int GetUicontrolStyle(void* _pvCtx, char *sciObjUID)
    int iStyle = -1;
    int *piStyle = &iStyle;

    getGraphicObjectProperty(sciObjUID, __GO_STYLE__, jni_int, (void **) &piStyle);

    if (piStyle != NULL)
        return sciReturnString(_pvCtx, IntToStyle(iStyle));
        Scierror(999, const_cast<char*>(_("No '%s' property for this object.\n")), "Style");
        return FALSE;

int SetUicontrolMax(void* _pvCtx, int iObjUID, void* _pvData, int valueType, int nbRow, int nbCol)
    double maxValue = 0.0;
    BOOL status = FALSE;
    double value = 0;
    double* pdblValue = &value;
    double minValue = 0.0;
    double* pdblMinValue = &minValue;
    int objectStyle = -1;
    int *piObjectStyle = &objectStyle;
    int type = -1;
    int* piType = &type;

    // Check type
    getGraphicObjectProperty(iObjUID, __GO_TYPE__, jni_int, (void**) &piType);
    if (type != __GO_UICONTROL__)
        Scierror(999, const_cast<char*>(_("'%s' property does not exist for this handle.\n")), "Max");
        return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR;

    if (valueType != sci_matrix)
        /* Wrong datatype */
        Scierror(999, const_cast<char*>(_("Wrong type for '%s' property: A real expected.\n")), "Max");
        return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR;
    if (nbCol != 1 || nbRow != 1)
        /* Wrong value size */
        Scierror(999, const_cast<char*>(_("Wrong size for '%s' property: A real expected.\n")), "Max");
        return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR;

    /* Store the value in Scilab */
    maxValue = ((double*)_pvData)[0];

     * For Checkboxes and Radiobuttons: display a warning if the value is neither equal to Min nor Max
    getGraphicObjectProperty(iObjUID, __GO_STYLE__, jni_int, (void**) &piObjectStyle);
    if (objectStyle == __GO_UI_CHECKBOX__ || objectStyle == __GO_UI_RADIOBUTTON__)
        getGraphicObjectProperty(iObjUID, __GO_UI_MIN__, jni_double, (void**) &pdblMinValue);
        getGraphicObjectProperty(iObjUID, __GO_UI_VALUE__, jni_double, (void**) &pdblValue);

        if ((value != minValue) && (value != maxValue))
            sciprint(const_cast<char*>(_("Warning: '%s' 'Value' property should be equal to either '%s' or '%s' property value.\n")), IntToStyle(objectStyle), "Min", "Max");


    status = setGraphicObjectProperty(iObjUID, __GO_UI_MAX__, &maxValue, jni_double, 1);

    if (status == TRUE)
        return SET_PROPERTY_SUCCEED;
        Scierror(999, const_cast<char*>(_("'%s' property does not exist for this handle.\n")), "Max");
        return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR;
int SetUicontrolValue(void* _pvCtx, char* sciObjUID, void* _pvData, int valueType, int nbRow, int nbCol)
    double *value = NULL;
    double* truncatedValue = NULL;
    int valueSize = 0;
    int nbValues = 0;
    int kValue = 0;
    BOOL status = FALSE;
    BOOL truncated = FALSE;
    double maxValue = 0;
    double* pdblMaxValue = &maxValue;
    double minValue = 0;
    double* pdblMinValue = &minValue;
    int objectStyle = -1;
    int *piObjectStyle = &objectStyle;
    int type = -1;
    int *piType = &type;

    // Check type
    getGraphicObjectProperty(sciObjUID, __GO_TYPE__, jni_int, (void**) &piType);
    if (type != __GO_UICONTROL__)
        Scierror(999, const_cast<char*>(_("'%s' property does not exist for this handle.\n")), "Value");
        return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR;

    if (valueType == sci_matrix)
        if (nbRow > 1)
            /* Wrong value size */
            Scierror(999, const_cast<char*>(_("Wrong size for '%s' property: A real row vector expected.\n")), "Value");
            return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR;

        value = (double*)_pvData;
        valueSize = nbCol * nbRow;
    else if (valueType == sci_strings) // Ascendant compatibility
        if (nbCol > 1)
            /* Wrong value size */
            Scierror(999, const_cast<char*>(_("Wrong size for '%s' property: A string expected.\n")), "Value");
            return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR;

        value = new double[1];
        valueSize = 1;
        nbValues = sscanf((char*)_pvData, "%lf", &value[0]);

        if (nbValues != 1)
            /* Wrong value size */
            Scierror(999, const_cast<char*>(_("Wrong value for '%s' property: A String containing a numeric value expected.\n")), "Value");
            return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR;
        /* Wrong datatype */
        Scierror(999, const_cast<char*>(_("Wrong type for '%s' property: A real row vector or a string expected.\n")), "Value");
        return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR;

    truncatedValue = new double[valueSize];
    for (kValue = 0; kValue < valueSize; kValue++)
        truncatedValue[kValue] = floor(value[kValue]);
        if (truncatedValue[kValue] != value[kValue])
            truncated = TRUE;

    getGraphicObjectProperty(sciObjUID, __GO_STYLE__, jni_int, (void**) &piObjectStyle);

     * For popumenus/listboxes: display a warning if the value is not an integer
    if ((objectStyle == __GO_UI_POPUPMENU__ || objectStyle == __GO_UI_LISTBOX__) && truncated)
        sciprint(const_cast<char*>(_("Warning: '%s' 'Value' property should be an integer, the value will be truncated.\n")), IntToStyle(objectStyle));

     * For Checkboxes and Radiobuttons: display a warning if the value is neither equal to Min nor Max
    if (objectStyle == __GO_UI_CHECKBOX__ || objectStyle == __GO_UI_RADIOBUTTON__)
        getGraphicObjectProperty(sciObjUID, __GO_UI_MIN__, jni_double, (void**) &pdblMinValue);
        getGraphicObjectProperty(sciObjUID, __GO_UI_MAX__, jni_double, (void**) &pdblMaxValue);

        if ((value[0] != minValue) && (value[0] != maxValue))
            sciprint(const_cast<char*>(_("Warning: '%s' 'Value' property should be equal to either '%s' or '%s' property value.\n")), IntToStyle(objectStyle), "Min", "Max");


    if (objectStyle == __GO_UI_POPUPMENU__ || objectStyle == __GO_UI_LISTBOX__)
        status = setGraphicObjectProperty(sciObjUID, __GO_UI_VALUE__, truncatedValue, jni_double_vector, valueSize);
        status = setGraphicObjectProperty(sciObjUID, __GO_UI_VALUE__, value, jni_double_vector, valueSize);

    delete[] truncatedValue;

    if (valueType == sci_strings)
        delete[] value;

    if (status == TRUE)
        return SET_PROPERTY_SUCCEED;
        Scierror(999, const_cast<char*>(_("'%s' property does not exist for this handle.\n")), "Value");
        return SET_PROPERTY_ERROR;