Exemple #1
bool wxControl::MSWCreateControl(const wxChar *classname,
                                 WXDWORD style,
                                 const wxPoint& pos,
                                 const wxSize& size,
                                 const wxString& label,
                                 WXDWORD exstyle)
    // if no extended style given, determine it ourselves
    if ( exstyle == (WXDWORD)-1 )
        exstyle = 0;
        (void) MSWGetStyle(GetWindowStyle(), &exstyle);

    // all controls should have this style
    style |= WS_CHILD;

    // create the control visible if it's currently shown for wxWidgets
    if ( m_isShown )
        style |= WS_VISIBLE;

    // choose the position for the control: we have a problem with default size
    // here as we can't calculate the best size before the control exists
    // (DoGetBestSize() may need to use m_hWnd), so just choose the minimal
    // possible but non 0 size because 0 window width/height result in problems
    // elsewhere
    int x = pos.x == wxDefaultCoord ? 0 : pos.x,
        y = pos.y == wxDefaultCoord ? 0 : pos.y,
        w = size.x == wxDefaultCoord ? 1 : size.x,
        h = size.y == wxDefaultCoord ? 1 : size.y;

    // ... and adjust it to account for a possible parent frames toolbar
    AdjustForParentClientOrigin(x, y);

    m_hWnd = (WXHWND)::CreateWindowEx
                        exstyle,            // extended style
                        classname,          // the kind of control to create
                        label.wx_str(),     // the window name
                        style,              // the window style
                        x, y, w, h,         // the window position and size
                        GetHwndOf(GetParent()),         // parent
                        (HMENU)wxUIntToPtr(GetId()),    // child id
                        wxGetInstance(),    // app instance
                        NULL                // creation parameters

    if ( !m_hWnd )
                        wxT("CreateWindowEx(\"%s\", flags=%08lx, ex=%08lx)"),
                        classname, style, exstyle

        return false;

    // Text labels starting with the character 0xff (which is a valid character
    // in many code pages) don't appear correctly as CreateWindowEx() has some
    // special treatment for this case, apparently the strings starting with -1
    // are not really strings but something called "ordinals". There is no
    // documentation about it but the fact is that the label gets mangled or
    // not displayed at all if we don't do this, see #9572.
    // Notice that 0xffff is not a valid Unicode character so the problem
    // doesn't arise in Unicode build.
    if ( !label.empty() && label[0] == -1 )
        ::SetWindowText(GetHwnd(), label.wx_str());
#endif // !wxUSE_UNICODE

    // saving the label in m_labelOrig to return it verbatim
    // later in GetLabel()
    m_labelOrig = label;

    // install wxWidgets window proc for this window

    // set up fonts and colours
    if ( !m_hasFont )
        bool setFont = true;

        wxFont font = GetDefaultAttributes().font;

        // if we set a font for {list,tree}ctrls and the font size is changed in
        // the display properties then the font size for these controls doesn't
        // automatically adjust when they receive WM_SETTINGCHANGE

        // FIXME: replace the dynamic casts with virtual function calls!!
        bool testFont = false;
        if ( wxDynamicCastThis(wxListCtrl) )
            testFont = true;
#endif // wxUSE_LISTCTRL
        if ( wxDynamicCastThis(wxTreeCtrl) )
            testFont = true;
#endif // wxUSE_TREECTRL

        if ( testFont )
            // not sure if we need to explicitly set the font here for Win95/NT4
            // but we definitely can't do it for any newer version
            // see wxGetCCDefaultFont() in src/msw/settings.cpp for explanation
            // of why this test works

            // TODO: test Win95/NT4 to see if this is needed or breaks the
            // font resizing as it does on newer versions
            if ( font != wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT) )
                setFont = false;

        if ( setFont )

    // set the size now if no initial size specified

    return true;
Exemple #2
bool wxTextCtrl::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
                        const wxString& value,
                        const wxPoint& pos,
                        const wxSize& size,
                        long style,
                        const wxValidator& validator,
                        const wxString& name)
    if ( (style & wxBORDER_MASK) == wxBORDER_DEFAULT )
        style |= wxBORDER_SIMPLE;


    WXDWORD exStyle = 0;
    WXDWORD msStyle = MSWGetStyle(GetWindowStyle(), & exStyle) ;

    wxSize sizeText(size), sizeBtn(size);
    sizeBtn.x = GetBestSpinnerSize(IsVertical(style)).x / 2;

    if ( sizeText.x == wxDefaultCoord )
        // DEFAULT_ITEM_WIDTH is the default width for the text control
        sizeText.x = DEFAULT_ITEM_WIDTH + MARGIN_BETWEEN + sizeBtn.x;

    sizeText.x -= sizeBtn.x + MARGIN_BETWEEN;
    if ( sizeText.x <= 0 )
        wxLogDebug(_T("not enough space for wxSpinCtrl!"));

    wxPoint posBtn(pos);
    posBtn.x += sizeText.x + MARGIN_BETWEEN;

    // we need to turn '\n's into "\r\n"s for the multiline controls
    wxString valueWin;
    if ( m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE )
        valueWin = wxTextFile::Translate(value, wxTextFileType_Dos);
    else // single line
        valueWin = value;

    // we must create the list control before the spin button for the purpose
    // of the dialog navigation: if there is a static text just before the spin
    // control, activating it by Alt-letter should give focus to the text
    // control, not the spin and the dialog navigation code will give focus to
    // the next control (at Windows level), not the one after it

    // create the text window

    m_hwndBuddy = (WXHWND)::CreateWindowEx
                     exStyle,                // sunken border
                     _T("EDIT"),             // window class
                     valueWin,               // no window title
                     msStyle,                // style (will be shown later)
                     pos.x, pos.y,           // position
                     0, 0,                   // size (will be set later)
                     GetHwndOf(parent),      // parent
                     (HMENU)-1,              // control id
                     wxGetInstance(),        // app instance
                     NULL                    // unused client data

    if ( !m_hwndBuddy )
        wxLogLastError(wxT("CreateWindow(buddy text window)"));

        return false;

    // initialize wxControl
    if ( !CreateControl(parent, id, posBtn, sizeBtn, style, validator, name) )
        return false;

    // now create the real HWND
    WXDWORD spiner_style = WS_VISIBLE |
                           UDS_ALIGNRIGHT |
                           UDS_EXPANDABLE |

    if ( !IsVertical(style) )
        spiner_style |= UDS_HORZ;

    if ( style & wxSP_WRAP )
        spiner_style |= UDS_WRAP;

    if ( !MSWCreateControl(UPDOWN_CLASS, spiner_style, posBtn, sizeBtn, _T(""), 0) )
        return false;

    // subclass the text ctrl to be able to intercept some events
    wxSetWindowUserData(GetBuddyHwnd(), this);
    m_wndProcBuddy = (WXFARPROC)wxSetWindowProc(GetBuddyHwnd(),

    // set up fonts and colours  (This is nomally done in MSWCreateControl)
    if (!m_hasFont)

    // set the size of the text window - can do it only now, because we
    // couldn't call DoGetBestSize() before as font wasn't set
    if ( sizeText.y <= 0 )
        int cx, cy;
        wxGetCharSize(GetHWND(), &cx, &cy, GetFont());

        sizeText.y = EDIT_HEIGHT_FROM_CHAR_HEIGHT(cy);


    (void)::ShowWindow(GetBuddyHwnd(), SW_SHOW);

    // associate the list window with the spin button
    (void)::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), UDM_SETBUDDY, (WPARAM)GetBuddyHwnd(), 0);

    // do it after finishing with m_hwndBuddy creation to avoid generating
    // initial wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED message

    return true;
Exemple #3
// Create() function
bool wxNotebook::Create(wxWindow *parent,
                        wxWindowID id,
                        const wxPoint& pos,
                        const wxSize& size,
                        long style,
                        const wxString& name)
    if ( (style & wxBK_ALIGN_MASK) == wxBK_DEFAULT )
#if defined(__POCKETPC__)
        style |= wxBK_BOTTOM | wxNB_FLAT;
        style |= wxBK_TOP;

#ifdef __WXWINCE__
    // Not sure why, but without this style, there is no border
    // around the notebook tabs.
    if (style & wxNB_FLAT)
        style |= wxBORDER_SUNKEN;

    // ComCtl32 notebook tabs simply don't work unless they're on top if we
    // have uxtheme, we can work around it later (after control creation), but
    // if we have been compiled without uxtheme support, we have to clear those
    // styles
    if ( HasTroubleWithNonTopTabs() )
        style &= ~(wxBK_BOTTOM | wxBK_LEFT | wxBK_RIGHT);
#endif //wxUSE_UXTHEME

#if defined(__WINE__) && wxUSE_UNICODE
    LPCTSTR className = L"SysTabControl32";

    // SysTabCtl32 class has natively CS_HREDRAW and CS_VREDRAW enabled and it
    // causes horrible flicker when resizing notebook, so get rid of it by
    // using a class without these styles (but otherwise identical to it)
    if ( !HasFlag(wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE) )
        static ClassRegistrar s_clsNotebook;
        if ( !s_clsNotebook.IsInitialized() )
            // get a copy of standard class and modify it
            WNDCLASS wc;

            if ( ::GetClassInfo(NULL, WC_TABCONTROL, &wc) )
                gs_wndprocNotebook =
                wc.lpszClassName = wxT("_wx_SysTabCtl32");
                wc.style &= ~(CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW);
                wc.hInstance = wxGetInstance();
                wc.lpfnWndProc = wxNotebookWndProc;

        // use our custom class if available but fall back to the standard
        // notebook if we failed to register it
        if ( s_clsNotebook.IsRegistered() )
            // it's ok to use c_str() here as the static s_clsNotebook object
            // has sufficiently long lifetime
            className = s_clsNotebook.GetName().c_str();

    if ( !CreateControl(parent, id, pos, size, style | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL,
                        wxDefaultValidator, name) )
        return false;

    if ( !MSWCreateControl(className, wxEmptyString, pos, size) )
        return false;

    // Inherit parent attributes and, unlike the default, also inherit the
    // parent background colour in order to blend in with its background if
    // it's set to a non-default value.
    if ( parent->InheritsBackgroundColour() && !UseBgCol() )

    if ( HasFlag(wxNB_NOPAGETHEME) ||
            wxSystemOptions::IsFalse(wxT("msw.notebook.themed-background")) )
    else // use themed background by default
        // create backing store

    // comctl32.dll 6.0 doesn't support non-top tabs with visual styles (the
    // control is simply not rendered correctly), so we disable themes
    // if possible, otherwise we simply clear the styles.
    if ( HasTroubleWithNonTopTabs() &&
            (style & (wxBK_BOTTOM | wxBK_LEFT | wxBK_RIGHT)) )
        // check if we use themes at all -- if we don't, we're still okay
        if ( wxUxThemeEngine::GetIfActive() )
            wxUxThemeEngine::GetIfActive()->SetWindowTheme(GetHwnd(), L"", L"");

            // correct the background color for the new non-themed control
#endif // wxUSE_UXTHEME

    // Undocumented hack to get flat notebook style
    // In fact, we should probably only do this in some
    // curcumstances, i.e. if we know we will have a border
    // at the bottom (the tab control doesn't draw it itself)
#if defined(__POCKETPC__) || defined(__SMARTPHONE__)
    if (HasFlag(wxNB_FLAT))
        SendMessage(GetHwnd(), CCM_SETVERSION, COMCTL32_VERSION, 0);
        if (!m_hasBgCol)
    return true;