Exemple #1
// 印刷の実行
int __fastcall TPrintDlgBox::Execute(void)
	if( (!mColCount) || (!mRowCount) ) return FALSE;
	int r = FALSE;
	if( PrintDialog->Execute() == TRUE ){
		TForm *pActive = Screen->ActiveForm;
        if( pActive != NULL ) pActive->Enabled = FALSE;
		mAbort = 0;
		CWaitCursor	tw;
        Printer()->Title = "MMANA";
		Printer()->Canvas->Font->Name = "MS ゴシック";
		mRC = Printer()->Canvas->ClipRect;
		if( InitSetup(Printer()->Canvas) == FALSE ){
			mAbort = 1;
		if( !mAbort ){
			for( mPage = 0; mPage < mPageMax; mPage++ ){	// 印刷ループ
				if( mPage ) Printer()->NewPage();
				if( mAbort ) break;
				if( mAbort ) break;
				if( mAbort ) break;
        if( mAbort ){
        else {
            r = TRUE;
        if( pActive != NULL ) pActive->Enabled = TRUE;
		Visible = FALSE;
    return r;
Exemple #2
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    struct GRTypes data_t;                 // data type structure
    data_t.VTXID_TYPE = VTXID_INT;         // vertex identifier
    data_t.SIZET_TYPE = SIZET_INT;         // graph size type
    data_t.VALUE_TYPE = VALUE_FLOAT;       // attributes type

    struct GRSetup config = InitSetup();   // gunrock configurations

    int num_nodes = 7, num_edges = 26;
    int row_offsets[8]  = {0, 3, 6, 11, 15, 19, 23, 26};
    int col_indices[26] = {1, 2, 3, 0, 2, 4, 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 0, 2,
                           5, 6, 1, 2, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 6, 3, 4, 5};

    struct GRGraph *grapho = (struct GRGraph*)malloc(sizeof(struct GRGraph));
    struct GRGraph *graphi = (struct GRGraph*)malloc(sizeof(struct GRGraph));
    graphi->num_nodes   = num_nodes;
    graphi->num_edges   = num_edges;
    graphi->row_offsets = (void*)&row_offsets[0];
    graphi->col_indices = (void*)&col_indices[0];

    gunrock_pagerank(grapho, graphi, config, data_t);

    int   *top_nodes = (  int*)malloc(sizeof(  int) * graphi->num_nodes);
    float *top_ranks = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * graphi->num_nodes);
    top_nodes = (  int*)grapho->node_value2;
    top_ranks = (float*)grapho->node_value1;
    int node; for (node = 0; node < config.top_nodes; ++node)
        printf("Node_ID [%d] : Score: [%f]\n", top_nodes[node], top_ranks[node]);

    if (graphi) free(graphi);
    if (grapho) free(grapho);
    if (top_nodes) free(top_nodes);
    if (top_ranks) free(top_ranks);

    return 0;
CmtSdCard::CreateCard( OMAP_MMCHS_REGS *mmc, CmtSdIsConnect  isConnect ) {
  uint8 MMCCmd[16];
  if( isConnect() != CMTE_OK ) return 0; //Карта не подключена

  bool   ret_val;
  bool   sdCardType;
  uint32 factor;
  uint32 RCA = 1;
  uint32 argument;
  uint32 resp[4];
  unsigned int trans_fact, trans_unit, retries = 2;
  unsigned int max_dtr;
  int dsor;
  volatile mmc_csd_reg_t Card_CSD;
  unsigned char trans_speed;

  cmtDebug1( 10, 1, "CreateCard init setup", 0 );
  InitSetup( mmc );

  do {
    cmtDebug1( 10, 2, "CreateCard detect card", 0 );
    ret_val = DetectCard( mmc, &sdCardType, &factor, &RCA );
  while( (retries > 0) && !ret_val );

  cmtDebug1( 10, 3, "CreateCard CMD9 RCA=%1", RCA );
  argument = RCA << 16;
  if( !SendCommand( mmc, MMC_CMD9, argument, resp ) ) {
    cmtDebug1( 10, 3, "CreateCard CMD9 fail", 0 );
    return 0;

  memcpy( MMCCmd, resp, 16 );
  ((unsigned int *)&Card_CSD)[3] = resp[3];
  ((unsigned int *)&Card_CSD)[2] = resp[2];
  ((unsigned int *)&Card_CSD)[1] = resp[1];
  ((unsigned int *)&Card_CSD)[0] = resp[0];

//  if (mmc_card_cur->card_type == MMC_CARD)
//     mmc_card_cur->version = Card_CSD.spec_vers;

  trans_speed = Card_CSD.tran_speed;

  cmtDebug1( 10, 5, "CreateCard trans_speed %1", trans_speed );

  cmtDebug1( 10, 5, "CreateCard CMD4", 0 );
  if( !SendCommand( mmc, MMC_CMD4, MMC_DSR_DEFAULT << 16, resp ) ) {
    cmtDebug1( 10, 6, "CreateCard CMD4 fail", 0 );
    return 0;
#if 1

  trans_unit = trans_speed & MMC_CSD_TRAN_SPEED_UNIT_MASK;
  trans_fact = trans_speed & MMC_CSD_TRAN_SPEED_FACTOR_MASK;

  if( trans_unit > MMC_CSD_TRAN_SPEED_UNIT_100MHZ )
    return 0;

  if( (trans_fact < MMC_CSD_TRAN_SPEED_FACTOR_1_0) ||
      (trans_fact > MMC_CSD_TRAN_SPEED_FACTOR_8_0) )
    return 0;

  trans_unit >>= 0;
  trans_fact >>= 3;

  max_dtr = tran_exp[trans_unit] * tran_mant[trans_fact];
  dsor = 96000000 / max_dtr;

  if( dsor == 4 )
    dsor = 5;
  if( dsor == 3 )
    dsor = 4;

  cmtDebug1( 10, 10, "CreateCard config dsor = %1", dsor );
  ClockConfig( mmc, CLK_MISC, 7 ); //dsor );

  cmtDebug1( 10, 11, "CreateCard CMD7", 0 );
  argument = RCA << 16;
  if( !SendCommand( mmc, MMC_CMD7_SELECT, argument, resp ) ) {
    cmtDebug1( 10, 12, "CreateCard CMD7 fail", 0 );
    return 0;

  /* Configure the block length to 512 bytes */
  cmtDebug1( 10, 14, "CreateCard CMD16", 0 );
  if( !SendCommand( mmc, MMC_CMD16, 512, resp ) ) {
    cmtDebug1( 10, 15, "CreateCard CMD16 fail", 0 );
    return 0;

  //Анализ размера карты (определение количества блоков)
  uint32 blockCount; //Количество блоков по 512 байт
  if( factor == 0 ) { //mmc_dev_data->mode == SECTOR_MODE
    if( sdCardType ) { //mmc_dev_data->card_type == SD_CARD
      blockCount = (((mmc_sd2_csd_reg_t *) &Card_CSD)->c_size_lsb & MMC_SD2_CSD_C_SIZE_LSB_MASK) |
            ((((mmc_sd2_csd_reg_t *) &Card_CSD)->c_size_msb & MMC_SD2_CSD_C_SIZE_MSB_MASK) << MMC_SD2_CSD_C_SIZE_MSB_OFFSET);
      blockCount *= 1024;
    else {
      mmc_extended_csd_reg_t ext_csd;
      argument = 0x00000000;
      cmtDebug1( 10, 16, "CreateCard CMD8", 0 );
      if( !SendCommand( mmc, MMC_CMD8, argument, resp ) ) {
        cmtDebug1( 10, 15, "CreateCard CMD8 fail", 0 );
        return 0;
      if( !GetData( mmc, (uint32*)(&ext_csd) ) ) {
        cmtDebug1( 10, 16, "CreateCard CMD8 GetData fail", 0 );
        return 0;
      blockCount = ext_csd.sectorcount;
      if( blockCount == 0 ) blockCount = 8388608;
  else {
    if( Card_CSD.c_size_mult >= 8 )
      return 0;

    if( Card_CSD.read_bl_len >= 12 )
      return 0;

     /* Compute size */
     uint32 count = 1 << (Card_CSD.c_size_mult + 2);
     uint32 card_size = (Card_CSD.c_size_lsb & MMC_CSD_C_SIZE_LSB_MASK) |
         ((Card_CSD.c_size_msb & MMC_CSD_C_SIZE_MSB_MASK) << MMC_CSD_C_SIZE_MSB_OFFSET);

     uint32 blk_no = (card_size + 1) * count;
     uint32 blk_len = 1 << Card_CSD.read_bl_len;
     uint32 size = blk_no * blk_len;

     blockCount = size >> 9;

  cmtDebug1( 10, 21, "card blocks %1", blockCount );
  cmtDebug1( 10, 22, "card factor %1", factor );
  //Построить объект карты
#ifdef CMT_DMA
  return new CmtSdCard( mmc, isConnect, factor, 512, blockCount, dmaRx, dmaTx );
  return new CmtSdCard( mmc, isConnect, factor, 512, blockCount );