void nsCSSScanner::OutputError() { if (mError.IsEmpty()) return; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "CSS Error (%s :%u.%u): %s\n", mFileName.get(), mErrorLineNumber, mErrorColNumber, NS_ConvertUCS2toUTF8(mError).get()); #endif // Log it to the Error console if (InitGlobals() && gReportErrors) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptError> errorObject = do_CreateInstance(gScriptErrorFactory, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { rv = errorObject->Init(mError.get(), NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2(mFileName.get()).get(), EmptyString().get(), mErrorLineNumber, mErrorColNumber, nsIScriptError::warningFlag, "CSS Parser"); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) gConsoleService->LogMessage(errorObject); } } ClearError(); }
/* EXPORT-> MakeXGraf: Create and open window, initialization */ void MakeXGraf(char *wname, int x, int y, int w, int h, int bw) /* WIN32: bw is ignored. */ { WNDCLASS WindowClass; char sbuf[256], *hgraf = "HGraf"; HDC dc; if (winCreated) HError(6870, "MakeXGraf: Attempt to recreate the graphics window"); WindowClass.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL); WindowClass.lpszClassName = hgraf; WindowClass.lpfnWndProc = HGWinFunc; WindowClass.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_OWNDC; WindowClass.hIcon = NULL; WindowClass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW); WindowClass.lpszMenuName = NULL; WindowClass.cbClsExtra = 0; WindowClass.cbWndExtra = 0; WindowClass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH); RegisterClass(&WindowClass); strcpy(sbuf, hgraf); strcat(sbuf, ": "); strcat(sbuf, wname); theWindow = CreateWindow(hgraf, sbuf, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE, x,y, w,h, HWND_DESKTOP, NULL, WindowClass.hInstance, NULL); /* adjust window size so that the client rectangle is the size requested */ /* by the caller of MakeXGraf() --- Win32 interprets w and h as the dimensions */ /* of the overall window. */ GetClientRect(theWindow,&ClientRect); MoveWindow(theWindow,x,y,w+w-ClientRect.right,h+h-ClientRect.bottom,TRUE); GetClientRect(theWindow,&ClientRect); /* Obtain and initialize device contexts */ dc = GetDC(theWindow); memDC = CreateCompatibleDC(dc); SetArcDirection(memDC,AD_COUNTERCLOCKWISE); SetArcDirection(dc,AD_COUNTERCLOCKWISE); SetPolyFillMode(memDC,WINDING); SetPolyFillMode(memDC,WINDING); SetTextAlign(memDC,TA_BASELINE | TA_LEFT); SetTextAlign(dc,TA_BASELINE | TA_LEFT); SetBkMode(memDC,TRANSPARENT); SetBkMode(dc,TRANSPARENT); theBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc,w,h); SelectObject(memDC,theBitmap); ReleaseDC(theWindow,dc); CreateHeap(&btnHeap, "Button heap", MHEAP, sizeof(HButton), 1.0, 100, 100); InitGlobals(); InstallColours(); winCreated = TRUE; HSetColour(WHITE); HFillRectangle(0,0,ClientRect.right,ClientRect.bottom); }
/* Checks for commandline args, intializes globals, then begins code download. */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { nf2.device_name = DEFAULT_IFACE; processArgs(argc, argv); if (check_iface(&nf2)) { exit(1); } if (openDescriptor(&nf2)) { exit(1); } if (strncmp(log_file_name, "stdout",6)) { if ((log_file = fopen(log_file_name, "w")) == NULL) { printf("Error: unable to open logfile %s for writing.\n", log_file_name); exit(1); } } else log_file = stdout; InitGlobals(); BeginCodeDownload(bin_file_name); if (!cpci_reprog) ResetDevice(); /* reset the PHYs */ NF2_WR32(MDIO_0_CONTROL_REG, 0x8000); NF2_WR32(MDIO_1_CONTROL_REG, 0x8000); NF2_WR32(MDIO_2_CONTROL_REG, 0x8000); NF2_WR32(MDIO_3_CONTROL_REG, 0x8000); /* wait until the resets have been completed */ usleep(100); if (intr_enable) { /* PHY interrupt mask off for link status change */ NF2_WR32(MDIO_0_INTERRUPT_MASK_REG, 0xfffd); NF2_WR32(MDIO_1_INTERRUPT_MASK_REG, 0xfffd); NF2_WR32(MDIO_2_INTERRUPT_MASK_REG, 0xfffd); NF2_WR32(MDIO_3_INTERRUPT_MASK_REG, 0xfffd); } VerifyDevInfo(); fclose(log_file); closeDescriptor(&nf2); return SUCCESS; }
PRInt32 nsMathMLOperators::CountStretchyOperator() { if (!gInitialized) { InitGlobals(); } return (gStretchyOperatorArray) ? gStretchyOperatorArray->Length() : 0; }
static Err AppStart(UInt16 cmd, void *cmdPBP) { DisplayInitDepth(true); InitGlobals(); FrmGotoForm(kMainForm); return errNone; }
LOCAL_C void RunTestsL() /** * Run all the tests */ { InitGlobals(); AutoTestExecute(); DestroyGlobals(); }
ECode CWallpaperManager::constructor( /* [in] */ IContext *context, /* [in] */ IHandler *handler) { mContext = context; AutoPtr<ILooper> looper; FAIL_RETURN(context->GetMainLooper((ILooper**)&looper)); InitGlobals(looper); return NOERROR; }
int LoadSendRecvMessageModule(void) { if (LoadLibraryA("Msftedit.dll") == NULL) { if (IDYES != MessageBox(0, TranslateTS(tszError), TranslateT("Information"), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONINFORMATION)) return 1; return 0; } InitGlobals(); RichUtil_Load(); InitOptions(); HookEvent(ME_DB_EVENT_ADDED, MessageEventAdded); HookEvent(ME_DB_CONTACT_SETTINGCHANGED, MessageSettingChanged); HookEvent(ME_DB_CONTACT_DELETED, ContactDeleted); HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, SplitmsgModulesLoaded); HookEvent(ME_SKIN_ICONSCHANGED, IconsChanged); HookEvent(ME_PROTO_CONTACTISTYPING, TypingMessage); HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_PRESHUTDOWN, PreshutdownSendRecv); HookEvent(ME_CLIST_PREBUILDCONTACTMENU, PrebuildContactMenu); CreateServiceFunction(MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGE, SendMessageCommand); CreateServiceFunction(MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGEW, SendMessageCommand_W); CreateServiceFunction(MS_MSG_GETWINDOWAPI, GetWindowAPI); CreateServiceFunction(MS_MSG_GETWINDOWCLASS, GetWindowClass); CreateServiceFunction(MS_MSG_GETWINDOWDATA, GetWindowData); CreateServiceFunction(MS_MSG_SETSTATUSTEXT, SetStatusText); CreateServiceFunction("SRMsg/ReadMessage", ReadMessageCommand); hHookWinEvt = CreateHookableEvent(ME_MSG_WINDOWEVENT); hHookWinPopup = CreateHookableEvent(ME_MSG_WINDOWPOPUP); hHookWinWrite = CreateHookableEvent(ME_MSG_PRECREATEEVENT); SkinAddNewSoundEx("RecvMsgActive", LPGEN("Instant messages"), LPGEN("Incoming (focused window)")); SkinAddNewSoundEx("RecvMsgInactive", LPGEN("Instant messages"), LPGEN("Incoming (unfocused window)")); SkinAddNewSoundEx("AlertMsg", LPGEN("Instant messages"), LPGEN("Incoming (new session)")); SkinAddNewSoundEx("SendMsg", LPGEN("Instant messages"), LPGEN("Outgoing")); SkinAddNewSoundEx("SendError", LPGEN("Instant messages"), LPGEN("Message send error")); SkinAddNewSoundEx("TNStart", LPGEN("Instant messages"), LPGEN("Contact started typing")); SkinAddNewSoundEx("TNStop", LPGEN("Instant messages"), LPGEN("Contact stopped typing")); hCurSplitNS = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZENS); hCurSplitWE = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZEWE); hCurHyperlinkHand = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_HAND); if (hCurHyperlinkHand == NULL) hCurHyperlinkHand = LoadCursor(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_HYPERLINKHAND)); InitStatusIcons(); return 0; }
void nsMathMLOperators::LookupOperators(const nsString& aOperator, nsOperatorFlags* aFlags, float* aLeftSpace, float* aRightSpace) { if (!gInitialized) { InitGlobals(); } aFlags[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_INFIX] = 0; aLeftSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_INFIX] = 0.0f; aRightSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_INFIX] = 0.0f; aFlags[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_POSTFIX] = 0; aLeftSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_POSTFIX] = 0.0f; aRightSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_POSTFIX] = 0.0f; aFlags[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_PREFIX] = 0; aLeftSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_PREFIX] = 0.0f; aRightSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_PREFIX] = 0.0f; if (gOperatorTable) { // a lookup with form=0 will put all the variants in gOperatorFound[] float dummy; nsOperatorFlags flags = 0; LookupOperator(aOperator, /*form=*/0, &flags, &dummy, &dummy); // if the operator was found, gOperatorFound contains all its variants OperatorData* found; found = gOperatorFound[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_INFIX]; if (found) { aFlags[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_INFIX] = found->mFlags; aLeftSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_INFIX] = found->mLeftSpace; aRightSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_INFIX] = found->mRightSpace; } found = gOperatorFound[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_POSTFIX]; if (found) { aFlags[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_POSTFIX] = found->mFlags; aLeftSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_POSTFIX] = found->mLeftSpace; aRightSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_POSTFIX] = found->mRightSpace; } found = gOperatorFound[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_PREFIX]; if (found) { aFlags[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_PREFIX] = found->mFlags; aLeftSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_PREFIX] = found->mLeftSpace; aRightSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_PREFIX] = found->mRightSpace; } } }
App::App(void) : BApplication(APP_SIGNATURE), fBuildCleanMode(false), fBuilder(NULL) { InitFileTypes(); InitGlobals(); EnsureTemplates(); gProjectList = new LockableList<Project>(20,true); gProjectWindowPoint.Set(5,24); fOpenPanel = NULL; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { WORD KeyVal; char ResString[10]; void Ludacris_Speed_GO(void); Ludacris_Speed_GO(); InitGlobals(); InitLCD(); Timer1_Setup(); UART1_Config(); Pin_Setup(); printf("\nUART Configured\n\n"); while(1) { __delay_ms(250); PutsXLCD("No Workie! "); if(!Calculate) { if(TriggerGetKeys) { KeyVal = GetKeyPressed(); FindKey(KeyVal); if(Key != NULL) { ParseInput(Key); } TriggerGetKeys = 0; } } else { DoCalculate(); printf("%f\n", Terms.Result); sprintf(ResString, "%f", Terms.Result); PutsXLCD(ResString); TriggerGetKeys = 0; Calculate = 0; GotOperand1 = 0; GotOperand2 = 0; Operation = NO_OP; } } return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
PRInt32 nsMathMLOperators::FindStretchyOperator(PRUnichar aOperator) { if (!gInitialized) { InitGlobals(); } if (gStretchyOperatorArray) { for (PRUint32 k = 0; k < gStretchyOperatorArray->Length(); k++) { OperatorData* data = gStretchyOperatorArray->ElementAt(k); if (data && (aOperator == data->mStr[0])) { return k; } } } return kNotFound; }
bool LuaEx::Load(PluginId id, ISmmAPI *ismm, char *error, size_t maxlen, bool late) { PLUGIN_SAVEVARS(); InitGlobals(error, maxlen); InitHooks(); for (auto i = ScriptExtensions().begin(); i != ScriptExtensions().end(); ++i) { (*i)->Init(); } return true; }
int LoadSendRecvMessageModule(void) { if (LoadLibraryA("riched20.dll") == NULL) { if (IDYES != MessageBoxA(0, Translate ("Miranda could not load the built-in message module, riched20.dll is missing. If you are using Windows 95 or WINE please make sure you have riched20.dll installed. Press 'Yes' to continue loading Miranda."), Translate("Information"), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONINFORMATION)) return 1; return 0; } hDLL = LoadLibraryA("user32"); pSetLayeredWindowAttributes = (PSLWA) GetProcAddress(hDLL,"SetLayeredWindowAttributes"); InitGlobals(); RichUtil_Load(); OleInitialize(NULL); InitREOleCallback(); InitOptions(); hEventDbEventAdded = HookEvent(ME_DB_EVENT_ADDED, MessageEventAdded); hEventDbSettingChange = HookEvent(ME_DB_CONTACT_SETTINGCHANGED, MessageSettingChanged); hEventContactDeleted = HookEvent(ME_DB_CONTACT_DELETED, ContactDeleted); HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, SplitmsgModulesLoaded); HookEvent(ME_SKIN_ICONSCHANGED, IconsChanged); HookEvent(ME_PROTO_CONTACTISTYPING, TypingMessage); HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_PRESHUTDOWN, PreshutdownSendRecv); CreateServiceFunction(MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGE, SendMessageCommand); #if defined(_UNICODE) CreateServiceFunction(MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGE "W", SendMessageCommand); #endif CreateServiceFunction(MS_MSG_GETWINDOWAPI, GetWindowAPI); CreateServiceFunction(MS_MSG_GETWINDOWCLASS, GetWindowClass); CreateServiceFunction(MS_MSG_GETWINDOWDATA, GetWindowData); CreateServiceFunction("SRMsg/ReadMessage", ReadMessageCommand); CreateServiceFunction("SRMsg/TypingMessage", TypingMessageCommand); hHookWinEvt=CreateHookableEvent(ME_MSG_WINDOWEVENT); SkinAddNewSoundEx("RecvMsgActive", Translate("Messages"), Translate("Incoming (Focused Window)")); SkinAddNewSoundEx("RecvMsgInactive", Translate("Messages"), Translate("Incoming (Unfocused Window)")); SkinAddNewSoundEx("AlertMsg", Translate("Messages"), Translate("Incoming (New Session)")); SkinAddNewSoundEx("SendMsg", Translate("Messages"), Translate("Outgoing")); hCurSplitNS = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZENS); hCurSplitWE = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZEWE); hCurHyperlinkHand = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_HAND); if (hCurHyperlinkHand == NULL) hCurHyperlinkHand = LoadCursor(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_HYPERLINKHAND)); hDragCursor = LoadCursor(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_DRAGCURSOR)); return 0; }
bool nsMathMLOperators::LookupOperator(const nsString& aOperator, const nsOperatorFlags aForm, nsOperatorFlags* aFlags, float* aLeadingSpace, float* aTrailingSpace) { if (!gGlobalsInitialized) { InitGlobals(); } if (gOperatorTable) { NS_ASSERTION(aFlags && aLeadingSpace && aTrailingSpace, "bad usage"); NS_ASSERTION(aForm > 0 && aForm < 4, "*** invalid call ***"); // The MathML REC says: // If the operator does not occur in the dictionary with the specified form, // the renderer should use one of the forms which is available there, in the // order of preference: infix, postfix, prefix. OperatorData* found; int32_t form = NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_GET_FORM(aForm); if (!(found = GetOperatorData(aOperator, form))) { if (form == NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_INFIX || !(found = GetOperatorData(aOperator, NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_INFIX))) { if (form == NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_POSTFIX || !(found = GetOperatorData(aOperator, NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_POSTFIX))) { if (form != NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_PREFIX) { found = GetOperatorData(aOperator, NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_PREFIX); } } } } if (found) { NS_ASSERTION(found->mStr.Equals(aOperator), "bad setup"); *aLeadingSpace = found->mLeadingSpace; *aTrailingSpace = found->mTrailingSpace; *aFlags &= ~NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM; // clear the form bits *aFlags |= found->mFlags; // just add bits without overwriting return true; } } return false; }
PRBool nsMathMLOperators::IsMutableOperator(const nsString& aOperator) { if (!gInitialized) { InitGlobals(); } // lookup all the variants of the operator and return true if there // is a variant that is stretchy or largeop nsOperatorFlags flags[4]; float lspace[4], rspace[4]; nsMathMLOperators::LookupOperators(aOperator, flags, lspace, rspace); nsOperatorFlags allFlags = flags[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_INFIX] | flags[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_POSTFIX] | flags[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_PREFIX]; return NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_IS_STRETCHY(allFlags) || NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_IS_LARGEOP(allFlags); }
void nsMathMLOperators::LookupOperators(const nsString& aOperator, nsOperatorFlags* aFlags, float* aLeadingSpace, float* aTrailingSpace) { if (!gGlobalsInitialized) { InitGlobals(); } aFlags[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_INFIX] = 0; aLeadingSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_INFIX] = 0.0f; aTrailingSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_INFIX] = 0.0f; aFlags[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_POSTFIX] = 0; aLeadingSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_POSTFIX] = 0.0f; aTrailingSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_POSTFIX] = 0.0f; aFlags[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_PREFIX] = 0; aLeadingSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_PREFIX] = 0.0f; aTrailingSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_PREFIX] = 0.0f; if (gOperatorTable) { OperatorData* found; found = GetOperatorData(aOperator, NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_INFIX); if (found) { aFlags[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_INFIX] = found->mFlags; aLeadingSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_INFIX] = found->mLeadingSpace; aTrailingSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_INFIX] = found->mTrailingSpace; } found = GetOperatorData(aOperator, NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_POSTFIX); if (found) { aFlags[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_POSTFIX] = found->mFlags; aLeadingSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_POSTFIX] = found->mLeadingSpace; aTrailingSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_POSTFIX] = found->mTrailingSpace; } found = GetOperatorData(aOperator, NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_PREFIX); if (found) { aFlags[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_PREFIX] = found->mFlags; aLeadingSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_PREFIX] = found->mLeadingSpace; aTrailingSpace[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_PREFIX] = found->mTrailingSpace; } } }
/* EXPORT-> MakeXGraf: Connect to the X-server and init globals */ void MakeXGraf(char *wname, int x, int y, int w, int h, int bw) { char sbuf[MAXSTRLEN], *hgraf = "HGraf"; Window window, parent; XSetWindowAttributes setwinattr; unsigned long vmask; if (winCreated) HError(6870, "MakeXGraf: Attempt to recreate the graphics window"); if ((theDisp = XOpenDisplay(NULL)) == NULL) HError(6870, "MakeXGraf: cannot connect to X server %s", XDisplayName(NULL)); InitGlobals(); InstallFonts(); InstallColours(); parent = RootWindow(theDisp, theScreen); window = XCreateSimpleWindow(theDisp, parent, x, y, w, h, bw, black, white ); /* allow for backing up the contents of the window */ vmask = CWBackingStore; setwinattr.backing_store = WhenMapped; XChangeWindowAttributes(theDisp, window, vmask, &setwinattr); /* set the size hints for the window manager */ hints.flags = PPosition | PSize | PMaxSize | PMinSize; hints.y = y; hints.x = x; hints.width = w; hints.height = h; hints.min_width = w; hints.min_height = h; hints.max_width = w; hints.max_height = h; /* compose the name of the window */ strcpy(sbuf, hgraf); strcat(sbuf, ": "); strcat(sbuf, wname); XSetStandardProperties(theDisp, window, sbuf, hgraf, None, NULL, 0, &hints); /* select events to receive */ XSelectInput(theDisp, window, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionHintMask | PointerMotionMask); XMapWindow(theDisp, theWindow = window); InitGCs(); HSetXMode(GCOPY); HSetFontSize(0); HSetLineWidth(0); HSetColour(BLACK); /* wait for the first expose event - cannot draw before it has arrived */ do XNextEvent(theDisp, &report); while (report.type != Expose); XSendEvent(theDisp,window,False,ExposureMask,&report); /* Create heap for buttons */ CreateHeap(&btnHeap, "Button heap", MHEAP, sizeof(HButton), 1.0, 100, 100); winCreated = TRUE; }
void main(void) { InitThisScript(); InitGlobals(); InitPlayer(); InitVisual(); // script population natives affects all pop config SPECIFY_SCRIPT_POPULATION_ZONE_NUM_PEDS(100); SPECIFY_SCRIPT_POPULATION_ZONE_NUM_SCENARIO_PEDS(100); ACTIVATE_SCRIPT_POPULATION_ZONE(); WAIT(2000); HideLoadingScreen(4000); while (TRUE) { WAIT(0); } }
App::App(void) : BApplication(APP_SIGNATURE), fBuildCleanMode(false), fBuilder(NULL) { InitFileTypes(); InitGlobals(); EnsureTemplates(); gProjectList = new LockableList<Project>(20,true); gProjectWindowPoint.Set(5,24); BMessenger msgr(this); BEntry entry(gLastProjectPath.GetFullPath()); entry_ref ref; entry.GetRef(&ref); fOpenPanel = new BFilePanel(B_OPEN_PANEL,&msgr,&ref,B_FILE_NODE,true, new BMessage(B_REFS_RECEIVED)); fOpenPanel->Window()->SetTitle("Paladin: Open Project"); }
void nsCSSScanner::OutputError() { if (mError.IsEmpty()) return; // Log it to the Error console if (InitGlobals() && gReportErrors) { if (!mWindowIDCached) { if (mSheet) { mWindowID = mSheet->FindOwningWindowID(); } if (mWindowID == 0 && mLoader) { nsIDocument* doc = mLoader->GetDocument(); if (doc) { mWindowID = doc->OuterWindowID(); } } mWindowIDCached = PR_TRUE; } nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptError2> errorObject = do_CreateInstance(gScriptErrorFactory, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { rv = errorObject->InitWithWindowID(mError.get(), NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(mFileName).get(), EmptyString().get(), mErrorLineNumber, mErrorColNumber, nsIScriptError::warningFlag, "CSS Parser", mWindowID); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptError> logError = do_QueryInterface(errorObject); gConsoleService->LogMessage(logError); } } } ClearError(); }
/* static */ eMATHVARIANT nsMathMLOperators::LookupInvariantChar(const nsAString& aChar) { if (!gInitialized) { InitGlobals(); } if (gInvariantCharArray) { for (PRInt32 i = gInvariantCharArray->Length()-1; i >= 0; --i) { const nsString& list = gInvariantCharArray->ElementAt(i); nsString::const_iterator start, end; list.BeginReading(start); list.EndReading(end); // Style-invariant characters are at offset 3*j + 1. if (FindInReadable(aChar, start, end) && start.size_backward() % 3 == 1) { return eMATHVARIANT(i); } } } return eMATHVARIANT_NONE; }
/* static */ const nsDependentSubstring nsMathMLOperators::TransformVariantChar(const PRUnichar& aChar, eMATHVARIANT aVariant) { if (!gInitialized) { InitGlobals(); } if (gInvariantCharArray) { nsString list = gInvariantCharArray->ElementAt(aVariant); PRInt32 index = list.FindChar(aChar); // BMP characters are at offset 3*j if (index != kNotFound && index % 3 == 0 && list.Length() - index >= 2 ) { // The style-invariant character is the next character // (and list should contain padding if the next character is in the BMP). ++index; PRUint32 len = NS_IS_HIGH_SURROGATE(list.CharAt(index)) ? 2 : 1; return nsDependentSubstring(list, index, len); } } return nsDependentSubstring(&aChar, &aChar + 1); }
/* * Class: com_google_gwt_dev_shell_moz_LowLevelMoz * Method: _registerExternalFactoryHandler * Signature: ()Z */ extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_com_google_gwt_dev_shell_moz_LowLevelMoz__1registerExternalFactoryHandler (JNIEnv* env, jclass llClass) { if (!InitGlobals(env, llClass)) return JNI_FALSE; // tracing isn't setup until after InitGlobals is called Tracer tracer("LowLevelMoz._registerExternalFactoryHandler"); char buf[256]; sprintf(buf, " jniEnv=%08x, llClass=%08x", (unsigned)env, (unsigned)llClass); tracer.log(buf); // Register "window.external" as our own class if (NS_FAILED(nsComponentManager::RegisterFactory( kGwtExternalCID, "externalFactory", GWT_EXTERNAL_CONTRACTID, new nsRpExternalFactory(), PR_TRUE))) { tracer.setFail("RegisterFactory failed"); return JNI_FALSE; } nsCOMPtr<nsICategoryManager> categoryManager = do_GetService(NS_CATEGORYMANAGER_CONTRACTID); if (!categoryManager) { tracer.setFail("unable to get category manager"); return JNI_FALSE; } nsXPIDLCString previous; if (NS_FAILED(categoryManager->AddCategoryEntry( JAVASCRIPT_GLOBAL_PROPERTY_CATEGORY, "external", GWT_EXTERNAL_CONTRACTID, PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE, getter_Copies(previous)))) { tracer.setFail("AddCategoryEntry failed"); return JNI_FALSE; } return JNI_TRUE; }
void WinStartOsThread () { DWORD dw; InitGlobals (); gCLEAN_DONE = CreateEvent (NULL, /* Default security attributes */ FALSE, /* Not a manual-reset event */ FALSE, /* Initial state nonsignalled */ NULL); /* No name */ Check ((BOOL) gCLEAN_DONE, "\'InitOs\' could not create first event object"); gOS_DONE = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); Check ((BOOL) gOS_DONE, "\'InitOs\' could not create second event object"); ghOSThreadHandle = CreateThread (NULL, /* Default security attributes */ 0, /* Default stacksize */ (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) OsThreadFunction, 0, /* parameter to thread function */ 0, /* Not initially suspended */ &dw); /* store threadId here */ Check ((BOOL) ghOSThreadHandle, "\'InitOs\' could not create second thread"); // PA!!! test fails WaitForSingleObject (gOS_DONE, INFINITE); } /* WinStartOSThread */
int main(int argc, char** argv) { arg_t args; int i,j; uint64_t sum; if (argc != 4) { puts("wrong arguments. usage: parsum <threads> <start> <end>"); return -1; } read_args(argv, &args); printf("running with %u threads from %llu to %llu max\n", args.threads, args.start, args.end); pthread_t threads[args.threads]; int thread_nr[args.threads]; InitGlobals(args.start,args.end,args.threads); for (i=0; i<args.threads; ++i) { thread_nr[i] = i; pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, ParSum, (void *) &thread_nr[i]); } for (i=0; i<args.threads; ++i) { pthread_join(threads[i], NULL); sum = sum + globalSum[i]; } FILE * output = fopen("output.txt", "w"); fprintf(output,"%llu", sum); }
// We don't call this directly from DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH because if we do things // can break when we're loaded via LoadLibrary // Instead this is called by LunaDLLInitHook, which is set up by // SetupLunaDLLInitHook that runs from DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH void LunaDLLInit() { InitGlobals(); #if PATCHIT TrySkipPatch(); #endif // PATCHIT // Test OpenGL support if (!gStartupSettings.noGL && LunaDLLTestGLFeatures()) { g_GLEngine.Enable(); } else { g_GLEngine.Disable(); } // Set processor affinity for the main thread. Switching cores is bad for stable frame rate DWORD curProcessor = GetCurrentProcessorNumberXP(); SetThreadAffinityMask(GetCurrentThread(), 1 << curProcessor); SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL); // Initialize GDI+ so we can make use of it ULONG_PTR m_gdiplusToken; // class member Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput gdiplusStartupInput; Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup(&m_gdiplusToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL); }
// // Init GL // int InitGL(GLvoid) // All Setup For OpenGL Goes Here { // seed rand generator srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); // Load the key codes -- LoadKeyCodes(); // enable all the goodies Super_LoadGlobals(); Load_ConfigFile(); Super_FireAnts(); Create_Col_List(); Create_Wall_List(); // // loading sound library printf("Loading sound library, make sure 'music apps' are closed\n"); Load_Audio(); glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); // Enable Smooth Shading glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // Black Background glClearDepth(1.0f); // Depth Buffer Setup glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Enables Depth Testing glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); // The Type Of Depth Testing To Do glHint(GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_NICEST); // Really Nice Perspective Calculations // have to load the quadrice to be used quadric=gluNewQuadric(); // Create A Pointer To The Quadric Object (NEW) gluQuadricNormals(quadric, GLU_SMOOTH); // Create Smooth Normals (NEW) gluQuadricTexture(quadric, GL_TRUE); // Create Texture Coords (NEW) GenerateFireAnts(); CreateWorld(); LoadCameras(); // Load the objects InitObjects(); GenerateLights(); InitGlobals(); Build_ParticleSet(); Reset_FontID(); // Load the title screen text Load_Titles(); // load the text library Super_MainText(); CreateWalls(); // // Load the collsion test for the walll // // front wall InsertColSegment(world_ptr->x_min, world_ptr->y_max, world_ptr->x_max, world_ptr->y_max); // right wall InsertColSegment(world_ptr->x_max, world_ptr->y_min, world_ptr->x_max, world_ptr->y_max); // back wall InsertColSegment(world_ptr->x_min, world_ptr->y_min, world_ptr->x_max, world_ptr->y_min); // left wall InsertColSegment(world_ptr->x_min, world_ptr->y_min, world_ptr->x_min, world_ptr->y_max); // // for the network save // the number of bots incase it is changed MAX_SAVED_BOTS = MAX_FIRE_ANTS; // end of insertion Super_InitNetwork(); // // begin in paused mode // Super_BeginPaused(); mSuper_Loaded = LOADED_TRUE; return true; // Initialization Went OK } // end of the function
NS_IMETHODIMP nsFontMetricsPh::Init ( const nsFont& aFont, nsIAtom* aLangGroup, nsIDeviceContext* aContext ) { NS_ASSERTION(!(nsnull == aContext), "attempt to init fontmetrics with null device context"); nsAutoString firstFace; char *str = nsnull; nsresult result; PhRect_t extent; if( !gFontMetricsCache ) { nsresult res = InitGlobals( ); if( NS_FAILED(res) ) return res; } mFont = aFont; mLangGroup = aLangGroup; mDeviceContext = aContext; result = aContext->FirstExistingFont(aFont, firstFace); str = ToNewCString(firstFace); #ifdef DEBUG_Adrian printf( "\n\n\t\t\tIn nsFontMetricsPh::Init str=%s\n", str ); #endif if( !str || !str[0] ) { if( str ) free (str); str = strdup("serif"); } const char *cstring; aLangGroup->GetUTF8String( &cstring ); char *prop = PR_smprintf( "font.name.%s.%s", str, cstring ); char *font_default = NULL; if( prop ) { gPref->CopyCharPref( prop, &font_default ); PR_smprintf_free( prop ); } else gPref->CopyCharPref( "font.name.serif.x-western", &font_default ); if( font_default ) { free (str); /* font_default was allocated. in CopyCharPref. */ str = font_default; } float app2dev; app2dev = mDeviceContext->AppUnitsToDevUnits(); PRInt32 sizePoints; if( mFont.systemFont == PR_TRUE ) sizePoints = NSToIntRound( app2dev * mFont.size * 0.68 ); else sizePoints = NSToIntRound( app2dev * mFont.size * 0.74 ); char NSFullFontName[MAX_FONT_TAG]; unsigned int uiFlags = 0L; if(aFont.weight > NS_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL) uiFlags |= PF_STYLE_BOLD; if(aFont.style & (NS_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC|NS_FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE) ) uiFlags |= PF_STYLE_ITALIC; if(aFont.style & NS_FONT_STYLE_ANTIALIAS) uiFlags |= PF_STYLE_ANTIALIAS; if( PfGenerateFontName( (char *)str, uiFlags, sizePoints, (char *)NSFullFontName ) == NULL ) { #ifdef DEBUG_Adrian printf( "!!!!!!!!!!!! PfGenerateFontName failed\n" ); #endif PfGenerateFontName( "TextFont", uiFlags, sizePoints, (char *)NSFullFontName ); } /* Once the Photon Font String is built get the attributes */ FontQueryInfo *node; nsCStringKey key((char *)(NSFullFontName)); node = (FontQueryInfo *) gFontMetricsCache->Get(&key); #ifdef DEBUG_Adrian printf( "\t\t\tThe generated font name is NSFullFontName=%s\n", NSFullFontName ); if( node ) printf( "\t\t\t( cached ) The real font is desc=%s\n", node->desc ); #endif if( !node ) { node = (FontQueryInfo *)calloc(sizeof(FontQueryInfo), 1); PfQueryFont(NSFullFontName, node); #ifdef DEBUG_Adrian printf( "\t\t\t(not cached ) The real font is desc=%s\n", node->desc ); printf( "\tCall PfLoadMetrics for NSFullFontName=%s\n", NSFullFontName ); #endif gFontMetricsCache->Put(&key, node); PfLoadMetrics( NSFullFontName ); } float dev2app; double height; nscoord onePixel; dev2app = mDeviceContext->DevUnitsToAppUnits(); onePixel = NSToCoordRound(1 * dev2app); height = node->descender - node->ascender; PfExtent( &extent, NULL, NSFullFontName, 0L, 0L, " ", 1, PF_SIMPLE_METRICS, NULL ); mSpaceWidth = NSToCoordRound((extent.lr.x - extent.ul.x + 1) * dev2app); mLeading = NSToCoordRound(0); mEmHeight = NSToCoordRound(height * dev2app); mEmAscent = NSToCoordRound(node->ascender * dev2app * -1.0); mEmDescent = NSToCoordRound(node->descender * dev2app); mHeight = mMaxHeight = NSToCoordRound(height * dev2app); mAscent = mMaxAscent = NSToCoordRound(node->ascender * dev2app * -1.0); mDescent = mMaxDescent = NSToCoordRound(node->descender * dev2app); mMaxAdvance = NSToCoordRound(node->width * dev2app); mAveCharWidth = mSpaceWidth; mXHeight = NSToCoordRound((float)node->ascender * dev2app * 0.56f * -1.0); // 56% of ascent, best guess for non-true type mSuperscriptOffset = mXHeight; // XXX temporary code! mSubscriptOffset = mXHeight; // XXX temporary code! mStrikeoutSize = onePixel; // XXX this is a guess mStrikeoutOffset = NSToCoordRound(mXHeight / 2.0f); // 50% of xHeight mUnderlineSize = onePixel; // XXX this is a guess mUnderlineOffset = -NSToCoordRound((float)node->descender * dev2app * 0.30f); // 30% of descent if (mFontHandle) free (mFontHandle); mFontHandle = strdup(NSFullFontName); free (str); return NS_OK; }
PRBool nsMathMLOperators::LookupOperator(const nsString& aOperator, const nsOperatorFlags aForm, nsOperatorFlags* aFlags, float* aLeftSpace, float* aRightSpace) { if (!gInitialized) { InitGlobals(); } if (gOperatorTable) { NS_ASSERTION(aFlags && aLeftSpace && aRightSpace, "bad usage"); NS_ASSERTION(aForm>=0 && aForm<4, "*** invalid call ***"); OperatorData* found; PRInt32 form = NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_GET_FORM(aForm); gOperatorFound[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_INFIX] = nsnull; gOperatorFound[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_POSTFIX] = nsnull; gOperatorFound[NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_PREFIX] = nsnull; nsAutoString key(aOperator); key.AppendInt(form, 10); nsStringKey hkey(key); gOperatorFound[form] = found = (OperatorData*)gOperatorTable->Get(&hkey); // If not found, check if the operator exists perhaps in a different form, // in the order of preference: infix, postfix, prefix if (!found) { if (form != NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_INFIX) { form = NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_INFIX; key.Assign(aOperator); key.AppendInt(form, 10); nsStringKey hashkey(key); gOperatorFound[form] = found = (OperatorData*)gOperatorTable->Get(&hashkey); } if (!found) { if (form != NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_POSTFIX) { form = NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_POSTFIX; key.Assign(aOperator); key.AppendInt(form, 10); nsStringKey hashkey(key); gOperatorFound[form] = found = (OperatorData*)gOperatorTable->Get(&hashkey); } if (!found) { if (form != NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_PREFIX) { form = NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM_PREFIX; key.Assign(aOperator); key.AppendInt(form, 10); nsStringKey hashkey(key); gOperatorFound[form] = found = (OperatorData*)gOperatorTable->Get(&hashkey); } } } } if (found) { NS_ASSERTION(found->mStr.Equals(aOperator), "bad setup"); *aLeftSpace = found->mLeftSpace; *aRightSpace = found->mRightSpace; *aFlags &= ~NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_FORM; // clear the form bits *aFlags |= found->mFlags; // just add bits without overwriting return PR_TRUE; } } return PR_FALSE; }