 * Routine:  InterruptDisable
 * Description:
 *      Disable an existing interrupt.
 * Inputs:
 *      T_irqChannel aChannel       -- Handle of registered interrupt to
 *                                   disable.
void InterruptDisable(T_irqChannel aChannel)
    if (aChannel >= UEZ_MAX_IRQ_CHANNELS)

 * Routine:  InterruptUnregister
 * Description:
 *      The interrupt is no longer needed.  Disable and remove it.
 * Inputs:
 *      TUInt32 aInterruptChannel -- Channel of interrupt to unregister
void InterruptUnregister(TUInt32 aInterruptChannel)
    T_irqHandleStruct *p;

    if (aInterruptChannel >= UEZ_MAX_IRQ_CHANNELS)

    // Look up the channel
    p = G_isrArray+aInterruptChannel;

    // Is there an interrupt here?
    if (p->iISR == 0)


    // Mark it as freed
    p->iISR = 0;
Exemple #3
 * Routine:  InterruptUnregister
 * Description:
 *      The interrupt is no longer needed.  Disable and remove it.
 * Inputs:
 *      TUInt32 aInterruptChannel -- Channel of interrupt to unregister
void InterruptUnregister(TUInt32 aInterruptChannel)
    T_irqHandleStruct *p;

    if (aInterruptChannel >= UEZ_MAX_IRQ_CHANNELS)

    // Ensure interrupt is turned off

    // Look up the channel
    p = G_isrArray+aInterruptChannel;

    // Is there an interrupt here?
    if (p->iISR == InterruptFatalError)

    // Mark it as freed
    p->iISR = InterruptFatalError;
 * Routine:  InterruptRegister
 * Description:
 *      Register an interrupt.
 * Inputs:
 *      TUInt32 aInterruptChannel -- Channel of interrupt to register
 *      TFPtr aISR                -- Pointer to interrupt service routine.
 *      T_irqPriority aPriority   -- Priority of interrupt.
 *      const char *aName         -- Name/descriptor of interrupt.
void InterruptRegister(
        TUInt32 aInterruptChannel,
        TISRFPtr aISR,
        T_irqPriority aPriority,
        const char * const aName)
    T_irqHandleStruct *p;

    // Reject attempts to allocate more ISRs than available
    if (aInterruptChannel >= UEZ_MAX_IRQ_CHANNELS)

    // Create a new entry and return the handle
    p = G_isrArray+aInterruptChannel;
    // Interrupt already exists for this one!
    if (p->iISR != 0)

    p->iInterruptChannel = aInterruptChannel;
    p->iISR = aISR;
    p->iName = aName;

    // Set the interrupt priority.
#if (RTOS == SafeRTOS)
	/* <<< WHIS >>> Assignment of interrupt levels is critical to the correct 
	operation of UEZ and SafeRTOS. Interrupt.h defines levels between 0-15, 
	whereas the LPC17xx_40xx has 32 interrupt levels. However all UEZ interrupts
	use the semaphore release and therefore need to be greater than 
	defined as 16 so we can just add the uEZ priority to the RTOS threshold
	to arrive a legal priority between 16 and 31. */
    NVIC_SetPriority((IRQn_Type)aInterruptChannel, configSYSTEM_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY_LVL + aPriority);
    NVIC_SetPriority((IRQn_Type)aInterruptChannel, 6+aPriority);
Exemple #5
 * Routine:  InterruptRegister
 * Description:
 *      Register an interrupt.
 * Inputs:
 *      TUInt32 aInterruptChannel -- Channel of interrupt to register
 *      TFPtr aISR                -- Pointer to interrupt service routine.
 *      T_irqPriority aPriority   -- Priority of interrupt.
 *      const char *aName         -- Name/descriptor of interrupt.
void InterruptRegister(
        TUInt32 aInterruptChannel,
        TFPtr aISR,
        T_irqPriority aPriority,
        const char * const aName)
    T_irqHandleStruct *p;

    // Reject attempts to allocate more ISRs than available
    if (aInterruptChannel >= UEZ_MAX_IRQ_CHANNELS)

    // Create a new entry and return the handle
    p = G_isrArray+aInterruptChannel;
    // Interrupt already exists for this one!
    if (p->iISR != InterruptFatalError)

    p->iISR = aISR;
    p->iName = aName;

    // Set the priority
	ICU.IPR[G_IPRTable[aInterruptChannel]].BIT.IPR  = 15-aPriority;