void CharacterJump::Update(float fSeconds)
	// Update sprite

	// Update physics
	const float kSpeed = 500.0f;
	SVector2 vel(mpOwner->GetVelocity());
	if (Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::RIGHT))
		vel.x = kSpeed * fSeconds;
	else if (Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::LEFT))
		vel.x = -kSpeed * fSeconds;
		vel.x = 0.0f;

	// State transitions
	if (vel.y >= 0.0f)
Exemple #2
void Character::Update(float deltaTime)
	const float kSpeed = 500.0f;
	SVector2 displacement(0.0f, 0.0f);

	// Check horizontal movement
		displacement.x = kSpeed * deltaTime;
	else if(Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::LEFT))
		displacement.x = -kSpeed * deltaTime;
		displacement.x = 0.0f;

	// Check vertical movement
		displacement.y = kSpeed * deltaTime;
	else if(Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::UP))
		displacement.y = -kSpeed * deltaTime;
		displacement.y = 0.0f;

	mPosition += displacement;
void SilverbackInput::pushKeyEvent(int key, int rawchar, bool down) {
	gcn::KeyInput i;

	//Console_Printf("Got input: %d %d %s\n", key, rawchar, down ? "down" : "up");

	if(rawchar || key < 200) {
		if(rawchar > 32 && rawchar < 127)
#ifndef _WIN32
		else if(rawchar>=127 || (rawchar == key && key <= 32))
		else if(key > 32 && key < 127)
		else i.setKey(convertKey(key));

		i.setType(down ? gcn::KeyInput::PRESSED : gcn::KeyInput::RELEASED);
		i.setNumericPad(key >= KEY_KEYPAD_0 && key <= KEY_KEYPAD_ENTER);

	} else if ((key >= KEY_MOUSEFIRSTBUTTON && key <= KEY_MOUSELASTBUTTON) || key == KEY_XBUTTON1 || key == KEY_XBUTTON2) {
		pushMouseEvent(key, down);
Exemple #4
void NPC::Render(SVector2 offset) {
	sOffset = offset;

	SVector2 newPos = (mNPCData.mPosition + offset);

	mFont.Print(mNPCData.mName, mNPCData.mPosition.x + offset.x,
			mNPCData.mPosition.y + offset.y - 15);

#if _DEBUG

	int size = mPath.size() - 1;


		for(int a = 0; a < size; ++a)
			SVector2 newPosA = (mPath[a] + offset);
			SVector2 newPosB = (mPath[a + 1] + offset);
			Graphics_DebugLine(newPosA, newPosB, 0XFF0000);

bool CharacterCombat::Update(float fSeconds) {
	// Update sprite

	// Switch to walk state if arrow keys are pressed 
	if (Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::RIGHT) || Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::LEFT)
			|| Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::UP) || Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::DOWN)) {

	// Switch to action state if control is pressed
	if (Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::LCONTROL) && !mAnimation.GetIsAnimating()) {

	Graphics_DebugText("Current State: Combat", 0, 150, 0xFFFFFF);

	return false;
Exemple #6
void Fighter::Update(float deltaTime)
		mPosition.x += mSpeed * deltaTime;
	else if(Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::LEFT))
		mPosition.x -= mSpeed * deltaTime;
		mPosition.y -= mSpeed * deltaTime;
	else if(Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::DOWN))
		mPosition.y += mSpeed * deltaTime;
Exemple #7
void Fighter::Update(float deltaTime)
	const float kSpeed = 100.0f;
	if (Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::RIGHT))
		mPosition.x += kSpeed * deltaTime;
	if (Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::LEFT))
		mPosition.x -= kSpeed * deltaTime;

	if (Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::UP))
		mPosition.y -= kSpeed * deltaTime;
	if (Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::DOWN))
		mPosition.y += kSpeed * deltaTime;
Exemple #8
void Character::Update(float deltaTime, const Map& map)
	const float kSpeed = 500.0f;

	//Check horizontal movement
	if (Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::RIGHT))
		mVelocity.x = kSpeed * deltaTime;
	else if (Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::LEFT))
		mVelocity.x = -kSpeed * deltaTime;
		mVelocity.x = 0.0f;

	// Check collision
	SRect bb = GetBoundingBox();
	SRect newbb = bb + SVector2(mVelocity.x, 0.0f);
	SRect rightbb = map.GetBoundingBoxFromSegment(newbb.GetRightSegment());
	SRect leftbb = map.GetBoundingBoxFromSegment(newbb.GetLeftSegment());

	// Right collision
	if (mVelocity.x > 0.0f && rightbb.IsValid())
		mPosition.x += (int)(rightbb.min.x - bb.max.x) - 1.0f;
	// Left collision
	else if (mVelocity.x < 0.0f && leftbb.IsValid())
		mPosition.x += (int)(leftbb.max.x - bb.min.x) + 1.0f;
		mPosition.x += (int)mVelocity.x;

	//Check vertical movement
	//if (Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::DOWN))
	//	mVelocity.y = kSpeed * deltaTime;
	//else if (Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::UP))
	//	mVelocity.y = -kSpeed * deltaTime;
	//	mVelocity.y = 0.0f;

	if(!mJumping && Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::UP))
		mVelocity.y = -30.0f;
		mJumping = true;
		mVelocity.y += 100.0f * deltaTime;

	mVelocity.y = Min(mVelocity.y, 30.0f);

	// Check collision
	newbb =  bb + SVector2(0.0f, mVelocity.y);
	SRect bottombb = map.GetBoundingBoxFromSegment(newbb.GetBottomSegment());
	SRect topbb = map.GetBoundingBoxFromSegment(newbb.GetTopSegment());

	// Bottom collision
	if(mVelocity.y > 0.0f && bottombb.IsValid())
		mPosition.y += (int)(bottombb.min.y - bb.max.y) - 1.0f;
		mVelocity.y = 0.0f;
		mJumping = false;
	// Top collision
	else if(mVelocity.y < 0.0f && topbb.IsValid())
		mPosition.y += (int)(topbb.max.y - bb.min.y) + 1.0f;
		mVelocity.y = 0.0f;
		mPosition.y += (int)mVelocity.y;

Exemple #9
void Player_Update( float timeStep ) {
    if( player ) {
        TVec3 vAxis = Vec3_Set( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
        // get correct vectors for moving
        TVec3 look = Entity_GetLookVector( player->pivot );
        TVec3 right = Entity_GetRightVector( player->pivot );
        TVec3 listenerPosition = Entity_GetGlobalPosition( player->cameraPivot );
        Lightprobe_LightEntity( player->weapon->model );

        player->onGround = false;
        for( int i = 0; i < player->body.contactCount; i++ ) {
            TContact * contact = &player->body.contacts[i];
            // check angle between contact normal and vertical axis, it must be less than 60 degrees
            if( Vec3_Angle( vAxis, contact->normal ) < M_PI / 3.0 ) {
                player->onGround = true;
        // ====================
        // moving
        player->destVelocity = Vec3_Zero();
        player->move = false;
        if( Input_IsKeyDown( KEY_W )) {
            player->destVelocity = Vec3_Add( player->destVelocity, look );
            player->move = true;
        if( Input_IsKeyDown( KEY_S )) {
            player->destVelocity = Vec3_Sub( player->destVelocity, look );
            player->move = true;
        if( Input_IsKeyDown( KEY_A )) {
            player->destVelocity = Vec3_Add( player->destVelocity, right );
            player->move = true;
        if( Input_IsKeyDown( KEY_D )) {
            player->destVelocity = Vec3_Sub( player->destVelocity, right );
            player->move = true;

        if( Input_IsKeyDown( KEY_C ) ) {
            player->crouch = true;
            if( player->body.shape->sphereRadius > player->crouchRadius ) {
                player->body.shape->sphereRadius -= 0.05f;
            } else {
                player->body.shape->sphereRadius = player->crouchRadius;
        } else {
            player->crouch = false;
            char standUp = 1;
            // before stand up, we must trace ray up on player's head, to ensure, that
            // there enough space to stand up.
            TVec3 end = Vec3_Set( player->body.position.x, player->body.position.y + 1.0f, player->body.position.z );
            TRay headRay = Ray_Set( player->body.position, end );
            TRayTraceResult out;
            Ray_TraceWorldStatic( &headRay, &out );
            if( out.body ) {
                float maxRadius = player->shape.sphereRadius + 0.4f;
                if( Vec3_SqrDistance( out.position, player->body.position ) < maxRadius * maxRadius ) {
                    standUp = 0;
                    player->crouch = true;
            if( standUp ) {
                if( player->body.shape->sphereRadius < player->standRadius ) {
                    player->body.shape->sphereRadius += 0.04f;
                } else {
                    player->body.shape->sphereRadius = player->standRadius;
        // sync step sound position with player position
        for( int i = 0; i < player->stepSoundGroup->count; i++ ) {
            SoundSource_SetPosition( &player->stepSoundGroup->sounds[i], &listenerPosition );
            if( player->crouch ) {
                SoundSource_SetVolume( &player->stepSoundGroup->sounds[i], 0.5f );
            } else {
                SoundSource_SetVolume( &player->stepSoundGroup->sounds[i], 1.0f );
        // emit step sound only if got contact with the ground
        if( player->body.contactCount > 0 ) {
            TContact * lowestContact = &player->body.contacts[0];
            for( int i = 0; i < player->body.contactCount; i++ ) {
                if( player->body.contacts[i].position.y < lowestContact->position.y ) {
                    lowestContact = &player->body.contacts[i];
            // select emittable sounds
            if( lowestContact->triangle ) {
                // iterate over all possible step sound groups
                for( int i = 0; i < STEP_GROUP_COUNT; i++ ) {
                    // iterate over each material in group
                    for( int j = 0; j < player->stepSounds[i].materialCount; j++ ) {
                        if( lowestContact->triangle->material == player->stepSounds[i].material[j] ) {
                            player->stepSoundGroup = &player->stepSounds[i];

            if( player->pathLength > 15 * player->speed ) {
                int randomSound = rand() % player->stepSoundGroup->count;
                if( randomSound >= 4 ) {
                    randomSound = 3;
                SoundSource_Play( &player->stepSoundGroup->sounds[ randomSound ] );
                player->pathLength = 0.0f;

        float realSpeed = player->speed;

        player->run = false;
        if( Input_IsKeyDown( KEY_LeftShift ) && !player->crouch ) {
            realSpeed *= player->speedMultiplier;
            player->run = true;
        if( player->crouch ) {
            realSpeed *= 0.65f;

        if( player->move ) {
            // prevent divide by zero
            player->destVelocity = Vec3_Normalize( player->destVelocity );
            player->pathLength += realSpeed * 0.5f;

        float interpCoeff = 0.25f;
        if( !player->onGround ) {
            interpCoeff = 0.0035f;
        player->destVelocity.x *= realSpeed;
        player->destVelocity.z *= realSpeed;
        player->velocity.x += ( player->destVelocity.x - player->velocity.x ) * interpCoeff;
        player->velocity.z += ( player->destVelocity.z - player->velocity.z ) * interpCoeff;
        // do not overwrite gravity component (y), apply only x and z
        player->body.linearVelocity.x = player->velocity.x * timeStep;
        player->body.linearVelocity.z = player->velocity.z * timeStep;

        // ====================
        // jump   
        if( Input_IsKeyHit( KEY_Space ) ) {
            if( player->onGround ) {
                player->body.linearVelocity.y += player->jumpStrength;

        // sync pivot's position with physical body
        player->pivot->localPosition = player->body.position;

        // ====================
        // mouse look
        player->yaw -= Input_GetMouseXSpeed() * player->mouseSensivity * timeStep;
        player->pitch += Input_GetMouseYSpeed() * player->mouseSensivity * timeStep;

        // clamp pitch
        if( player->pitch > player->maxPitch ) {
            player->pitch = player->maxPitch;
        if( player->pitch < -player->maxPitch ) {
            player->pitch = -player->maxPitch;

        right = Vec3_Set( 1, 0, 0 );
        vAxis = Vec3_Set( 0, 1, 0 );
        player->pivot->localRotation = Quaternion_SetAxisAngle( vAxis, player->yaw );
        player->cameraPivot->localRotation = Quaternion_SetAxisAngle( right, player->pitch );

        // sound
        TVec3 up = Entity_GetUpVector( player->cameraPivot );
        SoundListener_SetPosition( &listenerPosition );        
        SoundListener_SetOrientation( &look, &up );
        // weapon
        Weapon_Update( player->weapon );
        if( Input_IsMouseDown( MB_Left )) {
            Weapon_Shoot( player->weapon );
        player->weapon->moveSpeed = player->body.linearVelocity;
        Player_CameraShake( );
Exemple #10
void InputBox::Update(float deltaTime)

	// Update caret info
	mCaret += deltaTime;

	SVector2 mouse((float) Input_GetMouseScreenX(), (float) Input_GetMouseScreenY());
	// If a mouse click is detected this box is no longer selected. Below it checks if it is the one being clicked on
		mActive = mouse.x > (mPosition.x - 25) && mouse.x < mPosition.x + mWidth && mouse.y > (mPosition.y - 25) && mouse.y < mPosition.y + mHeight;

	// If Active Capture Text
		// Dont go over max length
		if(mTextPosition < mMaxLength)
		{		if (Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::LSHIFT) || Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::RSHIFT) )
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::A)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'A'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::B)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'B'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::C)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'C'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::D)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'D'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::E)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'E'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::F)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'F'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::G)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'G'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::H)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'H'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::I)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'I'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::J)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'J'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::K)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'K'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::L)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'L'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::M)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'M'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::N)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'N'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::O)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'O'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::P)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'P'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::Q)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'Q'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::R)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'R'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::S)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'S'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::T)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'T'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::U)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'U'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::V)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'V'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::W)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'W'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::X)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'X'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::Y)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'Y'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::Z)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'Z'; }

					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::SEMICOLON)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = ':'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::ONE)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '!'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::TWO)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '@'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::THREE)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '#'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::FOUR)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '$'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::FIVE)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '%'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::SIX)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '^'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::SEVEN)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '&'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::EIGHT)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '*'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::NINE)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '('; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::ZERO)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = ')'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::SLASH)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '?'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::PERIOD)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '>'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::COMMA)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '<'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::APOSTROPHE)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '"'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::GRAVE)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '~'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::LBRACKET)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '{'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::RBRACKET)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '}'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::A)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'a'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::B)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'b'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::C)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'c'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::D)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'd'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::E)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'e'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::F)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'f'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::G)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'g'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::H)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'h'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::I)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'i'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::J)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'j'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::K)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'k'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::L)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'l'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::M)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'm'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::N)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'n'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::O)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'o'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::P)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'p'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::Q)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'q'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::R)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'r'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::S)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 's'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::T)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 't'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::U)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'u'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::V)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'v'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::W)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'w'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::X)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'x'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::Y)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'y'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::Z)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = 'z'; }

					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::ZERO)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '0'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::ONE)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '1'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::TWO)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '2'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::THREE)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '3'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::FOUR)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '4'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::FIVE)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '5'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::SIX)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '6'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::SEVEN)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '7'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::EIGHT)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '8'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::NINE)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '9'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::SLASH)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '/'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::PERIOD)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '.'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::APOSTROPHE)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '\''; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::COMMA)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = ','; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::MINUS)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '-'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::EQUALS)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '='; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::SEMICOLON)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = ';'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::GRAVE)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '`'; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::LBRACKET)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = '['; }
					if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::RBRACKET)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = ']'; }

				if(Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::SPACE)) { mText[mTextPosition++] = ' '; }

		// Backspace
		if(mTextPosition > 0 && Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::BACKSPACE))
			mText[--mTextPosition] = '\0';
Exemple #11
void Character::Update(float deltaTime, const Map& map, const SVector2& renderOffset)
	const float kSpeed = 256.0f;

	// Check horizontal movement
		mVelocity.x = kSpeed * deltaTime;
	else if(Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::LEFT))
		mVelocity.x = -kSpeed * deltaTime;
		mVelocity.x = 0.0f;

	// Check collision
	SRect bb = GetBoundingBox(renderOffset);
	SRect newbb = bb + SVector2(mVelocity.x, 0.0f);

	SLineSegment tempRightLS(newbb.GetRightSegment().from.x - renderOffset.x,
							newbb.GetRightSegment().from.y - renderOffset.y,
							newbb.GetRightSegment().to.x - renderOffset.x,
							newbb.GetRightSegment().to.y - renderOffset.y);
	SLineSegment tempLeftLS(newbb.GetLeftSegment().from.x - renderOffset.x,
							newbb.GetLeftSegment().from.y - renderOffset.y,
							newbb.GetLeftSegment().to.x - renderOffset.x,
							newbb.GetLeftSegment().to.y - renderOffset.y);

	SRect rightbb = map.GetBoudingBoxFromSegment(tempRightLS);
	SRect leftbb = map.GetBoudingBoxFromSegment(tempLeftLS);

	Graphics_DebugRect(bb, 0xF04BC3);
	Graphics_DebugRect(newbb, 0x004BC3);
	Graphics_DebugRect(rightbb, 0xF04B00);
	Graphics_DebugRect(leftbb, 0xF000C3);
	// Right Collision
	if(mVelocity.x > 0.0f && rightbb.IsValid())
		mPosition.x += static_cast<int>(rightbb.min.x - bb.max.x) - 1.0f;
	// Left Collision
	else if(mVelocity.x < 0.0f && leftbb.IsValid())
		mPosition.x += static_cast<int>(leftbb.max.x - bb.min.x) + 1.0f;
		mPosition.x += static_cast<int>(mVelocity.x);

	// Check vertical movement
		mVelocity.y = kSpeed * deltaTime;
	else if(Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::UP))
		mVelocity.y = -kSpeed * deltaTime;
		mVelocity.y = 0.0f;

	// Check collision
	newbb = bb + SVector2(0.0f, mVelocity.y);
	SRect topbb = map.GetBoudingBoxFromSegment(newbb.GetTopSegment());
	SRect bottombb = map.GetBoudingBoxFromSegment(newbb.GetBottomSegment());
	// Top Collision
	if(mVelocity.y < 0.0f && topbb.IsValid())
		mPosition.y += static_cast<int>(topbb.max.y - bb.min.y) + 1.0f;
	// Bottom Collision
	else if(mVelocity.y > 0.0f && bottombb.IsValid())
		mPosition.y += static_cast<int>(bottombb.min.y - bb.max.y) - 1.0f;
		mPosition.y += static_cast<int>(mVelocity.y);

	mPosition += mVelocity;