Exemple #1
void HandleNotifyPlayerCanAffordInsurance( SOLDIERTYPE *pSoldier, UINT8 ubLength, INT32 iCost )
	CHAR16 sString[ 128 ];
	CHAR16 sStringA[ 32 ];

	//parse the cost
	swprintf( sStringA, L"%d",iCost );

	// insert the commans and dollar sign
	InsertCommasForDollarFigure( sStringA );
	InsertDollarSignInToString( sStringA );

	swprintf( sString, zMarksMapScreenText[ 10 ], pSoldier->GetName(), sStringA, ubLength );

	//Set the length to the global variable ( so we know how long the contract is in the callback )
	gubContractLength = ubLength;
	gpInsuranceSoldier = pSoldier;

	//Remember the soldier aswell
	pContractReHireSoldier = pSoldier;

	// now pop up the message box
	DoScreenIndependantMessageBox( sString, MSG_BOX_FLAG_YESNO, ExtendMercInsuranceContractCallBack );

void DisplayCurrentBalanceForMapBottom( void )
	// show the current balance for the player on the map panel bottom
	CHAR16 sString[ 128 ];
	INT16 sFontX, sFontY;

	// ste the font buffer
	SetFontDestBuffer( FRAME_BUFFER, 0, 0, 640, 480, FALSE );

	// set up the font
	SetFont( COMPFONT );
	SetFontForeground( 183 );
	SetFontBackground( FONT_BLACK );

	swprintf( sString, L"%d", LaptopSaveInfo.iCurrentBalance );

	// insert 
	InsertCommasForDollarFigure( sString );
	InsertDollarSignInToString( sString );

	// center it
	VarFindFontCenterCoordinates( 359, 387 + 2,  437 - 359, 10,  COMPFONT, &sFontX, &sFontY, sString );
	// print it
	mprintf( sFontX, sFontY, L"%s", sString );

void DisplayProjectedDailyMineIncome( void )
	INT32 iRate = 0;
	static INT32 iOldRate = -1; 
	CHAR16 sString[ 128 ];
	INT16 sFontX, sFontY;

	// grab the rate from the financial system
	iRate = GetProjectedTotalDailyIncome( );
	if( iRate != iOldRate )
		iOldRate = iRate;
		fMapScreenBottomDirty = TRUE;

		// if screen was not dirtied, leave
		if( fMapBottomDirtied == FALSE )
		// ste the font buffer
	SetFontDestBuffer( FRAME_BUFFER, 0, 0, 640, 480, FALSE );

	// set up the font
	SetFont( COMPFONT );
	SetFontForeground( 183 );
	SetFontBackground( FONT_BLACK );

	swprintf( sString, L"%d", iRate );

	// insert 
	InsertCommasForDollarFigure( sString );
	InsertDollarSignInToString( sString );

	// center it
	VarFindFontCenterCoordinates( 359, 433 + 2,  437 - 359, 10,  COMPFONT, &sFontX, &sFontY, sString );
	// print it
	mprintf( sFontX, sFontY, L"%s", sString );
// adds text to mine info box
void AddTextToMineBox( void )
	UINT8 ubMineIndex;
	UINT8 ubTown;
	UINT32 hStringHandle;
	CHAR16 wString[ 64 ];

	ubMineIndex = GetMineIndexForSector( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY );

	// name of town followed by "mine"
	//swprintf( wString, L"%s %s", pTownNames[ GetTownAssociatedWithMine( ubMineIndex ) ], pwMineStrings[ 0 ] );
	swprintf( wString, L"%s %s", pTownNames[ GetTownAssociatedWithMine( ubMineIndex ) ], MineralsName[gMineStatus[ubMineIndex].ubMineType].sType );
	AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

	// blank line
	AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, L"" );

	// sector

	// mine status
	swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 9 ]);
	AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

	// check if mine is empty (abandoned) or running out
	if (gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].fEmpty)
		// abandonded
		wcscpy( wString, pwMineStrings[ 5 ] );
	if (gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].fShutDown)
		// shut down
		wcscpy( wString, pwMineStrings[ 6 ] );
	if (gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].fRunningOut)
		// running out
		wcscpy( wString, pwMineStrings[ 7 ] );
		// producing
		wcscpy( wString, pwMineStrings[ 8 ] );
	AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

	// if still producing
	if (!gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].fEmpty)
		// current production
		swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 3 ]);
		AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		swprintf( wString, L"%d", PredictDailyIncomeFromAMine( ubMineIndex, TRUE ) );
		InsertCommasForDollarFigure( wString );
		InsertDollarSignInToString( wString );
		AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		// potential production
		swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 4 ]);
		AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		swprintf( wString, L"%d", GetMaxDailyRemovalFromMine( ubMineIndex ) );
		InsertCommasForDollarFigure( wString );
		InsertDollarSignInToString( wString );
		AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		// if potential is not nil
		if (GetMaxPeriodicRemovalFromMine(ubMineIndex) > 0)
			// production rate (current production as a percentage of potential production)
			swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 10 ]);
			AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );
			swprintf( wString, L"%d%%%%", (PredictDailyIncomeFromAMine(ubMineIndex, TRUE) * 100 ) / GetMaxDailyRemovalFromMine(ubMineIndex) );
			AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		// town control percentage
		swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 12 ]);
		AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );
		//swprintf( wString, L"%d%%%%", (GetTownSectorsUnderControl( gMineLocation[ ubMineIndex ].bAssociatedTown ) *	100) / GetTownSectorSize( gMineLocation[ ubMineIndex ].bAssociatedTown ));
		swprintf( wString, L"%d%%%%", (GetTownSectorsUnderControl( gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].bAssociatedTown ) *	100) / GetTownSectorSize( gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].bAssociatedTown ));
		AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		//ubTown = gMineLocation[ ubMineIndex ].bAssociatedTown;
		ubTown = gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].bAssociatedTown;
		if( gTownLoyalty[ ubTown ].fStarted && gfTownUsesLoyalty[ ubTown ])
			// town loyalty percentage
			swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 13 ]);
			AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );
			//swprintf( wString, L"%d%%%%", gTownLoyalty[ gMineLocation[ ubMineIndex ].bAssociatedTown ].ubRating);
			swprintf( wString, L"%d%%%%", gTownLoyalty[ gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].bAssociatedTown ].ubRating);
			AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

/* gradual monster infestation concept was ditched, now simply IN PRODUCTION or SHUT DOWN
		// percentage of miners working
		swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 14 ]);
		AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );
		swprintf( wString, L"%d%%%%", gubMonsterMineInfestation[ gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].bMonsters ]);
		AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

		// ore type (silver/gold
		swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 11 ]);
		AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );
		AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, MineralsName[gMineStatus[ubMineIndex].ubMineType].sMinerals );
		//AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, (gMineStatus[ubMineIndex].ubMineType == SILVER_MINE) ? pwMineStrings[ 1 ] : pwMineStrings[ 2 ] );

#ifdef _DEBUG
	// dollar amount remaining in mine
	wcscpy( wString, L"Remaining (DEBUG):");
	AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

	swprintf( wString, L"%d", GetTotalLeftInMine( ubMineIndex ) );
	InsertCommasForDollarFigure( wString );
	InsertDollarSignInToString( wString );
	AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString );

// MercDailyUpdate() gets called every day at midnight.  If something is to happen to a merc that day, add an event for it.
void MercDailyUpdate()
	INT32		cnt;
	INT8		bLastTeamID;
	SOLDIERTYPE		*pSoldier;
	//SOLDIERTYPE *pQuitList[ 21 ];
	UINT32 uiChance;
	INT32 iOffset = 0;
	BOOLEAN fFoundSomeOneForMenuShowing = FALSE;

	//if its the first day, leave
	if( GetWorldDay() == 1 )

	// debug message
	ScreenMsg( MSG_FONT_RED, MSG_DEBUG, L"%s - Doing MercDailyUpdate", WORLDTIMESTR );

	// if the death rate is very low (this is independent of mercs' personal deathrate tolerances)
	if (CalcDeathRate() < 5)
		// everyone gets a morale bonus, which also gets player a reputation bonus.
		HandleMoraleEvent( NULL, MORALE_LOW_DEATHRATE, -1, -1, -1 );

	//add an event so the merc will say the departing warning ( 2 hours prior to leaving
	// Do so for all time slots they will depart from
	AddSameDayStrategicEvent( EVENT_MERC_ABOUT_TO_LEAVE, MERC_ARRIVE_TIME_SLOT_1 - ( 2 * 60 ),	0 );
	AddSameDayStrategicEvent( EVENT_MERC_ABOUT_TO_LEAVE, MERC_ARRIVE_TIME_SLOT_2 - ( 2 * 60 ),	0 );
	AddSameDayStrategicEvent( EVENT_MERC_ABOUT_TO_LEAVE, MERC_ARRIVE_TIME_SLOT_3 - ( 2 * 60 ),	0 );


	cnt = gTacticalStatus.Team[ gbPlayerNum ].bFirstID;
	bLastTeamID = gTacticalStatus.Team[ gbPlayerNum ].bLastID;

	//loop though all the mercs
  for ( pSoldier = MercPtrs[ cnt ]; cnt <= bLastTeamID; cnt++,pSoldier++)
		//if the merc is active
		if ( ( pSoldier->bActive )&&( pSoldier->bAssignment != ASSIGNMENT_POW ) && ( pSoldier->bAssignment != IN_TRANSIT ) )
			//CJC: Reset dialogue flags for quotes that can be said once/day
			pSoldier->usQuoteSaidFlags &= ( ~SOLDIER_QUOTE_SAID_ANNOYING_MERC );
			// ATE: Reset likes gun flag
			pSoldier->usQuoteSaidFlags &= ( ~SOLDIER_QUOTE_SAID_LIKESGUN );
			// ATE: Reset seen corpse flag
			pSoldier->usQuoteSaidFlags &= ( ~SOLDIER_QUOTE_SAID_ROTTINGCORPSE );
			// ATE; Reset found something nice flag...
			pSoldier->usQuoteSaidFlags &= ( ~SOLDIER_QUOTE_SAID_FOUND_SOMETHING_NICE );

      // ATE: Decrement tolerance value...

      if ( pSoldier->bCorpseQuoteTolerance < 0 )
        pSoldier->bCorpseQuoteTolerance = 0;

			// CJC: For some personalities, reset personality quote said flag
			if ( pSoldier->ubProfile != NO_PROFILE )
				switch( gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].bPersonalityTrait )
					case NONSWIMMER:
					case FEAR_OF_INSECTS:
						// repeatable once per day
						pSoldier->usQuoteSaidFlags &= ( ~SOLDIER_QUOTE_SAID_PERSONALITY );

			//ATE: Try to see if our equipment sucks!
			if ( SoldierHasWorseEquipmentThanUsedTo( pSoldier ) )
				// Randomly anytime between 6:00, and 10:00
				AddSameDayStrategicEvent( EVENT_MERC_COMPLAIN_EQUIPMENT, 360 + Random( 1080 ) , pSoldier->ubProfile );

			// increment days served by this grunt

			// player has hired him, so he'll eligible to get killed off on another job
			gMercProfiles[pSoldier->ubProfile].ubMiscFlags3 |= PROFILE_MISC_FLAG3_PLAYER_HAD_CHANCE_TO_HIRE;
			//if the character is an RPC
			if( pSoldier->ubProfile >= FIRST_RPC && pSoldier->ubProfile < FIRST_NPC )
				INT16	sSalary = gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].sSalary;
				INT32	iMoneyOwedToMerc = 0;  

				//increment the number of days the mercs has been on the team

				//if the player owes the npc money, the balance field will be negative
				if( gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].iBalance < 0 )
					//the player owes the npc the salary and whatever money the player owes the npc
					iMoneyOwedToMerc = sSalary + ( - gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].iBalance );
					//else the player only owes the salary
					iMoneyOwedToMerc = sSalary;

				//if the player owes money
				if( iMoneyOwedToMerc != 0 )
					//if the player can afford to pay them
					if( LaptopSaveInfo.iCurrentBalance >= iMoneyOwedToMerc )
						//add the transaction to the player
						AddTransactionToPlayersBook( PAYMENT_TO_NPC, pSoldier->ubProfile, GetWorldTotalMin(), -iMoneyOwedToMerc);

						//if the player owed money to the npc
						if( gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].iBalance < 0 )
							// reset the amount
							gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].iBalance = 0;
						CHAR16	zMoney[128];

						//create a string for the salary owed to the npc
						swprintf( zMoney, L"%d", sSalary );
						InsertCommasForDollarFigure( zMoney );
						InsertDollarSignInToString( zMoney );

						//Display a screen msg indicating that the npc was NOT paid
						ScreenMsg( FONT_MCOLOR_WHITE, MSG_INTERFACE, pMessageStrings[ MSG_CANT_AFFORD_TO_PAY_NPC_DAILY_SALARY_MSG ], gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].zNickname, zMoney );

						//if the merc hasnt been paid for NUM_DAYS_TILL_UNPAID_RPC_QUITS days, the merc will quit
						if( ( gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].iBalance - sSalary ) <= -( sSalary * NUM_DAYS_TILL_UNPAID_RPC_QUITS ) )
							//Set it up so the merc quits
							MercsContractIsFinished( pSoldier->ubID );
							//set how much money the player owes the merc
							gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].iBalance -= sSalary;

							// Add even for displaying a dialogue telling the player this....
							AddSameDayStrategicEvent( EVENT_RPC_WHINE_ABOUT_PAY, MERC_ARRIVE_TIME_SLOT_1, pSoldier->ubID );


			DailyMoraleUpdate( pSoldier );

			CheckIfMercGetsAnotherContract( pSoldier );
			if( ( pSoldier->bActive ) && ( pSoldier->bAssignment == ASSIGNMENT_POW ) )
				pSoldier->iEndofContractTime += 1440;

		// if active, here, & alive (POW is ok, don't care)
		if( ( pSoldier->bActive ) && ( pSoldier->bAssignment != ASSIGNMENT_DEAD ) &&
																 ( pSoldier->bAssignment != IN_TRANSIT ) )
			// increment the "man days" played counter for each such merc in the player's employment

	//r eset the counter
	cnt = 0;

	for ( pSoldier = MercPtrs[ cnt ]; cnt <= bLastTeamID; cnt++,pSoldier++)
		//if the merc is active
		if ( ( pSoldier->bActive )&&( pSoldier->bAssignment != ASSIGNMENT_POW ) && ( pSoldier->bAssignment != IN_TRANSIT ) )
			//if its a MERC merc, determine if the merc should leave ( because player refused to pay for merc )
			if( pSoldier->ubWhatKindOfMercAmI == MERC_TYPE__MERC )
				//if the players account status is invalid
				if( LaptopSaveInfo.gubPlayersMercAccountStatus == MERC_ACCOUNT_INVALID )
					//if the soldier is alive anc concious
					if( IsTheSoldierAliveAndConcious( pSoldier ) )
						//if the merc should leave today
						MercsContractIsFinished( pSoldier->ubID );

	//Loop through all the profiles
	for( cnt = 0; cnt < NUM_PROFILES; cnt++)
		pProfile = &(gMercProfiles[ cnt ]);

		// dead guys don't do nuthin' !
		if ( pProfile->bMercStatus == MERC_IS_DEAD )

		//Every day reset this variable
		pProfile->uiPrecedentQuoteSaid = 0;

		// skip anyone currently on the player's team
		if ( IsMercOnTeam( (UINT8) cnt ))

		// if he's an AIM/M.E.R.C. merc
		if ( cnt < AIM_AND_MERC_MERCS )
			// if he's not just on his way home
			if ( pProfile->bMercStatus != MERC_RETURNING_HOME )
				// check if any of his stats improve through working or training

				// if he's working on another job
				if (pProfile->bMercStatus == MERC_WORKING_ELSEWHERE)
					// check if he's killed
					HandleUnhiredMercDeaths( cnt );

		// if merc is currently unavailable
		if( pProfile->uiDayBecomesAvailable > 0 )
			// reduce time til available by one day

			// Check to see if the merc has become available
			if (pProfile->uiDayBecomesAvailable == 0)
				//if the merc CAN become ready
				if( pProfile->bMercStatus != MERC_FIRED_AS_A_POW )
					pProfile->bMercStatus = MERC_OK;			

					// if the player has left a message for this merc
					if ( pProfile->ubMiscFlags3 & PROFILE_MISC_FLAG3_PLAYER_LEFT_MSG_FOR_MERC_AT_AIM )
						iOffset = AIM_REPLY_BARRY;

						//remove the Flag, so if the merc goes on another assignment, the player can leave an email.

						// TO DO: send E-mail to player telling him the merc has returned from an assignment
						AddEmail( ( UINT8 )( iOffset + ( cnt * AIM_REPLY_LENGTH_BARRY ) ), AIM_REPLY_LENGTH_BARRY, ( UINT8 )( 6 + cnt ), GetWorldTotalMin() );
		else	// was already available today
			// if it's an AIM or M.E.R.C. merc
			if (cnt < AIM_AND_MERC_MERCS)
				// check to see if he goes on another assignment
				if (cnt < MAX_NUMBER_MERCS)
					// A.I.M. merc
					uiChance = 2 * pProfile->bExpLevel;

					// player has now had a chance to hire him, so he'll eligible to get killed off on another job
					// M.E.R.C. merc - very rarely get other work
					uiChance = 1 * pProfile->bExpLevel;

					// player doesn't have a chance to hire any M.E.R.C's until after Speck's E-mail is sent
					if (GetWorldDay() > DAYS_TIL_M_E_R_C_AVAIL)
						// player has now had a chance to hire him, so he'll eligible to get killed off on another job

				if (Random(100) < uiChance)
					pProfile->bMercStatus = MERC_WORKING_ELSEWHERE;
					pProfile->uiDayBecomesAvailable = 1 + Random(6 + (pProfile->bExpLevel / 2) );		// 1-(6 to 11) days

		// Decrement morale hangover (merc appears hirable, he just gives lame refusals during this time, though)
		if( pProfile->ubDaysOfMoraleHangover > 0 )

	// build quit list
	//BuildMercQuitList( pQuitList );
	HandleSlayDailyEvent( );

	// rebuild list for mapscreen
	ReBuildCharactersList( );	