/** ** Pre menu setup. */ void PreMenuSetup() { // // Initial menus require some gfx. // SetDefaultTextColors(FontYellow, FontWhite); LoadFonts(); InitVideoCursors(); if (MenuRace.empty()) { //Wyrmgus start // LoadCursors(PlayerRaces.Name[0]); LoadCursors(); //Wyrmgus end } else { //Wyrmgus start // LoadCursors(MenuRace); LoadCursors(); //Wyrmgus end } InitSettings(); InitUserInterface(); UI.Load(); }
/* Init most of all firms of client */ void InitUser (struct client * user, struct clientlist *clList, int fd) { //user->number = clList->cnt; It's not need.fn better GetUserId() user->next = NULL; user->contact = (struct settings*)malloc(sizeof(struct settings)); InitSettings (user->contact, fd, clList->cnt); user->f = (struct userFlags *) malloc (sizeof(struct userFlags)); InitFlags (user->f); user->sell = (struct auction *) malloc (sizeof(struct auction)); InitBuyOrSell (user->sell); user->buy = (struct auction *) malloc (sizeof(struct auction)); InitBuyOrSell (user->buy); user->data = (struct stuff *) malloc (sizeof(struct stuff)); InitStuff (user->data); user->buf = (struct buffer * ) malloc (sizeof(struct buffer)); InitBuffer (user->buf); user->cmd = (struct command * ) malloc (sizeof(struct command)); InitCommand (user->cmd); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: NTHREADS\n"); return 0; } NTHREADS = atoi(argv[1]); InitSettings (); InitCoordinates(INPARAMS numMoles, BOXSIZE, perturb); InitVelocities (INPARAMS timeStep); InitForces (); CREATE_TM_THREADS( NTHREADS ); do_libtm_work(); DESTROY_TM_THREADS( NTHREADS ); printf("\n"); free(x); free(f); free(vh); free(inter); return 0; }
Settings::Settings(QString path) { _path = path; InitSettings(); LoadSettings(); }
lua_State * Lua::NewFullState() { lua_State *L = NewBasicState(); InitLog(L); InitPersistent(L); InitTimer(L); InitMap(L); InitBlackboard(L); InitDialogs(L); InitLegacy(L); InitAirspace(L); InitTask(L); InitSettings(L); InitWind(L); InitLogger(L); InitTracking(L); InitReplay(L); InitInputEvent(L); { SetPackagePath(L, WideToUTF8Converter(LocalPath(_T("lua" DIR_SEPARATOR_S "?.lua")).c_str())); } return L; }
BOOL CPPageAdvanced::OnInitDialog() { __super::OnInitDialog(); if (CFont* pFont = m_list.GetFont()) { LOGFONT logfont; pFont->GetLogFont(&logfont); logfont.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; m_fontBold.CreateFontIndirect(&logfont); } SetRedraw(FALSE); m_list.SetExtendedStyle(m_list.GetExtendedStyle() | LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_AUTOSIZECOLUMNS | LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER | LVS_EX_INFOTIP); m_list.InsertColumn(COL_NAME, ResStr(IDS_PPAGEADVANCED_COL_NAME), LVCFMT_LEFT); m_list.InsertColumn(COL_VALUE, ResStr(IDS_PPAGEADVANCED_COL_VALUE), LVCFMT_RIGHT); GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT1)->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO1)->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); GetDlgItem(IDC_RADIO1)->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); GetDlgItem(IDC_RADIO2)->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON1)->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); InitSettings(); for (int i = 0; i < m_list.GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(); ++i) { m_list.SetColumnWidth(i, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER); } SetRedraw(TRUE); return TRUE; }
//!*************************************************************** //! @details: //! constructor //! //!*************************************************************** Game::Game() : m_map(0), m_mainCamera(0), m_mouseListener(0), m_keyListener(0), m_player(0), m_quit(false) { // create the engine m_engine = new FIFE::Engine(); // create view controller m_viewController = new ViewController(); // apply game settings InitSettings(); // initialize the engine m_engine->init(); // create default gui FIFE::FifechanManager* guiManager = new FIFE::FifechanManager(); // setup the gui guiManager->setDefaultFont( m_engine->getSettings().getDefaultFontPath(), m_engine->getSettings().getDefaultFontSize(), m_engine->getSettings().getDefaultFontGlyphs() ); guiManager->init( m_engine->getRenderBackend()->getName(), m_engine->getRenderBackend()->getScreenWidth(), m_engine->getRenderBackend()->getScreenHeight() ); m_engine->setGuiManager(guiManager); m_engine->getEventManager()->addSdlEventListener(guiManager); }
// Call all functions to initialise UI // @input: // @output: void MainWindow::InitUI() { ui->setupUi(this); InitSettings(); InitStatusBar(); InitImgsLabels(); }
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { if(DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH==fdwReason) { hInstance = hinstDLL; InitSettings(); if(tSettings.bDebug || tSettings.bPlayOnline) { // Check the GTA version if(DetermineGTAVersion() != VICE_10) { MessageBox(0,"Incorrect gta-vc.exe version detected.\nYou must use GTA:VC 1.0 to play VC:MP","VC:MP Error",MB_OK); SetForegroundWindow(HWND_DESKTOP); ExitProcess(1); } dwGameLoop = (DWORD)TheGameLoop; dwRenderLoop = (DWORD)TheRenderLoop; pGame = new CGame(); pGame->StartGame(); SubclassGameWindow(); // Time to hook directx... // Grab the real IDirect3D8 * from the game. pD3D = (IDirect3D8 *)pGame->GetD3D(); // Grab the real IDirect3DDevice8 * from the game. pD3DDevice = (IDirect3DDevice8 *)pGame->GetD3DDevice(); // Create instances of our hook classes and force GTA to // chew on them. //pD3DHook = new IDirect3D8Hook; pD3DDeviceHook = new IDirect3DDevice8Hook; //pGame->setD3D((DWORD)pD3DHook); <- not working, crash in CheckDeviceFormat. pGame->SetD3DDevice((DWORD)pD3DDeviceHook); // Create instances of the chat and input classes. pChatWindow = new CChatWindow(pD3DDevice); pCmdWindow = new CCmdWindow(pD3DDevice); pScoreBoard = new CScoreBoard(); pNetStats = new CNetStats(); SetupCommands(); } // else they must want to play single // player or they got the command line // arguments wrong. } return TRUE; }
int main(int argc, const char **argv) { VariantMap settings; settings["appName"] = "Puzzle Moppet"; settings["windowTitle"] = "Puzzle Moppet Configuration"; settings["screenWidth"] = 250; settings["screenHeight"] = 330; #ifndef __APPLE__ // Software renderer doesn't seem to work on Mac... settings["softwareMode"] = true; #endif IEngine *engine = CreateEngine(argc, argv, &settings); IrrlichtDevice *device = engine->GetIrrlichtDevice(); // Filesystem... // Irrlicht needs this so it can load textures from same dir as font xml. engine->GetIrrlichtDevice()->getFileSystem()->addFileArchive("../projects/ConfigApp/"); // Show the cursor device->getCursorControl()->setVisible(true); // Pause World, not needed for GUI app. // (pausing World also disables mouse centring) engine->GetWorld()->Pause(); // Load GUI gui::IGUIEnvironment *guienv = device->getGUIEnvironment(); ASSERT( guienv->loadGUI("gui.xml") ); // Get pointers to important elements within the loaded GUI. // Ideally in the future we'll have a layout manager and won't need the GUI // defined in xml. FindGUIElementPointers(); // Default font guienv->getSkin()->setFont( guienv->getFont("lucida.xml") ); // Change background colour... engine->GetRenderSystem()->SetBackgroundCol(video::SColor(0, 200,200,200)); // Receive GUI events. // This prevents Litha Engine from receiving GUI events, but that doesn't matter. IEventReceiver *eventReceiver = new EventReceiver(engine); guienv->setUserEventReceiver(eventReceiver); // Init InitSettings(); InitGUI(); engine->Run(); engine->drop(); delete eventReceiver; return 0; }
// Open the port. Returns 0 on success, or a negative error number. // Establishes default comms settings, but calls OnOpen virtual function to // change the default settings (including the port number). // DEFAULTS: COM1; 2400baud; 8 Data bits; 1 Stop Bit; No Parity; No Handshaking. int JHCommBase::Open() { char fn[10]; DCB dcb; COMMTIMEOUTS cto; COMMPROP cp; COMMSETTINGS cs; InitSettings(&cs, &dcb, &cto); OnOpen(&cs, &dcb, &cto); dcb.DCBlength = sizeof(dcb); cto.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD; cto.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0; cto.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; sprintf_s(fn, 10, "\\\\.\\COM%u", cs.PortNumber); hPort = CreateFileA(fn, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0); if (hPort == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { switch (GetLastError()) { case 5: return -107; default: return -100; } } if (!SetCommTimeouts(hPort, &cto)) {Close(); return -101;}; if ((cs.rxQueueSize != 0) || (cs.txQueueSize != 0)) if (!SetupComm(hPort, cs.rxQueueSize, cs.txQueueSize)) {Close(); return -102;}; if ((dcb.XoffLim == 0) || (dcb.XonLim == 0)) { if (!GetCommProperties(hPort, &cp)) cp.dwCurrentRxQueue = 0; if (cp.dwCurrentRxQueue > 0) { //If we can determine the queue size, default to 1/10th, 8/10ths, 1/10th. //Note that HighWater is measured from top of queue. dcb.XoffLim = dcb.XonLim = (short)((int)cp.dwCurrentRxQueue / 10); } else { //If we do not know the queue size, set very low defaults for safety. dcb.XoffLim = dcb.XonLim = 8; } } if (!SetCommState(hPort, &dcb)) {Close(); return -103;}; hRxEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (NULL == hRxEvent) {Close(); return -104;}; hTxEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (NULL == hTxEvent) {Close(); return -105;}; rxmode = 0; hRxThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, RxThread, (LPVOID)this, 0, NULL); if (NULL == hRxThread) {Close(); return -106;}; sendcount = 0; //OutputDebugString("Port Opened"); return 0; }
bool qPBReaderEpub::Open() { TRSCOPE(epub, "qPBReaderEpub::Open"); Clean(); // compute MD5 to get config file and temporary directory _sMD5 = qPBReaderUtils::MD5(_sFile); bool bOk = !_sMD5.isEmpty(); if (bOk) { _sTempDir = qPBReaderConfig::GetTempDir() + "/" + _sMD5; TRACE << "temp dir " << ENC(_sTempDir) << endl; bOk = InitSettings(qPBReaderConfig::GetDataDir() + "/" + _sMD5 + ".cfg"); } // extract epub file if (bOk && qgetenv("qPBReaderDisableEpubExtraction").isEmpty()) { bOk = qPBReaderUnzip::ExtractAllTo(_sFile, _sTempDir); } // analyze epub. Won't be completely performed if settings are present. if (bOk) { bOk = AnalyzeDocStructure(); } // keep the input file name in config, useful when data // will be checked for entries to removed // will avoid deleting file if epub has been moved and reopened // since first open if (bOk) { QFile f(_sFile); _pSettings->SaveEpubFileName(QFileInfo(f).absoluteFilePath()); } // don't stay partially initialized in case of error if (!bOk) { Clean(); } TRACE << TRANAME << " " << VAR(bOk) << endl; return bOk; }
Settings::Settings(QString path) { _path = path; InitSettings(); LoadSettings(); if (_pathPlayer.isEmpty()) TryToFindPlayer(); }
void VoxelMipmapRenderPass::Init () { ShaderManager::Instance ()->AddComputeShader ("VOXEL_MIPMAP_PASS_COMPUTE_SHADER", "Assets/Shaders/Voxelize/voxelMipmapCompute.glsl"); /* * Initialize voxel mipmap settings */ InitSettings (); }
INT_PTR StartupSilence() { InitSettings(); HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, ModulesLoaded); mir_forkthread((pThreadFunc)AdvSt, NULL); CreateServiceFunction(SS_SERVICE_NAME, SturtupSilenceEnabled); CreateServiceFunction(SS_SILENCE_CONNECTION, SilenceConnection); IsMenu(); HookEvent(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, InitializeOptions); return 0; }
void VoxelRadianceInjectionRenderPass::Init () { ShaderManager::Instance ()->AddComputeShader ("VOXEL_RADIANCE_INJECTION_PASS_COMPUTE_SHADER", "Assets/Shaders/Voxelize/voxelRadianceInjectionCompute.glsl"); /* * Initialize voxel radiance injection settings */ InitSettings (); }
void main(void) { /* Configure the oscillator for the device */ ConfigureOscillator(); /* Initialize I/O and Peripherals for application */ InitApp(); W5200_nRESET = 0; __delay_us(5); W5200_nRESET = 1; __delay_ms(50); __delay_ms(50); __delay_ms(50); __delay_ms(50); /* Initialize application settings */ InitSettings(); /* Initialize TCP server */ initServer(&macAddress, &gateway, &netmask); startServer(&localEndpoint); LED = 1; while(1) { if(clientConnected()) { if(dataAvailable()) { uint16_t length = getReceivedLength(); if(length > MAX_BUFFER) { // Limit maximum buffer size to avoid ram saturation due to packet flooding, a normal communication is shorter anyway length = MAX_BUFFER; } uint8_t buffer[MAX_BUFFER]; getReceivedData(buffer, length); parseCommand(buffer[0], buffer, length); stopServer(); startServer(&localEndpoint); } checkClientDisconnection(); } } }
void VisionApp::ReadyToRun(void) { InitSettings(); fIdentThread = spawn_thread(Identity, "the_spirits_within", B_LOW_PRIORITY, NULL); if (fIdentThread >= B_OK) resume_thread(fIdentThread); if (!CheckStartupNetworks()) { fSetupWin = new SetupWindow(); fSetupWin->Show(); } }
AudioOutputPulseAudio::AudioOutputPulseAudio(const AudioSettings &settings) : AudioOutputBase(settings), pcontext(NULL), pstream(NULL), mainloop(NULL), m_aosettings(NULL) { volume_control.channels = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PA_CHANNELS_MAX; ++i) volume_control.values[i] = PA_VOLUME_MUTED; InitSettings(settings); if (settings.init) Reconfigure(settings); }
extern OSStatus MySyncPaneFromTicket ( MyCustomContext context, PMPrintSession session ) { OSStatus result = noErr; PMTicketRef ticket = NULL; result = MyGetTicket (session, kPDE_PMPrintSettingsRef, &ticket); if (result == noErr) { CFDataRef xmlData = NULL; CFDictionaryRef dict = NULL; result = PMTicketGetCFData ( ticket, kPMTopLevel, kPMTopLevel, kAppPrintDialogPDEOnlyKey, &xmlData ); if (result == noErr) { dict = CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData ( kCFAllocatorDefault, xmlData, kCFPropertyListImmutable, NULL ); if (dict) { InternSettings(dict, &context->settings); CFRelease(dict); } else result = kPMKeyNotFound; // bad XML? } if (result == kPMKeyNotFound) { InitSettings(&context->settings); result = noErr; } } if (result == noErr) SyncPaneFromSettings(context); MyDebugMessage("MySyncPane", result); return result; }
void BloomVerticalBlurContainerRenderSubPass::Init () { /* * Initialize bloom settings */ InitSettings (); /* * */ VerticalGaussianBlurContainerRenderSubPass::Init (); }
void SSAOContainerRenderSubPass::Init () { /* * Initialize screen space ambient occlusion settings */ InitSettings (); /* * */ PostProcessContainerRenderSubPass::Init (); }
TBarApp::TBarApp() : BApplication(kDeskbarSignature), fSettingsFile(NULL), fPreferencesWindow(NULL) { InitSettings(); InitIconPreloader(); fBarWindow = new TBarWindow(); fBarView = fBarWindow->BarView(); be_roster->StartWatching(this); gLocalizedNamePreferred = BLocaleRoster::Default()->IsFilesystemTranslationPreferred(); sBarTeamInfoList.MakeEmpty(); BList teamList; int32 numTeams; be_roster->GetAppList(&teamList); numTeams = teamList.CountItems(); for (int32 i = 0; i < numTeams; i++) { app_info appInfo; team_id tID = (team_id)teamList.ItemAt(i); if (be_roster->GetRunningAppInfo(tID, &appInfo) == B_OK) { AddTeam(appInfo.team, appInfo.flags, appInfo.signature, &appInfo.ref); } } sSubscribers.MakeEmpty(); fSwitcherMessenger = BMessenger(new TSwitchManager(fSettings.switcherLoc)); fBarWindow->Show(); // Call UpdatePlacement() after the window is shown because expanded apps // need to resize the window. if (fBarWindow->Lock()) { fBarView->UpdatePlacement(); fBarWindow->Unlock(); } // this messenger now targets the barview instead of the // statusview so that all additions to the tray // follow the same path fStatusViewMessenger = BMessenger(fBarWindow->FindView("BarView")); }
void qPBReaderEpub::Clean() { // remove temporary files if (!_sTempDir.isEmpty() && qgetenv("qPBReaderLeaveTempEpub").isEmpty()) { qPBReaderUtils::Rmdir(_sTempDir); } // forget _sMD5.clear(); _sTempDir.clear(); InitSettings(); _pCurrentOpf->Clear(); _nActiveOpf = -1; }
AudioOutputPulseAudio::AudioOutputPulseAudio(const AudioSettings &settings) : AudioOutputBase(settings), pcontext(NULL), pstream(NULL), mainloop(NULL), m_aosettings(NULL) { volume_control.channels = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PA_CHANNELS_MAX; ++i) volume_control.values[i] = PA_VOLUME_MUTED; // unecessary initialization to keep coverity happy memset(&sample_spec, 0, sizeof(sample_spec)); memset(&channel_map, 0, sizeof(channel_map)); InitSettings(settings); if (settings.init) Reconfigure(settings); }
CodecInst::CodecInst() : mLog(nullptr) , fps_num(30) , fps_den(1) , mCLConv(true) , mSubmitter(nullptr) { InitSettings(); ReadRegistry(); mLog = new Logger(!!mConfigTable[S_LOG]); mCLConv = !mConfigTable[S_DISABLE_OCL]; if (mConfigTable[S_FPS_ENABLED]) { fps_num = mConfigTable[S_FPS_NUM]; fps_den = mConfigTable[S_FPS_DEN]; } #if _DEBUG BindDLLs(); #endif }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Initialize the window with double and depth buffering glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH); glutInitWindowSize(window_width, window_height); glutCreateWindow("Assignment 2 - Hierarchical Modeling"); // Initialize the OpenGL settings InitSettings(); // Set up the callback functions glutKeyboardFunc(KeyboardFunc); glutMouseFunc(MouseFunc); glutMotionFunc(MotionFunc); glutReshapeFunc(ReshapeFunc); glutDisplayFunc(DisplayFunc); // Start the main loop glutMainLoop(); }
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { OutputDebugString("----- Bot Starting -----"); InitSettings(); pNetGame = new CNetGame(tSettings.szConnectHost,atoi(tSettings.szConnectPort), tSettings.szNickName,tSettings.szConnectPass); while(1) { pNetGame->Process(); Sleep(200); if( pNetGame->GetGameState() == GAMESTATE_CONNECTED && !pNetGame->GetRakClient()->IsConnected() ) { break; } } OutputDebugString("----- BOT: End -----"); return 0; }
VOID Main( VOID ) { BOOL ExitProg = FALSE; SavedImage = DosAllocFarMem( 4000 ); ScrSetMode(); InitSettings(); while( ChgSettings() ) { SaveVideo(); ActivateSignal(); // for( Counter = 0; Counter <= 255; Counter++ ) // for( SubCounter = 0; SubCounter <= 255; SubCounter++ ) // SetFrequency( 0, SubCounter, Counter ); RestoreVideo(); } ScrRestoreMode(); DosFreeFarMem( SavedImage ); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: ./moldyn NUM_THREADS\n"); return 1; } NTHREADS = atoi(argv[1]); int i; InitSettings (); InitCoordinates(INPARAMS numMoles, BOXSIZE, perturb); InitVelocities (INPARAMS timeStep); InitForces (); //Mike: added this to compensate for moving updatecoordinates to the end FirstCoordinates(); barrier_init(&barrier, NTHREADS); pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setscope(&attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM); pthread_t* threads = new pthread_t[ NTHREADS-1 ]; for( i = 1; i < NTHREADS; i++ ) pthread_create( &threads[i-1], &attr, do_thread_work, (void*)i ); do_thread_work ((void *)0); for( i = 1; i < NTHREADS; i++ ) pthread_join( threads[i-1], NULL ); printf("\n"); return 0; }