main2() { idata int i; InitGraphic();//putchar(0,62,0); //while(1) for(i=0;i<100;i++) { putstring(6,0, "Welcome to"); } }
int cDriverSED1520::Init() { int x; int i; struct timeval tv1, tv2; if (!(config->width % 8) == 0) { width = config->width + (8 - (config->width % 8)); } else { width = config->width; } if (!(config->height % 8) == 0) { height = config->height + (8 - (config->height % 8)); } else { height = config->height; } if (width < 0) width = 120; if (height < 0) height = 32; SEAD = kSEAD; SEPA = kSEPA; SEDS = kSEDS; DION = kDION; DIOF = kDIOF; LED = kLEDHI; CDHI = kCDHI; CDLO = kCDLO; CS1HI = kCS1HI; CS1LO = kCS1LO; CS2HI = kCS2HI; CS2LO = kCS2LO; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < config->options.size(); i++) { if (config->options[i].name == "") { } } // setup linear lcd array LCD = new unsigned char *[(width + 7) / 8]; if (LCD) { for (x = 0; x < (width + 7) / 8; x++) { LCD[x] = new unsigned char[height]; memset(LCD[x], 0, height); } } // setup the lcd array for the paged sed1520 LCD_page = new unsigned char *[width]; if (LCD_page) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { LCD_page[x] = new unsigned char[(height + 7) / 8]; memset(LCD_page[x], 0, (height + 7) / 8); } } if (config->device == "") { // use DirectIO if (port->Open(config->port) != 0) return -1; uSleep(10); } else { // use ppdev if (port->Open(config->device.c_str()) != 0) return -1; } if (nSleepInit() != 0) { syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: INFO: cannot change wait parameters (cDriver::Init)\n", config->name.c_str()); useSleepInit = false; } else { useSleepInit = true; } syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: benchmark started.\n", config->name.c_str()); gettimeofday(&tv1, 0); for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { port->WriteData(i % 0x100); } gettimeofday(&tv2, 0); if (useSleepInit) nSleepDeInit(); timeForPortCmdInNs = (tv2.tv_sec - tv1.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (tv2.tv_usec - tv1.tv_usec); syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: benchmark stopped. Time for Command: %ldns\n", config->name.c_str(), timeForPortCmdInNs); // initialize graphic mode InitGraphic(); port->Release(); *oldConfig = *config; // clear display Clear(); syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s: SED1520 initialized.\n", config->name.c_str()); return 0; }
void CGraphicView::OnBnClickedImgcnfigbutton() { switch (m_ImgConfigBtn.m_nMenuResult) { case ID_IMGCONFIG_DELETE: { if(m_nSerialNumber<=0) { AfxMessageBox(_T("Unavailable a Tstat!")); return; } WIN32_FIND_DATA fData; HANDLE hFile=NULL; hFile = FindFirstFile(m_strImgPathName,&fData); if(hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CFile::Remove(m_strImgPathName); } FindClose(hFile); // _ConnectionPtr tmpCon; // _RecordsetPtr tmppRs; // tmpCon.CreateInstance(_T("ADODB.Connection")); // tmppRs.CreateInstance(_T("ADODB.Recordset")); // tmpCon->Open(g_strDatabasefilepath.GetString(),_T(""),_T(""),adModeUnknown); CBADO bado; bado.SetDBPath(g_strCurBuildingDatabasefilePath); bado.OnInitADOConn(); try { CString strImgFileName; strImgFileName=_T(""); CString strSql; strSql.Format(_T("update ALL_NODE set Background_imgID ='%s' where Serial_ID = '%d'"),strImgFileName,m_nSerialNumber); bado.m_pConnection->Execute(strSql.GetString(),NULL,adCmdText); bado.CloseConn(); g_strImagePathName=strImgFileName; m_strImgPathName=g_strImgeFolder+g_strImagePathName; InitGraphic(m_nSerialNumber,m_nTstatID); } catch(_com_error *e) { AfxMessageBox(e->ErrorMessage()); } Invalidate(); } break; case ID_IMGCONFIG_AND: { if(bac_cm5_graphic == false) { if(m_nSerialNumber<=0) { AfxMessageBox(_T("Unavailable a Tstat!")); return; } } else { if((g_bac_instance<=0) || (g_mac<=0)) { AfxMessageBox(_T("Unavailable CM5!")); return; } } CString strFilter = _T("bmp file|*.bmp|jpg file|*.jpg|png file|*.png|tif file|*.tif|all file|*.*||"); CFileDialog dlg(true,_T("Open image file"),NULL,OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT | OFN_EXPLORER,strFilter); if(IDOK==dlg.DoModal()) { CString strImgFilePathName=dlg.GetPathName(); CString strImgFileName=dlg.GetFileName(); CString strDestFileName=g_strImgeFolder+strImgFileName; CopyFile(strImgFilePathName,strDestFileName,FALSE); CBADO bado; bado.SetDBPath(g_strCurBuildingDatabasefilePath); bado.OnInitADOConn(); try { CString strSql; strSql.Format(_T("update ALL_NODE set Background_imgID ='%s' where Serial_ID = '%d'"),strImgFileName,m_nSerialNumber); bado.m_pConnection->Execute(strSql.GetString(),NULL,adCmdText); bado.CloseConn(); } catch(_com_error *e) { AfxMessageBox(e->ErrorMessage()); } g_strImagePathName=strImgFileName; m_strImgPathName=g_strImgeFolder+g_strImagePathName; InitGraphic(m_nSerialNumber,m_nTstatID); Invalidate(); } break; } } }
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(void) { idata u8_t i, arptimer; idata u16_t j; // idata int i; InitGraphic();//putchar(0,62,0); //while(1) for(i=0;i<100;i++) { putstring(6,0, "Welcome to"); } init_uart(); printu("starting......\r\n"); /* Initialize the device driver. */ // rtl8019as_init(); dev_init(); uip_arp_init(); /* Initialize the uIP TCP/IP stack. */ uip_init(); printu("11111111111111111111111\r\n"); /* Initialize the HTTP server. */ // httpd_init(); tcp_server_init(); arptimer = 0; printu("222222222222222222222222222\r\n"); while(1) { /* Let the tapdev network device driver read an entire IP packet into the uip_buf. If it must wait for more than 0.5 seconds, it will return with the return value 0. If so, we know that it is time to call upon the uip_periodic(). Otherwise, the tapdev has received an IP packet that is to be processed by uIP. */ uip_len = dev_poll(); for(j=0;j<500;j++); /* if(uip_len > 0) { printuf("--------------- uip_len = 0x%x", uip_len); printuf("%x ----------\r\n", uip_len); for(i=0;i<uip_len;i++) { printuf("%x ", uip_buf[i]); if((i+1)%16==0) printu("\r\n"); } printu("\r\n"); } */ if(uip_len == 0) { for(i = 0; i < UIP_CONNS; i++) { uip_periodic(i); /* If the above function invocation resulted in data that should be sent out on the network, the global variable uip_len is set to a value > 0. */ if(uip_len > 0) { uip_arp_out(); dev_send(); } } #if UIP_UDP for(i = 0; i < UIP_UDP_CONNS; i++) { uip_udp_periodic(i); /* If the above function invocation resulted in data that should be sent out on the network, the global variable uip_len is set to a value > 0. */ if(uip_len > 0) { uip_arp_out(); dev_send(); } } #endif /* UIP_UDP */ /* Call the ARP timer function every 10 seconds. */ if(++arptimer == 20) { uip_arp_timer(); arptimer = 0; } } else { if(BUF->type == htons(UIP_ETHTYPE_IP)) { uip_arp_ipin(); uip_input(); /* If the above function invocation resulted in data that should be sent out on the network, the global variable uip_len is set to a value > 0. */ if(uip_len > 0) { uip_arp_out(); dev_send(); } } else if(BUF->type == htons(UIP_ETHTYPE_ARP)) { uip_arp_arpin(); /* If the above function invocation resulted in data that should be sent out on the network, the global variable uip_len is set to a value > 0. */ if(uip_len > 0) { dev_send(); } } } } return 0; }