BOOL CFTPCtrl::FtpUploadFile(CString filePath) { HANDLE hOpenFile = (HANDLE)CreateFile(filePath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, NULL, NULL); if(hOpenFile==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { AfxMessageBox(_T("打开文件失败,请检查文件路径后重试!")); CloseHandle(hOpenFile); return FALSE; } CString fileName = GetFileName(filePath); HINTERNET hFtpOpen = FtpOpenFile( m_hConnect,fileName, GENERIC_WRITE, FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_ASCII, 0 ); if ( NULL == hFtpOpen ) { AfxMessageBox(_T("Ftp远程文件打开失败!")); return FALSE; } DWORD fileSize=GetFileSize(hOpenFile,NULL); char *buffer=new char[fileSize];//最后一位为'/0',C-Style字符串的结束符。 DWORD readSize; if (FALSE==ReadFile(hOpenFile,buffer,fileSize,&readSize,NULL)) { AfxMessageBox(_T("读取本地文件失败!")); return FALSE; } DWORD dwBytesWritten; if (FALSE==InternetWriteFile( hFtpOpen, buffer,fileSize,&dwBytesWritten)) { AfxMessageBox(_T("上传文件失败!")); return FALSE; } CloseHandle( hOpenFile ); InternetCloseHandle(hFtpOpen); return TRUE; }
static HRESULT write_post_stream(Protocol *protocol) { BYTE buf[0x20000]; DWORD written; ULONG size; BOOL res; HRESULT hres; protocol->flags &= ~FLAG_REQUEST_COMPLETE; while(1) { size = 0; hres = IStream_Read(protocol->post_stream, buf, sizeof(buf), &size); if(FAILED(hres) || !size) break; res = InternetWriteFile(protocol->request, buf, size, &written); if(!res) { FIXME("InternetWriteFile failed: %u\n", GetLastError()); hres = E_FAIL; break; } } if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) { IStream_Release(protocol->post_stream); protocol->post_stream = NULL; hres = protocol->vtbl->end_request(protocol); } if(FAILED(hres)) return report_result(protocol, hres); return S_OK; }
unsigned __stdcall CHttp::worker_InternetWriteFile(LPVOID lp ) { INTERNETWRITEFILE *param = (INTERNETWRITEFILE*)lp; return InternetWriteFile ( param->hFile, param->lpBuffer, param->dwNumberOfBytesToWrite, param->lpdwNumberOfBytesWritten ); }
void openHTTPConnection (URL_COMPONENTS& uc, URL::OpenStreamProgressCallback* progressCallback, void* progressCallbackContext) { const TCHAR* mimeTypes[] = { _T("*/*"), 0 }; DWORD flags = INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD | INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE | INTERNET_FLAG_NO_COOKIES; if (address.startsWithIgnoreCase ("https:")) flags |= INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE; // (this flag only seems necessary if the OS is running IE6 - // IE7 seems to automatically work out when it's https) request = HttpOpenRequest (connection, isPost ? _T("POST") : _T("GET"), uc.lpszUrlPath, 0, 0, mimeTypes, flags, 0); if (request != 0) { INTERNET_BUFFERS buffers = { 0 }; buffers.dwStructSize = sizeof (INTERNET_BUFFERS); buffers.lpcszHeader = headers.toWideCharPointer(); buffers.dwHeadersLength = (DWORD) headers.length(); buffers.dwBufferTotal = (DWORD) postData.getSize(); if (HttpSendRequestEx (request, &buffers, 0, HSR_INITIATE, 0)) { int bytesSent = 0; for (;;) { const int bytesToDo = jmin (1024, (int) postData.getSize() - bytesSent); DWORD bytesDone = 0; if (bytesToDo > 0 && ! InternetWriteFile (request, static_cast <const char*> (postData.getData()) + bytesSent, (DWORD) bytesToDo, &bytesDone)) { break; } if (bytesToDo == 0 || (int) bytesDone < bytesToDo) { if (HttpEndRequest (request, 0, 0, 0)) return; break; } bytesSent += bytesDone; if (progressCallback != nullptr && ! progressCallback (progressCallbackContext, bytesSent, (int) postData.getSize())) break; } } } close(); }
fsInternetResult fsHttpFile::Write(LPBYTE pBuffer, DWORD dwSize, DWORD *pdwWritten) { if (m_hFile == NULL) { if (pdwWritten) *pdwWritten = 0; return IR_NOTINITIALIZED; } if (m_uLeftToUpload == 0) return IR_S_FALSE; DWORD dwWritten; BOOL bRet = InternetWriteFile (m_hFile, pBuffer, dwSize, &dwWritten); if (pdwWritten) *pdwWritten = dwWritten; if (!bRet) return fsWinInetErrorToIR (); m_uLeftToUpload -= dwWritten; if (m_uLeftToUpload == 0) { if (m_bUseMultipart) { fsString str = "\r\n"; str += m_strLabel; str += "--\r\n"; DWORD dw; if (FALSE == InternetWriteFile (m_hFile, str, str.GetLength (), &dw)) return fsWinInetErrorToIR (); } bRet = HttpEndRequest (m_hFile, NULL, 0, NULL); if (!bRet) return fsWinInetErrorToIR (); } return IR_SUCCESS; }
unsigned int __stdcall speedtest(void *param) { int i; unsigned long started; unsigned long elapsed; unsigned long speed; unsigned long w; char fbuf[4096]; struct spds spd = *(struct spds *)param; struct spds *pspd = (struct spds *)param; HINTERNET ih = InternetOpen("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible)", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, 0, 0, 0); HINTERNET ich; HINTERNET ftph; URL_COMPONENTS url; pspd->gotinfo = true; url.lpszUserName = (char *)malloc(128); url.dwUserNameLength = 128; url.lpszPassword = (char *)malloc(128); url.dwPasswordLength = 128; url.lpszHostName = (char *)malloc(128); url.dwHostNameLength = 128; url.dwStructSize = sizeof(url); InternetCrackUrl(spd.url, 0, 0, &url); ich = InternetConnect(ih, url.lpszHostName, url.nPort, url.lpszUserName, url.lpszPassword, INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP, 0, 0); if(ich) { ftph = FtpOpenFile(ich, "speed.test", GENERIC_WRITE, FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY, 0); if(ftph) { memset(fbuf, 'A', sizeof(fbuf)); started = GetTickCount() / 1000; for(i = 0; i < spd.size * 1024 / 4096; i++) { InternetWriteFile(ftph, fbuf, sizeof(fbuf), &w); elapsed = GetTickCount() / 1000 - started; } speed = spd.size / ((elapsed) ? elapsed : 1); irc_privmsg(, "speedtest complete (upload speed: %luKB/s)", speed); } } InternetCloseHandle(ftph); InternetCloseHandle(ich); InternetCloseHandle(ih); free(url.lpszUserName); free(url.lpszPassword); free(url.lpszHostName); clearthread(spd.tnum); _endthreadex(0); return 0; }
bool WebIO::UploadFileData(std::string file, std::string data) { WebIO::m_hFile = FtpOpenFileA(WebIO::m_hConnect, file.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, INTERNET_FLAG_TRANSFER_BINARY | INTERNET_FLAG_DONT_CACHE | INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0); if (WebIO::m_hFile) { DWORD size = 0; InternetWriteFile(WebIO::m_hFile, data.c_str(), data.size(), &size); InternetCloseHandle(WebIO::m_hFile); return (size == data.size()); } return false; }
BOOL WINAPI my_InternetWriteFile(HINTERNET hFile, LPCVOID lpBuffer, DWORD dwNumberOfBytesToWrite, LPDWORD lpdwNumberOfBytesWritten) { BOOL Ret = FALSE; ENTER_HOOK(); if (Ret = InternetWriteFile(hFile, lpBuffer, dwNumberOfBytesToWrite, lpdwNumberOfBytesWritten)) { if ((dwNumberOfBytesToWrite) && (lpBuffer)) IeQueryUrlPostForms(hFile, NULL, (PVOID)lpBuffer, dwNumberOfBytesToWrite); } LEAVE_HOOK(); return(Ret); }
HRESULT CKpInternetStream::WritePartial(const BYTE* pbBuffer, UINT64 uCount, UINT64* puWritten) { EnsureInitialized(); if(m_hFile == NULL) { if(puWritten != NULL) *puWritten = 0; return STG_E_INVALIDHANDLE; } if(pbBuffer == NULL) CKPIS_W_FAIL(E_POINTER); if(uCount > static_cast<UINT64>(DWORD_MAX)) CKPIS_W_FAIL(E_INVALIDARG); DWORD dwWritten = 0; const BOOL bRes = InternetWriteFile(m_hFile, pbBuffer, static_cast<DWORD>( uCount), &dwWritten); if(bRes == FALSE) CKPIS_W_FAIL(STG_E_WRITEFAULT); if(puWritten != NULL) *puWritten = dwWritten; return S_OK; }
BOOL CHttpRequestSender::WriteTrailingBoundary(HINTERNET hRequest) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; CString sText; bRet= FormatTrailingBoundary(sText); if(!bRet) return FALSE; strconv_t strconv; LPCSTR pszText = strconv.t2a(sText); if(pszText==NULL) return FALSE; DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; bRet=InternetWriteFile(hRequest, pszText, (DWORD)strlen(pszText), &dwBytesWritten); if(!bRet) return FALSE; UploadProgress(dwBytesWritten); return TRUE; }
int HttpConnection::sendData(const char* data, int data_len) { int totalBytesRead = 0; int ret = 0; DWORD bytesWritten = 0; DWORD errorCode = 0; if (!InternetWriteFile(req, data, data_len, &bytesWritten)) { errorCode = GetLastError(); char* tmp = createHttpErrorMessage(errorCode); setErrorF(errorCode, "InternetWriteFile error %d: %s", errorCode, tmp);"%s", getLastErrorMsg()); delete [] tmp; tmp = NULL; // // The certificate is not trusted. Send the right error code to the // client // if (errorCode == ERROR_INTERNET_INVALID_CA) { setError(ERR_HTTPS_INVALID_CA, "The certificate is invalid"); LOG.error("%s", getLastErrorMsg()); // try to understand a bit more on the certificate INTERNET_CERTIFICATE_INFO certificateInfo; DWORD certInfoLength = sizeof(INTERNET_CERTIFICATE_INFO); if (TRUE == InternetQueryOption(req, INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_CERTIFICATE_STRUCT, &certificateInfo, &certInfoLength)) { char* subj = (char*)certificateInfo.lpszSubjectInfo; char* issuer = (char*)certificateInfo.lpszIssuerInfo; LOG.debug("Cert Subject %s", subj); LOG.debug("Cert Issuer %s", issuer); } else { LOG.debug("Cannot retrieve info about the certificate"); } } else if (errorCode == ERROR_INTERNET_OFFLINE_MODE) { // 00002 -> retry LOG.debug("Offline mode detected: go-online and retry..."); WCHAR* wurl = toWideChar(url.fullURL); InternetGoOnline(wurl, NULL, NULL); delete [] wurl; } else if (errorCode == ERROR_INTERNET_TIMEOUT || // 12002 -> out code 2007 errorCode == ERROR_INTERNET_INCORRECT_HANDLE_STATE) { // 12019 -> out code 2007 setError(ERR_HTTP_TIME_OUT, "Network error: the request has timed out -> exit."); LOG.debug("%s", getLastErrorMsg()); } else if (errorCode == ERROR_INTERNET_CANNOT_CONNECT) { // 12029 -> out code 2001 setError(ERR_CONNECT, "Network error: the attempt to connect to the server failed -> exit"); LOG.debug("%s", getLastErrorMsg()); } // Other network error: retry."Network error writing data from client"); resetError(); } if (bytesWritten != data_len) { LOG.error("[%s] Warning: possible loss of data: %d bytes read, %d bytes written", __FUNCTION__, data_len, bytesWritten); } return errorCode; }
// Upload file bool FtpClient::upload(const string & source, const string & destination) { // Check connection if (mFtpHnd == NULL) { // Report error and break OutputDebugStringA("Not connected to FTP server:\n"); showError(); return false; } // Check if file exists if (!boost::filesystem::exists(boost::filesystem::path(source))) { // Report error and break OutputDebugStringA((string() + "\"" + source + "\" does not exist").c_str()); return false; } // Split destination to vector vector<string> mPath; boost::split(mPath, destination, boost::is_any_of("/")); // Iterate through directories LPCSTR mFilename; for (vector<string>::const_iterator mDirectory = mPath.cbegin(); mDirectory != mPath.cend(); ++mDirectory) { // End of the line if (mDirectory == mPath.end() - 1) { // Convert to character array mFilename = (LPCSTR)mDirectory->c_str(); } else { // Convert to character array LPCSTR nDirectory = (LPCSTR)mDirectory->c_str(); // Open directory if (!FtpSetCurrentDirectoryA(mFtpHnd, nDirectory)) { // Create directory if (!FtpCreateDirectoryA(mFtpHnd, nDirectory)) { // Report error and break OutputDebugStringA("Unable to create directory:\n"); showError(); return false; } else { // Open new directory if (!FtpSetCurrentDirectoryA(mFtpHnd, nDirectory)) { // Report error and break OutputDebugStringA("Unable to open new directory:\n"); showError(); return false; } } } } } // Check for existing file LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA mInfo = LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA(); HINTERNET mRemoteFileHnd = FtpFindFirstFileA(mFtpHnd, mFilename, mInfo, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0); // Clean up memory LocalFree(mInfo); delete mInfo; // File exists if (mRemoteFileHnd != NULL) { // Warn OutputDebugStringA("File already exists. Overwriting.\n"); // Close remote file InternetCloseHandle(mRemoteFileHnd); // Delete file if (!FtpDeleteFileA(mFtpHnd, mFilename)) { // Report error and break OutputDebugStringA("Unable to delete file from server:\n"); showError(); mPath.clear(); return false; } } // Open remote file for upload HINTERNET mFileHnd = FtpOpenFileA(mFtpHnd, mFilename, GENERIC_WRITE, FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY, 0); if (mFileHnd == NULL) { // Report error and break OutputDebugStringA("Unable to open remote file:\n"); showError(); return false; } // Open local file, ios::in|ios::binary|ios::ate); mFileSize = (DWORD)mFileIO.tellg(); mFileIO.seekg(0, ios::beg); // Return flag bool mUploadSuccess = false; // Check file size if (mFileSize > 0) { // Allocate memory for buffer and read file mBuffer = new int_fast8_t[mFileSize];, mFileSize); // Write buffer to remote file mBytesWritten = 0; mUploadSuccess = InternetWriteFile(mFileHnd, mBuffer, mFileSize, &mBytesWritten) == TRUE; if (!mUploadSuccess) showError(); // Clean up delete [] mBuffer; } // Close file, clean up mFileIO.close(); InternetCloseHandle(mFileHnd); mFileHnd = NULL; mPath.clear(); // Write result OutputDebugStringA(mUploadSuccess ? "File uploaded.\n" : "Upload did not complete.\n"); // Return flag return mUploadSuccess; }
bool Download::httpSendReqEx(HINTERNET hConnect, const string &dest, const vector< pair<string, string> > &headers, const string &upFile, const string &outFile, ProgressWindow &pw) const { INTERNET_BUFFERS BufferIn; memset(&BufferIn, 0, sizeof(BufferIn)); BufferIn.dwStructSize = sizeof( INTERNET_BUFFERS ); HINTERNET hRequest = HttpOpenRequest (hConnect, "POST", dest.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE, 0); DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; BYTE pBuffer[4*1024]; // Read from file in 4K chunks string hdr; for (size_t k = 0; k<headers.size(); k++) { if (!trim(headers[k].second).empty()) { hdr += headers[k].first + ": " + headers[k].second + "\r\n"; } } int retry = 5; while (retry>0) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(upFile.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile == HANDLE(-1)) return false; BufferIn.dwBufferTotal = GetFileSize (hFile, NULL); BufferIn.dwHeadersLength = hdr.length(); BufferIn.lpcszHeader = hdr.c_str(); double totSize = BufferIn.dwBufferTotal; if (!HttpSendRequestEx( hRequest, &BufferIn, NULL, 0, 0)) { CloseHandle(hFile); InternetCloseHandle(hRequest); return false; } DWORD sum = 0; do { if (!ReadFile (hFile, pBuffer, sizeof(pBuffer), &dwBytesRead, NULL)) { CloseHandle(hFile); InternetCloseHandle(hRequest); return false; } if (dwBytesRead > 0) { if (!InternetWriteFile(hRequest, pBuffer, dwBytesRead, &dwBytesWritten)) { CloseHandle(hFile); InternetCloseHandle(hRequest); return false; } } sum += dwBytesWritten; try { pw.setProgress(int(1000 * double(sum) / totSize)); } catch (std::exception &) { CloseHandle(hFile); InternetCloseHandle(hRequest); throw; } } while (dwBytesRead == sizeof(pBuffer)) ; CloseHandle(hFile); if (!HttpEndRequest(hRequest, NULL, 0, 0)) { DWORD error = GetLastError(); if (error == ERROR_INTERNET_FORCE_RETRY) retry--; else if (error == ERROR_INTERNET_TIMEOUT) { throw std::exception("Fick inget svar i tid (ERROR_INTERNET_TIMEOUT)"); } else { InternetCloseHandle(hRequest); return false; } } else retry = 0; // Done } DWORD dwStatus = 0; DWORD dwBufLen = sizeof(dwStatus); int success = HttpQueryInfo(hRequest, HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE|HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER, (LPVOID)&dwStatus, &dwBufLen, 0); if (success) { if (dwStatus >= 400) { char bf[256]; switch (dwStatus) { case HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST: sprintf_s(bf, "HTTP Error 400: The request could not be processed by the server due to invalid syntax."); break; case HTTP_STATUS_DENIED: sprintf_s(bf, "HTTP Error 401: The requested resource requires user authentication."); break; case HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN: sprintf_s(bf, "HTTP Error 403: Åtkomst nekad (access is denied)."); break; case HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND: sprintf_s(bf, "HTTP Error 404: Resursen kunde ej hittas (not found)."); break; case HTTP_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED: sprintf_s(bf, "HTTP Error 501: Förfrågan stöds ej (not supported)."); break; case HTTP_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR: sprintf_s(bf, "HTTP Error 500: Internt serverfel (server error)."); break; default: sprintf_s(bf, "HTTP Status Error %d", dwStatus); } throw dwException(bf, dwStatus); } } int fileno = _open(outFile.c_str(), O_BINARY|O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC, S_IREAD|S_IWRITE); do { dwBytesRead=0; if (InternetReadFile(hRequest, pBuffer, sizeof(pBuffer)-1, &dwBytesRead)) { _write(fileno, pBuffer, dwBytesRead); } } while(dwBytesRead>0); _close(fileno); InternetCloseHandle(hRequest); return true; }
BOOL CPostData::UseHttpSendReqEx( std::string& lpost) { USES_CONVERSION; long lgg; CString strtemp; lgg = lpost.size(); INTERNET_BUFFERS BufferIn; DWORD dwBytesWritten; BOOL bRet; TCHAR head[1024]; std::wstring strt = MS_CONTENTTYPE; std::wstring strt1 = CA2W(CSNManager::GetInstance()->GetSN().c_str()); //_stprintf_s(head, _countof(head), _T("%s\r\nSN: %s;\r\nMoneyhubuid: %s;\r\n"), strt.c_str() ,strt1.c_str() ,m_strHWID.c_str()); _stprintf_s(head, _countof(head), _T("Sn: %s\r\nMoneyhubuid: %s\r\n"), strt1.c_str() ,m_strHWID.c_str()); //TCHAR head[]= strt.c_str(); BufferIn.dwStructSize = sizeof( INTERNET_BUFFERS ); // Must be set or error will occur BufferIn.Next = NULL; BufferIn.lpcszHeader = head; BufferIn.dwHeadersLength = 0; BufferIn.dwHeadersTotal = sizeof(head); BufferIn.lpvBuffer = (LPSTR)lpost.c_str(); BufferIn.dwBufferLength = 0; BufferIn.dwBufferTotal = lgg; // This is the only member used other than dwStructSize BufferIn.dwOffsetLow = 0; BufferIn.dwOffsetHigh = 0; DWORD dwFlags = 0; DWORD dwBuffLen = sizeof(dwFlags); InternetQueryOption (m_hInetFile, INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS, (LPVOID)&dwFlags, &dwBuffLen); dwFlags |= (SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CA | SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_CN_INVALID); InternetSetOption (m_hInetFile, INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS, &dwFlags, sizeof (dwFlags) ); if(!HttpSendRequestEx( m_hInetFile, &BufferIn, NULL, 0, 0)) { strtemp.Format(_T("Error on HttpSendRequestEx %d\n"),GetLastError()); int nLen = strtemp.GetLength(); strt =strtemp.GetBuffer(nLen); strtemp.ReleaseBuffer(); CRecordProgram::GetInstance()->RecordWarnInfo(MY_PRO_NAME, MY_COMMON_ERROR, strt); CRecordProgram::GetInstance()->RecordWarnInfo(MY_PRO_NAME, MY_COMMON_ERROR, L"HttpSendRequestEx"); CloseHandles(); printf( "Error on HttpSendRequestEx %d\n",GetLastError() ); return FALSE; } bRet=TRUE; bRet = InternetWriteFile( m_hInetFile, (LPSTR)lpost.c_str(), lgg, &dwBytesWritten); if(!bRet) { strtemp.Format(_T("Error on HttpSendRequestEx %d\n"),GetLastError()); int nLen = strtemp.GetLength(); strt =strtemp.GetBuffer(nLen); strtemp.ReleaseBuffer(); CRecordProgram::GetInstance()->RecordWarnInfo(MY_PRO_NAME, MY_COMMON_ERROR, strt); CRecordProgram::GetInstance()->RecordWarnInfo(MY_PRO_NAME, MY_COMMON_ERROR, L"HttpSendRequestEx InternetWriteFile"); CloseHandles(); printf( "\nError on InternetWriteFile %lu\n",GetLastError() ); return FALSE; } bRet = HttpEndRequest(m_hInetFile, NULL, 0, 0); if(!bRet) { strtemp.Format(_T("Error on HttpSendRequestEx %d\n"),GetLastError()); int nLen = strtemp.GetLength(); strt =strtemp.GetBuffer(nLen); strtemp.ReleaseBuffer(); CRecordProgram::GetInstance()->RecordWarnInfo(MY_PRO_NAME, MY_COMMON_ERROR, strt); CRecordProgram::GetInstance()->RecordWarnInfo(MY_PRO_NAME, MY_COMMON_ERROR, L"HttpSendRequestEx HttpEndRequest"); CloseHandles(); printf( "Error on HttpEndRequest %lu \n", GetLastError()); return FALSE; } char pcBuffer[BUFFSIZE]; DWORD dwBytesRead; LPSTR lpszData1; lpszData1 = new char[1024*1024]; lpszData1[0]='\0'; //printf("\nThe following was returned by the server:\n"); do { dwBytesRead=0; if(InternetReadFile(m_hInetFile, pcBuffer, BUFFSIZE-1, &dwBytesRead)) { pcBuffer[dwBytesRead]=0x00; // Null-terminate buffer strcat(lpszData1,pcBuffer); //printf("%s", pcBuffer); } else return FALSE; //lpszData1 =""; //printf("\nInternetReadFile failed"); }while(dwBytesRead>0); //printf("\n"); lpost = ""; lpost = CW2A(UTF8ToUnicode(lpszData1).c_str()); delete []lpszData1; CloseHandles(); //return ERR_SUCCESS; return TRUE; }
fsInternetResult fsHttpFile::OpenEx(LPCSTR pszFilePath, UINT64 uStartPos, UINT64 uUploadPartSize, UINT64 uUploadTotalSize) { if (uUploadTotalSize == _UI64_MAX) return Open_imp (pszFilePath, uStartPos, 0); if (uStartPos + uUploadPartSize > uUploadTotalSize) return IR_INVALIDPARAM; if (!m_pServer) return IR_NOTINITIALIZED; HINTERNET hServer = m_pServer->GetHandle (); if (!hServer) return IR_NOTINITIALIZED; CloseHandle (); if (lstrlen (pszFilePath) > 9000) return IR_BADURL; fsString strFilePath = pszFilePath; fsString strFileName; if (m_bUseMultipart) { LPSTR psz = strrchr (strFilePath, '/'); if (psz) { strFileName = psz + 1; psz [1] = 0; } else strFileName = pszFilePath; } LPTSTR ppszAcceptedTypes [2] = { "*/*", NULL }; m_hFile = HttpOpenRequest (hServer, "POST", strFilePath, m_pszHttpVersion, NULL, (LPCSTR*)ppszAcceptedTypes, INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE | INTERNET_FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTION, 0); if (m_hFile == NULL) return fsWinInetErrorToIR (); fsInternetResult ir = SetupProxy (); if (ir != IR_SUCCESS) { CloseHandle (); return ir; } CHAR szHdr [10000] = ""; if (m_bUseMultipart) lstrcpy (szHdr, "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------284583012225247"); else { lstrcpy (szHdr, "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); if (m_strCharset.IsEmpty () == FALSE) { lstrcat (szHdr, "; charset="); lstrcat (szHdr, m_strCharset); } } if (uStartPos || uUploadPartSize != uUploadTotalSize) { if (*szHdr) lstrcat (szHdr, "\r\n"); sprintf (szHdr + lstrlen (szHdr), "Range: bytes=%I64u-%I64u/%I64u", uStartPos, uStartPos + uUploadPartSize - 1, uUploadTotalSize); } if (m_pszCookies) { if (*szHdr) lstrcat (szHdr, "\r\n"); sprintf (szHdr + lstrlen (szHdr), "Cookie: %s", m_pszCookies); } if (m_pszAdditionalHeaders) { if (*szHdr) lstrcat (szHdr, "\r\n"); lstrcat (szHdr, m_pszAdditionalHeaders); } IgnoreSecurityProblems (); int nSizeAdd = 0; fsString strMultipartHdr; if (m_bUseMultipart) { m_strLabel = "-----------------------------284583012225247"; strMultipartHdr = m_strLabel; strMultipartHdr += "\r\n"; strMultipartHdr += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"uploadFormFile\"; filename=\""; strMultipartHdr += strFileName; strMultipartHdr += "\"\r\n"; strMultipartHdr += "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n"; nSizeAdd = strMultipartHdr.GetLength () + m_strLabel.GetLength () + 6; } INTERNET_BUFFERS BufferIn = {0}; BufferIn.dwStructSize = sizeof (INTERNET_BUFFERS); BufferIn.lpcszHeader = szHdr; BufferIn.dwHeadersLength = BufferIn.dwHeadersTotal = lstrlen (szHdr); BufferIn.dwBufferTotal = (DWORD) (uUploadPartSize + nSizeAdd); if (!HttpSendRequestEx (m_hFile, &BufferIn, NULL, HSR_INITIATE, 0)) { ir = fsWinInetErrorToIR (); CloseHandle (); return ir; } if (m_bUseMultipart) { DWORD dw; if (FALSE == InternetWriteFile (m_hFile, strMultipartHdr, strMultipartHdr.GetLength (), &dw)) { ir = fsWinInetErrorToIR (); CloseHandle (); return ir; } } m_uLeftToUpload = uUploadPartSize; return IR_SUCCESS; }
BOOL CHttpRequestSender::WriteAttachmentPart(HINTERNET hRequest, CString sName) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; /* Write part header */ CString sHeader; bRet= FormatAttachmentPartHeader(sName, sHeader); if(!bRet) { m_Assync->SetProgress(_T("Error formatting attachment part header."), 0); return FALSE; } strconv_t strconv; LPCSTR pszHeader = strconv.t2a(sHeader); if(pszHeader==NULL) { m_Assync->SetProgress(_T("Error converting attachment part header to ASCII."), 0); return FALSE; } DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; bRet=InternetWriteFile(hRequest, pszHeader, (DWORD)strlen(pszHeader), &dwBytesWritten); if(!bRet) { m_Assync->SetProgress(_T("Error uploading attachment part header."), 0); return FALSE; } UploadProgress(dwBytesWritten); /* Write attachment data */ std::map<CString, CHttpRequestFile>::iterator it = m_Request.m_aIncludedFiles.find(sName); if(it==m_Request.m_aIncludedFiles.end()) { m_Assync->SetProgress(_T("Error searching for attachment part name."), 0); return FALSE; } CString sFileName = it->second.m_sSrcFileName.GetBuffer(0); HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(sFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, NULL, NULL); if(hFile==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { m_Assync->SetProgress(_T("Error opening attachment file."), 0); return FALSE; } BYTE pBuffer[1024]; DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; for(;;) { if(m_Assync->IsCancelled()) return FALSE; bRet = ReadFile(hFile, pBuffer, 1024, &dwBytesRead, NULL); if(!bRet) { m_Assync->SetProgress(_T("Error reading data from attachment file."), 0); CloseHandle(hFile); return FALSE; } if(dwBytesRead==0) break; // EOF DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; bRet=InternetWriteFile(hRequest, pBuffer, dwBytesRead, &dwBytesWritten); if(!bRet) { m_Assync->SetProgress(_T("Error uploading attachment part data."), 0); return FALSE; } UploadProgress(dwBytesWritten); } CloseHandle(hFile); /* Write part footer */ CString sFooter; bRet= FormatAttachmentPartFooter(sName, sFooter); if(!bRet) { m_Assync->SetProgress(_T("Error formatting attachment part footer."), 0); return FALSE; } LPCSTR pszFooter = strconv.t2a(sFooter); if(pszFooter==NULL) { m_Assync->SetProgress(_T("Error converting attachment part footer to ASCII."), 0); return FALSE; } bRet=InternetWriteFile(hRequest, pszFooter, (DWORD)strlen(pszFooter), &dwBytesWritten); if(!bRet) { m_Assync->SetProgress(_T("Error uploading attachment part footer."), 0); return FALSE; } UploadProgress(dwBytesWritten); return TRUE; }
BOOL CHttpRequestSender::WriteTextPart(HINTERNET hRequest, CString sName) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; /* Write part header */ CString sHeader; bRet= FormatTextPartHeader(sName, sHeader); if(!bRet) { m_Assync->SetProgress(_T("Error formatting text part header."), 0); return FALSE; } strconv_t strconv; LPCSTR pszHeader = strconv.t2a(sHeader); if(pszHeader==NULL) { m_Assync->SetProgress(_T("Error converting text part header to ASCII."), 0); return FALSE; } DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; bRet=InternetWriteFile(hRequest, pszHeader, (DWORD)strlen(pszHeader), &dwBytesWritten); if(!bRet) { m_Assync->SetProgress(_T("Error uploading text part header."), 0); return FALSE; } UploadProgress(dwBytesWritten); /* Write form data */ std::map<CString, std::string>::iterator it = m_Request.m_aTextFields.find(sName); if(it==m_Request.m_aTextFields.end()) { m_Assync->SetProgress(_T("Error searching for text part header name."), 0); return FALSE; } size_t nDataSize = it->second.length(); int pos = 0; DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; for(;;) { if(m_Assync->IsCancelled()) { return FALSE; } dwBytesRead = (DWORD)MIN(1024, nDataSize-pos); if(dwBytesRead==0) break; // EOF std::string sBuffer = it->second.substr(pos, dwBytesRead); DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; bRet=InternetWriteFile(hRequest, sBuffer.c_str(), dwBytesRead, &dwBytesWritten); if(!bRet) { m_Assync->SetProgress(_T("Error uploading text part data."), 0); return FALSE; } UploadProgress(dwBytesWritten); pos += dwBytesRead; } /* Write part footer */ CString sFooter; bRet= FormatTextPartFooter(sName, sFooter); if(!bRet) { m_Assync->SetProgress(_T("Error formatting text part footer."), 0); return FALSE; } LPCSTR pszFooter = strconv.t2a(sFooter); if(pszFooter==NULL) { m_Assync->SetProgress(_T("Error converting text part footer to ASCII."), 0); return FALSE; } bRet=InternetWriteFile(hRequest, pszFooter, (DWORD)strlen(pszFooter), &dwBytesWritten); if(!bRet) { m_Assync->SetProgress(_T("Error uploading text part footer."), 0); return FALSE; } UploadProgress(dwBytesWritten); return TRUE; }
BOOL CHttpUploadFileProc::UseHttpSendReqEx(HINTERNET hRequest, CFile &file) { // 生成form-data协议信息 <begin> CStringA straHeader; CStringA straContentHead; CStringA straContentTail; straHeader = GetHttpAppendHeader(); straContentHead = GetContentHead(file.GetFileName()); straContentTail = GetContentTail(); // 生成form-data协议信息 <end> ULONGLONG ullFileLength = file.GetLength(); DWORD dwContentLength = straContentHead.GetLength() + (DWORD) ullFileLength + straContentTail.GetLength(); INTERNET_BUFFERS BufferIn = {0}; BufferIn.dwStructSize = sizeof( INTERNET_BUFFERS ); // Must be set or error will occur BufferIn.Next = NULL; //BufferIn.lpcszHeader = NULL; //BufferIn.dwHeadersLength = 0; BufferIn.lpcszHeader = straHeader.LockBuffer(); straHeader.UnlockBuffer(); BufferIn.dwHeadersLength = (DWORD)straHeader.GetLength(); BufferIn.dwHeadersTotal = 0; BufferIn.lpvBuffer = NULL; BufferIn.dwBufferLength = 0; BufferIn.dwBufferTotal = dwContentLength; BufferIn.dwOffsetLow = 0; BufferIn.dwOffsetHigh = 0; if (IsTerminated()) return FALSE; NotifyReceiver(P_HUF_SENDING_FILE, 0); if(!HttpSendRequestEx( hRequest, &BufferIn, NULL, 0, 0)) return FALSE; UINT uProgressBegin = 10; UINT uProgressEnd = 90; UINT uProgressCur = 0; UINT uReadCountSum = 0; const UINT uBufSize = 1024; BYTE pBuffer[uBufSize]; UINT uReadCount; DWORD dwBytesWritten; BOOL bRet; float fSendPercent; UINT uProgressScale; // Write Head bRet = InternetWriteFile( hRequest, straContentHead.LockBuffer(), straContentHead.GetLength(), &dwBytesWritten); straContentHead.UnlockBuffer(); if(!bRet) { NotifyReceiver(E_HUF_SEND_FILE_FAILED, 0); return FALSE; } if (IsTerminated()) return FALSE; // Write file contents uReadCountSum = 0; bRet = TRUE; file.SeekToBegin(); do { if (IsTerminated()) return FALSE; uReadCount = file.Read(pBuffer, uBufSize); if (0 == uReadCount) break; if(! InternetWriteFile( hRequest, pBuffer, uReadCount, &dwBytesWritten)) { NotifyReceiver(E_HUF_SEND_FILE_FAILED, 0); return FALSE; } uReadCountSum += uReadCount; fSendPercent = (float)uReadCountSum / BufferIn.dwBufferTotal; uProgressScale = (UINT) ((uProgressEnd - uProgressBegin) * fSendPercent); uProgressCur = uProgressBegin + uProgressScale; NotifyReceiver(P_HUF_PROGRESS, uProgressCur); } while (uReadCount == uBufSize); if (IsTerminated()) return FALSE; // Write Tail bRet = InternetWriteFile( hRequest, straContentTail.LockBuffer(), straContentTail.GetLength(), &dwBytesWritten); straContentTail.UnlockBuffer(); if(!bRet) { NotifyReceiver(E_HUF_SEND_FILE_FAILED, 0); return FALSE; } NotifyReceiver(P_HUF_PROGRESS, uProgressEnd); if (IsTerminated()) return FALSE; NotifyReceiver(P_HUF_WAIT_RESPONSE, 0); if (!HttpEndRequest(hRequest, NULL, 0, 0)) { NotifyReceiver(E_HUF_WAIT_RESPONSE_FAILD, 0); bRet = FALSE; } return bRet; }
void ResourceHandle::onRequestComplete(LPARAM lParam) { if (d->m_writing) { DWORD bytesWritten; InternetWriteFile(d->m_secondaryHandle, d->m_formDataString + (d->m_formDataLength - d->m_bytesRemainingToWrite), d->m_bytesRemainingToWrite, &bytesWritten); d->m_bytesRemainingToWrite -= bytesWritten; if (!d->m_bytesRemainingToWrite) { // End the request. d->m_writing = false; HttpEndRequest(d->m_secondaryHandle, 0, 0, (DWORD_PTR)d->m_jobId); free(d->m_formDataString); d->m_formDataString = 0; } return; } HINTERNET handle = (method() == "POST") ? d->m_secondaryHandle : d->m_resourceHandle; BOOL ok = FALSE; static const int bufferSize = 32768; char buffer[bufferSize]; INTERNET_BUFFERSA buffers; buffers.dwStructSize = sizeof(INTERNET_BUFFERSA); buffers.lpvBuffer = buffer; buffers.dwBufferLength = bufferSize; bool receivedAnyData = false; while ((ok = InternetReadFileExA(handle, &buffers, IRF_NO_WAIT, (DWORD_PTR)this)) && buffers.dwBufferLength) { if (!hasReceivedResponse()) { setHasReceivedResponse(); ResourceResponse response; client()->didReceiveResponse(this, response); } client()->didReceiveData(this, buffer, buffers.dwBufferLength, 0); buffers.dwBufferLength = bufferSize; } PlatformDataStruct platformData; platformData.errorString = 0; platformData.error = 0; platformData.loaded = ok; if (!ok) { int error = GetLastError(); if (error == ERROR_IO_PENDING) return; DWORD errorStringChars = 0; if (!InternetGetLastResponseInfo(&platformData.error, 0, &errorStringChars)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { platformData.errorString = new TCHAR[errorStringChars]; InternetGetLastResponseInfo(&platformData.error, platformData.errorString, &errorStringChars); } } _RPTF1(_CRT_WARN, "Load error: %i\n", error); } if (d->m_secondaryHandle) InternetCloseHandle(d->m_secondaryHandle); InternetCloseHandle(d->m_resourceHandle); client()->didFinishLoading(this); delete this; }
bool ResourceHandle::onRequestComplete() { if (!d->m_internetHandle) { // 0 if canceled. deref(); // balances ref in start return false; } if (d->m_bytesRemainingToWrite) { DWORD bytesWritten; InternetWriteFile(d->m_requestHandle, d-> + (d->m_formData.size() - d->m_bytesRemainingToWrite), d->m_bytesRemainingToWrite, &bytesWritten); d->m_bytesRemainingToWrite -= bytesWritten; if (d->m_bytesRemainingToWrite) return true; d->m_formData.clear(); } if (!d->m_sentEndRequest) { HttpEndRequestW(d->m_requestHandle, 0, 0, reinterpret_cast<DWORD_PTR>(this)); d->m_sentEndRequest = true; return true; } static const int bufferSize = 32768; char buffer[bufferSize]; INTERNET_BUFFERSA buffers; buffers.dwStructSize = sizeof(INTERNET_BUFFERSA); buffers.lpvBuffer = buffer; buffers.dwBufferLength = bufferSize; BOOL ok = FALSE; while ((ok = InternetReadFileExA(d->m_requestHandle, &buffers, d->m_loadSynchronously ? 0 : IRF_NO_WAIT, reinterpret_cast<DWORD_PTR>(this))) && buffers.dwBufferLength) { if (!d->m_hasReceivedResponse) { d->m_hasReceivedResponse = true; ResourceResponse response; response.setURL(firstRequest().url()); String httpStatusText = queryHTTPHeader(d->m_requestHandle, HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_TEXT); if (!httpStatusText.isNull()) response.setHTTPStatusText(httpStatusText); String httpStatusCode = queryHTTPHeader(d->m_requestHandle, HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE); if (!httpStatusCode.isNull()) response.setHTTPStatusCode(httpStatusCode.toInt()); String httpContentLength = queryHTTPHeader(d->m_requestHandle, HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH); if (!httpContentLength.isNull()) response.setExpectedContentLength(httpContentLength.toInt()); String httpContentType = queryHTTPHeader(d->m_requestHandle, HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE); if (!httpContentType.isNull()) { response.setMimeType(extractMIMETypeFromMediaType(httpContentType)); response.setTextEncodingName(extractCharsetFromMediaType(httpContentType)); } if (ResourceHandleClient* resourceHandleClient = client()) resourceHandleClient->didReceiveResponse(this, response); } // FIXME: // -1 means we do not provide any data about transfer size to inspector so it would use // Content-Length headers or content size to show transfer size. if (ResourceHandleClient* resourceHandleClient = client()) resourceHandleClient->didReceiveData(this, buffer, buffers.dwBufferLength, -1); buffers.dwBufferLength = bufferSize; } if (!ok && GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) return true; if (ResourceHandleClient* resourceHandleClient = client()) resourceHandleClient->didFinishLoading(this, 0); InternetCloseHandle(d->m_requestHandle); InternetCloseHandle(d->m_connectHandle); deref(); // balances ref in start return false; }
CNetDataImpl* CNetRequestImpl::sendStream(common::InputStream* bodyStream) { CNetDataImpl* pNetData = new CNetDataImpl; do { if ( isError() ) break; if ( !HttpAddRequestHeaders( hRequest, szMultipartContType, -1, HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD|HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE ) ) { pszErrFunction = L"HttpAddRequestHeaders"; break; } INTERNET_BUFFERS BufferIn; memset(&BufferIn, 0, sizeof(INTERNET_BUFFERS)); BufferIn.dwStructSize = sizeof( INTERNET_BUFFERS ); // Must be set or error will occur BufferIn.dwBufferTotal = bodyStream->available() + strlen(szMultipartPrefix) + strlen(szMultipartPostfix); if(!HttpSendRequestEx( hRequest, &BufferIn, NULL, 0, 0)) { pszErrFunction = L"HttpSendRequestEx"; break; } DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; if ( !InternetWriteFile( hRequest, szMultipartPrefix, strlen(szMultipartPrefix), &dwBytesWritten) ) { pszErrFunction = L"InternetWriteFile"; break; } DWORD dwBufSize = 4096; char* pBuf = (char*)malloc(dwBufSize); int nReaded = 0; do { nReaded = bodyStream->read(pBuf,0,dwBufSize); if ( nReaded > 0 ) { if ( !InternetWriteFile( hRequest, pBuf, nReaded, &dwBytesWritten) ) { pszErrFunction = L"InternetWriteFile"; break; } } }while(nReaded > 0); free(pBuf); if ( !InternetWriteFile( hRequest, szMultipartPostfix, strlen(szMultipartPostfix), &dwBytesWritten) ) { pszErrFunction = L"InternetWriteFile"; break; } if ( !HttpEndRequest(hRequest, NULL, 0, 0) ) { pszErrFunction = L"HttpEndRequest"; break; } if ( isError() ) break; readResponse(pNetData); }while(0); return pNetData; }
bool SendFile(HANDLE hFile, const TCHAR* sUrl, const char* sVariableName, const char* sFileName) { if(!hFile) return false; bool result = false; LARGE_INTEGER lnSize; if(!GetFileSizeEx(hFile, &lnSize)){ CloseHandle(hFile); return false; } DWORD nDataSize = lnSize.LowPart; if(!(nDataSize>0)) { CloseHandle(hFile); return false; } std::vector<char> pData(nDataSize); DWORD nReadSize = 0; if(!ReadFile(hFile, (void*)&pData[0], nDataSize, &nReadSize, NULL) || !(nReadSize >0) || (nReadSize != nDataSize)) { CloseHandle(hFile); return false; } CloseHandle(hFile); TCHAR extraInfo[URL_PART_SIZE]; TCHAR hostName[URL_PART_SIZE]; TCHAR passwordSet[URL_PART_SIZE]; TCHAR schemeUrl[URL_PART_SIZE]; TCHAR fileUrlPath[URL_PART_SIZE]; TCHAR userName[URL_PART_SIZE]; URL_COMPONENTS aUrl; aUrl.dwStructSize=sizeof(URL_COMPONENTS); aUrl.dwHostNameLength=URL_PART_SIZE; aUrl.dwPasswordLength=URL_PART_SIZE; aUrl.dwSchemeLength=URL_PART_SIZE; aUrl.dwUrlPathLength=URL_PART_SIZE; aUrl.dwUserNameLength=URL_PART_SIZE; aUrl.dwExtraInfoLength=URL_PART_SIZE; aUrl.lpszExtraInfo=extraInfo; aUrl.lpszHostName=hostName; aUrl.lpszPassword=passwordSet; aUrl.lpszScheme=schemeUrl; aUrl.lpszUrlPath=fileUrlPath; aUrl.lpszUserName=userName; PCTSTR rgpszAcceptTypes[] = {_T("text/*"), NULL}; if(!InternetCrackUrl(sUrl, 0, 0, &aUrl)) return false; HINTERNET hInternet = InternetOpen(TEXT("swas"),INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0); if(hInternet) { HINTERNET hConnect = InternetConnect(hInternet,aUrl.lpszHostName, aUrl.nPort, aUrl.lpszUserName, aUrl.lpszHostName, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0); if(hConnect){ HINTERNET hReq = HttpOpenRequest(hConnect, TEXT("POST"), aUrl.lpszUrlPath, NULL, NULL, rgpszAcceptTypes, INTERNET_FLAG_NO_UI | INTERNET_FLAG_PRAGMA_NOCACHE | INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0); if(hReq) { //see char sBoundary[HEADERS_MAX_SIZE]; if(GenerateBoundary(sBoundary, HEADERS_MAX_SIZE, sFileName)) { std::stringstream osHeaders; std::stringstream osHeadPart; std::stringstream osTailPart; const char const endl[] = "\r\n"; osHeaders<<"Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary="<<sBoundary; osHeadPart<<"--"<<sBoundary<<endl; osHeadPart<<"Content-Disposition: form-data; "; osHeadPart<<"name=\""<<((NULL != sVariableName)?sVariableName:"filearg")<<"\"; "; osHeadPart<<"filename=\""<<((NULL != sFileName)?sFileName:"Chrome Tabs")<<"\""<<endl; osHeadPart<<"Content-Type: application/octet-stream"<<endl; osHeadPart<<endl; osTailPart<<endl<<"--"<<sBoundary<<"--"<<endl; std::string sHeaders = osHeaders.str(); std::string sHeadPart = osHeadPart.str(); std::string sTailPart = osTailPart.str(); HttpAddRequestHeadersA(hReq, sHeaders.c_str(), -1, HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE | HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD); INTERNET_BUFFERS bufferIn; memset(&bufferIn, 0, sizeof(INTERNET_BUFFERS)); bufferIn.dwStructSize = sizeof(INTERNET_BUFFERS); bufferIn.dwBufferTotal = sHeadPart.length() + nDataSize + sTailPart.length(); DWORD bytesWritten; if(HttpSendRequestEx(hReq, &bufferIn, NULL, HSR_INITIATE, 0)) { InternetWriteFile(hReq, (const void*)sHeadPart.c_str(), sHeadPart.length(), &bytesWritten); InternetWriteFile(hReq, (const void*)&pData[0], nDataSize, &bytesWritten); // or a while loop for call InternetWriteFile every 1024 bytes... InternetWriteFile(hReq, (const void*)sTailPart.c_str(), sTailPart.length(), &bytesWritten); result = true; }else{ ShowAnError(GetLastError(), TEXT("Network error"), TEXT("Wininet")); } } HttpEndRequest(hReq, NULL, HSR_INITIATE, 0); }else{ ShowAnError(GetLastError(), TEXT("Network error"), TEXT("Wininet")); } }else{ ShowAnError(GetLastError(), TEXT("Network error"), TEXT("Wininet")); } InternetCloseHandle(hInternet); } return result; }
BOOL CPostData::UseHttpSendReqEx( std::string& lpost) { long lgg; lgg = lpost.size(); USES_CONVERSION; INTERNET_BUFFERS BufferIn; DWORD dwBytesWritten; BOOL bRet; TCHAR head[1024]; std::wstring strt = MS_CONTENTTYPE; std::wstring strt1 = CA2W(CSNManager::GetInstance()->GetSN().c_str()); _stprintf_s(head, _countof(head), _T("%s\r\nSN: %s;\r\nMoneyhubUID: %s;\r\n"), strt.c_str() ,strt1.c_str() ,m_strHWID.c_str()); //TCHAR head[]= strt.c_str(); BufferIn.dwStructSize = sizeof( INTERNET_BUFFERS ); // Must be set or error will occur BufferIn.Next = NULL; BufferIn.lpcszHeader = head; BufferIn.dwHeadersLength = 0; BufferIn.dwHeadersTotal = sizeof(head); BufferIn.lpvBuffer = (LPSTR)lpost.c_str(); BufferIn.dwBufferLength = 0; BufferIn.dwBufferTotal = lgg; // This is the only member used other than dwStructSize BufferIn.dwOffsetLow = 0; BufferIn.dwOffsetHigh = 0; if(!HttpSendRequestEx( m_hInetFile, &BufferIn, NULL, 0, 2)) { CloseHandles(); printf( "Error on HttpSendRequestEx %d\n",GetLastError() ); return FALSE; } bRet=TRUE; bRet = InternetWriteFile( m_hInetFile, (LPSTR)lpost.c_str(), lgg, &dwBytesWritten); if(!bRet) { CloseHandles(); printf( "\nError on InternetWriteFile %lu\n",GetLastError() ); return FALSE; } bRet = HttpEndRequest(m_hInetFile, NULL, 0, 0); if(!bRet) { CloseHandles(); printf( "Error on HttpEndRequest %lu \n", GetLastError()); return FALSE; } char pcBuffer[BUFFSIZE]; DWORD dwBytesRead; LPSTR lpszData1; lpszData1 = new char[1024*1024]; lpszData1[0]='\0'; //printf("\nThe following was returned by the server:\n"); do { dwBytesRead=0; if(InternetReadFile(m_hInetFile, pcBuffer, BUFFSIZE-1, &dwBytesRead)) { pcBuffer[dwBytesRead]=0x00; // Null-terminate buffer strcat(lpszData1,pcBuffer); //printf("%s", pcBuffer); } else return FALSE; //lpszData1 =""; //printf("\nInternetReadFile failed"); }while(dwBytesRead>0); //printf("\n"); lpost = ""; lpost = CW2A(UTF8ToUnicode(lpszData1).c_str()); delete []lpszData1; CloseHandles(); //return ERR_SUCCESS; return TRUE; }
STDMETHODIMP HttpRequest::Send(IHttpResponse** pVal) { HRESULT hr=S_OK; ATLASSERT(pVal); (*pVal)=NULL; if(!this->m_szUrl || _tcslen(this->m_szUrl)==0) { InfoMsgBox(_T("请先指定请求的目标URL地址!")); return hr; } //显示进度 rcContext.hOpen=this->m_hOpen; rcContext.dwPostFileLength=0; rcContext.dwPostedLength=0; rcContext.dwContentLength=0; rcContext.dwReceivedLength=0; if (this->m_blShowRequestProgress){ ZeroMemory(rcContext.szMemo,sizeof(rcContext.szMemo));//STRLEN_DEFAULT); _tcscpy_s(rcContext.szMemo,_T("请稍候,正在准备连接...")); rcContext.hThread=CreateThread(NULL, 0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ProgressDialog,0,0,&(rcContext.dwThreadID)); } //请求方法 TCHAR szUrl[STRLEN_4K]={0}; _tcscpy_s(szUrl,m_szUrl); TCHAR szMethod[STRLEN_SMALL]=_T("POST"); if(this->m_szMethod && _tcslen(this->m_szMethod)>0){ ZeroMemory(szMethod,sizeof(szMethod)); _tcscpy_s(szMethod,m_szMethod); } //±äÁ¿¶¨Òå DWORD dwError=0; DWORD dwFlags=0; HINTERNET hConnect=0; //Internet»á»° HINTERNET hRequest=0; //InternetÁ¬½Ó INTERNET_PORT dwPort; BOOL postFileFlag=FALSE; //ÊÇ·ñÓÐÓÐЧµÄÌá½»Îļþ¡£ HANDLE hPostFile=0; DWORD dwPostFileSize=0; BOOL sendRequestSucceeded=TRUE; //·¢ËÍÇëÇóÊÇ·ñ³É¹¦ DWORD dwSize=0; DWORD dwStatusCode=0; //httpÇëÇóÏìÓ¦´úÂë DWORD dwContentLength=0; //httpÇëÇóÏìÓ¦ÄÚÈݳ¤¶È DWORD dwErrorCode=0; //httpÇëÇóÏìÓ¦´íÎóÂë TCHAR szContentType[STRLEN_DEFAULT]={0}; //httpÇëÇóÏìÓ¦ÄÚÈÝÀàÐÍ CComBSTR szResText(L""); //httpÇëÇóÏìÓ¦·µ»Ø½á¹ûÎı¾ TCHAR* szHeader=NULL; //httpÇëÇóÏìӦͷÐÅÏ¢ BOOL getHeanderSucceeded=TRUE; //»ñÈ¡httpÇëÇóÏìӦͷÐÅÏ¢ÊÇ·ñ³É¹¦ char readBuffer[STRLEN_1K]={0}; //ÿ´Î¶ÁÈ¡µÄÏìÓ¦ÄÚÈÝ DWORD dwCalcLength=0; //ͨ¹ýÄÚÈݼÆËã³öÀ´µÄContentLength BOOL responseFileFlag=FALSE; //ÊÇ·ñÓÐÓÐЧµÄÏìÓ¦ÄÚÈݱ¾µØ±£´æÎļþ HANDLE hResponseFile=0; //ÇëÇóÏìÓ¦ÄÚÈݱ£´æµ½±¾µØÎļþµÄÎļþ¾ä±ú int requestCount=1; //ÇëÇó´ÎÊý TCHAR szAccept[] = _T("*/*"); LPTSTR AcceptTypes[2]={0}; AcceptTypes[0]=szAccept; AcceptTypes[1]=NULL; CComPtr<IHttpResponse> response; //ÇëÇóÏìÓ¦¶ÔÏó //Á¬½Ó dwPort=this->m_usUrlPort; //¶Ë¿ÚºÅ dwFlags= INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE | INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD |INTERNET_FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTION; if (this->m_blUrlIsSSL) dwFlags |= INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE | INTERNET_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_CN_INVALID | INTERNET_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_DATE_INVALID; //´ò¿ªÁ¬½Ó if ( !(hConnect = InternetConnect(this->m_hOpen,this->m_szUrlHost , dwPort, _T(""), _T(""), INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, (DWORD)&rcContext))){ dwError=GetLastError(); ErrorMsgBox(dwError,_T("Internet连接错误:%s")); goto clean; } reconnect: //´ò¿ªÇëÇó if ( !(hRequest = HttpOpenRequest(hConnect,this->m_szMethod,this->m_szUrlFile, _T("HTTP/1.1"), _T(""),(LPCTSTR*)AcceptTypes, dwFlags ,(DWORD)&rcContext))){ dwError=GetLastError(); ErrorMsgBox(dwError,_T("Internet打开请求错误:%s")); goto clean; } //ÓÐÖ¸¶¨Ìá½»Îļþ if (this->m_szPostFile && _tcslen(this->m_szPostFile)) { postFileFlag=PathFileExists(this->m_szPostFile); } //Èç¹ûÓÐÌá½»µÄÎļþ if(postFileFlag) { if ((hPostFile = CreateFile(this->m_szPostFile,GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,(HANDLE)NULL)) == (HANDLE)(-1)) { dwError=GetLastError(); ErrorMsgBox(dwError,_T("提交的文件不存在或者无法打开:%s")); goto clean; } dwPostFileSize=GetFileSize(hPostFile,NULL); rcContext.dwPostFileLength=dwPostFileSize; TCHAR szPostFileSize[STRLEN_SMALL]={0}; _stprintf_s(szPostFileSize,_T("%d"),dwPostFileSize); this->AddHeader(T2BSTR(_T("Content-Length")),T2BSTR(szPostFileSize)); } //ÉèÖÃÇëÇóÍ· if (this->m_szHeader && _tcslen(this->m_szHeader)) { if (!HttpAddRequestHeaders(hRequest,this->m_szHeader,-1L,HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE | HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD)){ dwError=GetLastError(); ErrorMsgBox(dwError,_T("设置请求头错误:%s")); goto clean; } } /* InternetSetOption(FhRequest, INTERNET_OPTION_CLIENT_CERT_CONTEXT, (LPVOID)pdDesiredCert, sizeof(CERT_CONTEXT)); INTERNET_FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTION£¬INTERNET_FLAG_EXISTING_CONNECT */ //´¦Àí¶îÍâÉèÖ㨺öÂÔһЩ´íÎó£© dwFlags=0; dwFlags |= SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CA|SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_REVOCATION|SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_REDIRECT_TO_HTTP|SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_REDIRECT_TO_HTTPS|SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_DATE_INVALID|SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_CN_INVALID; if (!InternetSetOption (hRequest, INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS,&dwFlags,sizeof(dwFlags))){ dwError=GetLastError(); ErrorMsgBox(dwError,_T("设置请求选项错误:%s")); goto clean; } //·¢ËÍÇëÇó again: if(postFileFlag){ //ÓÐÌá½»ÎļþÄÚÈÝ INTERNET_BUFFERS BufferIn = {0}; DWORD dwBytesWritten; BYTE bts[STRLEN_1K]={0}; DWORD dwBtsRead=0; DWORD dwTotalBytes=0; BufferIn.dwStructSize = sizeof(INTERNET_BUFFERS); BufferIn.Next=NULL; BufferIn.dwBufferTotal=dwPostFileSize; sendRequestSucceeded=HttpSendRequestEx(hRequest, &BufferIn, NULL, HSR_INITIATE,(DWORD)&rcContext); while(ReadFile(hPostFile, bts, STRLEN_1K, &dwBtsRead, NULL) && dwBtsRead>0 && dwTotalBytes<=dwPostFileSize){ if (!InternetWriteFile(hRequest, bts,dwBtsRead, &dwBytesWritten)) { dwError=GetLastError(); ErrorMsgBox(dwError,_T("发送文件内容错误:%s")); goto clean; } dwTotalBytes+=dwBtsRead; rcContext.dwPostedLength=dwTotalBytes; } if(!HttpEndRequest(hRequest, NULL, 0, 0)) { dwError=GetLastError(); ErrorMsgBox(dwError,_T("关闭HTTP连接时错误:%s")); goto clean; } }//if end else{ //ûÓÐÌá½»ÎļþÄÚÈÝ sendRequestSucceeded=HttpSendRequest(hRequest, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); } //else end //²é¿´ÊÇ·ñÇëÇó·¢Ëͳɹ¦ if (!sendRequestSucceeded){ dwError=GetLastError(); switch(dwError){ case ERROR_INTERNET_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_NEEDED: if(InternetErrorDlg(GetDesktopWindow(),hRequest,ERROR_INTERNET_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_NEEDED,FLAGS_ERROR_UI_FILTER_FOR_ERRORS|FLAGS_ERROR_UI_FLAGS_GENERATE_DATA|FLAGS_ERROR_UI_FLAGS_CHANGE_OPTIONS,NULL)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { requestCount++; if (requestCount>2) { InfoMsgBox(_T("已经尝试发送请求操作2次仍无法成功,请联系系统管理员!")); goto clean; } //Èç¹ûÑ»·ÇëÇó´ÎÊý¶àÓÚÁ½´Î£¬ÄÇô²»ÔÙÑ»· else goto again; } break; case ERROR_SUCCESS: break; default: ErrorMsgBox(dwError,_T("发送请求错误:%s")); goto clean; }//switch end }//if end //È¡ÏìӦ״̬ÏûÏ¢ dwSize= sizeof(DWORD); if (!HttpQueryInfo(hRequest,HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE | HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER, &dwStatusCode, &dwSize, NULL)) { dwError=GetLastError(); ErrorMsgBox(dwError,_T("获取响应代码错误:%s")); goto clean; } switch(dwStatusCode){ case HTTP_STATUS_DENIED: //ÐèÒªµÇ¼ case HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ: InfoMsgBox(_T("请求的地址需要登录,请您先登录后再发送请求!")); goto clean; case HTTP_STATUS_REDIRECT: //Öض¨Ïò case HTTP_STATUS_MOVED: { TCHAR szRedirect[4096]={0}; DWORD dwRedirect=sizeof(szRedirect); if (!HttpQueryInfo(hRequest,HTTP_QUERY_LOCATION,(LPVOID)szRedirect,&dwRedirect,NULL)){ dwError=GetLastError(); ErrorMsgBox(hr,_T("获取重定向地址错误:%s")); goto clean; } this->put_Url(szRedirect); //ÏȹرÕÁ¬½ÓºÍÇëÇó£¬È»ºóÖØÐÂÁ¬½Ó if (!InternetCloseHandle(hRequest)) { dwError=GetLastError(); ErrorMsgBox(dwError,_T("关闭HTTP请求错误:%s")); goto clean; } //if (!InternetCloseHandle(hConnect)) //{ // dwError=GetLastError(); // ErrorMsgBox(dwError,_T("关闭HTTP连接错误:%s")); // goto clean; //} //MessageBox(0,szRedirect,_T("重定向"),0); goto reconnect; } case HTTP_STATUS_OK: default: break; } //¹¹ÔìÇëÇóÏìÓ¦¡£ response.p=NULL; hr=response.CoCreateInstance(_T("YRExchange.HttpResponse")); if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorMsgBox(hr,_T("创建HttpResponse错误:%s")); goto clean; } response->put_StatusCode(dwStatusCode); response->put_ErrorCode(dwError); //ÏìÓ¦ÄÚÈÝ´óС dwSize=sizeof(dwContentLength); if (HttpQueryInfo(hRequest,HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH | HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER ,&dwContentLength,&dwSize,NULL)){ //dwError=GetLastError(); //ErrorMsgBox(dwError,_T("获取请求响应内容长度错误:%s")); //goto clean; if (dwContentLength>0) { response->put_ContentLength(dwContentLength); rcContext.dwContentLength=dwContentLength; } } //ÏìÓ¦ÄÚÈÝÀàÐÍ dwSize=sizeof(szContentType); if (HttpQueryInfo(hRequest,HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE ,(LPVOID)szContentType,&dwSize,NULL)){ //dwError=GetLastError(); //ErrorMsgBox(dwError,_T("获取请求响应内容类型错误:%s")); //goto clean; if (_tcslen(szContentType)>0) response->put_ContentType(T2BSTR(szContentType)); } //ËùÓÐÏìӦͷÐÅÏ¢ szHeader=new TCHAR[STRLEN_8K]; dwSize=STRLEN_8K*sizeof(TCHAR); getheader: getHeanderSucceeded=HttpQueryInfo(hRequest,HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF ,(LPVOID)szHeader,&dwSize,NULL); if(!getHeanderSucceeded){ dwError=GetLastError(); if (dwError==ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER){ TCHAR szXX[100]={0}; _stprintf_s(szXX,_T("dwError=%d,dwSize=%d"),dwError,dwSize); InfoMsgBox(szXX); SAFE_FREE_STRING_PTR(szHeader); szHeader=new TCHAR[dwSize+2]; dwSize+=2; dwSize=dwSize*sizeof(TCHAR); goto getheader; } else if (dwError!=ERROR_SUCCESS){ ErrorMsgBox(dwError,_T("获取请求响应头信息错误:%s")); goto clean; } } if(szHeader) response->put_Header(T2BSTR(szHeader)); //ÏìÓ¦ÄÚÈÝ´¦Àí if (this->m_blSaveResponseToFile && this->m_szResponseFile && _tcslen(this->m_szResponseFile)>0 && dwStatusCode != 201){ //°ÑÏìÓ¦ÄÚÈݱ£´æµ½Îļþ //´´½¨Îļþ hResponseFile = CreateFile(this->m_szResponseFile,GENERIC_WRITE,0,NULL,CREATE_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL); if (hResponseFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dwError=GetLastError(); ErrorMsgBox(dwError,_T("打开响应内容本地保存文件错误:%s")); goto clean; } responseFileFlag=TRUE; } do{ ZeroMemory(readBuffer,STRLEN_1K); dwSize=0; if (!InternetReadFile(hRequest,(LPVOID)readBuffer,sizeof(readBuffer),&dwSize)){ dwError=GetLastError(); ErrorMsgBox(dwError,_T("读取请求响应内容错误:%s")); goto clean; } if (dwSize!=0){ dwCalcLength+=dwSize; if (responseFileFlag){ //дÎļþ DWORD dwWritten=0; if (!WriteFile(hResponseFile,readBuffer,dwSize,&dwWritten,NULL)){ dwError=GetLastError(); ErrorMsgBox(dwError,_T("写入响应内容本地保存文件错误:%s")); goto clean; } } else{ //×·¼Óµ½ÏàÓ¦Îı¾ char buffer[STRLEN_1K+2]={0}; strncpy_s(buffer,readBuffer,dwSize); if (szResText) szResText.Append(buffer); } if (dwCalcLength==dwContentLength) break; rcContext.dwReceivedLength=dwCalcLength; }//if end }while(dwSize!=0); //°ÑÏìÓ¦ÄÚÈݱ£´æµ½ÏìÓ¦Îı¾ if (!responseFileFlag){ response->put_ContentText(szResText.Detach()); }// //×ÊÔ´»ØÊÕ clean: //¹Ø±ÕÎļþ if(hPostFile) CloseHandle(hPostFile); if(hResponseFile) { FlushFileBuffers(hResponseFile); CloseHandle(hResponseFile); } //»ØÊÕhttpÁ¬½ÓºÍÇëÇó¾ä±ú if (hRequest) InternetCloseHandle(hRequest); if (hConnect) InternetCloseHandle(hConnect); //¹Ø±Õ״̬¿ò //if (this->m_blShowRequestProgress) WaitForMultipleObjects(1,&rcContext.hThread,TRUE,INFINITE); if (this->m_blShowRequestProgress) EndDialog(rcContext.hProgressWnd,0); SAFE_FREE_STRING_PTR(szHeader); response.CopyTo(pVal); return S_OK; }
BOOL baidu_upload(CString sfile, CString token, CString fname,DWORD *process) { if (sfile == L"") { MessageBox(NULL, L"Îļþ·¾¶²»ÄÜΪ¿Õ", 0, 0); return FALSE; } if (token == L"") { MessageBox(NULL, L"token²»ÄÜΪ¿Õ", 0, 0); return FALSE; } if (fname == L"") { MessageBox(NULL, L"ÎļþÃû²»ÄÜΪ¿Õ", 0, 0); return FALSE; } CString url(L"/rest/2.0/pcs/file?method=upload&ondup=overwrite&path=%2Fapps%2Fhitdisk%2F" + fname + L"&access_token=" + token); DWORD total_length = 0;//ÉÏ´«Êý¾Ý×Ü´óС DWORD file_length = 0;//ÉÏ´«ÎļþµÄ´óС //DWORD read_length = 0;//ÒѾ´ÓÎļþ¶ÁÈ¡µÄ´óС DWORD sent_length = 0;//ÒѾÉÏ´«µÄÎļþµÄ´óС DWORD sent_bfleng = 0;//µ±Ç°Êý¾Ý¿éÒÑÉÏ´«´óС DWORD head_length = 0;//Êý¾ÝÍ·´óС DWORD tail_length = 0;//Êý¾Ýβ´óС DWORD read_part = 1024 * 1024 * 2; DWORD send_part = 1024; DWORD read_tmp = 0;//µ±Ç°´ÓÎļþ¶ÁÈ¡µ½»º³åÇøµÄ´óС DWORD sent_tmp = 0;//µ±Ç°·¢ËÍ´óС CFile cfile(sfile, CFile::modeRead); file_length = (DWORD)cfile.GetLength(); CHAR *send_buffer = new CHAR[read_part]; HINTERNET hRequest = NULL; HINTERNET hConnect = NULL; HINTERNET hnet = InternetOpen(fname, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT, NULL, NULL, 0); hConnect = InternetConnect(hnet, L"", 443, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0); hRequest = HttpOpenRequest(hConnect, L"POST", url, NULL, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_FLAG_IGNORE_REDIRECT_TO_HTTP | INTERNET_FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTION | INTERNET_FLAG_NO_AUTH | INTERNET_FLAG_NO_COOKIES | INTERNET_FLAG_NO_UI | INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE | INTERNET_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_CN_INVALID | INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0); TCHAR ct[] = L"Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--myself"; HttpAddRequestHeaders(hRequest, ct, lstrlen(ct), HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD | HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE); CHAR head[] = "----myself\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"\"\r\n\r\n"; CHAR tail[] = "\r\n----myself--\r\n"; head_length = strlen(head); tail_length = strlen(tail); total_length = file_length + head_length + tail_length; INTERNET_BUFFERS Ibuffer; ZeroMemory(&Ibuffer, sizeof(INTERNET_BUFFERS)); Ibuffer.dwBufferTotal = total_length; Ibuffer.dwStructSize = sizeof(INTERNET_BUFFERS); HttpSendRequestEx(hRequest, &Ibuffer, NULL, 0, NULL); InternetWriteFile(hRequest, head, head_length, &sent_tmp); sent_length += sent_tmp; while (read_tmp = cfile.Read(send_buffer, read_part)) { sent_bfleng = 0; while (sent_bfleng != read_tmp) { if (read_tmp - sent_bfleng > send_part) { InternetWriteFile(hRequest, send_buffer + sent_bfleng, send_part, &sent_tmp); } else { InternetWriteFile(hRequest, send_buffer + sent_bfleng, read_tmp - sent_bfleng, &sent_tmp); } if (sent_tmp == 0) { InternetCloseHandle(hRequest); InternetCloseHandle(hConnect); InternetCloseHandle(hnet); cfile.Close(); delete[] send_buffer; return FALSE; } sent_bfleng += sent_tmp; sent_length += sent_tmp; *process = (DWORD)(100 * (double)sent_length / total_length); } } InternetWriteFile(hRequest, tail, tail_length, &sent_tmp); sent_length += sent_tmp; *process = (DWORD)(100 * (double)sent_length / total_length); HttpEndRequest(hRequest, NULL, 0, NULL); InternetCloseHandle(hRequest); InternetCloseHandle(hConnect); InternetCloseHandle(hnet); cfile.Close(); delete[] send_buffer; return TRUE; }
BOOL CNetFile::DoThread(LPVOID pData) {_STT(); if ( !m_bUpload ) { m_dwTransferStatus = NETFILE_DS_DOWNLOADING; // Post callback DoCallback( (WPARAM)m_dwTransferStatus, (LPARAM)this ); DWORD ready = 0; // Get available data if ( !InternetQueryDataAvailable( m_hFile, &ready, 0, 0 ) ) { m_dwTransferError = GetLastError(); return FALSE; } // end if // Quit if no more data if ( ready == 0 ) return FALSE; // Get total length if needed if ( m_bGetTotalLength ) { m_bGetTotalLength = FALSE; // Send the query command char bufQuery[ 32 ] = "0"; DWORD dwLengthBufQuery = sizeof( bufQuery ); DWORD dwHeaderIndex = 0; HttpQueryInfo( m_hFile, HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH, bufQuery, &dwLengthBufQuery, &dwHeaderIndex ); // Did we find the header? if ( dwHeaderIndex != ERROR_HTTP_HEADER_NOT_FOUND ) // Convert length from ASCII string to a DWORD. m_dwTotalLength = (DWORD)atol( bufQuery ); } // end if while ( ready ) { // Don't byte of more than this computer can chew DWORD size = ( ready < m_dwBlockSize ) ? ready : m_dwBlockSize; // Allocate a buffer to save new data LPBYTE buf = new BYTE[ size + 1 ]; if ( buf == NULL ) { m_dwTransferError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; return FALSE; } // end if // Attempt to read new data DWORD read = 0; if ( !InternetReadFile( m_hFile, buf, size, &read ) ) { delete [] buf; m_dwTransferError = GetLastError(); return FALSE; } // end if // Check for end of file if ( read == 0 ) { m_dwTransferStatus = NETFILE_DS_DONE; return FALSE; } // end if if ( m_bMem ) { if ( m_pMem != NULL ) { LPBYTE temp = new BYTE[ m_dwDataRead + size + 1 ]; if ( temp == NULL ) { m_dwTransferError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; return FALSE; } // end if memcpy( temp, m_pMem, m_dwDataRead ); memcpy( &temp[ m_dwDataRead ], buf, size ); temp[ m_dwDataRead + size ] = NULL; delete [] m_pMem; m_pMem = temp; } // end if else { m_pMem = new BYTE[ size + 1 ]; if ( m_pMem == NULL ) { m_dwTransferError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; return FALSE; } // end if memcpy( m_pMem, buf, size ); m_pMem[ size ] = NULL; } // end else } // end if // Write the data to the file else if ( !m_local.Write( buf, read ) ) { delete [] buf; m_dwTransferError = GetLastError(); return FALSE; } // end if // Delete buffer delete [] buf; // Add this to data received m_dwDataRead += size; // Read the next block ready -= size; } // end while } else { // Do we have any memory if ( m_pMem == NULL || m_dwMemSize == 0 ) { m_dwTransferStatus = NETFILE_DS_ERROR; return FALSE; } // end if m_dwTransferStatus = NETFILE_DS_UPLOADING; // Post callback DoCallback( (WPARAM)m_dwTransferStatus, (LPARAM)this ); // Don't byte of more than this computer can chew DWORD left = m_dwMemSize - m_dwDataWritten; DWORD write = ( left < m_dwBlockSize ) ? left : m_dwBlockSize; DWORD written = 0; // Attempt to write some data if ( !InternetWriteFile( m_hFile, &m_pMem[ m_dwDataWritten ], write, &written ) ) { m_dwTransferStatus = NETFILE_DS_ERROR; m_dwTransferError = GetLastError(); return FALSE; } // end if // Count this data m_dwDataWritten += written; // Have we written all the data? if ( m_dwDataWritten == m_dwMemSize ) { m_dwTransferStatus = NETFILE_DS_DONE; return FALSE; } // end if } // end else // Wait a bit Sleep( 15 ); // Keep going return TRUE; }