (pG->action != PURGE)
      memset(pG->ewetmp, 0, 513); // Clear all
      strncpy(pG->ewetmp, z->zname, 255); // Copy external filename
      if (z->com)
      // Copy old comment if present
        strncpy(pG->ewetmp + 256, z->comment, min(z->com, 255));
        z->comment = 0;
      user_callback(12, 0, z->com, pG->ewetmp, pG);
      if (pG->callbackdata.error_code)
        // User changed the comment
        z->com = pG->callbackdata.fsize;
        if ((z->comment = (char*)MALLOC(z->com + 1)) == NULL)
          return (ziperr(ZEN_MEM37, pG));
        strncpy(z->comment, pG->callbackdata.filenameormsg, z->com + 1);

    if (pG->files_acted_on < altered)
    // RP 173 - comments changed is acted on
      pG->files_acted_on = altered;

    if ((r = putcentral(z, pG->hOutz, pG)) != ZEN_OK)
      // v1.6014
      return (ziperr(r, pG));

    pG->tempzn += 4+CENHEAD + z->nam + z->cext + z->com;
    n += z->len;
    t += z->siz;

  if (k == 0)
    Inform(pG, 0, IWARNING, "zip file empty");

  if ((pG->verbose) && (pG->action == ADD) && (!pG->global_error_code) && (pG
    ->files_acted_on > 0))
    Inform(pG, 0, 0, "Total Bytes=%lu, compr bytes=%lu -> %d%% savings", n, t,
      percent(n, t));

  t = pG->tempzn - c; // compute length of central
  diag("writing end of central directory", pG);

  if (k && ((r = putend(k, t, c, pG->hOutz, pG)) != ZEN_OK))
    return (ziperr(r, pG));

  //       if ( pG->hInz != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
  //       {
  //         pG->hInz = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
  //       }

  // pG->tempzf = NULL;
  // if ( fclose ( pG->y ) )
  //       if ( pG->hOutz != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && !CloseHandle( pG->hOutz ) )
  if (!Close_Handle(&pG->hOutz))
    return (ziperr(pG->AllowGrow ? ZEN_WRITE03 : ZEN_TEMP02, pG));

  //       pG->hOutz = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

  #ifdef DYN_ALLOC

  //  if ( pG->verbose )
  //    Inform( pG, 0, IDIAG, "Files closed in: %X out: %x", pG->hInz, pG->hOutz );
  // Replace old zip file with new zip file, leaving only the new one
  //  if ( !pG->AllowGrow )     // && lstrcmp(pG->zipfile, pG->tempzip))
  if (!pG->AllowGrow && (k || pG->action != PURGE))
  // && lstrcmp(pG->zipfile, pG->tempzip))
    diag("replacing old zip file with new zip file", pG);
    if ((r = replace(pG->zipfile, pG->tempzip, pG)) != ZEN_OK)
      Inform(pG, 0, IWARNING, "new zip file left as: %s", pG->tempzip);
      pG->tempzip = NULL;

      return (ziperr(r, pG));

    pG->tempzip = NULL;

  if (!k && pG->action == PURGE)
  // empty file - remove
    a = pG->latest = 0;
    if (!pG->AllowGrow)

  pG->tempzip = NULL;
  if (a)
    setfileattr(pG->zipfile, a);

  // Reset the archive bit when needed for all successfull zipped files
  if (pG->ResetArchiveBit && pG->action != PURGE)
    unsigned cnt = 0; // added extra callbacks
    diag("resetting archive bits", pG);
    for (z = pG->zfiles; z != NULL; z = z->nxt)
      if (z->mark)
    if (cnt)
      // new file op.
      // Pass total number of files. filesize.
      user_callback(zacXItem, 1, cnt, "*resetting archive bits", pG);

    cnt = 0;
    for (z = pG->zfiles; z != NULL; z = z->nxt)
      if (z->mark)
        char *fullname;
        if (++cnt == 30)
          user_callback(zacXProgress, 1, cnt, "", pG);
          cnt = 0;
          if (pG->global_abort_sw)

        fullname = GetFullPath(pG, z->name); // v.16017
        if (!SetFileAttributes(fullname, GetFileAttributes(fullname)
          Inform(pG, 0, IWARNING, "Archive bit could not be set for: %s", z

    if (cnt)
      user_callback(zacXProgress, 1, cnt, "", pG); // last few

  return 0;
Exemple #16
// Issue a message for an error, clean up files and memory, and exit. return
//   value is the the same as 'c'. c :: Error code from the ZEN_ class.
int ziperr(int c, struct Globals *pG)
  char errmsg[ERRORLENGTH];
  int i;

  ziperror(c, pG);
  freeup(pG); // free memory for file linked lists, etc.

  if (pG->tempzip != pG->zipfile)
    // using temp file
    if (pG->hOutz == pG->hTempzf)
    // make sure not same
    //    if ( pG->hTempzf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )

    // remove bad file
    destroy(pG->tempzip, pG);
    pG->tempzip = NULL;

  if (pG->tempath != NULL)
    pG->tempath = NULL;

  //  if ( pG->hInz != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
  //  {
  //    pG->hInz = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
  //  }

  if (pG->hOutz != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    //    pG->hOutz = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
    // remove damaged file
    if (pG->verbose)
      Inform(pG, 0, IDIAG, "deleting damaged %s", pG->zipfile);
    destroy(pG->zipfile, pG);

  if (pG->zipfile != NULL)
    pG->zipfile = NULL;
  #ifdef CRYPT
    if (pG->user_key)
    // p release user password
      pG->user_key = NULL;

  #ifdef NEVER
    // EWE NOTE: This code is problematic!!!
    // -g option, attempt to restore the old file
    // int k = 0; /* keep count for end header
    // ulg cb = cenbeg; /* get start of central
    // struct zlist *z; /* steps through zfiles linked list
    Inform(pG, 0, 0, "attempting to restore %s to its previous state\n", pG
    fseek(pG->tempzf, pG->cenbeg, SEEK_SET);
    pG->tempzn = pG->cenbeg;
    for (z = pG->zfiles; z != NULL; z = z->nxt)
      putcentral(z, pG->tempzf, pG);
      pG->tempzn += 4+CENHEAD + z->nam + z->cext + z->com;

    putend(k, pG->tempzn - cb, cb, pG->zcomlen, pG->zcomment, pG->tempzf);
    //  pG->tempzf = NULL;

    freeup(pG); // free memory for file linked lists,
    if (pG->zipfile != NULL)
      pG->zipfile = NULL;

  return c;
Exemple #17
void image::openRestoreDrives()
	//create a handle to the disk(s)/drive(s)
	//test to see if valid
	cout<<"source: drive"<<driveSource<<endl;
	cout<<"destination Drive: "<<driveDestination<<endl<<endl;
	//HANDLE source
	if (driveSource != NULL)
		hFile[0] = CreateFile(driveSource,
						GENERIC_READ,              // open for reading 
						FILE_SHARE_READ,           // share for reading 
						NULL,                      // no security 
						OPEN_EXISTING,             // existing file only 
						FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,     // normal file 
						NULL);                     // no attr. template 
		Inform("Source not specified...");
	if (hFile[0] == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) 
		Inform("Image Source Could Not Be Opened...    "  );	//may not exist 
		//Inform(GetLastError());								//returns error code
			Inform("Image Source Opened   ");

	//HANDLE destination;
	if (driveDestination != NULL)
		hFile[1] = CreateFile(driveDestination, 
						GENERIC_WRITE,             // open for writing 
						FILE_SHARE_WRITE,          // share for writing 
						NULL,                      // no security 
						OPEN_EXISTING,             // existing file only 
						FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,     // normal file 
						NULL);                     // no attr. template 
		Inform("Destination not specified...");

	if (hFile[1] == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) 
		Inform("Image Destination Could Not Be Opened...    "  );	//may not exist 
		//Inform(GetLastError());									//returns error code
			Inform("Image Destination Opened   ");
String MediaInfo_Internal::Get(stream_t StreamKind, size_t StreamPos, const String &Parameter, info_t KindOfInfo, info_t KindOfSearch)
    if (Parameter.find(_T("_String"))!=Error)
        Ztring S1=Parameter;
        S1.FindAndReplace(_T("_String"), _T("/String"));
        return Get(StreamKind, StreamPos, S1, KindOfInfo, KindOfSearch);
    if (Parameter==_T("Channels"))
        return Get(StreamKind, StreamPos, _T("Channel(s)"), KindOfInfo, KindOfSearch);
    if (Parameter==_T("Artist"))
        return Get(StreamKind, StreamPos, _T("Performer"), KindOfInfo, KindOfSearch);
    if (Parameter==_T("AspectRatio"))
        return Get(StreamKind, StreamPos, _T("DisplayAspectRatio"), KindOfInfo, KindOfSearch);
    if (Parameter==_T("AspectRatio/String"))
        return Get(StreamKind, StreamPos, _T("DisplayAspectRatio/String"), KindOfInfo, KindOfSearch);
    if (Parameter==_T("Chroma"))
        return Get(StreamKind, StreamPos, _T("Colorimetry"), KindOfInfo, KindOfSearch);
    if (Parameter==_T("PlayTime"))
        return Get(StreamKind, StreamPos, _T("Duration"), KindOfInfo, KindOfSearch);
    if (Parameter==_T("PlayTime/String"))
        return Get(StreamKind, StreamPos, _T("Duration/String"), KindOfInfo, KindOfSearch);
    if (Parameter==_T("PlayTime/String1"))
        return Get(StreamKind, StreamPos, _T("Duration/String1"), KindOfInfo, KindOfSearch);
    if (Parameter==_T("PlayTime/String2"))
        return Get(StreamKind, StreamPos, _T("Duration/String2"), KindOfInfo, KindOfSearch);
    if (Parameter==_T("PlayTime/String3"))
        return Get(StreamKind, StreamPos, _T("Duration/String3"), KindOfInfo, KindOfSearch);
    if (StreamKind==Stream_General && Parameter==_T("BitRate"))
        return Get(Stream_General, StreamPos, _T("OverallBitRate"), KindOfInfo, KindOfSearch);
    if (StreamKind==Stream_General && Parameter==_T("BitRate/String"))
        return Get(Stream_General, StreamPos, _T("OverallBitRate/String"), KindOfInfo, KindOfSearch);
    if (StreamKind==Stream_General && Parameter==_T("BitRate_Minimum"))
        return Get(Stream_General, StreamPos, _T("OverallBitRate_Minimum"), KindOfInfo, KindOfSearch);
    if (StreamKind==Stream_General && Parameter==_T("BitRate_Minimum/String"))
        return Get(Stream_General, StreamPos, _T("OverallBitRate_Minimum/String"), KindOfInfo, KindOfSearch);
    if (StreamKind==Stream_General && Parameter==_T("BitRate_Nominal"))
        return Get(Stream_General, StreamPos, _T("OverallBitRate_Nominal"), KindOfInfo, KindOfSearch);
    if (StreamKind==Stream_General && Parameter==_T("BitRate_Nominal/String"))
        return Get(Stream_General, StreamPos, _T("OverallBitRate_Nominal/String"), KindOfInfo, KindOfSearch);
    if (StreamKind==Stream_General && Parameter==_T("BitRate_Maximum"))
        return Get(Stream_General, StreamPos, _T("OverallBitRate_Maximum"), KindOfInfo, KindOfSearch);
    if (StreamKind==Stream_General && Parameter==_T("BitRate_Maximum/String"))
        return Get(Stream_General, StreamPos, _T("OverallBitRate_Maximum/String"), KindOfInfo, KindOfSearch);


    //Check integrity
    if (StreamKind>=Stream_Max || StreamPos>=Stream[StreamKind].size() || KindOfInfo>=Info_Max)
        return MediaInfoLib::Config.EmptyString_Get(); //Parameter is unknown

    //Special cases
    //-Inform for a stream
    if (Parameter==_T("Inform"))
        Ztring InformZtring=Inform(StreamKind, StreamPos);
        size_t Pos=MediaInfoLib::Config.Info_Get(StreamKind).Find(_T("Inform"));
        if (Pos!=Error)

    //Case of specific info
    size_t ParameterI=MediaInfoLib::Config.Info_Get(StreamKind).Find(Parameter, KindOfSearch);
    if (ParameterI==Error)
        ParameterI=Stream_More[StreamKind][StreamPos].Find(Parameter, KindOfSearch);
        if (ParameterI==Error)
            return MediaInfoLib::Config.EmptyString_Get(); //Parameter is unknown
        CriticalSectionLocker CSL(CS);
        return Stream_More[StreamKind][StreamPos][ParameterI](KindOfInfo);


    return Get(StreamKind, StreamPos, ParameterI, KindOfInfo);
void Window::shootEvent()
	static bool shooting = false;
	if (shooting)
	shooting = true;

	if (!initialised)

	//Gather information
	int delay = ui.SpinDelay->value();
	auto startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds(delay);

	bool saveProcessed = ui.CheckSaveProcessed->isChecked();
	bool saveRaw = ui.CheckSaveRaw->isChecked();
	bool saveGroundTruth = ui.CheckSaveGroundTruth->isChecked();

	std::string processedExtension = ui.BoxProcessedformat->itemText(ui.BoxProcessedformat->currentIndex()).toUtf8();

	//Get and validate colours
	QStringList colours = mColourModel->stringList();
	if (colours.size() == 0)
		Inform("Can not take photos with no colours selected.");
		shooting = false;
	for (auto it = colours.begin(); it != colours.end(); ++it)
		if (!QColor(std::string(it->toUtf8()).c_str()).isValid())
			Error(std::string(("Invalid colour " + *it + ", Aborting sequence.").toUtf8()));
			shooting = false;

	if (!saveRaw && !saveProcessed && !saveGroundTruth)
		Inform("Can not take photos: No target saving format");
		shooting = false;

	if (saveGroundTruth && colours.size() < 5)
		Inform("Can not take photos: Please select at least five colours for ground truth generation.");
		shooting = false;


	//Shoot sequence
	if (!mActionClass->shootSequence(startTime, colours, saveProcessed,
		saveRaw, saveGroundTruth, processedExtension, mSaveDir))
		Error("Failed taking image sequence");

	shooting = false;
Exemple #20
  int GetUserPW(struct Globals *pG)
    int pwrcode;
    int r;
    char *ekey; // = NULL; // Double check password
    if (pG->user_key && *(pG->user_key))
      return ZEN_OK;
    // get password from user

    diag("ZIPDLL was not passed a password", pG);
    if (pG->GlobalCompVersion < 160)
      pwrcode = getp("Enter password: "******"password entered", pG);

      if ((ekey = (char*)MALLOC(PWLEN + 1)) == NULL)
        return ZEN_MEM07;
      pwrcode = getp("Verify password:"******"2nd copy of password entered", pG);

      r = strcmp(pG->user_key, ekey);
      if (r)
        diag("passwords do not match", pG);
        return ZEN_PW_ERROR; // pwds did NOT match

      if (*pG->user_key == '\0')
        diag("no passwords entered: only CR", pG);
        return ZEN_PW_ERROR; // no pwds entered
      user_callback(zacPassword, 1, 1, "", pG);
      if (pG->callbackdata.error_code)
        if ( ( pG->user_key = ( char * ) MALLOC( PWLEN + 1 ) ) == NULL )
          return ZEN_MEM07;
        pG->key = pG->user_key;
        lstrcpyn(pG->user_key, pG->callbackdata.filenameormsg, PWLEN);
        pG->key_len = lstrlen(pG->user_key);
        return ZEN_PW_CANCELALL;
    if (pG->verbose)
      Inform(pG, 0, IDIAG, "passwords match: %s", pG->key);
    return ZEN_OK;